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tv   Documentary  RT  May 29, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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to president bush and came up with an initiative and some blushes to nature allies where he outlines out position, including a unilateral moratorium, to urge to nato members. since there is no tree cheese, he asked him to collectively join a more toy and william and to proclaim a unilateral moratorium as well. on top of that, we vote in the sledges since you suspect that we this is dave. this is lloyd to the colin grads of region. i know it is kinda assistance the val events list files that are banned by the i n f treaty. we invite you to come to a to see for yourselves that that is no true an alta and would like to visit poland and romania. where is it? so at the basis of the said positioning area of the human kind of
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drugs called for to you want the systems that are deployed and this systems according to the advertisements of the, to the tasman, to the website of producer of this weapon. this systems can be used not only as a missile defense system, but also as launches for the meat and intermediate um small range missiles that i've done by the i n f treaty. and on the an honest way you come to us, we come to you without any trace, usually kind of bite by the moratorium. and they strongly refused to do that. and only that alone tells us that they were not playing. and if the way initially the us withdrew from the treaty in order to develop and have a military build up in all the areas, including the philippines. and i'm sure that other countries of the asia pacific
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pros, i wish you would see this further requests to a present to the hospitable land in order to be hosted this kind of weaponry. but still had good 12 and 2020 in general, re present to attend was invited by prime minister netanyahu interval him at the opening of a memorial free of the victims of linen fraud siege. and in his address, president expressed his concern over mounting tension and international relations. he adds to the p 5 members to use somebody else, take a responsible approach and to have assignments meetings where they will discuss
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certain, well, mutual concerns to each other. and to honestly, can see to how we should see international relations at that time. what problems are seen by all of us and how can we resolve this issues? the french supported that the people's republic of china was the 1st to supported the grass caps silence, and the fritz. we're looking at that big brother at the end of the day. it didn't have any result of the last attempt was made at the high to for that the key of regime has been waging in don't boss a contradiction to the mask agreements. it directly stated that it was notified by the mysql agreements, although they were endorsed by the united nations security council. by the way, this example of the kid for his shame that claimed that the resolution of the
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united nations security council will not be respected by it. this is what was followed by the united states. they adopted a resolution a couple of months ago, calling to establish these 5 for the holy month of ramadan. permanent representative of the united states to the un madam thomas griffin, abstain from voting if she didn't. so veto that. but she said that this resolution is not legally binding. that means that the mask agreements and the position of the us with regard to the us just to the us decision. i have a direct parallel. never the less i phoned the initiative of the president in early december 2021. we drew the attention to the fact that the situation is becoming quite serious and it is
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necessary to put an end to the actions taken by the ukrainian regime a violate sentiments agreements. and we propose to conclude to treaties, and we circulate to these treaties in december 2021. the one with the us and the other one with nature. countries on how to ensure you repeat secuity, taking into account legitimate interest, a full participants, including ukraine, russia, the european countries. and we were told the main thing is that ukraine should not become a member of any military blog and were told that there was no told business because it is. and they simply refused to discuss it. to discuss our proposals. although before that for several months, they've been bringing the alarm
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a side effect and all the n voice came to us, they had to come up with a solution that would not into using force. although, at the same time, the key, if it was even used mountain military action, the west rejected our proposals on december 2021 in january and february you rein rejected the mask agreements and it announced plan b, the multiplying scaling of the showing of don't bus and then we had no all the choice, the 2 launch a special mid a took ration. the president has explained that is a detail talking about geo political aspects of all these developments in 2021. we would tools ukraine and they to decide themselves how to develop the relationship montrose business which
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and the same way age is before that we received the same response by the european union in 2013 the president of ukraine, which young nicole ridge during negotiations on the c u association agreement took note of the fact that these agreement must be at olds with the ukrainian commitments within. and now the agreements, the free trade agreement of the c, i s the, well actually virtually no duty is no, travis, on all products and vice and other for soviet countries still had service with the here on some kinds of products. and they were quite high. and since you crane this negotiation, so the european union and the european union wanted it to bring to
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notes. oh, it's terrace to its products that are exported to ukraine. a collision happens and therefore ukraine could become an opening roads, a broad folds of exports of goods from the easy that we develop needs. in december 2021, we offer to nato. let's see to and take a look at how not to infringe upon any one. and in the same way in 2013, we offered to the european union. let us say that the negotiating table and take a look how we can harmonize the free trade agreement within the c a s. adults are in effect with ukraine and the future ukraine e u association agreements. it shows them on a real diverse, the chief of the european commission said don't just pay you know,
