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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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willing to accept the seat in this complex for this aggressive military alliance. more escalation is on the agenda. the most would be the 1st day of maybe the idea of the current mazda is of ukraine. to a located overseas is to place the burden of making full unpopular decisions on the current executive branch. as the current in man are smashed off the streets for the front line, the rest of the president calls out of district globalization loc, saying it's western backers have a convenient scapegoat. south africa, the general election is in full swing with the countries incumbent president, costing his balance among the millions of other vote. they follow the full marks as the most pivotal boat defense, the end of a part time 21. people are killed in an alleged idea of striking
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a 10 camp near rasa as israel escalate put the taxes on the area we hear from local to know the bulk of the, of some of that on the shopping must be small. and is israel intensifies its deadly operation and rough up pro palestinian demonstrations erupt all over the world to show solidarity with gaza. the i'm rachel rugle live in moscow. you're watching r t international making on popular decisions. that's how president bottom are put and describes that the current state of the ukranian government, the russian need, are criticized kids strict at new mobilization laws. while speaking on
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a visit to is becca stan, the most would be the most i say, if maybe the idea of the current mazda is of ukraine, who are located overseas, is to place the burden of making all unpopular decisions on the current executive branch. that's including the adoption of the decision to further lower the mobilization age. and after the adoption of this and other unpopular decisions, the cut and representatives of the executive branch might be replaced by people free from the responsibility that lays on the shoulders for decisions that are unpopular among the population. and basically, um, at your 4 digit that emerges from ukraine, pretty much on a daily basis per paint, a drastically different pictures and the premium government is trying to sell to the world. when i speak about this video, i mean a people evading conscription by every means possible. like one of the ladies is. one of the latest video shows a man escaping from a band while being helped by bystanders. and then grabbing his rucksack on his bike
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from the back of the band and using the bike to escape dropped. office is also there was another recent case when a man, a tax of men in uniform with a knife. and those men who tried to hand him an official summons. and in general, i have to say the relationship between the craze dropped offices and the rest of the population hasn't long gone beyond any legal framework. and in many ways, that's how these dropped offices choose to do their job, as they have be known to use to rise was like dragging people out of that cause, beating people up full. so that has been a rather absurd case because well, the situation has also going to be on every level of absurdity to when one dropped, the official tried to a 100 summons to an obvious amputee. you see, i need the dates so that i can issue someones to him,
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the room and the wherever the data so that you can issue assignments. and you do this up. you just, you shouldn't be a summons and you didn't ask, why was why that'd been so you don't give a, you can give it. as long as you write a piece of paper, come on, where is the military and richmond office and going to the military and listening to the office and i'm going and so let's go to have dave go with you. in general, it has to be said that tensions within the ukranian society are at the highest because simply as you can see, there's nothing civil. there's nothing really about how these new mobilization knows enforced. and it leads to tragedies as the very just of this new globalization new, the payments because on the 18th of may basically ukrainian authorities. they found themselves in a situation when basically they had no means of obtaining actual information about even the number about the whereabouts on the health status over the male populations that they deem as liable for prescriptions. so this new nor essentially,
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you know, just of course it does lower the conscription age, but also it's aimed at forcing people to provide it to update the information with dropped uh, with the draft offices and with the drops. uh, officials for that essentially means for your premiums that they will if they do so because they have to get the physically to go a medical checkup and does that for them means they are likely to be sent to the front lines at the same time that has the reports that like drops officials from one region they are sent to operate in another one. and the way they behave that does not help the relationship between them and the population. both have a list, the contrib. let me finish this topic already. what is going on? and what coming conscription offices, we have people and kids. they carry out entire special operations in the subway and
