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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the costs the rockdale to now times the seal the way the magazine change the the, the bus will give you a new struggle for germany using sanctions like mailing threats, military force. this is the struggle for passing iraq, the russian foreign minister of slums. us attempts to maintain a grip on the world at 1st. as north western countries eagerly seek to open the door for you trained to use their long range weapons to strike russia. fate south african election is in full swing with the incumbent president. seeing here
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casting peace, the general election, we follow a vote considered to be the loose head of bill. since the end of the top part types adults the bulk of the on the shopping must be small gals is express fury over it is really actions in the rough us. while the idea of the latest elated stride planes are reported, 21 lives of attendance comp abusive. so the, whenever you're accounting, then use our from today. welcome to most go onto our, to international to our top story. this wednesday of the russian foreign minister has taken a month to us in front of and busters from over 30 countries, sir,
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gala ralph condemned washington's attempts to put, maintain global hegemony through conflicts like the one in new cray just because i'm sure so, and then all the events that we can see now stem from the desire of the us being at the head of the collective west to not lose attention money on the international arena. this is becoming more difficult if not impossible, when powerful economic giants rise primarily on the duration content, but also in africa and latin america. and this struggle for germany using sanctions like mailing threads military force. this is a struggle for passive era, and it was quoted on the struggle we see the best grasping, oldest, illegitimate prophets in general. the agony of the will ordered that the us as imposing it is still imposing on everyone is beginning phone here, because when i started started, i never was given a speech in the context of the root cause is all the quite and complex. and he gave us things so overview, all of the expansion of night. so he seems to come up some of the soviet union and read the dissolution of the wholesale parts. and he said he's been you since then
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as a vehicle for the extension of us, a gemini, of a world politics. now, he said this when i don't need a very famous statement. remember no one in east. they gave some examples. he says that us places in germany, for example, offering use that to keep berlin under pressure and teach germany on the washington sphere of influence. he so i to be types of the know, speaking to my body. and so i have so many 17 crest to washington fuels. so explain the rush. so despite the the creasing of bonuses of night. so it was a wasteful cooperation for so negotiations. it's put forward a number of treaties and proposals, or these have been rejected by the western countries and on with the security concerns. it's right. and he said for this led to the mid 2 agreements which were supposed to bring peace to don't boss. uh, they were pretty much scrapped fi ukraine, which started launching, attacks on 70 and a half is which led russia to having no choice but to launch the special. but it
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feel peroration. oh, once again, save it seems like western countries and not on the same page. when it comes to weapon supplies, ukraine, some say yes of those disagreeable, spi hines. this what we've heard a lot of this rest of it over the past few days with some countries, a green lightning strikes inside russian territory. are the saying no, and many have simply said nothing. that's what at this stage but, but to put it into context, this comes with a us president job item facing a very tough election presidential election in november. this is partly behind jim stocum birds. recent announcement of a 100000000 euro package, a trump proof package, as he called it because he says that if donald trump is to be successful in november, the money, so you crating simply good, a dry off on embrace it. and of course, as a general election cold for july, the force now they've been of course, staunch boxes of ukraine gold, david cameron, who's being one of the most belligerent in, in,
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in that respect. and he's of cool set the, it's a okay for you crying to strike inside russian territory. is it very good. all right, k, according to the post that could be a change of government embracing, which could say a change of direction in terms of ukraine. of course, the situation in goza is, in fact, worsening rogers in improving tensions or escalating that with the on swords against the palestinian people that that's a game increasing the pressure, particularly on the united states and job items. so we kind of looks very much like this is a long, strong solution for you crying that the use of these long range missiles. what would like to live with some kind of magical victory for you? crime when it doesn't look very likely. if we look at what's happening on the front of the bottle, so particularly the offense, if in the household region where those russian treat sort vaulting, coughing. so we that as you probably need defensive lines, like a knife through butter and those games, the very few games that you probably made during it's much warranty,
