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tv   News  RT  May 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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the, the, the, the great nato split seldman, the states that really oppose funds to the books weapons to be used to attack the, into russian territory building. it's a roadmap to blue springs. if we cannot contain the war psychosis that is developed in brussels, these years will be written as episodes of a great european world. war is rare. department. it's a cool idea. a tragic accident goes to the international community, conducting the kidding of $45.00 and civilian plus china. apparently a part of the us playing the taiwan called us an american delegation visit to
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taipei promising to deliver knew what the needs and fees were across the globe. this is the news that we're coming to from almost go studios, great to happy changing in well, several of e u. member states saw sounding the alarm that a cataclysmic rule on the continent is moving. this comes off, the nature is chief and stilton back. made a fervent appeal for the west to a live. he asked use forward weapons to attack russia's hotlines. italy has denounced open book as a dangerous mind. i suppose you know what i have, and this man is dangerous because he talks about the 3rd world war. his talk of western european and italian weapons striking and killing in the heart of russia seems very, very dangerous and reckless to be. so whoever can sit still can see that these comments are, of course,
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in response to statements that we've heard for nato countries. basically to allow that the weapons or to donate to ukraine to be used to strike russia shocking, of course. and this originally came from the secretary general of nato, during an interview, and then quickly it was picked up by the parliamentary assembly fast forward. a few days later we have this declaration being issued that was voted by most of the members in there. but of course, the government and so all of nato countries that makes up decisions like you have this parliamentarians and the secretary general argent natal countries to allow so, so that ukraine is able to strike with emotional and natural. you've also had a very clear response. and we can hear that from the russian foreign minister, who said guys, you to remember that nato is an organization and it's not up to one. matt, built in the stilton burke has already been slammed by nato members themselves in particular by italian. diplomats. and i doubt that the secretary general can take
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on such responsibility by speaking on behalf of block members. when this topic has not yet been discussed within the framework of nato, i mean not at the level of the secretariat and the secretary general, but within the block, which includes the member countries. and he allows himself to speak on their behalf . i think he overstepped his jurisdiction. so the words came out in the declaration came out and then quickly we saw your thoughts about starting starting subtract tried because of course that was a lot of backlash. and a lot of people afraid that this would lead to world war 3, because fulton were, can say all he wants that this is sold to deescalate the conflict. but of course, this is having the opposite effect. so he quickly started to back track said, well, no, this wouldn't be nato striking russia. this would be ukraine. it's up to ukraine to do what it wants with those weapons. when we have delivered to weapons to ukraine, it's actually not ours anymore. it's through trans. and they said they have the right to self defense and the rights of self defense into it's also
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a thing legitimate mean to targets outside. okay. and also in the inertia we try, you know, a year basis which door for uses to attack. no install, some work has been secretary general for 20 years. this term is coming to and then may be. this is his reckless behavior. maybe he wants to leave world war 3 behind as a legacy. who knows? but what we do know is that a lot of people have spoken out about this and said that this is very dangerous, reckless. there are those to realize that this is very serious and could lead to world war 3. and those countries are spain. germany were heard from the spanish prime minister. we heard from what was it, the german prime minister, via tale and prime minister before that. and also the find darian minister is urgent for people to stop because again, this could lead to world war 3. then what june could you, who it cannot be ruled out that if things take a turn for the worse, and we cannot contain 2 more psychosis that is developed in brussels. if we cannot pull european politics out of this war vortex,
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then it is possible that these years will be written as episodes from the 1st one or 2 years of a great european world war. so what will happen remains to be seen. there is a summit coming up in july in washington, nato summit where they will just discuss this. and also there are other questions surrounding the $100000000000.00. and they package military a nato has promised, and there are countries and nato countries say, this is slightly confusing. where are we planning to get this money? how we're going to spend, and also their reservations. in general, we're here from some of the cranes closest allies within nato, about this idea and moving forward. and again, the last statement we've heard from the nato chief of course, and everyone in suspense saying, hey, you need to slow down because we're approaching dangerous waters. here. an independent journalist luke river, it says stilton bugs, all governments to green light, west and weapons being used against russia simply doesn't fit the blocks defensive
