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tv   News  RT  May 28, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the, the thousands of ukrainians choose to risk their lives by playing across the romanian border rather than face kids for pony and mobilization tactics. all while the west pushes for escalation, calling for strikes on russian territory is to be 3 months. also a change of western european, an italian weapon, striking and killing in the hearts of russia seems very, very dangerous, and breakfast to be italy as deputy prime ministers, ferns the calls to track russia as the you find themselves, put them in fears of catastrophic consequences. the un lashes out of israel after the slightest right kills at least $45.00 civilians and wounds hundreds more and rough us as israel itself previously labeled the city
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a safe sound. this is the place where my relatives were located. and the idea of said he was safe, and suddenly he was no longer safe there. know how much leaders here are on our individuals and children. about 6 families and from friends to foes, the former and incumbent south african presidents parties based off in the country . and general elections with millions of voters ready to choose their nations at future. on wednesday, the rental rouble live in moscow. you're watching archie. international european authorities are looking into sending young europeans to fight russia on behalf of ukraine. is kids own rang say to buy the day. the revelation comes from hungaria and foreign minister peter c. r to. i like to go to your local and look at them and
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if you create any casualties becoming more than more than bearable you korean man, i'm not being allowed to of ukraine. and now they want to contribute to being used in the war. and obviously, as the escalation hates, this neighborhood, 1st one can almost clearly hear the argument that the soldiers should be sent from the geographical proximity. first, all these means that they want this in central european youth, including hunger and youth. to do more with mandatory your being conscription as the less the pushes conflict escalation, ukrainians are the ones suffering. the bodies of 2 more ukrainian men had been found at an attempted crossing point at the northern border of romania, a spokesperson for the country's border guard, says more than 2000 ukrainian men have fled by that route since the start of this year. but as i checked on the 366 columbus and both of which you crane and the count is modern moorish chiva, and so tomorrow, in the 1st 4 months of this year,
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we could move in 2016 in citizens. that's double compared to the same period last year. the old man between the ages of 18 and 60 but the vast majority a young up to 45 years old and they are basically for the past couple of years. ukrainians have been trying to escape a country on log down. see those words quick enough to do so in the 1st couple of days, a weeks since the contract broke out in the 2022. those are, they are stuck now in ukraine because the government has done everything in its power to see the country. so those men who don't wish to take part in the fighting . they have been trying to track the very search for this wilderness. they have been trying to cross rivers. these headlines over buddha, gods, discovering more and more bodies floating in the river that separates ukraine from its northern neighbour, romania. they have become a regular occurrence because that river's simply very, very dangerous to try to swim across. and so dozens of people have perished in the
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waters and death was apparently more preferable to them rather than going to the draft office and well potentially ending up on the front line as those who are lucky, those who manage to cross into se romania as a unlike other illegal migrant school around the world when they see for in both a god skilled ukrainian they are actually happy. now he was happy when he saw us because he's still and we didn't have the lease region in the us and ukrainian he was really started to cry once he had to, he was 18 years old. i remember that's how old my son is. it's hard to find out in general, the situation in ukraine has been it can be described as a very deadly game of cat and mouse is between the government and those men who are liable for conscription on may. the 18th a lot came into power that essentially shrinks the number of criteria that makes
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a man liable for draft for conscription save the premium, government found himself in a situation where basically so many people didn't want and do not want to end up on the front line, you know, ukraine can draw people even with addictions, even with medical conditions, that in any other country the world would make you eligible for the draft. well for you pray, the case has been very different while ukrainians try to escape the conflict western states up at the stakes. on tuesday you defense ministers, we'll meet to discuss, allowing key of to strike russian territory with western weapons. earlier that use foreign affairs to said some member states are already seriously considering the move, which is a growing debate. small more. we take a very much into consideration to fact that to ukraine. hospitalization begins at
