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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the traditional russian, the full parts culture is still going strong. the struggle for germany using sanctions like failing threads military force just and the struggle for past him here on the russian farm and, and for some of us attempts to take the grip on well, the fed as more western countries, equally speak to open the door for ukraine to use allies, long range, west things, just like russia the involved. i'm assuming that i mean i've been shopping mostly because it's like square sand. i've is really actions in the process. well, the idea latest to let strike claims 21 and it says lives of a 10 count meant to be is based on the south applicant
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election is in full swing with the incumbent president, coughing his palace, among millions of others. we followed the votes and considered to be the most pivotal since the end of the very will welcome this is on the international with the lights as well. news update is great to have the, with the russian foreign minister has slums with us and the funds have on boss this . one of the see countries where it's attempts to maintain equip on the international arena. he was criticizing washington's mentality regarding the conflicts in ukraine. a, just a bleaching cause, just the then all the events that we can see now stem from the desire of us being at the head of the collective west to not lose attention money on the international arena. this is becoming more difficult if not impossible, when powerful economic giants rise primarily on the duration content,
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but also in africa and latin america. and their struggle for germany using sanctions like mailing threads military force. this is a struggle for passive era, and it is clearly in this truck and we see the best grasp and oldest illegitimate prophets in general, the agony of the will ordered that the us as imposing it is still imposing on everyone is beginning phone. yeah. sorry. so guy never was a giving us page in the context of the root causes of the ukraine conflicts and he gave a 3. so overview, all of the expansion of nights a seems to come out. so the service union and really the dissolution of the wholesale parts and he said it's been you since then as a vehicle for the extension of us a gemini, of a world politics. now he said this when i don't need a very famous stipend deal. remember no one in east, i think i have some examples. he said that us spaces in jeremy for example, all being used to, to keep rolling under pressure and keep germany on the washington sphere of influence. he selected the case of the north speaking to pipeline and said to him,
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least empty christ to washington. he also explained the rough uh, despite the cues and the creeping of boxes of nights. so it was a whistle, cooperation, or so, negotiations as put forward a number of treaties and proposals or things have been rejected that by the western countries on or along with the security concerns. it's right. and he said what this led to the meant to agreements, which were supposed to bring peace to don't boss. uh, they were pretty much scrapped by ukraine, which started launching, attacks on 70 and a half is which led russia to having no choice but to most especially when it feel probation. oh, once again, save. it seems like western countries and not on the same page when it comes to weapons of i to you crane some. so yeah, so this disagree most behind this what we've heard a lot of this rest of it over the past few days. in some countries, a green lighting strikes inside russian territory, other saying those and maybe have simply said nothing that's over at this stage but,
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but to put it into context, this comes with us president job item facing a very tough election presidential election in november. this is partly behind jim stocum birds, recent announcement of 100000000 euro package from prove package as he caught it. because he says that if donald trump is to be successful in november, that the money for you creating something good, a dry up on embrace it. and of course, as a general election cold for july, the full, now they've been of course, staunch boxes of the triangle, david cameron, who's being one of the most political in, in, in, in that respect. and he's of cool said the, it's a okay for you trying to strike inside russian type, which is a very good all right. key according to the pose that could be a change of government in britain which could say a change of direction in terms of the crime. of course, the situation in garza is in fact worsening. rather than improving tensions or escalating that with the on swords against the palestinian people, the that's
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a game increasing the pressure, particularly on the united states and job items. so we kind of looks very much like this is a long, strong solution for you crate. and the, the use of these long range missiles. what would like to live with some kind of magical victory for you? probably, but it doesn't look very likely if we look at what's happening on the past possible . so particularly the offense, if in the household region with those russian troops on the vault seeing a tough thing. so as long as you quite need defensive lines, like a nice 3 butter and those gains, the very few games that you probably made during. it's much warranty, but filed counter, counter offensive. have now been lost. all of this comes ahead of a so called peace conference is due to take place in switzerland, around 7 c, a countries have signed up to that, but it looks like there's going to be no good news brought to the table. so we've heard from a number of the european stays on. well, the stones is towards the side, giving ukraine the, the thumbs up to launch me psalms into russian territory. what's the us saying