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of relations with the crane, who did not interfere with your relations with canada. for instance. that's a statement that's approved to be that he's not quite a small school kid, but these statements, which plays a faithful role unit coverage, so understood that he needed some extra time to understand how he can deal with this new agreement. and the he brought about this mass protest way they started the so called might on that's resulted in a crowded top the you, in a nutshell, this is the do political background of the kind of development and the covent jewel political course of the west is no different from the approaches,
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usually one which was obsessed with only one thing to present russia from being stronger and from taking a place that is entitled to having an international arena to surround fossa by a belt of unfair police states that as well, that's what's happening into sultan's and age when they were getting upon them, president of georgia, sucka should be released so that she could have an aggression against self sufficient against russian peacekeepers that is actually happening today. when they put those, simply try to take complete remote dover coaching the assemblages that's a guided by western interests and notes by the interest of its own people. there are many other examples. nope. so long ago,
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together with president fulton, with participated in a delegation, would say to visit to vegas donald hedrick, your contacts with conflicts to i'm friends with all countries of central asia and to see how which the west wants to spread its domain, as does chantelle asia that is why they at task is to isolate tasha and to prevent its development to prevent it's from unlocking it's potential. but this task is illusion rate. it is util. take. however, the quality of the cons. politicians in the west allows us to see him so that they can deal with seriously have some illusions and utilities and to make these illusions as the practical program, which that is. let them try to pro this will be
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a failure and nobody doubts that. but these goals are the say, as close i use that they started hatching off to the dissolution meant of the soviet union. and the process is proving to be disobedience is against to demoss to fulfill the orders. they still have this mindset that is shown in the various to a sentence in the situation and ukraine. it was the little by little older discussions that they can strike any parts of the russian code. she yes, today the president, the full coming back from josh can to and made a very detailed statement. i believe that you know, specifically what he said. i would note to the tools that and with that i will
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stop my introductory remarks and i would like to give the full to everyone who would like to make some remarks or ask some questions. thank you for sure. you level all right, we're just listening there to the russian foreign minister circuit lamp, rob speaking in moscow at a round table discussion with some more than 30 ambassadors of other countries listening and he had quite a lot to say. so i'll just detail briefly some of his key points stuff in discussions about nato lab, rob said the us wanted to preserve the alliance after the cold war ended, rather than dissolve it in an effort to use it as a tool to control europe and strengthen it had to many on the continent, laptops to that, all events that we're seeing it today, or because the us doesn't want to lose its control,
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but that the error of us to germany is coming to a close. he said that russia had sought to multiple times over the course of the years, leading up to 2022, to reach a compromise with nato, despite all the western violations. and he detailed multiple attempts to by russia that were rejected or ignored by the west saying that russia had no choice but to launch the special military operation. following rejections by the west and ukraine's increased showing in don bass. and he also said that russia is regaining its rights in the international arena to well, western politicians are splits over allowing key of to strike territories outside the battlefield. well stating its on wavering support to crane. washington is refusing to allow cab to use its weapons to strike russian territory. our policy has been that we don't encourage or unable strikes outside ukraine's borders. but if you look at the broad sweep of our policy, we made clear. then ukraine has no better support in the united states,
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and we don't just say that we back it up with our military assistance. we backed up with our diplomacy in marshalling a coalition. i'm more than 50 countries around the world to support ukraine. and we back it up with the measures we've taken to all russia accountable. however, over in brussels that use foreign policy chief says some of the blocks members want, you're trying to start hitting russia with weapons. they've sense of the address of burrell did admit that a number of european countries opposed to move. we allow our arms to be used below . below the longer for the russian territory. well, shall member states conquer, started deciding they can disclose today. now, according was the rule is perfectly possible, there is no contradiction. could retaliate to a quick fight against the 145 games me from the started 3
