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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the, the, the executive, if i say, if maybe the idea of the current must, is of ukraine to a located overseas, is to place the burden of making on popular decisions on the current executive branch. as ukrainian man are snatched off the street for the front line, the russian president called the kids strict at mobilization. last saying it's western backers have a convenient picked up. millions of south africans go to the poles and the countries general election labeled as the most given of us since the end of apartheid. committed type battle between the ruling party and the opposition 21. people are killed in an alleged items right on the tent camp near rasa as israel escalates us attacks on the area we hear from local the bombed us from the air,
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into the pump, dust from the ground, in, without warning. these are our daughters. here they have seen this 100 times, save us, save the children, if not all of us, then at least to save them. israel intensifies us deadly operation and wrap up pro palestinian demonstrators. a rough to all over the world to show solidarity with god. the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international or making on the popular decisions. that's how president vladimir put and describes the current state of the ukranian government. the russian liter criticized kids. strict new mobilization laws, while speaking on a visit to is becca sam, the most would be the if i say, if maybe the idea of the current mazda is of ukraine, who are located overseas,
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is to place the burden of making all unpopular decisions on the car and the executive branch that's including the adoption of the decision to further lower the mobilization age. and after the adoption of this and other unpopular decisions, the cutter and representatives of the executive branch might be replaced by people free from the responsibility that lays on their shoulders for decisions that are unpopular among the population. basically amateur footage that emerges from ukraine pretty much on a daily basis pro paints a drastically different pictures and the premium government's trying to sell to the world. when i speak about this video, i mean a people is reading. conscription by every means possible, like one of the ladies is one of the latest video shows a man escaping from a band while being helped by bystanders. and then grabbing his rucksack on his bike from the back of the van and using the bike to escape dropped officers. also, there was another recent case when a man, a tax with men in uniform with
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a knife. those men who tried to hand him an official summons, and in general, i have to say the relationship between increased dropped offices and the rest of the population hasn't long gone beyond any legal framework. and in many ways that's due to how these dropped offices choose to do their job as they have be known to use. right? was like dragging people out of that cause, beating people up full. so that has been a rather absurd case because well, the situation has also gone beyond every level of absurdity to when one dropped special tried to a 100, someone's, to an obvious amputee. you see, i need the dates so that i can issue someone's to him. this is the data so that you can issue assignments and you do this up. you just, you should me a summons and you didn't ask, why was why that's been so you don't give a,
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you can give it. as long as you write a piece of paper, come on. weird. is the military enlistment office and going to the military and elizabeth office and i'm going to so let's go to have dave go with you. in general, it has to be said that the tensions within the ukranian society of the highest. because simply, as you can see, there's nothing civil, there's nothing really about how these new mobilization laws enforced. and it leads to tragedies as the very just of this new mobilization rule, the payments because on the 18th of late, basically ukrainian authorities, they found themselves in a situation where basically they had no means of obtaining actual information about even the number about the whereabouts on the health status over the male populations that they deem as liable for conscription. so visual nor essentially, you know, just of course it does lower the conscription age. but also we aimed at forcing
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people to provide a to update the information with dropped uh, with the draft offices and with the dropped officials. first is that essentially means we premiums that they would if they do so because they have to get the physically to go a medical checkup and does that for them means they are likely to be sent to the front lines at the same time that has the reports that like dropped officials from one region they are sent to operate in another one. and the way they behave that does not help the relationship between them and the population both have a list. the controls. let me finish this topic already. what is going on? and what the coming conscription offices, we have people in care of, they carry out and tie us special operations in the subway and then some block your exit. others waiting funds for people to stand to the side, to physically grab you. and in areas where everyone knows each other,
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across it from a gang of conscription, offices like con, call it anything else, came to the city of truck events from odessa and they begin to stone people. they don't care. they don't know anyone in the city. all these little pieces, they are really part of a much bigger puzzle that well ukrainian, the ukrainian forties have to wrap their heads around. basically they're trying to gather and send as many people to the front lines in the shortest amount of time possible. because, well, they, of course, sustaining heavy losses. russia has opened the new old front. i had just a few dozen kilometers away from the city of belgrade, where i am right now in the region. so the need every, the, he pretty much everyone's a are conscripting. they are conscripting inmates now, so inmates, inmate volunteers, i think that's the way they portray the situation. so of course,
