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tv   News  RT  May 27, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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or could have been the next president overtake, keep losing people out here. the do not want to leave the gates of my children, the 3rd world war. so nato cannot force us to kill in russia. italy's prime minister slams metal champion thornburg for inciting war as the hon gary and prime minister, pushed his back against the block, trying to avoid being dragged into a war with russia. europe was drifting into the world without even having a rough estimate of the cost and resources necessary to achieve its state to load 3 objectives, i've never seen anything more possible in my life. the at least $240.00 protesters had been arrested at armenia as proud to fall for the
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country's prime minister to resign. now a warning, disturbing images are, have the, the idea of slate, a strike on ross like pills, at least $35.00 people. despite the international court of justice, ruling the salt must end and live this election further and change our democracy and strengthen our commitment to uphold this precious democracy. 28000000 voters are ready to custer ballots in the south africa in general election on wednesday. we take a closer look at the major players in the run up to the, the, you're watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. the italian deputy prime minister has lambasted nato's chief for inciting war. he says in salt
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and birds, rhetoric has crossed a line and will not force it away into direct conflict. oh, let me fill out the the trends or apologizes or resign was might talk about more talk about using the bones miss solve the tiny and the weapons that we set to crate to defend itself on a pair of traits of instead to fight hit and killed outside it's tara trailer. nothing my name, not in the name of the italian people known. and so we must defend ukraine. and we're doing it from the 1st minute of the point, not at all with anyone. i just don't want to leave patrick gates of my children, the 3rd world war, and so nato cannot force us to kill in russia. and no one can force us to send fatality and soldiers to fight and dine ukraine. leaders of nato's member states from german chancellor. all i've sold to us president joe biden and have repeatedly said that they are giving weapons to keep on the explicit condition that they are to be used to make hard deep strikes in russian territory. guess maybe they have
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voters to answer too if they happen to launch world war 3. unlike i'm elected stilton berg, who now wants to move the goal posts for the entire alliance, and the conditions under which the weapons were supplied in 1st place. as explained in a recent interview with the economist obligated thomas combe for allies to consider whether it should list. ready some of the restrictions dying post on a weapons to make to, to ukraine. because we need to remember what this is. this is a world russian barbara shaggy and some gradings of class will have to defend themselves. and that includes also the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of course, if you deny it, ukraine, the right to fits means their targets on a russian territory. then you make it very hard for them to uphold the right for self. defense is self defense. self defense is trying to new and shocked, or if an eagle it's legitimate, and we are helping ukraine with upholding that drive. i'm not shooting to the beat, it also strike targets on russian territory. okay, so we mentioned russia,
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where exactly is the nato territory in that, what happened to all the top about neo being strictly a defensive organization? notice of rhetoric here, still number. now redefining all fences strikes as a defensive necessity. like, no, you really can't expect your brain to put up a fight in its own yard, even with all of the western weapons at its disposal. if it's not allowed to just go over and one of the other guys, how's up? it all smacks a typical new mission creep, kind of like that, no flies on the libya that turned into a rate routine change show has had to reiterate that this was not the deal for the arms of believers we have made so far. we have clear rules that i agreed upon with you green and these work, at least this is my position. stuart immersed take did not escape the attention of russia's foreign ministry either. i'd spoke to him and mentioned that his call for the west to facilitate direct attacks on russia and might be. ringback of keep in
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mind for those attending the west upcoming peace conference in switzerland under in prime minister victor or bon reacting saying that he's actively working on the question of how hungry you can avoid being potentially dragged into an escalating mess. despite being a native member, i will help is dripping into a board without even having a rough estimate on the costs and resources necessary to achieve and stay didn't know 3 objectives. i've never seen anything more irresponsible in my life and i'm more stable. the secondary and government is the clear, the position of the kinder and people is in matters of war and peace on the side of peace. the more i have something to stand on or lean against, the better my chances are if keeping the country all the more he feels like a member of a college frat house, he feels like he's being peer pressured into doing that drunken pub crawl, that he really doesn't want to do it for bottles being proactive. it's because he's apparently thinking that europe is gearing not to head into your brain. that's according to the serbian president. now, where would or bon get that idea?
