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tv   News  RT  May 28, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the traditional russian, the for parts culture is still going strong. the, the headlines on all to international law commit posts, and the claims that k of western prolonged business shifting the unpopular decisions onto the landscape understood to be crated in paul events. note the president is the legitimate governing authority in the country. they really are trying to get the body of dropbox. that all does indicate the fact that the charges are being expended upon that the budget. the heads were made guns of base 2 on the list, 3 reports that ideas, tons already long thing into the heart of rough by leaving major casualties in that way. the south africa recording on the international community to take action
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against state, as well as all ideas, operations killed, palestinians that take storage unprecedented rates and not from friends to phone space and, and confident found the african presence policies face off in the countries general elections with millions of votes as ready to choose the nation's future on wednesday, the h 5 pm here in moscow. and this is almost a international with the wells news updates and very well, well, come to you. as hop story this, our ukraine's western allies wants to place them both and is making on popular decisions, including about mobilization on the current government in order to replace them later. as, according to the russian presidents on his visits to is becca stone. or she doesn't
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go see what i personally think, and this is mostly the do with the company doing and see what addition is. the haps, the law says paul, again, the signature, it's of days that ukraine cor, was lar, over the ocean. so would you say one was to take the a photo just that are in place right now being your crane? yeah, you probably have to actually make people told that the only on the copy of the decisions that need some of wondering and facts who don't hold the button called the next decision to reduce the use of would they dropped the can screens here another we can but reduce it to into 3 on in fact the lp and yes of the window and all the or do you think some 1000 and popular decisions could be the goods and saturdays. so sort of this government is going to let me every now and then they're going to be replaced on the way to talk to people who did in the global notice with the times the any of that. and so the responsibility for courtney faust is
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unpopular decisions that stuff crosswind to correspond to equal pissed canals. now we go to to see. so this was the president, putin wrapping up his 2 days state visit to us back is down in the press conference that was quite interesting you with that of course. what else to put himself on the encompass ukrainian government? a well actually to tell you, the truth of this press conference wasn't planned initially and it was the almost improvise at the very end of this visit to was the biggest done. we're actually right now standing at the presidential facility, all the biggest the best against the airport. so the president literally left just a few minutes ago on his plan. i just saw it actually just drive off and then take off a lots of questions. we were able to ask lots of questions, go ahead and put in. and one of these, uh, one of these questions was about 2 of these uh,
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calls by some western officials to allow ukraine to use a western made weapons, including long range weapons on, on objects, on the russian territory. so she says that they're monitoring the situation and this is quite an important issue since some of these weapons, especially a long range weapons and they have to be serviced by their producers. and the way the work is the often the also has to be controlled by their manufacturers. and also all of these attacks have to be done with the use of satellite surveillance. so sort of hinting at that the use officially, your formerly by ukraine of western weapons on uh, optima on targets on russian land would still have to be automatically sort of
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supervised by the west. that's one point. the 2nd point that he mentioned or was about the mercenaries. uh, he said that uh uh, mazda goes monitoring that as well. i believe we can listen to what specifically he said about the long range weapons being on the way it's used can only be done by highly trained professionals sponsor to that and based on the kona sense. so does take a storm shadow me sells these flights of missions, as faculty can be decided automatically without the participation of ukrainian young officers. and it is done by a bose. the emissions are designed by those who provide the weapons so it can be done without any participation. all the crate inside itself, the creating an army itself. the other mit michelle's, of the system, such as a talk comes. i also used based on set of lights reconnaissance.
