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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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in time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say the struggle for germany using the sanctions of splunk failing for us, middle to report. this is a struggle for passing 0, the russian foreign minister of slums. us attempts to maintain a grip on world affairs of more western countries equally seek to open the door for ukraine to use their long range weapons distract russia. holes have not just close enough, so it's not freaking election with the incumbent president. seeing here, testing is valid, we break down a hold considered to be the most important thing since the end of of our time on the us are just israel to do more to protect innocent civilians in gaza, but stop short of moving to stop the war for the un security council resolution
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coming as the world rally for the across the world around the clock. this is archie, welcome to the news our i'm, you know me, the russian foreign minister has taken a must the us in front of them busters, from over 30 countries, circle of ralph condemned washington's attempts to, quote, maintain global hegemony through conflicts like the one in ukraine is just a bleaching cause, just letting the then all the events that we can see now stem from the desire of us being at the head of the collective west to not lose germany on the international arena. this is becoming more difficult if not impossible, when powerful economic giants rise primarily on the duration content, but also in africa and latin america. and this struggle for germany using sanctions, blackwell and threats, military force. this is a struggle for the past year,
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and it is clear that in this struggle we see the best grasp and oldest illegitimate profits in general, the agony of the will order that the us as imposing it is still imposing on everyone is beginning phone. yeah, sorry, sorry, i never, oh, it was uh, giving us featured in the context of the root causes of the ukraine complex and he gave us thing. so overview, all of the expansion of nights ever since the collapse of the soviet union and read the dissolution of the wholesale parts. and he said he's been using sense as a vehicle for the extension of us, a gemini, of a world politics. now he said this when i don't need a very famous statement, do you remember no one in east? i think i have some examples. he said to us by some new jersey for example, of being used as a keeper and under pressure into germany on the washington square of infancy. so i took the case of the north speaking to pipelines. i have so many 17, yes, to washington. do you want to explain the rough uh, despite the um,
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the creasing of offices of nights over the we so cooperation for so like i see agents for the number of treaties and proposals or things have been rejected that by the western countries on, on, with the security concerns, it's right. and he said for this led to the mid to agreements, which were supposed to bring peace to its own boss. uh, they were pretty much scrapped fi ukraine, which started launching, attacks on 70 and a half is which led russia to having no choice but to launch the special. but it feel preparation. oh, once again save it seems like western countries. i'm not on the same page when it comes to weapons supplies, you create a subset, yes. of this disagreeable, spi hines. this, what we've heard a lot of this rest of it over the past few days. in some countries, a green lighting strikes inside russian territory. other saying no, and many have simply said nothing. that's what at this stage but, but to put it into context, this comes with a us president job item facing a very tough election presidential election in november. this is partly behind
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installing some birds recent announcement of a 100000000000 euro package, a trump proof package, as he called it because he feels that if donald trump is to be successful in november, the money for ukraine simply could a dry up and embrace it. and of course, as a general election cold for july, the 4th. now they being of course, staunch boxes of ukraine gold. david cameron has been one of the most belligerent in, in, in that respect. and he's of cool set the, it's a okay for you crying to strike inside russian type, which is a very good all right, to your quote into the polls that could be a change of government embracing, which could say a change of direction in terms of ukraine of course, the situation in garza is, in fact worsening ross is in improving tensions or escalating that with the on salt against the palestinian people. that that's a game increasing the pressure, particularly on the united states and job items. so we kind of looks very much like
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this is last sean solution for you crying that the use of these long range missiles . what would like deliver some kind of magical victory for ukraine when it doesn't look very likely. if we look at what's happening on the bottle, so particularly the offensive in the household region with those uh, russian treat sort vaulting a testing. so he's obviously pregnant defensive lines like a knife through butter and those games. the very few games that you probably made during it's much warranty, but file counts counter offensive amount will be lost. all of this comes ahead of a so called peace conference is due to take place in switzerland, around 70. the countries have signed off to that, but it looks like there's going to be no good news brought to the table. so we've heard from a number of europeans days on what the stones is towards the side, giving ukraine the, the thumbs up to launch me psalms into russian territory. what's the us saying right now? well, the official position is perhaps a little bit surprising. the us uh set for the state press,
