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tv   The 360 View  RT  May 28, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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us and if you can abide by the rules that we have in place for conduct, then we will show you the door and you will be expelled. it is that simple. we're not going to have in tamp mentioned attempts to put up. and you have to, we will protect the ability to peacefully express yourself, but we're not going to have the time to make speech and intimidation that we're seeing across the country in virginia. now at one point though, a group of pro palestine protesters and a group of pro israel toner processors, actually came together well, it looks like present bite and finally was able to bring the country together. his complaint failure to address the issue has caused them to actually ill a night, both sides. he did not want to come out, i guess the protesters as a prior to the conflict, he had already been dealing with a very large protest vote during the primaries. young, committed vote, play jim as anti israel groups turned against the president as they headed to the
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pulse. however, is violence began to arise. threats were made on jewish students were actually told to go home for the rest of the school year for their own safety. and the occupations turn destruct. now the president can no longer ignore. as polls showed, the protests were having a negative effect on his campaign. there is no place on any campus in america. any place in america for anti semitism or a speech for threats of violence from any time. this is not the end due to the destruction and violence and refusal of some of these protesters, some of whom, not even students, to leave graduation ceremonies had been cancelled at colleges across the country. what makes us even more heartbreaking is the students who are graduating 2024 or the same seniors, hard to have their high school graduation as a cancelled in 2020 due to the krona virus. now those who did have
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a graduation dealt with interruptions from pro palestinian protesters. ironically, all of this comes well joe biden is a trying to pass. we being a student loan forgiveness, all in order to garner popularity and support from this college age of demographic . so a lot of the destructive and disruptive protest on college campuses, americans are actually starting to question the need and purpose of higher education, especially when it comes to their expense. okay, so i'm gonna discuss this with our panel. we're bringing to robert mcdonald lecture at the university of new haven and dr. steve turley post of dr. troy talks, and now it's over $1200000.00 subscribers on youtube. congratulations. you're one of the few that have not been limited. we actually have a good voice out our congratulations on that one. let me start with you. actually,
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doctor, did you and did you have mass campus protests regarding a 4 and conflict on your bingo card for this presidential election cycle? i didn't. and in fact, james carville, said that, if by didn't does lose in november, you can basically blame it on the middle east. steven bernie sanders, the saying this might be biden's not drawing parallels to 19 it's the 8th. and whether with a d n. c convention in chicago to boot. so yeah, this is, this is really in many ways the unraveling of biden's political order in many respects. you've got a civil war breaking out on the political life. you've got the center right, more or less uniting around real major concerns of a violent left. his takeover of our university is very similar to 1968. and then interestingly, you have the sense it's more and more nations are openly talking about this and the
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middle east that the united states just can't be depended on, or any level of stability geopolitically. and so i wanted to play in many respects as a very interesting article that just came out on this, that russia is a, is the big winner in many respects, if you could say it in a kind of a ghoulish sort of way. but students and research did a very interesting study that found that russia and china as well are really the only major international players that have great relationships with. everyone involved is real from boss or ron, has blog, who these? and so understandably, ever since october 7th, in many respects, the united states status as a nation that can bring some kind of stability. the middle east is just crashed, and russia status has gone through the roof. was interesting robert, because do we actually know what do these protestors want and do the majority of
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you think those that are actually out there protesting know themselves. so i think your spot on, you know, we've got a lot of people here who are protesting or in the mix of the protesting of putting plans together, who are really kind of agitators, you can call them that outside of the academic institution that they're protesting . at they are steering up interest, they are putting together plans on how to purchase and put together different assets to combat the police with respect to the protest areas. so i think you're, i think you're right. i think a lot of the students don't even know what the actual protest topic is and or what their position is. well, that's the thing, you know you, whether you what side you are on the goal is a conflict. i have a lot of people that i hear, they say they don't agree with how these protests have taken dr. turley, i have to ask you, do you think these protest accurately reflect the move that right now and kind of how people feel regarding the conflict in gaza?
