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tv   News  RT  May 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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the, the, the most would be the idea of maybe the idea of the current masters of ukraine who are located overseas is to place the burden of making full unpopular decisions on the car and the executive branch. law them are putting saves. ukraine is essentially under western control and point solid, the loving their zelinski through his presidential term expired last week, is no longer legitimate, while ukraine's parliament of its speaker still are from pulse so ahead. our policy has been that we don't encourage for naval strikes outside ukraine's order. suppose we think that we should allow you print to neutralize russian military sites. it ukraine's western bonacre's are split so on whether to allow t. yeah. to use their weapons to strike deeper into russian territory.
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the need for say like going to body is rough on that or is it the fact that the god just what are some are being expanded time that the boxes are 2 years from my goal is that face journalist who reports that idea of tanks are advancing into the heart of what office city, with at least 20 loopholes killed in the last couple of hours. that's the size. how freak out urges the international community to take action against the israel over its killing of palestinians on the president of the scale. plus the george and prime minister accuse is foreign forces up pushing a you train like to and the patient thought to us the georgian for them to provide the presidential vote to the so called foreign agents. but
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just a few moment to do it brand new day. here in law school with this they may that 29th welcome to the global use, ryan dot fall and our to international the ukrainians. western allies are seeking to place the bonus on making dislike decisions, including about mobilization on the current government in order to easier replace them later. that's according to the russian president speaking, while on life is a 2 as back as the, the most would be the day of i see. well, maybe the idea of the current mazda is of ukraine, who are located overseas, is to place the burden of making all unpopular decisions on the current executive branch. that's including the adoption of the decision to further lower the mobilization age. and after the adoption of this and other unpopular decisions, the current representatives of the executive branch might be replaced by people free from the responsibility that lays on the shoulders for decisions that are
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unpopular among the population. according to vitamin important, one of the biggest issues regarding your cream right now is the legitimacy of vladimir zelinski. his presidential term was suppose to come to an end of this month. yet new elections still haven't been held. and flattery important says that to the constitution, which it seems that he's been studying quite thoroughly should be used as a roadmap in this situation. and he says, in this particular case, authority over ukraine should be moved to the parliament. that hasn't happened now . he says he understands, that's one of the reasons why a presidential election has been held there is uh, because uh, the martial law is set in place in ukraine before and you said that this could be easily resolved if the ukrainians canceled the law lifted the band and then allowed their people to vote and decide whether or not stable it's letting me resiliency to stay in the office to legally or they want someone new to come in. this leaves us
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to another issue for it in, for instance, if must go in key. if we're to hold something you radical piece talks, then putting says, in this current situation, they're not really sure who is authorized to hold these negotiations on the green inside who will sit there on the other side of that table. and among the questions posed that was one on the west intentions to allow kids to use and weapons to strike inside russia. what was the martian president's comment to the us? speaking about of these calls made by some western officials, including the head of nato to officially allow you brain to use western made weapons and attack targets on the russian territory. putting says that they hear these calls, they're closely monitoring them. but then he says that the way some of these weapons so technically works is that even if you craniums were formally allowed to use them, then the way the works is that to the west would still be responsible for these attacks. here's why elizabeth,
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which nettles are basically then this new high precision, long range weapons cannot be launched without using space recognizance. in addition, the final target choice and the so called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialist is based on this technical intelligence. who is doing this? this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems to ukraine. the scanning does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration and are automatically brought to the appropriate calculations. this task is being prepared not by ukrainian service men, but by representatives of nato countries. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that this is as a rule est with a small territory, and a very dense population when you much to and this is
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a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. so this is a serious matter condition, and we are, of course, watching it very carefully flattering and putting, also commented on caused by some european states, including baltic states, defend nathan mills, re instructors to ukraine. well, port and says that westerners have been fighting washer and ukraine for a while. now. moscow clearly sees it and he says they've been suffering severe losses and blind me important things that turning these mercenaries so formally into nato military instructors could be a way of legitimizing these, this ready on this just the key of military are saying that for and specialists may appear in ukraine. of course, they have been there for a long time, under the guise of so called mercenaries. we hear their radio communications in english and french and polish. and they are suffering losses. and it's getting more and more difficult for them to be hidden. so maybe the time has come to officially
