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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the exec data, besides the, maybe the idea of the current mazda is of ukraine, who are located overseas, is to place the burden of making full unpopular decisions on the car and the executive branch. the russian president calls out you created officials for their actions, including a controversial mobilization line. as you print in men are snatched off the streets to be sent to the front lines that are against go to the polls in the country, in the general election labeled as the most pivotal boat to the end of apartheid. and the georgian prime minister for rates western states for using a membership of block male accusing them of attempting to turn the country into another. you print
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the live in moscow, you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble with a look at the top new stories from around the world making unpopular decisions. that's how president vladimir put and describes the current state and the ukranian government. the russian later criticized gives a strict new mobilization laws while speaking on a visit to is back as them. most would be the if i say, if maybe the idea of the current mazda is of ukraine, who are located overseas, is to place the burden of making all unpopular decisions on the current executive branch. that's including the adoption of the decision. to further lower the mobilization age and after the adoption of this and other unpopular decisions, the current representatives of the executive branch might be replaced by people free from the responsibility that lays on their shoulders for decisions that are
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unpopular among the population. highlights across live to our correspondent e gars. dan i think are we heard the pleasure of putting their condemning the training and mobilization law a tell us about the current situation with conscription in the country as well. absolutely. and basically, i'm unsure of footage that imagines from ukraine pretty much on a daily basis pro paints a drastically different pictures and the premium government is trying to sell to the world. when i speak about this video, i mean a people of reading conscription by every means possible. like one of the ladies is one of the latest videos shows a man escaping from a van while being helped by bystanders. and then grabbing his rucksack on his bike from the back of the van and using the bike to escape dropped officers. also, there was another recent case when a man, a tax men in uniform with the knife of those men who tried to hand him an official
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summons. and in general, i have to say the relationship between ukraine's dropped offices and the rest of the population have long gone beyond any legal framework. and in many ways, that's due to how these dropped offices choose to do their job, as they have be known to use an authorized force. like dragging people out of the cause. b t, people up that has been a report to that. these dropped offices will notice outside of kinsey gardens, basically waiting on unsuspecting fathers who come to collect the kids, but only to be snatched from the streets to be dropped to offices altogether. also, that has been a rather absurd chase because, well, the situation has will. so don't be on every level of upset if it's cute. when one dropped special tried to a 100 someones to an obvious m p c,
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u c. i need the dates so that i can issue someone's to him. the rumors where was the data so that you can issue assignments and you didn't cup, you just shoot me a summons and you didn't ask why was or why that'd been so you don't give a you don't give it as long as you write a piece of paper come on weird because the military and listening to the office and going to the military and elizabeth office and i'm going to, i think so let's go to have dave go with you. in general, it has to be said that the tensions within the ukranian society are at the highest . because simply as you can see, there's nothing civil. there's nothing or delete about how these new mobilization laws enforced and it leads to tragedies. i'm not just talking about people who die while trying to escape ukraine, a country or loved down. people have been known to perish to die while in custody of, of these,
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the draft of the office is also an old piles up. see as the very just of this new mobilization little bit came in to pause on the 18th of may. basically the ukranian authorities. they found themselves in a situation when basically they had no means of obtaining actual information about even the number about the whereabouts on the health status over the male population that they deem as liable for conscription. so this new nor essentially, you know, just to of course it does lower the conscription age, but also it aimed at forcing people to provide it to update the information with dropped uh, with the draft offices and with the draft uh, officials. but that essentially means for you premiums that they what if they do so because they have to get the physically to go a medical checkup on that for them means they are likely to be sent to the front lines. because again, the number's the amount of criteria that a person has to meet to be well,
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to be deemed and ruled as liable for conscription. that number has shrunk dramatically, like the premiums they can now draft people with addictions, they can drop the homeless people, let them know to do so. the even now on no way to be able they have said openly that they will be handing out official. someone's to the 17 year old though they of course can be dropped right now, but they want to put them on the radar to get their hands on them immediately. as soon as they can also, people have been said, they say that their rights are being trampled on. like, for instance, if you don't update your information now with the draft of the office, you won't be given a driving license. will your existing driving license can be rebuilt if you're abroad? that's no solution to because you some of the console, a cultural a services will be available for you, like if you will, for, and pause for a document that you need to stay in a country illegally. if that goes out of date,
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then you call gets a new one. so the chances of good deportations, well, they increased dramatically at the same time that has been reports that like drops officials from one region they are sent to operate in another one probably. well, because again, since very few people remain in ukraine, at least in proportion to the entirety of its population. so that's the so that they don't rub, uh well, so that they don't rough any feathers on the circle will home soil. so these dropped officials, they're sent to different regions. and the way they behave that does not help the relationship between them. and the population will have a list. the contrib. let me finish this topic already. what is going on? and what coming conscription offices we have in care of, they carry out entire special operations in the subway. some block your exit,
