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tv   News  RT  May 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the best of part of the the, the, the for sake are trying to get the body hot. roughly that does indicate the fact that the drugs are being expanded and that the combustion. this is going off the hey, is where my goal is at the base to on the list here. reports that idea of tongues are as long as thing into the hearts of laptops, leaving major casualties in the way the south africa is cooling on the international community. to take action against the as well as the idea. so patients are killing palestinians that historically unprecedented right and left the thousands of new frame units choose risking the lives to flee across the romanian food rather than space k ups per coney and mobilization tactics. oh, well,
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the west pushes the escalation, coatings a green line strikes and russians hurts where you also have terms of western european and autonomy in width. and striking and killing in the house of russia seems very, very dangerous. and rick has to be, if it leaves the paper on me to suspend the coals to strike washer was the years, finds itself click submit phase of catastrophic consequences. the is 3 pm here in moscow, and this is on the international with the world news. ok, thanks. i'm very welcome to you. and what top story best i'll was starting with breaking news. local journalists from don's that has reported to r t that id of tongues already gone, sink into the restaurant area, resulting in severe casualties to explain the serious and the expense of targeting the high contain scripts in the mall
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and type of thing. also the people that bought some problem, it is still under the and the supervision and the operation for the atlanta area. they have already been faxing the funding area, an area that was there, as it says area by the courses. the parents are advancing into the blazer is actually in the in the body. uh no, no. it's in eastern part time by approaching that earlier, it seems that the, the forces are trying to enter our struggle, which is in the body. hot was rough on that on is indicate the fact that the drug, that's what our times are being expanded and that the commodities is going to, they're in a move 100. that's the work that i've i happen to be in one of the cost,
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but then there's a large number of where it brought to the hospital because of the box. i went to the place itself. i saw the ice on the impact of the fire and i saw that some of the by the 12 for lifted by people who are just starting to fine. what ever remains of devices that you have thrown on shots on my table dates i was no less close live to release ero chief. no risk the notion of unless you get to see what makes new talos about the situation on the ground and ra for right now. first of all, it is important to mention that there is so far, no official announcement of a large scale operation in rough or by israel. but today's the idea of has been conducting what is called limited operations in the area. now we here how about tanks and heavy bombardment and that's part of the gas, a streets near the eviction boulder around the city of rough ha,
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head. and we are receiving the pictures from the ground showing people running away from these really military in the so called to many tear in area of i didn't know was in the area that i was supposed to give a shelter for displays, guys and all that comes after a deadly attack by is really our be earlier on sunday when at least 45 people were killed and 200 others were injured after these really strike sheets a cam for, displaced people according to the government, media office in gaza. shortly after the attack, the idea of announced that's to senior, have mass officials involved, according to israel in directing tara activity across the west bank had been killed . the or the army also said that the strike was precise, had that the target was a have miles compound, but again, innocence, palestinians died, including women and children. prime minister benjamin netanyahu earlier on monday cold. these really strike
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a tragic mistake voucher in an investigation. the un relief chief reactive to this common sane calling it and his stake is a message that means nothing for those killed. those grieving had those trying to save their lives. that's they can listen without fear about being interviewed rough . uh, we have already evacuated about a $1000000.00 revolt presidents, and despite our best efforts not to home, the northern volk, unfortunately, a tragic mistake happened last night. we are investigating the case will present the conclusions because this policy, whether the attack was a war crime or a tragic mistake for the people of gaza. there is no debate. what happened last night was the latest and possibly most cruel, abomination. to call it a mistake is a message that means nothing for those killed, those grieving and those trying to save lives. these really attack sparked world wide condemnation. and here's the latest reaction from south africa,
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the country that earlier the seer initiated the case has the you ends highest cool to cues in israel hoff committing genocide and goes, let's take a listen. we must pose the question of how long the international community will continue to watch as an entire population is a no, i liked it before the world can unite to urgently act against these brutal and incessant attacks. nothing can justify the deliberate killings and injuring of civilians as an entire population in jewels destruction of the scale and speed without power low in modern history. what can i say? that's rough, what has become the red line full? the international community has its, became an area of refuge for guidance displays from the north of the street, and many, including his rosky ally, washington have been opposing the operation in that area. and now we see that israel is targeting what was called a safe zone. here's what have mass representative has to say about that. so i