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show their presence to legalize these losses. also, polish authorities declare that they are ready to send their contingents. they claim they do it to protect their own board and to allow reserve ukrainian units to be moved to the front lines. it's not a good decision. it's another escalation and another step towards a serious european conflict. they will be in the striking range of our military forces. do they want it? they are welcome. we will still do as we see fit, regardless of who is on the territory of ukraine. i'm going to put them once he well, while stating it's on wavering support for ukraine. washington is refusing to allow t up to use it to weapons to strike russian territory despite that's already being sanctioned by some european natal members. our policy has been that we don't encourage or enable strikes outside ukraine's borders. but if you look at the broad sweep of our policy,
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we made clear that ukraine has no better support in the united states. and we don't just say that we back it up with our military assistance. we back it up with our diplomacy in uh, marshal and a coalition. i'm more than 50 countries around the world to support you frame. and we back it up with the measures. we've taken to hold russia accountable. however, as mentioned across in brussels, they use foreign policy chief say some of the blocks members want ukraine to start hitting russia with weapons. they've said a low use, a browse did admit that a number of european countries opposed in years are 2 country beat original morrison. with 13 on one hand in this press conference, you see missed that the new military aid for ukraine was being blocked because it requires unanimity and well hungry for one is dissenting. and on the other hand, when it comes to individual european countries wanting to say, do you crate, okay, well, go ahead and use the weapons that our country gave you to hit target steep inside russia and risk escalation, suddenly browse all cool about that percent. so why we're all these and bringing
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this up now? well, at this meeting that just took place in brussels, breathing down the neck of your own defense ministers, was ukraine's defense chief roost. him are off and also nato secretary general and stilton bird who is musing over the weekend that you friends defense, ought to now mean all sensitive strikes on russia. back home mused about sending friends trips to ukraine and said just of the weekend that europe is multiplying, external and internal enemies, even german chancellor, all our schultz has said, look, we gave you create our weapons under the conditions that they don't use them to bomb russia. and we're not willing to move those goals, hose and risk more problems. spain is also sad now forget it. even though zalinski personally went there to push for it recently. and he's not the only one heading for a face plant with his rhetorical gymnastics routine for certain, clearly this month, truly the green is being attacked from bases located in russia. we think that we should allow ukraine to neutralize the 2 sites from which we saw that the fire tv
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if we're talking about statements. but again, stilton burger, someone else so that you crane could use weapons that are supplied to it from abroad. i think this is completely logical, your brands fighting award and they are defending themselves. and as long it's, it's in the interest of their self defense and restoring the, the, the territory integrity of their country. it is quite season rolls that they have to strike, also insides the rush. so from my perspective, that should not be the date. they sound like they graduated from the benjamin netanyahu. yes. sounds legal to me. school of international law from the spokesman . dimitri pest golf qualified the use current vive as quote, war time, ecstasy, and hum, gary, and for a minister peter c hoc co said over the weekend that europe has fallen into war psychosis. and that its foreign policy has become a one trick pony beginning and ending with ukraine. like you, which we don't look at,
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i'm in the ukraine and casualty. so becoming more and more than burnable you korean man, i'm not being allowed out of the grain. and now the ones that contribute to being used in as a war, and obviously as the escalation hates, this neighborhood. first one can almost clearly hear the argument that the soldiers should be sent from the geographical proximity. first, all these means that they want this in central european youth, including him getting used to the war with mandatory, you're being conscription. what seems to be happening here overall is that there are leaders of the very top of these institutions of global governance like burrell at the you and stilton berg at nato, neither of whom are elected through any kind of popular democratic vote. giving a blessing for an escal atory joy, right of sorts. and some u. p. and countries are following right along with it, while others are desperately right now trying to hit the brakes on the clown car before it goes straight off of class. right? turning attention to gaza for a much feared full scale is really invasion of the southern most city of hold off