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others waiting from 4 people to stand to the side, to physically grab you. and in areas where everyone knows each other on a gang of conscription, offices like con, call it anything else, came to the city of trask events from odessa and they begin to storm people. they don't care. they don't know anyone in the city. you know, all these little pieces, they are really part of a much bigger puzzle that well ukrainian, the ukranian authorities have to wrap their heads around. basically they're trying to gather and send as many people to the front lines in the shortest amount of time possible. because, well, they, of course, sustaining heavy losses. russia has opened the new old front here just a few dozen kilometers away from the city of belgrade, where i am right now, and we kind of the region. so the need every, they need pretty much everyone. they are conscripting,
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they are conscripting inmates now, so inmates, inmate volunteers, at least that's the way they portray the situation. also they have been like truck is. the truck is ukrainian truck as well. now, pretty much liable for the draft. so they have been known to a band and that trucks next to the board and trying to cross to another country. well, ukraine has said that they will be treated as though someone who was stealing cause, basically. and so they will be put on the international into pools wanted list to basically doing everything in the power to make their lives as miserable as possible. so of course, this looks like we are going to the agony of the ukranian tomorrow to view creating and authorities. and it is well slowly sending into an open bottle, but love to treat the premiums and the russians. but rather the government and its own people are to use egos down. all of these are thank you. well, head of this of our,
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of institute alexander markovich says the new mobilization laws are aimed at eliminating the ukrainian armies weaknesses on the battlefield. i guess the charlie problem, of course, the policy and the decision makers regarding ukraine is that they are uh that they said, which came to the sun cost fallacy. they already invest in west it billions and billions of westland military aids western military equipment. and they realize they are losing, but they are not able to conceive the feats what they are proposing right now. um concerns the 2 biggest weaknesses of ukraine unami. first of all, the missing as a priority, which um black dollars, soldiers sense mechanized detachment, spelled a victim to russian to our power. and, and of course this is also having no telling me your thoughts are to mend paula, but also a lack of strains,
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soldiers. so that for the west somehow wants to compensates this where the weaknesses spots. unfortunately for the west, this would also mean that for example, western anti l type abilities um, shooting on russian missiles in west and ukraine would also become legitimate style military targets for russia. which is, of course, superior to the west of disputes and therefore, it is thus mentioned already a great risk for escalation in the war. the south africa's general election has begun seen by many as one of the most pivotal boats for the countries since the end of apartheid. holes are open for millions of south africans voting for new members of the country's national assembly and regional parliaments. right, i'm joins now live by
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r t correspond to in south africa. and although you can google calls are just opening across the country. what can we expect from these elections? absolutely. right. so they've just opened and more than 27000000. so that's because in the process of lifting the 7th, the democratic parliament at over 10 to 3000 putting stations that is a very anxious day. in fact, it has been an anxious week as everyone awaits the type of coalition, the type of government and even the type of v to ship that will govern for the next 5 years. the stakes are quite high, 7 to political parties, and 11 independent candidates are contesting this year, as opposed to you. you speak to people. so that's because on the ground. and many of them will tell you that they've been here before alluding to the efforts and 1994, told the country to give that off to its wisdom a crack to collections that they also say that just a promising start. it's the past 2 decades have been disappointing,
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although we must also recognize that the expense and impact of disturbing software, such as the corporate 19 pandemic, and also must solve the conversation. i must say rachel must have the conversation is on the fact of influencing these elections and to vote a decision on top of the list is of course, as well as ongoing war on guys. always people say it may be thousands of miles away from the souls of south africa, but it has become a key issue in the countries um, cruise of next is taking place today. the amc has taken the leading road in efforts to hold as well to accounts by siding that's genocide case in the eyes to take those if it's also supported by the likes of the if, which is also one of the key voices the cold for the removal of the ease, really embassy in the country, but then on the other hand, you have the likes of the main, the position party, the d a which seems to have taken a different scans would exploits now saying that this could dented supporting areas
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would lots muslim communities such as the wisdom k problems with the d a is a covered entity, a governing as well. you also have the issue of so that's because i'm employment rates which come into stands, a 32.9 percent the highest in the entire world making. that's also one of the key electoral issues along with corruption and a disaster was in as a crisis. those are just some of the things that experts say could lead to low voter turnout. but is this sufficient since that to change is in the it today to turn those predicts it is around we yet to see as the day progresses. of course those surveys and those predictions may get it wrong so that we can may decide to turn out and come to vote for they a preferred political parties. indeed is like to have been doing the past 2 days with almost a 1000000 people were costing the of those of those special votes, monday and tuesday. and that despite
