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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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on the bus, this struggle for germany using sanctions like failing threats. camille to report this is a struggle for testing 0. the russian foreign minister slums, us attempts to maintain a strangle hold the world of hers as more western countries eagerly seek to open the door for you prayed to use their long range weapons, distract russia, old clothes, and one is expected to be a closely fort fights for control of parliament in south africa likes to name the next president. we breakdown of votes considered to be the most pivotal since the end of apartheid. adult. oh no. the. the
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somebody that i mean all the trouble, most people gals ins express fury over is really actions in the alpha. while the idea of the latest a legit strike claims are reported. 21 lives others found meant to be a 6 the could have you with this for the news, our here in a r t international to our top story today. the russian foreign minister has taken name of the us in front of a box of hers from some 30 countries. sir, your love for all condemn washington's attempts to quote, maintain global head gemini through conflicts like the one in ukraine. a just cause just the then all the events that we can see now stem from the desire of the us being at the head of the collective west to not lose germany on the international arena. this is becoming more difficult if not impossible,
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when powerful economic giants rise primarily on the duration content, but also in africa and latin america. and this struggle for germany using sanctions like mailing threats, military force. this is a struggle for passive era, and it was quoted on the struggle we see the best grasp and all this illegitimate methods. in general, the agony of the will order that the us as imposing it is still imposing on everyone is beginning phone here, because when i started started, i never was given a speech in the context of the root causes of the ukraine complex. and he gave a thing, so overview, all of the expansion of nato. he seems to collapse of the soviet union and really the dissolution of the wholesale parts. and he said it's been huge since then as a vehicle for the extension of us, a gemini, of a world politics. now, he said this when i don't need a very famous statement. remember no one in east. they gave some examples. he said to us by some new jersey, for example, offering use that to keep berlin under pressure and teach germany on the washington
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sphere of influence. he saw, i took the case of the knoll sticking to my body and said to him, least empty, i guess, to washington, do you want to explain the rough uh, despite the um, the creasing of volunteers of night. so it was a waste. so cooperation, voice, so negotiations is put forward a number of things using proposals or things have been rejected by the western countries and on with the security concerns. it's right. and he said for this led to the mid to agreements, which was supposed to bring peace to its own boss. uh, they were pretty much scrapped by ukraine, which started launching, attacks on 70 and a half is which led russia to having no choice but to launch the special. but it feel preparation. oh, once again, save, it seems like western countries and not on the same page when it comes to weapons supplies, you create a subset. yes. of those disagreeable sp hines. this what we've heard a lot of this rest of it over the past few days. in some countries, a green lightning strikes inside russian territory. are the saying no,
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and many have simply said nothing. that's what at this stage, but, but to put it into context, this comes with a us president job item facing a very tough election presidential election in november. this is partly behind jim stocum birds, recent announcement of a 100000000 euro package, a trump proof package, as he called it. because he says that if donald trump is to be successful in november, the money, so you crating something good, a dry up and embrace it. and of course as a general election cold for july the force. now they've been of course, staunch boxes of ukraine. bill david cameron has been one of the most belligerent in, in, in that respect. and he's of cool set the, it's a okay for you crying to strike inside russian tab, which is a very good all right. k, according to the pose that could be a change of government embracing, which could say a change of direction in terms of ukraine. of course, the situation in goza is, in fact worsening rather than uh, improving tensions or escalating that with the on swords against the palestinian
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people. that that's a game increasing the pressure, particularly on the united states and job items. so we kind of looks very much like this is the last chance solution for ukraine. the use of these long range missiles . what would like deliver some kind of magical victory for you? crime when it doesn't look very likely. if we look at what's happening on the positive possible, so particularly the offense, if in the household region with those russian treat sort vaulting a testing. so we that as you probably need defensive lines, like a knife through butter and those gains, the very few games that you probably made during. it's much warranty, but file counts counter offensive. of now it will be lost. all of this comes ahead of a so called peace conference is to, to take place in switzerland, around 70. the countries have signed off to that, but it looks like there's going to be no good news brought to the table. so we've heard from a number of the european stays on. well, the stones is towards the side giving you crating the,
