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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the less protects this phone existence was on the exist the so called events that we can see now stand from the desire of the us being at the head of the collective west to not lose. you've had germany on the international arena, the russian foreign minister, some of us attempts to keep the grip on. well, the fact there's more western countries legally seeks to open. the tool for you find to use allies is a long range weapons to strike suppression. to know the cause is express on the of is really actions to escalate the tax in the enclave styles the only the latest alleged stripe planes $21.00 line. so the 10th time. so
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this thing designated a safe good the south african election is in full swing with the incumbent president, costing his pilots among millions of others. we followed them both and considered to be the most pivotal. since the end of the very will welcome to you. this is all the international with the world news out say it is a pleasure to have you with an adult story. this our, the russian foreign minister has slammed us. it tends to maintain, had gemini on the international arena with washington using this montela city when it comes to the conflicts in you pray. but top diplomats made this statements while speaking at a round table discussion on the ukrainian crisis with i'm boss this form of assess the countries attending the meeting a just a bleaching cause. just letting the, then, all the events that we can see now stem from the desire of the us being at the head
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of the collective was to not lose its head gemini on the international arena. this is becoming more difficult if not impossible. when thoughtful economic giants rise primarily on the region continent, but also in africa and latin america in the struggle for head germany using sanctions, black mailing threats, new to force. this is a struggle for a passing year, which in general, the agony of the world or that the us is still imposing on everyone is beginning the quality of currents. wisdom. politicians allows us to assume that they can seriously create illusions and utopia as their practical programs. but these are the goals that begin after the collapse of the soviet union. and after the realization that russia was turning out to be disobedient and resisting to carry out our orders, this mentality remains commodity fixed itself in specific twists and turns in the situation around ukraine. already on the slide, there's talk that it is possible to see if any part of the russian federation. so
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let's get more details on this. this mode, tons of states we need is to administer day many thanks to come again steve. so just bring this up to speed on what else slot roles had to say. well, so you still got the rose was explaining the roots of the ukraine crisis. and he gave a detailed overview of the expansion of nato, particularly since the collapse of the soviet union. and the dissolution of the wholesale parts in the us has really use this expansion to extend. it's a gemini over of world politics. and he said, this is going back on the very famous assurances of no one step he's now the guys some examples he said to us faces submitted suffice is that it has inside germany was used to place pressure on burden and keep it in washington. so it will, but he use the example of the case of the north stream to pipelines inside. well, germany simply acquiesced to washington. but you said that despite this expansion of useful despite the groves of night, so uh the washer has
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a way so cooperation and negotiations is put forward various treaties and proposals . but as long as it will been rejected by the west, as well as the a security concerns that it raised. and then he said more recently, the ukraine pretty much scrapped the maybe 2 agreements. of course this was to bring peace to the don't boss region. and instead it started firing missiles into civilian areas, leaving ross had no choice choice, but to launch the special ministry operation. and since that started as cost, bush is always that is open to negotiations. it's always been to token yet. on the other hand, we have these western countries and almost green lighting ukraine, using wisdom made weapons to strife within russian territory. give us a more details about what's going on here. what we've heard a lot more about this in recent days, the tensions of being rocketed out by including the european union chief joseph brought out the negative. she's getting stoned to both,
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both of whom said that ukraine should have the right to strike a inside russian territory. now, one of the most belligerent actors as being the butchers phone and secretary load david cameron, and he was one of the 1st to suggest an overs green light. these attacks inside the russian territory. now there's a number of come to use the of joining these coast uh, president emanuel macaroni. the has also said now that the ukraine must have the rights to defend itself, including it's a tax on these biases where russia is launching, strikes against against you, cried well though he did say that a minute fee or civilian targets while the shouldn't be talking to didn't such attacks so continually this map shows that you green is being attacked from bases located in russia. we think that we should allow you green to neutralize the military sites from which we saw is our fire tv. now the german chancellor schultz is struck