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framework. this is an attempt at perfectly bought because the edit doesn't work. sorry, it was the salt and go to try to find the miller explanation. obviously, we are calculate insurance. us here in western europe and in america. of course, we all cool, well insurance with ukraine, we provide arms to ukraine. we provide offensive and small defensive offensive bonds. and so this is already to the limit, but now with his decorations about a bullying level, using the weapons provided by the west to attack russia back is going a step too far and rush hour. we got to clearly and mr. poor thing or rush a whole was does while it says and says quiet jobs, you know, it's clear comfortably to, to mental and on that would be re x. and that's a very dangerous thing for stuff that on stall them back is recommended to allow
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the cravings to use west and weapons to attack russia. i hope it stays at that. and many of my call has been confronted by a french citizen on the street and asked why he's spending so much money to help. yes, a good spot to go. there is a big part of friends that is suffering at the moment. so how come we have millions who sent to you green, but nothing to give the french people? can you tell us? this is a serious issue with my brother that we do have public policies, and we do help a lot. friends is one of the countries that helps the most. i know there are people for whom it is very hard in ukraine. we are paying for our future, and it is normal that your beans over at wise are helping ukraine fronts has always the closer to them. and they're all right. but in the meantime, some french people are starving and 11000 bottles of champagne at the l. a. z policy or the for is this to defend ukraine? who is this for? i'm asking you the question. i think you don't realize that fuel costs to euro,
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do you realize that some people can't believe anymore to, to realize that mr. mccomb? i'll keep it simple. which french president a boost taxes you no longer have a housing tax? now, thanks to me. well, while you installed them designated, she phase calling for the use of western weapons to attack russia, the same weapons proving effective on the battlefield. some u. s. high precision homes and now being supplied to quite a new, apparently vulnerable to electronic wolf i. this is according to classified you cleaning reports, or their ports in the washington post to fulfill the russian interference as great a decrease the accuracy of some american made munitions, ukrainian military command. this a troops of special stop using them. the report focuses on the american made excalibur. a $155.00 millimeters had guided all tillery show on the ground,
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launched sits, moved them into foam rushes deployed to electronic will fast systems around headquarters in command centers, the could become targets of ukrainian precision weapons. now, these systems create so much interference that they drone, that gps signals, but guy, big scalable, is targeted software for my pencil and policy analysts, michael maloof says the russians ability to disable american weapons supply to quite undermine the effectiveness of the arms being provided by the west to having this massive jamming, which is the electronic warfare which russia promised to enhance as a major impact on the side precision weapons. and we're going to see that across the board, that the through trial and error, the russians have determined what was left the bandwidth is and all that and, and figured out how to jam the use of weapons. and hi,
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maurice was also very effective. now look at the effectiveness of uh, of, of the jamming tour time. ours are the ability to, uh for, for the rest as to what i knock, knock out the hi mars. so this, these are uh, cumulatively, this is having an impact on the effectiveness of the, of what the west is providing and everything, particularly for any long range capabilities. again, they're, they're, they're being in a defensive mode already, but they're, it's going to make them even less effective because they're being paid on multiple products. and they're in the form of us form ability to over welm, whatever the capabilities and, and insights that the ukrainians might have. does the west to run up the conflict in ukraine regardless of course of caps, losses the street. so you create new cities that becoming desolate. social media
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has been selected with these videos that you can see right now is empty streets and votes off the se landscapes, government approved, and you can scription little earlier this month. so the military personnel are also avoiding wearing that uniforms in public. this is according to a ukrainian officer who says civilians a steering clear of men with visible connections to the army, the closest of the phrase. now what the hell is this was when i was leaving for the front in 2022 was back in 2023. i was hubs and kissed children, came up to me, gave me bracelets and some flowers. now everyone, tons of way for me. i deliberately take the subway and people that kind of way, they were afraid of me. what the hell is this? what am i fighting for so that people at home wouldn't be afraid of me. i'll tell you my point of view and those fighting on the front, when people recruited in the street spied buses come to our trenches, what should we do with them? they say that they wipe fight and now in training centers, they again say that they won't fight somebody ukrainian distrust and then military
