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tv   News  RT  May 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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in welcome to the cost of full force. here we discussed some real in the great natures. late seligman mistakes are in quarterly opposed plans for the books weapons to be used to attack the deep interruption. tire tree supporting its a road map to a world war 3. if we cannot contain delores psychosis that is developed in brussels, these years will be written as episodes of a great european world war, the b or the old one for kids, at least 45 people. despite the international court of justice, reading the assault muscle and the china family poses the
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us playing the taiwan cons is an american delegation visit type page focusing on, on military assistance. the very welcome to the news that we're here at all to international packed program to get through the next 30 minutes. we're going to start with the fact that several in you, member states, all sounding the alarm that a cataclysmic one, the content is just moving. it comes off to nature's chief in stilton, but made a server to appeal for the west to allow t f to use form weapons to attack russia's hotlines. it's at least a not stilton big as dangerous mine a business. you know what i have at least mine is dangerous because he talks about the 3rd world war. his talk of western european and italian weapon striking and killing in the heart of russia seems very, very dangerous and reckless to me. so whoever can sit still can see that these
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comments are, of course, in response to statements that we've heard for nato countries, basically to allow that the weapons or to donate to ukraine to be used to strike russia shocking, of course. and this originally came from the secretary general of nato, during an interview, and then quickly it was picked up by the parliamentary assembly fast forward. a few days later we have this declaration being issued that was voted by most of the members in there. but of course, the government and so all of nato countries that makes up decisions like you have these parliamentarians and the secretary general argent natal countries to allow us so that ukraine is able to strike with emotion and actually rush. i had a very clear response and reaching to hear that from the russian foreign minister, who said guys, you to remember that nato is an organization and it's not up to one that it's built in that it was a stilton burke has already been slammed by nato members themselves in particular
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by italian diplomats and i doubt that the secretary general can take on such responsibility by speaking on behalf of block members. when this topic has not yet been discussed within the framework of nato, i mean not at the level of the secretary it and the secretary general, but within the block, which includes the member countries. and he allows himself to speak on their behalf . i think he overstepped his jurisdiction. so the words came out in the declaration came out and then quickly we saw young fulton but started starting so back tried because of course that was a lot of backlash. and a lot of people afraid that this would lead to world war 3, because fulton, for, can say all he wants up, this is in his soul to deescalate the conflict. but of course, this is having the opposite effect. and he quickly started to back track said, well, no, this wouldn't be nato striking a rough shot. this would be crazy. it's up to you crane to do what it wants with those weapons. when we have delivered to weapons to ukraine, it's actually not ours anymore. it's through trans us and said they have the right
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to self defense and the right of self defense into it's also a thing, legitimate mentor targets outside your printer. and also in the inertial we try, you know, a year basis which door for uses to attack. no install, some work has been secretary general for 10 years. this term is common to and then maybe this is reckless behavior. maybe he wants to leave world war 3 behind. doesn't like to see who knows. but what we do know is that a lot of people have spoken out about this and said that this is very dangerous, reckless. there are those to realize that this is very serious and could lead to world war 3. and those countries are spain. germany were heard from the spanish prime minister. we heard from what was it, the german prime minister, the italian prime minister before that. and also the find gary administer is urgent for people to stop. because again, this could lead to world war 3. then what june could you, who it cannot be ruled out that if things take a turn for the worse, and we cannot contain 2 more psychosis that is developed in brussels. if we cannot