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a more cautious tone that he's highlighted that the german weapon supplied to ukraine. all conditional on them not being used to strike was some type of fuel though. he's kind of being a little bit contradictory and said the, well ukraine does have the right to defend itself on the international law. so the situation is very confusing. it is confusing. yeah, we'll see us dollars because they are, of course, the pregnancy, the biggest supplier. well, perhaps some surprising the, the united states has come out in a position to strikes inside russian territory. the us press the pump us a state department spokesman said in a press conference that this was rolled out. but is this really what it seems? well, now pohden has joined the party and it's recently announced that it's struck a multi 1000000 deal to buy us cruise missiles. and on top of this, it is said that the weapons that potent and supplies ukraine have no restrictions. a couple of them because we have no connection yet. you must exit,
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publish weapons that we are transferring to ukraine. you do not have such restrictions. the grands can find in the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of these donation. it complains western countries should also remove such restrictions. diagnosis though these discussion is ongoing and i would like to say that we are talking about police restrictions that could either run no such restrictions at this point in this new section brings. so now we're seeing a lot of these threats gathering paste, but it's not clear at this stage quite what will happen. so it seems like we have a bit of a mixed bag of opinions when it comes to the western supply to ukraine. was russia saying about so? well, they said these things to be a little confusion and there's a lack of unity among the nato. my mistake. so i'm gonna say yes to strong suicide russian tyrant treat others are saying no, and many others have just simply said nothing yet at this stage. but the russian president vladimir putin who was recently in test ken wound the nato countries,
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were playing a very dangerous game. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that this is as a rule, a state with a small territories and a very dense population. and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. this is a serious matter, and we are, of course, watching it very carefully got through. it's a new so russia and surprisingly is monitoring the situation very, very closely. well, patients, well, i just say they're playing a very dangerous game. it seems like countries it did have some change, some restraint before that seems to be just building out the window. so why now, why are they calling for this now? well, i think that, you know, there's a, a number of factors going on who i think the us is clearly saying that it's not really able to achieve its goals by its traditional methods. but we're also seeing the advance is now being made on the possible field by russian forces just recently
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wasting the re typing of control of the village of rep boston over the don't yet. so the public, of course, this was one of the only guidance of you quite as much warranty, but filed counter offensive. and soon, often that we saw russian troops regained control of place. you have con, this is a settlement very close to all to most square of course, very phase as possible. it took place and if we're moving across to the call co region, we're seeing an offensive bag, which is simply cutting through ukrainian defensive lines, like a knife through boston. somebody save his questions of being off over the lack of preparedness. is accusations of corruption involve trunk, where you cried, you know, sorties evacuated, some of the citizens that face fighting is taking place that between uh, russian and you'd probably be in the forty's spoke plumes of being seen over the city. but russia is continuing to make advances that fighting is continuing. now all of this comes at the same time as the a belgrade region or which is very good,
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is the frightening bolduc, a civilian areas that are coming on the very intense attack. i was that just recently and this was soon after the collapse of a residential building, 10 story building in which 15 people were killed. this situation everybody's very involved. it's all right. so i went to mornings are constantly being heard in particularly in in the city and russia said i'm glad to my pollutant has said that the am ready is to create a buffer zone which will provide some much needed post protection for the people in those areas. it seems like the, the, the crank cost is really waste of pivots. whole point doesn't have any funds for coming over this house to use states waiting. let's cross live now to best. we're in the war joyless, elijah monday on monday. thanks for joining us on the program is good to say today . first of all, i'd like to ask what you make of the russian foreign ministers criticizing us f as to maintain its head gemini over the conflict and you cry. thank you for having me
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. i think is right, the americans would not let go all the travelling so easy. they've been fighting since the 2nd world war to maintain themselves on top of the what imposing their own had gemini, and the rules and the orders that they think it fits. never that as today, there are many challenges of this have germany and that is represented by many was in the middle east in europe. and the violation of international laws that the americans are allowing to the allies to commit to their full yes, the americans will defend to the last few korean to the last. but it's to the end to anyone who is willing to fight it, to maintain all with the slogan that america comes 1st order. so let's, let's talk about the french presidents in monument crohn because it seems like it once again, he's jumping on the wall mongering. walker and the last time there was