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the thumbs up to launch me songs into russian territory. it was the us saying right now. well, the official position is a pop to little bit surprising the us a few state press. but some miller said that washington advisors again strikes engleside russian. talent cheap up. is this where it is a case? well, potent, recently announced a multi 1000000 pound deal, or multi $1000000.00 deal to buy us cruise missiles and the podium said that, well, it doesn't place any restrictions on how you credit users, those weapons, it supplies. what's covered on to them because we haven't gotten yet knew about that cuz it publish weapons that we are transferring to ukraine itself. do not have sex restrictions grants can find in the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of this donation that combines western countries should also remove such restrictions. diagnosis though these discussion is ongoing. and i would like to say that we're talking about police restrictions that could either on no
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such restrictions at this point and you're stuck, you're getting sonya. so it appears that the us weapons will be used to strike gold strikes inside russian territory. although without that direct approval, but in fact, they already all being used in civilian areas. i've seen it myself 1st time on the ground in don't yet. and overall, as well as russia saying about all this, the rest reg right now. say russia, who's being fairly consistent on this of its continuously bones. this is simply a waste of money that this is the only people profiting. i don't have this all the ministry, industrial conflict. and the provisional use of these long range missiles would really be 20 successes, but they would just cause most of any that's a more terror attacks. now, president vladimir putin who is in task 10, very recently. he says it's nice to come. see, he's applying a very dangerous guy, but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember
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that this is as a rule est with a small territories, and a very dense population that i showed us. and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before us talking about striking deep into russian territory. this is a serious matter. and we are, of course, watching it very carefully get through. it's a new brain's going. surface term all continues. now you tell me your opinion seem to be incomplete. disarray us a gemini, is weakening, a new crane on it supports has appeared to be coming more and more desperate. the millions of people across south africa's 9 provinces took to the polls. on wednesday, the ruling african national congress party looks to be facing it's tougher selection challenge in 30 years. with many projecting a coalition government may have to be formed for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. the country uses
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a proportional voting system for its 406 national assembly and the newly elected members. we'll choose the next president during a later vote. the 2 biggest opposition parties, the democratic alliance, supported by many whites in the country on the far left economic freedom fighters are f, f r, both seeking to prevent the a and see from winning an arthritis majority. yet again, with the polls, the 1st they closed here, started correspondence. we look for you, come gay with a brief recap of the one day vote. according to the i is the c o. so i'm unable to bring immediate briefing at the results of operation center in mentor into the commission voltage. i lost the election results before sunday on sunday, the 2nd of june, the commission. so the states that it is not to very intense and take more than 7 days and have the country in suspense for longer periods of time. so that's because that have no more time left to make. the voices heard in the 7th administration and
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that's the slice call outages and a few disruptions which have a sort of delays of voting post. this is the kind see see i did make a port yes. voltage to try and continue caustic. they're both even off the 9 p. m. but the doors at this particular moment to have a being different closed. can you take us off the fact that the african national congress, which has been in the paul wall for the last 30 years, is the facing task competition from some key of position policies. and most of the, those are new companies in the countries, the political scene. we also know that despite the predictions and poles suggesting otherwise, voter turnout has been a huge compared to the, to the previous years. with long twos, seen in the main, the cities off johannesburg in durban as well as cape town and as the smaller
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provinces the into this is the some parts of the eastern cape also heard from some votes as early as, as they said, just their views on why they have decided to vote who they've voted for and also wants to can be expected in these elections that have just come to an end on the ground. though most people are highlighted burning questions and branding issues such as locating unemployment crime in many as that she in this real fast is that some have open be said. they would consider voting for the opposition party. and as the smallpox is, what's the hope for change? yeah, big issues on the table there. we heard from a n. c spokes person, the lady banker who broke down the parties priorities for the rainbow, nation going forward. it's important to fall out and say, i want your political work and sconces with save the web would do here at home. to