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they are the mission is created, then it is calculated. and in fact what it's being input into the miss dial, the person who's inputting it may even not know what's happening with them. it's always going to do. but the, the mission that's being input is actually being prepared by nato officials, by may to minutes treat not by ukrainians. and so the nato countries, especially in europe, especially in smaller countries of europe. they must be very, but they must realize what kind of plays, what kind of game they're playing to. now as i said, whatever important also mention to the issue also for known specifically western mercenaries fighting in ukraine in light of rising cause i'd say by some western states, a specifically the baltic states to send military instructors. and they told me what the instructors to do crane well,
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why don't we important says that they are also aware that what's the nursing who is having fighting in ukraine against russia for a long time now. and they're suffering heavy losses. he says, and perhaps these calls to send the military instructors to ukraine, are a way for them to sort of legitimize, legitimize these losses. an interesting aspect. another one that we heard during the media conference was about the legitimacy of the president to zalinski. now, it seems that vladimir putin has quite thoroughly studied the ukrainian constitution and is his, his argument is that under the ukrainian constitution, if a new president is not you elected after the previous ones term is over, which defacto happened now, it was supposed to end as against eastern was supposed to end in may, then the power over the country is suppose to move suppose to go to parliament into
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the head of parliament, which obviously didn't happen. so the issue now, because one of the journalists asked the president whether or not peace negotiations with the part possible. he said that's one of the, one of the reasons that is a stumbling block in that situation. since moscow isn't clear what to hold these negotiations with, however, he did stress that russia is always open to peace dogs. and so many things so many thanks to bring this up to speed on that bounced onto correspondent ego has no speaking to his live it from tuscan. well, the 1st official friendship instructors will soon visit ukrainian training centers to teach local soldiers come about skills that through crating, commander in chief alex on the seal escapes announcements off the holding. remote talks with the french defense. vanessa. i welcome to french initiative to send instructors to ukraine, to train ukrainian military personnel. i have already signed the documents that
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will allow the 1st french instructors to visit our training center soon and familiarize themselves with their infrastructure and staff. a font size not yet. it's commented on the totes results, but the deal follows the consistent escalation of precedent and manual crones rhetoric on times to send french troops to sub on the ground and ukraine was the media also report was that kias has recently requested nato instructors to train tens of thousands, if you crazy. and so just inside the country, russian president vladimir putin saves the arrival of for an instructive in ukraine . is a serious escalation towards a greater conflict. but you lose just the military and ukraine are saying that for an experts may appear in ukraine. some of course they have been there for a long time. we know they are there, the so called mercenaries, but under the guise of most and aries, there are specialists, there. they are there and they are suffering loss. it has for the various
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contingent. i have already talked about this. the opponents, you'll authorities declare that they are ready to send the contingents. we have many polish voices. there are a lot of mercenaries from poland. if say some contingents from european countries enter their together with polls. others will leave polls never. this is an obvious thing for me, at least for sure. it's kind of what, therefore, the guise of releasing some of ukrainian units standing along the border, releasing them in order to send them to the battlefield, keeping them along the borders to ensure their safety is nonsense. that's all. and if they are there, they will also be in the affected area of our armed forces. i don't think this is a good decision. this is an escalation and another step towards a serious conflict in europe and a global conflict. do they need to do? we will still do as we see fit, regardless of who is on the territory of you frame. and that's what they need to
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know. well, let's discuss this further with, i guess french i have ation expect on from the pilot. so the launch for many thanks for joining us on the part. so i must get to say today. so the 1st official french instructors will be going to ukrainian training center as some times during watching the president periods and statements about size. he said it's uh, one step closer to why the conflicts, how dangers do use thing to do. but do you believe these french functions to be, if true? well, this, this front traction would be definitely an escalation towards something much bigger . the very question that we have to ask ourselves is, in which condition the french forces could do this. we all know that with the treaty that were assigned between zelinski on the menu and in the crown in february . so that the provide a district is providing health and defense and security for ukraine. but the thing is that whatever phillips we are sending in ukraine,