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it's not like french president, a minor in that call has been talking upstanding french troops to ukraine or anything. oh and areas again, just recently showing how well those high school drama classes taught, highest future wise have really paid off for school now. we've never had so many enemies at home and abroad. i think this is an existing shall moment for all you to because i truly believe that value would have good value. because the board isn't turning to you with russian aggression in ukraine. and we used to say that you are a space journey. is there spiegel, a report of recently the baltic states, or it's going to spill into your brain if russia has a breakthrough way over there in easter and ukraine, you're on the opposite side of the country. from them, and they apparently figure that if they go in and do that, then you would have to get involved in fighting russia directly because colon decided to go do something stupid in the absence of an actual attack on poland. pretty sure that's not how article 5 collective defense works for nato. there been
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research reports in the western press, the vote team, the possibility of nato military trainers and ukraine, which kind of makes it sound like their gym coaches and teachers, and not at all cover for all sense of action and deepening western involvement. and as the west looks to ramp up the conflict in ukraine, regardless of yeah, as losses, the streets of ukrainian cities are becoming desolate and social media is provided with videos of empty roads after zalinski is government approved the new conscription law earlier this month, the order of new and military personnel are avoiding wearing their uniforms in public. that's according to a ukranian officer who says civilians are steering clear of man was visible connections to the army. you know what the hell is? this was when i was leaving for the front in 2022 was back in 20 to 23. i was hugged and kissed children, came up to me,
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gave me bracelets and some flowers. now everyone turns away from me. i deliberately take the subway and people that turn away, they were afraid of me. what the hell is this? what am i fighting for? and so the people who wouldn't be afraid of me, i'll tell you my point of view and those fighting on the front. when people recruited in the street spied buses come to our trenches, what should we do with them? they say that they wipe fight and now in training centers, they again say that they won't fight some of the current in this trust in their military is not on found at the footage of men being snatched off the street for military service has been widely circulating online, in addition to that, ukraine has tightened its control on reserve as send as a ramping up sanctions against rough daughter's will to flee forcible mobilization, some ukrainians risk, illegal border crossings, including rotten root crossing the river te set to try to get to where mania the
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journey is perilous, with at least 32 bodies recently recovered in the area. experts say the death toll could be much higher as the river is fast flowing and littered with obstacles such as fallen trees. and while ukrainians continue losing their lives, trying to escape conscription the hash tag. i am a draft. dodger has gone viral across social media after i'm after ukrainians. lucky enough to leave the country started posting videos of their lives abroad until the end war correspond to andrea la, gd says, the patriotic sentiment, new crane is declining with people questioning why they are dying for the interest of lawmakers and calf that is not abstract. eltic sentiment in ukraine now sort of from the people from the people from the area of people for the ukraine. young man, now it's maybe a good. the cheap disease soon varies the life of 4 across the river and 30 romania illegally. that's a try to survive. on the bought this here 11 time i make any to view with you can
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work prisoner. and you said me, i was on the front line. i make my duty for the county, but to where are, where are the people that make these the cesium? what are the people who create these war? they are in key if they are sitting up to him at the office with or calling for us . and we need to go to the front for the friends. that interesting visuals are going to interview and i think to now people like these, the people that are starting to escape when you are of the they are thinking the see why i need to die for defend. the interesting of these to may occur in kia that's our leaving result called for tense that they created that big the word spread across the atlantic. us president joe biden is also staying
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on the warpath. calling for more aid to kiev by labeling by them or putting a tyrant. we are stand in strong with ukraine and we will stand with them the senate against a man. well, i know well for many years a brutal tire. we may not, we, and we will not. we will not walk away this. however, biden's vote of confidence and new crime classes with the situation on the ground actually continues to advance on the front line recently re taken to more towns and the don't ask for a public that says the number of foreign mercenaries fighting for ukraine is dwindling. those who have returned to say taking on russian forces was more challenging than they expected are to correspondence. sais bows brings us the data, as well as a conflict in ukraine, heads into its 3rd year and russian troops advance along the 1000 kilometers front