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a few distractions in certain parts of the country that have hindered proceedings left the incident that happened in on time. the eastern k problems with the costing of special votes was disrupted by a texas strike, which resulted in public disorder and roost. but presiding offices and the chief electoral office, stuff of the i you see i've spoken on that issue and this is what they had to say. i think in the election there's a clear focus that i send to undermine the credibility to of the outcome videos videos. so over the weekends i'd rather next we didn't, but it said kim ok escalated endeavor to say this election could not have been put in so even before the the, the, the hip and and to mitigate the risk. thousands of police officers have been deployed across the country. in fact,
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we know that 17000 police have been deployed and was really not taught only with a focus on high risk of voting spaces. particularly in the tip really municipality . this tells us that these general election is take place and circumstance is different from any of the election. the history off of the south african nation. in fact, these elections off very important not only for so that pick up, but the world at lots and this is why this is an opportunity. this is all being closely watched, worldwide, and the all time is on thought to be expected to see the future of countries in africa and around the world. because international relations strategies stays a critical role in defending and promoting the theory and practice of international solidarity will piece african units, sheets, and applicants. venus. the, the move has cut to paul to, to rain, to the center of international legal milestone its decision to take these faults to the international court of justice, but over
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a 1000 various southern aziz's joining in what supports for panelists on states. so that the guy has repeatedly said that as well as the actions violate fundamental principles. cumulative, you move and constituent a final bill to suffering from the scene is in god. so it's separate guy. so you have to again, compared to, to attend to this quote. and recognition of its obligations under the genocide convention due to the continuing annihilation of the punish team and people with over 65000 now killed and most of gaza reduced to rubble is right. is escalating his attacks on, by the students in gaza. and in so doing is willfully preaching the binding of all this, of this quote. the nelson mandela was one false wash as to how to mason ships with, among others, fidel castro. yes. to out of flux. but cuban and put
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a student indeed as well had been brenda temple was by wisdom. paul was the statesman said it was a mistake to think that the enemies should be our enemies. the storm since last. we type a 5 foot off because response in many concerts including one is in russia. as a phrase pretoria has been the one voice that has made it clear that it will not make an enemy out of russian. he does not dom your puts in sole south africa was one of the 1st african countries to point out to the world. the problems africa had to do to the formulation of this. we use that meetings to highlight the damaging effect that of this conflict. to dress you and ukraine is having on african countries and economies contributing to food shortages and the rising cost of living. we believe that our mission was successful in registering the willingness of african lead us to contribute to
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a new grocery touch piece. and to, to highlight the broad effects of the conflict as we hope that it will contribute in some way to us international peace efforts that are also under way not only approved but also in the african continent. and given the power lows with other nations. when it comes to the political environment in the 1990s, so that because it has a duty to help, lots of so done and the d. c. to bring about stability on the african countries. self africa space given contribution. seeing the democratic republic of congo over the years for personnel deployed a spot of infantry battalions, helicopter units of milton medical teams. how beneficial to efforts to be obese, as well as to ensure the health and safety of fellow peacekeepers the in addition. so optical wants to more multiple levels for the developing countries that have more into their full views. counts of
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which to you is how are you trying to invest? yeah. as friends rather than interviews up only that to break so that vehicle wants to can. so that's emerging and developing countries play a significant role in the global economy. and so you apologise. we believe in inclusiveness and we work with all in the global community. we seek to build a mold, just and equitable multiple weld pricks has remained firm. and our insistence on the reform of the un, including its security council, would have you to make and it's more representative, effective and efficient, and to increase the representation of developing countries. the only is so that's okay. it's also important to manage and economy is also the gateway to sub saharan markets. with wall developments. the structure allows for transportation into africa, the country. it is a reason indeed, and a good place to establish a business. and many companies expand the activities from so that's
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a cost to the risk of the reach. so that for guys that important position in growing the african mach to facilitate advised the africa continental free trade area and other free trade agreements. so that's the sci fi is economy, a way for me economy dependence on western states, and speaking to search for african solutions to african problems, but also wanting justice, freedom and oppression. to indian guys that makes the selection even more interesting for the want philosophy. i'm a real couldn't get into hi miss. but the georgia prime minister has defied western reaction to the for an agents bill adoption accusing western countries of wanting to bring about our ukraine like scenario. i'm at the chaos in georgia. the statement comes as the west wards move could jeopardize the country's past to, to the european union. to say that there was
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a direct attempt to use the european union topic by someone the global war party to disrupt the situation in georgia and change the government. we have all seen such processes in ukraine. the european union topic was actually used there as an excuse to the whole 84 parliamentarians voted to override the president's veto. where at whereas only 4 of these parliamentarians voted against that. and this is something that actually didn't surprise everyone, anyone. everyone knew that this was going to happen pretty much, even the president of the country was pro western said that this decision to veto the, for an agents bill was more of a matter of principle for her. so at any rate, this is a law that's going to come into a force very soon in the country. and it was brought through a completely legitimate democratic process, the united states for its part. it has the oldest for an agents law in the entire west, and it's very, very strict in comparison of the one that was just passed in georgia. and i mean one might even go on to say that the georgia in law is very lenient. they would