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is apparently in full swing at least 20 people have reportedly been killed in the last couple of hours with many more fleeing the or it has idea of tanks are said to be pushing deeper into the city. here's what we heard directly from the local journalist. explain the serious and the advancing targeting the high contain scription, the mall type of thing. also that people that bought some time, it is still under the to the operation on the atlantic so that they have already been crossing the funding area. an area that was there, as it says, area by the closest the trans uh, advantage into the blazer is actually in the, in the body. uh no,
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nothing eastern part and perfect. um, by approaching that area it seems that the the forces are trying to enter the 1st trouble which is in the body ha of drop off on um help us for god's sake their dead bodies in the streets. no one has mercy on us or cares about us. save us, save the children. if not all of us have been at least to save them. who did not sleep all night because of bombing from tanks and planes which led to our neighbor because we were living in a tent. and when the morning came, the bump that the legal mosque, which we were heading to were turned again running here. and there not knowing where to go because of the bombing above our heads. even ambulances in on the rough stuff were evacuated, but we are still under fire. here we have buried family members before my mother was killed. my sister's son and my cousins, the bummed us from the air, and today the bummed us from the ground, and without warning, we use our daughters here. they have seen this 100 times, some of the situation on the growing, val ortiz, middle east,
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corresponded research that breaks down the latest developments on the political level as well. regarding rough on the situation, the small over crowded city is facing. it is very important to say, 1st of all that so far, there hasn't been any official announcements from israel about an anticipated large scale operation and rough uh, but for days the idea of has been conducting what it's called limited operations in the area with cavities rising including i'm on civilians now we hear about is really tang tillery and heavy bombardment on the ground. we also hear from our correspondence on the ground that civilian infrastructure, hays being targeted. we also receive pictures showing guys on his leaving rough uh and so cold humanitarian zones that were supposed to be wrapped huge and protect civilians trapped china was on. so the situation on the ground is very,
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very tense. and this escalation comes after a deadly attack buys really army. earlier on sunday, when the idea of heat, a camp for displaced people prime minister benjamin antonia who called stays rarely strike a tragic mistake though in an investigation the un believe chief reacted to this comment saying that colon it's under stake is a message that means nothing for those killed those grieving and those trying to save their lives. let's take a listen. no. the 5th about being interviewed rough. uh we have already evacuated about a 1000000 non involve presidents. and despite our best efforts not to home, the non involve. unfortunately, a tragic mistake happened last night. we are investigating the case will present the conclusions because this policy, whether the attack was a war crime or a tragic mistake for the people of gaza. there is no debate. what happened last night was the latest and possibly most cruel, abomination. to call it a mistake is
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a message that means nothing for those killed, those grieving and those trying to save lives. earlier, the i c, j 0. remember, roads to stop the idea of some military operation and rough, but so far we see the opposites. these really army goes deeper, intensifying it's attacks is from bergman's and earlier benjamin and said, yeah, who's really prime minister said that no one will stop as well. and this is what we see happening now, and unfortunately, we might expect more tragic events and modesto, of course, from both sides. well during his latest media briefing, the us state department spoke specially was grilled a by the recent this really killing a dozen in the off. i'm lucky, miller claim, washington needs more time to assess what the is really prime minister has called an accident. we take the initial statements and nothing else that it was a tragic mistake. and there has been a lot of headlines with that was the same comments,
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right. we're all central kitchen killings. we're also a tragic mistake. is the united states comfortable sending this many weapons to an army? that seems to be making a series of mistakes. with respect to each of these incidents, it's important to find out what happened, why it happened and who was at fault. and so it's important that this investigation proceed before we make any assessments. this seems to be a very different kind of strike was in the world central kitchen. they made a mistake about what the target was and they thought they were tardies and most chairs and they were not. that was a very clear mistake. in this instance. they were targeting what seems to be legitimate targets and they were successful in taking out those targets. and then likely as a result, there was this fire that broke out. it's not clear how it was ignited, especially as i said when it's over a kilometer and a half from the location of the strike. we need to find out how that happened. let's hear that. you know from us army veteran on commentators score. ben, it's on this. got you most welcome to the program. despite having on israel try
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this, more us officials are doubling dying on distancing themselves as we heard from the killing all the palestinians. by the idea of, let's take a quick lesson to gather scale to to what wife, highest national security spokesperson from kirby had to say. about that were not on the graph gave were not there. i mean, you know, i don't have, we don't have troops that i can look at every single soldier and where they are on the ground. i am not the idea of spokesman. this is not telling me again, we're not on the ground count noses. we aren't on the ground and we are flying aircraft. we're not choosing the targets. we're not providing the intelligence that leads to every target that these really decide to hit. it is their operation. their troops involve their capabilities,
