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tv   News  RT  May 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, the headlines right here on off the international nature road chief meets weston resistance, basically, and germany, both of slamming yen stalls and bugs drive to get the key of the green light to use a lion's weapons to strike inside russian territory. tangled wide a war is simply not beyond you know, the stories that shaped the weak here on a t iran leg. it's late. presidents arrest abraham mother i see was killed along with members of his own version of headache up the crowd. countries, vice president, plains, west sanctions to the back of the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of or on the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. with warning concerning
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images ahead is despite orders by the international court of justice to prevent genocide and stuff, it's offensive on the dropbox. israel continues to pound, so the all right, i'll guess all lined up for commentary as we highlight the top stories of the week and all right. now. so the chief, all the nato alliance has a few options on the table, one of which is to resign. that's the ultimatum given by at least the deputy prime minister, who said you had installed the bugs, rhetoric of mole has crossed the line, basically cannot be full to send his troops to fight russia a paul t the retrench or apologizes and resigns. while i talk about war, talk about using the bones miss solve the tiny and weapons that we sent to you crate to defend itself on its territory. instead to fight hit and killed outside
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its territory. nothing my name, not to in the name of the a telling people. so we must defend ukraine and way doing it from the 1st minute. we know that well, with anyone, i just don't want to leave at the gates of my children. the 3rd well bull. so nato cannot force us to kill in russia. no one can force us to send a tale and soldiers to fight and dine ukraine. one thing is to defend the other is to kill. and this gentleman either apologizes or rectifies all resigns. there's no other way that might or germany is also a voice. it's on willingness to allow you to use western supplied weapons to strike deep inside russian territories. earlier nato's chief and the city of the members of the blog should we consider the best stones and give ukraine the green light of the time was come for allies to consider whether it should list to some of the restrictions dying post on a weapons to make to, to ukraine, because we need to remember what this is. this is a world russian bar shrugging,
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so great, and so to defend themselves. and that includes also the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of course, if you deny of ukraine, the right to fits military targets on a russian territory, then you make it very hard for them to uphold the right for self. defense is self defense. self defense is trying to new and shocked. or if you go, it's legitimate, and we are helping ukraine with upholding that right. and that should include the ability to also strike targets on russian territory. now, as i said by sect those comments on the overall situation in ukraine with the thomas copa also annual across the board. and joining us live here the sunday evening went out to international home is great to get you on the program. hey, but it's looks like i don't know if we just facing one potential escalation to another or some people are just not facing reality because it's lee and germany. a publicly criticized nato's chief, pushing the blocks allies to allow kids to use western weapons to strike inside russian territory. what do you think it says about the current state of affairs
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within the nato alliance when you book italy and germany, for example, pushing back? yeah, it's quite split. some people want to escalate. what, what have i heard today? i think ad baltic politicians said that they are ready to send troops to ukraine. if it gets worse for kids in the u. s. would like to see your opinions and you'll pay but know you've addressed sol just and some people in, in europe are against that. so by now it's come from trans flush holes and the tell you this um not to mention. and your im, pregnant is the or so back to you. so i think this quite a conflict and that, you know, yeah, i mean there's definitely some dissension among the ranks of ne, tell me that that's becoming clear. it by the day i guess. but, you know, here we have, it's almost this so called peace conference in switzerland next month. i mean, do you think this case of dissension among the ranks could, could perhaps lead to increased diplomatic efforts to try and resolve the conflict
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. a well effort to commit a f as you're getting need some kind of unity in the west because um, what does it help if, if germany hungry until he said tomorrow we want peace and friends? poland at washington say no. well, the british, um, so yeah, the, the conference and switzerland will be the same disaster as it was. and copenhagen and she can start the arab yet into multics. the for a conference on this type with the west. try still a, get the countries from the above a sofa and a sofa on his side. it didn't work out and will not work out in switzerland. but yeah, but there's not much to do much see you need again, units in the west and you don't to. yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly at that point in dave. some have said, the most dangerous thing russia can do in ukraine is to wind. what are your thoughts on uh uh yeah, of course. um, for the west. uh, especially for the us. it's quite a sweat dangerous. if russia wins,