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but some miller said that washington advisors i gained strikes inside russian, tennessee. but is this where it is a case? well, potent, recently announced a multi 1000000 pound deal, or multi $1000000.00 deal to buy us cruise missiles and the podium said that, well, it doesn't place any restrictions on how you can use those weapons that supplies what's covered on them because we haven't gotten yet. and you must because they publish weapons, but we are transferring to ukraine. they do not have sex restrictions grants can find in the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of these donation angle things. western countries should also remove such restrictions. diagnosis though these discussion is ongoing and i would like to say that we are talking about police restrictions that could either run no such restrictions to this problem. this needs to keep going. sonya so it appears that in the us weapons will be used to strike gold strikes inside russian territory . although without that direct approval,
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but in fact they already all being used in civilian areas. i've seen it myself 1st time on the ground in don't yet. and overall, as well as russia saying about all this rest reg right now. say russia who's being fairly consistent on this of its continuously born. so this is simply a waste of money that this is the only people profiting. i don't have this all the ministry industrial conflict, and the provisional use of these long range missiles would really be to any successes, but they would just cause more 70. that's a more tyra attacks. now president vladimir putin who is in test ken very recently . he says that knighthood countries are playing a very dangerous game, but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe. they should generally be aware of what they are playing with . they should remember that this is as a rule, a states with a small territories and a very dense population that i showed us. and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into
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russian territory. this is a serious matter. and we are, of course, watching it very carefully. got the new brain's going surface. tom. all continues. nato, in your opinion, seem to be incomplete. disarray us a gemini, is waiting on ukraine on a supporters appear to be coming more and more desperate to another big story. millions of the south africans how being taking to the polls today. the ruling african national congress party looks to be facing its toughest election challenge. in 30 years, with many predicting a coalition government may have to be form for the 1st time since the end of apartheid will close to 28000000 south africans have registered to vote. the country uses a proportional voting system for its $400.00 state national assembly and the newly elected members will choose the next president during
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a laser vote. the 2 biggest opposition parties, the democratic a line supported by many whites and the country on the far left economic freedom fighters are both seeking to hold the n c winning and i tried majority. yet again. let's cross now to our correspond to do it for you couldn't get in jealous berg who's been keeping us abreast of all developments today. supporting stations closing the doors, doing know when the results will start coming in of the well, you know, in the i you see so fall and it has, in fact, to announce back to those results will be expected on the 2nd of june. that will be on sunday, know as an awesome and has been made for the to that to but voting inside of africa has not see had come to a close. it was expected to close at 9 p. m. but you 2 classes. power outages and a few disruptions in many parts of the country and all of that to have delayed
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voting processes. the i you see as cold and voters to continue costing their vote if they're able to the applicant, national congress that has been in power for the last 30 years is facing task competition from a key position. and most of the new come is in the countries politics the, the, to now to it has been huge as we've seen, compared to previous years with long choose the scene in the main cities of china's big deb and, and kept on an at the small left provinces as well, we only heard or from many votes as who we were speaking to, and they said to be a view on what to expect from these evictions on the ground to most people highlighted branding issues such as locating unemployment, crime, and many other things. the some have openly said they would consider voting for the opposition with the hope for change or as the parties that have just come into the industry for
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a few around the view of how those the next is that have been handled across the board and across the last week, i'm not doing that under them to time. i'm a member of been uniformed, i'm calling to is the zip party that belongs to you for my president, jacob, to zoom and to them to, to have a thank you so much for your time. i really appreciate it and maybe just start by telling us what sort of outcome are you expecting from these it makes it's i hope that i'm going to is these are, does very well add to the extent that no one should be able to form it. and without going through that and then we can do is of course, the hope is that the we get an outside majority, which is a very tough proposition. however, we have a to hold this addiction is being pulled. one of the most competitive opinion tools have also sold that to be and so you could lose its pundum into the majority after 50 is also being in pow wow. what do you think about that? it does prove that these elections are the most important election since 1994,