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their pilots. so those washington actually have nothing to do with what's being alluded there, at least to what's been happening in kansas since october 7th. well, you and thank you for playing the recording. that sounds like fingernails being docked for every time right here, mr. kirby he, i don't give them the honor of calling him an admiral or an officer of the united states military. i was an officer and all we say i'm an officer, but to hear their law eyes is, is so nauseating. it's, it's, uh and i mean beyond the pale and, and let's, let's correct the record. when kirby says, we're not on the ground, we're not providing the recognizance finding. the target that is all lies. the united states is providing the satellite recognizance in the high level aero recognizance and unable recognizance and the missiles and the drones and the grenades,
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and the bullets and the financing and the maurice and everything else that's needed to sustain the job or not of genocide, which the is really use have created and they are constantly lying about. remember the massage doctrine through deception, wage war and israel, and netanyahu and benny dance and their entire a couple of scheming criminals and death eaters are aligned to the world when they say this is an accident. this is a coordinated strike with the ground forces and the error forces and the satellite forces and the united states forces, which is occupying both intel of leave and on the mediterranean. so the blood that is on netanyahu's hands is also on the entire is rarely political and government establishment and on blinkin and on sullivan and on the down patel. and on admiral kirby and on everyone else in the,
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by the administration in the state department. and the c i a, so this is a crime that should be brought to the international court of all levels. and the a security council, because this proves ultimately union by dirty, international bodies and organizations, and all of the flatulence talked that they've put for, for the last 506070 years about democracy and human rights and liberty. either these organizations stand for something in work or they scan for nothing and are just functional, bloated bureaucrats. let me just bring it up to date as well because during as late as media briefing, john kirby was also asked to comment on the on folding. and is really assault on the roof at this is what was said, a single single the mean we're talking about, you know, you're dragging into, i pathetic. and i hate that, but one tech,
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one armored vehicle does not constitute a major ground operation. a major ground operation is, you know, thousands and thousands of troops moving in a maneuvered, concentrated, coordinated way against a variety of targets on the ground. the kinds of things we've seen we've, we done ourselves. that's what we're talking about here. what happened sunday? tragic, very tragic was their strength. one the 1st their strength they had conducted in rafa in recent days or weeks. this is, this is an air strike. it's not a major ground operation. it's different. yeah, we heard it there scaled mr. kirby's play and stuff, the idea of military operation, rough it is not actually a full scale invasion. we've been hearing very different from locals on the ground in gal. so your take a one tank with a town full of civilians is a genocide. it is a military operation, one tank blowing up women and children who are hiding intense uh is uh, one of the greatest genocides we've seen in the history of humanity. and it shows
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the heartless, maniacal murderous attitude of these talmudic st. lunatics. and. 3 they are populated in the entire government of israel, and this is a tank that was coordinated by ground soldiers calling in the location, coordinating with satellites and air recognizance. so it is a major operation, and kirby knows that. and because he knows that he should be held liable and he should be on the list of warrants that are advance. this is nothing short of the beginning of the end of the palestinian people. and it is also a moment and time where every muslim country that has pontificated and blown their horns about caring about the palestinians next door to them. they mean nothing. turkey means nothing. iran, syria, erac kuwait, ma rain, saudi arabia ah guitar. you can go on and on, jordan,
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they all mean nothing and stand for nothing because they've done nothing to stop the murder, the genocide of these people. have. they kicked out the is really embassies and the israeli consulate said they declared a national economic boy called of every product going in and out of israel or to their country to israel. no. and until they do that, they are nothing but prostituting themselves for the american dollar. and i, i think, uh, great nations like russia have a, have an opportunity to correct them and say, we either stand for nothing or we stand for something, a new evolution of the bricks. multi color world depends on the world standing together and defending the most innocent people on earth, and those are the palestinian women and children. the use of us. all right, veterans, scott bennett, live on the program. scott, thank you. was always the thank you unit. now george in parliament members have faced off with the president who's from an opposition party and over