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yeah, well yeah, but it, but it's obviously it's, it's very complicated. so you've got this, you basically have a culture war between the pro palestinian progresses and the one hand and pro is really liberals on the others. is that this is a civil war culture war. that's real, that's, that's there. it's happening on the left. it's always been there. and what's interesting too, is it points to a wider pattern on any kind of woke issue, to be honest with you. we're walk issues basically split the left. but then the also at the 2nd time united, right? so if you pull, if you pull up pro palestinian sentiments and pro is rarely sentiments. what you're gonna find on the left is it's almost $5050.00 in a way it's, but it's more or less $3040.00 or so with, with a group. not, not really having an opinion one way or the other. but if you pull the right, it's like no 80 percent pro israel. if you pro the left and say to support the way
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universities have handled the situation. 30 percent say yes, 40 percent say no. you pull the right 80 percent say now it's been a disaster. then you pull independence, the center. right. and it's 6070 percent. it's a disaster. so woke issues. interesting. le, let the left but unite the right against that. so it's really pointing to these wider dynamics that can happen with any work issue transgender athletes. and you know, women, sports c, r, t, in the classroom, whatever the left tends to be 5050 on it, but the right and center right, tends to be totally united against it. and when you're splitting the left and you're not, you're not in the right. that's spelled disaster for november. if you're a democrat, well it definitely does it the same time. robert gotta ask because you're right, majority of republicans usually support israel accept the majority of republicans also, especially if you're talking outside of the belt way. don't think we need to be involved in some of these conflicts that we put our nose is where we don't need to
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be. so is there a chair right now on the right as well? they might be pro israel, but we don't necessarily think that america getting involved is the right answer. yeah, that's, i think that's a very valid point as well. and like i said, i'm not sure anybody really knows the down and dirty as to what's going on here. and people are making, forming opinions, especially our young people, on our campuses, the campus where i teach really didn't have any protests at all. our students were focused on going to they are after work jobs and keeping their grades up so that they could, uh, graduate. we did have one student walked across the stage with a slight protest with respect to the issue, but nothing, nothing to speak of. so, you know, there are a lot of campuses where really nothing happened. kids were focused on graduating and getting their resumes ready and going to be jumping into the adult pool to go get a job. but we did see a lot of problems with a lot of those encampments and whatnot, and a lot of injuries. and a lot of my background is, is a federal law enforcement officer. and it pains me to see our students are young.
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people are going after police or going after each other with respect to an encampment or protest. we're all about free speech. all about people should be able to voice their opinions, but we should be able to voice our opinions about the topic and not show hatred to those who are protecting you or the other students at your campus who may disagree with you on that topic. and frankly, robert, i think that's exactly where these conversations need to happen on college campus. i mean, that's exactly what we want to be happening long as they're respectful, peaceful, or stay with you robert. this question, because we did find out that there are outside groups that have influenced these projects they've been identified. do you think this help or hertz the cause or would have been more effective if this was organic students coming from talking about this conflict from their perspective? yeah, personally, i think it hurts the cause. when reports get out within the media of these type of things, the same type of tense, everybody wearing a white hard hat that we're all purchased at. home depot with a large order. those type of things, those putting the pieces of the puzzle together to actually find out what's going
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on here behind the curtain as a little trouble. and i'm all about students respectfully stating their point of view, having discussions. quite frankly, i don't think i've seen a whole lot of debate going on with this. we've seen a whole lot of screaming and pointing fingers and throwing things at people. but i really haven't seen a whole lot of debate out there. respectful debate by people on both sides of the aisle, able to talk about the issues to argue their point, argue with in the legal sense of the term, to uh, to be able to articulate which side of the aisle they are on. and let's come up with some solutions. that's what we should be spending our time here. when i last minute a 2nd, i've got to ask you, dr. charlie, why does seem like these protests almost always lead to becoming anti american as well? they are, they are in the end because what this is about, the sanctification of the victim, it's about to imposing a oppressor, oppressed by mary on the whole of society. it's why it's technically called culture,
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marxism, or cultural socialism, and the ultimate oppressor in the guise of many people, unfortunately, is western civilization. it is a, it's a horribly racist belief system. you, when you have this, a presser, oppressed by nary. and the only way you know which group a person belongs to is by the color of their skin or the rest. and yesterday it is by definition races. and they like you mentioned that the in the opening jews are finding this out big time right now. they're being discriminated against precisely because they argue. so that's what so frightening here. i think the good news though is you know, you again, you mentioned the frat boys, protecting the fly. there's been some real flashes of heroism in crunch here. and all of this miranda divine that the new york post had a great article she called it titled frank boys. summer is, this is backlash against an epidemic of arrogant and i told women, okay,
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so hold on to i wanna start with is that optimism? we've got to stay for the 2nd half. you're already getting into my 2nd a. that's a whole other part of that. so hold on. what does the doctor talk? turley, roberts stick around, because after the break, we are going to talk about what is going on in the past, because purchase usually help the democrat party. however, the college campus protest are showing great disdain for president biden. and that's on both sides of the after the break, we're going to look at the handling of these protests by the, by the ministry. the, the
