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tv   News  RT  May 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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in the most of the day, and maybe the idea of the current must, is of ukraine who are located overseas is to place the burden of making all unpopular decisions on the current executive branch. lot of are put in saves ukraine is essentially younger western control standpoint. saw it and loving their zalinski who's presidential term expired last week is no longer legitimate, while ukraine's parliament on that speaker still are european disunion and the use of diplomatic mid steps. some of the blocks members oppose lifting a risk. friction for western supplied weapons to be used to strike deeper into russia also as the the most they are going to divide the heart
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of drop off that or does indicate the fact that the charges are being expanded and that the combined this is archie peers from my gals at base journal is to reports that idea of tongue sir, advancing into the hearts of hold off up leaving major casualties in this way down in south africa, or just the international community to take action against israel over it's killing of palestinians. unprecedented scale the from must go to the world. this is our, it's a great to have your company for the news. our. my name's, you know, the ukraine's western allies want to place the burden of making on popular decisions, including a bi mobilization on the current government in order to replace them later. now
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these, according to the russian president speaking, while i'm a visit to his back as the, the most would be the 1st day of maybe the idea of the current mazda is of ukraine to a located overseas, is to place the burden of making all unpopular decisions on the car and the executive branch that's including the adoption of the decision to further lower the mobilization age. and after the adoption of this and other unpopular decisions, the current representatives of the executive branch might be replaced by people free from the responsibility that lays on their shoulders for decisions that are unpopular among the population. well, according to vladimir important, one of the biggest issues regarding ukraine right now is the legitimacy of vladimir zelinski. his presidential term was supposed to come to an end of this month, yet new elections still haven't been held. and flattery important says that the, the constitution, which it seems that he's been studying quite thoroughly,
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should be used as a roadmap in this situation. and he says, in this particular case, authority over ukraine should be moved to the parliament. that hasn't happened now . he says he understands, that's one of the reasons why a presidential election has been held there is uh, because uh, the martial law is set in place in ukraine. but fortunately says that this could be easily resolved if the ukrainians canceled the law lifted the band and then allowed their people to vote and decide whether or not stable and flattery resiliency to stay in the office to legally. or they want someone new to come in. this leads us to another issue for ins. for instance, if must go in key. if we're to hold something radical piece talks, then putting says in this current situation, they're not really sure who is authorized to hold these negotiations on the green inside who will sit there on the other side of that table. and the questions post that was one on the west intentions to allow kids to use and weapons to strike
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inside russia. what was the martian president's call into the us? speaking about of these calls made by some western officials, including the head of nato to officially allow you brain to use western made weapons. and attacks targets on the russian territory. putting says that they hear these calls, they're closely monitoring them. but then he says that the way some of these weapons, so technically work is that even if you queens were formerly allowed to use them, then the way the works is that to the west would still be responsible for these attacks. here's why the list of what which nettles are basically then this new high precision, long range weapons cannot be launched without using space recognizance. in addition, the final target choice and the so called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this technical intelligence. who is doing this. this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems to ukraine. the scan
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and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration and are automatically brought to the appropriate calculations. this task is being prepared not by ukrainian service men, but by representatives of nato countries. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that this is as a rule est with a small territory, and a very dense population. and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. so this is a serious matter, and we are of course, watching it very carefully flattering and put, and also commented on caused by some european states, including baltic states defense needs on military instructors to ukraine. well, uh, portland says that the westerners have been fighting washer and ukraine for a while. now. moscow clearly sees it and he says they've been suffering severe
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losses and flattery important things that turning these mercenaries formerly into nato military, instructors could be a way off, legitimizing these, this, ready on this just the key of military are saying that for and specialists may appear in ukraine, of course, they have been there for a long time, under the guise of so called mercenaries. we hear the radio communications in english and french in polish and they are suffering losses. and it's getting more and more difficult for them to be hidden. so maybe the time has come to officially show their presence to legalize these losses. also, polish authorities declared that they are ready to send their contingents. they claim they do it to protect their own board and to allow reserve ukrainian units to be moved to the front lines. it's not a good decision. it's another escalation and another step towards a serious european conflict. they will be in the striking range of military forces
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. do they wanted that they are welcome. we will still do as we see fit, regardless of who is on the territory of ukraine. i'm going to put them once the worst of it. let's stay with this because french aviation expert on current, a 1st commentator, a serial de la proceeds foreign forces, how being present in ukraine since 2014. and mr. mccall is only trying to make the loss of french troops official. the west does not realize the real losses that they may face if everything was fine for ukraine, it would be the opposite way. the thing is that i strongly believe, but despite the language, the effect, despite the what is said, they are not realizing where they're going to put the fit in. we all know, and this is not something new that we have friendship barrett ours in ukraine,
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and they even before 2022 because we know that they were there since 2014. so since 2022, i'm the beginning of the special military operations. it's, it's, it is something that is understood but unfold uh, by of specializing this. it would also be an opportunity for, for present chrome to justify the dad, the front desk that we already have in ukraine. and that's uh, that's where he might be burdened that he has to justify with less so many minds. again, something linked to this account, most of the use foreign policy chief states only some european countries actually want to lift restrictions on key using western and supplied weapons for strikes and russian territory. this is how he explained we allow our arms to be used below. below the longer for the impression that be great.