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is not on the funded footage of men being snatched off the streets for military service, of course being widely circulating online. and in addition to that, ukraine has tyson deputy control on reserve based on this run thing up. sanctions against drunk searches will display the fullest vocalizations. i mean, the courtney ends up being risking a legal border crossings trying to crossing to romania by the tis a rigid refund. now the journey is powerless. at least 32 bodies recently recovered in the area next. but say that the decimal creative, that'd be much higher business because the river is fast flowing and it's listed with full and trees and of the obstacles. now we've also got some online video showing ukrainian men dressed as women in public places across the country. this is their apparently trying to disguise themselves to avoid being drafted now. some
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local shops of all so apparently stalked into a few setting wigs to men, citing orders from mobilization authorities and while ukrainians try to escape conscription on mass the hash tag. i'm a draft, georgia has gone viral across the crating segment of take talk. this is off to those lucky enough to of less the country started posting video is if that peaceful lives support? well, we spoke with a former ukraine and security service officer who says joining the military, that now means sudden death or disability. the senior population reacts negatively because behind the korean media reports, they see that you, that, that is also so enormous cemeteries. and you can see this are growing like crazy. more and more people are coming back disabled. at the same time, they see officials, law enforcers who feel great or in huge money,
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dr. expensive cause, so naturally dis, concerned as brewing among the people. perhaps this will lead to some of some disobedience and protest moods. first of all, this is prove that people have the sink of self preservation. nowadays mobilization, do you create a now me equals this or disability? perfectly in 100 percent of the cases because very little time is given to trading and usually consuming soldiers. they're simply thrown into about approximately from the get go. such a soldier has little chance to survive for the mainland homes, not you. the people are trying to avoid such a fate, including trying to stay on the streets. there's really prime minister claims in the id x twice that kills at least $45.00 display civilians in the goals and the city of russell was not intentional. in the, in rough um we have already evacuated about a 1000000 non involved residents. and despite our best efforts not to harm the non
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involved, unfortunately, a tragic accident happened last night. we are investigating the case. we will present the conclusions because this is our policy is on the new trauma, i just want to give it warning because the following images were filmed just moments off to that strong kitchen. you may find them stopping. i will put a to me area previously designated a safe zones with displace, if in english is wind sprites deposition, because operate plays roofing through the encampment. that despite the international court of justice rooting, the israel muscle holds its defensive on the city and withdrew from the own place. is where the forces have carried that 60 arabs on rafa since that decision was made . local officials in gauze, i say, is, well, has committed a slaughter in the area. well, tenants that were sheltering displaced,
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palestinians would send it to the ground and not all encompassing 5 at full at the slight local authorities have won the death toll could actually rise from the car and pick a 45 as bodies of the sites are identified. people who suffice the attack, we call the horrific movement. it hits the 9 up into the shadow. i guess i was on the way when suddenly i heard the sound of brook and the plays glowed. there were 2 nissans and then the fire broke out. and when we arrived, we found the bodies had been burnt and mutually, and we were unable to identify a relatives. we worked for 3 hours to extinguish the fire. and when it finally subsided, and the air was completely burned, people gathered here and the ambulance came. the whole thing with it on me, this is the place where my relatives were located and the idea of city was safe and suddenly it was no longer safe. there know how much the leaders here. instead there
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on, on individuals and children. about 6 families. just thought about the then another off to the sunset going to print a powerful explosion hit the area. i rushed to the scene and discovered that the area was on fire and that my cousins relatives will open and we began retrieving bodies as soon as possible in the process of the international community has strongly condemned the deadly strike both the policy and in the sovereignty and egypt tap labels is really a tax is deliberately targeting civilians of the ministry of foreign affairs strongly condemns the heinous domestic committed by his raise. the occupation forces last night following the target. seeing that the 10 so forcibly displaced people north west of rafa, which resulted in dozens of mosses with bodies, split into pieces who died in the intense, foaming, and from severe bony egypt condemned. in the strongest terms, the deliberate bombing by as really forces of the tents of displaced persons in the