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selected that it is so easy is really occupational and we had designated these areas and saved zones and had called them citizens and displaced persons to go to the saved zones. when the displaced persons fled to these areas is really occupational and committed massive goods and executions. the to hi, while we're here, words of condemnation and criticism from outside of the guys a stray people on the ground of sending messages of despair and sorrow. they say there is no safe place in the gaza strip now in their path can that's taken. listen to look at how the whole thing was on me can. this is the place where my relatives were located and the idea of city was safe and suddenly it was no longer safe. there know how much leaders here. instead there on, on individuals and children, about 6 families. and none of them 3 odds, a shadow, i guess i was on the way when suddenly i heard the sign up for rocket and the plays
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glowed. there were to me sobs and then the fire broke out. when we arrived, we found the bodies had been burnt and mutilated, and we were unable to identify a relatives. we worked for 3 hours to extinguish the fire. and when it finally subsided, and the air was completely burned, people gathered here and the ambulance came. and the thought about the then another off to the sunset, cool to pray. a powerful explosion hit the area. i rushed to the scene and discovered that the area was on fire and that my cousins, relatives rule button. some of we began retrieving bodies as soon as possible and up along with a non a god with us, a total and again, these really military activity bombardment. and so the idea of sold around rough uh, sparks condemnation worldwide, and we not hear that a colleague. sure. nobody goes has urgently appeals to the un security council to enforce the international court of justice is older is regarding these rules
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offensive and rough or earlier. as you remember, the c a rules to stop the idea of military operation. they are, but so far we see that these really army goes on all the notary activities continue . and earlier we heard from these really prime minister that no one will stop israel. and so this is what's happening and we will probably see more tragic events and more desk including from the palace designs, of course, many things for updating as the sort of tase middle east bureau chief maria from ocean and speaking to his live from jerusalem. thanks. phenomena, rand, thank you. is also a recent is where the swine code 45 and wounded more than 200 civilians in a rough, our refugee comes most pro test said grips you are up with demonstrates is condemning the ideas for war crimes in gaza. the
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thousands to the streets of power is to voice. the indignation of these radius strikes on the rocks are refugee time and a bit to quell the protest. police resulted 2 guns which are responsible violence. the protest is also launched down to the western latest the backend as well accusing the idea of genocide. you want to cry out, o despair, our rage weakness and the genocide this is a massacre. what does the is ready state code thing for security? there is a genocide going on, babies were burned to live last night, and ross, or refugee camps where they were supposed to be safe. the stall symbolizes the children, died there as far as lot to while i'm doing this, i mean international relations commutation and also many thanks for joining us on
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the program is good to say today. so we as well as ground in caution into rafa folders the attack on the refugee count, they killed at least 45 civilians and wounded 200 more. is it just 2 days off to the international court of justice ordered as well to end its military offensive that what do you make of the timing of the escalation, especially coming one day off to nothing? yahoo said that a talk on the refuge account was a tragic mistake as well. yes. big in terms of the timing of the attack it's it's, it's certainly an attack also on the legitimacy and authority of the i. c. j updates . and as to what of justice, but not only the international court of justice, but that is the see. we know that steps have been taken they uh towards securing dead warrants or for rest against the prison benjamin netanyahu. so that certainly he had said before that he did his attack ratify the certainly did. but in terms of timing it's, it's uh,
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it's to say that we're not going to hear from the icy to. we're not gonna take quotas from the ice and seen some needs that are still community will continue doing what we're doing with the packing up there with that. well, so certainly it, it, it, the timing itself has to be very strategic for, for, for, for israel to send a message to, particularly to the i c, j. and to attack these old legitimacy and authority. tenants in the international community seems like the mood is changing even further towards the is route and see i the full peroration and does that. especially since the i c j. we went and gave them a german vice chancellor as cooling the idea as options and compatible with international know. so what does this leave the i c j when it can be expected to have any impacts on the idea of assault on dollars or school? the contrary to popular belief, i think it actually has or maybe in the sense that to do is it's,
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it's difficult to see when, when so many people like dying, you women and children being bombed by the idea. and you see that perhaps maybe it'd be that i still sort of diety and i'm causing di c, j is part of that. it's an actual sort of batter dates of, you know, a lot of people are kind of style. you would think that maybe there's no impact at all, but i think i many quarters as well is that the situation could have been worse without international sort of data to either be worse. we've got the i c j coming in with its initial testament then. now with, with the read it to be a new, a judgment on the dropbox asking user on nazi notes, etc. so the i c j's judge based the previous one, the recent one or have it impact and i've had it impact already a positive one. unfortunately not enough, but it has done it has done r 8 a been it could have been worse without since, and i still sort of better to so we can never down play international solidarity.
