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tv   Documentary  RT  May 28, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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the i want it to the in 1990 in the same location in today's confrontation between ukraine and russia. so back to us between petros troops and the red army, the country was divided again. that year as a nation is controlled key even right? bank ukraine, white on the naples to the bank, bolsheviks proclaimed the creation of the soviet ukraine, and the so called independent done it scribble a roman republic. like today, nationalist received financial support, weapons, and troops from co. my and who just a little confused those paper filled out. the diabetes show you over the phone a little bit. the papers these, but i found that out of was of to reset as a new addition for those image. wonder people, stimulus some of the largest dealer paid up, hold on for the aid with 2 regions of west and ukraine, loss or gain control volume and garcia, which had recently belonged to austria hungry, easy food inquiry. and when you come to, are you ever like i said,
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as of started the switching deal of a solid and find out about the video, wrist and the pose couldn't home keep the capital of the self proclaimed state right by cape crane soon also became so vs the liberated from the peddler is keep getting control of the native russian territories and the se, ideas, nikolai of capstone and motor. you became part of the new ukranian soviet republic . the done is critical. i wrote me a public was abolished easily to the same boat as became the line of confrontation between supporters of the 2014 coo and ukraine, added storage components, the chest. i don't feel comfortable with the equipment there. so appreciate the resort
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. besides the mobile, the, the wood, it's funny up no store the photos on the porch. if little city view, wonderful, great in this, i'm not up to is of dog to sewage, 6 of which he is sure. holding the cell with me. right. and then i do the premium for so can you just yeah, not boy, that young girl starts threatening answer your but little me a lot if to do obviously now could i e. and you said that the wrong audits and forgot full super r t c v. you soon she away in the district. look a little more of the bill, but i periods in the see i study, ukraine was divided into 12 zones depending on the degree of loyalty to the us. west, the new crane was seen as the most promising. the south of crimea and don't bass even then look characterized as i'm promising with the local supporting most got doors and i need to consider, oh we're like you said you won't grab those shit that is stalled. but yeah,
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stuck with a low grade. is casey, but he's good vision. yeah. so, but everybody said he has to say your tom you was more. yeah. with what was the but i was and so could i've even supposed to just even look by it. i'm going through your body, but as i was getting near the bottles up in the grades to drop out the new ukranian soviet republic, lynn is hated by keith today announced the forcible view quite nice. ation of the recently acceded pause of russia the snow, glean as though, fortunately forced i probably about him as it relates to his case with the other day at the fellow in which the rose garden for boys pro the appeal screen. but you've seen that people slain your shows of each other's relationship with she using those limits and ended up against the lowest of where you've link. upgrading is that 2nd bullet that will say this cumulative substrate
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that be small, weakly such thing. and that gives you the link, especially if not at the official lives of guys. he saltzman will clean at that time, forced to create noise ation was met with shot projection by little russians. the broad ukrainian method is treated ukraine with contempt. not just the workers, but also the peasants. ukrainian peasants at the time didn't tolerate the gradients . we received the protocol is from peasants meetings and key of in those protocols . the peasants wrote to us, we feel like old russians painting germans and ukrainians. adults to the r s f, as i would let us join the blood refusal to comply with bolshevik degrees, was followed by our impressions, newspaper articles, from that time report. how those who resisted you quite a nice ation with punished laser. so if you had most goes inputs to create a model of the sake, ukrainian republic would even be appreciated by the 2nd ukrainian president of the coach ma, whatever attitude we hold to the events of the 1920s,
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we must admit that had it not being for the green eyes ation of schools. at that time, current independence might not have existed the massive ukrainian schools through which tens of millions of people have passed, turned out to be as time has revealed. the most important and indestructible elements of the ukrainian principles in ukraine. unlike the bolsheviks most all which gain control of kalissa and valleys didn't fall into criminalization on the locals. rather, the authorities studied calling these lands, least encrusted in the publish way and systematically destroyed the ukrainian identity. so recently implanted by the austrians on the phone call, but as the web little things over there, we just, there's this on the muse mailed to reset. the problem is that simple. the coloring is up to fix that and the rest of the things you've missed the for most of you was it give you some of the perspective where you hold on and use this for the rest of the exponential. instead of doing things on useful as that, i also,