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then some block your exit and others wait in front for people to stand to the side, to physically grab you. and in areas where everyone knows each other off the phone, a gang of conscription, offices like con, call it anything else, came to the city of truck events from odessa and they begin to storm people. they don't care. they don't know anyone in the city. all these little pieces, they are really part of a much bigger puzzle that well ukrainian, the ukranian authorities have to wrap their heads around. basically they're trying to gather and send as many people to the front lines in the shortest amount of time possible. because well, they of course, sustaining heavy losses. russia has opened the new old front. i had just a few dozen kilometers away from the city of bell greg, where i am right now in the region. so the need every, the heat pretty much everyone's a are to scripting they are conscripting inmates now. so inmates in the fall and
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this is these that's the way they portray the situation. so of course, this looks like we add in the, the agony of the ukranian to model view creating authorities. and it is well slowly signing into an open bottle, but most retrieve premiums and the russians. but rather the government and its own people. what storm politicians are split over, allowing you trained to strike russian territory while the us is refusing to allow the use of the weapons to strike areas outside the battlefield. some european countries are ready to lift these restrictions. stay tuned for that story and much more coming up on our t international. the south africans are heading to the poles after 30 years of dominance. the african national congress spaces, its toughest election, yet needing 50 percent of the national assembly to maintain it's
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a problem. and 3 majority the own the south africa use is a proportional voting system for its 400 feet national assembly. the problem that members will later vote for the president, meanwhile, incumbent president, so rum, oppose that has already cast his ballot. a voters will receive 3 ballots instead of 2, each for selecting one party or candidate with 9 provinces and over $250.00 municipalities . south africa is set to choose as president for the next 5 years. now, according to the like to our commission of south africa, nearly 28000000 voters over the age of 18. have registered for the pulse r t correspondent oliver. you come gay, takes a look at the political landscape in south africa on the post. this hill was seamless, sunset, it wasn't so we, we all calling seemed to be at park in the center after having inspect there's been a few technical glitch has the system to scan identity documents to check with the
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people have registered or not isn't working. and many people have been making speculations that it might be notating, but it isn't locating, in fact, is from, has addressed. the reason for me is situating and social media about the resumption of notating emphasizing that these claims and found that even electricity minutes, the hosting and so a whole per offered a source is of no locating will be implemented on today. and you would know that recently the country has experienced an interrupted power for almost 60 days the longest period in about 2 years. that's drawing allegations and speculations about electioneering. but just coming back to the technical issues here at this voting station is seen parts of representatives blaming is add. that's for the problems that add to this voting station. in fact, it is the what you presented to the off this is the and the if, if you present it to throw in words at each of the. hopefully, that does not create any chaos as people are currently waiting here to be lived in
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as we speak for a risk to a people in the global over the election related incidents. and so back because these people media also has reported that it has been what's happening in the pool provinces, dispos, people and the representatives off the police in that province as well. have been able to make sure the things run smoothly, but well, if that happens, it to a body the i e. c. c is that to the will be no tolerance for misconduct to doing this voting a day like incidence that happened in him todd. so for instance, in the eastern k problems with the costing of special votes yesterday and mondays would disrupted by a texas driver which resulted in public disorder and a bit of and risk, but presiding offices in fact to be seated. be the chief electoral officer of the i used to have spoken on that issue. and this is what you had to say. i think in the election there's a clear orchestra ation to undermine the credibility to of the outcome
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videos, videos. so over the weekend, i'd rather next it in, but it said to him, eh, ok, great to endeavor and to try and mitigate the risk. thousands of police officers have also been added to the the in order to enforcement. i think it's about $17000.00 that happened deployed, and was to be natal only with a focus on it, typically municipality, already. but people have been and re arrested in certain parts of the country as of mentioned, the pool pool. uh providence. um incidence. that's where we, sol, um full people being arrested, but also the extra precautions really tells us that these general indexes take place under circumstances that a very different from any of the lives in the history of, of africa. let's take a look at why these elections are so important. this oppertunity listens all being closely watched, worldwide and the all time is on thought to be expected to see the future of
