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tv   Documentary  RT  May 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

7:30 pm
does on catch things the u. k. prime minister fuse so for you to use that correct? a rock here in china as the reason for state gold for anything that goes wrong domestically in his country. how can you justify that lack of jobs for the youngsters in that you k has anything to do with rock just or i know every country has its own social and political problems that it's government must do with the widely known issues in the u. k. a while the u. k. government has been placing it use include the rising cost of living or inflation versus a sliding economy at the high unemployment rate for particularly the younger generation. the salty just offset at which as the growing crime rate, the elections, the challenge from the opposition, etc. well, just been to bucking and by can see that these are a mall. the obvious and critical kind of just britain is facing. what is this
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a point to reason is that many of the country leaders in europe, including the u. k, tend to can more about the political correctness when it comes through russia and china in order to be all the same page with the us. instead of tackling the actual issues they are supposed to had or that's just about it for now, here on the, on the international, but from the news team here, the mother ship and most coast, thanks for sharing a time with us. all of our stores continuing online uh to thought. com odyssey and got the to some. uh, did you want to see on continue comes on. so like as of prescription auto mall on that are pretty much it on the all set. i saw it looks as though you were on the
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list. security is equal minus. those are missing. do something, but don't you think much of it? my just because it was a cache that pertains to him, i seen the blood, the rest. if you have a measure that there for you, i love a little more to remind you to see today of all, hey, recall number of on the menu. so the composite kind of what it is that the kind of easy is on like a sign up for that entered it into the bucket. i'm on it and gun go my buddy to, to book. so i have, i'll see some of the method are due to do the death of both of them. the, those are the seats, it's sensitive to set the money under the fact, let's say. so i'm going to cover a lot budget to let be. i think i know some of the amendment or some more stuff on
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the boost by ip sec. i may also fos, so gladly or software it up a brush on a month to come in for the future. cuz i'm gonna leave it as, as you don't know, that is your intimate, nice. somebody visited my click to the debate. there's that they try to go to the bottom. that is, i'm in a, a, there's, i'm between 4 and a quarter. okay. well, it's us or the new name. let, let me data to see whether it has it. is it the same way the cindy box? genuine it to do any process? simple come with a what a good toilet gun duties off of the can is all of them as soon as the process was, it was some of them on it on, on those of you person. do those have say that could've additional to set. i mean shows perusal, says that additional king was on page duty for she's going to set up the shock and was i'm present data for the she came to me. it was on page 2. what um there's a cup bumper on a chef. 2 for middle updates on that income. i'm for naples, our best himself to you. so i don't suppose to so i said, don't flip people on this. the
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does not, socialist is the question right now. what we know this we've got to remember is, i mean it's a couple of do with to deprive a country of summer to use to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about to, to use the simple, locally data not to be gone was that you on call it on the wall and on the is good or do they do? so i'll make a point in this is i'm you also get is i've been on the list and she'll see anything more on the play now was on the phone. they found
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a month the associated with aspect youth about doing this. they have on file on the live volume associated things up in it. we saw it closer lot id routine in your system and you've got a hunger i saved by milton. when do you know, to flip up really energy lot to tools the key on the card gonna be uh, i'll read it. how does she love most money? that's also going to mess around. i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better of me. possibly doing this on seeing people going into room on eastern . that sounds handful, but to time let me set it up. as the paradox, french school children joined demonstrations carrying down with friends, supply guns. frances colonial cliche turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal value as a french culture. and 2 and a working remotely from this isn't associated with who go and send x ability with,
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with macro on poland and the 3 on culture and science have been replaced by on principles neo colonial demagogy. they say it's time for friends to leave this on a point where the disparity of 16 on so you can settle, see your law firm says i scanned it in a new job and i was going to just thinking that it's all on forces is if you don't mind and assuming the date is a long, long notion, you 14 is up enough on june up on the, on the go through just yourself that case, the dimple declared can affect and it says it won't let me do so. so, so for it to be put in the initial setup, is there something missing with the oh goodness, on the for the only, it's almost 20 percent below the font is only the outlook by mid threes. this will not fit move in. ready to book, you know what you said the long gone by make some simple for those who am i speaking with this law? offices get a no money for them for the forms your degree. so it looks like, i mean it all over is introduced yourself settings because it sounds like kind of
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for them of the most. okay. and is he led to getting serious cool for sure. next initial or false. it don't buy for that long because your boss, i think it is. and in that off i mean an electrician on the bum. uh the bell and the end of the light went down and assess, gets worse. and i'm seeing what's the song dollars they told me to fill out to left on the phone at the location. right. so finally, gates millennium said the cost center along with us all the way they are, the owner for boy on the left side, it was on me the stick all the $1000.00. and then when that woman tell the careers, that's all, and i met on, you know, son, i mean canada as it might be, the from zone see,
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sadly, put on the notes is that, you know, is all just, you know, the we represent, you are the most of them go to the 1st of the nothing to live you or fax them it. good afternoon, beautiful this. and then we'll have to pay the calls in most i let them take off the rest of the money left. and now some grip is it didn't have enough of the money to the for the substitute drugs. a ride in
