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tv   News  RT  May 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the in the headlines you are not to international. nato's chief meets resistance at home, easily and germany slowly getting installed the bugs drives to give to you the green light to use alliance with the strike inside russian territory. let's say a wide over wars and not to be honest storage. the shape that we care will not see iran latest light. presidents arrest abraham rice. he was killed along with members and was on her rush on the head. he come to crash. the country's vice president brings western sanction for the depth of the american economic sanctions have also affected her own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people with the
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political history of iran. and the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater usually the people under warning with disturbing images here, like a slight orders from the international court of justice to prevent genocide and stuff. bits of defensive on the fox is well continued to pound. the, i guess, still lined up for commentary as we highlight the top stories of the weekend. all right, now. so the chief of the nato alliance has a few options on the table, one of which is to resign. that's the ultimatum given by italy is deputy prime minister, who said, getting installed in both rhetoric of mole has crossed the line. it's lee cannot be false to send his troops to fight against russia, a full t the retrench, or apologizes and resigned. why talk about war? talk about using the bones miss solve
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a tiny and weapons that we sent to you. crates to defend itself on. it's tara traits instead to fight hit and killed outside its territory. nothing my name not to in the name of the a telling people. so we must defend ukraine, and we're doing it from the 1st minute. we know that well with anyone. i just don't want to leave the gates of my children. the 3rd world war, shut it. so nato cannot force us to kill in russia. no one can force us to send a tale and soldiers to fight and dine ukraine. one thing is to defend the other is the killed and this gentleman either apologizes or rectifies or resigns. there's no other way. i mean they might never be. germany has also a voice. it's on willingness to allow kids to use western supplied weapons to strike inside the russian federation of the nato's chief insisted that members of the bulk should reconsider best stones. and go ahead and give you credit in the green light. i believe the time us come for allies to consider whether it should
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list some of the distinctions dying post on a weapons donated to ukraine because we need to remember what this is. this is a water rushing by rush. i getting so great. and you can still have to defend themselves, and that includes also the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of course, if you deny the crane, the right to fits means or targets on a russian territory, then you make it very hard for them to uphold the right for self. defense is self defense. self defense is trying to new and shocked. or if you go, it's legitimate, and we are helping ukraine with upholding that right and not shooting through the ability to also strike targets on russian territory. as the other night. our chief makes his rounds the hung gary in 5 minutes to victor or button is the latest to highlight the western war plan or absence. stop and exit strategy is simply irresponsible. b, a from strategy even if it's not possible to plan the details of
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a war. spiller, war strategy must be based on reasonable consideration as me, and that hasn't been the case yet, or when will it ends suddenly? and there is no answer. why is there no answer because they themselves do not know . europe is plunged into a war without an estimate of the cost and means necessary to achieve its military objective. this is the most irresponsible thing i've ever seen that i get these won't be and i agree. and he says as far as i look for that, that a, he read a newspaper as media from the time before the last to world war. since he sees this is quite, quite similar that i'm the media tries to get to people the of the public opinion, ready for war. and well, this will be the 3rd catch us to feel of this kind. and i think he is quite right with, with what he's saying. and he also said that in brussels, the people,
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politicians ultimately talking about war. but this was also one of his announcements. and that's why i think you also said, yeah, well he wants to rethink his role in, in april. so yeah, there's some things that happen happening and he's at least mentioning something, what's happening with advocacy. but it's, it's, it's sampras some have said, the most dangerous thing russia can do in ukraine is to win. what are your thoughts on that? uh, yeah, of course. um, the, for the west. uh, especially for the us. it's quite a bit dangerous. if russia wins, it show us the whole global for itself. and then the power of the us is really weekend. and this is what the, i get the phrase, remember, jeep 320 and, and 2022. when the g 20 were officially against russia, 23, they saw that russia is able to deal with this situation. and they even didn't want