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countries in africa and around the world. the. the move has cut to paul, took victoria into the center of international legal milestone its decision to take these faults to the international court of justice, but over a 1000 various, within a zation joining in what supports full kind of sense fates so that the guy has repeatedly said that as well as the actions violate fundamental principles. cumulative, you move and constituent, the final blow to suffering from the scene is in the south africa. so you have to, again, compared to, to attend to this quote and recognition of its obligations under the genocide convention due to the continuing annihilation of the punish team. and people is right, is escalating his attacks on by the students in gaza. and in so doing is willfully preaching the binding of orders of this quote. the
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nelson mandela was one false watch as to how to mason ships with, among others, fidel castro. yes, the outlets, the cuban and put a student indeed, as a had been brenda timber was by western powell was the statesman said, it was a mistake to seeing that the enemies should be our enemies. the storm since last we type for 5. so that's because response in many concepts including one between russia as a phrase, pretoria has been the one voice that has made it clear that it will not make an enemy out of russian. he does not dom your soul. so that's a gun, was one of the 1st african countries to point out to the world of the problems africa had just due to the formulation of this. we believe that our mission was successful in registering the willingness of african lead us to contribute to any frustrated piece. and to, to highlight the broad effects of the conflict. as we hope that it will contribute in some way,
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to us international peace efforts that are also under way not only approved but also in the african continent. and given the power lows with other nations when it comes to the political environment in the 1990s. so that because it has a duty to help the lives of to don and the seats to bring about stability on the african countries self africa space, given contributions seen the democratic republic of congo over the years for personnel deployed a spot of infantry battalions helicopter units and milton medical teams have been essential to efforts to be bes, as well as to ensure the health and safety of federal peacekeepers. the in addition sold optical wants to more multiple levels for the developing countries of more into it. fearful views calling to which to you is how are you trying to invest? yeah. as friends rather than interviews, but believe that to break so that people wants to can. so that's emerging and
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developing countries that play a significant role in the global economy and politics. we believe in inclusiveness and we work with all in the global community, we seek to build a more just and equitable multiple, a weld brakes has remained firm. and our insistence on the reform of the un, including its security council, would have you to make and it's more representative, effective and efficient, and to increase the representation of developing countries. the only is so that's okay. it's also important to manage and economy is also the gateway to sub saharan markets. with wall developments. the structure allows for transportation into africa. the country is a region indeed, and a good place to establish a business. and many companies expand it to which is from south africa to the rest of the region. so that for guys that important position in growing the african mach to facilitate advised the africa continental free trade area,
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and other free trade agreements, diversifying its academy a way for me. economy dependence on width and states and speaking to search for african solutions to african problems, but also wanting justice, freedom, and oppression. to indian guys that makes the selection even more interesting for the was philosophy. i'm normal real quick, get into hi miss. but the 2 gods and now are they is really army continued its air strikes and rough overnight, ignoring orders from the international court of justice, from ford. se idea of tanks pushed through to the center of guys, the southern most city. a warning were about to show you some disturbing images. the latest dudley strike on attend to camp in la c claims. it's 21 lives among them . 12 women. the area has been designated to save soon by the is really army idea, has denied involvement in the attack on the camp despite this being the 2nd camp
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related attack in the past few days. and rafa and nearby areas are heard from locals, about the escalating is really a tax on the south of the on pipe in the, in the middle of the boat. i don't know that much at all. i'm going to show know the yes, the the the sent me an act up on the columbus, the not good. we're not, i'm not supposed to sit down with you on by the way, but when i was involved, i don't, i don't know how it works. i see it all up so i'm glad i did all the trouble. mostly small well, is really
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a tax. on rafa drew international condemnation and protest form or us presidential hopeful. nikki haley visited israel to show her support for the war. but her backing was not limited to speeches when she visited the area near israel as northern border with lemon on the politicians signed artillery shells, but the words finish them during her trip put nikki haley also promised to make sure october 7th never happens again and assured israel, it has washington's backing well, despite washington's constant supply of weapons to israel, which are being used and gaza, us officials are now doubling down on distancing themselves from the killing of palestinians. by the idea. here's the latest on that sense, from white house national security spokesperson john kirby, for not on the graph game. we're not there. i mean, they know, i don't have, we don't have troops that i can look at every single soldier and where they are. what on the ground? i am not the idea of spokesman. this is not tell of these. again,