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a control vesee or that he's close to send your p in troops to fight on the ground and you create and now he's opened your encouraging. he has to conduct loan, great and strong on russian territory. what are your thoughts on his latest statements as well? i think there are many uh, last a statement. first of all, or a frost is losing in africa and the middle east and no longer wanted by any of these continents and has lost its road that france used to enjoy. and the last decade, the 2nd day, the all the presidential elections in united states and someone needs the needs to lead the western club. and in many ways not hold things or wrongly that he can be the chosen one. even if he is not the one wanted by his own people, said the he jumping from one problem to another. he's facing harsh reaction that home with people that are standing against him. first of all, be
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a has never been elected as the will of the people, but because he was less bad then the only the 2nd candidate. and also what my call is advertising for is very serious. i mean, the striking ministry august in russia a legally and all you because it not only would damage infrastructure at that, do the russian inside russia. but even if there is a use of the precision massage or many to equipment, they're always could not through the damage and civilian casualties that would trigger a hospital reaction from russia that can put the whole stability in europe in jeopardy. so it is also showing that the vision that my call is really not to king
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in the name of the europeans, because although the u. k field and france and poland agreed in allowing ukraine to use western weapons. never the less to all many countries like germany produced ending against it. so what am i, is read advertising full? is it responsible behavior? also, you are being need is driving the heart of europe to war against russia, which is not something that you repeat and people would want to see today. it is very concerning the ways and it, when we see how quickly some countries are willing to agree with the crone on this poster. and it's like you say is the latest to do to join that humans in green lights. and that key of my use though, may use a weapons at warsaw supplies to strike targets within russia. i'm just wondering about the timing of these statements. it seems like 2 people a been held restrained before i just letting the floodgates open now and it has
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green light thing. this is very dangerous escalation. what do you make of the timing without till points you're is boiling because of the position of the european need is to all these red and what's happening in gaza. that way you're being the, there's all signed is about the massacre divide ation onto the nation or low. ready as the wall crime crimes against humanity and intent of genocide committed by history. they all think the things the attention, 2nd dates it is really not easy to say. we're going to use our weapons against russia and provoke the russian for simple reason. we are losing to 50 countries all united from february 2022 to try to defeat russia and bring it all the sneezed minutes. really any economically. europe and united states has the same, they call to make this failure. so what they all gambling in the game being with
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the life of do repeat and citizens by saying we want to take the war 5, the counting on the patients of the president vladimir putin. i don't think we can stretch our limits to that point. and the patient of russia also thank you very much for speaking to us today is great to get your thoughts on the situation investor and we'll journalists, elijah, monique, thank you. thank you. so you can use a gone and now weather as rainy army it continued is as strong. some rasa of a nice ignore, and gold is from the international court of justice. report say i d f times pushed it into the sense who have gone as a southern most fizzy. a warning, some images were about to show you a disturbing the latest at least where i can attend town in. i'll let milwaukee claims 21 lives among them 12 women. the area has been designated to say sung by
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these radios. me. the idea is denied involved winds in the attack on the account. despite this being the seconds compilation to talk in the past few days in rough buttons, nearby areas, well heard from locals about the escalation gives rarely a ton columbia and played south the i'm after the, i don't know that much on, on the i'm going to show no, i'm going to the yes. the the send me an act up on the columbus start start off with not good. we're not, i'm not the on by the way, but when i was involved, i don't, i don't know how it works. i see it all up,
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so i'm glad i did all the trouble. mostly small for a while is rarely a tax on ross i to international condemnation and protests. only us presidential hopeful nikki haley visited as well to demonstrate her support. but her approval was not limited. to speeches had a site near, as well as northern bold with lebanon. the candidate signed off hillary shelves with the woods finish them. haley also promised to make sure of october the 7th. it never happens again on the shoulder as well that washington has his back. just by washington is constant supply of weapons to as well, which are being used in gauze, those us officials and now doubling down on distancing themselves from the killing of palestinians by the ideas. here's the latest on the stones from the wife's house . national security spokesman, john covey were not on the grass game, were not there. i mean, you know, i don't have, we don't have troops that i can look at every single soldier and where they are.