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right now? well, the official position is a pop to little bit surprising to us the fewest i press. but some miller said that washington advisors i gained strikes inside russian tenant tree. but is this really the case? well, potent and recently announce a multi 1000000 pound deal, or multi $1000000.00 deal to buy us cruise missiles and poked him said, well, it doesn't place any restrictions on how you cry and usually use those weapons. it supplies it was covered on through because we haven't gotten yet and you might think is it polish weapons? but when i transfer into ukraine, they do not have such restrictions. the grands can find in the way they want. and, and i think this is a very, very important aspect of these donation and complaints western countries should also remove such restrictions. diagnosis though he's discussion is ongoing and i would like to say that we are talking about police restrictions that could either run no such restrictions at this point and you start to blame sonya. so it appears
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that the us weapons will be used to strike volt strikes inside russian territory, although without that direct approval, but in fact, they already all being used in civilian areas. i've seen it myself 1st time on the ground in don't yet. i'm bow girl. and while they is russia saying about all this and rhetoric right now, say russia has been fairly consistent on this of its continuously won't. this is simply a waste of money. this is the only people profiting onto this all the ministry, industrial conflict, and the provisional use of these long range missiles. what would really be to any successes, but that would just cause most of an investment more terror attacks. now president vladimir putin who was in task 10 very recently. he said that knighthood countries applying a very dangerous guide. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember
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that this is as a rule, you know, it's a state with a small territory, some find a very dense population that i showed us. and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before us talking about striking deep into russian territory. show more, this is a serious matter, and we are, of course, watching it very carefully got through. it's a new service terminal, continues nato. your opinion seem to be in complete disarray. us a gemini is waiting on your credit and on. a supporters appear to be coming more and more desperate. well, that's that cost life now. so nicolette and the visuals are in the presidents of the west, the east and g. o. many, thanks for joining us on the program. it's very nice to see the best of what do you make of the russian farm. and just as criticism of us efforts to maintain what he says maintain, it's a head germany over the conflict and ukraine. well, it's, there's a lot of progress. the, the us is ok, so give me styles out to you or 2 nations, but it's getting the european nations to do the dirty job. it isn't want these
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missed those officially to be used on russian style, but it doesn't mind if a bullying or neighboring countries get more and more involved in this conflict. and definitely if the are to do that, if they will be doing that, it's only because of the us to jump on it because they're following us orders. uh, they're not acting as independent sovereign states looking for their own interest. i mean, for example, what would be the interest of poland or its way here to go to war directly with russia? this would be something crazy. and then in the, in today's times and you have with the economic situation, the house about, i mean, really what it is, this has no interest. there's an upcoming summit in, in uh, it's listed in and they're talking about sending weapons. it's a country so that they can bombard rush, i mean, just this strange way of negotiating, peace or concern and behind all of these countries and behind all these actions, of course, we've got washington pulling strings. so i think uh, of course, we cannot say that these are independent as of the nations in india. today's
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washington is 30 behind this and, and does not want room quantity to admit that that there is there in the forefront of this war against russia would seem to find presidents and the krona again a will among, during the last time it was controversial that he was calling to send ukrainian at your a p and while the troops to ukraine, but now he's opening encouraging cab to conduct strikes on brushing territory. what do you make of his latest statements? you know, we call in france, we call the president macro on until at the same time. so he'll stay back in the morning and white at night and a, is it an index? a busy day? so a couple of days ago he might, he said that the special principal agent that was kiddos were not at work for us, not at work. what's the rush salad? we should not be at what was the restaurant? and then the following day, he says that ukraine should be able to attract russia with weapons given by the, by the west. and i think these we have to difficult to understand actually is, are these native countries think good cop, bad cop? and macro is the bad cough and fine to intimidate restaurant,