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we're not on the ground on the ground count noses. we aren't on the ground and we are flying the aircraft. we're not choosing the targets. we're not providing the intelligence that leads to every target that the israelis decide to hit. it is their operation. their troops involve their capabilities, their pilots. every time right here mr. kirby, he, i don't give them the honor of calling him an admiral or an officer of the united states military. i was an officer and always am an officer, but to hear their law eyes is, is so nauseating. it's, it's uh and i mean beyond the pale and, and let's, let's correct the record. when kirby says, we're not on the ground, we're not providing and we're constantly finding the target. that is all lies. the united states is providing the satellite recognizance in the high level aero
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recognizance and the naval recognizance and the missiles and the drones and the grenades, and the bullets and the financing and the amount reese and everything else that's needed to sustain the job or not of genocide which the is re lease have created and they are constantly lying about. remember the massage doctrine through deception, wage war, and israel, and netanyahu and benny dance and their entire a couple of steaming criminals. and feeders, are aligned to the world when they say, this is an accident. this is a coordinated strike with the ground forces and the error forces and the satellite forces and the united states forces, which is occupying both in tel aviv and on the mediterranean. so the blood that is on netanyahu's hands is also on the entire is rarely political and government establishment and on blank and, and on sullivan and on the down patel. and on the admiral kirby and on everyone
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else in the, by the administration, in the state department and the c. i a, it's with john kirby wasn't the only one who is grilled over the recent is really killing of dozens in rough up us state department spokesperson tried to downplay reports that the idea of was responsible for the latest civilian deaths. we take the initial statements. nathaniel who said it was a tragic mistake, and there has been a lot of headlines with that was the same comments, right. world, central kitchen killings were also a tragic mistake in the united states. comfortable sending this many weapons to an army. that seems to be making a series of mistakes. with respect to each of these incidents, it's important to find out what happened, why it happened and who was at fault. and so it's important that this investigation proceed before we make any assessments. this seems to be
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a very different kind of strike was in the world central kitchen. they made a mistake about what the target was and they thought they were tardies come off chairs and they were not. that was a very clear mistake. in this instance, they were targeting what seems to be legitimate targets and they were successful in taking out those targets. and then likely as a result, there was this fire that broke out. it's not clear how it was ignited, especially as i said, when it's over a kilometer and a half from the location of the strike. we need to find out how that happened. well, just to remind you of the incidents mentioned there, sundays idea of striking on a refugee tense camp. in rafa killed 45 civilians, according to local officials. in april, 7 aid workers died in and is really attack on a world central kitchen and gio conroy in gaza. and the idea is also bomb to the my guys, the refugee camp several times coming over $100.00 palestinians. however, all those cases have been written off by us really, authorities, as mistakes former us army reserve officers got bennett,
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says israel is waging war on guys are using us tactics. the united states is launch wars against afghanistan to rack uh, syria, libby, uh, uh, now against russia through your brain. and it is done so by obliterating the electrical water infrastructure facilities and show no respect for civilians. these rallies of course, followed the same montrose. so israel in the united states wage war by complete annihilation of a state, its people, it's government, it's infrastructure leaving nothing but death and ruin and ashes. they do that so that they can also profit from the reconstruction, which often leaves the states in a dismal state of ill repair like libya. but they are pursuing this genocide, old jug or not to destroy the states and then make money on the reparations
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demonstrations in solidarity with palestine have her up to all over europe again in protest or israel continued attacks on rasa and gaza. the in paris police tear gas peaceful protesters to trying to rally new the is really embassy. people in berlin defied restrictions imposed by german authorities on pro palestine rallies with hundreds taken to the streets to demand injustice and condemn. israel's attacks. crowds also gathered in front of the white house in anger at us involvement in the conflict of the demonstrations of also swept latin america in the mexican capital and peaceful protests turned into classes with police outside these rarely embassy people threw stones and burning objects,