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whether it's normal troops of just instructors, they will be, can see the as legitimate targets. which raised the question under which monday those uh french instructor would be on what would be the rules of engagement. and the how the french government is going to qualify this. you know that in front we have something that we call backs, which is funds for external operations. but to have these qualification that needs to go through palm humans, even if there is no vote that the debates, then we would need a debate anyway. but the main question here is they will be considered as legitimate targets, and there is no way for us to make the difference between the bring in forces and those french many theories at that would be on a training probably go on for anywhere else. so if france is really doing it, the gotta be ready to receive caskets and retirements with the,
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with the front flag on it. so you're saying this could be, this could be a way it says something behind them. they may be to justify sending french boots on the ground, for example, with their net to train. but actually it's something else entirely. well, we all know, and this is not something new that we have friendship barriers in ukraine and they even before 2022 because we know that there were there since 2014. so since 2022, i'm the beginning of the special military operations. it's, it's, it is something that is understood but unfold. uh, by oh, specializing this. it would also be an opportunity for, for present chrome to justify the dad's the front desk that we already have in ukraine. and that's uh, that's where he might be burdened that he has to justify with less so many men's like getting that you get them out of each like, uh, uh,
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at the new federal where we, we know they were working for a french expedited services. so yes that that's the solution also for him. anything . so speaking to us today we've been talking to start with alondra french aviation expect on from a pilot. thank you. you're welcome. now a local journalist from gaza has reported to on the safe id id of times, storage, vol, and send in to be rasa area, resulting in severe casualties to explain the serious and the advancing targeting the high contain scription. the more type of thing also to do for the free body, sometime it is still on the, on the beach and the shouldn't be atlantic so that they have already been renting the funding area. an area that was that as
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it says area by the closest the cancer i've entered into the blazer is actually in the, in the running. uh no, no, thank eastern part and perfect. and by approaching that earlier, it seems that the, the forces are tied to into our struggle, which is in the body. how was roughly that is indicate the fact that the drugs are being expanded and that the combined this is going to, they're in a $200.00. that's the work that i've, i happens to be in one of these tests. but then there's a large number where approach to the hospital because of the ballpark now, i went to the place itself. i saw the ice on the impact of the fire. and i saw that some of the by the 12 for lifted by people who are just starting to find what ever remains of devices that you have thrown on track to making these new or
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a change in the way of a notion of breaks down the latest developments for us, it is very important to say, 1st of all that so far, there hasn't been any official announcement from israel about an unanticipated large scale operation and rough uh, but for days the adf has been conducting what it's called limited operations in the area with cavities risings, including i'm on civilians. now we hear about is really tang tillery and heavy bombardment on the ground. we also hear from our correspondence on the ground that civilian infrastructure. hays being targeted, we also receive pictures showing gas and is leaving rough. uh and so cold humanitarian zones that were supposed to be refuge and protect civilians trap taina was own. so the situation on the ground is very, very tons. and this escalation comes after a deadly attack buys really army. earlier on sunday, when the idea of heat, a camp full displaced people, according to the government,
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media office and guys of at least 45 people were killed and 200 others were injured, including women and children. shortly after that, the attack, the adf announced that to senior high mass officials involved according to israel and directing terror attacks across the west bank, had been killed, had the army also reported that the strike was precise. based on serious intelligence, the end of the target was a have mass compound, but again, innocence, palestinians died. prime minister benjamin antonia who called these rarely strike a tragic mistake though in an investigation the un believe chief reacted to this comment saying that colon and ended stake is a message that means nothing for those killed those grieving and those trying to save their lives. let's take a listen. no, the rough uh, we have already evacuated about a 1000000 non involve presidents and despite our best efforts not to home,