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or, you know, if i'm the vice of hosting of the full put together my budget, each of the westgate varies. can i run? it could be the polls who played a key role in the invention of ukrainian identity. now began to find the ukranian language implies down ukrainian schools. in 1929, the policy resulted in the formation of a secret organization of ukrainian nationalists, abbreviated as o u n. which dreamt of creating an independent states run by you craniums for ukraine. we don't only want to possess ukrainian cities, but also to tremble, enemy lambs capture the capitals and salute the ukranian empire on the ruins. we want to win a war. a great and brutal was it will make us the masters of east of europe. the v o u. n is cool, was made up of fullness gowns from the plus do the organizations created with help
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from austria, city. ok. and so for the, for the last day in the country, it was, it was a glitch. it is with, with and that's is getting these in you news, just an unfortunate e mail address have into that says no. as before the 1st who of off last was a gentleman reserve of anti russian forces. its members included, step on van dera, future lead of the ukrainian nationalist bundle was a fan of another oscar and agents, the reisa. dmitri dunn. so the political and moral psychological spirit that ukrainian nationalist breed is undoubtedly fascist. ukraine will live as an independent state only when it comes out with its national political, ideal, and both domestic and foreign policy. this achievement is only possible against russia and never with it. being contrary, x is all the one i could try to worry, but then it's assembling to go to beats and he is i shut the stone photo with me as a sure christmas the slaves 90. i was actually spoke with just the shows that was
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store when you, when you think like you for the deal, if you move fuel was more the ukrainian general is to assign cuts of a who fled from keep to new york experience this policy the 1st time so it is also the point of deals i just will because the lady from sancho solvable does the language spill. now 6 months needs me and you think what you're saying, you see what you're putting, what you want a phone calls to go to school. so yeah, this is a good guy, steve. the menu on the phone down to. so i'm not sure why your promo. johns comfortable with just fema. yeah. both practicing both a global almost account. there is almost at all to resubmit. somebody says she was looking for those of it from the job. some museum is the most of all the limits that it was. it was really but it's a little cool of me postpone was literally as for the 1st 3. yeah. where you
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literally just go for just a little more just before you give us the keys clear that could be moved for people . the other little more of the office of the the the new the old school just got to mind the symbol because oh, nice human there really brought the into the one can sub a dad to criticize the state policy of making bun dera and his follows and national heroes of ukraine. he was repressed immediately. the several is much low
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besides the uh, there was a bundle. yeah. of course the tools on that and it was that will with it. how do i am capable of, you know, increase social which is kind of give my okay, you know, said nima originally gave me the, the right to the step on montera museum news is some jake, well he has studied documents the detail, bund arrows, terrorist activities, the documents also reveal it from the mid 19 twenty's. the o u n. 's work was directly supervised by the federal risk. you know, the list of your coupons repeated. you have some economy problems you cuz those they put a while ago, use
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a little board. she's going to gain recognition. montera and his associates carried out motors and terrorist acts against poland, representatives local communists, and simply left. this politicians victims was invited by bundle right himself from bondo speech, the o u. n conference during k or some time while we can't afford to eliminate undesirable polish. a musket bite and jewish figures, especially those who support bolshevik, must go imperialism. logistical men, jo, party, 90 pasco, case gift, a 2nd. the, we'll have to create a new step on data group as a is i don't know. ok and say i people that say populace too often is that from the probably her mother's us to store. okay. the model girl that i got you, no problem seeing that i'm out of the nose offering 30 minutes us out of the drive i showed my brother through he was sudden to help people for a lo ok. so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well,
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i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang as a cause is like you get for the police, you really take your life as another crap for another. i could have been a doctor, a nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here. the is a lot. it's can be started by lawrence. please can be satisfied for the importance of we can never be kind of a station, so that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic, patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean,
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what could be more than that? by publishing information and sharing information with the public, he was exercising the rights for a speech he did. so in the public interest watched us or mom realized pen smith and, and honestly, to relate to seriously, i know i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore. why sweetheart adjustments for, to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through. do you have sense of all we going to lift that stay the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power type vision, with no real opinions. the fixtures designed to simplify all confused