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to discuss the ukraine topic in india and at the g 20 summit. so the u. s. is losing power and, and who is in ukraine or when you're russia is winning. this will be a hard, a check for, for the, for the us. the millions of iranians gather this week to pay that last respects to that late president abraham. what i think was killed along with members of his entourage and a helicopter crash last sunday. it's all right, so use body was taken to his hometown of my time for burial head of the series of the cities i should say of a temporary comb and the capital tetra um you can see right here, old staging and numerous funeral processions. mourners said they would remember that like presidents contributions to the country, brandy and i have experience, many things like that, but people never forgets is efforts is actually the way he
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used to go. and he used to be the person to save our country from dispatch situation really must be that when i last present twice and his companions was the same as when i lost my father. i was truly touched with the power of our dear leader, ayatollah committee. we are confident in the support of the leader. nothing bad is going to happen in iran. the incident occurred last sunday when president racy was returning to tyrone an officer a little grating, a new down project with a sort of i of
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the . * the kind when it comes to the blame game, a former iranian foreign minister says the tragedy rests on the shoulders of washington. as its sanctions on the countries aviation industry can do the
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maintenance of the aircraft. the white house, however, disagree, a. j a theater time. one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft and evolution by sitting around it and does not allow the ringing people to enjoy a good ever use and dose of, of this will be included in most of them with crimes against the wrong name captivate, the us is the one of the main responsible for that. you run your presence in a couple of crash due to the sanctions. so 1st of all, we're not gonna apologize for our sanctions regime at all. the running government has used its aircraft to transport equipment to support terrorism. so we will continue to fully enforce our sanctions regime, including our sanctions. resumes on aircraft for used by the running government. ultimately is the run and government that is responsible for this isn't to fly a 45 year old helicopter in what was described as poor weather conditions. not any
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other actor. we iranian vice president tools. i pointed the finger at washington a spoke and then exclusive interview to us of the to the americans are responsible for prison. groceries helicopter crash for 2 reasons. first, before the 1979 is law mac revolution, iran had agreements with the united states regarding airborne vehicles and evasion systems. americans have never filled their commitment since nor have the return the money we paid them for equipment. second, the american economic sanctions have also effected her own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran and the last half century has shown that such incidents have only led to greater unity of the people. accumulating the internal strength and big ration of our ideology, strange things have happened, and many people around the world became sad. many governments have declared a public morning period, including india, pakistan, iraq, syria,
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and lebanon. many international assemblies have observed a minute of silence, including the united nations security council. this phenomenon is very significant and has resulted in politicians, even ones who oppose us being moved by this incident. well, is there any forces have conducted attacks on the bali a refugee camp in ga service on the map right there? it's shortly off. the mouse said that is fight is covered as an ambush on saturday, against the idea of troops in that area, or on the golf sliding scale of the complex operation this saturday afternoon in the northern gather strip. all 5, this lo design is forcing to a tunnel image about comp had like god's grace and follow the managed engage with the members of this force point blank. right and then i'll fight is attacked the reinforcement for the thrush to be seen. the explosives hitting him directly into this, the ball flooded with through, after blowing out the tunnel. houston,
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this operation having left all my muscle, does foresight. it killed, injured, or captured and sees the military equipment. well that's where you are from the no, to the south, across the angle. if israel is been carrying out more attacks, just one of the latest strikes, 10 people killed in the midst on striking kansas city. a warning, disturbing images are about to come your way to the following foot or just showing family members morning the children who were killed. that was the last. the idea of claims it's trying to prevent civilian. that's now the show and comments as by the ruling by the international court of justice for israel to stop the genocide and hold it's offensive in the southern city over the phone fridays decision mazda 3rd time this year, when the court has issued orders, took a tale to death holding gaza and aside from the international court of justice. so the higgs criminal court is also going to israel is actions and it sites its chief prosecutor said, well, the country has a right to protect this population. it does not have a license to commit war crimes,
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old crimes against humanity. you said lessons should be drawn from persons struggles for the i r a. there were attempts to kill margaret thatcher. every need was blown up. lord, mount baton was blown up. there was the n is killing attack, we hadn't e campaigns, but the british didn't decide to say, well, on the falls road there on doubt or lee, maybe some i or a members and republican sympathizers. so therefore, let's drop a 2000 pound palm on the falls road. you can't do that. law must have some purpose . that's what separate states that respect the law from criminal groups and terrace . and that's all i've been trying to do, apply law based on facts, and that's what we must do. whatever condemnation we get. on monday the i'd say is chief prosecutor announced he was seeking rest warrens for hamas leaders, as well as the is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you'll have guidelines while the request still needs approval by the countries