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this looks like we are going to be add any of the ukrainian to model view creating authorities. and it is, was slowly turning into an open bottle, but love to treat the premiums and the russians, but rather the government and its own people. in the western politicians are split over, allowing ukraine to strike russian territory while the us is refusing to allow the use of the weapons to try to areas outside the battlefield. some european countries are ready to lift these restrictions. please stay with us for that story and much more so the russian foreign minister of speaking at a round table discussion on the print in prices with investigators for more than 30 countries attending the meeting. let's listen into started our off and now that spreads to, to, to the boston preservation. namely, this published into the nazi regime via the cool and key if you know to, to how the military is built up in ukraine to create direct security threats to our
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country. and in order to destroy the culture of that in the toad should oh, don't boss. nova voice here has been developed for centuries by the ancestors of the people that leave the country. they want to be faithful to their history and language. they want to bring up the children in the traditions that have been noted and created in the families that have been passed on from generation to generation . for centuries. the title of our 2 days found table is do political aspects of the ukrainian crisis. now it is deeply rooted in the modern history. the period does preceded the dissolution of the soviet union and the yes that's followed today. many historians responsible political scientists
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and experts in the west primarily to let them say something to the colleagues had been saying for many previous years, maybe full decades. namely, when they will also tag towards the solution to when the soviet union opened up for the girl to get the what you're up the united states with the west apply to him . that me cool. searching on the when, when bases on the basis of mutual respect, ne, to was no, it's the solar sits nobody in 10 to the solution. they to many believe that that was a mistake. yes. today is literally well known american a call miss political scientist, jeffrey, it sucks in his interview with talk, cuz colson, once again recalled a historical mistake,
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that was made. history does not know they subjective mood. nato exists, which apparently the reasons why i need to know to response and the reciprocal basis to the also backs and did not the solution itself. it's adults also, she's full in the countries of the socialist comp to keep on with the organization for security and cooperation. and you know, to have any, a close to military blocks and from now on to leave and you live open leave on the basis of mutual respect and the search for mutual benefits. this has not been done . but now we can say with confidence that the reasons behind such a decision was the still desire of the united states to preserve nato as
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a tool to control us including germany. the show. up till now, the dozens of us military bases in germany, so that germany, the germans, could obey orders from washington. in order to alleviate vitals on an energy markets of us, the us explodes, the major pipeline quotes north stream for germans to keep silence until we swallow it. they were ready to say all one punch cards or 2 times hire of for the american allergies. then the page for boston guest supplies, lifeline in order to subdued you've a to loose the united states. the fight needs nato. and that is exactly at the time when the will so back towards the solution was the sold nobody,
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most others decided to the solution may to, on the country. they started using it to strengthen american, had committed in these continent, as well as in all the continents. you have heard recent statement by stoughton bug . she was asked to about native being a defense. it's a lines you are defending. dish may to allies, you'll know, doing other things. right? and he said, indeed that is true. at the same time, the threats to the co tree of all need to members stems from various parts of the globe including from the into pacific. that is why nature would spread is infrastructure h, which create alliances with the you in this region in the asia pacific that they call into pacific due to the well known reasons. and in
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this sense, the security of the euro atlantic and the security of the asia pacific. and that's what stalls and drug side is indivisible. looking from that is why many countries of our shed continent should put the so need to trying to improve our own security. especially if we get back to the times when the soviet union was dissolved besides the fact that arrangements were reached in arms control, that many, all experts believes to be not quite just they have some intellectual concessions by the soviet union. and besides to the judgments on arms control, that's follows. that ensured permanent presence of american observers of