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but file counts, count, offensive amount will be lost. all of this comes ahead of a so called peace conference is to take place in switzerland, around 70. the countries have signed up to that, but it looks like this is going to be no good news brought to the table. so we've heard from a number of the european stays on. well, the stones is towards the side giving you crating the, the thumbs up to launch missiles into russian territory. what's the us saying right now? well, the official position is perhaps a little bit surprising. the us set for the state press, but some miller said that washington advisors again strikes inside russian territory. but is this where it is a case? well, potent, recently announced a multi 1000000 pound deal, or multi $1000000.00 deal to buy us cruise missiles and the podium said that, well, it doesn't place any restrictions on how you cry and users, those weapons that supplies what's covered on to them,
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because we haven't gotten yet knew about that cuz it publish weapons, but we are transferring to ukraine. they do not have such restrictions. grants can find in the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of these. the nation that combines west in the country should also remove such restrictions. diagnosis though these discussion is ongoing and i would like to say that we're talking about police restrictions that could either on know such restrictions that this probably news news. thank you. good. i can send you a pass and the us weapons will be used to strike gold strikes inside russian territory . although without that direct approval, but in fact, they already all being used in somebody in areas. i've seen it myself 1st time on the ground in the don't yet, and overall, as well as russia saying about all this and rest reg right now. say russia who's being fairly consistent on this of its continuously bones. this is simply a waste of money that this is the only people profiting. i don't have this all the ministry, industrial conflict, and the provisional use of these long range missiles would really be 20 successes,
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but they would just cause more siblings. that's a more terror attacks. now, president vladimir putin who is in task 10 very recently. he says it nice has come see he's applying a very dangerous guy. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that this is, as a rule est with a small territories, and a very dense population that i showed us. and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before us talking about striking deep into russian territory. this is a serious matter, and we are, of course, watching it very carefully get through. it's a new brain's going, surface term all continues. now you tell me your opinion seem to be in complete disarray. us a gemini is weakening, a new crane. i mean supporters appear to be coming more and more desperate. ok, let's take you into the program now to northern does where is really are strikes of
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killed at least 2 palestinians endangered. many more people in the city of judd bali. uh, this wedding stay above is according to local authorities. ahead of the, the is really military also continued earth strikes on the rough overnight, ignoring an order from the international court of justice. the fault attacks and the city over flowing with refugees, reports the idea of tanks of pushed through to the center of gallons of southern mississippi. when we were about to show you some disturbing images of the latest deadly strike on the, on the wall seat tent camp is located, reported to have the same 21 lives. the majority of them, partly women. the area had been designated a safe. so by this really on the idea of host denied targeting the count, despite another refugee side in the rough, but it looks facility also being hit in the past number of days we heard from local,
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it's about the situation and the size of the in place. the on the mattress, the know that much on on the i'm going to show no, i'm going to yes. the the the send me an act up on the not good. we're not, i'm not the one you're on by the way, but when i was involved, i don't, i don't know how you're going to try to handle it, so i'm glad i did. all the trouble must be small. y o's rarely is ult on southern guides, intensifies with casualties rise in including civilians. we've been,
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boardman has continued global outrage on israel sunday. dudley attack remains very strong to remind you as well. and what the idea of described as a precise strike targeting i have miles compound, hates the area in the south of the palestinian and clay near a camp for displaced people. those guys who earlier had flooded the atrocities in the north of this treat floating for refuge in some safety near the diction folder . and as a result placed 45 people were killed and another 200 injured. and now new details emerging. cnn report confirms that us made bonds have been used and is really stripe on sunday, based on analysis of footage from the scene and the review by exclusive weapons experts, they were head portion of the mediation is these things and the guidance and when section is extremely unique compared to all the munitions guidance and when sections of munitions often the remnants left all the even of time you nation
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designates, i saw the taylor creation section and instantly knew it was one of the as the b g, b us such a 9 variance. these reports are hard to be independently verified now, but if true, it's a big deal, and we might expect some reaction from washington as president joe biden earlier said, he wouldn't allow certain us weapons to be used in a major offensive and rough funds. there was a feeling of a red line for the us in this matter. so far we only heard pentagon deputy press secretary saying that she has no information on the ammunition used for where the internal questions too, is whaley's for now investigating this incident. meanwhile, former american presidential candidate center nikki haley has been touring israel and the last couple of days at one of the location is a military long chain ground. she was photographed sign a one of the shelves. the signs had finished them. the pictures immediately went