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pull european politics out of this war vortex, it is possible that these years will be written as episodes from the 1st one or 2 years of a great european world war. so what will happen remains to be seen. there is a summit coming up in july in washington, nato summit where they will just discuss this. and also there are other questions surrounding the $100000000000.00. and they package military a nato has promised, and there are countries and nato countries say, this is slightly confusing. where are we planning to get this money? how we're going to spend, and also their reservations. in general, we're here from some of the cranes closest allies within nato, about this idea and moving forward. and again, the last statement we've heard from the nato chief of course, and everyone in suspense saying, hey, you need to slow down because we're approaching dangerous waters. here. of the independent journalists, nuclear of it says stilton bugs, arguments to green light, western weapons being used against russia simply don't fit the blocks defensive
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framework. this is an attempt at perfect the ball proceed and it doesn't work. sorry, it was the sultan bar to try to find the dollar explanation. obviously, we are calculate insurance us here in western europe and in america, of course, we are cold. well, insurance with ukraine, we provide arms to ukraine. we provide offensive and small defensive offensive barnes. and so this is all righty to the limit, but now with his decorations about a bullying level, using the weapons provided by the west to attack russia back is going a step too far and rush hour. we got to clearly and missed a good thing or rush a whole was does what it says and says, quiet jobs. you know, it's clear comfortably to, to nato and on. that would be reaction. and that's
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a funny thing, cuz things that, that all installed in the back is recommended to allow the brains to use the west and weapons to attack russia. i hope it stays at that well, while the nature chief is cooling for the use of western weapons to attack russia, the same weapons proving in effective on the battlefield. some us high precision items now that are being supplied to cradle vulnerable, apparently, a electronic wolf. this is according to to classified equating and reports as well. the reports from the washington post to reveal the russian interference has greatly decrease the accuracy of some of these american made munitions ukrainian military command to say that as a result, troops have stopped using these weapons. the report focuses on the american, made ex gallup, a $155.00 millimeter guided artillery shell, and a grand launched schools. i am a to inform. russia has deployed electronic move fast systems around headquarters,
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and also command center is that it believes could become talk itself ukrainian precision weapons. these systems create so much interference of the drum, not gps signals. the other one has gone. dig scholars targeting software will pull him up, had to go on policy unless michael maloof says the russian is ability to disable american weapons. supply to quain, undermine the effectiveness of those items being provided by the west is having this mass of jamming, which is an electronic warfare which russia promised to enhance as a major impact on the side precision weapons. and we're going to see that across the board, that the through trial and error, the russians have determined what was left the bandwidth is and all that and, and figured out how to jam these weapons. and hi, maurice was also very effective. now look at the effectiveness of uh, of,
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of the jamie tour time. ours are the ability to, uh for, for the rest as to what i knock, knock out the hi mars. so this, these are uh, cumulatively, this is having an impact on the effectiveness of the, of what the west is providing and, and, and particularly for any long range capabilities. again, they're, they're, they're being in a defensive mode already, but they're, it's going to make them even less effective because they're being paid on multiple products. and they're in the form of us warm ability to over welm, whatever the capabilities and, and insights that the ukrainians might have. well, and as the west looks to run up the conflict in ukraine, regardless of the fact that cubes had huge choices, the streets you ukrainian cities are becoming desolate. social media has been flooded with videos of empty streets and roads. this is all stuff. so landscapes,
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government approved and new conscription new earlier this month. so the amount of and military personnel are also avoiding wearing the uniforms in public. this is according to a ukrainian officer here, says civilians the steering clear of men with visible connections to the army. it seems as if it's not what the hell is. this was when i was leaving for the front in 2022 was back in 2023. i was hugged and kissed children, came up to me, gave me bracelets and some flowers. now everyone turns away from me, i deliberately take the subway and people that turn away, they were afraid of me. what the hell is this? what am i fighting for? and so the people who wouldn't be afraid of me, i'll tell you my point of view and those fighting on the front, when people recruited in the streets by buses come to our trenches. what should we do with them? they say that they wipe fights and now in training centers, they again say that they won't fight somebody will dis,