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judges. it's the 1st time us sitting west and back leader that's being targeted by the hague. and a no complaint of being acquainted with hum us u. k. 5 minutes that the move was deeply unhelpful, and president biden branded it out, rages the prosecutor himself reveals, have been coming on the pressure from south and west and officials. and of course, i've had some elected leaders, so speak to me and they be, it'll be very blunt. this court is built for africa. and for folks like putin was, was one senior leader told me that we don't feel like that. well journalist on editor as margaret, maybe the old malcom jay says the i c. c has now reached a critical juncture. when did i that proves to the rest of the world? how if it's was what it is or reveals itself as a failure to listen to what martin had to say. and he's absolutely right. you know, the british did not a problem just indiscriminate normally because they knew we knew that if you do
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that to drive people who are motor infused into the terrace groups. obviously the really isn't the thing i don't know interesting because that policy is not wrong to them to keep causes that that policy is ethnic cleansing. and so they're not thinking that way for them. it's quite logical to them the hell out of the causes until there's no he left that just to their land to to take. so i think come, those are the power. that was what i mean the, the i c c is really interesting. cool. that has a strong support base from a lot of african countries. and i think of one of the pressing points that some to be made in the interview with christina lamb was a sort of hinted at this idea of international, you know, being compromised by these bullying from america and from other countries. that person and how the, you know, the, these institutions like the ice of january. so you could just crumble, you know, if, if people in the, in africa wake up and start realizing that americans just using his coolest result in a gemini, is in the incentive credit. but it seems that comes across, you know, just, just, just,
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just crushing for. right. so i think he's use is wanting us or against that. it's usually significant because isn't completely and unprecedented. and i think the reason why it's unprecedented is because i'm enough members, enough heavy weight members from your opinion and countries are leaving on the icpc . i'm saying, look up until now. you might not have their much of a credibility as an international court, which oppose international law. but now is your, is your make or break day and you have to step up. it's a mock. i'm be serious. i'm from the through on this, on the holding up international rules and, you know, no longer a big in the pocket, the americans, when it comes as anti government signed him and his kicking in again like talk, look when other weekend hits and tell of a bad people of demonstrations erupt. this time protesters accusing netanyahu of corruption and condemned his handling of the call. selecting gas.
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the passing of the night police are stormed in to disperse the demonstration of some of them by on horseback. because you can see reports say many of the protestors were detained as water cannons, where use somebody's riley say the government is intentionally failing to agree on a deal to free the hostages from gaza. we understand that our government and our prime minister are stopping a deal. he's not willing to sign a deal. he wants to solve the problem only through war. and we have understood for many months now that this will not be a result. this way we demand a deal. now, if the current government cannot make a deal, now, it should leave its place for those who can go. and while people are on the streets vent, their anger at the as riley leadership as mounting discontent among the ranks of the armed forces as well. the result of us has issued a veiled threat to the nation's defense witness. the suggesting of military coups could be on the cards,
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and the only lee that he will listen to is the prime minister himself. in fact, in a video shed online by and then your son, the bhaskar soldier, made himself very clear. the way the reserve is do not intend to hand over the keys of gaza to hamas for tom or any other error of entity. we will stay here until the end until victory is really defense minister. you'll have to go want, you cannot win this war. give off, you cannot command us. we will listen to one leader and it is not the defense minister, and it is not the chief of staff. it is the prime minister here i am telling you, do you want to military cool? well, it is really mandatory, responded by opening a criminal pro been to the clip describing it is a serious violation of idea of orders and values that it was off is also reacted warning against a refusal test of the prime minister has repeatedly warned against refusal to serve