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trying to so rupture of the a bit of a needle muscles and collected west brussels or are they just just organized? my conviction today is that they just don't really know what to do. so my goal was to show that you've been the, he's the, the have grass a concerning uh, go orders coming out of washington. do you want to show it to the current biden administration that he has been doing everything by the book and he's paying hardball. he's not afraid of running referred me, he's not afraid to send boots on the so he's not afraid to tell care that they're allowed to use weapons to strike a russia on their own. the other room territory. i think this is the role macros playing and he doesn't really care what the other to say. he just wants to show himself as a, the street, a student regarding a collective west to collect to everything regarding washington guidelines as to for the good students best suited 0. let's not forget that at the same time, not all of the wisdom countries, not all the nato countries agree with this easily just said that definitely vision
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want want to go to more or send the dismissals, use these boost. ready restaurants hungry doesn't want to send troops on the ground . they don't want this war. we have different countries in europe. got different positions which shows that nato is split. they don't know what to do. they don't have a strategy and they're just tossing up these these ideas. and they're trying to scare mongering or creative writing and rushed up. and it just shows, i think there's this organization. and i think that this is something which is extremely important that, that russian knows. however, a, usually all these is a hard words and difficult words. you don't know what's can lead up to, i guess i'm just gonna need a mistake which can be drag everybody into something which is much bigger than what's going on in ukraine, which would be catastrophic for europe and the rest of the world. indeed, i'm just wondering, you know, how likely is it that ukraine will take these green lights and, and, and actually attempt to strike russia. i think they'll give it a try. they've already done, it didn't go through it to the see they, they struck
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a different different facilities, military facility. it was a nuclear prevention that reno center us a couple of days ago. so, i mean, i don't think the date is the students don't forget that because they're off, which was a former prime minister. if you pain causes of s t, uh, puts it into the puppet of, of the collective west of the collective of the industrial companies. he will do as he is said to do. and so, i mean the, i think he would give the order. the only thing is on the ground, the military, they, you printed the notes or what's on losing. now, are they ready to continue to sacrifice their use for is it s p m, for american interests you have? that's the question. now one more another, the military night and ukraine, maybe we can get it for us to say stop it because this is going to best fire against us. this is a possibility. uh, what's the difference for them? i think uh, this is something which is uh which uh the west coast rate, in the end, the balance instead of speed has to think about it. unfortunately, i think that that's news to me that he's headed. he doesn't care to be ready to get
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them, but you need to push on it right away and he do anything just to to do. and this is actually, frankly expressed great. gary has hi tom. we had some class thinking many things supposed to be congested. i appreciate your time also on west east and the president is nicolette markovich, and i can go to a gemini power politics. that's how amazing the pools on human rights violations in 2023 has characterized the us time that has the keys, washington of creating humanitarian crises in the us as long for susan gemini, unilateralism, and power politics. great, contributes, are in crises. they continue to supply classroom munitions and other weapons to other countries exacerbate and original tensions and on conflicts gotten large number of civilian casualties. while that's plus live now to nelson wong, vice chairman of the shanghai send so many thanks for joining goes on the program today. so china has accused us of creating, she went to terrier and crises. what is your reaction on this at like latest report?
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this is not the 1st time the china has published a human rights report on the us. uh so uh, i think its, uh, the report itself is the, is self evident. all right, a about the, the human rights violations and the bad rep floor of human rights in the united states ranging from racial discrimination to the, you know, the, the lack of control on the use of guns. and also most importantly about uh, the uh, the spread of the wall is, and the supply of munitions and the weapons and 2 different parts of that. well, that is, you know, close to millions of lives everywhere around the world. so it's actually like letting the americans have a taste of their own medicine. yeah. and had gemini unilateralism on power politics
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. that's how china has characterized us behavior in the international arena. or is that something you would agree with? absolutely, absolutely. because i think the us being the super power off to the, the end of the cold war it has being carried away for so. ready long and for to far that they think they can do whatever they like and say whatever the like, poking the fingers at other people and other countries without really realizing for looking at what's happening in their own country. and i think china has all the right to, to come up with a report like this. and i, as i said, this is not the 1st time trying to publish it. a human rights record of the us to let basically the whole world to see what the us is really about.
