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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, the buzz, or did you struggle for germany using the sanctions of flux mailing threads, mail to reports, just as a struggle for passing here. the russian foreign minister of slums, usaa tends to maintain a grip on world affairs. sounds more, a western countries eagerly seeking to open the door for you praying to use their supplies. long range weapons described russia. the bullying stations keep their doors open longer in the side of the african election. due to a big chairs, we break down of boats considered to be the most pivotal since the end of apartheid . the u. s. or it is israel to do more to protect innocent civilians in gals that stop shorts of moving to stop the war for
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a un security council resolution coming into the world release for from the line for most go. this is our to international a great to have your company for the news are that's good. and to our top story, the russian foreign minister has taken a up the us in front of impostors from over 30 countries. sir gilbert also condemned washington's attempts to quote, maintain global head gemini through conflicts like the one in ukraine or just a bleaching cause. just letting the, then, all the events that we can see now stem from the desire of us being at the head of the collective west and not lose attention money on the international arena. this is becoming more difficult if not impossible, when powerful economic giants rise primarily on the duration content, but also in africa and latin america. and this struggle for germany using sanctions, blackwell and threats, military force. this is a struggle for passive era,
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and it is clear that in this struggle we see the best grasp and all this illegitimate profits. in general, the agony of the will ordered that the us as imposing it is still imposing on everyone is beginning phone. yeah, i'm sorry, sorry, i never was a giving a speech in the context of the root causes of the ukraine complex and he gave us thing. so overview, all of the expansion of nights i since the collapse of the soviet union and read the dissolution of the wholesale parts. and he said he's been using said as a vehicle for the extension of us, a gemini, of a world politics. now he said this when i don't need a very famous statement. remember no one in east. i think i have some examples. he says that us faces in jersey for example, of being used as a keeper and under pressure and teach germany on the washington square of infancy. so i to be types of the know, speaking to pablo guidance, i have too many 17 crest to washington fuels. i've explained the rough uh, despite need of um,
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the creasing of offices of nights over the with the cooperation for so like i see agents for the number of things on proposals or things have been rejected by the western countries. i'm along with the security concerns. it's right, and he said for this led to the mid to agreement, which was supposed to bring peace to its own boss. uh, they were pretty much scrapped fi ukraine, which started launching, attacks on 70 and a half is which led russia to having no choice but to launch the special. but it feel preparation. oh, once again, save, it seems like western countries and not on the same page when it comes to weapons supplies, you create a subset, yes. of those disagreeable, spi hines. this what we've heard a lot of this rest of it over the past few days. in some countries, a green lighting strikes inside russian territory of the saying those and many have simply said nothing to with this stage but, but to put it into context. this comes with a us president job item facing a very tough election presidential election in november. this is totally behind you
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installed some birds, recent announcement of a 100000000000 euro package height from proof package as he caught it. because he says that if donald trump is to be successful in november, the money for ukraine simply could a dry up and embrace it. and of course, as a general election cold for july the force. now they being of course staunch boxes of ukraine gold. david cameron has been one of the most belligerent in, in, in that respect. and he's of cool set the, it's a okay for you crying to strike inside russian type, which is a very good all right, to your quote into the polls that could be a change of government embracing, which could say a change of direction in terms of the crate, of course, the situation in garza is in fact worsening rather than improving tensions or escalating that with the on swords against the palestinian people that that's a gain. increasing the pressure, particularly on the united states and job items. so we kind of looks very much like