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fly roland sparks outrage and condemnation as a weapon, the american politician blasted to kill his potentially end up killing civilians. finish them. this is what my friend, the former ambassador, nikki haley wrote today about the shell during a visit to an artillery post on the northern border. the id asking when deanna everything's nikki haley visited us today. she went to the west bank settlements and then went to ride in the bomb, finished them. just disgusting. can you please take her back? we already have one ben via and we don't need your feel. fidel promotion politicians as well. thanks. again many a month. the global community condemned hayes rose attack and rough uh, area that resulted in the civilian jobs, but not the last as well as key ally remains supportive white house national security council spokesman cold the incident. heartbreaking but confirmed the jo vitamins policy towards israel once changed. how many more charged corpses does he
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have to see before the president considers the change of pop? we don't want to see a single, more innocent life taken and i kind of take a little offense that the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. and this is not something that we've turned a blind eye to, nor has it been something we've ignored or neglected to raise with ours really counterparts. as a result of this trick on sunday, i am no policy changes to speed. do it just happened. these railways are going to investigate it, and then it just happened. meanwhile, humanitarian situation in rough deteriorates, according to the red crescent snow hospital in the state. you can receive patients right now because of the constant idea on boardman of the area. the south holes that we made is crowded, increasing the risk of collateral damage as the idea of doesn't seem to be ready to end its attacks. we heard this in the whole earlier saying many times that nothing
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and no one rolls self as well. and this is what we see exactly happening right now . the idea of continues is operation in southern gaza. we support toby's welski ally. of course, you know, millions of south africans are taking to the polos today in a pivotal general election. the ruling african national congress party faces. it's toughest challenge in 30 years. as a coalition government may have to be formed for the 1st time since the end of apartheid restaurants now to our corresponded unit for you can gay in johannesburg. good evening to you. a big day in the rainbow nation to take us through watts at stake. it's a big day indeed union and the menu also. so that's because the sole voting and watch is seen as the most pivotal general election since the end of
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a party to $9.00 to $9.00 to full, but full on that. and as we take this conversation further, we are to invite no one to size the website if you to present a food one. so that for you kind of want to thank you so much for your time and making your way for joining us of this evening. here maybe so can just go off by telling us what kind of outcome all you expect to from busy makes it look um, thank you for having us. a great, we're very confidence. we're expecting an outcome that gives us seats across the provinces who are experiencing a significant showing at national level to be able to be part of forming a government of national unity. so we're looking forward to that and you know, so far it looks like real gates. what were you looking for? and this might be a tricky question, but which other parties would you say? i have to use the coast? nope, there's a couple of parts, is that a view that occurs to us? but i think the most important thing glasses that use. so it's important to us to
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be able to align on values. it's important to us that to be able to align and coordinate around depend. so that's we got to be able to say that what we are engaging on is to say, here's what we estimate. you are our competency, let us be able to focus on that and to allow other parties to say, this is what this program this way they, they feel the policy and competence is only been focused on. that's a president of the parts you will see my mind, the state that change is coming. what do you think he changes as soon as you come in? um if it changes. yes, it does not. even hopefully i'm excited because changes yet. i know for a fact that so that we can have enough of some of the incompetence that we've seen in this country. lack of service delivery. we've seen high corruption levels as low pretends what it is that they can trust. and so we believe that read those needs, we made sure that we get needed that are best buy communities of chosen by communities. we've made sure that we've been a government and with to the government and we think so absolutely changes. yeah. not even coming changes. we've also seen
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a build on hasty support to see that they offered to the party, mainly because it has promised to treat jobs. how does the policy tend to fulfill those problems? so i will complain, smoking has been a jumping, it'd be home to 1000000 jobs and 5 years how it tends to do that. it's expensive, the mainstream economy, so you have a mainstream economy. and so that becomes that we apply to lived on. but we have townships with a lot of the urban population lives and we have not even started to check into that potential of college of so we have said one special economic zones intelligence, what people to live, where they work and work with a new and that is our focus, that's what we want to make. sure. and then that way we able to create jobs and that we were able to stimulate the economy for that. and it would do is use vote. she is in the need, but full sort of 50 percent. like all these polls predicting it will have to make an agreement with one or more parties to govern what the boss parts you'd be willing to dictate to such a cooperation with the ac. so not, as i said earlier,