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russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you speak to a request to check the take a fresh look around, there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by how of tired vision with no real live indians fixtures, design to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can the other way lot. right, so see what's printing, what was the other one that's good. so sounds good. just so basically of course we need the last name was needed. read it was can, when we used to
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be too much and we have support for someone who is this we went to the the i don't believe in. quinton says 1st when it comes to policy and politics, especially if it's in an election year. however, the recent college campus protest seemed to be hurting the current president's popularity numbers. so as president biden expecting this to be the effect. well, i want to ask our panel bring them in again. first we have robert mcdonald, lecturer at the university of new haven and dr. steve turley, host of the dr. turley ox with lots and lots of subscribers on youtube. robert,
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i want to start off with you with this question because are these college protests a result of the presence lackluster approach to the goal is a conflict and i think it could be again going back to my commenter. ringback here of students really not knowing the heart of what's going on here. i'm not sure that they're even paying a whole lot of attention to the politics of this aspect. i think they're jumping on a bandwagon of wanting to get out and protest the flavor of the day if you will get involved in something at their campus. the academics are not very pro law enforcement. so the time to call and police many instances with respect to this case over the last couple of weeks was well after damage was done, was well after buildings were taken over was well after and 10 minutes were set up and 4 to 5 with many different items that were purchased at home depot or other places. so again, there was an opportunity for the protest here. there was an opportunity for those students to get involved. but again, i'm not sure that there's
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a whole lot of political activity with respect to a specific politician or politicians in this presidential campaign here. and yet there were some people behind it. there were organizing and some dr. turley, using those organizers of these protests, had this administration in mind when they were being planned, and was their goal to actually support the president's decision to support palestine over israel. or were the protest actually supposed to force him into that position? it's a good question. i mean, leading up to these protests, you had a number of arab americans protesting bite and particularly in places like dearborn michigan. he actually in the primaries of michigan a few months back, he actually lost the district of deer board. and this is a district that voted for binding by 70 percent of the vote in 2020 and, and he lost it to the generic, uncommitted boat and he lost it by $3.00 to $1.00. so it was
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a protest vote against biden's policy. it's in the middle east and obviously that doesn't bode well for for buttons chances with michigan, but i think what's happening, what's happening on these college campuses pension of what was happening already a few months back and i do, i think they tried to force his hand i did, i do think they tried to put tremendous pressure on him to take a much more pro palestinian or at least some more measured approach rather than being all in with, with the israel. but then according to the pop times you have the blow back against that republican strategists are saying that there see significant defection among jewish voters away from the democrats towards the republicans for 2024. so you know, binding dang does. he does dang that if he doesn't know side seems to be fully happy and both sides are promising, at least some kind of boycott come november. well, it's funny because we are talking about november, but part of that we have to get to these conventions. so i'm gonna stick with your
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own doctor troy on this because you brought it up 1st talking about these conventions. are these protests? do you think a preview of what we're going to see? the summer active political conventions, you will have to see i'm there in fairness, there is a difference. you know, i mean, so 1968 we, we didn't have a draft, we didn't have students that are being sent off to die in a foreign war. but the similarity is that living at the left, we talked about even just scarborough is panicking over this. he was talking about it on his show. how was parents were lifelong democrats? but then when they saw the 6, the a campus protest and a violent take over the campuses by radical left us. they just, they associated the democratic party with the breakdown of law and order. and they went with nixon and they've voted republican ever, ever since. and again, that's if you think it through nixon did just when
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a landslide in order and promising to restore law and order again just when it lands line. 68. and then the biggest landslide in american history and 72 years, the quick rep, pre visit, were with carter for the democrats. but then the next 3 election cycles were massive electoral land slides and 8084 and 88. and so if this is playing out and at least a similar fashion, this is, this could be uh, this could be epic, leggett disaster, for democrats. and there's always a protest that ever committed. i don't know what the protesting are, and there's always a reason at that time. but from your perspective, robert, was this the raleigh cries of trump actually needed to encourage engagement or recruit younger supporters for his campaign. a. well, it's a very well the, you know, with respect to the conventions united states secret service will be protecting those then use under the national special security event act. so those plannings and those logistics for those 2 conventions have been in the works for probably over a year now. many, many plans to develop the areas of protests so that people can come and peacefully
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protest. however, they don't peacefully protest. there are plenty of plans in place to make sure that that does not get out of hand as we've seen and in other places. so this may be the bell ringing for uh for that issue. and if it is, everybody will be ready for that. uh and to uh, to an act, a safe and secure, not only venue, not only for the protect these of the secret service, but under the necessity. everybody that's involved in that convention. robert off will stick with you on this one because since you're there on a college campus, a very familiar with it. what effect you think this is going to have quoted on the president's college debt forgiveness? i mean, i've heard of lot of sarcasm and means coming out because of it, is this really gonna affect that popularity? i think we're going to have to find out number one, really, how that's going to be paid for who's going to pay for that? what's the mechanism that's going to be in place who's going to be eligible? who's not going to be eligible? i think that's going to be a very ros sensitive subject. as we move into november for
