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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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or liberation from the colonial yoke. the okay, here we go. hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is the week in review. fall and shop last 2 debates me in 2020. the sense that he had showed up for debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again or make my day pass all even do a twice. plus pick the day style. i hear you free on wednesdays. make monday powell . all right. you've heard of the last teen challenge. there's a bite and challenge among the headlines. we're going to look at the stories that are making news this week. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact them. let's do it. all right, we're going to be reviewing the weeks big stories with our esteemed panel. let me introduce them to you. joining me is blurred and scientist because the critical our on radio sputnik will. i'm or leon, lawyer and political commentator, steve gill, thank you gentlemen for joining us on this day. we're going to start with this,
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the big international story. this week is the death of, of ronnie and present, right, easy. his us bill bell helicopter went down during the fog and of course the internet is extreme. 7 all week long with speculation about what really happened me. what right now, there is no evidence of foul play we should say, or make clear. uh, nonetheless, these are some of the videos that we had coming out of that scenario. here it is bronze president and bring him right. you see and foreign minister who's saying a mirror of the law hand are both confirmed to have died in a helicopter crash. breaking news out of iran or state media has now confirm the death of president abraham bracy and with significant breaking news. iran state media is reporting that the nation's president and foreign minister had died in a helicopter crash search teams arrived at the site and what was originally called a hard landing and they found no sign of lice. now,
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all of those people making those reports i should suggest, and maybe this is a little mean spirited on my part. i noticed only one of them couldn't even pronounce the guy's name, and the rest of them couldn't find iran on a map if you paid them. nonetheless, that is the role that we live in, wilmer uh, we'll start with you reaction to this situation and all the buzz and start that it has created. well 1st of all, it is before ripping in and be incredibly um and i'm sad to know that that, that this happened because when you go beyond the relationship between the united states and a ron and you look at the relationship that ron was having on the real estate, uber, he raised, he was incredibly respected, highly regarded, and what's considered to be a state in, in, in mary sir. so it's a, it's, it's a tremendously long in terms of the broader context. it will not
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surprise me down the road. we find out that this was not enacted. well that, that's what the internet is saying. that obviously, i mean, look at, let me just state the facts. israel has a long history of being involved and these types of things with iran. they have had most side agents inside iran, they have assassinated nuclear scientist, 5 of them. they have just recently bombed a us iranian embassy in syria. so it's not an unfair question to ask. but right now steve, i don't know how you feel about this. there is no evidence to suggest that as well . and again, this is what we need is more turmoil and chaos in the middle east. there's not enough to go around. i think it's ironic that that this was an american made helicopter these days apparently purchased from canada. and despite the fact that ryan is getting a lot of their helicopters from russia, why are they using an old american helicopter purchase from canada?
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i think that raises the 1st question. yeah, it was the only helicopter that went down and i think 3 of them were flying through the fog and in these mountains. uh, it, it does raise a lot of questions, but i think the speculation may be premature. yeah, no, you're right, and i think we all would agree on that by the way, because of the sanctions, they're not able to get the parts to replace when part of that helicopter breaks. and now some folks are suggesting that may be the real reason. they just were flying a helicopter with old parts, and that's probably why it crash. but again, we still don't know. all right, next question. should ukraine be allowed to use us weapons to bomb russia? which pretty mean pretty much means at least as a, as i'm saying, that would mean the us is attacking russia. right. which pretty much means also that we would potentially be starting world war 3 by allowing that to happen. state department crony victoria newland says hello. yeah, bob, rush, us to stop these russian attacks that are coming from bases inside russia. so. 5 i
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think there's also a question of whether we the united states and our allies or to give them more health in hitting. 6 and basis, which here to, for, we've not been willing to do what she says. yep. give them arms and tell them to bomb russia. it's important we do that and or explanation is we should bomb russell because the troops are coming from russia. and so is the munition, which begs the question where the hell does she think they're going to come from an article? it's a conflict between ukraine and rush. of course they're coming from russia and steve, i'll let you start this one off as well. the emulation of the missiles are coming from the us, so should the rest of do as a premature stripe on us territory using the same argument of victoria, a new one, a to weapons are coming from russia. so we ought to be able to target russia while the weapons are coming from great britain. the us during question, it is again slouching towards world war 3. this is a woman who apparently has no concept of what warfare looks like in
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a traditional way. please go, spend some time on the battlefield and see what it is before she keeps pushing in the world towards another world war. and you would think that the western european nations having haven't happened twice on their territory. i wouldn't want to be the home team again. well, ah, here's one for you. uh, plumber. he played the guitar at a bar and keep during the war, kind of like nero fiddling. he has lived through his teeth about almost every thing having to do with garza. he has worked for and will likely worked for again very soon at the behest of defense contractors. and that is why this happened, the secretary of state anthony blinking when he appeared before the senate foreign relations committee a few days ago. the need for us global leadership and for cooperation with allies and partners has never been greater the people's republic of china feeling the
