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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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to miss ballparks, culture is still going strong, the ashes of which you call the events that we can see now stand from the desire of the us being at the head of the collective west to not lose each had gemini on the international arena, the russian foreign minister sounds us at times to keep a grip on the well just fast as low western countries easily seeks to open the door for you phrase, to use a life is long range, westport, is this find russia? oh no. oh, don't. when you're on by the involved somebody out on the and i think trouble mostly small johnson's express and everybody's really actions. and rafa, while the are the latest, the legs find claims 21 innocent lives at a test complements abuse. they've got the south african election is in full swing
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with the incumbent president, costing his pilots among the millions of others. we felt of the vote and considered to be the most habits. so it was since the ends of a policy by the a very well welcome. this is the international with the latest world news update is great to happy with. it's a top story, this our, the russian foreign minister slums, the us in front of them, passed this from of a 30 countries. where's the thames to maintain a good on the international arena? who was criticizing washington's mentality regarding the conflict to new frame. just because i'm sure so, and then all the events that we can see now stem from the desire of the us being at the head of the collective was to not lose its head. germany on the international arena. this is becoming more difficult if not impossible. when thoughtful economic
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giants rise primarily under your asian continent, but also in africa and latin america, and the struggle for his german was using sanctions. black mailing threats moved through force. this is a struggle for a passing year, and it is clear that in the struggle we see the west grasping at all this good, legitimate methods in general as the agony of the world or that the us is still imposing on everyone is beginnings, the guy that rose was explaining the roots of the ukraine crisis, and he gave a detailed overview of the expansion of nato, particularly since the collapse of the soviet union. and the dissolution of the wholesale parts in the us has really used this expansion to extend it to gemini over of world politics. and he said this was going back on the very famous assurances of no one step he's now he gave some examples. he said to us faces the minutes, the vice is that it has inside germany was used to place pressure on burden and
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keep it in washington's a little bit. he used the example of the case of the, of not seem to pipelines and said, well, gemini sent the quest to washington. but you said that despite this expansion of useful despite the groves of night. so uh, that was a waste thoughts, cooperation, and negotiations is put forward various treason proposals, but as long as they've all been rejected by the west as well as the security concerns that it raised. and then he said more recent, they, the ukraine, pretty much squats. the main 2 agreements, of course, they supposed to bring peace to the don't boss region. and instead it started firing missiles into civilian areas, leaving russia, no choice choice, but to launch the special ministry operation. and since that starts this as cost versus always, that is open to negotiations, it's open to token. yes. on the other hand, we have these western countries um, almost green lighting ukraine using western made width is to strike within russian
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territory. give us some more details about what's going on here. what we've heard a lot more about this in recent days. the tensions have been brought to take out by including the european union chief joseph bordeaux, the nato, cheesy and stones, about both of whom said that ukraine should have the right to strike a inside russian territory. now, one of the most belligerent actors has b in the british foreign secretary load, david cameron, and he was one of the 1st to suggest an overs green light. these attacks inside the russian territory. now there's a number of countries of joining these goals. a president, a manual microphone. 2 the that is also said now that the ukraine must have the rights to defend itself, including it's a tax on these by uses where russia is launching, strikes against the against you cried. well, though he did say that the ministry also ready and targets while the shouldn't be talking to, didn't such attacks. this map shows that ukraine is being attacked from bases
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located in russia. we think that we should allow the trend to neutralize the military size from which missiles are fine. now the german challenge out of shouts is struck, a more cautious tone. the, he's a highlighted that the german weapon supplied to ukraine. all conditional on them not being used to strike was some type of fuel, though. he's kind of being a little bit contradictory and said the, well ukraine does have the right to defend itself on the international law. so the situation is very confusing. it is confusing. yeah, we'll see us dollars because they are, of course, the frames the biggest supplier. well, some surprising the, the united states has come out in a position to strikes inside russian territory. the us press the pump us a state department spokesman said in a press conference that this was rolled out, but it's really old. it seems. well, now pohden has joined the party and it's recently announced that it's struck a multi 1000000 deal to buy us cruise missiles on top of this. it is said that the