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it show us the whole global for itself. the power of the us is really weekend. and business. what the i get the freight, remember g, 320 and, and 2022. with the g. 20. what officially against the restaurant of 23. they saw that russia is able to deal with the situation. and they even didn't want to discuss the ukraine topic and getting at the g 20 summit. so the u. s. is losing power and, and who is again ukraine or with your reference winning? this will be a hard, a check for, for the, for the us. yes. yeah, they just, it just let me do and just quickly thomas, before i let you go here and it's so good to get you on the program here tonight on this sunday evening. the, the, the british i pm originally soon ack, saying if he wins re election, he's going to introduce a kind of a kind of draft, basically to get to get tens of thousands of kids to either do some sort of military service or some community service. but it's going to get the names registered, it's going to get them on the books really soon. next thing,
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if he wins the election, he's going to introduce some kind of draft for 18 year old kids in the u. k. why, why do you think he's doing that right now as well? we have this militarization everywhere on the west. and in germany there also just discussions going on whether um uh to uh, to, to make a, our, me service a budget. you, again, it just was cancelled site like 1012 years ago. right. ok, professional, i'll be another discussion to discuss it. george from that this attendance is we have every where on the west that try to militarize the thinking that the people you see this with these discussions about nature. so just to ukraine, they are trying to get the public in the west ready for me. this is just one of this steps and this and the search and thomas qualifier is an offer on what correspondent joining us live here on, on the international. appreciate your time from us. thank you very much for you. i think you're saying what millions of iranians i gather this week to pay that last
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respect to the late president. abraham bracy was killed along with men, but there was on the horizon that headache up the crash last sunday. mister tracy's party was taken to his hometown of much, had a burial head about the cities of the companies that call them in the capital to iran. old staging enormous funeral processions. mourners said they would remember that life presidents contributions to the country, brandy and i have experience, many things like that, but people never forgets is effects is actually the way he used to go. and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation. a lot of really misstated when i last presence raised and his companions was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing bad is
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going to happen in iran. well, the as in code last sunday, when presenter i see was returning to tyrone after integrating a new damn project with as ordered by john of the
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like for my iranian a foreign minister. the size of a tragedy rests on the shoulders of washington sanctions on a wrong se, vision industry extended maintenance of the craft. the white house, however, disagree a j, a 0 time one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft and evolution parks. and we run it and does not allow the ringing people to enjoy a good. have you some bills this will be included in the list of with crimes
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against the wrong name category. the us is the one of the main responsible for that . you run your business and accept a crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all, we're not gonna apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running government has used its aircraft to transport equipment to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions regime, including our sanctions. resumes on aircraft for used by the running government. ultimately is the run and government that is responsible for this isn't to fly a 45 year old helicopter in what was described as poor weather conditions. not any other actor. well, the iranian vice president also have pointed the finger to washington. he spoke in an exclusive interview to us of the of the, to the americans are responsible for prison. groceries helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is lubbock revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and asian
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systems. americans have never fulfilled their commitments since, nor have they return the money we pay them for equipment. second, the american economic sanctions have also affected our own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran in the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. accumulating the internal strength and invigoration of our ideology. strange things have happened, and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan, iraq, syria, and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. well is ready for us as a report that conduct the attacks on the bali