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and the permissive approach toward the prime minister is consistent in the position and expects all official agencies to deal with its uniformity. but all of his comments as a pressure, as mounting of a bench at benjamin netanyahu. it was a vision of post war, gaza will cabinet minister benny guns in defense of minutes that you'll have gallons, according on the government to come up with plans as soon as possible. i or what's the deal prime minister netanyahu. i look you in the lights and i can tell you the choice is in your hands. the nets and yahoo of a decade ago would have done the right thing. are you willing to do the rights and patriotic thing today? the people of israel are watching you, you must choose between zionism and cynicism, between unity and factionalism, between responsibility and lawlessness, between victory and disaster. if you choose to follow the path of fanatics and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government. we will turn to the people and form a government that will gain the trust of the people. we will form
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a government based on broad unity that will bring correction, unreal, victory. i'm all. thank you so long should i see if i book the bill since october. i have been raising this issue consistently in the cabinet and have received no response. the end of the military campaign must come together with political action . i must reiterate, although most agreed to re establish mental vision, really mailed through and guys i. e's real must noticed, stablish, civilian rule and gas. i should i go on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to make a decision and declare that a government alternative to hum us and the guns is trivial. we raced immediately to send you. while i was talking earlier to this folks, personally for faxes are a full mess. democratic fraction, dimitri de leon, and he, he said what he thought about the reserve is to action 7. listen to this. this person was arrested interrogated and he's home this evening. as these rarely media has reported to the ports. this is not reporters international,
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but it shows you how much discipline does the army and they decide the army of israel have. this is a person that in any other respectable army, would be severely disciplined as this is new. but it's moves as these really army is is you still find the elements who are not disciplined at all. imagine, now this moron is running around as having really liked to shoot kids. how many people that he killed before he got to the point, the challenge, the minister of war over his government. now if you watch all the videos coming out of the army, despite all instructions, not to film anything, and i suppose everything you would find is riley army. their members are really committing walcross, ah, stealing, abusing their power, shooting at civilians,
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killing kids. it's all out in the internet and it's being quoted by v i. c. j 9. see 6. hard to yet of a now with thousands of protesters demonic the resignation of the countries. prime minister nichol passion, yon have reached his residence. this comes off to, i mean he agreed to handle the control of several board of villages too, as though to by john that since the ninety's were under on media and control that measure, it is defined as the leader of the protest was the head of the trash diocese or the median. apostolic church be nominated as a candidate for prime minister. the code into the protest is if you have our, if he's not comply with the bonds, then quote, the actions of disobedience will begin at 8 o'clock. developing stories will keep you posted here, but it's not being seen in over 6 decades, but now it's points for a come back if you're 18 in the u. k. get rid of distracting boots on because
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a mandatory national service scheme has been floated by britain's prime minister with justified the measure of saying they're all external threats to democracy. we have so much to be proud of in person. but one of the problems in our society is that we have generations of young people who don't have the opportunity to change site as a down to have democratic values are on the front. that is why we will introduce a full new model of national service. the 18 year old on certain times. cool for a clear plan and bold action to challenge the course to a secure future. our plan will ensure new generations and our country meet the challenges of the on such and well. yeah, these are so called opportunities include one year of military service and non combat units and it's kind of flowed and isn't your thing then you'll still be applies to be a kind of weekend warrior. a pair of saturday and sunday service awaits the young adults. every month for training and id and address, so risky services, it does seem like some kind of disaster training. what don't we know with the
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british? i'm secretary pressures, no one will be forced to serve in the military. meanwhile, estimate say, the initiative will cost billions, and that's why the country's economy is headed down. the hill is government that has almost reached the level of the nation's gross domestic product. but this adds financial watchdogs, selling the alarm over the debt inflation unfolding, household income. it's well i have my guest on earlier vice chairman of the shanghai send of a written packet, nelson wong. he says, the british prime minister is using the so called threat from the east as a destruction from domestic problem thinks the u. k. prime minister fuse, so for you to use the correct of rupture in china as the reason for sky vote for anything that goes wrong domestically in this country. how can you justify that the lack of jobs for the youngsters in the u. k. has anything to do with rock just or i