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while shall member states go through, started deciding that they can disclose today. now, according with the rule, is perfectly possible. there is no contradiction. could retaliate to a quick fight against the one who finds your gains. me from the started to the risk of escalation. sure. where we put them that they were way something on one hand doing this press conference, you see missed that the new military aid for ukraine was being blocked because it requires unanimity and well hungry for one is dissenting. and on the other hand, when it comes to individual european countries wanting to say, do you crate, okay, well, go ahead and use the weapons that are kind of gave you to hit target steep inside russia and risk escalation, suddenly browse all cool about that. this sense, so why is broad even bringing this up now?
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well, at this meeting that just took place in brussels, breathing down the neck of your own defense ministers, was ukraine's defense chief roost. him are off and also nato secretary general. and stilton bird who is musing over the weekend that you friends, defense, ought to now mean all sensitive strikes on russia and back home, used about sending friends trips to ukraine and said just over the weekend that europe is multiplying, external and internal enemies. even german chancellor or schultz has said, look, we gave you create our weapons under the conditions that they don't use them to bomb russia and we're not willing to move those goals, hose and risk more problems. spain is also sad. now forget it. even those ones, the personally went there to push for it recently, and he's not the only one heading for a face plant with his rhetorical gymnastics routine. if you're talking about statements, but again, stopping burger, someone else, but ukraine could use weapons that are supplies to it from a broad size thing. this is completely logical. your brain is fighting award and
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they are defending themselves. and as long it's, it's in the interest of their self defense and restoring the discharge for integrity of their country. it is quite feasible that they have to strike also inside the rush. so from my perspective, that should not be the the date they sound like they graduated from the benjamin netanyahu. yep. sounds legal to me. school of international law from the spokesman . dimitri pest golf qualified to use current vive as quote, war time, ecstasy, and hum, gary, and for a minister peter c hoc co said over the weekend that europe has fallen into war psychosis. and that its foreign policy has become a one trick pony beginning and ending with ukraine. lack to which we don't look at them and the ukraine and casualties of becoming more and more than bearable. you korean man, i'm not being allowed out of the grain. and now they ones that contribute to being used in the war. and obviously as the escalation hates, this neighborhood. first one can almost clearly hear the argument that the soldiers
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should be sent from the geographical proximity. first of all, these means that they want this in central european youth, including hunger in youth, to do more with mandatory your being conscription. what seems to be happening here overall is that there are leaders at the very top of these institutions of global governance leg burrell at the you and stilton berg at nato, neither of whom are elected through any kind of popular democratic vote. giving a blessing for an escal atory joy ride of sorts and some u. p. and countries are following right along with it, while others are desperately right now trying to hit the brakes on the cloud car before it goes straight off of class. or i to another overhead line stories today. and it's against that for a long anticipated stroke. feared ground operation in the rough side is reportedly unfolding. a local journalist has told archie that is really time for no advancing into the center of the city and inflicting heavy casualties to
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explain the serious and the advancing targeting the high contain scription, the more on target and also the people that jeffrey bought some time it is hosted on the, on the operation for the atlantic here. they have already been bouncing the funding area, an area that was good, as it says, area by the closest the cancer advantage into the blazer is actually in the, in the body of no, no thank eastern part time by approaching that earlier. it seems that the, the forces are trying to enter a struggle which is in the body. how was rough on that or is indicate the fact that the drugs are being expanded and that the combined, this is going to, they're in
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a $200.00. that's the work that i've, i happened to be in one of the cost of a large number since, and we're a product for the hospital because of the ballpark. now. i went to the place itself . i saw the ice on the impact of the fire and i saw that some of the by the work for lifted by people who are just starting to fine. what ever remains of devices that you have thrown on shots on it very much at 10 situation there and with the latest breakdown. here's our tease middle lease corresponding maria, florida. with more, it is very important to say, 1st of all that so far, there hasn't been any official announcement from israel about an unanticipated large scale operation and rough uh, but for days, the adf has been conducting what it's called limited operations in the area with cavities. rising, including i'm on civilians now we hear about is really tang tillery and heavy
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bombardment on the ground. we also hear from our correspondence on the ground that civilian infrastructure, hays being targeted. we also receive pictures showing guys on his leaving rough uh and so cold humanitarian zones that were supposed to be wrapped huge and protect civilians trap taina war zone. so the situation on the ground is very, very tons. and this escalation comes after a deadly attack buys really army earlier on sunday, when the idea of heat a camp for displaced people, according to the government, media office and guys, or at least 45 people were killed and 200 others were injured including women and children shortly after that the attack, the idea finance that's to senior have mass officials involved. according to israel and directing tara tax across the west bank had been killed, had the army also reported that the strike was precise. based on serious
