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tv   Documentary  RT  May 29, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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a look we gave you create our weapons under the conditions that they don't use them to bomb russia and were not willing to move those goals, hose and risk more problems. spain is also said now forget it. even though zalinski personally went there to push for it recently from spokesman, dimitri pest golf qualified to use current vive as quote, war time, ecstasy, and hum, gary. and for a minister peter c hoc co said over the weekend that europe has fallen into war psychosis. and that it's foreign policy has become a one trick pony beginning and ending with ukraine. like you, which we don't look at. and the ukraine and casualties are becoming more than more than bearable you korean man, i'm not being allowed of ukraine. and now the ones that contribute to being used in as a war. and obviously as the escalation hates this neighborhood. first, one can almost clearly hear the argument that the soldiers should be sent from the geographical proximity. first, all these means that they want to send central european youth, including him getting used to the war with mandatory your being conscription and
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what seems to be happening here overall is that there are leaders of the very top of these institutions of global governance, leg burrell, at the you and stilton berg at nato, neither of whom are elected through any kind of popular democratic vote. giving a blessing for an escal atory joy, right of sorts, and some u. p in countries are following right along with it, while others are desperately right now trying to hit the brakes on the clown car before it goes straight off of class. the director of the international action center, sarah flanders says the us here is the loss of its dominance, but western countries are deeply divided over sending support to ukraine. so i think they're using what they call plausible denial. where they're saying one thing and doing another, they are providing ukraine with unlimited billions and billions of dollars worth of weapons. and at the very moment they're saying phone don't do this at the same time . they're saying, well, it's up to the ukraine,
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whether they do this or not. of course, they do the same thing in palestine and garza. they provide unlimited arms weapons and encouragement to these rallies under the same time. say that they are for some sort of other resolution. right now. us imperialism fears complete to boss. well, there's deep divisions and they don't wherever there's pressure from the mass movement to be self. so my cronan france, so they put up a trial balloon on sunday, nato, and sending french troops to ukraine. it was overwhelmingly, by mass sentiment pushed back. but it's nevertheless out there as a proposal. so you have political leaders that are acting exactly against their own population. and here in the u. s. over well, mainly the majority of the population is against any more a to the claim,
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let alone us military involvement, troop involvement. and yet it continues to stay with our to international. i'll be back with much more news in less than 30 minutes now by the additive because it's too much high school diploma who handles life and all it is the
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my brother through. he was sudden to helping afresh alone drums into the church. it's almost our fire side system, so now i never look at searches as being the same. well, you can see the slides is constantly. yes. this like somebody's walk into drive and pass on a light turn right around the we really don't have the whole time life. right? there's a part of life really. in the said, none of the time we, all a lot of people are in gaze with they affiliated with games because, i mean, i live next to you and like we grew up together. so i'm, of course, i'm your friends. but then people see that and say like,
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oh so you must be one of those. whenever save around, a group of guys like it could be a group, a rough guys. why over there that look like they can kill us at any moment. but they know who the police officers and i feel equally scared. i'm edward. i can't call nobody on the right. okay. the police bagley's only kind of the police. these gang in chicago is like when you get pulled over the police, you really think your life is over the port over they as deep purple in the car and you hesitate to reach by d because everything is going to be excused when opposite. all you can reach for, we're not going to suit a left about around in a silky parking side. moving just even doing properly. say you want to make
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a joke about it. i'm going to shoot you through to the which one of the guns were on sunday. right. the
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trigger is oh i see. okay. the, the smoking he has got to permit we didn't know assuming that we're filming what are the parameters of different wages here, waiting for them to do a rap song for us. so, so when i get to see it for i get someone who is which is on the rest of their barriers. i refuse issue. sorry, yeah. okay,
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nice money and shoes and some of the face, they told me you had 5 going on what they got to do, the 3 people that's on the district and the one that we just say, i'm just saying what they gotta do. what i've done by any does anything like that? not trying and then i finally got side of my bed. i'm leaving the boxes. no guns, no guns out. obviously we found out of going glasses. he told dollars he did was stop and that's for these on the market
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every day. how we live or how to police through the neighborhood like out. and they'll say like you're telling me to also talk about. he could have put a face to him again, what's amazing, maybe if they want to set a stand for something, we call our dataset and the, you know, as we, i can talk about the gang members or what they are. we think the pick them up all much out of my way to sanction days were, can you say of who are see, the appraisal for may block is little mac and lived a day talking about something they make of sense. you know, some people just say that they call that number up when i'm on the low. hers is a stop put into the news. so once you start putting that hard enough filling in
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a day, you know, it would change. so they got that genuine heard most the music that, that, that home, the, one of the things i'm doing right now is trying to reveal the things that we destroyed the neighborhood. and one thing is bringing people together in awareness . half of our neighbors, family members know something about what's going on there, whether it's out to us and talk to the police. so that's a good way to stop defiance because if i could find out what's going on and stop it before somebody gets sato hurt, then we went to the operator. the reason why a lot of times don't get solved is because nobody likes to police. don't care about sit up into some fitness. when are you trying to do it? just get us locked up?