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task which has been long chicken is 33 from russian, 33 and from mem go to stage, has been released into the restrictions for ukrainians to be able to use cell uh, media type support to respond to the russian attacks from the russian territory and not only from the ukrainian delatory abide by a flushing drugs, and there are some very strong divisions now emerging amongst the member states particular around this increased war mongering rhetoric. now some of this has come from ukraine is closest allies and supporters who fear the repercussions of this uh, this rhetoric fear that with sleep walking into world war 3. now, of course we've had some of the more, i guess, more belligerent of those states. for example, french president, emanuel macro, and of course, has mentioned nato troops go inside inside ukraine. he's always talking about this
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. you repeat all me, the stony and lead a cods of color. so said, well, you quite and must, when it's and that the west must at others, all striking a very, very different time with the young day being forwarded minutes to describing bordeaux and very unflattering terms. and it's not that you're in the, you're being politicians putting forward increasingly crazy or ideas sending troops, the ukraine destroyed in russian. this sol solved the grain, nuclear war, european conscription. what else we've heard and lots of escalates. we were mocked from west, indeed is the british foreign sec feet lot david come on, was very recently talking about a green lightning strikes inside russian territory. and now we have the outgoing knights who chiefly and sold to buck who was speaking to um the native parliamentary assembly in the bowl game. capital sophia, now he waiting, ratcheted up attention. so he has said that ukraine does have the right to make these strikes inside russian type of thing. now what you said was that the weapons
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supply to crating from wherever they come from, from nato member sites included in that, that those weapons, those homes, then belong to ukraine on it's up to them what it does with them when we have delivered to weapons to ukraine is actually not ours anymore, is it printing its us and they said they have the right to self defense and the rights of self defense into it's also a thing, legitimate mentor targets outside your printer. and also in the inertial which are, you know, a year basis which door for uses to attack now still was about, has received support and backing from the newest member of the military alliance, sweden and the defense minister, best supported, still within buds. cool was for strikes to be allowed on russian territory and said that what you say was couched in the usual kind of rhetoric. it was around the legal, an unprovoked war of aggression, russia, as well as waste on ukraine. but he also mentioned the international law allow,
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was ukraine to strike inside russian territory. i'm not sweet and support sent right within the framework of international rules. a lot of concerns have been raised, so it was stolen, some bugs like just rhetoric and these things cause a striking side russian type of sheet as a german chunk of show. the said, well, actually the agreement that we made with, with ukraine on supplying the supply weapons, was that it was contingent on them not being used to strike inside a russian territory. and the italian deputy prime minister mateo said lini has accused stoughton beg. a woman, great crystal, she ordered this man is dangerous because he talks about the 3rd world war. his talk of western european and italian weapon striking and killing in the hearts of russia. seems very, very dangerous and reckless to me. so whoever can should stop him. you know, cheated. a warning does show is that there's absolute, this unity amongst the member states. russia has yeah. and surprisingly,
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reacted i angry to these like this statement. sorry, i said, i love robes. the russian foreign minister has said, well, there's clearly this unity amongst the nice who remember states, but i said that something bug is perhaps over step, his mandate an over set them all a set them up. and he's not really speaking and that the whole. but this escalation comes, of course, at the time when around 70 countries, now i believe to have signed up for a so called pay stubs in switzerland. now this is a piece sub, it's a peace conference is being held without russia. and at a time when peace certainly seems to be the 1st thing from that mind, we discussed this with independent journalist lucrative a who said europe is in chaos and its own decisions on the ukraine conflict are to blame you to present, to the survey about this defense and nasal is not only are the pharmacy, the lights, obviously, we are cold. will insurance us here in western europe and america,
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of course we all call insurance with ukraine. we provide arms to ukraine. we provide more offensive and small defensive whole forensic bonds. and so this is already to the limit, but now with this decorations about a bullying level using the weapons provided by the west to attack russia. that is going a step to far the alliance doesn't function very well. america is, of course, the absolute, don powell in the alliance and of old european states. members all feed on all the lines are vassals, things you know, they, they have to buy american weapons and they, they, what america says, that's the way it is. so it's a subtract bad situation for long because natal doesn't have to weapons. and, and of course it to be totally crazy to go farther in,