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and the agency is simply a big trouble. and we believe that the distributed post it'd be to that the to lose these elections. and then you'll government would be for. the question is, what type of government would it be in the format of right? doing government with databases, democratic alliance. oh, would you at all for working with some point do is cesar and parties such as the 5th, which is a left wing consolidation, which is what we hold for. but this, it would be a possibility to apply to right wing conservation with the agency and the democratic alliance go in to get in the form a conservative onto black onto wilcox pro capitol pro impeded these government, which would be a cbs and disappointment for the majority of 4 people because it didn't mean that the progressive agenda, which is what we need to help or people out of pull,
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but the outdoor lens. let's miss out of the exclusion from the economy. we need to a left to provide to come for position. however, the ac, if it goes into government, we have the democratic guidelines that will be the end of that dream. it sees it to be suspended for another 5 years. i mean, i've also called these elections the most democratic and consistent elections in fits use. what's also described in veteran? nope. nope, nope, no, we have seen too many disturbing appearances. we have seen bundled papers in small shops, we have seen by the pip plus seem like dead dumb. we have seen like now disruptions of not opening and time extending. these all put units useful, a compromising of this process. we uh, is particularly those of us who are not in the, in part to believe that these elections are highly likely to be read in favor of
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the leading parts. there's also a perception that the conflicting guys, a maintenance was the decision. i'm from voters that today because the policies have different views on this particular case, that has been solved by a sabbatical rather by the is each to the international court of justice. do you agree with the state? it would be particularly important for the western cape wisdom. messy mosley community vote test day. the democratic alliance, which i only cleared except em, enjoyed support from this woodland communities has come out against the wireless dean and people. so that might sway the vote. us again to democratic airlines in the western cape because that situation would impact only in the western cape north nationality. however, nationally, all what people with the policy and people who have like you said,
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gays that might suffer some kind of a set back in these elections. but they usually has not been a very pronounced except for the wisdom teeth. and if the agencies votes she is in the needs of a full school to, to reach that 50 percent of it will have to make an agreement with certain political parties to govern with what the mt proxy go into. some sort of cooperation with the gains up. it has been presidents who might have said that to hey, he has left or he's vote. and i guess the answer to coordinate a is, to the extent that the n c would accept the proposition for that because they couldn't make transformation for change for linda distribution. we couldn't make tons formation to be brought into the ends of the black majority to to that extent, i believe that there might be passivity to of working together. but only if the n c accepts that i'd be kind of economy transform ation agenda,
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which you don't believe you do it because the agency like now is president the please, the script check, but white one up with a capital and it is on the letter present the black majority, thank you so much. i need them to tell me of for your perspective on these elections that was under them to, to, i'm a member often use the phone to him. condo is cesar, the m k. paul, to giving his take on the this election as because the things of yeah, as you say, we with those that polling stations the fully close their doors due to some disruptions. but we'll hear more in that in the coming hours are to you still have you come gaze live in johannesburg? now, the on folding is really assault on southern gals that has been decried by the u. n . special coordinator for the middle east peace process during the later session of the security council in new york. this is what rolls out a significant ground operations in their own rafa. the devastation is only intensifying the appalling incidents last sunday. when the report, 845 per,
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the seniors were killed, then 200 in good as to 10 stay where she had 3 and burned around them. does not stand alone and meet still king numbers of civilian casualties. i remind all parties on their obligations to protect civilians. we must strengthen and preserve the institutions of the palestinian authority before it is too late. as we must reach an agreement to release the hostages and put in place and immediately cease fire, there is absolutely no time to lose or from we're on this session as pross to our us, corresponding caleb mazda and caliber, just hearing their more and more pressing warnings from at the representative tickets through that i what else emerged from the meat today? well, after the briefing from the un representative special wrap or tour,
