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tv   News  RT  May 27, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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just let stopped without pleases desktop, out of the i did not want to leave the gates of my children, the 3rd world war. so nato cannot force us to kill in russia. italy's prime minister slams nato chief in stoughton bird for inciting, for, as the hon gary and prime minister pushed his back against the lock. trying to avoid being dragged into a war with russia who it was dripping into the world without even having a rough estimate of the cost the resources necessary to achieve its state. no 3 objective. i've never seen anything more responsible in my life. the at least 240 protestors had been arrested in armenia as proud to call for the country's prime minister to resign. now warning,
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disturbing images are the side of sleigh to strike on rock like hills. at least 35 people, despite the international court of justice, ruling that the assault must the end of this election further and change our democracy and strengthen our commitment to uphold this precious chris. for the 8000000 voters are ready to cast their ballots in the south african general election on wednesday to take a closer look at the major players in the run up to the events live in moscow. this is our to international. i'm rachel ruble via tele and deputy prime minister, has lambasted nato's chief for inciting war. he says in stoughton birds, rhetoric has crossed a line and will not force italy into direct to conflict. oh,
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let me fill out the the retrench or apologizes and resigns. why talk about war? talk about using the bones miss solve the tiny and weapons that we sent to you crate to defend itself on terror traits instead to fight hit and killed outside it's carrot trait, nothing my name, not in the name of the italian people. so we must defend ukraine, and we're doing it from the 1st minute. we know that well, with anyone. i just don't want to leave the gates of my children, the 3rd world war. and so nato cannot force us to kill in russia. and no one can force us to send a tally and soldiers to fight and dine ukraine. leaders of nato's number states from german chancellor, all actual to us president joe biden and have repeatedly said that they are giving weapons to key of on the explicit condition that they are to be used to make hard deep strikes in russian territory. guess maybe they have voters to answer too if they happen to launch world war 3. unlike i'm elected stilton berg,
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who now wants to move the. busy posts for the entire alliance and the conditions under which the weapons were supplied in 1st place. as explained in a recent interview with the economist obligated thomas combe for allies to consider whether it should lift some of the restrictions dying post on a weapon still night to, to ukraine. because we need to remember what this is. this is a world russian barbara shrugging, so great and so to defend themselves, and that includes also the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of course, if you deny of ukraine, the right to fit means our targets on a russian territory. then you make it very hard for them to uphold the right for self defense. this is self defense. self defense is trying to new instructor is an eagle. it's legitimate and we are helping ukraine with upholding that right. and that should include the ability to also strike targets on russian territory. okay, so we mentioned russia, where exactly is the nato territory in that. what happened to all the top of
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a nail being strictly a defensive organization? notice the rhetoric here still number. now, redefining authentic strikes as a defensive necessity. like now you really can't expect to be afraid to put up a fight in its own yard, even with all of the western weapons at its disposal. if it's not allowed to just go over and pull the other guy's house up. it all smacks a typical in the mission creep, kind of like that no flies on in libya that turned into a rate regime change show has had to reiterate that this was not the deal for the arms really varies we have made so far. we have clear rules, the agreed upon with the green and these work at least this is my position. stoughton let's take, did not escape the attention of rushes for a ministry either had spoke to him and mentioned that his call for the west to facilitate direct attacks on russia. i might be good info. keep in mind for those attending the west upcoming peace conference in switzerland and jerry and prime
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minister victor or bon reacted saying that he's actively working on the question of how hungry you can avoid being potentially dragged into an escalating mess. despite being a natal member bootable, however is dripping and the board without even having a rough estimate of the costs and resources necessary to achieve with state and military objectives. i've never seen anything more irresponsible in my life and the more stable the secondary and government is the clear, the position of the kinder and people is in matters of war and peace on the side of peace. the more i have something to stand on or lean against, the better my chances are if keeping the country out of war. he sounds like a member of a college frat house and feels like he's being peer pressured into doing that drunken pub crawl, that he really doesn't want to do it for bottles being proactive. it's because he's apparently thinking that europe is gearing up to head into your brain. that's according to the survey and present now where would or bon get that idea. it's not like french president in under, in that whole has been talking. i'm sending french troops to ukraine or anything.