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this is a long, strong solution for ukraine. the use of these long range missiles, what we're like deliver some kind of magical victory for ukraine when it doesn't look very likely. if we look at what's happening on the box and fossil fold, particularly the offensive in the household region with those russian trick 3rd vaulting costing. so he's always, you quite need defensive lines like a knife through butter. and those games, the very few games that you probably made during it's much warranty, but file counts, fountain offensive amount will be lost. all of this comes ahead of a so called peace conference is to take place in switzerland, around 70. the countries have signed off to that, but it looks like there's going to be no good news brought to the table. so we've heard from a number of europeans days on. well, the stones is towards the side, giving ukraine the, the thumbs up to launch me songs into the russian territory. what's the us saying right now? well, the official position is perhaps a little bit surprising. the us
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a few state press. but some miller said that washington advisors i gained strikes inside russian tennessee pub, is this where it is a case? well, potent, recently announced a multi 1000000 pound deal, or multi $1000000.00 deal to buy us cruise missiles and the podium said that, well, it doesn't place any restrictions on how you create and use those weapons that supplies what's covered on them because we haven't gotten yet knew about that cuz they publish weapons, but we are transferring to ukraine. they do not have such restrictions. grants can find in the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of these donation angle things west and the country should also remove such restrictions. diagnosis though these discussion is ongoing. and i would like to say that we are talking about police restrictions items that could either run no such restrictions that this problem doesn't use that you're getting sonya. so it appears that the us weapons will be used to strike gold strikes inside russian territory. although without that direct approval,
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but in fact they already all being used in somebody in areas. i've seen it myself 1st time on the ground in don't yet. and overall, as well as russia saying about all this, um west reg right now. say russia has been fairly consistent on this of its continuously worn. so this is simply a waste of money that this is the only people profiting. i don't have this all the ministry industrial conflict. and the provisional use of these long range missiles was really big 20 successes, but they would just cause more 70. that's a more terror attacks. now president vladimir putin who was in test ken very recently, he said that nights had come, sees applying a very dangerous guide. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that this is as a rule, a states with a small territories and a very dense population that i showed us. and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into
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russian territory. this is a serious matter. and we are, of course, watching it very carefully get through. it's a new service terminal, continues nato. your opinion seem to be incomplete. disarray us a gemini, is weakening, a new crane. i mean, support has appeared to be coming more and more desperate. when we discuss that with nikolai markovich or far ahead of the west east in geo, who says the us as a party, happy to pull the strings while letting its european allies face off against russia . there's a lot of hypocrisy. the us is okay. they've given me styles out your conditions, but it's going to be with your permission to do the dirty job. it doesn't want dismissal officially to be used on russian soil, but it doesn't mind if a pull in or neighboring countries get more and more involved in this conflict. and definitely if the are to do that, if they will be doing that, it's only because of the us to jump money because they're following us orders. uh,
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they're not acting as independent sovereign states looking for their own interest. i mean, for example, what would be the interest of with polling or just waiting to go to war directly with russia? this would be something crazy and then just in the, in today's times and you have with the economic situation, you do that. how about, i mean being what it is, this has no interest is an upcoming piece, a summons in, in uh, in switzerland. and they're talking about sending weapons to country so that they can call them bob rush. having this, this strange way of negotiating, peace or concern, peace and behind all of these countries. and behind on this axis, of course we've got washington pulling strings. so i think of, uh, of course you cannot say that these are independent past over the nations in the, in your, today's washington is 30 behind this and, and they're just not want. we're wanting to admit that, that they're there on the front front of this war against russia. millions of south africans helping, taking to the portals today. the ruling african national congress party looks to be
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facing its toughest selection challenge in 30 years. with many predicting a coalition government may have to be formed for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. the own yeah, d coast to 28000000 south africans registered to cast their ballots. now the country uses a proportional voting system for its $400.00 seat national assembly. that's significant because the newly elected members will choose the next president during a major vote. the 2 biggest opposition parties, the democrats, a line supported by many whites in the country on the far left economic freedom fighters, or f, f, a both taking to prevent the and see from winning an i tried majority yet again, with the polls now officially close the spike big, choose your short correspondence love. you couldn't go with a recap of the one day vote to the applicant national congress that has been in