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show that to you, but basic services to a people 4 to 7, to ensure that a we full access to education including higher education, which is a calamity. it seems that he is a goal for the 1st time. young women mean they tie education for the 1st time. we put young women quite new to subjects who pilots. well, who are doing amazing work? it is, is, it is out until say, the point is of it for taught by an internet government. and of course, to make sure that social protection associated transformation continues to an interpreted such as the crime system that is often criticized. but we know that without the crime system, a lot of follow up people, particularly the leader, as particularly those that don't have jobs, would not have been able to fulfill the changes. so that's where to continue and a known site, the where to do intuition. i mean, you know, one know,
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9 when stuffs. but i do know in a way when we 1st a piece of focus, whatever we called the point to force that piece control. and that is how we feed into being in the way around depression and creating a conflict in the way we 2 way to do it in palestine. we're proceeding to focus on the, the, the disposition and the oppression of all for a decided on her side of our people in wisdom. so her and a wicked with countries such as a nigeria. so julia, okay, to the middle east on to northern gals that were is really, are a strikes, killed at least 2 palestinians, and injured many more people in the city of jack ballier on wedding stay. that is according to local of thought. i'd sees a head of that the is really military also continues it's earth strikes in the rock, the overnight, ignoring an order from the international court of justice to pulse attacks in a city overflowing with refugee for ford. se id have tons of pushed through to the
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center of gallons, a southern low city, a wanting where to bike to show you some disturbing images. the latest deadly strike on the, on the wall. c, 10 comp is locally reported to obtain 21 lives, the majority of them women, the area had been designated a safe. so by piece really army, the idea of house denied targeting the camp despite another refugee side on the outskirts of an offer. also being hit in the past. we've heard from locals about the situation and the size of the in the off i'm after the, i don't know that much on, on the i'm going to show no, i'm going to yes. the the
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the send me an act upon the kilometer. so the not, we're not, i'm not supposed to sit down with you on by the way, but when i was involved, i don't, i don't know how you're going to try to handle it. so i'm glad i did all the trouble. mostly small was rarely assault on the southern guys, intensifies with casualties rise in including civilians. we've been, boardman is continuing global outrage on april sunday, dudley attack remains very strong to remind you as well. and what the idea of described as a precise strike targeting i have mass compound, hates the area in the south of this. how is seen in clay, near a camp for displaced people. those guys who earlier had flooded the atrocities in the north of this tree floating for refuge in some safety near the 2 info. and as a result of the least 45 people were killed and another 280. and now new details
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emerging, cnn report confirms that you estimate bodies have been used and is really stripe on sunday, based on analysis of food, which from the same and the review by exclusive wesson's experts. they were head portion of the mediation is these things. and the guidance and when section is extremely unique compared to all the munitions guidance and when sections of munitions often the remnants left over even after munition designates, i saw the tailor creation section and instantly knew it was one of the s d, b, g, b us such a 9 variance. these reports are hard to be independently verified now, but if for it's a big deal. and we might expect some reaction from washington as president joe biden earlier said. he wouldn't allow certain us weapons to be used in a major offensive and rough funds. there was a feeling of a red line for the us in this matter. so far we only heard pentagon deputy press
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secretary saying that she has no information on the ammunition used for where they can turn his questions to is wailings for now investigating this incident. meanwhile, former american presidential candidate center nikki haley has been touring. is role in the last couple of days. at one of the location is a military long chain ground. she was photographed sign a one of the shelves. the signs had finished them. the pictures immediately went fly roland, spar of outrage and condemnation as a weapon. the american politician blasted it to kill could potentially end up killing civilians. finish them. this is what my friend, the former ambassador, nikki haley wrote today about the show during a visit to an artillery post on the northern border. the id asking when diane everything's nikki haley visited us today. she went to the west bank settlements and then went to ride in the bomb. finish them. just disgusting. can you please