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know every country has its own social and political problems that it's government must do with the widely known issues in the u. k. a while the u. k. government has been saying so use include the rising cost of living or inflation bus is a slide to get calling me at the high unemployment rate for particularly the younger generation. the salty just offset as much as the growing crime rate, the elections, the challenge from the opposition, etc. well, just been to bucking and by can see that these are a mall the obvious and critical challenges. britain is facing. what is disappointing re, is that many of the country leaders in europe, including the u. k, tend to care more about the political correctness when it comes through russia and china, in order to be all the same page with the us. instead of tackling the actual issues we are supposed to had for
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a good day was marked across the continent on saturday. and the day bringing people together to embrace the rich diversity of the region and on the break from a troubled past. i'll take for on this course on the ego to christian co reporting now from the central african republic, on the background that shapes what is now a significant date in the calendar. i don't think many blessings will not for today is not the day off the, the central african republic lafayette goes on as usual, but everyone remembers this day, well, and especially the colonial era. traces of colonialism can be seen almost every way here. here, these rocks at 1st comes, there's nothing unusual, but in fact there's a whole story behind them. during the colonial times, the french needed the road that would run along the coast. in particular to observe the belgians who were on the other side of the river. this time would have prevented this project. so the claim to the administration forced the local population to cut these stones manually, that it was
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a joke. the claim to many victims is just one of thousands of examples of false labor during the colonial era. so for the lead decision that there is an indigenous go to the established harsh, the cone in measures as were applied to africans this dex dimensions. how the europeans forced out around sisters to build roads. there are no costs of the time around sisters themselves. they the role which to the ocean's son is that because no malice, you felt like we're on the high at normal school, a bunch of the university of bank. we have about 1100 students to study and kids become teachers. it's no coincidence that so much attention is paid to the history of this country. i'm on the subject towards the colonized ation. d colonization. future teachers. i can be interested in this, not only because it's connected to that country, but also because they will pass on this information to future generations. is not surprising that everyone here knows perfectly well what african he is or as soon as you will need. it's an important day when we think about the error of our
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grandparents who suffered from colonization today. we see how their stories define us the. let's just wondering if you watch it and this is indeed a very important day for africa, for our country. and for us as people who we face some crises, there are problems with them. but our partnership with our russian allies helps our country develop the most. this is a crucial day for the members of the government of the central african republic, a state representative explain to us why. city of one is only one that we celebrate africa day because this condiment plays a key role in the development of the world. africa is an important asset in all areas being and african is above all a source of pride. and i'm glad that this day is proclaimed as a reminder to all of us of the heroes of independence. the colonial period of central africans history was also i mocked by strong resistance from the local population to get at least that's what a history teacher at bang gooey technical high school says you have
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a problem. of course we are speaking about forced labor. of course it was there, but there was a response to what are the resistance to colonization, i think meaningful. because i thought said false labor, torture violence, central africans remember the it will these all clear and he lives a very well. this partly explains the ice the execute to wants problems. i'm why relations with russia, a completely different like human rights lecture or the university of what a one to tom elisa says that a many of the issue is that africa phase as these days have their roots in a troubled past a top. ready consume but. ready then it comes with a positive cold enough because without the wisdom on that was just yeah, the funds is like a non functions like russia because because of the up, what is the old in gauging the office in the country. so i think the up to them something they to so in the page we bought comes with a comes in, it's difficult, it's difficult. they're supposed to be treated as the buttons on the not,
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but not somebody that they put on the a plus of a bunch of use. ready electrons between public and the width of days because it percentage of. ready issues that of the guys facing for that it might need some problems from the colonial parts. uh, with the uh, the status of the vision as in, on, on my the decision that you're having the enough vehicle. so you kind of talk about the applicants. ready once a day, it's such a shipping, it's always a good on your part of the, with the colonial. yeah, well how much are you on that story waiting for you right now? one line, it's all website. in the meantime, no shortage video and use the air from the all the by the ship being the most go with back of the top 3 or more of your top stories and the updates to go over
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