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just require agencies that receive over 20 percent of their income from abroad to register in the government database. and despite all that, washington's already in lodging condemnation and threats against those who, according to the united states, american political commentator and conservative radio steve bill question how washington would react if the same standards it uses to criticize georgia were applied to the us itself. out there, the george in panama decides that they want transparency when it comes to foreign money, trying to influence their political and policy decisions out there that uh, and i do think it'd be interesting if the same standards were applied to us bureaucratic officials like blanking and those who are promoting interference in our own elections using foreign money, hidden money to influence the re election of joe biden. would it be nice and foreign countries with blank, blank and, and some of these other us officials for being able to travel to their countries. just apply the same standard that they're seeking to,
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to bully and threaten georgia with transparency. knowing who's putting money into your political and policy disputes in your country already something that any, any type for you should embrace and certainly those in the west who scream democracy in the top of their law should be embracing this law. not trying to bully georgia into allowing foreign money these in g o is to have their way uh at the, at the expense of the george and people while operating from the shadows. and i think the doors and the officials are exactly right to say they're being shelves in the past, the brain and we see how that's working out for your brain. we are mentally beyond our reach and it could have. and i think the doors did disastrous proportions to veto override sparren's affairs protests and the country is at capital. a thousands of georgians taken to the streets. they rallied outside the parliament building, waving the georgian, a un nato flags, and calling for the government to scrap the bill. earlier we spoke to georgians
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nichol commentator and intellectual property specialist. mariam, i sure a got a, she says the us and europe have crossed a line in their treatment of georgian their stance on the lies, hypocritical visible in georgia, that the west has been forcing us to do some decisions to make some decisions that would be convenient for them, for a long time now finds there's a line between when it comes to partnership and friendship. and when it comes to dictating a country what to do, and when to do, i think that it's very critical from the side of the west. uh usa. first of all, who had this law for a long time now, and from june in june and as well, who is nowadays only talking about their needs to kind of uses tens when it comes to do well. because we know that they have been employed, seemed to work for a long time. and now they see this was their protection against their partner,
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which is usa fight. both of them are against this world when it comes to georgette because they are doing the same thing that in georgia that they're doing with each other. so basically they have a costa line when it became not a consultation on orders that we have to do in order for us to not miss the consequences. the us military aircraft has crashed near the international airport in new mexico's largest city, albuquerque, the f. 35 fighter jet was on his way to an air force base in california. the pilot objected from the aircraft and was taken to a hospital with serious injuries. large and plumes of smoke were seen at the crash site. this march, the 2nd military plane crash and new mexico. in the past months. the demonstrations in solidarity with palestine have erupt. it all over europe again in
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protest over israel's continued attacks on rasa and gaza. the in paris please, to your guest, peaceful protest are to try to rally in are the, is really embassy demonstrators in berlin to 5 restrictions imposed by german authorities on pro palestine protests with hundreds taken to the streets to demand adjust this for palestine and condemned as well, as the tax crowds also gathered in front of the white house to protest against us involvement and the conflict, the protestant in protest of also swept latin america in the mexican capital. a peaceful protest turned into classes with police outside the as really embassy. demonstrators threw stones and burning optics, trying to break down fences. police responded with fire extinguishers and tear gas . the purchase came as mexico prepares to join south africa's genocide case against
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as well as the international court of justice. earlier in ball rein, scores of demonstrators took to the streets to protest the government's decision to normalize relations with washington, police used to tear gas and the smoke canisters to disperse the angry crowd. the demonstrators are demanding for the normalization deal with the us to be cancelled because of washington support for tel aviv ards rallies on the island nation are also taking place against is really actions in gaza or any opposition figure. dr. abraham l or id says people are angry about the government's relations with washington, all the stations and get through the big anger and by and so people are very angry and against what do, by doing these doberman did go to that new my vision,
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many of protest i have been out of state, and george, and maybe out of them, they are going to be 2nd for all they will get that data ration. but any other game, if we did, i guess people and the steins that exist if that be i won't be the day we continue. then the station again said that that's what happened in the dropbox. and, or must it goes the behind was banking. and now the phrase approved by these redeemed which existed, printed the like he's with us being in the video, but really he's against the boss. the news you mentioned, there are many models, videos and by nobody is able to prove that this will go, he's gone pretty because you have prayed that they and i can go by the end of the garbage and they would give out from the country. i do stay with r t international. i'll be back with much more news and 30 minutes in the meantime
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