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service like the people's republic of china. the to that happened like 9 times wilmer means more. what's interesting thing is the interesting thing as i see it and pardon me for giving my opinion here before yours, but he's never going to be criticized by the media because they're afraid if they do, they'll be fired. he's never going to be criticized by or politicians because they're all corrupt as hell. and he'll always kind of be doing and saying the things that are necessary for military contractors. so my thinking is these folks don't get up and say that to him. nobody else. well, you're absolutely right, we're seeing this play itself out on our college campuses. let me make
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a quick point about victoria new and it's also important to remember that she was the cookie lady in 2014, during the my down. yeah. so a lot of a lot of what we're seeing play, it's a about in brain. got some of its emphasis in some of the beginning. well, thanks for her. in, in. uh huh. and you, great to your point regarding the protest, you're absolutely right. he shouldn't be considered a war criminal and background surprised that his name wasn't listed incorrect, but i understand why it wasn't in terms of the item. see a warrant between that and but he, he doesn't tell the truth. he doesn't even really seem to be able to actually comprehend the broader dynamics of the things that he says and the broader implications and dynamics of the policies that he's promote. what is it about this job, steve? i mean, look, i don't care,
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i go back to almost any of them. i mean go back. the kissinger um, you know, madeline albright, i mean, well whoever gets in that position does exactly what this guy is doing. why is that? steve? part of the job, i guess their, their drive to make sure that they're promoting whatever agenda that they're racing . and even if it's, if it's nonsense, i think it's particularly ironic that she's leading the fight to pause. weapons is real because of the collateral damage in jobs. up but sending weapons to ukraine that are killing innocent men, women, and children, and on that's getting very awful and done bad. they don't see any connection between weapons being used in that context and delay weapons to israel. and then the idea that we are withholding intelligence information from is real so that they could target the boss leaders as, as, as our greatest ally of joe biden says, nothing disguised as is, as was pointed out,
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is ever true to finance. i want to know how much you got in his tip jarvis playing and i don't think he don't good enough to cover a bigger box, but he was narrow in that moment. i love that video. i showed it earlier this week by the way. okay. something going on, i want to get your reaction to and we're going to do this after the break, but let me pull it up for you. ready? apparently there's a new study out that's gone crazy on the, on the google's, on the internet. so it says that young americans, when asked if they liked living in the united states, if they're patriotic, the number is dismal. it is tiny for people like under the age of 30. anybody over the age of like, between 60 and over 70, completely patriotic. lot of america think we're the best country in the world. i mean, it is crazy. the disparity between these numbers, i'm going to share that with you. and we'll also talk about the so called upcoming debates between mister barton and miss trump. stay right there. we're going to be right back. the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power. a good division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going on the ground? can the eclipse even the cpd. what's the story? ok, it's called level the use of pollution stuff. yeah, i see the shift that i need to go to miller or collected steep it to photocopy slip
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on to describe the, the dizzy on this before they have to do. if you create, excuse that our name is with historical stories with disposable cleaning, some the doors not say that the which is done. conflicting the thoughts about the shooting of centuries ago. your forebears name this country ukraine or frontier because your steps blink, europe, and asia. the ukrainians, that become frontiersman of another story, the people will be able to sing the songs, whichever hides most of them. there's always, you know, going to try to jump to the most goals and would have been that much a lot of the heavily beverages coleman joe probably then you post bouquets gift
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a 2nd to we'll have to upgrade the stuff under the, in a modern pragmatic world of smartphones and tech upgrades, our terminal prompts and hand painted traditions of yesteryear seemed to be fading away. project of stuff outside of the bustling metropolis of moscow. and you'll find that traditional russian culture is still going strong. is over wide. it's can be started by line. these can be started by to the importance of wikileaks can never be kind of a stations that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them
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available to the world public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest was to so long realized pen smith and golf and was slain of late to seriously. i know why advice may attempt to know who is the guy that illegal anymore. why sweetheart adjustments turn to be on box weighing a $175.00 used to do it. you do you have sense of all we going to lift that? stay at the bar, right. i'm rick sanchez. our goal here is to have a fun, intellectual conversation among friends. it's what we do, or at least in my case,
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a pseudo intellectual conversation. so let me go with this. you all ready? there is a new study out published by axles. it is catching fire on the internet. everybody seems to be talking about this. so i grabbed that and i wanted to share with you what it reveals about young americans and what they say about the country they live in compared to their parents and their grand parents. this is remarkable, obviously we expected a, you know, a disparity. but look at this, so an older americans age, 59 to 70, they call them boomers are asked if they believe in america. they remain patriotic . 76 percent said yes. then they ask the same question of gen xavier's people 18 the 26th to 32 percent of them say they feel. busy about america and are patriotic. see that right there. and that's crazy, right? $76.00 to $32.00. now let's talk about is america the best place in the world to live, right?