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oh and areas again, just recently showing how well those high school drama classes taught by his future wife have really paid off multiple no, we've never had so many enemies at home and abroad. i think this isn't exist angel moment for all you to because i truly believe the value of good joy, because the board isn't turned into us with the russian aggression in ukraine. and we used to say that you're a space journey, is there speedo report of recently the baltic states, or it's going to spill into your brain if russia has a breakthrough way over there in easter and ukraine on the opposite side of the country from them. and they apparently figure that if they go in and do that, then they would have to get involved in fighting russia directly because colon decided to go do something stupid in the absence of an actual attack on poland. pretty sure that it's not how article 5 collective defense works for nato. there
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been recent reports in the western press, the vote team, the possibility of nato military trainers and ukraine, which kind of makes it sound like their gym coaches and teachers, and not at all cover for all kinds of action and deepening western involvement. as the west looks to ramp up the conflict, a new crane regardless of kias losses, the streets of ukrainian cities are becoming desolate. social media is flooded with videos of empty roads after zalinski is government approved a new conscription law. earlier this month, military personnel are avoiding wearing their uniforms in public. that's according to a ukranian officer who says civilians are steering clear of men with visible connections to the army. you know what the hell is this? when i was leaving for the front in 2022 was back in 2023. i was hudson kissed children, came up to me, gave me bracelets and some flowers. now everyone tons away from me. i deliberately
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take the subway and people that turn away. they were afraid of me. what the hell is this? what am i fighting for? so the people who wouldn't be afraid of me, i'll tell you my point of view and those fighting on the front. when people recruited in the streets by buses come to our trenches, what should we do with them? they say that they wipe fight, and now in training centers, they again say that they won't find some of the print in this trust in their military is not unfounded. footage of men being snatched off the streets for military service has been widely circulating online. in addition to that, ukraine has tightened its control on reserve as soon as ramping up sanctions against draft dodgers. to flee forcible mobilization, semi finance risk, illegal border crossings, and putting crusts across the river to use uh to try to get to where mania the journey is perilous. with at least 32 bodies recently recovered in the area. experts say the desktop could be much higher as the river is passed, blowing and littered with obstacles such as fallen trees. and while ukrainians
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continue losing their lives, trying to escape conscription the hash tag. i'm a draft. the other has gone viral across social media after ukrainians. lucky enough to leave the country started posting videos of their lives abroad. all right, let's cross live now to johnny h. just really an independent journalist who joins us from a to paul's up a rosa good to have you on with us regarding cabs. conscription practice is literally driving, dragging people off the streets and driving others to flee the country. what are your thoughts on what this will all lead to the things barely to the end of the war soon there? i think maybe it's a good sign. you know, i mean, things that landscape pushed it too far, and i always thought that ukraine would just break from within, you know, so in this war of attrition that's been happening in the last couple of years. this issue is just breaking up the ukraine because the new government rose, you know,
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as a part of it just a couple of years ago, voluntarily forwarded to joined russia. the people are happy here, you know, they're happy to be here and they're not discriminated here. is this is the interesting thing that to i still see is a part of just science than ukraine. many signs in new crediting sometimes in restaurants is science in your opinion, to signs of the russian. nobody discriminates against anybody. it's several us politicians have called on kids to ramp up it's mobilization efforts with poland and lithuania i considering even deporting ukrainian men to join the fight. why do you think he of continues to follow the wes advice and send more men to the front lines because they have their choice. i mean the, they stopped following the west advice something, you know, it's all over. you know, as i mean, they've gone so deep down this whole down this rabbit hole that to, they don't see any way out. and the only way out of the property is that the call
