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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  May 27, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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always in fact she minutes have to see you then the
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consumer goods into india. we're not allowed to be imported at dollars in. they are 2001. and then all this is not here. so china little it will not. the benefits of yes, vision is for once that we cannot ignore manufacturers and we have everything for manufactured in india. i mean, what does that insurance do you have for the life is that we have somebody that i'm a strong and, or if you have money you can give it to the board, the hello and well come on. if i'm kid in the ever evolving landscape of the 21st century, the book was no more than it is on india. but my guess tonight is a legacy in business man. the man who bears the largest luggage manufacturing business in india, and the 2nd largest and the what, the ip industry. they've come to so they come to the show. thank you. i have been
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all of is judy is because i might have used to use the the i'd be luggage we have useful guess. how do you decide the name v i p this was launched in the 70 the 7072. and at that time i was privy to this idea of was a view, consult advertising agencies, marketing people. and we thought we at the spence were very important button. and then the 7 days in the, within the fits everything was bad for india. and 65, we added that it before the shortage and our economy was in bad shape. nothing legal. 1071. 72 was so need of us. so at that time we thought that it's an aspirational brand. so v i p. that means the common man should feel that you become a v i p by using this product. and it really looked, i mean, not aspirational aspect very well. that's why the name is that's phenomenal means
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to be able to come up with this kind of a brand and right, how do think of the luggage part of it and how do do think that the needs to feed him fucking? how did that come for a young boy offended we as or well, the originally my idea. absolutely, it was there was a project and it had been laid out, but it was done implemented? well, someone had come to me with this idea that we can do this and that it's a plastic based industrial. that payment was, you know, they injection where did process the shelves of the biggest but me. so then it came to me and it was a very small cost. so we started off with about to $25.00 lex. at that time in the i'm from an older big staley family and we are the best largest mills in india. my father was active in the next time and said that you should know that i would say if i, you know me and the, but me by those 2 of them the, the was 3 or the other and then me. so he and i wrote in the business and my younger brother was younger and 6 years younger, so he was gonna study,
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but my father said that no, the big side of it. and it's a said you should do something. but to you, you didn't have much step into wp effect fee or even one day, really. and you will not on the board or it's such a successful businessman and keep writing low profile. is that engagement in babies that going to have a larger than life profile and people is the thing that i have a very active b. uh hm. but because that's both i speak very openly. so the journalist like that to them, and then also the whole and incidental became a much larger me in the piece that was one of the very few. i mean they were very few indian brands and then back into my business, right. i mean the, like, there was only v i p, but even in the, in parents and do it. but most of it was dominated by multinational. is that not directed a lot of attention? right. and because i'm really kidding, i would speak my mind and even criticize anybody. i want the government, some big industrialists also, and so have a shame, quite popular. the 9, these are the difficult needed for us because of the various government policy then
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of the world of suffering a little bit. and the technician will vary the commodity perfect expiration of very high all the use of the indian economy game on to our business. so then the or not so much in the limelight and then of we again, saturday, extremely relevant. the 2008 a. and after that, i mean, it was accepted b, i, b while there, you know, we're not doing something radically new over here just really and keeping a little market leadership and all. and then the whole canvas had become very large . so i'm still there, but it does not, i mean, but i have never asked for anyone to give a big my interview or no, probably we have a happy to have him vacated privilege to. i'm really happy to be with you. so how much plus the brand of the business been going to boost of that off his brand in india now it is brand know really helps. but ultimately your product has to be very good. and your other business, main business aspects that it has to be cost effective. you know,
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marketing distribution is very important. me a brand good, scrub, higher price of the same thing, which is on branded products that sells it, that much lower price. and what is it that brand ultimately is the personality of the product? in marketing, we have that. okay. there's sometimes that compared us that what is real bad? now you get off, are you as zebra? are you a hard, are you a lie? and so, but validate threads, so it'd be that also some aspects how you define, you know, what are you known as we will define isn't market segmentation. market segmentation means that any product is not just one market. and the most common example is automobiles and all that about then market sleigh at the very top, you have the luxury brands like most of the bmw blue and the and the very bottom you have the, the model b as though even in model the they have about 70 market segments. so in luggage, one of our biggest successes in $78.00 was that we had started off with what both known as the plastic and they would that will,
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that will leave the product later on. we made it to be, i'd be glad to introduce this slightly expensive product. what has changed now about about india? so, you know, we have a more free market economy. we have an open economy declaration of not so high in the eighty's. the commodity taxation on us was about 35 percent excise duty. and on top of that, there was the sales fix of 15 percent and then most of these demos of troy. so i've been monthly out of ascending price nearly say 35 percent was or even 45 percent or this from the selling price was spec session. and if you dig 35 percent on selling price, it is about more than 50 percent on the cost. okay. 35 percent of 100 is $3335.00 and the cost is $65.00. hm. but $35.00 or $65.00 is more than 50 percent. so then that is a lot of tax the vision and the it was it absolutely cut up society, the whole government policy,