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trying to break down fences. security forces responded with fire extinguishers and tear gas. this comes as mexico for parents to join south africans, genocide, pace against israel at the international force of justice. earlier in by rain, scores of demonstrators took to the streets to condemn the government's decision to normalize relations with washington police to secure gas and smoke canisters. to disperse the angry crowd, the the demonstrators demanded the normalization deal with the us be cancelled because of washington support for tel aviv ards riley's on the island nation are also taking place against is rarely actions in gaza. raining opposition. take your dr. abraham alo, roddy says, people are angry about the government's relations with washington. the stations is good for him to be under and by and so people are very angry and
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against went to body these as a doberman did go to that new position, many of the have been out of state and george and maybe out of them, they are going to be 2nd from they won't get that evaluation, but any other team who did, i guess people who brought by the signs that exist, if that be i won't be left behind. they will continue the station again. say that mexico, what happened in the dropbox and or was it goes to the one who's banking and now the friends approach is redeemed, which is the printed the like. he's with us being in the studio, but really, he's against the policy. he mentioned that there are many models, videos and by nobody is able to prove that this will go is gone, please, because you have prayed that they and i can go by and have the garbage and they
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would give all the parole, the country. the western politicians are split over, allowing him to strike territories outside the battlefield, while stating it's unwavering support to ukraine. washington is refusing to allow you have to use this weapons to strike russian territory. our policy has been that we don't encourage or enable strikes outside ukraine's borders. but if you look at the broad sweep of our policy, we made clear then ukraine has no better support is in the united states. and we don't just say that we back it up with our military assistance. we back it up with our diplomacy in marshalling nicole, listen, i'm more than 50 countries around the world to support you frame. and we back it up with the measures we've taken to all russia accountable. whoever, over in brussels that use foreign policy chief says some of the blocks members want ukraine to start hitting russia with weapons. they've sense of the address of burrell did admit a number of european countries oppose the move. we allow arms to be used below
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below the longer for the inversion. that'd be great. well, shall member states country started deciding that they can disclose today. now, according with the rule, is perfectly possible and no contradiction could retaliate to a quick fight against the one who finds the gains, me from easter to the risk of escalation. sure where we put them, that they will buy some pretty wild statement coming from the european union's chief diplomat jungle joseph burrell. on one hand, in this press conference, you see missed that the use new military aid for ukraine was being blocked because it requires unanimity and well hungry for one is dissenting. now on the other hand, when it comes to individual european countries wanting to say, do you crate, okay, well, go ahead and use the weapons that our country gave you to hit targets deep inside
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russia and risk escalation, suddenly browse all cool about that percent. so you can use this map shows that you green is being attacked from bases located in russia. we think that we should allow you granting neutralize the military sites from which we saw that a fire. well, since it's true, if you're talking about statements, but again stopping burger, someone else, but ukraine could use weapons that are supplied to it from abroad. i think this is completely logical. your brain is fighting award and they are defending themselves . and as long it's, it's in the interest of their self defense and restoring the discharge for integrity of their country. it is quite feasible that they have to strike also inside the russia. so from my perspective, that should not be the due date. so why is broad even bringing this up now? well, at this means that just took place in brussels, breathing down the neck of europe's own. defense ministers was ukraine's defense chief roost. them are off and also nato secretary general in stilton bird who is
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musing over the weekend that you friends defense are to now mean all sensitive strikes on russia. back home, used about sending friends trips ukraine and said just of the weekend that europe is multiplying, external and internal enemies, even german shotzel. i've schultz has said, look, we gave you create our weapons under the conditions that they don't use them to bomb russia. and we're not willing to move those goals, hose and risk more problems. spain is also sad now forget it. even those ones, the personally went there to push for it recently from spokesman. dimitri pest golf qualified to use current vive as quote, war time, ecstasy, and hum, gary, and for a minister peter see how co said over the weekend that europe has fallen into war psychosis and that its foreign policy has become a one trick pony beginning and ending with ukraine, black to which we don't look at them and the ukraine and casualties and becoming more and more than bearable you korean man, i'm not.


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