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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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with one of the most barbaric acts the world has witnessed in some time, which it must be said, follows months of other barbaric acts. there is an international global outcry right now against israel after the of railey government of baby nathan yahoo has just attacked. and again, burned alive, according to press reports. more than 40 people 46, that last count, that number could obviously change. it could grow. it included children who were trapped like animals in a refugee camp in rafa. let's take a look at some of these pictures. the, as we look at this year, we're thinking that many of those people were intense. and again, they had no place to go because they had been told to go there because other parts of raw fault would probably be attract. so they were stuck in essence,
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and they couldn't move what all of a sudden, they got a hit with missile strikes. it came after the u. n. and the i c. c, the international criminal court had essentially said that israel must face what it's doing, what stop the attack on ruffle and accused him as well as we know. because we've seen a lot of these reports already, that they were in fact being accused of a genocide. and yet with all the seals of that right after that report came out right after that warning came out. this happened by the way, israel is essentially saying, oops, didn't mean it again the us as they're angry, but they're not going to be doing anything about it. the of the us that is not the you and the u. n. is investigating. and as we look at this, we can't help but try and figure out how is we'll, we'll react, what eventually the world will do about this. let me bring manila and to talk about
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this a little bit. but to let your, your, your reaction to some of this video as it came in over the weekend. i mean, rick, what else can we say? but heart breaking. i, i personally am the child of refugees during the secret war in laos during the vietnam war. the greater vietnam war, and i could tell you from my family's experience and what they told me about refugee camps, it's a controlled area. and if it, this is an official refugee camp, as they purport it to be. these people are in fact trapped. there's a perimeter that's set around, and this was supposed to be the safe zone. we already know from a week 2 weeks ago when the incursion into rafa have 1st transpired. joe biden, you know, did a very soft slap of the wrist onto b, b. net. and yahoo and said we're gonna, we're gonna hold, we're gonna time out the shipments we were going to send you because you shouldn't have gone into rafa. but here we are again,
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with more additional bombardment shipments said to be yeah, and the look we have heard time and time again after incidents like this one. and there have been a plenty. oh yes, there may have been a mistake. we will investigate. we'll get to the bottom of it. you know, after a while you can't keep the fox in charge of the hen house. you have to do an investigation outside of he who is being accused of whatever it is he or she is being accused of. and that's so obviously the case here and yet when the icpc or the united nations steps in and says, what you're doing is wrong and we want to hold you accountable vendor us our country steps in and says no, no, no, no, leave them alone. you have no right to criticize them. you have a right to criticize russia, but you can't criticize them and that, but that's essentially what's going on here. coming up later in the show, i have a guest coming on who's going to talk to us about how that dynamic that i just
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described might soon be changing. and that's important, by the way, here's another story, middle up for you. and i talked about on this day, that was a time in the us when our leaders in the us positioned themselves as the torch carriers, right? of democracy, a dignity about how they dealt with other world leaders. how they engaged among themselves, even when they disagreed. right. well, today that's no longer the case. i want you to see this is a piece of video that just recently happened. this is from the us congress here to the do, you know, we're here for, you know, we're here history around one of you know, when you're here more well, you want to talking about i, i think you will take eyelashes are messing now and the order mr. jennifer need you're getting more of your meeting order. i'm just curious just to better understand your ruling. if someone on this committee vince starts talking about
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somebody's lease. why bad built bush body that would not be engaging in personalities? correct? a. what now? chairman and i make, i make a motion to strike the i don't think that's a lot of the fine clarification on what corner of the word you just said. this is the us congress. they're talking about body parts. acute, it looks like a talk show, you know, something we used to watch on tv. how do we go around the world telling others how to follow us and the act like us? cuz you know how we gotten to this place? i mean, i have my thoughts on that, but the what, what do you think? how do we get through this place? this is ridiculous, a well wreck, i got to say at least the veil is off. the veneer of this american superior form of government is off, right? but i think people that have followed this show or any show on r t, for example,
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has known for a long time the united states has. this is the least of their concerns as mudslinging on the house floor, although i find it hilarious unbecoming but still hilarious. i think the us have lead by example, if you want to call it that the world in bombing and starting wars all around the world. so if anything we should be ashamed of that rather than these women mudslinging like on jerry springer. if, if the media doesn't treat what they do seriously, which they don't. if the politicians themselves don't treat the actions of our country seriously, which they don't, then we're left to this. this is the side show. this is for the benefit of fox news and cnn, and tick tock m. so you know, all the other. so this is what they need to do now to even remain viable because it no longer seems to me that it has anything to do with governing or making the
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united states a better place for the rest of us olivia to live. that's kind of how i see how this thing is gotten to where it is and i don't see it getting any better, by the way, because i grew up here in the u. s. i never focused on europe for the most part, growing up the e u. i didn't know what that would be, you was for the depth of some of the archaic thinking when it comes to the rest of the world. in fact, i always thought your opinions were more advanced than the rest of us, right. and what manila was wrong. you know, i'm not realizing you is both more provincial in many ways. maybe even more prejudiced than the united states case. important. the story which has been breaking in the last week, which, where the e. u. is banning anyone from expressing or even hearing any points of view that are russian. like you're not allowed to express russian points of view in europe. what talk about side police? here's what i'm talking about. the u has been imposing new sanctions against russian news outlets. it's a sweeping ban on disseminating all types of content that comes from russia. the
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restrictions are also going to affect, by the way, even though not only tv channels, but also websites. however, they, if they did specify that russian journalists are still allowed to work in the, you still allowed to work in europe as long as they agree with you. here's a, here's, i want to tell you, the journalist called the band ready. he says, these measures aim to stop any flow of information which contradicts the party line of the leadership and its members. they've freedom of speech and questions. well, not to the extent of allowing people to read russian sides and watch their tv channels. he goes on to say, this is a total dictatorship infringement of freedom on some range. and information in general is completely medieval. they are shooting themselves in the foot with decisions that goes destroying the foundations of the european union. what are your think about? he says right there they are shooting themselves in the foot. is he right?