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option b of training imaging. you know, something from within is going to change and then there somebody with sanity inside they're just going to say, okay, we're brothers, let's live together again. we are seeing some western politicians and experts coming to terms with the fact that you cranes chances that victory are unlikely. but why do you think kids hard line supporters like biden's thornburg and the crowns are still refusing to abandon their pro war rhetoric? because i think they're afraid to just admit that they've lost, you know, i mean, you see how the us eventually pulled out of guns under just to friend to just as with the fate this, you know, this story is not going to the end, the way they thought, you know, the colonial project is coming to an end, you know, and your plan was part of the colonial project, but somebody stood up today. the ukranian public seemed to be largely in support of its military and government at the start of this conflict. but here we are more
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than 2 years later, and that's changed significantly. what, why do you think that's changed? because uh, you know, probably competing with always way when people suffer for solar on windows, she sold these obviously gonna change the public opinion that i want to bring back to the suggestion is a foreclosure. i asked the people here and why are you happy here? why are you happy to be with russia and why? what they say to me, just not necessarily with jim to be for years with rochelle, something in the sense of how to use. we were under ukraine, nothing happened, or the infrastructure here is from soviet time. there was no development, there was nothing to use with russia and the heavy things booming again. you know, everything is growing. comments, comments is very important for people. so your crime is in decline. you know, and i've seen, you know, everybody has relatives on both sides. you know, so they're talking to the people whose approach you, they're talking to, the people in the india. they're talking to the people in mario booth, seeing how,
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how much is happening in the new territories, and how much the ukraine mainland sort of using the client and the thing. we don't want this. mm hm. and going back to the increase in, um, ukraine's armed forces. is that likely to make any difference on the front at all? or is this just sending more ukrainians to their desk? unfortunately the lot to and it's so sad, so sad because a, you know, ukrainians, ukraine is just the word. i mean they speak russian euro, i know when ukrainian soldiers say they surrender. they don't yell at the russian soldiers in ukrainian. you're not the poking to sing along with the mother tongue. so it's really sad. i mean, it's actually devastating. you know? and i say that in again, because i've been already like on the front line for 10 months that i really feel the only country that really cares about ukraine is russia. all right, i know you have to head out, so we're gonna leave it there. johnny h just really an independent journalist currently on multiple is are for rosa.
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thank you for your time. thank you. but adding fuel to the fire, washington is vowing to provide the chinese break away island of taiwan with modern weapons to a post paging. well, ukraine gets old armed supplies, and that's according to the head of the us delegation to taiwan. congressman michael mccaul, who confirmed a $2000000000.00 military aid package to the island try one unlike ukraine will be getting new weapon systems. not old ones, especially own russian weapons, it will be a new stock that will be supplied to tie one so far away. this technology is, by the way, and i think the majority that package being held up the most, most of that are the sixteen's. well, let's discuss this further now with canadian journalists, alex report or fi who joins us live from china. alex, great to have you on with us. what do you make of this distinction made by congressman mccall and the meaning behind that have the stakes in the confrontation,
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the potential confrontation with china, been raised a sure, and i must say. he's quite reckless with his statements. all he has to do is head on up to new york and see does taiwan have a seat in the united nations, which they don't? and this is the gentleman that thinks it's just fine to pump 2 $1000000000.00 of warheads onto an island that belongs to china, which is absolutely reckless. and uh, i think, uh, you know, really, uh, he should think again on his actions here. yeah. do you see the shipment of this new weaponry acting as a deterrence of the are, or is it more likely to make things even worse? in the case of a possible out military conflict? i mean, you know, i want to go back and talk about the joint communique that was established in uh, january 1st of 1979 where it clearly stated america would not try to
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arm this island at all. it also says that, you know, in the community, in 1979 that both wish to reduce the danger of international military conflict. it's going against everything that the united states had negotiated back then. uh, does this up the anti? yes, this is american play book of you know, bomb bully or bank prop nations. this is what they're used to. this is the playbooks. they've had a failed. uh, you know, excess. i see it in uh, in uh, ukraine and their proxy word that they're fighting there has failed dramatically. so they're moving onto the next show. and the next show is the taiwan strait. yeah, washington, they really seem to be trying to turn moscow and by doing into a new axis of evil, if you will. what will you make of us politicians, placing the blame for all these rising tensions solely on russia and china without acknowledging their own rolling it?