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weapons opponents applies. ukraine have no restrictions. a couple of them because we have no connection yet. you must exit publish weapons that we are transferring to ukraine. they do not have such restrictions. the grands can find in the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of these donation angle points. western countries should also remove such restrictions. diagnosis though these discussion is ongoing and i would like to say that we are talking about police restrictions that could either run no such restrictions at this point and you stuck your brings. so now we're seeing a lot of these threats gathering paste, but it's not clear at this stage quite what will happen. so it seems like we have a bit of a mixed bag of opinions when it comes to the western supply to ukraine. was russia saying about so? well, they said these things to be a lot of confusion and there's a lack of unity amongst the nato. my mistake. so i'm gonna say yes to strong to sidewall some type of treat. others are saying no,
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and many others have just simply said nothing yet at this stage. but the russian president, vladimir putin, who was recently in test can wound the nato countries were playing a very dangerous game. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that this is as a rule, a state with a small territories and a very dense population that i showed us. and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. this is a serious matter, and we are, of course, watching it very carefully. so russia and surprisingly is monitoring the situation very, very closely. well patients, well i to say that playing a very dangerous game, it seems like country is it did have some uh, showing some restrain before that seems to be just building out the window. so why now, why are they cooling for this now? well, i think the, yeah, there's
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a number of factors going on here. i think the us is creating a saying that it's not really able to achieve its goals by its traditional methods . but we're also seeing the advance is now being made on the possible field by russian forces. just recently wasting the re typing of control of the village of rep boston and the don't yet for the public. of course, this was one of the only guidance of you credit is much warranted, but failed counter offensive. and soon, often that we saw russian troops regained control of place. you have con, this is a settlement very close to all to most square of course, very phase as possible. it took place and if we're moving across to the call co region, we're seeing an offensive bag, which is simply cutting through ukrainian defensive lines like a knife through boston. somebody save his questions of being aust, over the lack of preparedness is accusations of corruption involve terms with ukraine, you know, so ortiz evacuated, some of the citizens, that face fighting is taking place that between russian and you'd probably be in
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the forty's. spoke plumes of being so, you know, over the city, but russia is continuing to make advances. that fighting is continuing. now all of this comes at the same time as the a belgrade region or which is very good. is the frightening bolduc, a civilian and areas that are coming on the very intense attack. i was that just recently and this was soon after the. 3 collapse of a residential building, 10 story building in which 15 people were killed, the situation that remains very volatile and right. so evans of warnings are constantly being heard in particularly in in the city. and russia said, i'm glad to my pollutant has said that the i am ready is to create a buffer zone which will provide some much needed for the protection for the people in those areas. well that's what i told you on the less elijah and bonnie says, the united states will face any challenge to hold tight to its global influence. the, the back end is where the not let go. all the travelling so easy. they've been fighting
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since the 2nd world war to maintain themselves on top of the what imposing their own had gemini, and the rules and the older that they think it fits never that as today, there are many challenges of this at germany. and that is represented by many was in the mid east in europe, and the violation of international law that the americans are allowing to the allies to commit to their pools. yes, the americans will defend to the last ukrainian to the last, but his duty and to any one. 0, he's willing to fight eh, to maintain all with the slogan that america comes 1st. europe and united states has say, they call to mid this fadia. so what they all gambling in the campaign with the life of the european citizens by saying we want to take the war further. counting
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on the patients of the president vladimir putin. i don't think we can stretch our limits to that point. and the patient of russia also to find city in the west of the slowing zekia of ukraine has taken 2 of the states and get success in the bottle. as, according to american business magazine, full between just published a report, questioning lot dimensions, landscape statements about zoning, 7, russian will, things you can read more about the control, the see on the websites. archie, stop. com, the $2.00 and now where is wavy as to likes, grind on the can and get these to palestinians. and then during many more in the city of devali and northern garza. meanwhile, these really ami continue to assess once on rafa is a nice ignoring orders from the international court of justice report would say id, have tons pushed through is the sensor as gauze as 7 most suzy, a warning were about to show you some disturbing images. the latest that is to icon