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we would be willing to work with parts is that we ship that use with. and that's not just in how bad news us stipulated origin down in policy. it's how parties and you just have behavior. and if you look at the behavior of the amc, i for one would say that we don't ship thank you so much for your time. and for those sentiments that to us, the deputy president of the bold ones. so that for kind of going to show as a, we've given us a bit of an idea of what we should expect from these indexes and watts in store for the bold ones of africa, political party expect to use student. yeah, thank you for that for interest and we'll be getting the latest on those polos out that come in at the results through the evening and night. i'm sure as well interview come get live from john. this break. thank you so much. i okay, let's keep attention now on the african continent of zambia. say's its on the verge of overcoming a 3 year long default on it's that after almost all of its international boned
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holders agree to a restructuring proposal, the socket defaulted on it's euro on debts. in late 2020 of the peak of the kobe to break the southern african country has since cooperated with a g 20 platform to bring together major creditors, such as china, the debt restructuring, plumb face delays caused by the challenges to the nation's economy. quite a few of them, including this year is devastating drugs. well, the spike and world wide interest rate sharpen the death issue in recent years for per a nation's protection. un conference on trade and development for last month, warrant of a crisis with developing countries, paying on average, $50000000000.00 more to foreign creditors. them they had received in loans. the we have flow is going from the south to the north. if i say that he's like
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a reversed c, a block from c. so you've the small and medium sized countries that don't move the markets, the ones that are in the distress or, or even gnostic place on where they are spending more on there that done on their human development. well, that's delve deeper into this what it means that's run vacations and what the i to look is going forward. we can go to somebody and speak to local politician ortho doctor this joseph colleen way and also loop in the how about as ok, director of the graduate school of business at the university of somebody or both most welcome dr. how this. okay, let's start with you know, that 90 percent of the country's foreign debt toners have agreed to this restructuring steam. what does it mean for example, what does it mean particularly for its people? well, i figured that uh, this um, uh, jeremy has taken. it won't get on there,
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there was a good sort of suspense. i'm because of that governments. i think i was unable to embark. what made the no projects? what had been now was that most of the reason for this would have been done on the about the private partnerships. so this afternoon they will definitely unloading and is, or participation on the market. and they probably know see best i've got a source gift score listed categories, lack of in buckets defaulted which 30 c and gags loading it about to what is quite what it is. but uh, you know, how i could only fundamentals of demand officially permission to do because i've, i've been sluggish for the last 3 years. or the fact that the, you know, there was a base that had to, you know, because like some other things for his button image and also the navy. and they got
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to, or without bucket drugs in, for did this part of the wall. so at least the signing of the dates of destruction program and submit and supposed to start paying each bits of the ones on the 1st payment kicks in uh, within the next 2020 days. but unfortunately, despite the complex now does it does inspection. who do i do? i think that they do work for vendor. we just went through all these problems to different steps. i know the things that hasn't been worked out most partners the last year it was changing us. it's 2 parts of it. so lot of nodes, arcadia cruising, in particular the one to the fact that we have no uh, you know, uh the, the many said that the, the, the for me when we have 2 ports, uh, you know, that c o, like prizes. we will delve into that further in just
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a moment to excuse me, if you will, because i just want to dig into what you said there with mr. glenn way about how some b. i ended up 1st of all in such an economic situation, we heard some of it there at, from, at the other desk. but mr. clump with, who should take responsibility? well, for the most understand that somebody has with the time being the most uh but the team did the countries on the applicant going to then somebody a little say don't go now and so done the money to such as they stated that it became very difficult to pay back, and so when they knew that you got mean, now we are the issues of no one to the to distract of that so well by the 1st 10 digits, 10 years. we've done a lot of money being bought out that we did not even see where that money was being utilized to weekends of dimension those issues, development and issues will be going on because a separate is meant for people so that people that have been very much in depth,