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line. the reality of taking on a super power has finally dawned a key of and in washington, and russia's vast military and economic power. i've seen a brush aside everything the west could pro it is and that includes a large number of gold, ho, western volunteers, and mercenaries who know you have the believe that there were heading for take walk and you claim basically an adventure holiday where you also got to kill evil russians. what's not to like, right? i'm fucking in your cell. i think it's a democracy. 40 years stream off in its projects. are you willing to risk your life for this country? i definitely think that fighting the war here is worth it because it keeps the war away from the home front. you just courtney job and got an appointment. pretty much . why is the right thing to do when this happened? i felt the same reasons that i wanted to follow to go down to fight the tire
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rotation isis. i cannot change the war. i came to a part of helping the reality of the modern battlefield has changed opinions. not only was this an actual war, like the on p insurgencies in iraq and afghanistan, it was a war against a real army and not re alarm. he was well trained, well equipped and ready to stand and fight. it's, it's hard. it's hard to resist. and so it's a genocide, it's law. there is people that everywhere russians, dads, declining people, dads crying soldiers that she just left there. you have to be willing to re learn everything that you've been taught, which is i think, one of the reasons why some of the ukrainian soldiers are doing so well out there because they don't have any base where they've been taught. meanwhile, a lot of the westerners, they are already have a set idea about how things should be and everything. and it's just not that way
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out in ukraine, in the army. we have been cooperating with the americans and the british for a long time. and these are not guys, you can go to a full scale war with you can go on the safari with them and i've gotten this done or a rock. there we have everything in your opponent has nothing here. maybe it works the other way around, the enemy has, are jewelry, we don't always have it, etc. and it's important to remember that the key, every gene originally claimed a 20000 foreigners that signed up to fight where the russians now say on your end, 3000 mercenaries are fighting for ukraine. and of course, it's not just the mercenaries going tired of dying for this b, u. s. a. project and ukraine with over a 100000 deserving millions more home on a broad hiding from the landscape, me grinder. and this illusion limitation will put you according to the mass media as us today is the number of people who deserted the military unit succeeds 100000 . and this is actually 100000 crimes. as far as i understand,
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no one is doing anything about it. and that is a very big problem, given the brutality of ukraine's force conscription, it's hardly surprising that ukrainians are choosing to take a path when it comes to taking a one way to get to the front, the, the the . so as you create, it's itself a live dragging what remains of its people to the front. it seems the big event picture for ukraine's war tourist is also nearing its end. the idea of dying and
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a shell hold for a corrupt, an on elected savanski seems to have cured most of the western tourist who thought they would find glory and wealth in ukraine. instead, they learned the hard way of taking on the russians while fighting someone else as more would probably cost you your life, your limbs, or your liberty. and either way, the wisest choice would have been to stay at home. at least 240 protesters had been arrested in armenia, as crowds continued to call for the country's prime minister to resign over his agreeing to see bland and to deal with baku, the demonstrators in the capital city of europe and blocked the highway to a ron and russia's arm of your city among several other streets. police are now saying the roads have been cleared. protests have rips the country for over a month. the
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footage of armenian politician as short as too many on being detained at the protest is circulating on line. he has been a member of the armenian revolutionary federation opposition party since the year. 2000 a r f, like out of the country is 2022 presidential election and have fiercely criticize the current armenian prime minister. since the beginning of may, protest had been taking place in armenia, calling for the resignation of prime minister nicole pushing in and to stop the transfer of a number of a border areas to as are by john last week. those are by johnny border surface gain control over several villages on the border, despite widespread dissatisfaction among our medians. are the limitations agreement signed by our media and as or by john earlier in may, followed a major military escalation between the sides and then the gar, no car box region and the autumn of the 20 twenty's. since then, both bob,
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who and euro van have struggle to hold tax and the chief consensus accusing each other of multiple sees fire violations, their media and prime minister maintains the dilemma taishan process should be based on historical agreement signed by the countries after the dissolution of the soviet union in 1991 an overnight is rarely strike on the gods, and the city a prophet has killed at least 35 people with dozens more wound that's according to the local health ministry. a warning, disturbing images are ahead. wow. footage from the area which was previously designated as a safe zone for display civilian shows widespread devastation after a fire ripped through the encampments. local authorities have warned that the death toll may rise, as many people remain trapped in the debris. the idea of things to strike was legal