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power for the last 30 years. that is facing task competition from a key position. and most of the new companies in the countries politics the, the, to now to it has been huge, as we've seen compared to previous years with long choose the scene in the main cities of janice. but devin and cape town and at the small left provinces as well, we are the her to from many votes is who we were speaking to. and they said to be a view on what to expect from these evictions on the ground to most people highlighted branding. issues such as locating unemployment, crime, and many other things. the some have openly said they would consider voting for the opposition. i'm with the hope for change or as the parties that have just come into the industry for a few around the for a view of how those the next is that have been handled across the board and across
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. so that's become, well, we talked to e f, f party representative of re weigh anthony. so in johannesburg and i asked him, what he believed were the main issue. citizens wanted prioritized those. the counselor boats as the as of game with the key is look and that's a 2024 is are 1994 because we believe that the premises of 1994 we're not fulfilled . we have been faced with a lot of tendencies. it was still flawed, say, being of discuss it of 2 ups, but to try to get on people. so we have not been we've enjoyed the fruits of, of, of that, you know, into full hands is empty. we stood up and said, oh and i, what you do to this would be an incident before because we believe that's a lot needs to be changed. there's nothing this debt over the seats. there is no public governments that we see from the northern parts, and therefore we hoping that the 2 days votes, we try to give us a pro fee to not the freedom of, of capital least of tend opinions. but we give us
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a key of freedom of job creation and we know that f is our last is our, that's hope for service, the 5 and towards the. so the based organization of the summit cooperation, comprising of 57 member states, has urged the un security council to put an end to israel's operation and gather the secretary general held these really occupation accountable for the consequences of its crimes, terrace practices and brutal attacks against the palestinian people which are inconsistent with all human values, v o i c renewed it's call on the international community, especially the un security council to assume its responsibilities and compelling israel to implement the orders of the international court of justice to stop. this is really aggression immediately. well, joining us now from tel aviv is really middle east expert and i d f military intelligence veteran more to kite kit dar. mr. dar, you're most welcome at to the program. we just heard there what was perhaps the
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most united direct statements at seen from the oh, i see on this. you've also got the, you and the i c j urging the idea of to hold its actions. does the pressure, does it actually does it factor with these real at all? not much, because we know that if we don't finish the job with some us tomorrow all day after tomorrow, we can get to another month of october. this amount is, this is this like organization is to be finished just like, well the, as soon as the ice is in a level, the same thing or the americans with the they did with the guy to these organizations, which, oh, like dental can not be left in order to free meant again and to do the same thing
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as they did on the 7th of october. we have an ongoing, it's really mostly operation in the southern most guys in the city of rough know, israel had previously designated at a safe zone that so more than a 1000000 policy in the in sling there, there were essentially told to go there for safety and it's on the board with egypt, which itself has refused to take in refugees. do you have appreciation for those people when they are told to go somewhere and keep moving on, continue to see palms. what do they do? and if they decide just to stay there, can you appreciate thought that they don't want to move on because dallas is their home? so it is lots of now is almost literally empty because of those civilians wearing off on the 2 or 3 weeks ago. we own another area and no
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12, martha named milwaukee. and today, those are the nonsense, mostly the, the dash or the, the ice is the name how most people this is what happens in the off abruptly the way, sorry, sorry to interrupt them. we don't know that for sure. do we? because we have to take the id f word all. not because journalist cannot go in there independently to verify it. you're right and go for it easily to go to, to make sure that the civilians had lift it off as we filled them all literally for more than 3 weeks, which we call a pull them with all kinds of ways to leave off before it is installed. the operational hold off of to being empty in those people. most of the, the way i think like 99 percent of the people moved to another area looks off off.