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take her back? we already have one ben via and we don't need your feel. fidel promotion politicians as well. thanks. again many a month. the global community condemned hayes rose attack and rough for area that resulted in civilian jobs, but not the last. israel's key ally remains supportive. white house national security council spokesman cold the incident hard breaking but confirmed the jo vitamins policy towards israel once change. how many more chard corpses does he have to see before the president considers the change to pop? we don't want to see a single, more innocent life taken and i kind of take a little offense that the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. and this is not something that we've turned a blind eye to, nor has it been something we've ignored or neglected to raise with ours really counterparts. as a result of this trick on sunday, i am no policy changes to speed. do it just happened these railways. you're going
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to investigate it in day and it just happened. meanwhile humanitarian situation in rough deteriorates, according to the red crescent snow hospital in the sea to kind of receive patients right now because of the constant idea of from bard went of the area, the south holes that we made is crowded, increasing the race golf collateral damage has the idea of doesn't seem to be ready to end it's attacks. we heard this in the whole earlier saying many times that nothing and no one will stop as well. and this is what we see exactly happening right now. the idea of continues is operation in southern gaza. we support toby's welski ally of course, the race and not in the meanwhile is really lawmakers have passed a preliminary draft to designate the human relief and works agency for palestine. refugees, a terrorist organization. the votes in the connected were 42 in favor and 6 against the new. if that bill becomes law, israel will see sold, ties with on right,
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on the organizations assets and this really held territory shift dealing with it. stuff expel the motion was launched after is really to some on rough employees of directly taking part in the kid. nothing of people during the october 7th. however, we got reaction to the latest developments from the conflict specialist saw them. you did you do? what was the, i love to blazing b o y s missionary in day by 3 stories is news that there won't be any problem. there. phone device, this eh, these areas for the problem or if you are speaking, you use the issue. i've seen that refugees, the best interest is to do much the whole idea of a single reduced and reviews. yeah, ivy over any organization which is dead because according to the order was established it's we function due to the brother that i saw the
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american already be involved and fox sports in, in this war i'm facing on now this genocide what it is also united states from a to z there, i think it's over this war. so they kind of play this kind of, you know, role that the good guys seems like like bice isn't right on the beach. these are the years to be here is option drawbridge, i think that the yeah. history support of june the side as way as we, as you know who the city just the now the latest u. s. media defense of israel's actions in gallons. a staff writer for the american based atlantic magazine has questioned the death toll in the end type thing. the numbers reported be trusted. graham would also said the killing of innocence can legally be justified if they're being used as human sheets. even when
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conducted legally will result really, it is possible to kill children legally. if for example, one is being attacked by an enemy who hides behind them? well, the palestine director of the defense for children, international, n g o stays, there is no excuse for the killing of even under their provision. the provision of are the big city. it was supposed to been of the life of the to the end of their division and they have to have them up front of the section or from any kind of wireless. instead of that without committing crimes against humanity, genocide against children. unfortunately, every day we hear about the kid in goals, tens of children. first of all is that i and is that to market it out of the way. that is, ryan, is a good thing to know on the part of the legal, targeted that you put in and they did, or according to zillow. why is the law is so far from that is the law can say that
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i need crime against children in any circumstances as a lot of crime and the grim against the amenities is a little continual. would continue, or the 1st step is dismissed and that's the new born thought of getting those honest in there in the and why or that because of the complicity of what i'm that was do in the states instead of rustic is that i had to apply to the international law on 36, the life of the civilians they are overriding them was model. i'm, is i, is it a few as an addicted is that it was of the i c j and of course that is also. busy role of the i c c i hope. busy it will be soon them a mission the best against pennsylvania, but administered on the defense and stuff. but because of the affected by that i was in the states in particular us and the u. k. and of course there is no accountability system up to now. so they're continually decrypts. hundreds of
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people have rallied 4 guns outside of these really and the seat in brussels, police were quick to on least tear gas and water coming on the seemingly peaceful crowd. officials say the gathering was dispersed by force because it had not been sanctioned by a far thank of the well, it is the 2nd says protest in the belgian capital just this week. the state of things we're heading, the was they weren't brussels, the slough functions on this real over its actions in the war. meanwhile, belgian prime minister alexander, to prove safe, he's hoping to gather a large group of european countries. they've started a sweeping recognition of tell us the name of the, the indian foreign minister has double done on the countries bid for permanent membership of the un security council. new delhi pointed to the top world bodies