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in being the ukranian army, which is being defeated right now and to send troops to ukraine. that would be a no, no, for any mobile person. united nations has slammed is really prime minister. netanyahu has attempted to justify the recent deadly attack on a refugee camp. in southern does up that now who branded the idea of strike that killed at least $45.00 and wounded more than $200.00 this place the civilians as a mistake of the for you asked about being interviewed rough. uh, we have already evacuated about a 1000000 non volt residents, and despite our best efforts not to home, the northern volk, unfortunately, a tragic mistake happened last night. we are investigating the case will present the conclusions because this policy, whether the attack was a war crime or a tragic mistake for the people of gaza. there is no debate. what happened last night was the latest and possibly most cruel, abomination. to call it a mistake is
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a message that means nothing for those killed. those grieving and those trying to save lives before calling the attack a mistake. the idea of claim that the strike was legitimate, saying and targeted to her mazda officials. in reality, attend community sheltering, displaced, palestinians was burned to the ground. despite the international court of justice, rolling, the israel must halt. it's all sensitive on rasa, and withdraw from the enclave. the idea to have carried out 60 air raids on the city since the rolling was made. people who survived the attack recall so her risk moments thought a 9 up in 3 odds a shadow. i guess i was on the way when suddenly i heard the sound of rock it and the place glowed. there were to me thoughts and then the fire broke out. when we arrived, we found the bodies had been burnt and mutilated, and we were unable to identify a relatives. we worked for 3 hours to extinguish the fire. and when it finally
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subsided, and the air was completely burnt, people gathered here, an ambulance came on, the whole thing that on me kinda. so this is the place where my relatives were located and the idea of city was safe. and suddenly it was no longer safe there. know how much leaders here instead there on, on individuals and children, about 6 families and just thought about the then another off to the sunset, cool to pray. a powerful explosion hit the area. i rushed to the scene and discovered that the area was on fire and that my cousins relatives rule but, and some of we began retrieving bodies as soon as possible. and the gods with us. local officials have called out the idea for committing massacres in zones. israel itself designated as safe so i selected that and it's not easy is really occupational i may have designated these areas of saved zones and have gold and citizens and displaced persons to go to the saved zones. when the displaced persons
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fled to these areas is really occupational. i'm a committed mass of goods and executions. the, it's a deadly attack on civilian sparked outrage. worldwide, algeria has requested a un security council meeting for the 1st time. the european union is considering its sanctioning israel over its war on gaza. that's according to the irish foreign minister. the measure could be implemented if israel does not comply with the i, c, j is willing to hold. it's a tax on rasa that says europeans continue to protest against idea of war crimes in gaza. the thousands took to the streets of paris to voice their indignation over the as really striped on the raw for refugee camp. in a bid to call, the protest place resorted to tear gas, which only sparked the more violence. the protesters also lashed out at western
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leaders. we're back in israel, accusing the idea of a tennessee if you want to try out, i would just pair our rage. we're witnessing the genocide. this is a mastercard. what is the is right, the stake hoping for security. there is a genocide going on, babies were burned to live last night and raw for refugee camps where they were supposed to be safe. the stall symbolizes the children, died there, journalist and the political analysts, robert. and like i says, israel's 1st reaction, denial is in line with their attempts to blame shift a dead thirst. they were saying that it was carried out in the corners to international law. this is the is really military. and then they were targeting to leaders that they have asked movement. and then of course, they shifted after the international attention on the incident in the condemnation, even if you were actually going out or how mass targets, which were amongst refugee sheltering intense in
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a un designated area. that israel said was the safe zone. you still cannot massacre 45 civilians and injure scores more so i believe it's just a way for us in yahoo to try and save for his hands up in the air as a look. we made a mistake, like they made a mistake with the target saying of those 78 workers, the for the world central kitchen, not too long ago who were international. and this happens every time when the international condemnation portion, but the 1st major reaction of the israel, easiest to deny it, and just say that their action was carried out against a mass target, or even maybe a some ass munition might have done it and pushed this information to try to suggest that they weren't actually responsible. but then in the end, when they're forced to, they admit they do it. say it's a mistake. how often in the software instructions are far beyond the borders of gaza, with many languishing in is really jails. but here you see pictures of, of do a lot to a palestinian man before and after his time behind bars. abdul as