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and this, this shows really the weakness in the us, us economy here. we're coming up in middle to an election here in november. the democrats are in a panic. so they want to show that, you know, they are supporting the side that are supporting that side or their talk this side . and they're tough that side. but what's happening here behind the scenes here is america is getting written out of town here. they're being, you know, really on the competitive edge against china using words like over capacity. um, you know, china is a nation that has the built in re open belt one road, which has a great collaboration with over a 10353 countries worldwide. and this is really starting to worry united states of america. they were the top dogs at one time and they're being left out of the, i guess, the world party as these countries rejoice. and uh, you know, have prosperity that's have come to the countries cuz you know, joining together with china and other nations,
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americans left in the dark and we see a panic here. and it's usual for them to start conflicts. yeah, alex, going back to mccaul. statements, specifically, that emphasis he made about taiwan receiving newer arms, the new frame. what does this say about washington steadfast support for key of well, it means that, uh, it's bad times ahead for ukraine here. uh, i guess he says that ukraine is just getting the old stuff will send the new stuff to tie one. now, what's that mean? huh. i think he should think again, here we have to understand that china has the largest are forces in the world with the military of over 2000000 active soldiers, and 510000 in reserve. do they want to risk the lives of 806-9000 military and tie one? once again, we've already seen enough bloodshed and ukraine. we seem ukraine uh, united states use ukraine is a proxy to russia. it's failed. i would hate to see something like this happen
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again, but this is the america, this is the military industrial complex. these are arms dealers that are making billions and possibly eating trillions in the next decade off the, the backs of other nations. it's, it's, it's a tragedy to be honest. all right, we're gonna leave it there. alex reporter, fi, china based of blogger, and a journal of us. thank you so much. thank you. i leased a 240 protest source had been arrested in our media as crowds continued to call for the countries prime minister to resign over his agreeing to see bland and to deal with bako of the demonstrators in the capital city of europe and blocks the highway to ron and russia's arm of their city among several other streets, which are now saying the roads have been cleared. protests have groups the country since the beginning of the month. the
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footage of armenian polished titian shot so many on being the chain that the protest is circulating on line. he's been a member of the armenian revolutionary federation opposition party. since the year 2000 local media reports say he has been released from police custody on may 16th, armenian prime minister, nicole prussian, and signed an agreement with as or by john consenting to the transfer of 4 villages . located on as or by john armenia. border to bako last week, as or by johnny border service gained control over these for villages, despite widespread dissatisfaction among armenians, their median prime minister said to move a day to quote, real independence and sovereignty. he had to cuss bought a bit of good. not that we see that we have food a formula on the table. they will guarantee 29743 square kilometers of internationally recognized legitimate territory to the republic. romania and the
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borders that enclose this territory. this formulated the motion leading us to be on dependence in silver and toil integrity and viability of borders. country to virus assessments. our government isn't dividing, but it's trying to re nights to make the concept of homeland and state identical because this is the only way to establish and strengthen the republic or mean. yeah, you, what to the dilemma taishan agreement, signed by armenia and as or by john earlier in may follow the major military escalation between the sides and then the gar, no car box region in the autumn of 2020. since then, both block you and the are a van, have struggle to hold tasks and achieve consensus, accusing each other a multiple seas for our violations. there are many and prime minister maintains the dilemma. taishan process should be based on historical agreement signed by the countries after the dissolution of the soviet union in 1991
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an overnight is rarely strike on the gods, and the city a prophet has killed at least 40 people with dozens more wounded, 10 to shelters, were burned to the ground, a warning the following disturbing images show the fire that started after the strike was overnight footage from the area which was previously designated as a safe zone for display civilian shows widespread devastation after a blaze ripped through the encampment. local authorities of war and the death toll may rise, as there are on identified furniture and bodies on the side. just by the international court of justice ruling, the israel must hold it's offensive on the city and withdraw from the enclave. is really forces of a trade on 60 air raids on rough, a sense of decision was made. the idea of, however, claims the strength was legal. the strike was carried out against legitimate delegates, under international law,
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through the use of precise munitions and on the basis of precise intelligence that indicated how much use of the area the adf is aware of reports, indicating that as a result of this strike and fly, it was ignited several, so be lives in the area with homes. the incident is under review. over the weekend, the thousands of people around the world march to demand an immediate cease fire in gaza, demonstrators, period palestinian flags as well as posters that read free palestine. in the soft genocide, hundreds of students in the south american nation of chile have called for their government to cut diplomatic and economic ties with as well. this comes as the co founder of human rights watch and branded israel's actions in gaza, a genocide over a period of time. israel has obstructed the delivery of humanitarian assistance to die. and those who have been most severely victimize on, not the members and from us. but it is young children who are most severely damaged