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why don't you? yes. all right, well then have, so i'm sorry. i was assigned to apparently increasing your concerns, is the us supply of cluster munitions and other weapons to a countries. how is this relevant to the ukraine conflict? well, this is totally an essay called because the us is the policy that is actually behind everything that is happening in ukraine by supplying what that is to the landscape, government at sending the soldiers to, to, to, to sacrifice their lives. and also by keep sending weapons not only by itself, but also getting the natal men, but countries to send weapons to ukraine. this there is absolutely no more rhetoric
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to pull cup out actually. and how about having a will and a bathroom feud in vitality? this is the wall being other countries tell a tray and they up to find the whole thing. they are driving the whole machine, the whole machine. so this is really, really something that i think the rest of the world should all normally wake up, but to condemn the united states for doing all of this. now some long money, thanks for speaking to us today, really appreciate your time. thank you. so i can use a gauze and now where is where? 80 as strikes grind on killing at least 2 palestinians and enjoying many more in the city of devonshire and northern gauze. meanwhile, the is really only continued is as strikes and russell overnights, ignoring all this one, the international court of justice. report say i d,
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f times pushed through to the center of gauze and southern most the city. a warning we're about to show you some disturbing images. the latest, at least one can attend comp and all that know wants to came 21 lives and long been 12 women. the area has been designated to the safe zone by the is way the. the idea has denied involvement in the attack on the account despite this being the 2nd comp relates of time. in the past few days. in rafa, antoinette areas the, the indian foreign minister has doubled down on pressing my case to get permanent membership. but the un security council, as often most of the 5 member town, so was conspicuously silent following the i. c j's action on friday, ordering as well to comply with the genocide convention. and this top diplomat is also stated that the countries with permanent states may stand against its best.
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this is the garden, permanent membership on the unit. see our aims to get it as soon as possible. but this goal won't be chief. so because the permanent members to enjoy a lot of cloud, whether it's ukraine or garza, they've doing some unc the selves on issues that affect the whole world. so they won't want a number of permanent members to become 6th and 7th or date. so if we have to, we'll have to make everyone where we can pressure and persuading them only then we will achieve our goals. that's cost wise now to massachusetts for my indian busta and console general to my the gas got onto morris. many thanks for joining us. on the program of festival, i'd like to ask you, how do you think india becoming a permanent member of the un security council? could change the situation and garza hello. this is gloria sto garza, i think of. it may not make a big difference because as you are very aware that the, even off of the falls, the vito follow would continue to best with the 5 permanent members. and india
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would only be able to use outlook and it's being advocating all these on gaza that uh uh, only a to stage to, to uh, you know, the physical center to stay formation is the only piece interface for it to escape . so coordination is the only result you be advocating that and i think many other countries have also agreed with that. but the soul saw, i think, uh the compliance or the, or the, or the journey in that direction has got to be put in a put in place. and i think one of the reasons the cost is that the un has not been able to exercise the kind of a control or other kind of war that was originally in besieged. both anyone ensuring piece of it's all been complex and there's all the important issues. and i think in doing that what it is only has to for the us at the foot of the things in
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perspective and move the process forward. but then the vito follow remains with the the side and the fee to exercise it in also comes down says i'm not sure that uh, got the got the issue with the results anytime soon. and the indian foreign minister has said to be unified front of a 147 countries, that should not be the discretion of the 5 member security tanza with some of course backend as well as actions in gaza. what's your take on his statements? the absolutely, because the, you know, when the, when the storm, the number of members, i think it's about 50 and, uh, the 5 members of the big dose of the water at that time they decided to, you know, sort of the form of, you know, make themselves bowman members, and they're going to have to be to far, of course, a brand new, candid uh, but it was relevant to that time, but i think and as it was, it was, did you want me to? because uh, situations and audio has shifted. and the world has changed. the number of
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membership number members in the window has gone up many fold it. so i think i've been 92 if i'm not mistaken at it. so it's so and so what changed that was happening across the world. uh, i think yes, when all of the other nations of the general assembly uh, is not able to uh, the pressure that it should be able to afford various reasons. uh, really again, because of the, the, to the bottom of the size of any one of the members. so i think the gentleman of the general assembly of the event and of the 70 and the one that said is slightly open to question because it is i'm able to prevent conflict to resolve the conflict. and in this particular case, to try and move and implement the to nation of the 2 state of the contract as well. i mean has continued is the tax on rafa despite b,