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the bundle with the progressive received my nowhere thing to ensure that well to the did 3 start getting process, which was the one know a nick as a country where ensuring that note can be able to move forward as it before. and uh, it was, it should work and be able to do pay weekly for to store credit does mostly with the old getting the money and uh, we need to ensure that they put on his back or, and his phone to be done. the airport people need to pay, but that which we thought dr. hub is okay. you know, there's a big issue and it looks to me staring somebody on indeed other nations in the face, not of the u. n. morning. the dozens of nations are facing so called death, the stress with developing countries, paying back much more to their creditors on the actually received before that. how does not in any way sustain about what, what's the risks that come with that? the national mandated system is
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a system on the robots. it also got 10 kids with special goals in stock. so hard admission in the ninety's rep waynesville structural adjustment program, where the front door told us to buy that as the price. unfortunately for that investment moved in some factor as well shipped out on. but unfortunately, i've been unable to go to court on these as to the extent of being able to provide the resources to develop in foss sparks. and so from my domains it's in days of $99.00 off when it gets under we'll say $10.00 to $10.00 of the time to develop in denver plus tax it on the today. you can see that to my, the default outages, lundy, i'm going through a lot of shifting way as far as the store offer to bob. because the bulk of us that was built uh there was this definition of dental vision capacity. a foggy vision. those a lot on the delay and before that on your, if you that, that,
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that the power loss and stuff the infrastructure was turned off the scratch, the so i the, i think the national minds, the system on the back. because the money drives the on the agenda for going to pick nation. so by the interest in this environment from the bottom stage, now we have for given events, because they've, that's a bit, you're getting the money from that, that's the markets. and most of the dimensions we have given the boxes by getting graded 13 smaller unfortunately, the emissions of 18 that gives loans that finally, just as compared to the zillow. uh, zillow. this and of course uh, after the advice to pull money we've, since i'm in the 1st steps of growth, is for example, is i don't get what 10 thousands was developed in it. and it, this generation develop phone costs of $1600.30. the lovely it's on video is deputy ok, that's been there. but unfortunately,
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population blows at text based off of vision with both of them were able to get this infrastructure. and then the financing that we bought was a bad guys will that all of them is formed, gets you to. busy what are those? i'm the unfortunately, both i've been very disappointed about that that's. i've used it. i've been very easy because china, you know, talk to under governments, a very easy to get bullshit. but permission did like the uniforms. i've been very the right amount. the, i mean for us have vice us. that's always it says that i think we're still not able to be paid. i did because i you the mix it up. let me just, i guess it's a really important point. you raised there. i'm going to put a similar issue to mr clint way. do any of these developing countries actually have an alternative to the western and financial giants at like the guest was speaking about the i m f, the world bank, or are they essentially at the mercy of what policies they want to pursue as
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well? in most cases, developing countries, particularly here on the african continent of a sort of funding from this international organizations. i need many curious as we get these loans or the ability how you, it's difficult to pay them back up the stick into loans because of the fact that the o and this ends up this an inductive tissues in them there. for instance, we had during the years, uh, what the president broke into a declarative hip ignition in the, in the 2000. and where we said where i hated that the 4 countries are going on way we did go on runs. but then over the years that getting the elected issue withdrawing. and it's not just as i'm getting the problem is that the same day off, we can punch it and we'll keep on board and then we bill to pay. but so we need to find the political solution under the kinetic solution to this issues with we shouldn't be highly dependent on the international organization for to develop
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because at the end of the day, you do hurt. it will not be citizens because these international organizations, in order to get to the terms of how the mission must move forward dictates in terms of how the nation must be able to utilize the ability, what associated or the task. so the best solution would be develop ignition to be able to resolve these issues, making play and to ensure that we don't go interest richard. well, keep on boarding and we thought to pay back that be true. portal. very interesting discussion. i feel as if we've just scratched the surface of it, but our, our time has run night for, for this particular conversation. i'm sure we return to it. thank you so much for coming on the program, local politician, north or on active as joseph condemned way. and also the been the habits ok. director of the graduate school of business at the university of some be a gentlemen. thank you so much. thank you. all right, next we venture into some of america's deadliest neighborhoods to try and answer
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the question why.


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