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a lot of different people on both sides, who can get it, who can't get it, why can't you get it? um, that's a lot of money. it's tougher people right now and any chance for people to be able to alleviate some of their financial pain is going to be popular. but again, how is that going to be paid for? and is it going to be discussed openly? and honestly how that's going to be paid for with respect to the mechanism that we put in place as a doctor turley, is this going to be the reason why republicans go see we told the jew, this was a bad idea because this is the kind of people you produce from paying their debts? yeah, yeah. right. talk about a backlash, right. this is, this is, this is what, uh, you know, uh, plumber who saved all his money up so he can papers, kids to go through college is having to pay for that. he doesn't get his money back for that for being responsible. absolutely. yeah, i mentioned that miranda divine article in the new york post where she's talking about how we're seeing young man really pushed back against this is
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a real major backlash that she started the a b. c. news poll that just dropped that found that voters under the age of 30 had swung to trump. but given me the advantage of 5 points, it's a near 30 points swing from 2020. and the reason why trump is getting numbers like that is because of the mass of lead, the old to me on young man, right under thirties or siding, would trump by uh, by double digits by 11 points. uh, by contrasts. young women are citing with by and by 4, so that in the mix support together with the double digit lead that trump has with young men. it's translating now into a mass of political paradigm chef where the young vote, the under 30 vote. looks like it shifted nearly 30 points since 2020. now they're citing trump by 5. and according to miranda, defined, this is largely due to a blow back by young men right against what they perceive to be the. the hysterics
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of woke women, particularly campus women like we're seeing right now. and these protests, okay, that can be a whole. busy another show and that's why we're going to have both of you back on. thank you dr. turley. thank you, brandon for having thought, we really appreciate it. please come back soon. oh, my pleasure. thank you. i think now on the other side of the issue, a new brand of protests to emerge the patriarch strapped. while it all started with members of the pi kappa phi fraternity at u. n. c. were captured, protecting the american flag during, during a pro palestinian protests on campus. now the members of the maternity shield or the fly for an hour during the protest. and despite the protesters throwing rocks, water bottles, and other items, ask them. now the go find me as a to throw a razor and celebration of these boys being heroes. now the pr, your brothers have crossed over half a $1000000.00 in donations all of this and roughly the 1st 24 hours with more donations still actually for in what are the students who protect the flag?
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alex jones. thank those were given their support over their actions. the drums also said that protected in the us flag from the protesters had nothing to do with taking a steps or a specific side regarding the conflict between israel and home. us us, right. the affinity brothers will protect the flag because protestors had removed the american flag and replaced it with the palestinian flag and the police officers came to hang the us flag. once again, one of the brothers described the scene by saying the quad erupt into chaos. as protesters began removing the flag once again, preparing this time to destroy the american flag. no estrada also failed. he is the side of immigrants. he came to this country to make a better life. and after the flag was raised, the quad came together in unison. begin to mean the national and.
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6 guess that's not the intentions, divided restriction was expecting, or actually hoping there's been your 360 view on site. now here's thanks for watching the the both of which you need to do that even if you were story ok. square level, the use of solutions stuff. you see the she's going to need simple 4 digits to she couldn't zoom well collected, stupid to photocopy slip to discredit. the dizzy on this before they have to do is
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to make sure that you create excuse. but our name is which is sort of stories of disposable green. some doors not 2nd thought i would have done conflicting the thoughts about pushing of centuries ago. your forebears name this country ukraine or frontier because your steps blink, europe, and asia, but ukrainians that become frontiersman of another story. the people who done this, there was a senior. this one was which of the most of them is original going to use if i jumped in most schools, they would have been there. like a lot of the heavily negligence. cool. man. joe,
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probably don't you post bouquets gift to suck you the will have to upgrade the stuff on the the the water is part of one of the valuable posted isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present there. let's stop without cases. let's talk about it . or as a result of why it was can be started by line. peace can be satisfied for the importance of we can never be kind of
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a station. so that transparency is an extraordinary drawn mistake. patrice, they'd just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more than that by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest. so mom realized tends to me engulfing endlessly to relate continuously. and i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely voltage us, it's going to be on box weighing a 175. used to go through the sentence. are we going to let the, the,
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the result of western european and italian weapon striking and killing in the house of russia seems very, very dangerous and reckless to be. italy's deputy prime minister spurs the base like you should strike russia with western supply weapons with brussels now, mulling that option, the you finds itself lead to more bodies are found on your cranes. romanian border has more than 2000 men, sleek hands for pony and mobilization. practices in the last 5 months of the nation's lashes out as israel, after as late as strike pills and thousands of billions in rough up by the idea
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from self. if the offensive.


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