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no. the gas serve and protect on a, on a car while they do is patrol similar to the what's wrong with the front of the shooting, the video shipped as well? no one is the thing about the moist. we're not going to just be down here like 1015 minutes. i'm down and i do want us. um, you know? yeah, i got i got a cold. oh yeah, i'm going to be down about 1015 minutes. come on, stop down. love me. this is my son, yvonne junior, his fresh, they came. and so me, i need to come around here cause my son been an accidental bad accident.
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i know that was the last time i get to talk to my saw coming to have what kind of life is it a shot at us. they thought we was coming to the gang ways to retaliate on them. and we would just come into the new account or we like they shot 2 people. one um uh his um was broken 2 places and the lady was shot in a bucks. and the guys that was where me was mad, cause i refused to let them retaliate even after that the
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the gangs are so, so internally, so to me, to god there and to and with its squares in the past before social media, a gang might have disrespected somebody now, what would be perceived by most people? it's just a personal meal. slap that somebody that's immediately retaliated by social media. everyone knows about it immediately. and there's already in motion that someone's going to pay for that. what happens is that somebody who lives in the neighbor was just walking a block away. they have no idea that's going on. and so all of a sudden what they thought was there was no relations going out in the neighborhood . well, 2 minutes ago it became an issue. and now what was otherwise going to be an average walk, a block away from their house is now going to be something where they very well can
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be shot and killed the . this is my 2nd saw that was killed is 35 land is that a friend's name with they assume to be real close. his friend, we is brother with keel somehow. some way on facebook. they got the talking about each other, did cousins in their brothers. so they kept going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. the last time you all with this back and my brother say you're disrespecting. my brother, my brother was killed there like, you know, brother was keel. so late on that day, he called my son, the land is on the phone, maybe it was set up his red
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as low as california was right here and backs up and i was low and the name is the man that was walking towards his friend. that he thought was his friend sad of me and the other guy sat him as well. and then as so girlfriend the side them to move to the and then one, no one, no drugs and one even though with no games. one, no one, no girl was the worse the why is the most powerful lobby in washington dc the hand, all right? because the n r a gets all their money from the gun manufacturers. the number one consumer of guns in america right now is the legal consumer,
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any legal gun. so if you cut that consumer away, what you do is are cutting significant business away. now, gun manufacturers also are one of the largest investors and privatizing prison so they can make money on guns and making money, and people being locked up, you know, america's based on the dollar. the in a modern pragmatics world of smartphones and tech upgrades parts. there's no crafts at hand painted traditions of yesteryear seem to be fading away for take a step outside of the bustling metropolis and las go, you'll find that traditional russian culture is still going strong. the the
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very best of your self and others is an act of love. those people who seek to deprive us of our rights of self defense. us the more they need us the most. we know not what they do. it is a historical fact. every time a society has been stripped of its right of self defense, a mass casualty events has occurred in its been imposed the business that the government that has all the governments of these communities are of the society that has committed the atrocities. for you guys with who are right on where they took away your guns the
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this on a flight of stairs continuously every day in our cities is the only country i think over this in advance industrialization i can think of and this happens to happen in japan does not happen in england last lot of mileage. so high up here is like, is more access to balance out here in, in like out of places. it's like the government say like they, they put it out in a level where we get in front of me not going overseas and making them all that. so the government actually is putting them out here. and that's what it's all about is access to events as something else. to hide the facts, nobody's going to find out why this is happening and they can be misled into taking that to control the software. if it does work, it just has to be national more people get filtered, englewood, on the 4th of july,