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ukrainian distrust and then military is not unfounded. there's but 2 german being snatched off the streets for military service and that's been circulating widely online. in addition to that, ukraine has tightened his control and reserves, and it's being ramping up sanctions against draw dodges will display the forced mobilization some ukrainians are risking illegal border crossings to try and get in to rumania. this includes trying to cross the to the river, but this is a powerless to any with at least 32 bodies. recently we called within the area, but experts think the body come could be much higher. this is because the river is fast flowing. it's listed with obstacles in full and trees. and while some online video, ukrainian men dressed as women in public places across the country. this is because they're apparently trying to disguise themselves to avoid being drafted. some local
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shops say that they've even started to do a few selling weeks to men, so i think would is from mobilization authorities and while ukrainians continue to try and escape conscription a hash tag, i am a draft. dodger has gone viral across social media of ukrainians. lucky enough to leave the country stuff and posting videos of the lives of broad that we spoke with for sydney pro, sorta of who's a former ukranian security service officer who said being conscripted to the ukraine. you know, i mean no means such and deaf or disability. let's see. the population react negatively because behind the korea media reports, they see that you, that, that is also so numerous cemeteries and you can see to start growing like crazy. more and more people are coming back disabled or the same time, the c officials, law enforcers, who feel great are in huge money, dr. expensive cause,
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so naturally dis, concerned as brewing among the people. perhaps this will lead to some, some disobedience in protesting. let's do, 1st of all, this is prove that people have the sink of self preservation nowadays, mobilize ation 3 korean. now me equals death or disability perfectly in 100 percent of the cases because very little time is given to trading and usually consuming soldiers. they're simply thrown into about approximately, from the get go. such a soldier has little chance to survive for the mainland homes. not you. the people are trying to avoid such a fate, including trying to stay on the streets. international community has strongly condemned. the overnight is very striking, cause this most pull really, pope related. den sweet city. in rafa, it's kind the lines of at least $45.00 civilians who are sheltering in the area with the palestinian authority. and egypt have labels is why the attacks is being
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deliberate in that talk. attain of civilians of the ministry of foreign affairs strongly condemns the heinous domestic committed by his raise. the occupation forces last night following the targeting of the 10 so forcibly displaced people north west of rafa, which resulted in dozens of mosses with bodies split into pieces who died in the intense, foaming, and from severe bony egypt condemns. in the strongest terms, the deliberate bombing by his really forces of the tents of displaced persons in the palestinian city of ruffled which resulted in hundreds of casualties, an injured among the displaced and defenceless palestinians. this comes in or repeated and late in violation of the provisions of international humanitarian law as well. just the warning because of the following images that were about to show you a film just moments off the dot strike and you may find them to staffing will
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be area previously designated as a safe stone to display civilian shows widespread step space. and this is software blaze written through the incompetent, despite the fact that the international court of justice has me. that is, well, most holt, it's offensive all the city i'm withdrawal from the old life is where the forces have carried out since 6, the rates of rasa. since that decision was made, the audience claims that stripe is legal, but local officials in garza say, israel committed suicide in an area. it's a designated as being say, well, the tents that have been sheltering displaced the palestinians, which is soon to the ground and the only encompassing fire that follows the strike local authorities. both the one to the death toll which currently stands. 45 may rise as bodies from the side to identify people who survived the attack because her risk moments not, and none of them. 3 odds, a shadow,
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i guess i was on the way when suddenly i heard the sound of the rug and the plays glowed. there were to me silence, and then the fire broke cabinet and had it. when we arrived, we found the bodies had been burnt and mutually, and we were unable to identify a relatives. we worked for 3 hours to extinguish the fire. and when it finally subsided, and the area was completely burnt, people gathered here and the ambulance came. the whole thing with it on me comes, this is the place where my relatives were located and the idea of study was safe and suddenly it was no longer safe. and i'll say i there know how much leaders here instead there on, on individuals and children, about 6 families and just thought about the then another off to the sounds. it seemed to print a powerful explosion hit the heavier i rushed to the scene and discovered that the area was on fire and that my cousin's relatives were open and we began retrieving bodies as soon as possible and the gods. but i said, well, we discussed the situation in rough or with the goals and acts of this month. so