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look at what they said when they were asked of the us is the best place in the world to live older americans? absolutely. they're on board. 66 percent high number, say americans, the best place in the world to live 10 sears. when they're asked the same question, only 33 percent. say america is the best place to live. am right. wow, steve, you want to get a started? i mean, what do you think of this? first of all, if i'm on the agenda, you're living in my mommy and daddy's basement unemployed. unable to figure out my gender, playing micro credit, micro wrapped or crap my and all day and, and having been part of the, everybody gets a trophy generation. be educators, are schools with how awful america is. i probably have that same perspective. all right. and i'd say most of these people have never left the country, they probably never left their neighborhood. you know what the rest of the world looks like. maybe a little bit of time in some 3rd world countries might change their mind. all right,
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so steve is going to play the role of grandpa yelling at the kids saying it's all there. so, i'm wondering, wilma, are you going to say, take that same tax, or are you going to argue that maybe they might have a point? well, i'm going to say from their perceptions they have an incredibly valid point because i'm part of the baby boomer generation. we grew up with concepts and constructs such as the american dream and the protestant work ethic. and it's an america manifest destiny. and all of these other kinds of troops and what they are finding out based upon unemployment in america, based upon interest rates in america, based upon their ability to get a job. there's a reason why a lot of these kids are living in their parent basement is because they can't afford to live anywhere else. and so the, the, the, the, the, the crimes brought to the bay words and since we're america now they're finding out don't work any more. and
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a lot of this is coming also through social media. they're now able to see a reality that m. s. nbc amc and a half and so many of these other mainstream america or western media outlets are hiding from ma'am. yeah, i live genocide in gaza. they have a problem with that. they didn't know why it for some reason. genocide isn't a good idea. well, and i, i think you've hit on something with economics and will stay here for just a tad longer. steve, don't you agree? i mean, they, they look up and they see a lot of very rich guys getting a lot of things. and the average kid who gets out there, graduates from college and tries to get a job is having a tough time. have you seen what it costs for housing in the united states these days? i mean, they are having a little tougher time. it used to be 3040 years ago that a person on one salary could afford a home, a lake house, tv, 2 cars, and on vacation 3 or 4 times a year. that doesn't happen anymore, steve, as well,
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just 3 years ago you had the dollar, 85 gallon gasoline versus $4.00 or more. you have a grocery carts, it can be filled with bred bed and milk and an exit about half the price it is now . so some of this is a recent construct, and i would just add these gen 0 need to talk to everybody around the world because billions of them are flooding illegally into our country because they believe in the american dream force you're or because we are ruining their countries with our policies and so much so that it's impossible to live in honduras and impossible to live in guatemala because our corporations and our military has gone in there and destroyed the country. they would like to be living in and they're desperate and have to go somewhere. so they come to the united states that might have something to do with it as well. but let's move on. let's move on now. them say that. yeah, by the administration says don't it's all climate change. well, and asians are coming here 1st generation and making it. why can't our kids make it?
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all right, a woman once picked by binding to handle policy for him has quit his administration because she says that as a jewish american, she cannot in good faith, continue to allow him, her president, her boss, to use her face as a bludgeoning tool for his more machine, that's the one she uses. here's what literally greenberg calls, pardon me. her name is lily greenberg call about by these comments that made her angry as a jewish american quote, i'm going to read it to you. he is making jews the face of the american war machine, and that is so deeply wrong because so many of her ancestors were killed by state sponsored violence. what does she referring to? she's referring to biden's famous comment where he said no, you would be safe in the world if they don't all back israel's policies. and i imagine you're going to have fun with this one there. mr. wilmer, as well. uh,
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you know, there was a, there was a group of rugs, right. and, uh, it is, uh, employees who, who a couple of months ago were protesting and some said well if there, so just run a withdrawal buy and then they need to quit. well, she's the 1st and what i think may be a list of others will follow suit. and what i think she's really getting to is the, is the reality between via and as i'm then today is the fact that the administration and so many others in the main stream are trying to equate the to as a way of yeah, providing defense for genocide in gaza and she is pointing out very clearly that those 2 things are diametrically opposed. yeah. and not all designers in battle giant design. this is the last one is a submitted sign is it needs an ice iris cap. yeah, no,
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that is interesting that there seems to be a difficult time separating that. i think steve, it's just the media that doesn't want us to understand the difference between foreign policy and someone's religion. why is that? yeah, i think we have a hard time in this country as you see a different fights between religious groups targeting each other or condemning each other. i will have to say that having worked in at least one administration, she's doing the right that you make your best peer to what you think the policy ought to be. if you're this degree, you either go along with it or you resign, and she's at least say thing, i think the more honorable attack, i may disagree with a reasoning, but she's doing the right thing when she says, i cannot work for an administration to do as this and there may be a. busy list of other things that could cause people to reside. you either you either follow the lead of your live theater for you quit. so we're going to finish where we began. are you ready? here's grandpa, with a, you know, grand pause, kind of bit in the theme today. so,