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by now nutrition, and who will either starve to death or if they survive, they will be diminished. uh, for the rest of their lives diminished physically and psychologically by the severe mount nutrition band enduring as children. and i thought that severe obstruction of the delivery of humanitarian assistance amounted to genocide. we heard from the spokesperson for fathers reformers, democratic section dmitri de leon, a, he says the is really genocide and gaza is well documented by idea of soldiers themselves. i think you have to be living under a rock for the past 7 months to really not see israel committing genocide in god. this is the most documented genocide thing. history and a people my denial letter for reasons for being too cowards to
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face the truth and face the consequences of saying the truth. but after all, reality pushes itself and forces itself upon people. and some people might resist the truth for so long, but they have at the end of the day, many of them will give up to the truth and admit the true. what happening is god, god, that is not a war. it's a genocide. it's a genocide with the declared intent, but it's a, it's a genocide by the put that being found. but is wayne soldiers. it's a genocide by the reports of independent the national organizations. by definition, it is a genocide and it's nothing else. but the genocide, the south african president, so around a pose that has praise the election campaign in this country is peaceful and robust
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with approximately $28000000.00 registered voters gearing up for the general elections to be held on wednesday later called on the nation to keep up the good work and refrain from election interference, adding that the main goal of all parties is to uphold precious democracy over the course of the last few months. many different parties and candidates have vigorously and, and these yes, typically come pained for votes. while the contest ation has been robust and at times became heated, the competing has been peaceful and free of intimidation regardless of the outcome . lead this election further and change our democracy and strengthen our commitment to uphold this precious democracy. of order as well, like the new national assembly and regional parliament members choosing between 52
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registered political parties, recent vultures only 3 will get a significant amount of votes. the ruling amc party is leading to production. pulse was 44 percent. the main opposition parties, the democratic alliance, and the communist economic freedom party are trailing behind with a significant gap. r t correspondent and all of where you can go takes a closer look at the 3 front runners. when nelson mandela paula from the weiss minority government 1994, the new president held out hope that this was the beginning of the end of his people over to the deputy prolong the president of chips and it's today. so that's because it across was the, is to monday las vegas the are battling among themselves as the whole that he inspired the staging under the weight. so if i miss needs the african national congress is the wall. one habits of setting out some concrete goals from creating jobs exciting for which is crime and corruption,
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improving health case and education folding states capacity and even expanding access to the same goals and promises which has been made before. they may not have the same size anymore, even that. so that's the size of the points. and it's your of them off to see what the cost is, promises to fix everything. so today we can say with certainty, we will do better. we will do more. and we will do it fast, stuff working together. and that is why we say that us all work together today and make sure that the sun is too big for the african national congress. the policy is held together and supported by one of the most respected 10 applicants, the concept arguably the she's asked you to, to host the process. so that's because you find me. and so, so context describes having experienced this consent several times about the state
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of the sea for my part to prison, tell them big continues to champion the governing party and the campaign leading to the, to it, you know, i know that many problems in the country have been programs within the agency. and so as we say in making a commitment to the people that we were not, the problems within the agency is to make sure that this is able to distract this is bunch of benefits to the population. and even though the domestic front vig nation is hurting the agencies appeal to vote is one con, denied that the amc has claim. note something to keep on the global stage, particularly of the policies as to the tackling off the wish to it led to a continental. if so, just to try and bro. okay. and just to the west. so you frame conflict tell drive and extension of the big block of developing masons and secure it will go inside some in a day, as well as international court of justice always contain in does slide
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to the full many votes. just to say that the a freed up with the world's highest rates of unemployment and equality and corruption with back to mind. one thing that the election on between tonight might be a golden opportunity for the ga, so that because largest position policy, because for the 1st time since it came into fall was $9.00 to $94.00. the amc is expected to move the national majority. but the da's so i'm going to post away so that because of that, it is a bit to alternative at the behest of some to buy. so from that this is to the left of it. some people even leave. that's where it's a wind power. the d a would bring back a potted, rolling back benefits like social, bronze, and abolishing corrective policies. what dimension is strong focus on cooperation with wisdom countries, but the party sl hopeful. also the africa will be governed by a new multi.


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