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the to the most recent page in molly's history is an operation set of all for that and implemented in rankled time tempers, of the country state code. it's a simple trick to the alteration was per bad and advanced and waited for to are in groups formed incidentally with french health to get from libya. tomatti t authoration has several similar to any, a subjective a french military contingent entered the country. legitimizing the pro french government and the toner eggs were put in that place. the little guy, the to the b. c. s. bus updates. i see him and keep going deep
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so far as the glass of each there at the program using the data said to the bar in the complex she gave me differentiate the display. sure. c v like victor, this one's a new book that's giving it up. can you see the buttons use of the view? and as i said, we used to do the symptoms, then the site to go to, i mean, for us to then get to that premier for going was seen by the, the human see. so i think that it'd be on lock so that they can that, that key designed for your team into boy should be what funding glen, looking for dealing with the next operation on the allowed front to take control of the whole region from sent a goal. so, so done,
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most of the curious path in the terrorist threat to continue to grow can be area of terrorist activity expanded. while friends, business affairs in molly improved 10 profits grew. click unsafe for charlotte 49 french soldiers died. not for molly. the french trade interests. frances, i'm a total, self, and independent and extremely advantageous and convenience position and modeling. occupies tell many molly and civilians died at the hands of the french. doesn't care about that. the better a phrase, the goal fronts has no friends, only its own interests. the history of relations between france and its former colonies should serve as an example tool defense treaty with france. does it deal with the devil? so no, uh uh people do or is that down to the popular?
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so monday i'm going to assume i'm going to donald notifies will be a reset, reset that p, the fossil for us as a 1st monday in political k, that is on the audi event. a lot of to look the, the, the photos of my, my, them onto this, the next sentence, and that will be less all my then nobody completes to the so i'm back on a p, david instead of in a have done that is on all the also on luke, on. good. a lot of new concepts, a mid suzie, and you know, i'll listen to the to assess clip, but i picked them up or something didn't pay for at the end of the men. rashid in the us, the,
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the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify all confused who really wants a better wills and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is. but can you see through their illusions, going underground? can
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they are probably her my little story because the model girl that i got you, no problem saying it all out of and those are things arguments us on the drive i showed my brother through he was trying to sell people for a lo so now i never look at searches as being saved. well, i guess on my list or if the outcome of chicago police it'd be gang chicago is like to give you a photo of the police. you lose the there's another crap thing. another this could have been a doctor, or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing that people out here. the,
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in a modern pragmatic world of smartphones and tech upgrades are chairs, no crafts and hand painted traditions of yesteryear seem to be fading away. particular stuff outside of the bustling metropolis of moscow. and you'll find that traditional russian culture is still going strong to the dealer. on for elizabeth so far says uh oh my leave alone, you're going to the to the, the nut month, need the bus to the says a, but i saw nobody on the was out on the popular so surely the classic you need to is the police also do is that of course, at the most of my or my legs don't. or now i live into my lungs. don't present data to belong to by them. i didn't need that this new call to not to as fast as a new or they, they never to one of the to the difficult and do want to know to a,
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to a policy for me. i don't know to put it that at that to the upon those who look last a they are a member, will do the as i call the, the blizzard for another, the left in a low to keep it. it's as you will attend the so it is i'm going to the dentist on to the us or canada. it's the best on the agenda that i felt a certain lived auntie to this uh, another plus the best on the so i don't know if a near to notes don't accept full glass. the deal is what the, the data on clear on that the this the, the fee that this the 2nd week of the pay not alone or the the, the new whole fucking area. that plastic problem. i have a lot of these a lot going on to the i long as a month the last 2 of the good, the really tell them of the home 3 for the pool boosted. so 2
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days and one of the not to be the corporate, i saw, i work a lot of the sheet so that includes that. i so putting this on while i send that includes that i saw the pet fees for less than that, but include that i saw a lot of all found in spent moses on the i love the vision for need a lot that i submitted to the collaboration sample that i saw on going on right now, and we'll go through that. so you said a tablet down the civic to that aspect. there's a, there's a, as in. good, good. i. so keep that in mind. the bottom april 1st is our new model in of it, like is usual, does it kick month a see paid it on that amount of to a lot of the photos out a new model in on the monte. i'm to so the
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of the looks that then this issue of this and kind of kills it under 50 as human beings all the time. and actually in the review of it to look to be performed on the fund is to get to get it, which is new to the key decided to us. i'm saying some of the some way that she to use only. so some funding that makes sense to you to keep the cecilia of money out into affecting if it is. if you see the inconvenience we meeting activities in the business, see something listed in the interest sheets or simply asset. the
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future the deb isn't going to mean for sorry, my name is and let's see to so i'm piece collision so also for the minutes of home products. so how you're doing, by the way, the fis best on weight, the other parts of the city totally please enter the lender was under the news for the 18 if it doesn't do that, the reason that zone, so kind of design being said, listen open, but they leave as what you said, the search was best on the 20 and if it didn't process that, sure, sorry about that stuff and then to set really infinity. but i mean top has to be do,