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. despite the international court of justice, ruling, israel must halt. it's all sensitive on the southern city of rasa and withdraw from the enclave is really forces have carried out 60 error rates on our offices. the ruling was made, the strike was carried out against legitimate delegates, under international law, through the use of precise munitions and on the basis of precise intelligence that indicated how much use of the area. the id f is aware of reports indicating that as a result of this strike and fly, it was ignited several surveillance in the area of what homes. the incident is under review. over the weekend, thousands of people around the world march to demand an immediate cease fire and gaza demonstrators. period published and flags as well as coach or posters that read free palestine and soft genocide. hundreds of students in the south american nation of chile called for the government to cut diplomatic and economic ties with israel. this comes as the co founder of human rights watch,
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branded israel's actions in gaza, a genocide. over a period of time. israel has obstructed the delivery of humanitarian assistance to die, and those who have been most severely victimized on, not the members of from us. but it is young children who are most severely damaged by malnutrition, and who will ever starve to death or if they survive, they will be diminished uh, for the rest of their lives diminished physically and psychologically by the severe mount nutrition band endure reading as children. and i thought that severe obstruction of the delivery of humanitarian assistance amounted to genocide. as we heard from the spokes person for fontose were farmers democratic function. dimitri delay on a, he says these really genocide and gaza is well documented by idea of soldiers
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themselves. i think you have to be living under a rock for the past 7 months to really not see is real committing genocide in guys . this is the most documented genocide thing. history and a people might deny it for the reasons for being too cowards to face the truth and fears, the consequences of saying the truth. but after all, reality pushes itself and enforces itself upon people. and some people might resist the truth for so long, but they have at the end of the day, many of them will give up to the truth and admit the truth. what happening is guys? can you guys that is not a war? it's a genocide. it's a genocide, would it be cleared in 10, but it's a genocide by the footage being filmed by as waves soldiers, it's
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a genocide by the reports of in defendants into national organizations. by definition, it is a genocide and it's nothing else. but the genocide in the south african president, so around a pose a has appraised the election campaign and this country is peaceful and robust with approximately $28000000.00 register voters gearing up for the general elections to be held on wednesday. the leader called on the nation to keep up the good work and refrain from election interference. adding the main goal of all parties is to uphold precious democracy. over the course of the last few months, many different parties in the country dates have vigorously and, and these, yes degree contained for votes, or why the contest ation has been robust. and at times became heated. competing has been peaceful and free of
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intimidation regardless of the outcome that this election further and change our democracy and strengthen our commitment to uphold this precious democracy. voters will i like the new national assembly and regional parliament members choosing between 52 registered political parties. a recent poll shows only 3 will get a significant amount of votes. the ruling amc party is leading. the production pulse was 44 percent. the main opposition party is the democratic alliance and the communist economic freedom party are trailing behind with a significant gap. are to correspond it and all of where you can get it takes a closer look at the 3 front runners as well. nelson mandela, paula from the weiss minority government 1994. the new president held out hope that this was the beginning of the end of his people's globatiza. i'm the deputy prolong the president of chips and in it's today. so that's because it across was the,
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is the to monday las vegas the are battling among themselves as the whole that he inspired is fading under the weight. so if i miss needs the african national congress is the wall one habits of searching out some concrete goals from creating jobs, fighting for which is crime and corruption, improving health case and education folding states capacity and even expanding access to the same goals and promises which has been made before, they may not have the same size anymore even that's so that's the size of the points and it's your of them off to see what the cost is, promises to fix everything. so today we can say with certainty, we will do better. we will do more and we will do it for us start working together. and that is why we say let us all work together
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today and make sure that the site is too big for the applicant. nursing on the policy is held together and supported by one of the most expensive 10 ask you can use the concept, argue that she asked you to, to host the process. so that's because the economy and so, so context just by typing experience this contains several times about the state of the seats for my part to prison, tell them big continues to champion the governing party and the campaign leading to the, to it, you know, i know that many problems in the country have been brought that was within the agency. and so as we say in voltage and see what was making a commitment to the people that we were not, the problems within the agency is to make sure that this is able to distract this is a bunch of businesses for the population. and even though the domestic funds technician is hurting the agencies appeal to vote is one con, denied that the amc has claim most of them to keep them on the global stage.