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risk of escalation. sure. where we put them that they will buy some pretty wild statement and coming from the european union's chief diplomat jungle joseph burrell . on one hand, in this press conference, you see missed that the new military aid for ukraine was being blocked because it requires unanimity and well hungry for one is dissenting. now, on the other hand, when it comes to individual european countries wanting to say, do you crate, okay, we'll go ahead and use the weapons that our country gave you to hit target steep inside russia and risk escalation, suddenly browse all cool about that descent. so you can use this map shows that you cream is being attacked from bases located in russia. we think that we should allow ukraine to neutralize the military sites from which marseilles are fired. well, since it's true, if we're talking about statements, but again stopping burger, someone else and that ukraine could use weapons but supplied to it from abroad. i think this is completely logical. your brand is fighting award and they are
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defending themselves. and as long it's, it's in the interest of their self defense and restoring the discharge for integrity of their country. it is quite season goals that they have to strike also inside the rush. so from my perspective, that should not be the due date. so why is broad even bringing this up now? well, at this means that just took place in brussels, breathing down the neck of your own defense ministers, was ukraine's defense chief roost. him are off and also nato secretary general in stilton bird who is musing over the weekend that you friends defense, ought to now mean all sensitive strikes on russia. back home, used about sending friends trips ukraine and said just of the weekend that europe is multiplying, external and internal enemies, even german shotzel. i've schultz has said, look, we gave you create our weapons under the conditions that they don't use them to bomb russia. and we're not willing to move those goals, hose and risk more problems. spain is also sad. now forget it. even those ones,
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the personally went there to push for it recently from spokesman dmitri pest, golf qualified to use current vive as, quote, war time, ecstasy, and hum, gary, and for our minister peter, see how co said over the weekend that europe has fallen into war psychosis and that its foreign policy has become a one trick pony beginning and ending with ukraine. like 2 points, we don't look at them and the ukraine and casualties of becoming more than more than bearable e korean man, i'm not being allowed to of ukraine. and now they one's a conscript, you're being used into the war. and obviously as the escalation hates, this neighborhood, 1st one can almost clearly hear the argument that the soldiers should be sent from the geographical proximity. first, all these means that they want this in central european, you've sprinkling hunger in used to do more with mandatory, you're being conscription. what seems to be happening here overall is that there are leaders at the very top of these institutions of global governance leg burrell
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at the you and stilton berg at nato, neither of whom are elected through any kind of popular democratic vote. giving a blessing for an esl atory joy ride of swords and some u. p. and countries are following right along with it, while others are desperately right now trying to hit the brakes on the cloud car before it goes straight off eclipse. defense technology, specialist and international consultants. earl rasmussen, says un nato countries could witness further fragmentation which could weaken their support to ukraine. and i feel it's highly likely that there is some type of a western assistance in uh, being that information, especially in the targeting. and perhaps with the racial uh, basically training or providing advice on the operational implementation as well. obviously there's divisions outside that are that are visible to everyone but, but i think there's even more insight and then we got, i think we've got to staying. we've got a lea, we've got to obviously some hungry,
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perhaps, silva ikea, that are that are pushing against the this policy and, and trying to limit the escalation. i think there's fragmentation as a result of this and we don't necessarily see visible, but i think there's greater fragmentation, you see the frustration with the you with or but put her in a block on this stuff. the settings. we saw the issues that was the vakio, who knows what's going to happen with that and mr. good. so, but then they would get, the voice was being raised. the other kind of degrees as well, that they're not consistent. they're not united. and these are all nato members as well, who got stolen burg, advocating some policy that he doesn't have a unanimous support from. is the other members of this good. this really kind of, we can support with even maybe not visible to everyone, but i think within, you could have more of a, a specific ration of support increase of those within nato. and within, you know,
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the what they've gone to now we're the israeli army continued it's airstrikes and rock overnight, ignoring orders from the international court of justice, from ford. se idea of tanks pushed it through to the center of does the southernmost city. a warning we are about to show you some disturbing images to the latest and deadly strike on a tent camp in my wasi claims 21 lives among them. 12 women, the area has been designated to save, so and by the is really army. the idea of has denied involvement in the attack on the camp despite this being a 2nd camp related attack in the past few days in rasa and nearby areas we heard from locals about the escalating is really a tax on the south of the on please help us for god's sake, there are dead bodies in the streets. no one has mercy on us or cares about us. save us, save the children. if not all of us have been at least to save them. who did not
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sleep all night because of bombing from tanks and planes which led to our neighbor because we were living in a tent. and when the morning came, the bomb to the leaving mosque, which we were heading to. we turned again, running here and there not knowing where to go because of the bombing above our heads. even ambulances in on the rough stuff were evacuated, but we are still under fire. here we have buried family members before my mother was killed. my sister's son and my cousins, the bummed us from the air, and today the bummed us from the ground and without warning, these are daughters. here they have seen this a 100 times. all is really a tax on rough. i drew international condemnation and protest former us presidential hopeful nikki haley visited israel to show support for the war. but her backend was not limited to speeches when she visited the area near israel's northern border with 11 on the politicians assigned artillery shells, but the words finish them during her trip. nicky healey also promised to make sure