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attends compton. i'll let my wife see 1021 lives among them. 12 women. the area has been designated to say so and by the israeli army, the idea is denied involvement through the attack on the cam to spot this being the 2nd comp relate to the talk in the past few days in rasa and nearby areas we heard from locals, about the escalation, a tax on the south to be on the off. how does i know what i've been doing? i don't know how much i'm going to show. no, i'm going to. yes. the the send the send me an
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the columbus the not. we're not, i'm not supposed to sit down with you on by the way, but when i was involved, i don't, i don't know how you're going to try to handle it. so i'm glad. i mean i've been shopping mostly small. let's close live now. so was he's middle east bureau chief, maria said, notion, i get to see you, maria. so the a tax on refugee comes in the past few days, have claimed thousands of innocent lives. what's the international reaction of being liked to these latest incidents? yes and data is rarely a tax on southern gas or have intensified the army depends it's a sold despite the mountain international pressure to stop casualties, including civilians are rising on wednesdays. really tags we're seeing in central roughly in date for the 1st time since the idea of began what it's called limited operations in the area earlier this month. tanks were also supported on the
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outskirts of the city, where classes would come, us and other militants have led to multiple task. and it comes how for sunday's attack, when israel hates the area near a cam for displaced people, those who earlier fled to the atrocities in the north of the street hoping to find refuge and some safety near the junction. both the and the southern parts of the guys us trip. those trapped in a war zone was no other place to run. 2 guys, health ministry said at least 45 people were killed in that attack. and another 200, a 100 women and children among them you see you as relief agency for palestinian is under the law says the number of those killed could be significantly higher. the idea of claimed the strikes targeted him as compound and, but the attack was based on precise and intelligence and to have mazda officials were killed. but again, innocent civilians died as well as real size because of the fire that broke out following the strike. how to tell now as investigation continues prime minister in
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india who called the incident a tragic mistake, the book, the global community, condemned israeli attack, resulting and civilian deaths, but not the washington as well as key allies that's remain supportive. still a wide house national security council spokesman colds the incidents hard breaking but confirmed that still biden's policy toward israel once change in march. as you remember, president biden states instead, and now the $30000.00 palestinian dash would be a red line for washington. sondors attacks did not trigger have policies shift. that's taken lesson of how many more charged corpses does he have to see before the president considers the change to pop? we don't want to see a single, more innocent life taken. and i kind of take a little offensive, the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. and this is not something that we've turned a blind eye to,
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nor has it been something we've ignored or neglected to raise with ours really counterparts. as a result of this trick on sunday, i am no policy changes to speed. do it just happened. these railways are going to investigate it. well, it just happened. meanwhile, as cnn report confirms that us made bonds have been used and is rarely strike on sunday, based on analysis of footage from the scene and review by explosive weapons experts . here are some details they were head portion of. the mediation is these things and the guidance and when section is extremely unique compared to all the munitions guidance and when sections of munitions often the remnants left over even off time you nation designates, i saw the tailor creation section and instantly knew it was one of the s d b g b, you had such a 9 variance these reports are hard to be independently verified now,
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but it's true. we might expect some strong reaction from washington because earlier i drove by the side, he wouldn't allow certain us weapons to be used in a major offensive and rough. uh, there was a feeling that it is another red line for the us. what asked for comments, pencil go and deputy press. secretary told reporters that she has no information on that forward in front of this question to israel is what also didn't cross a line for americans. is the behavior of former presidential candidate senator nikki haley. she has been to renee's row in the last couple of days, the north and the south, and at one of the locations and military launch and ground, she was photographed sign a one of the shelves, the sign said finish them. the pictures immediately went viral and sparked outrage . let's take a listen. finish them. this is what my friend, the former ambassador, nikki haley wrote today about the show during a visit to an artillery post on the northern border. the id asking when the
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americans, nikki highly visited us today. she went to the west bank settlements and then went to ride in the bomb, finished them. just disgusting. can you please take her back? we already have one ben via and we don't need your feel. fidel promotion politicians as well thanks. i, meanwhile, humanitarian cetacean, and ruff deteriorates, according to the red crescent, know hospital and rough i can receive patients right now because of the constance idea of the environment of the area. before is really army started acting. they are roughly 1300000 gallons were sheltering hayes, roughly around $1000000.00 sled cents, according to you, a number is and if it might be safer in other places, which is also a big question, there was another dangers present in the north famine and the south also remains crowd and increasing the race calls. collateral damage has israel doesn't seem to