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a battle with cancer when ignored out his detention since his release several human rights organizations of accused as well of denying him and many others live saving care while in custody. he shared the details of his ordeal with us. on the 2nd level will say fund fundable stone said we moved to a new phase where marshall was imposed on us. emergency authorities crowded us into cells and prevented us from leaving. we did not see the sun for many long months. we are full of 5 prisoners indeed. so then we became it 10 people in the cell was it was cut off for several months except for one hour a day. i'm the one hour was that came to us at that time once every day we had to wait. we had to wait for the wants to come, so we could use the bathroom or drink one hour a day was the maximum. the lights were turned off, there was no lights inside the room. we lived all lives in complete darkness, physical and psychological assaults. all of this was present. when our belongings
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were taken from us, leaving us suddenly with the clients on our backs. i left prison with the same under way i had on 8 months ago, wearing it for a month straight. we would remove on the way of wash it and wait for it to dry. we would lay it on the floor to dry and wear up close without it until they dried. then we would go back to the bathroom to put it on again. as result, the person is generally contracting chronic, contagious, and severe skin diseases. some of them have the skin else raging and bleeding. some of them could not walk or the amount of food given to us was just enough to keep us alive. that was raised to see a president who weighed more than 60 or 75 kilograms. lots of do a story is just one of many according to the latest data, more than $9000.00 palestinians are currently held in is really jails labeled as quote security detainees. that includes children and miners whose numbers behind bars have almost doubled since the start of war and gaza. more than 500 palestinians are serving live sentences on various charges as well. the change
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follow studios are faced with abuse. several human rights organizations, such as the public committee against torture, and israel have reported that prisoners are subjected to abuse, are often starved, as well as subjected to torture by is really guards. detainees health also gets neglected. we heard more on how i do lots and was denied cancer treatment or checkups well held in custody. and i apologize, i was surprised at the present administration refused to treat me as a secret prisoner. of course, they refused to treat me as a sick prison that gave them an advantage, meaning they did not have to take responsibility. therefore they would no consequences for them. of course, i did not remain silent. i continued to demand on file complaints with the administration saying, i am sick prisoner, and here in my files, the lawyer brought all my files proving i was sick and undergoing treatment under this legal pressure with the help of several lawyers and some supported human rights organizations. on some solidarity stands, the prison administration was forced to acknowledge that i was sick and to stop
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medical examinations and so on. but when the ball started or even a month before, i was surprised that i was not taken to the clinic. i was not fully examined by don't to hundreds of sick prisoners and me were treated as if i'm medical files were closed. a set one little table. we said that the tool trend stuff ation would go to bed watson, his condition, and cause us to lose him. we desperately hopes, please quick release to save his life. feeling he was fighting death, his health and illness when neglected, and his condition deteriorated significantly. as long as administrative detention accesses, it hangs over the heads of the policy and people like a so we say any risk campaign? well, when the age, whenever we hear about any grades, this constant anxiety is all reality. the south africa is general parliamentary elections are to kicked off in less than a day. and while a 1000000 of voters are ready to decide their nation's future,
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our local correspondence and all of who you can get. it takes a look at how the former and incumbent in south african leaders are competing in the race. once they will freeze, for now, they'll offer enemies to see an opposing forces in these directions. one head, that's why the car in prison. so i'm a pull us by the former president jacobs. it was a very different pick. so back in 2012, when the pay became is these 1st and 2nd in for months, around the country as president and 50 to president is being published in 2017 turn things on there. he also wants to the top job. but not that someone else watching something he became the policy lead from the i have the com to the decision to design as president the also that a public with immediate effect across the,
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on the will cost the game in 2019 very public. he watches off the street to see if there's time in the office as 9 wasted? yes. was it for reps? an inquiry, but he's refusal to appear again. it's, it's he, my case of hiring need is the commission pool for him to be thrown behind bar $22.00 and $1.00. so and receives on the c soft office whom i handed himself to police to serve a 15 month sentence. for contempt, of course, was the 1st time my former presidents had been failed in postal parties so that because um you had to be deployed and more than 300 people died at the time. so i'm a poor so to swipe the risk as an assault in democracy, i just want to make it very clear to anyone who is threatening any form of address . they will be followed up and it will be addressed that those are people who belong in j. those are people who are the enemies of our democracy and try to 23.