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palestinian city of ruffled which resulted in hundreds of casualties and injured among the displaced and defenceless palestinians. this comes in repeated and late in violation of the provisions of international humanitarian law. well, let's get some reaction to this story now with independent journalist charlie boyle, who's joining us. charlie, thanks for coming to speak to us here. and i'll tell you, i just want to ask you really today now, since we have that stripe on rafa. 45 civilians that, that, that's toll is very likely to rise. there's been huge international condemnation is well, has nowhere to hide. and now we've got benjamin netanyahu coming often saying this was a tragic accident. do you think that this incident could be a turning point on? we could see next to the all who possibly suspending the assault in rafa? because obviously that condemnation now is coming from old courses. yeah, science not to be on charlotte. as for accessing as a journalist, as, as
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a human being, i mean, i say these things over time across my choice of fatal x space. and in that still sex me but to now i find it a pretty strong team that you know, this outbreak seems to have commented on the recently that it's been going on the other half the now and i think back to the opening days of the cycles conflict, whatever you want to call it. when i was on c live with laurie amongst others, saying exactly what people are saying now about how wrong this whole situation is. on the same week we had, which is do not a went to israel and search to match and you all have his exact words. armand paper was we want you to win and you have to wonder how grossly and so different comment was what it actually meant. so whether you actually really had
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a clue what he was talking about, whether he was just trying to align with the media the time. and one of the points i made was the media, the checker. it's all about media and averages. and people don't want to step out of line until you get to a point where things get so bad that all of a sudden one major violation breaks ranks and then all of a sudden there's one was like, oh well yes, i was sympathetic to that was senior people, so in the beginning of course they want it to so they have very short memories in terms of this and, you know, i mean he's pretty on the talk to a lot of places including in his own country for the people haven't been brainwashed into into believing what he says, but he's got a history of the nothing on it. so, i mean, this isn't surprising. i don't think he's actually apologizing for anything. this actually happened and he's just apologizing for the fact that like, super, really bad about smart. do you want to say, hey, we've got a situation you know, washington had said a couple of weeks ago was looking at possibly suspending one age or
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a military age package. 2 is ro we've seen more a package is going to as well since then. it's been sending weapons throughout this war is being remarkably little course is coming out a from the bite and administration itself in terms of the top in terms of the price it. and um, i know that there are lawyers within the administration who and very unhappy and the phrase concerns, but joe boyd himself is not being vocally critical of is why oh well, us officials are saying they still try to determine what happened in regards to rafa. what you make of that lack of commitment to accept the what's happened here is a huge crime. well, i think it's a bit by working for the g corporation. like i've done many times, you just call and speak the truth. i didn't know to advise, and i know i'm not just bonuses, but unfortunately in the us, i'm upset this quite a few times before is you know,
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the support is right or is this ready stage then you pretty much out. so, i mean, that's a very strong on the in america. so, i mean, it has to be vocal to point, but he has to be very careful of what he says because uh, you know, that was the thing in the background. in the us with a very strong and you know, it uses too much then you know, it can quickly be immediate. you turn on paper very quickly, especially when you got a envelope under the american services side to, to, because she really knows what the brakes. and all i to say is it's, it must be home in the village offices because it's becoming very unpopular in the courses around the world. yeah, it's interesting. i mean, you know, as you mentioned, pressure by that has said there was certain red lines that is a must smell cross when it comes to. it's a salt in rock, but surely the red line has been crossed here. i think it was, i think she, he believes the lease so it was cost
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a few months ago when it was very clear that the many thousands of innocent people were being targeted in places. but there were trinity, and i am asked agents and, and it wasn't just mandatory staples, i guess it was doctors to recognize that certain areas of the hospital and you could show, but the analogy for so it's changed a couple months ago. but what the us really need to do is i didn't really need to go in and say, you need to stop this. i just thought was the case. then i thought it was cell phones are not gonna be full school enough in what school age and what that has been. this is just going to go on and that's what you don't think foster carried or something because otherwise that's the end of it. and then people will stop to say, well, it wasn't about the hostage hostages, and it wasn't about amazing. and that's what exactly was it about, was it just about incompetence and this and why that, why was a mass of how to get it is my own 1st price because you taking this off the bolt. i think that's really what it's all about. well, up to 2. well naturally, thank you very much for giving us your perspective. that is totally boil