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the man. so i think the men who insure to cut option. so there is so much of a fax, the vision from the small skills like the other, not any high big product. so we will cut between the 2 and they're not enough enough for both. automobiles is a high tech product and nobody can just make automobile or any small machine. obviously, even though you might go to but like a washing machine. but the luggage is very, very simple, and pretty, pretty fios off. i would existence so by it 90. anyone could make some grand, also like the what same luggage of the us, i mean we put in waco that if the okay and, and bill is the used to be the epi sent off all this number to business. i mean, and then the people who don't even pay for the follow up because they would stand up out of north north taxation. nothing under the gutters. right. the government. well, i mean, not openly and cottage, but yeah, i mean, everybody with the had them love, you know, and the best subject that i've done them. and so all that used to affect us the what in the midst of everything, i mean it was built in the industry,
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but it was all you did not buy this back. so building sector who did the technician is only about 10 percent. and the news of government have grown so much with this gsp model. and i mean, the palm of this body just decided with the gsp, but just do the best thing that happened to the country and use the, the gene, the declaration of the game. is it all over the early ninety's, the goldman that said that be sure to move to a dsp texas the dsp. what happens is that you don't pay tax on tax lego a little bit with excise due damage to the production tax. and then the, the sales fix. let us say on this, on the door to the product base, which is about 15 percent. the 15 percent is also on the 35 percent production tax return in gsp, whatever you have paid like the net but it is it 10 percent. but what back so you have paid in the on now, you know, to all my data and all that that is all set against the it didn't percent and it's
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very effective. government does look at the very bottom. it is collecting taxes. no, i mean, why is this economy chance and the last it yes, in india because the tax money has been in the tax amount has gone up by 5 times and all over the ring spend your dish has to be there is no good option. no, they don't ask for me so that they've gone to the one statement. it'd be by the end of the money wasn't being filled at another. depends on shipment or any of us payment. is that collecting motor avenue? that's a 5 times and this spending 4 times the most because if the percent does not stolen so that much more money is being spent and you can see it in the country. so you're thinking of an individual audra set of individuals who decide. let's do this so that the country can flourish of calls or the government. that's the top level. it makes all the need to, i mean, we don't have either like, or the g. i mean it's phenomenal and i'm not saying it. yes, because i'm supporting it. even all the fish, the in the there are many industrialist and low for live fish to bed. you're not
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a famous not, and will be, you believe, have either 5 minutes. but these are great support. the movie they come to my friend. well, actually a very good businessman as a supporter of us, the more difficulties following the best policy is for the business and that the economy a buyer become. i mean number 5 in the world by the biggest economies you specifically is making india. uh, do you think we have been successful in actually doing that? we are getting there it is. i do. i was one of the my company was a big beneficiary of not making an idea. okay. because at one time, i think one only had become so badly manage that again because of the small scale and all uh, we put in, compete with them. so the money and bolting everything from china and the congress lucky they reduce the rates of beauty. they bought duty when they started in 4001 consumer goods into india were not allowed to be imported at all. it has been,
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they are 2001. and because of all, live fairly, the policies of the independence they were banned. i think in 1956 or something, no consumer good for a lot of info. so they were 1st allowed to lean 2001. and then all the slug gates of china were open. and then the import duty also was reduced to 15 percent, which i think will go against the country. i benefit it because i was getting very good, productive product that of 15 percent in the small skin industrials with tax evading industrial. and so, but not the, i mean could be better than that. so they would also importing everything from china. and even if they read veteran 15 percent, even if they read half of it, the defense was only 77 percent. so that was nothing and it will not in the benefit of india. mm. so i'm very happy now they slightly reduce the mean to improve continued. so they don't do 2 different people said, and we have to make an india. in fact, we have so much and i'm super interested that no manufacturing about it but didn't
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really imports. ready be like sports, so this isn't all like software, so if the population is so large that we have to be all around, we have to be very good in agriculture, we have to be very good. and so because we have that as a fantastic thing, what does opened up in india? mm. and one of the reasons why services have become so big. so this is meaning basically software, you know, computer software, we explore something like nearly $200000000.00. and all that is value added the new exported big style. if let's say it's $400.00 worth of expense, the value added is only about 50 for the last page. it does all the content and then everything else could you build it, but supposedly importing that all diamonds annually exporting the final product. so the expected value added is only about 35 percent and the rest is important but didn't soft read. 100 percent is exported. so that's a very good benefit for the country,