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what on the ground? i am not the idea of spokesman. this is not tell of beef. again, we're not on the ground count noses. we aren't on the ground and we are flying aircraft. we're not choosing the targets. we're not providing the intelligence that leads to every target that these railways decide to hit. it is their operation. their troops involve their capabilities, their pilots. every time right here, mr. kirby he, i don't give them the honor of calling him an admiral or an officer of the united states military. i was an officer and always an officer, but to hear their law eyes is, is so nauseating. it's, it's uh and i mean beyond the pale and in let's, let's correct the record. when kirby says, we're not on the ground. we're not providing the recognizance finding. the target
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that is all lies. the united states is providing the satellite recognizance and the high level aero recognizance and the naval recognizance. and the missiles and the drones and the grenades and the bullets and the financing, and the maurice and everything else that's needed to sustain the juggernaut of genocide which the is re lease have created. and they are constantly lying about. remember the massage doctrine through deception, wage war, and israel, and netanyahu and benny dance and their entire a couple of screaming criminals and death cedars are aligned to the world when they say this is an accident. this is a coordinated strike with the ground forces and the error forces and the satellite forces and the united states forces, which is occupying both in tel aviv and on the mediterranean. so the blood that is on netanyahu's hands is also on the entire israeli political and government
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establishment and on blinkin and on sullivan and on v den patel and on the admiral kirby and on everyone else in the biden ministration in the state of or then and the c i a, the south africans are heading to the post office the to use of dominance. the african national congress faces is tough. this selection yet needing 50 percent of the national assembly to maintain his parliamentary majority. the incoming president civil around the pose that has already cost his ballots, alongside millions of his fellow citizens, as well as parliament's officer sneed at steam points in south africa use is a proportional boasting system for its full 100 seats. national assembly, the elected parliament members will late to vote for a president of i'm opposed to when would defend the safe for another 5 years,
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voters will receive 3 ballots instead of 2 to select the policy or candidate for national, regional and provincial seats, with 9 provinces and over $250.00 municipalities that south africa is set to choose as president for the next 5 years. according to the electoral commission of south africa near the 28000000 votes is over the age of 18. have registered for the poles and i'll correspondents going to be icon gay. takes a closer look now at the political landscape in south africa for the posters here was seamless sons, and it wasn't the way we all calling seemed to be at the park in the center after having inspect there's been a few technical glitch has the system to scan identity documents to check with the people have registered or not isn't working, and many people have been making speak today since that it might be notating, but it isn't locating, in fact, is called has address. reason for me is circulating a social media about the redemption of locating emphasizing that these claims and
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found that even electricity administer hosting. and so i hope i offered a source of no loads hitting will be implemented on today. and i'm, you would know that recently the country has experienced an interrupted power for almost 60 days. the longest period in about 2 years, drawing allegations and speculations about electioneering. but just coming back to the technical issues here at this voting station is seen, part to representatives blaming is add that's for the problems that add to this voting station. in fact, it is the what you presented to the off this is the and the ever presented of throwing words at each of the. hopefully that does not create any chaos as people are currently waiting here to be left in as we speak. so arrested people in the global over the election related incidents. so that's because these people media also has reported that it has been what's happening in the portal province. these
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folks, people and the representatives off the police in that province as well. have been able to make sure the things run smoothly, but well that's happens electoral body the i e c. c is that the will be no tolerance for misconduct to doing this voting a day. like incidence that happened in him taught to for instance, in the eastern to problems with the costing of special votes yesterday. and monday were disrupted by a texas stripe, which resulted in public disorder and a bit of and raced the but presiding offices in fact to the cd, the chief electoral officer of the i. e. c. have spoken on that issue. and this is what you had to say. i think in the election, there's a clear cuz that i send to undermine the credibility to of the outcome. videos that you saw over the weekend. so i'd rather next we didn't. but it said kim, a great tent endeavor and to try and mitigate the risk. thousands of police