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a refugee campaign garza. shortly on to him, i said it's fine. his car adoption ambush on saturday against idea of troops in that area. on the all sliding scale down a complex operation this saturday afternoon. the engine knows and guys of strip all 5, this low design is forced into a tunnel image about comp had like god's grace and follow the managed to engage with the members of this was a point blank right to the then i'll fight is attacked. the reinforcement for the thrush to be seen with explosives. he didn't then directly in the list of all for this with through after blowing out the tunnel using this operation. having left all my muscle does 4 sided killed injury to capture and see the military equipment . this week from the north to the south, across the enclave. israel is carried out more attacks. at least 10 people reported . and not just the latest drive on gallons of city of warning. they're all disturbing images ahead off of those 10 deaths the following footage. now showing for the family members a morning, the children who were pills. the idea though,
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continues to claim it is trying to prevent civilian that the social incoming despite of ruining by the international court of justice, israel to stop the genocide and it's offensive on the southern city overall 5, it's friday decisions about the, the time this year when the code is issued orders took a tail to death holding gaza. however, israel has denounced the entire case against the judges of genocide, ruled by south africa against israel. the international court of justice and a gulf falls outrages in more of a repugnance. israel has not and will not conduct males reaction, send that off. i area which main flakes on it by listing in civilian population does a conditions of life that could bring about as physical destruction in whole or in part with the hey, goal. so rule the un investigators should not be prevented from well getting into the enclaves and simply having access because it's considered is that in conformity
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with the obligations under the genocide convention, is that it must immediately hold. it's meaningful events. and any other action and verified governors which make conflicts on the but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx independence or consensus. because it is also of the view that in order to appease the evidence related to allegations of facts forwarding within the scope of article to get 3 outside contention is that it must be effective measures to ensure the and b, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry fact finding mission or the other investigative buddy mandated by competent organs of the united nations to investigate allegations of general. so the international court of justice had what
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has or did brother is well to immediately stop it. similitude assaults on the left side, we more than 1000000 people as the cost of the future in dial conditions. the faxing was 15 charges of the 15 that has as read that to the situation. and dropbox is a complete red line, seeing that it entails for the risk ascii, repeatable home to the human rights of people. and does that even notice that to more than 800000 people had been forced to field offices is really forces begin round operations in an area that had been wants to commit. it saves. so when the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the if a patient a 4th and the latest measures that isabel of times who have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians and because of split. and particularly those recently displaced from that of a government is sufficient to alleviate immense,
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it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and the so i'm say that's provisional misses that had been previously ordered by the ports in march did not fully address the situation is as i also maintain, that this emergency was mississippi due to the destruction and it dissolves through us too many children situation in guys the court has made as old as alongside to the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the quotes within one months on its pro racing. applying the business cooling is of course plots of a must be got case both by so fast because choosing as well also committing genocide gains. palistine is in. does that so that the guy has welcome to court order? what useful to stop it's offensive offer that fast. and it is also urged as the u. n. member states to beckett's the policy national sovereignty has also been reported a welcoming the i. c. j decision saying that it's
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a represent an international consensus and is also the ones that when it comes as a anti government sentiment is kicking in. again, like talk with when the weekend hit some kind of anti war demonstrations era. this time, protest is a fuse that in you know, of corruption and condemned his handling of the guns with the yeah, the pictures really speak to themselves a crashing with law enforcement over night. the police storm begin to disperse the demonstration or something. no no enforcement, there are high on horseback reports and many of the protestors were detained as more to can use and into 10 to disperse the arouse. some israeli say that the government is intentionally failing to agree on a deal to free the hostages from gaza. we understand that our government and our prime minister are stopping a deal. he's not willing to sign a deal. he wants to solve the problem only for the war,