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that was a new kid on the block, the m k parts. but it was an old kid jacobs numa once again, making all the headlines. so when he threw his support to behind it for the 23 before he mixes see we have to change this kind of the same k pots is official noise. this happens to be in the same dates as the m k military coups, formal declaration of flu on the republic of sylvester k, 1961. so he was back in all sorts of ways that more than a few i believe the agency even more so because he was still an agency member to
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the premises to tackle crime unemployment power shortages and corruption in case manifesto mirrors menu office drivers. but the proxy imagines this of africa moving in a different direction to where the ac has been taking and for the possibility is particularly with the removal of the constitutional rights. when the constitution is lots new world world that miss stage will resume things. growing numbers of so that's because the rapid rise ran into tablets with the high pool to the most criminal record, bought him from standing in the election to support is, will remain on the tours. we feel vindicated and disappointed while hippy, that the jacob was on my student, the lead off of the party dictation mt part to watson. it's we have multiple polls that predict to be a see. we use problem in some majority for the 1st time since the, for the, for part 2 to 1994. meanwhile, the m. k has been gaining ground. even submit to need to take motions from an
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opposition parties in the 30. is that so that the guys when a democracy, none also conscious pos evictions watches uncertain as this was. all right, well that is going to do it for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleague, nicky aaron, will be in next in just over 30 minutes time with much more of the day, some new stories by the the when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more,
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react the the
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resume on the exam, the bulgarian journalist as well as one film this invariable after. and so the ration from the ukrainian on a sunday to today's fil, assume at least 3 or 4 comes off the shelf and fixed on my storage instead of postal calls this month for us to do. most of them now quote number into google 95 . now to the call i'm going to use, is it going to presume dr. dukes gets blocked or departments from the letters to months stuff organization as
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a brace on most of the us all market. yeah. there's not enough doctor's there. sort of schools. are you the see that i need to look to see what the core door open kitchen was? not serious weatherbug ever in general is mistook for an all go sign is actually the rules and all the words took symbol of hitler's and it says that's the rights division. so ukrainian sold as well as insignia and old with the full support of european and american human rights activists. who know very well what the symbols signify. the on september the 22nd 2023, the canadian parliament special meeting time to coincide with the visits of ukrainian president for the emails and then scale. the audience reported $9080.00 the iris lab going call for several minutes. we have here in the chamber today ukrainian canadian world veteran fort ukrainian independence against the russians
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and continues to support the troops today. even that was age of $98.00. canada is 12 officials and president zalinski gave a standing ovation to the freshest, a volunteer from the sky. you see a division known for exceptional a trustees against use pulse, villarreal ceilings and slovaks during world war 2 ukrainian nationalists pulse of s s unit scale and hundreds of thousands of civilians. in 1943, the zone to come on. those formed in west and ukraine was sent to poland and so back yet to find the partisans and the locals who supported them. the
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