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schumann and he says people that just desperate and it is unlikely, the situation will improve any time seeing people who are to actually choose to that area to that blog. and people thought that that was a safe destination as directed by the idea right now, as we speak about, still being one part of it. and it's city center, as we speak right now is really forces are from the south and from the east. slowly closing in on to civilians in the tents and people do not know what to do or we have to go. i feel that yes, i am physically here, but i really sometimes wish i stayed back there. i feel that these people the whole world has,
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is forgetting about them and that the people and the news are slowly normalizing that. and this shouldn't happen whenever the ice c g makes reading. asking, is there any forces to stop that tax? to lower the escalation. that's a new one, his work governments, the double down and the increase the strikes as if it's a message to the 3 world out there that we don't care. when i want to more companies come to the 8 of us damian's to win up. at a more superpower say, you know, if there's enough, you find that it's in your home and the government, together with the backing of the u. s. continued to escalate. whether it's in the off, in the northeast or in the middle. well, meanwhile, a segment over temporary pay that was recently built by the us on the gauze and show has ended up on is really big just to being washed away by
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a storm washington. you may recall spent some $320000000.00 on setting up the pay to receive humanitarian aid shipments. well, its construction was completed by the us military just less than 2 weeks ago. despite the segments being tuned all the rest of the pay. it does remain fully functional. this is according to the pentagon or the pier was expected to welcome more a shipments because that soon not towing it is rejecting the mission of the us delegations visit to taiwan off the it . so we will make is we have fund mandatory support bushings for ministry spokes person is urging the us to stop interfering in china's internal affairs doing something different. the china firmly opposes the us, maintaining military interaction with taiwan and our main time. and then we are just a concerned us lawmakers to stop playing the taiwan card interfering and try those
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internal affairs supporting and condoning the separate us forces of taiwan independence, undermining china, english relations and peace and stability in the taiwan strait. he wouldn't be. well, washington is bound to provide the territory with modern weapons to oppose by jane leaving a weapon supplies to go to ukraine. this is, according to the head of the us allegation, to taiwan. you'll confirm that a $2000000000.00 military aid package for the island is on its way. a tie one don't like ukraine will be getting new weapon systems, not old ones, especially own russian weapons. it will be a new stock that will be supplied to tie one so far away. this technology is, by the way, i think the majority that package being held up the most, most of that are the sixty's when the american delegations visit. com was just off the 2 days of chinese military drills around taiwan. beijing has
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a real got the use of force, but it said it always wants to have a peaceful solution to the time on issue. canadian gen this alex report defies. says michael mccaul is amongst those in washington who are using the island as a proxy against china. all he has to do is head on up to new york and see does ty, one have a seat in the united nations, which they don't. and this is a gentleman that thinks it's just fine to pump $2000000000.00 of more heads onto an island. uh that belongs to china, which is absolutely reckless. you know, i want to go back and talk about the joint communicate that was established in uh, january 1st of 1979, where it clearly stated in america would not try to arm this island at all. it also says that, you know, in the community, in 1979 that both wish to reduce the danger of international military conflict.
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it's going against everything that the united states had negotiated back then. uh, does this up the ad t? yes, this is american play book of you know, bomb bully or bank rep nations. this is what 3 used to this is the playbooks. they've had a failed. uh, you know, x, as i said in uh in the ukraine and their proxy word that they're fighting their has a field dramatically. so they're moving onto the next show in the next show is the taiwan strait u. k. has temporarily loan 70 to roy, last to fax from its museum collections, to go into. these are treasures that will lead to buying purchase soldiers in the 19th century. i the argument to a who helped me do you want me to fight loading agreement says restrictive rules in the u. k. of them is what preventing any permanent return of the going at trashes.
