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tv   News  RT  May 28, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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for the joke of western european and italian weapons striking and killing in the house of russia seems very, very dangerous and reckless to be italy's deputy prime ministers 1st. the base like here should strike russia with western supply weapons with brussels. now mulling that option, the finds itself lead to more bodies are found on new cranes. romanian border has more than 2000 men, sleek habits for pony and mobilization practices in the last 5 months alone. united nations lashes out as israel, after its latest ride kills and thousands of millions in rough up by the idea from
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self. if the offensive vice international court of justice is ruling also ahead, it's pam was navigated skillfully between major follow blocks and positioned india as a voice as the global south poles project. a winning fair test for prime minister and a render embodies the j party, as the indian elections enter their final stretch, with the ultimate phase of voting fast approaching the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching our t international. we're covering the top new stories from around the world with the ukraine complex, seeing no resolution as western states up the stakes. the was foreign affairs chief has confirmed. some european countries are rolling, allowing ukraine to use this weapons to strike russian territories, which is a growing debate. small more. we take
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a very much into consideration to fact that to ukraine, hashtag organization to gauge of task which has been long chickens. history 3 from russian, 33 and from mem go to stage has been lifting the restrictions for ukrainians to be able to use cell. uh, media type of support to respond to, to frustrating attacks from the russian territory and not only from the ukrainian territory abide by russian troops. are ti correspondence. the sweeney is here with me in the studio to break this all down. steve, do all your pin. i'll just all of your agree with pearl statement there. well, and surprisingly perhaps no, they don't. there was some very shock divisions. now emerging is in what is being seen is this uh, increase woman being protect the from the, from the broke. now, the, some of this criticism, some of this reticence,
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is even coming from some of ukraine's strongest allies who fear the repub repercussions of the rock to take off of this the rest of week and the potential to take a world war 3. and of course you've had the lights of a from sun stone near rock, just taking things up, come to call us the stony leader, was saying that you, craig embossed within the boxes out plan a plan b and our plans, the others all your strongly perhaps i'm also bring talking with hungry describing but well in incredibly unflattering terms. you were being politicians putting forward increasingly krazer ideas, sending troops to ukraine, destroyed in russian. this sol solved the grain nuclear war, european conscription. what else? this is steve burrell, wasn't the 1st e official to bring up striking russian territories was a know he's not being the 1st you officially don't mean the 1st western leader. of course, the british for and 2nd funeral david camera was
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a very recently talking about it strikes inside russian territory now, and very recently bought well recently, the outgoing next. her chief in stoughton book has kind of reinforced that sets a meeting with the knights. i pulled him into the assembly in the bowl game and capital sophia. now. he outlined his plans and he gave an indication that he was putting forward a 100000000000 euro package. this is supposed to be a from proof package. of course, he says, donald trump, like when the presidential elections us presidential elections in november and the money for ukraine might, well, if i freight but he's also said that ukraine should be allowed to strike inside russian territory. now he said that once those weapons a supply to praying for whichever come to the all night, took member states included that those weapons and become the prophecy of the crate . and it's free to do whatever it likes with them, particularly when it comes to self defense. when we have delivered to weapons to
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ukraine, it's actually not ours anymore. it's through grants. and also said they have the right to self defense and the right of self defense into it's also a thing legitimate mentor targets outside japan. and also in the inertial we try, you know, a year basis which door for uses to attract. it's now sweden, which of course is the newest member of the of the military alliance. has pretty much gone along with what's dealt with him, but has a said now the defense minister, swedish defense. and this was with pressed on this and said that the usual kind of rhetoric, it said that there was an unprovoked and illegal in violation by russia. but it said that on the international rule, that ukraine has the right to defend itself, including strikes inside russian territory. so sweden, the game has a, has gone along with the rest of the west and the does on the know you talked to the