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and as much as it doesn't seem that it helps that much in the immediate, it seems like the best spot any international condemnation has, has a little impact on it, as well as decisions to continue its operation. now we have countries coming out to an especially recognizing policy. china space a new way and died and now recognize a palestinian state. what do you expect more countries to come out and do the same? or would you expect more condemnation from the international community? of course, you know, the longer this whole thing last the worst it is 44, or bank of america now who's with the whole country should come out. it seems that the knock is x ray and uh, now the biggest these countries would not have, as i really would not have come out and said, you know, at a pilot site is, is it is, this is an independent state and, and then recognize. but it's not as a,
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as a sovereign nation, if, if these operations by the ibm did not take this direction. so now seem to put this thing to because seem to pick to the what is happening and put a sign now cause i coming in and say no, somebody's wrong. yeah, no, we have to recognize a prentice on as a, as a solve and nature. so i do believe you will have, uh, you know, more nations coming out, you know, a trained us get started and this is very important. this is very, very important for the palestinians. it's important for, well, what's going on there? and i do believe it's going to, even though people that's gonna die, and we might not see it as i said before, but it's an actual sort a diety, it can never be down played. and i think in the law, in the long said, when all of this is old, but we're going to look back at the international solidarity and the countries that have now, uh, you know, recognize the kind of stab we're going to look back to those access actions also by south africa taking these issues to the court. and we're going to see that actually
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they've played a big impact that we realized when they were happening. as most of all the bay for the 1st time in your opinion in is not considering sanctioning israel over the situation. what are the chances of these measures will be implemented? and what st. putting to take the as well as a great ally, the us to change it's to as well the you as i never really do dictates it'd be about this, the, the, the us relationship with ease, route is type by quarter. steal. uh, you know, we have had, uh that there has been some condemnation behind the scenes but nothing. uh, you know, the official. yeah. its which, which even those reports have struck me. we are, we are really into a phase in this car config. zach is a kind of time that i don't think we've seen before in, in, in recent times. so, you know, yeah, yeah, it's very difficult to tell where the us would ever come out and come out of goods . it's ms. be against israel is
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a very strategic partner. all of the us in the middle of these, you know, the, the more it is more important to the us then say you craved for example. so the euro takes the lead from the united states is most businesses. i, i wouldn't, i wouldn't bank on, on, on, on europe, of course them good considering such actions against is all would be, would be historic, even just the consideration itself. what, and so the actual i, i, that it's going to happen and what device was making. so as it's really great to hear, you will take on things. one of them is i me international relations commentator and also thank you. thank you very much. you were paid all lowercase, are looking into sending young europeans to fight in russia on behalf of ukraine as kids own rank space. by the day, the revelation comes from hungaria and for i'm going to start pay to see, alter
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a lot to go to your local and look at them. and if you create any casualties becoming more than more than bearable you korean man, i'm not being allowed to of ukraine. and now they ones that contribute to being used in as a war. and obviously, as the escalation hates, this neighborhood, 1st one can almost clearly hear the argument that the soldiers should be sent from the geographical proximity. first of all, these means that they want this in central european use, including hunger in youth to the war with mandatory you're being conscription model of the west chaise calling to select the escalation, ukrainians on the one suffering. bodies of 2 more ukrainian men have been found that an attempt to cross the importance of the northern folder of romania specs. persons of the countries voted on stage moving 2002 crazy and men of floods by that roots. since the status of this year. but as i said on the 366 columbus of boards, that will be trained in the count as model move as chiva. so tomorrow,