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there were some constraints. we wanted a permanent return on the updates, but under the circumstances we could not get what we wanted. because there are 2 constraining laws in that you keep that do not allow for mentor 10 of august to the countries of origin. and these laws, i've been around for a long time and now we've been talking about these of this for half a century. we started using evolution. so about half a century ago, talking to deal with tardies of other channel. these are just and less than q model of these discussions and negotiations. so we thought that was to wait for a bit of time to come. we will take advantage of what was available that was a close within the low in the u. k. that allows for learning of, i guess, 2 countries. and so what that was watching, we update for the 9 miles that we had in negotiations. well,
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golden silva and suffice from the victoria now. but i also purchased museums collections have been sent to go into on this long term loan that they was stolen from the king's court, known as the assault to hand a during conflicts between the british and powerful sounds. the people, the go name, can you go see is the loan which will last for some 3 years with your option to extend 3 years more low cost thing. so, but the, all it's back should remain in the home line. it's very important because um these are provides the loan to us and we need to hold them like really needs to belong in the news to come back home. i don't think it is free for just to someone's belonging to send in and and limits them would low. no, i don't think it is a good idea. it must be involved with a story and,
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and political science professor samuel, i do gram fee says they isn't need to begin pushing the butcher systems to return the spoils of centuries of polluting. and unfortunately these relics, these other thoughts are not going to stay on forever. which are just not people do belong to any doctor. so one thing that we need to resolve, i think the puzzlement is that for the past 2 years, also various of santa came from for the 2nd 19 thirty's, up to hawaii. the 2nd on 450 to the 2nd, the current assigned to any of the ways and moves to ensure that these up to 5. so give to end. unfortunately, we do not how big the we, we offer 12 hub, and that is why we need to have this conversation. there is a need to begin to push that, but this systems and these pushes for them to understand that if you plug that
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state route s date and we've come contents to what belongs to us bach, we go to after we seem to say as i salute it must come back to us to, i mean, you know, as some 285 purchases in the capital have been released off the a brief arrest. this is crimes cold for the countries prime minister to resign for green to see bland, neighboring as the find shown. the scuffles are up to date in the capital city of yeah, refiners, protests is blocked, a major highway along with several of the streets. police reported we use t a gas against some of the demonstrators, local authorities say, but they have now cleared off the roads. will archbishop,
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but by good i have to go, stay on is a top religious figure in the all menial church. and one of the pro chess stages, he's called the citizens to rally against prime is the passion, young apart from holding on, meaning citizenship, the clerical. so has a canadian passport, some protest as well to see the archbishop replace passion young in office. of the meanwhile, protests in that georgian demonstrators were seen waving e u in american flags while marching through the capital streets. and those were written in english and cooling on the parliaments, transparency initiative, autocratic you officials have one of the georgia block membership page could be scrapped if the country adults, the company, more news that that's what we've got. that's the, that's what you can see. the, at the moment, you know, many of those protests in georgia as well. yes. so we've had lots of issues down in
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the corpus regions at the moment. okay. well with this, what seems the beginning of 2022. there was a strong interest in having georgia open the 2nd from here to which we've had seriously done much impressions of positions on. and it would not have been easy for russia to fight them to front sort of product. all these would have destroyed our country. some people didn't care about the fate of our country. it was the only thing they cared about was weakening russians. position was that this is what we spoke with. the seriana analysis found mid least textbook. this is kimball going last and about the similarities in the purchase. we'd be seeing, you know, i mean, yeah. and also in georgia, and the reason why the west just keeps silent when it comes to people in this content in europe on is actually the most later, as in the company, the lafayette, of,
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and they are running against the aspirations of the armenian government. that has nothing to do with it, it says between you and the nature line. therefore, there is no interest at all to cover this case. unfortunately, in armenia and both cases are very similar, georgia and armenia, they both are former soviet union countries and, and this is the same american and european recipes has been applied to these 2 countries. i mean, although the american center europeans be for sometimes, and therefore their policy are pushed, but they are united in one thing and that they used to persuade the people of these 2 countries into moving toward the western block. what, unfortunately, and you click fussing and has done since 2018 has alienated armenia from its neighbors and also turned armenia against the restaurant. they went through the civilized salt and the cook is this, and they want to bring these huge him money off the americans into this region to these fees called them and the engine oil said they have interest rate, that the armina society as well as the georgia society well,
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at least 10 people have reportedly being killed in bangladesh in india. this is off the side court loan. remo cause severe flooding in the border region between the countries for change, as you can see here, this is one southern bind to that shows the devastation in the village is on the coast line. many fragile homes of impossible, completely destroyed that the flood protection embankments were swept away, installment supposed to be back to ation if needed. $800000.00 people for most vulnerable areas. case how some of the locals have been describing the situation. the head of the wind is extreme and the water is also upon us. although it's a little less impactful than previous psych loans. it is lasting longer than before . very bad, a cycle and destroyed the bank under so people leaving from bogie to give to our homeowners and there are no vehicles available on the road.


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