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intelligence, the end of the target was a have mass compound, but again, innocence, palestinians died from it to serve benjamin antonia who called these rarely strikes a tragic mistake though in an investigation the un believe chief reactive to this comment saying that colon and stake is a message that means nothing for those killed, those grieving and those trying to save their lives. let's take a listen. no. without fear about being interviewed rough. uh we have what were these created about a 1000000 non involve presidents. and despite our best efforts not to home the non involve, unfortunately, a tragic mistake happened last night and we are investigating the case will present the conclusions because this policy, whether the attack was a war crime or a tragic mistake for the people of gaza. there is no debate. what happened last night was the latest and possibly most cruel, abomination. to call it a mistake is a message that means nothing for those killed. those grieving and those trying to
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save lives is really attack sparked world wide condemnation, and he's the latest reaction from south africa, the country that earlier these here is you remember, initiated, legal battle had the international court of justice, the you ends highest, quote, accusing israel off committing genocide and gaza, let's take a listen. we must pose the question of how long the international community will continue to watch as an entire population is of no, i liked it before the world can unite to generally act against these brutal and incessant attacks. nothing can justify the deliberate killings and injuring of civilians as an entire population enjoys destruction. of the scale and speed without power, low involved in history. to rustle has become a red line for the international community months after the war. and guys have started thousands tens and hundreds of thousands of gallons displaced from the north of the street,
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found refuge around the city of rough. i knew the egyptian bold and many including these rules, key ally, the us have been opposing the idea of operation in such a densely populated area. and israel vowed to evacuate civilians before any military activity. and indeed many managed to escape, but many are still there. the place is still crowded. hazel's deadly attack on civilians and dogs sparked outrage worldwide held julia has requested an urgent un security council meeting that we are expecting later on tuesday. for the 1st time since the beginning of the war. almost 8 months ago, the european union is now considering the sanction in east, around over its operation in gaza. as, according to the irish for a minister, also had called ition of n g o's, has urgently appeals to the un security council to enforce the international court of justice as orders regarding israel is offensive and rough. uh, earlier the i c j is you remember roads to stop the idea of some military operation
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and rough, but so far we see the opposite. these really army goes deep, intensifying it's attack since from bergman's and earlier and benjamin antonia who's really prom and us to reset that no one will stop it as well. and this is what we see happening now. and unfortunately, we might expect more tragic events and modesta of course, from both sides. let's continue with this story because south african m p 's allow me m t that totaled r t, that israel has force fit it. it's right, this phone, but the rest of the civilized world after it's unprecedented, the sold on palestinians in response to the mass, october 7th, attacked by how much a this is the die of 40. it's horrendous, uncivilized body. we can call it all the names that we try to define what it is. but yeah, this is
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a grading scale middle genocide against the most and people of color and a clear violation of the in the last the laws. because is why in lights few days of the order of the i c, j decides to ignore and disregard what has been communicated. which forms puts in process of the in the last are conventions to respect the international law. but is what i am is blinking itself as a country that is above the law and it expects everybody else to be quiet in the midst of the depths of the most and people the timing of this escalation and the brutal killings. why? that is why it does 2 days of the, the order of the us. we 5 for j it's, it's, it's, it's, it's totally. and it actually informs us that it's a play turned out okens. they are defining themselves outside of all the
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humans in the world. they think that they are above all of us as the nations of the when it comes to life. and that's why we're making a lot here on call for the peoples of the wisdom, the progressive governments to come on out twice. so late is late in this blatant auto games and they tend to visit the gods of the in the floor is something that needs more than just condemnation. it requires us to begin the process of isolating is ryan then squeeze lots of june out of their life. slides because what they're doing is not deserving for their it's to be a, that's a nice any longer as a government they have, they have that slowly moved to the northwest stand. that's expected of the government. they have to say no, to the extent that i think they must be expelled from the united nations. they must
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be expelled from all the inter, most of the protocols and conventions. they don't deserve to sit on the table with other nations of that. with this isolation, most of the energy unprecedented, so that we can put as much pressure on them to stop the killing against the people for the stars. well, let's keep a focus on where that speaker was talking to us from south africa. and then what's has been labeled the most pivotal general election since the end of apartheid folders in the nation head to the poles on wednesday or to correspond a new for you couldn't get, has been taking a look at the main electoral bustle lines being written, including a former leaders quest to unsafe the current incumbent ones that were phrased. now they're all enemies. to see an opposing forces in these directions. one head, that's why the car in prison. so i'm