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failure to enforce the recent ruling by the international court of justice that ordered israel to hold its assault on the gas and city of water off up india's top . different lot, save his nation is prepared to struggle for more, say, up to the garden, permanent membership on the you in the see our aims to get it as soon as possible. but this goal won't beat you soon, because the permanent members to enjoy a lot of cloud, whether it's ukraine, regardless, they've dealings amongst a cellphone issues that affect the whole world. so they won't want the number from and members to become 6th and 7th or date. so if we have to, we'll have to make everyone aware, we can pressure and persuading them now only then we will achieve our goals for members will fit for in indian diplomats month. you set saves the international community, would benefit from giving new delhi a permanency only un security council. as it was, it was a situation scenario has shifted and the world has changed. the number of
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membership number remember in the went has gone up many phones. exactly 190. 2000 not mistaken. all right, but so what so and so what change that is happening across the world? oh no, i think yes. then all the other nations of the general assembly uh uh, is not able to uh, the person that it should be able to us all the seasons. uh, really, again, because of the be too far it would be 5. 0 any one of the members? so i think the, the, the, the video, the gentleman of the, uh, the gentleman generally of the rent in the 70 and the one that said, uh if i told him to question because it is unable to prevent conflict results. conflict and this particular case to try and move and implement the 2 nation uh, the 2 state concept. zombie essays. it's on the
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verge of overcoming a 3 year long default on its depth after almost all of its international bottomed holders agree to a restructuring proposal. the 2nd defaulted on it to europe on death and late 2020 of the peak of cove. it now the southern african country has since cooperated with a g 20 platform to bring together major predators such as china. the debt restructuring plan has face delays caused by challenges to the nation's economy, including this, your deb sitting right there. well, the spike in world wide interest rate sharpen the data issue in recent years for per are nations particularly a un conference on freight and development. last month, worn to of a crisis with developing countries, paying a run, $50000000000.00 more to foreign predators found they had actually received in those we have the flow is going from the south to the north is i say that is like a reverse. see a black for instance. so you have the small and medium sized countries that don't
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move the markets, the ones that are in the distress or, or even gnostic place on where they are spending more on there that done on their human development live, discuss, they run the vacations of the debt developments with to experts from somebody itself or their at least the signing of a subsidy problem is supposed to be spec, paid each bits of space and the points of the 1st payment dixon review the next $20.00 days. unfortunately, despite the fact that now does it does inspection deal, i think that date is good for then we just went through all these programs to give you the steps in order things that somebody has to be the most. right. 13 different countries on the applicant point and then somebody, i don't say,
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don't go until done their photo did lots of money to such as they didn't, they didn't begin to pay big. and so when they knew that, you mean now we had issues of know when do to reach direct of that, you know, there's a big issue and it looks to me staring somebody and indeed other nations in the face that of the u. n. morning the dozens of nations are facing so called death, the stress. what's the risks that come with that with the national modern system is a system on the waiting room. but it also got categories, especially those in stock. so hot admission in the ninety's structural investment program, the front door told us to buy with as off in the phase. unfortunately, investment moved in some fact that as well. and unfortunately, i've been unable to grow up to the extent to be able to provide the resources to be able to invest sparks and find interest in this environment and or policies. now,
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while we have forgiven this because they that's, did you get the types of markets and the most do the dimensions. we have given boxes by get, you know, unfortunately the emissions added to the deals. and those are privately just as compared to the realization that doesn't the finances of that's what was of the size of the item is formed, gives you the. busy total gauge on the unfortunately, those have been very difficult in steps. i need really care says we're getting the loans. are they really i it's difficult to pay them then i will stick into loans because of the fact that the, oh and this is our fishing and look, the issue is that the same day i'll be getting pointed in the world. keep one bottle and then we fail to pay for it. so we need to find a solution and then you're going to make solution to this issues we. we shouldn't be highly dependent on any device. no.


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