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actually at the gates of facilities that produce tell us to teach in west and re besides the fact that in early 19 ninety's as a town the of american and other west and aggregate had been working in the majority of governmental entities, of all countries, of the russian federation. besides old that most or maybe exactly. for this reason, the soviet union just sold that was the cheese, liam, and me revival of the united states. and vital to its world for just a country that was at the helm of the socialist account, together with countries of asia, africa, and less than america that was championing the principles of the united nations child to it disappeared. and you remember that an economist politician,
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a scientist francis fukuyama declared value since the end of history from known and forever, the liberal world or the will prevail, there would be no confrontation to that from any other policy. that means that they decided that they knew vasa, just like, or former soviet republics, just like o former members of the also fact they are only in the pockets of the united states and the collective west dodge was obvious. that was an obvious opinion that could fail, that the dominated for quite some time even know they owe or the events that who witness today police are happening july years because the united states wants at the helm of the collective
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west notes to lose its had so many in the international arena, where did they find is hard to, to do that, if not impossible, which one be strong, economic does realizing primarily on the reason continent, but also in africa in less than america and the struggle for hatcher many for presenting these hodge in many using sanctions, blackmail, threats, armed forces. because this is the struggle for the event that is coming to a close. and it is clear that we are witnessing that the west is trusting at all these illegitimate methods. and there is an agony that is
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beginning of the world war to that the united states is imposed being up. so now to everybody else know the international little based on the un charter and know its entirety and the interconnectedness of his principles. but the rules based order, we had already discussed this topic when they needed, they organize a cool and they claimed that democracy prevailed in a particular country when somewhere in africa for instance, revolution forces come to paula. and they want to get read from the last person, bronto snow, colonialism done. they call it the violation of the constitution. they impose sanctions and many other things. if we go back to the beginning of the events of that's what the reason behind the what is happening in europe and in the world at large was decided that russia is in
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his pockets. and in the get yourself turned off to the 1st election of crushed into each end of last started regaining its distant c. it's right for the chase and the place that it is entitled to have an international aveena. initially, the united states didn't take it seriously. they thought that these are some, just some cases, so national character traits of national cavity to especially since back in the day in 2 solvents, vasa spoken tevo respecting its own rights. at the same time, it defended, destroyed in the international arena solely by offering calculation equal
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arrangements. and there are abundance examples to this. and so we have established a well develop system of interaction with the european union, dozens of mechanisms of full mugs, entities. for many years there's been a lot of meetings, a roadmaps were developed. most of the 3 most establish full common spaces of throughout the region continent. there were a lot of creative promising ideas take native for instance, despite although the west wiley said it's commitment, it's pledge that it's had given to soviet leadership. and then to 1st leaders of the russian situation now to expand, need to east towards as you know,
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base expansion the take place. but even back in the day, in the late night and ninety's of foreign minister, you've gave me pre my call as his negotiations with nato. so the keys pretty real good. we're still showed his readiness notes to start assertive county, the facts and as opposed to violations that had been happening despite what was pledged by a need to process, but to seek a compromise. and as a compromise, there was an agreement and they to the west to agreed to live up to that. that's in the tow. 2 of you members of sale was still ok with that new members. no significant armed forces will be deployed in this tow trees. this was old and trying to within the nature of russia council,
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this mac and is and also worked on various tracks. there were 2 groups on account shing television, the on assisting of got us to and, and many of the big country. it has all been the real, dismantled by the west, a phone it's unilateral decision but we altered for compromise. there would be no permanence, significant forces deployed and then you to trace of me. so off to that, we started noticing that these forces are being deployed and new. the west started saying that there's an old significant sufficient forces and they're not permanent . this one, re gauge is coming that, but on the rotational basis, this pre gauge is leaving. and immediately the 2nd brigade comes. that means that that is a permanent presence. and we said ok, let us reach an agreement about the, the temp significance forces. we came up with specific proposals on numbers of
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the heavy weaponry, a small um, the number of troops that could you will fall onto this deficit definition. but they strongly refused even to discuss that with us as a time. and again, we showed goodwill and we offered to lay down solas foundation for all inspection with nato. and they refused to agree with on anything that's what limits of the freedom of the actions, including of the detriment of all interest. at the same time, we started understanding that well not set, it was in vain to keep on cooperation of what this countries and its leadership which but it is necessary to send a clear message to them. and that is something that was done by president boots and