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be ready to stop with assault there. so the situation on the ground remains very hard. hands dramatic back to you. really how many things for updates and as on the situation, us autism at least bureau chief maria finance or from the us army reserve specialist school. but it's believes washington shows, responsibility for as well as actions in gaza in the united states is providing the satellite reconnaissance and the high level aero recognizance and unable recognizance and the missiles and the drones and the grenades, and the bullets and the financing. and the maurice and everything else that's needed to sustain the juggernaut of genocide, which the israel used to have created the blood that is on netanyahu's. hands is also on the entire, is rarely political government, establishment and on blinkin and on sullivan and on the down patel. and on admiral kirby and on everyone else in the bite administration in the state department and
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the c i a. so this is a crime that should be brought to the international court of all levels and the security council, because this proves ultimately either the international bodies and organizations and all of the flatulence part that they've put for, for the last 506070 years about democracy. and human rights and liberty, either these organizations stand for something in work or they scanned for nothing and are just functional, bloated, bureaucrats. south africans are heading to the pulse of the 30 years of dominance. the african national congress spaces, this toughest selection. yes, it is 50 percent of a national assembly to maintain its parliamentary majority the it's incumbent president, the civil around the powers that has already caused his bias alongside millions of
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his fellow citizens, including parliament opposition leader staying here. he's in heard the countries on the countries pulled the president, the state jacob zoom of south africa, use it for a portion all those things system for is full 100 state national assembly. the elected paula been members, will license vote for president and over. i'm opposed to with would give them another 5 year term. well, this is what receive 3 pallets instead of 2 to select the policy, all kinds of national regional on provincial seats, with 9 provinces and over 250 municipalities, south africa, and south africa. the south african, i'd like to commission to oppose that day. the 28000000 votes is over the age of 18 . i have registered for the pulse, the economic liberates as foreign policy president stays its focus is to unite younger generations to fight corruption and pulls etc. a. yeah, lovely thing you organization led by young people with taking a choice to say that they're going to be part of those i shipping tomorrow because
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then it is that as young people is that the for the guard, the ones we're going to get whatever that is done by the end us. so if you live what organization that is mainly focused on building any core money that is owned by everyone because come into the kind of the corner minutes africa. it's been owned by whites and indians, and that's not the full 5, that's 4444. so as a live pulling on, the young people come together and support the live. it is a good they were told that everyone is going to have a better life. we meet the da of lead to and most of our people actively living below the pool. but like, and was saying we, we need to organize our self when to build all and you called me because the current list was that the blood people don't on this thing in the corner and the majority to so when we change that particular state does cool but it needs blood people know that there's no one is coming to liberty to accept themselves for the kind of democrats who has achieved. but what people are actually fighting for was part of the democrats. but what was the one thing, the economy liberation because there's no point where to, to be free, but you're leaving poor, but there's no point to be free, but you can access, but i ok. there's no point to be free. but business selected where division for the
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region for so want to billy billed and if they do it, if it wasn't even quite a chance to succeed, not only the few of gwinnett that's good places. now from all correspondence and olivia icon gay in south africa, many thanks for joining us. the polls are still open across the country. can you tell us more about the election so so as well, the pole is also open and so more activity is taking place. quite a lot of troubles in terms of technology as well, but to just to reiterate more than 27000000. so that's because all in the process of mixing this event, the democratic parliament at over $23000.00 coating stations, the whole country is at a apprehensive state as everyone is waiting the type of coordination and government that will god been for the next 5 years. the states of very high, if we're talking about 70 political parties and 11 independent candidates
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contesting this is opposed and with that much of the conversation is on the fact that these elections may be handed by and even a vote of decision and top of the list is as well as on 3. 1 does always, people say it may be thousands of miles away from the shoals of south africa, but it has become a key issue in the countries crusoe elections. because we do know that the a, c, a c can lead to vote and if it's to hold as well, to account and i'm filing a genocide case that to the i c j. on the other hand though, you have the main to position party, the d a which seems to have taken a different stones with experts wanting that this content. it's supporting areas with large muslim communities such as the wisdom k problems where it's covering fee governments. you also have the issue of so back because unemployment rate, which is currently standing at to 32.9 percent to the highest in the entire will dentist spotted. oh, so that's because i'm present been sort of, i'm a plus,