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i'm in milwaukee which is on the sea shore and they have 6 of them. nothing happens to the, to them in that place. what we're hoping that is the case. but we've seen before, when people have moved to designated safe zones, those cities have subsequently been volume after they left. yes, you're right. on the figures that people have continued to stay there on civilians are, are, are, are, of course getting caught are being killed in the crossfire. so this is a war zone. and these people are moving from place to place according to the advanced worth of the war we are at where it goes. this building is ition, which kills more than a 1000 is ladies on october 7th. and i do expect the normal companies like russia support these links in this effort. we also have the wife hospital
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appearing to step up its criticism though of israel's military operation. in fact, we can take a listen together if you like to, to what was said most recently by us national security spokesperson john kirby. that is the real danger. that is real itself could become further isolated from the international community just by dint of the manner in which they are conducting operations. so this is of concern clue because it's not it, it's not in israel's best interest and it's not in our best interest. do you think washington could potentially cut or separate in some way? it's support for israel over what is occurring in the process. we do have discussions with the americans. we do taken into account the concerns of dominic as, as well expressed. but mr. cubey, yet we do have also i will the months because it is literally population 100
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percent of the population is like the mind get through the homeowners. there's no way to live side by side, middle such an organization. so the easily government has to take both sides in a column and do the right thing in order to enable is i live in this area rather than died. i think that we 1st of these organizations named how about us. ok, the few is all of it's really middle east expert, an idea of military intelligence veteran mordecai kit are we appreciate your time. thank you. thank you so much. i now, the unfolding is really assault on the southern guns that has been the cry by the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process. during the late the session of the security council in new york. this is what rolls out a significant ground operations in their own rafa. the devastation is only intensifying the appalling incidents last sunday when they reported $45.00 per,
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the seniors were killed and $200.00 in good. as the attendance they were to see a thing in burned around them, does not stand alone and meet still king numbers of civilian casualties. i remind all parties on their obligations to protect civilians. we must strengthen and preserve the institutions of the palestinian authority before it is too late. as we must reach an agreement to release the hostages and put in place and immediately cease fire, there is absolutely no time to lose the united nations security council convinced and what we heard was very widespread condemnation of the recent attack on a refugee camp a designated humanitarian zone in ross us $45.00 left dead over $200.00 of injured at the hands of the israeli military. now south africa emphasized israel is simply
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not complying with international law that their crimes against the palestinians are simply in violation of everything that's been put forward. they describe the activities as genocide, all and urge to international bodies to take action, to restrict israel and it's crimes. in addition to that, we heard from the representative of the united air, the amorous hail, the possibility of a ceasefire, emphasized support for culture and the efforts to bring a negotiated ceasefire to stop the onslaught against the palestinians, and also called out israel's actions as atrocious. while countries emphasize the need for a ceasefire and negotiations, there was widespread an outrage about israel's recent activities from a number of different countries. here's some of what we heard. so the now once again family condemns to strike on the displaced persons in rafa in which was supposed to be a safe zone. each proved once again that no place is
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a safe place for us to be amusing. also, we are talking about people, old young children, the people who instead of fulfilling their dreams and aspirations faced nothing but struggles. for many of them, there was only one dream left to wake up tomorrow, a sense of helplessness. envelopes this small elected member of the council in the face of the dehumanization, of people disregard for the rule of law and impunity. when will it? and it is perhaps one of the greatest strategist tragedies of modern times that the desire for their homeland has brought. so much cruel suffering to the palestinian people, disagree him. reality reflects the brutal and senseless nature of these id or ca, page, and the motional community her focus,
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put them into the on do member you money 30 and can i existing goza? however, it is crucial to remember the deal or is, you know, the city of the sufferings these the ongoing occupation, the ongoing or push shina addressed the security council as a permanent member of the un security council. and they urged israel to comply with the recent ruling from the international court of justice that called for is realty halt. it's bombing china also emphasize that they support for palestinian membership in the united nations full members, statewood status for the palestinians. now, in the remarks we heard the chinese representative emphasize the upcoming china error summit that should be beginning soon and at that gathering regional leaders