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holiday weekend and the others and the being outside. make us easy. tar. yes, that's a problem. that is a problem because at the same time we hear each other just like you don't see any black people do more school shootings doing. you see all why people or somebody, you know, they are raises all buyers. i revise these and stuff. when you go direct to our records are blowing each other. this is why, why do we have the why people use the black people at each other so we don't kill each other. it doesn't make
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sense to me and all my name is i needed to know my go to record ain't got no built in my madison getting some food somebody for another star. soon a lot of people who are arriving soldiers. i'm finished please. another heat is always on the car lab. they say the electronic of their car stopped at the hood of my car and we like, they showed it so we, we've been down. i get all the way though. a song in sales is thinking about it again. as i'm going now,
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i noticed the car and to actually see somebody has gone back like this. but all he was pop, pop. i guess the gun is, you know, bringing his hand back and also seeing the bill says fire that comes out of the gun . we call the police, i'm on the phone with 911 screaming i have never been so happy to hear some colleagues here with where my phone was. it was about 5 whole 5 below the . 2 the street, the,
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i guess father might involved in kent as long as we really spin, is one jarvis his desires to he's now considered a parent whose last child the gun mothers. and this hiding relates to parents all the time. lots to choose. the guy finished the wedding here. i'm in the 2nd. see somebody told me joseph and shot i literally ran out down the stairs, out to church and there he was lying. there was no way. i'm was it come in some people standing around there and you know, there is my son who i seen 3 hours earlier and he's fine. and now he's lying on the street bleeding. and then the i'm gonna scan and get him to the hospital and he was laying in the bed. he couldn't speak yet, but he grab my hand and holding hands on talking me, shaking his head. and then the next morning i got a call. he didn't make it was an angry. i was angry at guy that i was angry at
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society. i was angered. whoever did this, i was angry that my son had died and all this anger had to process this for me before i could talk to anybody else. i just don't even leave me alone. is leave me alone in my room. i just let me have this conversation with myself and with god and rest. so to say what i do now, the
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farthest like as long as a lot of protests in the past. certainly down to dan ryan is the most radical. who's the main highway in that as cargo? so this is going to make a lot of people, man, the motto dr. king is making history due to close on the day around with the flight the the all right, so this is his daughter. everybody remembers the model to
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love that man. he's been working like this terrorist leap for years. the
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day of the met no money putting on monday, i'll make you the
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get not they told me the the, the crime st. another one allows. so this could have been a doctor, a nurse could have been the next president, but we can't keep losing people out here. now gotta have more awareness about what's going on out here. all this got to go the
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chair to the acute care for him, where the the
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school teachers don't get the biggest out common place to hear that ukraine is on its last legs is collapse, is only a matter of time. in many ways. this is true. however, this overlooks the fact that nato is unwilling to accept defeat and this complex
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for this aggressive military alliance. more escalation is on the agenda. the big, the size a if maybe the idea of the current must, is of ukraine who are located overseas is to place the burden of making on popular decisions on the current executive branch. as ukrainian man are snatched off the streets for the front line. the russian president calls up he has strep throat mobilization laws, same as western dr. talbot, convenient scapegoat. millions of south africans go to the poles and the country is the general election labeled as the most of the pivotal votes. since the end of apartheid amended type problem between the ruling party and the opposition 21. people are killed in an alleged idea of striking a 10 camp near rasa as israel escalates a tax on the area we hear from the.


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