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nato, the general secretary. what about the rest of natal? do all of my members agree on this issue? when a guy knows that there's some very, again, very shop divisions, emerging, a bunk fee, but it's the alliance, some of the eastern european allies, again, some of ukraine's a strongest of support as a website that was over this 100000000. you write package. they've said it's very confusing on the lots, any kind of detail, but they've a game going further. germany has expressed its concerns over these plans to strike inside russian territory, the woman growing resurrect. and the italian deputy promised to have some very, very strong woods. so she knew that this man is dangerous because he talks about the 3rd world war. his talk of western european and italian weapon striking and killing in the heart of russia seems very, very dangerous and reckless to me. so whoever can sit still pay me, they will see that. so it may be that the package is amended before the nato
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summit, the next night toast summit taking place in washington. and some of this rhetoric is indeed turned down. but there's certainly no unity among the member states. so tell us then how russia has reacted. i was reacting i already perhaps, on surprisingly, given what we're seeing at the moment this escalation of attacks on civilian abby is inside belgrade to in particular. i was though it was a very recently off the, the, a strike on an appointment dropped cause 10 stories to clap, some 15 people to die so that i mean those strong, so already taking place within russian territory. but so guys that rufus said that, well, you know, this lack of unity among the members state shows that perhaps as stone some but because of a step the mock built in the stilton berg has already been slammed by nato members themselves in particular by italian diplomats and i doubt that the secretary general can take on such responsibility by speaking on behalf of block members.
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when this topic has not yet been discussed within the framework of nato, i mean not at the level of the secretariat and the secretary general, but within the block, which includes the member countries. and he allows himself to speak on their behalf . i think he overstepped his jurisdiction so all of this escalation and what are these war mongering remarks and they see how the rocks are taking up of tensions comes at the time when some of these very psych member states are planning to attend a so called peace conference in switzerland. now this is a peace conference that is being held without russia. mm hm. and when pain seems to be the for this thing for my mind. yeah. really ironic, isn't it? steve sweeney. thank you. or we discussed this with independent journalist, lucrative a who said, europe and nations are co belligerence and the ukranian conflict due to their office of arms supplies. you're pissing, talking missouri about this defense,
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and nasal is not only a defensive alliance. obviously, we are cobra insurance. us here in western europe and america, of course, we are cool insurance with ukraine. we provide arms to ukraine. we provide more offensive arm, small, defensive coal friends to barnes. and so this is already to the limit. but now with this, the corporations about a bullying level using the weapons provided by the west to attack russia. that is going a step to far the alliance doesn't function very well. america is of course the absolute. don powell, in the alliance and of old here to can states members all feed on all the lines are vassals, things you know, they, they have to buy american weapons and they, they, what america says, that's the way it is. so it's
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a subtracting bad situation for long because natal doesn't have to weapons. and, and of course, it will be totally crazy to go farther in, in how often do ukrainian army, which is being defeated right now and to send troops to ukraine. that would be a no, no, for any mobile person has the conflict escalades ukrainians to continue to flee it to more ukrainian man have been found that while attempting to cross the northern border with romania, a border play spokesperson says more than 2000 do craniums have crossed the frontier since the start of this year. but as i checked on the 366 columbus and both of which you crane and the count as, as modern move as chiva. so tomorrow and the 1st 4 months of this year, we could move in to thousands of trade in citizens. that's double compared to the same period last year. the old man between the ages of $18.60, but the vast majority, a young up to 45 years old at the low price live now to our correspond,
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the $8.00 our stand off, who joins us from the board original belgrade. either what more can you tell us about the slightest incident? well, absolutely racial basically for the past couple of years, ukrainians have been trying to escape a country on log down. see those words quick enough to do so in the 1st couple of days, a weeks since the contract broke out in the 2022. those are they are stuck now in ukraine because the government has done everything in its power to see the country. so those men who don't wish to take part in the fighting, they have been trying to track varied, such as wilderness. they have been trying to cross rivers. in fact, the case that you just mentioned, uh, these headlines over the gods. discovering more and more bodies floating in the river that separates ukraine from its northern neighbor romania, they have become