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october 7th never happens again, uninsured. israel that washington, it stands with it, i'll just fight washington's constant supply of weapons to israel, which are being used and gaza. us officials are now doubling down on distancing themselves from the killing of palestinians by the idea. here's the latest on that stands from lighthouse national security spokesperson, john kirby, on the grass game were not there, man, no, i don't have. we don't have troops that i can look at every single soldier and where they are. what on the ground? i am not the idea of spokesman, this is not tell of beef. again, we're not on the ground count noses. we aren't on the ground. we are flying the aircraft. we're not choosing the targets. we're not providing the intelligence that leads to every target that these really decide to hit. it is
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their operation. their troops involve their capabilities, their pilots. every time right here, mr. kirby, he, i don't give them the honor of calling him an admiral or an officer of the united states military. i was an officer and always am an officer, but to hear their long eyes is, is so nauseating. it's, it's uh and i mean beyond the pale and, and let's, let's correct the record. when kirby says we're not on the ground, we're not providing the recognizance finding. the target that is all lies. the united states is providing the satellite recognizance and the high level aero recognizance and the naval recognizance and the missiles and the drones and the grenades and the bullets and the financing and the maurice and everything else that's needed to sustain the job or not of genocide which the is really use have created and they are constantly lying about. remember that massage doctrine through deception, wage war, and israel, and netanyahu and benny dance,
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and their entire a couple of scheming criminals and cedars are aligned to the world when they say this is an accident. this is a coordinated strike with the ground forces and the error forces and the satellite forces and the united states forces, which is occupying both in tel aviv and on the mediterranean. so the blood that is on netanyahu's hands is also on the entire is rarely political and government establishment and on blinkin and on sullivan and on the dan patel and on the admiral kirby and on everyone else in the biden ministration in the state department. and the c i a all right, we're going to take a short break, but i'll be back in just about 5 minutes with mornings by the
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the in a modern pragmatics world of smartphones and tech upgrades parts. there's no crafts and hand painted traditions of yesteryear seemed to be fading away for take a step outside of the bustling metropolis of moscow and you'll find that
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traditional russian, there are 4 parts. culture is still going strong. the think that with them for me to put them for the gifts, but the state of celia wasn't us because they did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year for g. if i teach that way nor for me, teaching the scholars that should fall and you have to do this, i'm going to last. i look forward to you with that. the question, it's a washing machine. and when you move, we must move them on the stairs and push lots and lots of big lot of people who will take into that. i'm will just, i did i as well as to the lowest, the did some of them. i'll study to the progressive rock. i guess they were shy finish. this is just all just for the news. i'm of action and for them to come seem to do friday. here's the material,
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ordering some of our people for over the for sure. and shoot me an the temperature of addition to some of this the, the cabinet or the establishment of the bosses for his email is been in 1933. the position of the indigenous population in the portuguese colonies deteriorated dramatically. especially in angola, decatur and tony all day. i live at salazar, encourage colonizing the end goal in lands by europeans, and sought after turning the country into a portuguese province. where the and goldens would be 2nd class people. in 1961,
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there was an outbreak of violence on the part of the portuguese, in revenge for the plantation workers, dry portuguese aircraft bomb. the villages in northern angola and race rides took place in african parts of lawanda. the people of anglo rose in an armed rebellion. the road jealousy of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the islands, the portuguese only intensified their care against the rebels. the 40s actively used the political contradictions between various groups of rebels during the war colonial aircraft. regularly use a farm and drop the fully in san peaceful villages. the portuguese empire was severely exhausted by the struggle against the national liberation movements. the revolution in portugal brought down the plazas, freezing, and put it in to the murder as war against the people of angola. on january 15, 1975, the elbow or agreements were assigned and the country gained independence. after so
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many years of the brutal war the, the most with the size they have. maybe the idea of the current, most of ukraine, who are located overseas is to place the burden of making full unpopular decisions on the current executive branch. as the current in man, ours, that stuff the streets for the front line, the russian president calls like he has strict mobilization law saying it's western bankers have a convenient scapegoat from millions of south africans go to the poles and the countries general election labeled as the most similar on both ends, the end of apartheid emitted type bottle between the ruling party and opposition. 21. people are killed in an alleged idea of striking a tent, camping of rafa. as a result, as israel escalates its attacks on the area here from local.


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