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the 1st 4 months of this year, we could move in to thousands of crate and citizens. that's double compared to the same period last year. the old man between the ages of 18 and 60 but the vast majority a young up to 45 years old and they are basically for the past couple of years. ukrainians have been trying to escape a country on log down. see those words quick enough to do so in the 1st couple of days, a weeks since the contract broke out in the 2022. those are, they are stuck now in ukraine because the government has done everything in its power to see the country. so those men who don't wish to take part in the fighting . they have been trying to track a very search for this wilderness. they have been trying to cross rivers, these headlines over border guards, discovering more and more bodies floating in the river. they have become a regular occurrence because that river is simply very, very dangerous to try to swim across. and so dozens of people have perished and the
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waters and death was probably more preferable to them rather than going to the draft office and well potentially ending up on the front line as those who are lucky, those who manage to cross into se romania as a unlike other illegal migrants flew around the world when the c 4 in both a god smelt ukrainian, they actually happy samples. now he was happy when he saw us because he's still, if we didn't have the lease region, and i'll send you craney and he was really started to cry once he was 18 years old . i remember that's how old my son is. it's hard to find out and in general, the situation in ukraine has been it can be described as a very deadly game of cat and mouse between the government and those men who are liable for conscript. since on may, the 18th, a lord came into power that essentially just rings the number of criteria that
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makes a man liable for draft. for conscription, see the premium government found himself in a situation when, basically so many people didn't want and do not want to end up on the front line. you know, ukraine can draw people even with addictions, even with medical conditions, that in any other country the world would make you eligible for the draft. well, for you pray, the case has been very different or you courtney. i was trying to escape the conflict western countries. i think the states department is the all the check for public onto the netherlands, defense minutes to say it's feasible. the ukraine will have to strike russian territory with west and supplied weapons striking inside of, of russia. i've never excluded this because your brains fighting a war and they are defending themselves. and as long it's, it's in the interest of their self defense and restoring the discharge for integrity of their country a and a fine with the, with the, with terry and,
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and international know it is quite feasible that they have to strike also inside the rush. so from my perspective, that should not be the due date if we're talking about statements, but yeah, and stilton burger, someone else that you crane could use weapons that are supplied to it from abroad. i think this is completely logical. ukraine is a country that defends itself as a country that has been attacked. it certainly has every rights to use. all possibilities for its defense is gone to the defense ministers prepared to discuss the latest escalation earlier. the use for an offense chase, that's a member states already. seriously. consider in the mood we just have it all in debate. small more. we take very much into consideration to fact that to ukraine. hospitalization to gauge at that, which had to be in law in japan,
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history 3 from the russian. 33 and from member to states has been lifting the restrictions for ukrainians to be able to use cell uh, media type a support to respond to, to, across from attacks from the russian territory. and not only from the ukrainian territory by a, by russian troops. there was some very strong divisions now emerging amongst the member states particular around this increased war mongering rhetoric. now some of this has come from ukraine is closest allies and supporters who fear the repercussions of this a. this rhetoric fear that with sleep walking into world war 3. now, of course we've had some of the more, i guess, more belligerent of those states, for example, french president emanuel macro. and of course, has mentioned nato troops go inside inside ukraine. he's always talking about this, you repeat all me, the stony in a late a cubs of color. so said, well,
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you quite and must, when it's and that the west must at others, all striking a very, very different time with the hung davian, foreign minister describing bordeaux, in very unflattering terms. there's nothing you and the european politicians putting forward increasingly, krazer ideas, signing troops, the ukraine destroyed in russian. this sol solved the grain. nuclear war. you're being conscription. what else we've heard at lots of escalates where you were, mocks from west end. it is uh, the british folder and sec, figured out david, come on was very recently talking about a green lightning strikes inside russian territory. and now we have the outgoing knights who chief and sold to buck who was speaking to um uh, the natal paula meant the assembly in the bowl game in capital sophia. now he waiting right to take up 10 terms that he has said that you crying does have the right to make these strikes inside russian territory. now what you said was that the weapons a supply to crating from wherever they come from,