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and we have understood for many months now this will not be a result. this way. we demand a deal now if the current government can not make a deal, now it should leave its place for those who can go. and while people are on the streets of venting their anger at the is riley leadership, there's mounting discontent among the rang. so the armed forces, as well as of us, has issued a veiled threat to the nation's defense minister, suggesting a ministry who is on the cards. and the only lead that he will listen to is the prime minister himself. in a video shad online by and then and you know with son the mosque soldier made himself very clear. and the reserve is do not intend to hand over the keys of gaza to hum us talk or any other error entity. we will stay here until the end until victory is really defense minister. you'll have to go on. you cannot win this war. give off. you cannot command us. we will listen to one leader and it is not
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the defense minister, and it is not the chief of staff. it is the prime minister. here i am telling you, do you want to military cool? well, these are the ministry has responded and opened a criminal pro, been to the clip describing it as a serious violation of idea of orders and the idea values. and then you always office also reacted warning against a refusal to so the prime minister has repeatedly warns against refusal to serve. and the permissive approach toward the prime minister is consistent in the position and expects all official agencies to deal with its uniformity totaled as calm, does pressure as mounting of i benjamin netanyahu. it was vision of post of war, gaza, a will capital minister by any guns and defense minister, your gallant calling on the government to come up with plans, a s a p. what's the prime minister netanyahu? i look you in the lights and i can tell you the choice is in your hands. the nets
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and yahoo of a decade ago would have done the right thing. are you willing to do the rights and patriotic thing today? the people of israel are watching you, you must choose between zionism and cynicism, between unity and factionalism, between responsibility and lawlessness, between victory and disaster. if you choose to follow the pos of fanatics, and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government. we will turn to the people and form a government that will gain the trust of the people. we will form a government based on broad unity that will bring correction, unreal, victory, a more package alone should receive on multiple bill. since october i have been raising this issue consistently in the cabinet and have received no response. the end of the military campaign must come together with political action. i must reiterate, although most agreed to re establish mental vision, really mailed through and guys i. e's real must notice, stablish, civilian rule and gas. i should i go on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to make
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a decision and declare that a government alternative to hum us and the gunners trib, it'll be erased immediately. you go look at life. they've been fighting, right? that's across live now to those folks 1st and full size, what a full most democratic fraction this to be, to delay on, you know, joining us here. one off the international a very well welcome to, to meet you. what do you think of this? i mean, we call that avail threats against the defense minister, but maybe putting it mildly, do you think there are other soldiers who might feel this way? i don't think so. having the i think we, we have to take a look at this person. this person was arrested interrogated and he's home this evening as these rarely media has reported, because this is not reported internationally, but it shows you how much discipline does the army and the genocidal army of israel have. this is a person that in any other respectable army would be severely disciplined as this
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is new, me. but the but loose as these really army is if you still find the elements who are not disciplined at all. imagine now this moron is running around as having a green light to shoot goods. how many people that he killed before he got to the point the challenge, the minister of war over is govern. yeah, good point. yeah. yeah. carry on carry on, dimitri. yeah. so what, what would be the point is that this person also has a history of being and that then, you know, called this a terrorist even against is ray lee left. is that refuse? it refused the uh, judiciary. cool. before the war. uh, he has a history of branding. left is the is really left the so we are talking about a typical uh you could make it a typical method. yeah. oh,
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how does it typical design your stairs, who just happened to be on video? now if you watch all the videos coming out of the army, despite all instructions not to room anything and not to pose anything, you would fly is riley army. their members are really committing bullcrap, uh, stealing, abusing their power, shooting at civilians, killing kids. it's all out in the internet and it's being quoted by v i c j in the eyes. you say, yeah, and i, i think this is just, uh, you know, the tip of the iceberg, especially for people that are getting understand hebrew, to go into hebrew speaking sites to see the social value is the genocide, the social premises values of as you to see that this is that the society has gone beyond repair. yeah. we are even beyond germany in the 20s or thirties,