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here's grandpa with an extremely edited video trying to look tough as he dares, the other grandpa, to a june debate. sound shop was to debates me in 2020. the sense that he had showed up for debates. now he's acting like he wants to debate me gas or make my day pass all even do a twice. plus picks the day style. i hear you free on wednesdays. i think there's like 14 edits in a 14 2nd video, there was a boom boom. can look about what's the edited that they did make them look awake? pardon me? that was mean i shouldn't. the said that. alright. but nonetheless, i mean guys too old guys in diapers talking for an hour about a world that has passed both of them by decades ago. i don't know wilmer get us started. well, was that uh, communities, what was that your minds just lucky to make my day, but what was that? it's what we got. okay. the one thing the joe biden does not want to do is to be
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live on stage on scripted. we're at our talking about anything is often died in the book and it leaves no joke, not a good idea what a but there is no way for him to get out of this. well, i think he has to have. i think they're forcing them into this because it's either put up or shut up and yeah, you gotta look like you're at least concepts or we're going to replace you with maybe the governor of california who looks pretty damn good or something. i also think in this environment trumps going to look great because trump is good to just put, you know, but put a camera in front of them and he just loves to talk and do the whole thing. i don't think he ever makes any sense what the rent he knows. yeah. distressed if you will, dr. joe biden. i agree, by the way, we should not. i would be remiss if i don't mention this,
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that the rules are being made mostly to help bite and because they're having no audience, they're going to cut off mike's, they're not going to be able to engage with each other. so is it really a debate, steve? doesn't sound like it to me, and i'm still wondering whether this is really ever going to happen. what do you say? you know, it was a bluff and where they might like to see a cage match of donald trump and joe by joe, by talking tough fighting with get taken out about 5 seconds 1st punch, or maybe the 1st blow adding up this, this was the block they didn't think trop would accept all the restrictions they're putting on buddy j. i hate donald trump tapper be the moderator. they didn't think he'd accept and, and dropped his credit is like, man, i'll do it anyway because i'll just you, no matter what the highlight of the week though, was when joe biden is so confused, he endorsed donald trump at the end of the week, saying, i can't read you the best option is vote for donald trump. i mean, you can't even handle his own campaign. do you think, i mean,
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which one's more confuse? do you think, wilmer, or donald trump, who keeps referring to biden as obama or joe biden do when he walks, he looks like a, i don't know is sleep walking. i mean, the whole thing is just silly, that this is what we as a, everybody. i talked to on the street, no matter their age, says this to me. i can't believe that in this country. these are our choices. are they wrong? no, no one can't believe that american politics has the ball to, to this point. but that's what happened when you have uh, unrestrained campaign part of newton with the military industrial park. the interest of the military industrial complex is really controlling your policy. yep . and there's a moral compass in, in the direction that the country has. yeah, i mean, i don't think we picked these guys. i mean, i just, it just seems like there's something else out there. i'm not
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a big deep stake guy. i hate using that terminology steve. but i think there's something else out there that seems to be driving our politics these days and, and, and it should bother us now. it should bother is deeply. and i think that ultimately this case, or this race comes down to a personality versus policy. and that's why they've got trump and young people overlook personality and embrace the the policy i have said for a while and i'm going to stick to it. we have a case here where we have but one guy who can't form sentences and another got basics and it says it is this really the best we can do it? best buy, right? no, that is a good one. but that, that is a quote of the day we have to finish on that what i thought it was so well. so it does, we've run out of time. i wish we could keep going because this is a phone conversation. you're both smart people. good guys, good friends of the show, and we thank you once again for sharing your time with us back for it. and that's our show. remember, always to look outside your own box trues. they don't live in boxes, as i always say, i'm rick sanchez and we'll see you next time the
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what is part of the the employee would post to is it the defense you of us entered into word or is it something deeper more complex might be present let's stop without pleases. let's go out of as the
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hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some really the the,
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the, the gun and below the, showing the school in my renewal. o'rando was the length of it off of the battles for the city. ukrainian soldiers turned the children's classrooms into machine gun nests and doing retreats. they mind the school library in the gym and that would be in the ukrainian history textbooks, discuss it on the floor, approve of how ukraine became a states deliberate today, prepared to wage war with russia and everything russian bunch and asked because the supreme status from class i'm going to use a coastal a c o w, so store a so to speak to sign a suit the floor. he is a sure.


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