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the northern volk. unfortunately, a tragic mistake happened last night. we are investigating the case will presented conclusions because this out policy, whether the attack was a war crime or a tragic mistake for the people of gaza. there is no debate. what happened last night was the latest and possibly most cruel, abomination. to call it a mistake is a message that means nothing for those killed. those grieving and those trying to save lives is really attack sparked world wide condemnation. and he's the latest reaction from south africa, the country that earlier these 2 years, you remember initiated, legal battle had the international court of justice, the u. n's, highest, quote, accusing israel off committing genocide and gaza. let's take a listen. we must pose the question of how long the international community will continue to watch as an entire population is of no, i liked it before the world can unite to urgently act against these brutal and
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incessant attacks. nothing can justify the deliberate killings and injuring of civilians as an entire population enjoys destruction that escape and speed without power. lo, involved in history. rough law has become a red line for the international community months after the war. and guys have started thousands tens and hundreds of thousands of gallons displaced from the north of the street, found refuge around the city of rough funding of egypt in bold and many, including these rules. key ally, the u. s. have been opposing the idea of operation in such a densely populated area. and israel vowed to evacuate civilians before any military activity. and indeed many managed to escape, but many are still there. the place is still crowded and now is robust targeting what was called a safe zone. here's what had mass representative has to say about that. so i selected that and it's not an easy is really occupational i may have designated these areas,
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so saved zones. i have gold and citizens and displaced persons that go to the saved zones. when the displaced persons fled to these areas is really occupational. i'm a committed mass of goods and executions. and while we here are words of condemnation from outside of the gather, streeves, people on the ground guys and as a sending messages of despair and sorrow, they complain there is no safe place left and guys, they are right in panic. let's now listen to these voices from the ground. look at how the hopefully with that on me kinda so this is the place where my relatives were located and the idea of study was safe and suddenly it was no longer safe. there are no, i'm us leaders here instead there on, on individuals and children. about 6 families thought and none of them. 3 odds, a shadow. i guess i was on the way when suddenly i heard the sound of rocket and the place glowed. there were 2 me solves and then the fire broke out. when we
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arrived, we found the bodies had been burnt and mutilated, and we were unable to identify a relatives. we worked for 3 hours to extinguish the fire and when it finally subsided and the area was completely burnt, people gathered here and the ambulance came and just thought about the then another off to the sunset, cool to pray. a powerful explosion hit the area. i rushed to the scene and discovered that the area was on fire and that my cousins relatives rule but, and some of we began retrieving bodies as soon as possible, along with a non a god with us, a problem. it again, hazel's deadly attack on civilians and dogs sparked outrage worldwide held julia has requested an urgent un security council may change that we are expecting later on tuesday for the 1st time since the beginning of the war almost 8 months ago. the european union is not considering the sanction in israel over its operation in gaza . as according to the irish foreign minister, also had called ition of
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n g o has urgently appeals to the un security council to enforce the international court of justice as orders regarding israel is offensive and rough. uh, are they asked the i c. j. 's? you remember roads to stop the idea of some military operation and rough, but so far we see the opposite. these really army goes deeper intensity fine. it's a tax, it's from bergman's. and earlier benjamin and said, yeah, who's really prime minister said that no one will stop as well. and this is what we see happening now. and unfortunately, we might expect more tragic events and modesta, of course, from both sides. well, mass protest scripts, european cities, often these ladies try killed, 45 and wounded, 200 civilians in a rough refuge account on sunday was demonstrated in paris condemning the idea for woot primes in gaza. of the
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thousands took to the streets in paris, the voice, the indignation of these ladies trying on the rocks are resting to town. and if it to quell the protest, police resulted to tear gas, which only sparks move islands. the protest is also launched down said weston need as the backend as well. accusing the idea of janice time. you want to cry out o despair, our rage witnessing a genocide. this is a mastercard. what does the is ready state code thing for security? there is a genocide going on, and babies were born to live last night and ross a refugee camps where they were supposed to be say, the stall symbolizes the children, died there. one day i'm assuming the international relations commentator and also states the timing of the rough uh,