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from nato member site, is included in that, that those weapons, those homes, then belong to ukraine on is up to the watts. it does with that when we have delivered to weapons to ukraine is actually not ours anymore. it's through trans us . and they said they have the right to self defense on the rights of self defense into it's also a thing legitimate mentor targets outside japan. and also in the inertial which are, you know, a year basis which georgia uses to attack now still was about, has received support and backing from the newest member of the military alliance, sweden and the defense minister, best supported, still within buds. cool, was full strikes to be allowed on russian territory and said that what you say was cow, extend the usual kind of rest of it was around the legal, an unprovoked war of aggression. russia, as well as waste on ukraine. but he also mentioned the international law allows
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ukraine to strike inside russian territory. i'm not sweet and support sent right within the framework of international roles. a lot of concerns has been raised, so it was stolen, some bugs like just rhetoric and these things cause the striking side russian territory. does a german chunk of show the said, well, actually the agreement that we made with, with ukraine on supplying the supply of weapons, was that it was contingent on them not being used to striking side russian territory. and the italian deputy prime minister mateo said, leni has accused stoughton beg, a woman, great crystal. she knew that this man is dangerous because he talks about the 3rd world war. his talk of western european and italian weapon striking and killing in the hearts of russia seems very, very dangerous and reckless to me. so whoever can should stop him. you know, what it does show is that is absolute, this unity amongst the member states. russia has and surprisingly reacted i angry
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to these like just statements. i am the said i level of the russian foreign minister has said, well, there's clearly this unity amongst the natives who members days. but it said that something bug is perhaps over step his mandates. an over set them all a set them up and he's not really speaking and that the halls, but this escalation comes, of course, at the time when around 70 countries. now i believe you have signed up for a so called pay summit in switzerland. now this is a piece sub, it's a peace conference is being held without russia on a time when peace certainly seems to be the 1st thing from that mind. when we discuss this with independent journalists, nuclear evey here said you are representing kale. so i made some decisions on the ukraine conflict on to blame for you to present to the great about this defense. and nasal is not only a defensive alliance. obviously we are cobra insurance us here in western europe and america. of course, we are cool insurance with ukraine. we provide arms to ukraine. we provide more
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offensive arm, small, defensive coal, fancy bonds. and so this is all righty to the limit. but now with this, the corporations about a bullying the whole using the weapons provided by the west to attack russia that is going to far, the alliance doesn't function very well. america is of course, the, so i don't power in the alliance and of old here to can states members all feed on all the lines are vassals, things you know, baby have to buy american weapons and they be what america says. that's the way it is. so it's a subtract bad situation for long because natal doesn't have to weapons. and, and of course, it would be totally crazy to go farther in the, in house being the ukrainian army,
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which is being defeated right now and to send troops to ukraine. that would be a no, no, for any mobile person. south africa's general parliamentary elections on k coughing, less than a day as well. millions of voters with voters are ready to decide the nation's future. all local correspond to another. a con guy takes a look at how the full amount and then contact the south africa need is a can pay to and the rice ones they will freeze for now. they will offer enemies to see an opposing forces in these directions. one head, that's why the car in prison. so i'm a pull stuff by the former president jacobs. it was a very different pick. so back in 20 false when the pair became in sees 1st and 2nd in for months they ran the country as president and 50 to president is the 2017 turn things on their heads. also wanted the top job with zoom up that someone else
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was something he became the policy lead from the i have come to the decision to design as president of the public with immediate effect across the whole costs. again in 2019 very public. he watches off the street to see if there's time in the office as 9 wasted years later. a, perhaps an inquiry, but he's refusal to appear again. it's, it's he my case of having to be to separate the commission cool for him to be so and behind boss 2021. so and he sees on the c soft office and it himself to police to serve a 50 month sentence for contempt of court. was the 1st time my former president had been jailed in post the practice of africa. i may have to be deployed. i know.


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