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at the munich conference. but president put it in 2007 in a polite way. but in an honest way, he drew the attention of west and the leaders that were present the to the side that they will not be able to dictate the will to everyone. the world is much more of us. the western civilization, especially since the western civilization started degrading significantly, damage the ideas that are currently being promoted in europe in the united states and other parts of the collective west. and this warning that was made at the munich conference essentially was not taken seriously. they smiled, so they decided that by do so the, what the fuss should shows that this content and our future,
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the contacts with western coal links doing which we have explained in detail of that the course of the west. it is detrimental because to make an overall shop all these explanations quite insane. however, let me know that we have not lost our desire to overcome this confrontation that has been piling up. and it has become much more threatening in 2008 with 1st coast to conclude a european security treaty. the point is pretty simple. if you guys before that within the o s c o country. so basically is ation at the summit level. during the summit sign up to sign up on the principles of indivisible security edits was stated that no, the single country knows a single organization within the
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o. s. c space will strengthen its 6 judy at the expense of security of elders and not a single organization. within the o. s. c space would claim the goldman, there's a role at these, jo, political towed tree nature did exactly the opposite. it continued dragging view, manders tubes ranks and it sets it sites on the countries of former soviet union. besides the baltic states that turned out to be the, even before them we asked nature, there's a political commitment no to dominate, and you try to dominate to strengthen your security at the expense of us. how well we want to do with that. and they say, you see that is
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a political declaration, but that is a political declaration signed by presidents and prime minister. yes, but that is a political commitment which no legal repercussions. but the legal guarantees of security can only be issued within nato. and we said ok, and in 2008, we offered that trust. european security treaty does stipulate, every thing that was written down in the always the declaration. so i'm going to edit tools code to fight it had to a legal commission is also something that we talk about. it was strongly rejected. legal guarantees can only be ensure janae to mandate ok in 2010. we propose to conclude an agreement note within the o c, but it's a native boss, a treaty. and they also refused to do that. a goodwill
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has repeatedly faced such a behavior. in early 2 solvents, george bush junior withdrew from the abm treaty, president fulton, who owns him, that this was a haste to stop. and he said, it's not against you. the tools to publish this missile defense will work against the dpr k case to is one of those he was deceiving us and everybody understands the county. the missile defense of the us. and this elyse is focused solely on deterring china and russia. but by come to a shelter in 2011 was still charged to bring to reason the americans and all the nature. members that it is necessary to be more cautious
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about the actions. and you found the international arena flush. we propose to establish a joint missile defense showed the us and she with sure we didn't get any clear response and lead shown age was all dragged out. they didn't want to call 3 to those and interact with us. the same thing happened to the go to the i n f treaty in 2020. the americans withdrew from this treaty. they accused us of violating it. and the relevance lands found based me cells for placed in the cleaning world region. they avoided any contracts whatsoever. they just made this unilateral stuff and the president of russia said, done that we would proud that because this is a very destabilizing type of weaponry. and he offered the following thing,
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positive class moratoriums. although the enough treat is easiest to exist since the us withdrew from it, bosher would respect its provisions, and by doing so, we declare a unilateral motor to him. we will respect this moratorium until like this round phase the cells of the us production then all appear in any other thoughts of the globe that is going to be happening in the philippines in denmark. such new cells are already deployed. we made the statement that we have formed, you gaze batch several years ago, but back then reverse one. this hadn't happened. and in 20 twenty's, as we try to save a situation in some way, as we try to prevent the spread of this new destabilizing type of weaponry. preston
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force and came up with an initiative and sub latches to ne, to allies where he outlined old position including a unilateral moratorium to urge to nato members. since there is no tree cheese, he attempts to collectively join a more toys and to proclaim a unilateral moratorium as well. on top of that, we vote in the slightest sense, you suspect that we escaped, lowered to the co in and grabs of reach in and out. what is called the assistance the val events list. how's that a bend by the i'd as treaty. we invite you to come to a to see for yourself that that is no true an l to and would like to visit poland and romania where is it? so at the basis.


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