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will meet in beijing and discuss how to bring stability to the region. and many international observers will be keeping an eye on that gathering that is expected to begin shortly. now, russia called out israel from the floor of the security council, pointed out that the country is blatantly not complying with international bodies as it continues its bombing campaign against the palestinians. here's what we heard from the representative of russia. repeaters, and in spite of the resolutions of the security council and the general assembly, as well as the decisions of the international court of justice. israel continues to indiscriminately bom, central and southern parts of gaza. we condemn the air strike against the idp camp . and rafa and call israel to put an end to these war crimes against the palestinian people. we demand that israel strictly adhere to the provisions of the international humanitarian law attacks against the un personnel and the
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humanitarians working on the ground are unacceptable. the current worsening of situation in the israeli palestinian conflict demonstrates what tragic consequences are caused by the united states since its attempt to monopolize mediation functions to satisfy its unjustified ambitions. to solve all global problems alone. at the same time, americans are blocking all efforts from the international community to try and find the ways to resolve the middle east conflict and to correct the historic to injustice against palestinians. among those staff is the veto by the united states of the security council draft resolution recommending to accept palestine as a member of the u. n. well, it's certainly worth noting that as the united states consistently works to protect israel and shield israel from criticism in international institutions, the usa provide billions of dollars to israel to carry out it's ongoing on slot. we did see us and u. k. leaders tried to distance themselves from recent actions by the israeli
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military. for example, we heard us leaders say that israel should do more to protect civilians and that they should remove barriers to the delivery of aid. here's what we heard from the us representative. we are heart broken and horrified by the depths of dozens of palestinian civilians and the more than 200 individuals were seriously injured, including children following and is rarely ever strike on may 26. the continued pattern. a significant civilian harm resulting from incidents like sundays, air strikes, undermines israel, strategic goals in gaza. we have urged israel to do more to protect innocent pals to me and lives, and to undertake a swift, transparent, and comprehensive investigation. israel must do more to protect innocence, palestinians, and gaza. while the words from the palestinian representative emphasized the lack of accountability and how the whole world acknowledges that israel is engaging in
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genocidal activities or her renders actions violating human rights killing civilians. but there seems to be no accountability or effort to stop what israel is doing despite international condemnation and international understanding. that is real. the actions are in violation of international law. nothing is being done to bring their actions to a halt, and that was the emphasis we heard from the palestinian and representative. now when the israeli representative took to the floor at the we heard calling out of the united nations more quote, emboldening terrorism. and he went on to describe what israel is doing, despite the civilian casualties as being a, quote shuster more against terrorist groups describing israel's actions as self defense and arguing that israel was indeed trying to protect civilians in the course of the conflict. so quite a very different version and understanding the dance from the 2 representatives,
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but widespread condemnation of the recent bombing at the rough uh, designated humanitarian zone. that laughed $45.00 dead and over $200.00 wounded. and we heard, you know, the entire international community voicing outrage about these events. however, we have rushed to emphasizing that certain countries seem to be giving israel a pass and protecting it from any actions that with limited. and we heard the palestinian representative saying that while there is widespread understanding that what's going on is unacceptable. nothing's really being done to stop it. now indonesia is priority. as regards the middle east is to see peace in does up bounce according to the countries foreign ministry, which is also calling from warranty, monetary and aid to be delivered to palestinians. ortiz rebecca, not be to portal itself. the story for us from your current, the initials ministry of foreign affairs has stated that the top objective in the
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present is your palestine. conflict is due and the war usual pushed this agenda with a direct approach urging is around to stop the occupation. what emphasizing in alicia's positions towards the 2 state solution, as well as in direct approaches to mobilize support for power flight and urge is you're out to stop the war. also opening as much access as possible for humanitarian assistance. this has also been implemented in how in asia has been active and massive. please mobilizing support for resolution to 712 on humanitarian keys and to 7 to 0. on increased 8 for gaza, which were open for close sponsorship. denisia has urgent support from neighboring . i see on and the caribbean community during her time involves the nation for administer, met with the foreign ministers of ireland, spain,
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and nor we an additional walk comes the 3 countries position to recognize the state of palestine. and the recognition is important for the implementation of the 2 state solution. they cannot be the full reporting from jakarta for r t. all right, tom is are lots for not. but next we venture into some of america's deadliest neighborhoods to try and answer the question, why do so many in the black community seem to be intimate nelson, white like sound? it gets going here the the
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