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who really wants a better wills and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this? but can you see through their illusion going underground can there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the error is the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia, this is also of soon, this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington. as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what should i need? something living on that we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask the better. the answer is, will be the in
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1936 of police court sentenced bundio to life in prison and for terrorism, but he didn't languish in prison for a loan. in 1939 at the start of world war, 2, german troops occupying poland, released the valuable agents immediately seated easy at our clients, calling us aloud east with lots up the possible to deal with this by area of to stop the miss latonya. if you miss out, just to be sure to this is up in the fall, she's going to get a minute vmc ration. you also have to go to the exhaust fuel volume is which just on your door you la gmc wasn't need. yeah, i mean you want to from our to, with, of using the, at the tier model for you and this model get that girl me. sure. so in the late seventy's, nancy, germany was preparing to attack the soviet union. germany is come on place, great store on ukrainian nationalists combat detachment the
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from the testimony of p o w. gentleman on the sales vailable alfonze told us the 1st time i had to deal with the vendor risk. the unit was, during my 1st months of where i can track of a certain sub it was sent to me to receive the monthly money for band data. i was told that fund dentist attachments, work on tasks set by of providing them in to perform activities on russian territory in west a new great, good. yeah. he's been still not moving. sure. not a little bit as doing it. even your wife, computer, your mouth corporation, give 0 stuff, good night. you as a broker or something sort of restrictions virtually you most could you and your model and the fridge is good for us to be a. we want you to tell them the issue way most of the award to get the worst of the best. so your total for the police was mostly of us done, you know, you have so many of which me but then they should be on the tasks included ongoing, sabotaged activities this time against the u. s. s. in
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1939 starting added months ago, controlled by leading again this year to serve in ukraine. the bolshevik leaders whose monuments are being demolished all over more than ukraine. they truly generous gifts to this country, the fit to his plans for the ukrainian nationalist, the launch of war, sabotage in territories recently added to the soviet union. the on june, the 22nd 1941. the us to germany attacked the soviet union along side german troops, the attachments of ukrainian nationalist entered ukraine cities. special ss units would soon be form from them. also asking for too much energy assistance order,
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because it's not always involved with the local heaters, pc minutes. so means are not personal factors, but are you on a beach or i think of definitely assess. that's not key. got it says that it was, it was on the west. the means any. ok, so all of us about this privilege of price people, the people must and take parts of on a to the city and also provide museum at 1st. but of the, going to leave you since you want us just on the phone on see jeremy's attack on the soviet union. millions of jews lived in the us. so saws west and tower tree is the jewish pogroms, organized by ukrainian nationalize. combat detachments again was the and we're going to call the final solution to the jewish questions. don't throw away your weapons, take them destroy the enemy must divide on gary ends, jews. these are your enemies destroyed them. these are yours. last. disco is instructions. bundy. arrows closest associates and one of the organizes of the mass
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murder of jews involve on september the 30th 1941. in just one day, the thousands of old folk women and children was beaten to death on the streets, ship it to the own and we own, but it was through it a little bit with a serious consider the next those. and if we should preserve that, said each little, what's the budget, i guess so the sitting in the, you processing the disability, you and you sort of get over the no green school use in was to what it was during this time on the volume is done so the streets, the ukrainian nationalist o u. n. organization but claimed the so called manifesto on the independence of ukraine, nausea, tul, hiding, and whose interest it was written. the ukrainian states will work closely with the national socialist grace of germany under the leadership of adult federal law, which is forming a new order in europe in the world and helping the ukrainian people free themselves from us goes, occupation. even i need to put into them naturally by phone. yes. so you,
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me actually and then me and is on the come on the but the and they will on do next to go even though and again use the wiley app. definitely why move beforehand group or? yeah. so, so yeah, yeah, your grades go and it's, and that leaves them or not, what's still, what they've done the sodium in the bus at email and you see gilli is up remote than me, but the sky remains phone in. yeah. bear with, with us today, and if you need to, to the mass executions of jews carried out on the ss controlled by the zone. the commando of ukrainian nationalist came to because the heart of the cost of bullets during the $3.00 occupations, almost one and a half 1000000 people were killed. one of the most terrible executions took place in caves. the capital of soviet new crying in the ravine known as the 10s of thousands of people was shot in less than 48 hours. they do not see him hear them into bit. hey,