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talked is quite telling that as well as trying to send a message to the wells. the terms of the timing of the attack is it's, it's certainly an attack also on the legitimacy and authority or the i see, i think the next one sort of justice but not only the international court of justice, but that is the see. we know that steps have been taken, they uh, was securing denmoore. it's a progressed against the prison benjamin netanyahu. so that certainly he had said before that he did his attack or outside the setting, the big 5 few terms of timing it's, it's, uh, it's to say that we're not going to hear from the i see to, we're not gonna take orders from the i sincerely needs that extra community what good to do when we're doing with the packing up there with it. well, so certainly it, it, it, the timing itself has to be very strategic. ready or for, for israel to send a message to, particularly to the i c, j. and to attack is old legitimacy and authority. tenants in the international
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community, the longer this whole thing last, the worst it is for, for whole bank of america. now who's with g one country to come out, it seems that the knob is extreme. now reduced these countries would not have, as i believe would not have come out is that, you know, at a pilot site is it is, this is an independent state time and then recognize, but it's not as a, as a solve re nation. if these operations, by the idea as did not take this direction, so now seem to put this thing that because seem to pictures of what is happening and pretty side now kind of do like coming in and say no. somebody draws yeah, no, we have to recognize for this one, isn't that as a sovereign nation, the south africa's general parliamentary elections also take off in less than a day. i'm on millions of votes. is it? what is it decide that nation's future are local correspondence? none of the congress takes
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a look at down the full not unencumbered. the south african leaders can pacing anywhere the ones that were phrased. for now they're all enemies. to see an opposing forces in these directions. one head, that's why the car in prison. so i'm a pulls up the address by the former president jacobs. it was a very different pick. so back in spanish halls when the pay became in these 1st and 2nd into mind around the country as president and $50.00 to president. what the is, the 2017 turn things on the head also wanted the top job with zoom up that someone else was he became the force he needs to be from the i have the fuck. com to the decision to design as president of the republic with immediate effects. apostolic
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on the whole costs a game in 2019 very public. he watches off the street to see if there's time in the office as 9 wasted years later. a, perhaps an inquiry, but he's refusal to appear again. it's, it's he, my case of hiring need is the commission pool for him to be thrown behind bar 2021 . so and you see this on the c soft office whom i handed to solve to police to serve a 50 must inches for contempt of court. was the 1st time my former presidents had been jailed and post the practice of africa. um you have to be deployed more than $300.00 people died at the time. i'm a poor so to swipe the, i'm just as an assault in democracy. i just want to make it very clear to anyone who is threatening any form of address. they will be followed up and it will be addressed that those are people who belong and jays. those are people who are the enemies of our democracy in 2023. that was a new kid on the block,
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the m k parts. but it was an old kip jacobs numa once again, making all the headlines when he threw his support behind it for the 23 before he mixes c o 24. we have to change this color. the the m k parts is official noise. this happens to be in the same dates as implemented. civic groups, formal declaration of flu, on the republic of sylvester k, 1961. so he was back in all sorts of ways that more than a few, i believe the agency even more so because he was so an agency member to the premises to tackle crime unemployment power shortages and corruption in case of
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benefits. so myra's menu office arrive is what the party imagines dyslexic, a, moving in a different direction to where the ac has been taking. and for the possibility is particularly with the removal of the constitutional rights. when the constitution is lots me, the world will back miss age will resonate thing i'm growing numbers of. so that's because the rapid rise seen ran into tablets with the high pool to the most criminal record. bought him from standing in the election to support is, will remain on the tours. we feel vindicated and disappointed while hippy, that the jacob was on my student. the lead off of the party, dictation m k pa to watson. it's, we have multiple polls that predict to be a c. we use problem in some majority for the 1st time since the florida for pots 8 to 9 to 94. meanwhile, the m. k has been gaining ground even threatening to take bolton's from an opposition parties in the 30. is that so that for guys when a democracy none also conscious pos evictions watches uncertain as this was
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many thanks for your company this tuesday. it's always appreciated. we will of course be back in 30 minutes with over the very latest news updates. hope to see you then the the .


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