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the cost is vote, but early on and he said that he had no doubt that the electoral what, what was the gain back is really the african national congress. have a listen to this, a we determined to ensure that democracy is the window in this whole election. so in the end, it is a democratic process in our country that is going to emerge victorious. and the amc would be a dividend from that by emerging as their wedding party for the 1st time. and 6 years there's an opportunity for change and saw that forget had a government level and i think that's should accept democrats all over the country . and certainly those who value democracy all over the world of course of doing those what will happen from now until the 2nd of june with those results are being released to the polls and predicts is make it a drunk majority of so that's because may decide otherwise and do as we've been
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doing for the past 2 years and votes for the a c o by the problem is socio position parties which promises to in low sitting. and it's in fact like any other lead that once the an agent is also come out, say that the da will receive an outright majority. but from these come along, side, many of the need is and again at stake here is the 3 decades dominance of the applicant, national congress, which they have. so the now being targeted by new generation of discontent and the country of 62000000 people off of whom i estimate to, to be living in poverty. and have a many things to bring his up to speed on the situation as long as and correspond to tennessee. i tongue, i speaking to us, live from johannesburg. thank you. with the reason, the agreement to establish a military supply base, russia is expanding co operation with the civil war. stricken cit done. this
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development between the 2 states, those contradictions of the west in narrative about ongoing conflict in the region . autism on the each i explores the story of the city. russia proposed the military corporations through a logistical support center, was not a full military base, unreturned for urgent weapons and ammunition supplies. we agreed to this but suggested expanding the corporation to include economic aspects like i do control ventures, mining partnerships and support, development rush. i agree to this broader scope. russia is clearly solidify and its relations with this. so that is transitional government. so it doesn't seem like it's trying to topple and a government whatsoever, which is the idea that was certain may stream media has been trying to push for so long a tears in russia of back in rebels and having a hand in this symbolizes so that as they keep on emphasizing here, why there is a kremlin back group, after all, according to them, russia is simply fuel in war. and so then,
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united states officials also directly pointed the finger at rochelle with the same as his ations. the wagner group has been supplying sedans, rapids support forces, with surface to air missiles to fight against the ends, army contributing to a prolonged armed conflict and not only results in further chaos in the region. the question is, how can the rush of finance rebels while at the same time, publicly consider the current transitional government to be the official representative of the country. that would be quite a lot of work and a bit to contradicting. but while it turns out that it is not the case for all others, u. k was in fact holding on dispos meetings with the rebels all along. and that's according to the. so the needs for an administrative given the enduring negative legacy of its colonial post into don. it is requested that the u. k. in pursuit of its commercial interest with the u. e. has renee from its moral and political responsibility as a permanent member of the un security council and the self designated pinhole,
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their own suit on the ministry released the statement accusing britain of sheltering the main finance tiers of war and sudan. the statement also mentioned that the, you can a government held undisclosed meetings with the rapids support forces which possess the traits of a terrorist organization. in itself hasn't been nice sitting down with they are assessed but claims. it's simply trying to mediate a peaceful solution to the military conflict. so is the western media all over the story? of course not. it said they're still accusing russia of meddling. and so that it seems, it simply does not matter to the mainstream media or western officials that the student is government itself is pointing the finger at the u. k, leaving everything or russia is apparently the go to an easy solution for them. but he, thanks for joining us. the analogy international is always good to have you company, we're back to the top of the hour with more of the very latest. we'll see that the,
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here's the common place to hear that ukraine is on its last legs, is collapse, is only a matter of time. in many ways, this is true. however, this overlooks the fact that nato is unwilling to accept defeat. and this complex for this aggressive military alliance, more escalation is on the agenda the attempt isn't too much high school diploma who handles life and all it is.


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