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but the stuff from the lesson to empty the best and destructive on this, i have to see it s, but it isn't that it didn't make any decisions, quasi. i didn't use it. so you might still have to remember the lesson. what is your b plus the incidence. and frankie you left that i sent you to task literally is compare to the menu on the home page and you guys are on cheeky song, g b button. there was no one p, the economy delta. so i took even begin to change my email of on the pollutants in this as you know, seeing bus to pull it up. let's see data on. we have to get rid of the same for us or can be 2 months that on the puppies, ended and grab things, you know. cool. so what the dental does, it for me please. and as long as it was done,
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can you me to give me a list of what was that mileage? i see the low that you guys have to work and simon m y 2 more literacy to do that. and you ready to get through is talk to listen to my site. the man did bump on this policy done on what you gave it to the old place within that. but i do sense every time you've done by the end of the above will do this. but seeing that finding what was the intent, messer? give me newport that what with nikki was sometimes the same that game he's only implementing the lovely video, but the good sense of this whole business us, it is so important to me even after being ousted from molly, from still somehow pressure, the regional union of african states echo us to the goal of isolating modeling
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through sanctions and clothes bought is by, in essence, imposing a blockade. a huge number with goods are imported as molly has mostly accessed these measures extremely unpopular among the population. not just in molly, but throughout the region. that the wallets of ordinary citizens held an even ruin some friends has already started to lose africa, of enough competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies based and mostly from content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership relations into account literal names. and it's also other methods of direct colonial influence, the loan, the use of software in the country with the right to its own history, traditions, values and the cool relations. it has the right to choose the ongoing, the stronger. so we need to get him to put him on getting k, you know the minute, for example, tom sick or let's think indemnity this pain during us when i need
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a new but through a diesel. it also depends on the chip. i'm glad that you can just check it out, but it migrate the to the money. bring us the only thing is block money. bring us throwing the info unless you own somebody. they sold it as the company that i didn't want, put it to the simple blog best and that emotions you bought it to me. the 2nd again, me so again, do nothing on these. but the attendance i believe was on the bus because your popcorn peters to supplement, no one knew sufficient or to 2nd, the money is performed. a lot of the sheets list of it into some pro, for the lot of the shape. i love that dog se, se buys doing his blogs to buy stronger. gilford gave me that he didn't me, you're doing well. so good of a lot of the water quality of the bottom line in the device house, you know,
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may 1000 as in the spring, but once it goes off non non 1000, there's the new points here. once you do know the difference. so can you do that song, vishal really you don't know why that is also starting to say, does that prove? can nobody see? second was only new money. i don't understand who the sample at auction the money i'm trying to know by 10 so. so visual, southwest, additional what to do things. i'll check a little mistake it taking a board or the single wire near from the else looks you don't enrollment on this is showing the money. say boss, good, the money on this. indeed, the problem i may look for me make us feel i'll look for is only important because you know, some people getting on the bus, getting onto this old one year on the line and will follow along on the s nicole
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and it shows up in a little panel here, these are bump the legs on the bumper. i mean, as on the name of it can be slight. i've only been obviously a blank. auditory is wanting to alex. let me notate it. ok along with the log on the approval money. if the money does that the same money uh device, 100 new visa should be last week. total of putting your 4 last to see it the same. mm hm. yeah. yeah. not a nice short move. it's best phone test on me. well, maybe this assure me if i can fix it, and these are the pain that the 1st all stipulate to level those phones on turn. the lock on to me is what the papers for tim deluxe the show,
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and go to the does show, april, greet the g. how does that live? then they find out the data within simple drugs and that's in there will go suddenly she'll see what would it be wise and what is the test? it's good candidates in wouldn't that i shouldn't, but yeah, new lives to me function to, to each to the screen so that the more money it and then move will say should good luck falls in love seat done or complete to go to the paper on the vehicle there and we had to ship the chevy know to clean the rest. noted most of the she was as if someone soon under the same. really remodel.
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wonderful cause any you have to keep him in to be able to operate, go for that. it's my last super shoot, the
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the, what is part of it that the employee would post that isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present during that stop without felicia is that spelled out of the of mine, scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily the
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. so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people, the hold on bass of the front lines. this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging . this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding the all. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the hello and welcome to the cross stuff full force. here we discussed some real in
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the do not want to leave the gates of my children's wells. we'll go to settings like nato cannot force us to kill in russia. strong with the nato chief drive to give to you the green light, to use a lion's restlessness. to strike inside russian territory, europe is plunged into a war without an estimate of the cost and means necessary to achieve it. the military objectives are, this is the most responsible thing. i've never seen. the story says, i believe here. and i see here on late as late as president's arrest, able to him what i think was killed along with the members. there was on her hours and a headache up the crap. the country is vice president blaine's west and the sanctions for the dead. on the co the american economic sanctions have.


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