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independent john list. you're very welcome. sure, thanks. well let's go to china and i where it's rejects to the mission of the us is delegation visit to taiwan off the moon made cuz we have fun, military support, beijing's for administer. spokes person is urging the us to stop interfering in china is internal affairs. it still sounds ginger said the china firmly opposes the us, maintaining military interaction with ty, one an arming time. and then we are the concerned us lawmakers to stop playing the taiwan card interfering in china's internal affairs, supporting and condoning the separate as forces of taiwan independence, undermining china, english relations, and peace and stability in the taiwan strait. washington is bound to provide the territory with molten weapons to oppose beijing leaving old on supplies to go to
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ukraine. this is, according to the head of the us delegation to taiwan, who confirmed a 2000000000 dollar military, a package for the island tie. one, i'm like, ukraine will be getting a new weapon systems, not old ones, especially own russian weapons. it will be a new stock that would be supplied to tie one so far away. this technology is, by the way, i think the majority that package being held up the most, most of that are the sixteen's when the american delegations visit. com is wiped off the 2 days of chinese military drills around taiwan. beijing hassle ruled out the use of force, but has always said it was a peaceful solution to the taiwan issue. canadian generalist alex for 4 to 5, says michael mccaul is amongst those in washington who are using the island as a prophecy against china to all he has to do is head on up to new york and see does ty, one have a seat in the united nations which they don't,
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and this is a gentleman that thinks it's just fine to pump $2000000000.00 of more heads onto an island that belongs to china, which is absolutely reckless. you know, i want to go back and talk about the joint communicate that was established in uh, january 1st of 1979, where it clearly stated in america would not try to arm this island at all. it also says that, you know, in the community, in 1979 that both wish to reduce the danger of international military conflict. it's going against everything that the united states had negotiated back then. uh, does this up the ad t? yes, this is american play book of you know, bomb bully or bank rep nations. this is what 3 used to this is the playbooks. they've had a failed. uh, you know, exercise by seed in uh, in the ukraine. and their proxy word that they're fighting. there has failed
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dramatically, so they're moving onto the next show in the next show is the taiwan strait. the u. k. has temporarily loan searching to go along with the fox from its museum collections to gone. now these treasures were looted from going out vipers yourselves. as in the 19th century, i've argument to uh, who helped immediate. you'll have to find out when the payment says it's u. k. restrictive laws that prevent any pending return of these gone and trashes there where sonco screens as we once had a permanent return on the updates. but under the circumstances, we could not get to watch we wanted because there are 2 constraining laws in that you keep that do not allow them to entry 10 of august to the countries of origin. and these laws, i've been around for a long time. and now we've been talking about these of this for half
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a century. we started to use negotiations so, but half a century ago. talking to deal with told you that by there we can of these or give and nothing to model of these discussions and negotiations. so we thought that was to wait for a better time to come, who will take advantage of what was available that was close within the low in the u. k. that allows for learning of, i guess, 2 countries as well. what that was, why do we of good for the 9 miles that we had in negotiations to golden silva and suffice from the victoria and albert times were just museums, collections have been sent to going on this long term load. they were stolen from the king's court, known as the ascent in, during conflicts between the british and the powerful ascends the people that go on a and king go see below which will last the 3 years. whitfield sion to extend 3
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more, but locals, things to fuel into fact should remain in the home. not very important because um these are provides the loan to us and we need to hold them like really used to belong in music. i'm back home. i don't think it is free for just to someone's belonging to send in and it limits them would low. no, i don't think it is a good idea. it must be the historian on political science professor samuel, i'll do guy m fee says that is a need to begin pushing the british to start a returning the spoils of centuries of polluting. unfortunately, these relics, these other thoughts are not going to stay on forever. which day i do not. people do belong to not just the ones that we need to resolve. i think the puzzlement is
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dot for the past 50 years. also very was assigned to case from pacific any that 19 thirty's up to worry the 2nd on or 50 to the 2nd the current us on to any of saw. where is a news to ensure that these up to fox will be retained? unfortunately, we do not how big the we, we offer 12 hub, and that is why we need to have this conversation getting the new to begin to push the british systems and these pushes for them to understand that if you plug that is the route of state and we come to tends to have a what belongs to us, bach. we go to after we seem to stay as i salute. it's must come back to us. it's been a pleasure having your company, but don't forget some more needs and vision kind of costs. head over to our website .


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