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but in the us population is so much that we cannot ignore manufacturing devil unless a manufactured on, you know, in india and we have everything to manufactured in india. i mean, we'll do that and try another, not bidding. yeah, absolutely. you have to love to follow good policy that. i mean, it's something you cannot do overnight, do it. good me, some people good to say that, okay, you're still importing all the components and the value added is only 1520 percent . but you have to start with that, like in mobile phones and already explore the mobile phone or when they make it in india, the value added in the beginning was only 25 percent. now it's one up to 50 percent of you still don't mix any kind of those in india, but now in the next 5 years we'll have that also so that you cannot do everything in one day and ultimately everything depends on money. as jenna tell you is to say that i've picked and they have to push in a i means unless you have a man, the least thing strong, you cannot do anything with the military. but that is the standards of living of
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the people. you have to be financially strong. i mean, look at what has happened with bucket spawn ever since that this started does not make policy is going to the end of the edited. then i think of 1917 now you know, in the these and then the army is taking over everything and i'll make it on the run businesses. and i, at the end of the day so, so, so many of the light on usa had been chinese, they didn't all but the economy has become in very bad shape the pockets done as always, we much of it your country. then in india, you see the, this is all the way that it should. and if you start from europe and england is the best and most part of the nation and then select no europe, independence, hello fisher, right? you have that frequency. so as you come to the east, you'll become both of simpler up his border, then western europe and then some of those. so he is further than central europe and the that is for that. and then west asia then focus on and then like the
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restaurant part of your and as much richer than the eastern bundle dish is even like, big goal is even for me. so at the time of independence, if there was one risk buckets, i move $1.00 to day. a bundle of dish has to be connected to each other and in the, in the forward very badly building folded. and it's model is the same, but block, the sun is point $75.00 of india economy, economy strength of the main strength. and so all this data doesn't mind all also front block the sun itself because that they don't have money. now, even trying to sort of stop everything and helping them. so now what did you guys realize is that we have to big the economies strong. and only if you have money, can you give it to the board and then it has not to be solid. so i think we have not had such that. i mean i'm going to look if it is really happening in india, you obviously the lot of books have of would issue 3 the. yeah. and that makes,
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i have not let them know wilson. so i think $5040.00 is so what do you, do you have, you know, all the non fiction, even novel would have to be on. uh and so on fact, there was a very famous i forget the face today about dogs of water nigeria and all. yeah. frederick flushed it that fairly close later and michael is the new on you. it seems today the body with the jewish about is what i noticed a lot of spectral, based on history on this political. the fact that you have a veteran of ok. this nation. those incentive performing art gallery. you yeah. of interest in that in 1987 lost in 87. the good. i'm an art gallery that is a specialist and the performing arts. it was sort of a fresh sponsored by the fact outs and they are the video trending piece of land given by the government for the at 91 point. and the funding i'm gonna leave is mostly this place. and then i saw the there was the mr. john,
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you to pop off the young about that of who may have about who may blow up. i was a building on the founder of back. i'm a little back to making a v s, but then they were very close to that. that of okay. he made me it's on seminole or something small, so i mean i and he was quite impressed with me. so let me ask me, really responsive is the gallery, me and i really happy that it, but the very large about me and to be associated with that that. and then all i was very big privilege for me. so we started in $87.00. as of it was a 6 and the photographic studies, and i was invested in for the fee. so we started that. and then just the last day of last month, they approached me that before the gallery needs that no vision and all that happened, they did that. and then they said, the shell, rename it after us at a very glad to be more than one. but you also advocated for the digitalization of, of the artwork. that is this. yes. so they're doing a lot of things,
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but now i would, i'd noticed what is happening. i think i have in the last, uh, video of, of the business digitalization of what the cameras. mm. they really want us to go to a camera exact so that all concept of photography is changed, right? as an art form of, of, of, of this. so for the photograph and all right, so now i think the after the slightly it in the gallery, because the little this will be a long waiting list for the gallery, one years and years. mm. and i don't run it. it's done by the national and c p a. yeah. because of you know, this whole is it goes to the photos not being there and i think it's gone down as an out from any. so i think a little bit over the invention has to be done. we've been incomplete under the is of independence in 2047 when you see, and yeah, i think, and there really definitely become a developed country. and if it hadn't been for more, the g or somebody else, like more, busy with that thing is not so easy. we would have just been struggling in the even if you're talking terms of per capita income in this book,
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every day income is only about $2500.00 in the us and invested in europe in the country that at about 526-0000 single part of the $80000.00, the purchasing power of india is much more than uh, it's about 6 times more than of the wish. and this purchasing power to applies only for the motor common goods. let's say for dig, middle, or you know, food, groceries and all that. so what bus one, download an indemnity cost $6.00 times in the us. so to invest in, you know, to add to $5000.00 per capita income. you at a sort of there is no forward fee. so now i just showed the statement, so by the payment it's the at the end of 5 years, and i think i heard it right that we will eliminate forward the extreme forward. but we have to accept all the weaknesses. then i will study a little less and i bought into the public guy. so maybe i could be there if i have somebody that says people don't mean you address, i would and important getting involved. and i told them that when the assessors