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we are way beyond that. i please the nazis did were not forthcoming. and they were not so obvious and clear with their crimes against humanity and against the jews and the catholics and the gays. and whatsoever these guys are not only clear they, their leaders are clear about it and they are proud of it. so i, i believe that this is just the, to put the iceberg and it goes far, far beyond that. and our people, there are the, the ones that, that are paying the price. and i'm not going to get involved with the read the minnesota war and, and brought me to send that to me. i wanted to apologize, but i wanted to, i wanted to pick you up with is about my wife, by the way, appreciate the run. i think you made some very good points just now and i appreciate you doing that here on network tv. but listen to meet you. i've got to ask you about the things that you don't want to talk about you i've got and, and, and you know, i mean all, we legitimately seeing dissension among the ranks of the leadership of israel right
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now. it looks like it doesn't it? it looks like it in, i think this is a, an in fight between war criminals. it, charles murder is a charles murder. it doesn't matter. there's nothing called a good charles murder and a batch of motor. both of them are war criminals, charles murderers, genocidal psycho backs. and the fighting between them is over power and over future elections. yeah, just has nothing to do. they're not fighting over human values. they're not fighting over sympathy with the victims. they're not fighting over even differences in walcross. yeah, this is in 5 games for political reasons. and this is, this shows you how despicable v is. rarely political elite is often how many, how many tens of thousands of women and children have been killed amid this ongoing military and coach and in gaza against the palestinian people. and yet,
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here we have people that you'll have got on, and benjamin netanyahu at the end of day is you say, demetrius opponent, taking the point of taking right now. i mean that in yahoo, he's petrified about his political shelf live. he's still facing all these. you know, the investigation of a corruption and so on and so forth. i guess when that and you all are with you any way for him to claim on the power is a click on the wall. i think you've got you on the line who, who seemingly he wants a piece of that. i don't know leadership high as well. you interesting there any sean system entry of some kind of ministry to being staged? you know, not at all. not at all because you see you have, we have to understand this is a jewish only democracy in israel, and this is what advertise systems around the world. they are the democracy for certain types of people. so this is a jewish only democracy, and these 2 are bickering and, and, and, and not discussing girlfriends or genocide. they're bickering over politics, to the amusement and,
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and agreement of their constituents. so we are talking about social values among designers, the society that allows for the bullet size vision of what's going on in gaza and not caring at all about about so many people about the children that the motor . and the main reason for that is that is read to select the is built on the idea, do the humanize the past, and you, people design this idea as a whole, is built about replacing the indigenous people a 1000. i mean what you're saying. so basically you might have the appointment, so i do apologize for interrupting you to make sure you make a great point. but what i was gonna say was i've seen post. ready plans for garza's, i've seen these designs these diagrams. he's drawing showing high rise hotels and beach front property so, so it looks like some people know exactly what they want to be the off the life of god. so by the way, to make sure you use some very,
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very strong words just now cooling guidelines and then you all will criminals. i just want to say you're basically echoing with the i c j and the i c c. a continuing to say it seems out for the 3rd time the hey, because put out very similar comments to you as well to meet you to the on a spokes person. full psychos reform is democratic fraction live in jerusalem. thank you very much. i, thanks for having the but it's not being seen, you know, about 6 decades, but now is poised for a come back. if you're 18 in the u. k. get ready to struck your boot song because a mad to treat national service scheme is being floated by britain's prime minister justified the measure of saying there are external threats dining before the nations democratic principles. we have so much to be proud of in person. the one of the problems in our society is that we have generations of young people who don't have the opportunity to state as a business down to have democratic values or on the front side is why we will introduce
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a folded new model of national service. the 18 year old and so as in times cold for a clear plan and bold action to charles the costs to a secure future, our plan will ensure new generations and our country meet the challenges of the on such and well. yeah, so these a so called opportunities include one year of military service and non combat units for 18 year olds. and it's kind of large range of things and you'll still be applied to be a kind of a weekend warrior, a pair of stuff that a sunday servicing, wasting the young adults every month for training and the an address. so rescue services, for example. it does seem like some kind of disaster training. you're going to wonder, what don't we know of the british, i'm secretaries punching, but no one will be forced to actually so of in the military. meanwhile, estimate say the initiative will cost billions and that's why the country's economy is headed downhill and government debt has almost reached the level of the nation's gross domestic product. besides the financial watched of selling the alarm over the
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