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we the tech model you still somewhere. i love those people. i personally, the almost 200000 people were killed above a michelle, is it cool? is the trustees law surviving witness? he was just 6 when his mother, younger brother and sister, limited by ukrainian nazi collaborate, has assistant to who are you going to really the, the media mission level and tell her what to visit. i have appointments. i don't really talk to her about how a cause issue,
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but when you go through the deal materials, when you go look so so cripple hold of your bill. hold the me file. recall the during the boy wasn't the gentleman so scared him the most the was the trustees. we're committed by ukrainians. quote of scenery them off unit. when you try to get it to sign, we're sure. good afternoon. thank you. i want to say the person because of this is a city the last not just the
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today ukraine is directing monuments to murderers and those who call for killing the innocent. yeah, it was with you look at that was now the are we a new doors? the green less than the sheila by me need keep a torch and look at the servers though key and he cut the road, be the dish or button you the then data say yes, the to attend an uber style it by me to more therefore, here is true for us victim, there's a valley human. somebody nustar. so for us get to get alpha by the by b edit. that is to these 2 to repeat this. the 3rd gave that chatter categories opponent, j, excuse me, july the in
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2017. a monument to you in a tell ega ukrainian poetess to work for the fascist ukraine, would newspaper was unveiled by the the papers pages openly called for the extermination of jews. the jews who remain and king of moscow rate is different nationalities, greek, armenian, ukrainian, or russian, and by hundreds of thousands of car both and that's for the relevant documents to conduct sabotage. work in the gym and occupied territory. vendors willingly did policing duties of a to the nazis, punitive actions. that's exactly leverage in the get which good. it's just that me use name by me b to b for the get the zillow associate. who could i am eager to go to the human 6th street and you'd be able to make it as
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an outlet for that site that of the meat rosenfeld is the son of a solvable nazi discount prisoner on auto. with the forties 1943. those on death row rose up and rebelled. his father was among those who rushed the scots within their hands to be a solution. seen his id just deal with the sense of the deal. yeah. those you think, but their lives are starting to thing through a book on the sell a little uprising, me how wonders, how executioners and war criminals came to be called national heroes and ukraine. and why did the country so quickly adopt both the ideology and men? so, so providing a final solution to national issues that the 1st phase they see me,
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but i really need i need to cheer me at least try that out of me either for you to that or any show who does it does the job was or mostly be is doing also try to be on the board for on, on the local point flow. great. the roles instead of family knows what gnosticism leads to in 2014, they still who sees power in teams and realized sooner or later the nationalist with start destroying undesirables, the director of the deals of the better of a my yes. did a most of a good that could never use. it says lee gives you guys the replacement is up with the 3 units. but the, the mileage should go yet to somebody else theatre or spear read me. look at this in naturalist. get the keys for what see it or with nature. but it's i screwed out
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the, the, the, the because we surely send or go to the, the e gene a good as should don't proceed with various see i go to the down by gabriel to sort of give it check. yes. pressure carpet back sort of the check it up because of the control video shouldn't be a sensor discrete them for you look good. so check at who this is now. maybe originally. but through just seems on top of that to flush it is going to go
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a poor there. the good them natural is 3 by 15 years. okay. gives here with those that the with the. busy keep the bill because this me as you model it, the image of slippers are the what is most of the your big city to with is on the loop. a connection to look at that really is there is, yeah, but the most of the, of the dial. so if we put into the pro, so use a cry instead to divide. html problem, gross though in each there's our lives of the how did form of the agents become valuable? american intelligence, agents who help ukranian nationalism us execution is escape punishment.
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and how does a c i is protocol go for ration, help formulate the idea of ukrainian. the the really modern patton medic world of smartphones and the tech upgrades parts. there's no crafts and hand painted traditions of yesteryear seemed to be fading away. particular stuff outside of the bustling metropolis of moscow. and you'll find that traditional russian culture is still going strong. the
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thousands of ukrainians choose to risk their lives by playing across the romanian border rather than face kids reporting and mobilization tactics. all while the west pushes for escalation, calling for strikes and russian territories to be 3 months. also a choice of western european and autonomy in width and striking and killing in the hearts of russia seems very, very dangerous. and breakfast to be italy's, deputy prime ministers, burns the calls to strike russia as the you find itself clear, i meant fears of catastrophic consequences. the un lashes out of israel after the slightest right kills at least $45.00 civilians and wounds hundreds more.


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