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a regular occurrence because that river is simply very, very dangerous to try to swim across. and so dozens of people have perished in the waters and death was apparently more preferable to them rather than going to the draft office. the andro potentially ending up on the front line as those who are lucky, those who manage to cross into se romania as a unlike other illegal migrants will around the world. when they see 4 in both a gods don't ukrainian. they are actually happy. a sample for that's good. now he was happy when he saw us because he's still if we didn't have a police region in the us and ukrainian, he was really started to cry once he had to. he was 18 years old. i remember that's how old my son is. it's hard to find out a, a well, definitely it is a very dangerous, a very tricky road that potentially could lead to one's demise demise. so no wonder
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that people get emotional when they realize that they have planned, that they have to literally spend weeks, if not months on devising that the plan works. and in general, the situation in ukraine has been it can be described as a very deadly game of cat and mouse between the government and those men who are liable for conscription on may. the 18th, a little came into power that essentially shrinks the number of criteria that makes a man liable for draft for conscription. see, the premium government found itself in that situation when basically so many people didn't want and do not want to end up on the front line. at the same time, the preexisting legislation said simply did not meet the needs of the government. they found themselves in a situation when they didn't have the actual information about, well men who would they might have to send to the front lines and they had no way
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of enforcing that on the well below that came into power on may be changed that it especially shrinks the rights of people who live before legislation. now everyone has to carry the military id on them. and essentially you can't get that document without physically visiting the draft office and well the ukrainians. they know very, very well what happens is that that has be quite a number of cases when people are very much, desperately unfit for service. were declared by the med, it's quite the opposite. they was sent to commissions. they was sent to the front lines. people actually died while in custody of these dropped commissions from epilepsy. some people even committed, sue, is because uh well again, death is very much preferable, at least they could die from their own hands rather than the well just do the
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following some suicidal or the dish out by the combined as and so. so the you have it at the same time, people have been striking like truck is, have been striking in ukraine because pretty much all of them are liable for mobilization, a drama theater in a major region. no city overturning of has been shut down because one of its actors, male actors, now again libel full draft liable for conscription. also the ukranian government launched an app, a mobile app. oh cool. the reserve clause. so they have been branding it as a means to update your information with the draft office without the need to visit the office physically. is that as experts have been pointing out, is not the case because still you have to pause a medical checkup uh physically use. so you have to get that physically. so people
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have been raising their alarm. so is that this app is essentially a scam. it's a trick to make people who are all the rage and i'll get back on the radar and then they can against the rights can be trampled on. for example, if you, if you violate the new legislation in the drop that just nation, your driving license, you're driving permit can be revoked. so you simply can't drive if you're a broad, uh, the coastal it, what do you provide? you would certainly services like for instance, they will be able to re issue a for and password for you. so if that gets outdated, you in illegal migrants now that i'm, you, potentially you potentially can be deported from the country to ukraine on the well, again, every single mind out the broad, they know that as soon as that happens, johns is out from the board and you will be taken directly to the draft office and from the to the front lines because again, the number of criteria that makes you liable for conscription has shrunk
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dramatically. now your brain can draw people even with addictions, even with medical conditions, that in any other countries the world would make you eligible for the draft. well, for you pray, the case has been very different. r t is a harsh down of a car. thank you. they're not a nation's has slammed is rarely prime minister. netanyahu was attempted to justify the recent deadly attack on a refugee camp in southern gaza. netanyahu branded the idea of strike that killed at least $45.00 displaced to civilians as a mistake. but i fear about being interviewed rough uh, we have already evacuated about the middle of the non volk presidents. and despite our best efforts not to home, the northern volk. unfortunately, a tragic mistake happened last night. and we are investigating the case will present the conclusions because this self policy, whether the attack was a war crime or a tragic mistake for the people of gaza. there is no debate. what happened last