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particularly of the policies as to the tax would not be wished it led to a continental if so, just to try and bro. okay. and just to the west. so you frame conflict, how drive and extension also breaks the block of developing masons and secure it will go inside some in a day as well as international court of justice always contain in does this apply to all many votes? just to say that to be a freed up with the world's highest rates of unemployment and equality and corruption. with back to mind, you would think that the election on between tonight might be a golden opportunity for the ga for that because largest position policy. because for the 1st time since it came into fall was 9 to 94, the amc is expected to move the national majority, but the da's struggling to push away. so that's because of that. it is a bit to alternative at the behest of some to buy. so from that this is to the left of it. some people even leave. that's where it's
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a wind power. the d a would bring back a potted, rolling back benefits like social bronze and the polishing corrective policies. what dimension is strong focus on cooperation with wisdom countries, but the party. so hopefully most of the africa will be governed by a new multi party trots of government with a da for filling its role as a strong incapacity based on our size and our track record of good governance. so i see on also the africans to gauge sarah, steve, what's the urgent message conveyed by this particular advertisement repeats that there's only one way to prevent an agency if doomsday. and then as to the, to the da, the challenges faced by the da at the put that is quarrels with the agency, race and history. in fact, the policy has been supported from the anglo american establishment forgive from visits to london, same as to time. house thing tends to be consistent on having
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a separate wisdom oriented foreign policy. but none of those supports them reaching out to the united states for special electoral or besides. we appealed to a government to recognize the high stakes for south africa and the lead up to enough to mass of the 2024 national and provincial elections. it is in this context that we now formerly request to a part this in democracy to engage with consequences to run up to the election. we have our regional organizations, we have s a d, c. we have the african union, and indeed we have the united nations as well. they always come to monitor our elections. in fact, we invite them, we say do come and monitor. but now for a non state entity like this is basically saying we are mortgaging our democracy to other powers. i must say that no. so that it can have been for these hard for this democracy will allow with situation it's not even daisy know so that it can now is situation where so friendly to these handed over on this to the black to
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and then this the economy exceed on site is the 3rd largest political part to you. so that's because in terms of foreign policy, the part to prioritize is eastern partnerships with countries like russia and china regarding domestic issues. it stands for a radical economy plan, nationalization of city to stick to like the mining industry. it also backs expropriation of land to redistribute to freely among the population with a goal of transferring 50 percent of the lands to black people. the policies need to see such changes would be carried out piece would. we need except the government of men and women, black and white. what we were going to work with wipes the board by the way. they would wait with the use of the not because the wind because they have bought the
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necessary ski to make it this way. that would not be given to fax over our black people because went to lead testing by that's on the past. but no one is going to be taken to the see. no one is going to be a cute uh, no one is going to host these for protection on the basis of kind of support to see that even if knowledge that investors might. he talked to policy, which includes nationalizing months, will be 18 land without compensation, but he said they would value most of the time. he's opposed to this warming the economy, the taxes. in other words, if it's truly fighting for the working clause, it seems loc before me mixes may change so that because politics anymore to match the way the previous, the full cost for all t. i'm not a real quick and get into hands, but do stay with us. i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes. in the
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