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form that, i think 1924 by it give me you said that when the british came to india, they had needed 5000 groups to compare the whole country and they didn't have to use them. so what did i do? the weakness of the in didn't know the look at the role that i put the been says they were fighting with each other and for the, for the purpose they were willing to sacrifice the country's interest. people don't talk about that, but you know, in 15 near the independence based, based on all fronts, in 1956, we had a great foreign exchange basis. and that economy was, in fact of, in 1960, we failed in chinese additional than october 6 people because in different alberto, that is the 1st function of indian government. and in 1965, it didn't have enough form. i mean, there's an agricultural country and we had to rely on those b l, for the shipments,
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you know, what can be more humiliating than that? and i remember in the 1965 boards and know there's gonna be focused on the deal. and so with this or did i you don't ask for the we, you know, entry level but he was the administrator in the videos for making cumulate us. but we have gone that far. we have come far from where we were. oh yes. and i mean, we have paid the possibilities high when big a good in my life is that eventually i was born about 2050. i think that on i will not be around in for a day for the cyber. no, no. these are the best you are located. yeah. wow. and i will have both of us. maybe i don't see it. so both the but i'm a great optimist. i happened to me the, the hard know is the neighbors and they go to and i'm leaving the blue band. and i still say that earlier on in the seventy's there's to be so many projects coming in . the newspaper that this grandfather do going to take this and this has never
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happened. it was always on the paper event for the later on and nobody. and so it'd be all caught used to it. the all the, that things this one doesn't have it in our country. you know what to do and actually seeing things happen. and today i see a lot of buckets on tv also, and it's now showing them in deals and new tables. so they have the same people and in fact they were slightly as a lot higher, better in the, in the front of me than us, but before, 2 years ago. and nothing is happening there. and even when we had the work up and like the have 50 stadiums in india all over in the 70, the thing would happen. so now the things that have been, you know, that it so the, so for those, it's a good feeling of joy that by clinton, diaz said, thank you, sir. thank you so much, mr. the. and thank you for watching. joining me next week for the at the end of the intimate and inspiring debate. and let's stop to scott the
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take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us tired vision with to real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the same rock just don't you have to shape house because after and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves boils,
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the parts we choose to look so common ground the of the, after the nazis bower in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito, mussolini needed glorious victories. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa . despite the fact that formally libya had become an italian colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this, but as the religious order of the senate side stood in their way, the arabs did not want to submit before and power and put up fears, resistance, dividers against colonialism were led by the seats of this genocide order omar l
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move star was nicknamed the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and voice and gas usage, mass deportations, and the imprisonment of the local population in concentration camps, the invaders could not cope with the arrow patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l move star was captured and sentenced to hanging at the trial. the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon? pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress libya, 18th of the entire population. more than 100000 people fell victim to their. however, just a few years later, the entail you enroll, collapsed. in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence the both of these contributor even
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if we pd, what's the story ok, school level don't use it for is mostly the she's gonna need to look for the style sheet. miller, or collected steep it to for could be susceptible to discuss the dizzy on this before they have to do these. pretty sure the theme you create, excuse that are new splits historical stories of disposable cleaning, some doors and not say i thought i would have done conflicting the thoughts about the shooting of centuries ago. your forebears name, this country ukraine or frontier because your steps blink, europe, and asia, the ukrainians, that become frontiersman of another story. the
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people will be able to sing the songs, whichever hides most of them. there's always, you know, going to jump to the most goals. they would have been there and i said one of the heavily beverages coleman joe probably then you post bouquets gift to suck you the will have to okay. and the stuff on the the cards are expensive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you,
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i'm comfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say the other way, not the right. it says the brother printer was or up at the moment. this is just simply sleepers associated with me. the last name was name is read, it was can when we used to live, imagine we have some more for someone who has this. we, which i need people to the,
12:00 pm
the, the grades, nato risk to some number of states vehemently oppose plans to at least weapon supplied by the blog deep into russian territory they bore. and that is a rogue not so well. of course, if we cannot contain 2 more psychosis that is developed in brussels, these years will be written as episodes of a great european world war. the ability at the latest, like on rock that kills at least 45 people, despite the international court of justice, ruling the dsl must spend china. so many opposes the us playing the taiwan causes a us to ligation vis.


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