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night was the latest and possibly most cruel, abomination. to call it a mistake is a message that means nothing for those killed. those grieving and those trying to save lives. tense, sheltering this place, palestinians were burned to the ground and the fire that followed the strike. despite the international court of justice, ruling, the israel must halt. it's offensive on the city and withdraw from the enclave. is really forces have carried out 60 air raids on rough as since the decision was made . people who survived the attack, we call the her risk moments. a southern 9 up in 3 odds, a shadow. i guess i was on the way when suddenly i heard the sign up rocket and the place glowed. there were to me sobs and then the fire broke out. when we arrived, we found the bodies had been burnt and mutilated, and we were unable to identify a relatives. we worked for 3 hours to extinguish the fire. and when it finally subsided, and the year was completely burnt, people gathered here,
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an ambulance came. the whole thing with that on me kinda. so this is the place where my relatives were located in the idea of said he was safe and suddenly it was no longer safe there. no, i'm us leaders here instead there on, on individuals and children about 6 families and just thought about the then another off to the sunset, cool to print, a powerful explosion hit the area. i rushed to the scene and discovered that the area was on fire and that my cousins relatives were open and we began retrieving bodies as soon as possible and not a god. but the local officials have call out to pulled out the idea of for committing mass occurs in zones, the israel itself designated as safe. so i selected that it is not easy is really occupational i may have designated these areas of saved zones and have gold and citizens and displaced persons that go to the saved zones. when the displaced persons fled to these areas is really occupational. i'm
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a committed mass of goods and executions. the the deadly attack on civilians sparked outrage. world wide l g area has requested a un security council meeting for the 1st time. the european union is reported like considering sanctioning israel over it's more on does a and there's a could be implemented if israel does not comply with the i. c j's rolling to halt . it's a tax on rough of the thousands. it took to the streets of paris to voice their indignation of the is rarely striking on the roof of refugee camp. in a bid to quell the protest, the police resorted to tear gas, which only sparked more violence. protesters also lashed out at western leaders for banking, israel accusing the idea of genocide. you want to cry out, o despair, our rage witness and the genocide this is
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a massacre. what does these really state hoping for? security? there is a genocide going on. babies were burned to live last night, and ross, or refugee camps, where they were supposed to be safe. the stall symbolizes the children, died, their journalist and political analysts. robert english says israel's 1st reaction to any global condemnation is denial. that thirst, they were saying that it was carried out in the corners to international law of the city is really military. and then they were targeting to leaders that they have asked movement. and then of course, they shifted after the international attention on the incident in the condemnation, even if you were actually going out for a mass targets, which were amongst refugee sheltering intense in a un designated area. that israel said was the safe zone. you still cannot massacre 45 civilians and injure scores more so i believe it's just
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a way for us in yahoo to try and save for his hands up in the air as a look. we made a mistake, like they made a mistake with the target saying of those 78 workers, the for the world central kitchen, not too long ago who were international. and this happens every time when the international condemnation pours in. but the 1st major reaction of the as riley's as to deny it, and to say that their action was carried out against a mass target or even maybe a some asked me an issue might have done it and push this information to try to suggest that they weren't actually responsible, but then in the end, when they're forced to, they admit they do it. let's say it's a mistake. the indian general election is in its final stretch with the 6th, the phase of the polling. now over that's as national surveys predict, the sweeping victory for prime minister and around remotest b, j. p in the lower house of parliament. meanwhile, opinion polls are trying to gauge the mood of the nation when it comes to the country's top. steve, when asked about their pick for prime minister,