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officers have also been added a to the low in order to enforcement. i think it's about 17000 that has been deployed and possibly natal only with a focus on it took me to municipality already, but people have been in a rested in certain parts of the country as of mentioned um the pool pool. uh providence. um incidence. that's where we so i'm for people being arrested, but also the extra precautions really tells us that these general indexes take place under circumstances that a very different from any of the lakes in the history office of africa. let's take a look at why these elections are so important. it's an opportunity. lakes is all being closely watched worldwide, and the outcome is on thought to be expected to shape the future of countries in africa and around the world. the move has got to paul to pull right into the center of international legal milestone. it's decision to take these all to the international court of justice, but over
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a 1000 various organizations. joining in with supports for kind of started states so that the guy has repeatedly said that as well as the actions violate fundamental principles of human. each of you move and constituent. a final blow suffering from the scene is in god's separate guys. he has a game compared to, to attend to this quote and rico condition is obligation under the genocide convention due to the continuing annihilation of the point of student and people is ryan is escalating his attacks on, by his team ends in gaza. and in so doing is willfully preaching the finding the order of this quote. the nelson mandela was one false watch as to how to mason ships with, among others. fidel castro, yes. the flux, but you've been and put a student indeed is had been very on the table was by wisdom paul was the statesman said it was a mistake to think that the enemies should be our enemies. the storm since last. we
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type a 5 foot off because response in many new concepts including one it's in russia. as a phrase, pretoria has been the one voice that has made it clear that it will not make an enemy out of russian. he does not dom your puts in sole south africa was one of the 1st african countries to point out to the world. the problems africa had to do to the population of this. we believe that our mission was successful in registering the willingness of african lead us to contribute to any grocery to, to piece and to, to highlight the broad effects of the conflict. as we hope that it will contribute in some way, to us international peace efforts that are also under way not only approved but also in the african continent and keeping the power lows with other nations when it comes to the political environment in the 1990 is so that because it has a duty to help the likes of to don and the jesse to bring about stability on the
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african countries. self africa space, given contributions seemed to democratic republic of congo. over the years for personnel deployed a spot of infantry battalions, helicopter units, and milton medical teams have been essential to efforts to be bes, as well as to ensure the health and safety of fellow peacekeepers. the in addition sold optical wants to more multiple levels for the developing countries of more into it. fearful views counts of which to you is how including trying to invest. yeah. as friends, rather than interviews up all of that to break so that people wants to control. that's emerging and developing countries that play a significant role in the global economy and politics. we believe in inclusiveness and we work with all in the global community. we seek to build a move, just and equitable multiple weld brakes has remained firm. and our insistence on
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the reform of the un, including it, security council would have you to make and it's more representative, effective and efficient. and to increase the representation of developing countries . the only is so that's okay. it's also important to manage and economy is also the gateway to sub saharan markets with well developments. the structure allows for transportation into africa. the country is a region indeed and a good place to establish a business. and many companies expand the activities from south africa to the rest of the region. so the guys that important position in growing the african mach to facilitate advised the africa continental free trade area and other free trade agreements. so that's because i've asked if i need to call me a way for me economy dependence on width and states and speaking to search for african solutions to african problems, but also wanting justice,
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freedom and oppression. to indian guys that makes the selection even more interesting for the well, it's philosophy. i'm norma. we'll come get into hi miss, but great to have you with us this wednesday, we're about with planned symbol of the latest these updates in about 30 minutes. we'll see you then the the
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