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i c j ruling that was last fridays as what were the signals that it would probably be a new when you older to hold the operation in ralph, i rather earlier that the operation could continue for the rest of the yeah. what could be done to stop the is really offensive. i think uh, i somewhat of the what i understand what the situation is, the rate of all the facts. but yes, i think the primary uh, with the red line should i see the primary point that it is varies. have been saying from the what is that all just need to be the needs talked with is benny also just need to be released for trip. i got the last weeks to be completely utilized, completely finished. i can be the other to point to their being repeatedly talking about. and i think that is what the intent is to ensure that almost to get back all the hostages. everything has come off and do entity that is using to give them back
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and what the, what the, what the atrocity, the stories, different kinds of, of those things coming out often on. and so i think that is a problem for uh, as far as the, uh, because if the, the reason they go in for a, b, c, d, or the try and do the best of the tool, the domestic dishes would be, would be too much for them. because the people would not accept that the is there any fee to not accept that though people taking cost as an innocence fee, but not even there was no more. that was nothing how much just came a document with these people. so i think in that sense, i see, yes, the amount has been 0 trying to do to, to make it, to be drawn rather than, you know, look at the reason and of course, remember fusions that are going on. so it took us out, i think they really, maybe at some point of time, i believe 2000 i think the basic thing, which is really long, is it
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a ton of the, of the hostages to rich, now, mazda. unfortunately it's not i agree from what i have on from what i'm reading the news. so i think that is one thing which would continue to, you know, be upstate, be an issue. i would, i appreciate your speaking to us today. thank you so much for your time and use that for me and did on both of the iron console general. thank you. the thank the millions of south africans are taken to the. 7 the most being called a pivotal general election, the ruling applicant, national congress policy faces this toughest challenge in 30 years. as a coalition, governments may have to be full for the 1st time since the end of a pol side all season one of the congress expense. more than 27000000. so that's because all in the process of the lifting the savings, the democratic parliament at over $23000.00, posing stations. the whole country is at a very apprehensive state as everyone is awaiting the type of coordination and the
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type of government that will govern for the next 5 years. the stakes are also very high. we're talking about 70 political parties. yeah. and 11 independent candidates . i'm contesting this is pose and with that to myself, the conversation is on the factors influencing these elections and voted decision as well on top of the list is as well as on go on guides though, which people say it's maybe thousands of miles away from the shows us that africa, but it has become a cute issue in the countries who sold elections because we do know that the applicant, national congress is taking a leading role in efforts to hold as well, to account to by finding a genocide case at the international court of justice, on the other hand though, you have the main to position party the d h, which seems to have taken a different sconce would fix. but some warning that this good didn't, it's support in areas with large moves, little communities such as the width and k problems,
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the way it is come into the governing. you have also the issue of so that's because of employment rates, which currently stands at 32.9 percent of the highest in the entire world despite tool. so that's because a president stood, i'm a post that's costing he's general addiction. early on said that he had no doubt that the electorate would once again back his ruling party, the african national congress. we are determined to ensure that democracy is the window in this whole election. so in the end, it is the democratic protest in the country that is going to emerge victorious. and the amc would be a dividend from that by emerging as their within part. it for the 1st time in 6 years, there's an opportunity for change and it's all there for death. i've had a government level and i think that's should accept democrats all over the country and certainly those who value democracy all over the world. of course, no one knows what will happen from now until the secret of june,
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when those results are out of the polls and predictions make a did wrong. majority of africans may decide otherwise and do as they've been doing the post good to us and, and vote for the in c or by the problems of, of the opposition party, which promises to in the loose shooting and water carpets, in fact select in me as a d d a lead to john skin hayes and has also come out saying that the d s. will receive an authorized majority. again, at stake is the city dictate dominance of the african national congress policy, which lead. so that freak out of a party to it is now the target of a new generation of the discontent in a country office. 62000000 people, half of whom estimated to been living in poverty, i would say on audience and national coming up next to been at the latest episode of direct impact on. but we're going to the top of the
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