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nearly 58 percent of voters, named income and prime minister and run remote e, as the most suitable candidate, 16 percent find role gandhi to be the most suitable leader ortiz, india correspondent, range and sharma, filed this report from front of the city where candidates made their final push before the vote. it is the largest selection named was history and i'm like how it has been projected in the west compress. it will be free, fair, and democratic, but the kind of predictability to the outcome or the money will, when there's no doubt about that, there is no $1.00 else like him. he's a good religious man. what did you think was it'll seem forward, he has them great work for people in the last few years. he has transformed this around the scene goes the road to new delhi runs through the nothings theater. was there for beach with a t parliamentary seeds up for grabs the highest in the country? this data is all funded, deciding factor in indian general elections. the state also has the most high
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profile candidate in the country, prime minister during the movie. some children who are around to see we've gone the, the fees so, so all position in india from dr. really some 115 miles from here. with that, it's an all out war in the states. it's not merely of baffled towards it's a back to assess the lady. there is no comparison between the render, emoji and risk will dante and then reveal will have to reincarnate if you really wants to compete with him or you with. moti is like by not just indians, but also outside the country. he is a true world leader evening prayers of taking place along the banks of the gauges involved on the sea. no, these fallen when she constituency of a decade. the ancient city believes to be one of the oldest and the one who is deep reverence, the hindus the in getting dr. minnesota. one here by
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a big margin in 2014 and then 2019 he's running from this is to arctic city once again, marking his to consecutive bit mean the movie has already. so the prime minister, when the foot 2 terms that's 10 years is the all calls that we've been speaking to believe that it's under his leadership, that india has grown as a significant geo political clair that it's him was navigated skillfully between major follow blogs and positioned india as a voice as a global, so another retrieve of the 73 year old would extend his leadership of the world's most popular country for another 5 years more. these critics argue another 5 d, as in bob may make more. these really more reporter tear in, but as millions of supporters see him as a very embodiment of india's cool story. to understand why i met with professor
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a political science doctor page without seeing from the bernard skin do university . people like a muscular fire and policy, people like that, they have the need us to be have kind of just the they don't want their leader to victim and the v card there yet. so the ones that didn't, but the policy, the sponsor bureau list it as in case of what i see a different thing is likely that as young people, because i present must be a lot of fun and fun. see aggressive behavior, etc. and uh so uh, and he put in 10 set of heads it back to optically that are and he can go to any extent just to protect the nest of the interest of the asset to unless he offers the same way uh, practice to move the sofa he obviously and yeah for so, so he didn't want to be v card there, but a sense that he wants to give this a move that he, he's not afraid of taking the tough decisions here. and for him that in the eyes for us then india isn't necessarily, does the supreme and to achieve the interest. uh more they can go to any extent
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entity said, definitely epilepsy after admired by the indian bip and an india is that the adult position has tried to take on this image. the more the fact of it is the want or it, is it huge old show with the gone these, endorsing the candidates? but the question is, will these crowds still unimed towards the, in the old is one last bush before the find those these are fully which is due on the 1st of june in which while we're on a c, we'll also watch where the election started in april most to should it should
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unfortunately easy waiting for the movie bottle. how strongly sarah? well he's, we've has mental low tornado. now we've by fees political fund. it's now suggesting that the dissolves may not be a full gone conclusion. as politicians makes the final abuse, the assume clever the var on the see the elected lee create the world theme is but now let's see salaries thread by thread the community important to you at dwindling beans. it's hopes on this selection. whoever comes to power my heart, so wish this for a prime minister unites and binds. our country together works for the well being of all citizens. it is a seemingly small wage, but one that holds for it in the heart of water on to see the soul of india speak french and sharma, arti 5 on the see. the
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i do say with archie international. i'll be back in about 30 minutes with much more news. see you then the the
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wrong the to the in 1990 in the same location in today's confrontation between ukraine and russia. so back to us between petros troops and the red army, the country was divided again as a nation is controlled key even right. thank you. crane white on the naples that the bank bolsheviks proclaimed the creation of the soviet ukraine. and the so called independent done it scribble a roman republic like today, nationalist receive financial support weapons.


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