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written heard feet so on the so called for an agents bill. the country's prime minister essays, foreign forces, want to see a ukraine like scenario of chaos in georgia. what we see is that some individuals, the global war party, tried to use the letter of joining the european union for rights and georgia and the change of power. we have all seen what such processes have led to the new grain . in reality, such a blackmail has brought you green to the present day. the whole $84.00 parliamentarians voted to override the president's veto, where at whereas only 4 of these parliaments ariens voted against that. and this is something that actually didn't surprise everyone. anyone. everyone knew that this was going to happen pretty much, even the president of the country has pro western said that this decision to veto the, for an agents bill was more of a matter of principle for her. so at any rate, this is a law that's going to come into force very soon in the country. and it was brought through a completely legitimate democratic process. they would just require agencies that
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receive over 20 percent of their income from abroad to register and the government database. and despite all that, washington's already been lodging condemnation and threats against those who, according to the united states, are apparently the babbling against democracy. the united states condemns this act last week, secretary blinking announced that anyone who undermines democratic processes or institutions in georgia, as well as their immediate family members, may be found in eligible for us visas under newly announced policy, precluding travel to the united states. while the european union is also doubling down on its own threats, we heard from joseph burrell and the commission. they both said that they're considering all possible options in terms of how they're going to react to these developments coming out of georgia. we don't really know exactly what that means. that's all they said, considering all possible options. while we've got other officials from a you states essentially saying that they're going to block any possibility for georgia to actually become an e. u. member states,
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a very sad day for georgia and the rest of europe. the passing of this law effectively puts georgia's accession to the you on hold with no benefit for anybody . almost anybody. we are dismayed by george's problem is choice not to use this historic opportunity to move on with the bean integration and to leave its people in the large mean waiting room for in depth in the future. despite popular opposition and international appeals, georgie's ruling policy has to date post the foreign agent load to sign and so position media and then g o's. unless the ruling policy changes its course of action, georgia will not advance on policy you membership. i mean, for all these western state states, lodging threats at the democratically elected george in parliament for passing a war and its own country. it just looks really, really hypocritical, especially when the parliament itself is saying that this law is to ensure transparency in the country. and that over overriding the presence veto of it is not only a victory for the parliament, but
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a victory for the country sovereignty as well. probably many years ago, no one could have imagined that georgia would be able to make an independent decision despite facing resistance on such a scale. this law is now set to come into effect very soon they overrate they, they were able to override the president speed or veto. so it's unlikely that the protestors that are still out there in front of the parliament right now we're going to achieve very much josh cross live now to american political commentator and radio steve again steve, good to see you. give them the west response to the, the george and bell with some officials even threatening the scrap the countries you membership id. where is the line between supporting democracy as it were on meddling in a sovereign states. the 1st, how they are the georgian pon about decides that they want transparency when it comes to for and money trying to influence their political and policy decisions out there that uh, and i do think it'd be interesting if uh,
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the same standards were applied to us bureaucratic officials like blake and, and those who are promoting interference at our own elections using foreign money. hidden money to influence the re election of job. i wouldn't be nice and foreign countries with blank, blank and, and some of these other us officials for being able to travel to their countries. just apply the same standard that they're seeking to what to bully and threaten georgia with. you're used to be used in the united states, at least in my distant memory, live in the world by reading not by threatening, not by bullying. and yet we're trying to impose our will on other nations to the extent that we can, through those threats to those attempts to bully them into doing what we want. but rather than was that it was their democratically elected officials choose what's best for their country. and i got to tell you, i get sick for every day, so i'm going to hear the dismal march towards the world war 3 coming from the west, europe and the united states. as we continue to use ukraine as a, as a,
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as an a weapon to brand there's against russia in what is clearly a losing effort. and yet we continue to pour good money after bad, good bodies after the dead. because in order to promote some sort of a west or know etiology, to, to get the, whatever it is we're wanting to get out of your brain. opposing rush, hard familiar is all this because big george and prime minister has said that some foreign forces wanted to see you crane or my dumb like scenario playing item the carcasses country. how similar to you is this to what we actually saw in key of in 2014. i don't think you can deny it. i mean it is, it is a mirror image of what was happening there. and. and i think the, the george and the officials are exactly right to say they're being shelves in the past to ukraine and we see how that's working out for ukraine. and now we have zelinski.


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