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a pull stuff by the for my present jacobs. it was a very different pick. so back in 2012 when the pay became in these 1st and 2nd into mind around the country as president and deputy president is the 2017 turn things on the hill. i'm a pull. so one to the top job with zoom up that someone else was he became the force he needs to be from the i have the fuck. com to the decision to design as president the offers that are public with immediate effects. across the whole pasa game in 2019 very public, he watches off the street to see if there's time in the office as 9 wasted years. later a perhaps an inquiry, but he's refusal to appear again it's, it's he my case of having to be to separate the commission pool for him to be
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thrown behind boss 2021. so nbc is on the c, soft offers whom i handed to solve to police to survey 50 must inches for contempt, of course was the 1st time my former president had been jailed in post. the practice of africa ami had to be deployed and more than $300.00 people died at the time. i'm a pool. so to swipe the, i'm just as an assault in democracy. i just want to make it very clear to anyone who is threatening any form of unrest. they will be followed up and they would be interested. those are people who belong in jay's. those are people who are the enemies of our democracy and try to 23. that was a new kid on the block, the m k parts and but it was an old kid jacobs numa once again. making all the headlines when he threw his support behind it for the 23 before he mixes c. ready to form
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we have the same k parts is official noise. this happens to be in the same dates as the m. k military. coups, formal declaration of flu on the republic of south africa. 1961. so he was back in all sorts of ways more than a few, i believe the agency even more so the quincy was to an agency member to the premises to tackle crime unemployment, power shortages and corruption in case of benefits. so myra's menu office drivers for the pots, he imagines the sub africa moving in a different direction to where the ac has been taking and for the past 2 years, particularly with the removal of the constitutional rights. when the constitution is lots me work well that miss age was resonating growing numbers of so that's
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because the rapid rise seen ran into tablets with the high pool to watch him from standing in the election to support is the main on the chairs, we feel vindicated. and disappointed, but while hippy that's jacobs and my student is the the of the party dictation and keep party what needs to happen. multiple polls that predict to be a see we use kind of mentioned majority for the 1st time since the florida for pot say to 1994. meanwhile, the m. k has been gaining ground. even submit to needs to take bolton's from an opposition parties in the 30. is that so that for guys when a democracy none also conscious pos evictions watches uncertain as this was not british and piece of cold a little bit. and to openly support a controversial american plan to help resolve tensions in western sahara. a
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conflict toward region in north west africa. the west is the kind of our region offers of promising opportunity for progress and stability. but this could be put a risk if we do not resolve this issue quickly and pragmatically. there should be no space for separatism or division. to the contrary, we must reinforce morocco spray active engagement in fostering regional security and stability. so let me just out some backgrounds here. the large the desert territory of western. so hara has been up the center of a decades long dispute, currently or on the 5th of its love, shown here in green, is governed by this. a rory, art of democratic republic does. a partially recognized state was established after the area gained independence from the spanish colonizers in 1975. the remaining regions are occupied, uncontrolled by neighboring morocco, in 2006 of the country propose the plan that would run this. there are
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a people full of told of me, but it was on the condition that were above controls, the areas, national security and foreign relations. the initiative was backed by some western onregional states. it was however, rejected by the western so hard was pro independence. paula: sorry or from which is pushing for a referendum on for self determination. we discuss the latest move with city break at a paula: sorry, a representative to the u. k. 30. uh and based on lots out of, uh, 6650 members of the house of commons assigned a 783 stick and members of the house of lords. i think that's another signal off of taylor and another desperate attempt to achieve a change in the official position of the okay, which is based on finding a solution that provides us a high people of their right to self determination. i think you have a task,
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the main reason why they look at a patient of worth. and so how has taken takes its, its natural resources. the, the reason of all these conflict seems the very beginning instead of uh, resolving the issue that we've set up for them as being planned since 1991. no sanction, no measures have been taken against morocco to fulfill what has been agreed between both sides of the you and the russian service. men have rescued 21 that soldiers in the central african nation of child who were taken hostage by estimates tal risk 9 months ago. but today in troops being seized, while they were carrying on a defining operation at an airport in the north of the control. after being free, the soldiers were taken to a temporary base where a russian doctors treated them jobs. defense ministry has frank mosca for its
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successful operation. and praise must go for being a friend to the nation. all right, that is how the news are a shipping up for now. this tuesday, i'll be back in exact a survey with more of the stories making headlines, paid to join us this the the
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