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we've then heard widespread condemnation of the recent attack on a designated humanitarians zone in rob that laughed, $45.00 dead over $200.00 injured. and council members were pretty unified in describing what has happened as unacceptable and condemning is rails actions. here's some of what we heard from various members of the 15 member body that leads to the united nations. what's option you see now once again family condemns to strike on the displaced persons in rasa, in what was supposed to be a safe zone. each proved once again that no place is a safe place for us to be amusing. also, we are talking about people, old, young children, people who instead of fulfilling their dreams and aspirations faces, nothing but struggles. for many of them, there is only one dream left to wake up tomorrow,
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a sense of helplessness. envelopes this small elected member of the council. in the face of the dehumanization, of a people disregard for the rule of law and impunity as when will its end. it is perhaps one of the greatest strategist tragedies of modern times, that the desire for the homeland has brought so much cruel suffering to the palestinian people. disagreeing reality reflects the brutal and senseless nature of these that i really occupation and the emotional community. her focus, put them into the on the, remember you money 30 and can i exist seemed goes. however, it is crucial to remember the deal or is, you know, the city of the suffering these the own. boeing,
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occupation the on going how publish mouth china addressed the security council as a permanent member of the un security council. and they urged israel to comply with the recent ruling from the international court of justice. that called for is realty health. it's bombing china also emphasize that they support full palestinian membership in the united nations full members, statewood status for the palestinians. now in the remarks we heard the chinese representative emphasize the upcoming china arab summit. that should be beginning soon. and at that gathering regional leaders will meet in beijing and discuss how to bring stability to the region. and many international observers will be keeping an eye on that gathering that is expected to begin shortly. now russia called out israel from the floor of the security council,
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pointed out that the country is blatantly not complying with international bodies as it continues its bombing campaign against the palestinians. here's what we heard from the representative of russia, or in spite of the resolutions of the security council and the general assembly, as well as the decisions of the international court of justice. israel continues to indiscriminately bom, central and southern parts of gaza. we condemn the air strike against the idp camp and rafa, and call israel to put an end to these war crimes against the palestinian people. we demand that israel strictly adhere to the provisions of the international humanitarian law attacks against the un personnel and the humanitarians working on the ground are unacceptable. the current worsening of situation in the israeli palestinian conflict demonstrates what tragic consequences are caused by the united states. since this attempt to monopolize mediation functions, to satisfy its unjustified ambitions, to solve all global problems alone, at the same time, americans are blocking all efforts from the international community to try and find
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the ways to resolve the middle east conflict entered correctly the historical injustice against palestinians among those staff using the veto by the united states of the security council draft resolution recommending to accept palestine as a member of the un computer and the yeah, kill it. there must go accusing washington of complicity. and israel is assault on gaza. what's the reaction to that? well, it's certainly worth noting that as the united states consistently works to protect israel and shield israel from criticism in international institutions, usa provide billions of dollars to israel to carry out it's ongoing onslaught. we did see us and u. k. leaders tried to distance themselves from recent actions by the israeli military. for example, we heard us leaders say that israel should do more to protect civilians and that they should remove barriers to the delivery of aid. here's what we heard from the
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us representative that we are heart broken and horrified by the depths of dozens of palestinian civilians. and the more than 200 individuals were seriously injured, including children following and is rarely ever strike on may 26. the continued pattern, a significant civilian harm resulting from incidents like sundays, air strikes, undermines israel, strategic goals and gaza. we have urged israel to do more to protect innocent pals to mean lives and to undertake a swift, transparent, and comprehensive investigation. israel must do more to protect innocence, palestinians, and garza, palestine and israel also took part in today security console session. their officials don't usually ments their words. what sort of exchange did we see to? well, the words from the palestinian representative emphasized the lack of accountability
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and how the whole world acknowledges that israel is engaging in genocidal activities or horrendous actions violating human rights killing civilians. but there seems to be no accountability or effort to stop what israel is doing despite international condemnation and international understanding. that is real. the actions are in violation of international law. nothing is being done to bring their actions to a halt, and that was the emphasis we heard from the palestinian representative. now when the is really representative to the floor. uh, the we heard calling out of the united nations for quote, emboldening terrorism. uh and he went on to describe what israel is doing, despite the civilian casualties as being a quote, just war against error as groups describing israel's actions as self defense and arguing the israel was indeed trying to protect civilians in the course of the
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conflict. so uh, quite a very different version and understanding the dance from the 2 representatives, but widespread condemnation of the recent bombing at the rough uh, designated humanitarian zone. the last 45 dead and over 200 wounded. and we heard, you know, the entire international community voicing outrage about these advance. however, we have rushed to emphasizing that certain countries seem to be giving israel a pass and protecting it from any actions that would limit it. and we heard the palestinian representative saying that while there is widespread understanding that what's going on is unacceptable. nothing's really being done to stop life from new york city. archie corresponding killing off and breaking mouth died. the turkish president has praised all the countries that recently recognized palestine as an independent state. reggie of ty, burton, one out of the global majority, has made its choice. and the full recognition of palestine should not be the
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exclusive responsibility of the un security council. police interview the i congratulate all the friendly countries that have demonstrated this 2 main stands. this break stands by recognizing palestine as a state. as of now, 147 countries have recognized palestine. in other words, more than 3 quarters of 193 countries that are members of the united nations accept palestine as a sovereign state. the common decision of $147.00 countries cannot be left to the discretion of the 5 members' security council. a growing number of western nations are pushing for palestine to gain independence status. ireland norway in spain recently became new members of the palestine recognition club. those countries also widely condemned recent idea of bombings in the rough, underscoring the urgency for a permanency spar and the 2 state solution. israel was quick to accuse the spanish prime minister of furthering the incitement against jews in response to his
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determination for a policy named state. should be established from one on last week across lab. no to go through guys on former turkish diplomats. we appreciate your time today. thanks for coming on the program. no, it's out. thank you for having me. as most of the world's countries have officially recognized palestine, what sort of pressure is not putting on the un security council to finally deliver on full membership for the nation? is it anywhere more likely as well? unfortunately, not as us my opinion because you know, there was a vote in the general assembly about a week or around 10 days ago for the full membership of the state of palestine. and i have 43 states. the country is voted yes. 20 something upstate and some countries including israel and the united states view it. so is, and you know, the us has already vetoed such
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a demand from palestine in the past. and they expressed very clearly the pastor, the vote in the general assembly that they would veto it again. so we're seeing that the us is blocking any kind of speak hood for the recognition of the palestinian state and the state of palestine. and they, what they're saying is that this should be negotiated between the palestine and israel. so i don't think that in the foreseeable future, we will see any change in the security council is august. the us does not change the status and it doesn't seem to be affecting the number of buttons being dropped by the idea of either is definitely not. what we're seeing now is the, the us continuing to show its unconditional support for israel. and this only emboldens the natania governments, because if a, to remind our viewers, you know,
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the binding administrator should have said that they had their, the red lines with regarding an offensive in rough. but when they asked us to a uh, the spokesperson and the white house, the curb be very simple. didn't israel cost your red line spying, you know, starting it offensive and rough? uh, but he said, you know, well, it's not a full scale to offensive. and the bombs that were used bluebird, really the heavy weight bombs, the ones that were really harmful by yesterday, that the tag. so the idea of actually entered the city center is rough. uh, so we're seeing that the us continues to be complicit in the genocide committed and, and also unfortunately, how i put a point to that i've heard or heard recently saying that if statehood for palestine at was so easy, it would have been done previously is not the right time to do it in the midst of
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a war, or is it the best time as well as not now the and when, because there were negotiations in the past, there were the also courts. i mean, this is a concept that has been going on for decades. it did the start on the 7th of october . it started way before. it's actually started before the population of the independence of israel and 1947. and um, so i think now is the best time for countries to finally recognize the state of the cost i can because we see that without having a 2 state solution in the middle east, we can't talk about really the regional peace and stability and a sustainable piece because a couple of years ago you know, the app or how the courts were signed and many.


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