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i couldn't agree more. first, i'd like to point out though that rick, i think would be the european union or many european states like look at germany, for example. they band outright band, our team deutscher almost at its inception. yeah. as they were already working towards this anti rush, i hysteria from the get go. and the reason they're able to do that across europe is mostly especially with within the european union is that they, they, jointly don't have something similar to what we have here, which is a constitution the u. k. same thing. they don't have a constitution with constitutional 1st amendment rights of speech. the us would love to do the same thing except we have that dar constitution, rick. yeah, they're not so much so they can kind of control the narrative in the way that they see fit. and the way they see fit is pick out russia. i agree, and here's what,
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here's what i think. okay, you disagree with brush are fine. i'm sure why should those all kinds of stupid scrolling stuff, just like every government does disagree with them, raise an argument, beat them by making a different point, which perhaps are right, valid more validity. then they'll point. but just to say, you're not allowed to hear their point, you're not allowed to play any leaders from russia and what they have to say. you're not allowed to hear what the media says. you know what that, that, that's not playing fair. that's not saying i'm going to beat you with facts and write my arguments. it means you're not allowed to listen to them, which then should make any citizen think. oh, so why should i listen to you? and how do i know what you're telling me is, right? right, right. this is beyond orwellian, this is we are now in ray bradbury is fahrenheit for 51 for you know, forget you can't even, you can't burn the books anymore. you just band the website. yeah. even easier now to do when we come back. thank you, mental up, i'm going to be joined. as i said
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a little while ago by introducing you on global scholar, we recently wrote that quote, israel has never been criticized so harshly, and it will cost them dearly. those are his words. those are the words of dr. hassan, who now is going to be joining me right here. text. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really was a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the, the job rally or my little store, okay. the model grid, i got you, no problem seem to them out of the same documents. yeah, side of the drive i showed my brother through he was sudden to hoping for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of
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chicago police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you get for the police, you lose your life as another crime for another. this could have been a doctor or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here the . all right, welcome back. i'm rick sanchez, fired up as usual. all right, let me show you what dr. hassan, who now wrote recently, he's my guess, do he wrote this on twitter. he says, since it's a stash establishment, israel has never been criticized so harshly in the western world and international institutions. this genocidal ethnic cleansing will cost is real deeply. those are the words of doctor ross on now. he wrote that and he joins us now live.
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uh dr. hassan, thank you so much for joining us, sir. well, that's my pleasure. thank you. do. it's interesting. when i read that, i thought to myself, i'm glad i'm not the only one in the world thinking this. i'm glad i'm not the only one thinking that what israel is doing is going to hurt all my friends who are jewish, no matter where they live in the world, because people will take out on them what? nothing. yeah. whose government is doing to other people? it certainly doesn't help my country. i live in the united states. i think it's causing all kinds of harm to this country as well. and i also think that for decades to come, people remember this and hold is real accountable for it. are those the points that you're making are locked in there? well, um the, basically what these are like been doing uh, since the start of this operation, the general site and i think glancing as i call it,
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it basically is um it has taken so um, uh expensive dimensions that i know concept like uh, more of the high ground that the west coast basically used for so many decades on which they are justified. they are at item change wars. and so many other military auctions and functions and bought to have you um they have uh old being thrown into the dustbin by eastern. and the trouble is that the united states, and that is the only country that cannot just stop history. and from doing all that is, uh is, is it sort of a slide is, is sort of watching it. all right. what was the me ask you? that's interesting. you say that, let me ask you a question. i think i know living in america, why the united states does that. why do you think they go along with it? why do you think they don't hold them accountable?
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why do you think they keep giving them more money and more weapons as, as you're in, if simple, you're in turkey, you have a different perspective. oh yes. well, basically the perspective is that from the beginning user and has been, uh, up up. how do you know it's been supported by depressed in general, and by do not to stay too particular that is understandable. and that was understandable up to a certain point. but now the latest events, and as you know in which the united states seems to be acting there helplessly as if it has no, that potential breakthrough is, is beyond the pale or as best a united states cannot to stop israel. it and it, but it showed it demonstrated its ability to stop israel and whenever it is one type in the past, for instance, joining distress cries of yes if. if this menus ran basically invaded unoccupied
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block chunks over egypt and territories um united, united states price, them basically called up page and he is on said, you know, you will have to withdrawal just as i have won the french and the british, basically it's a get out of it looked at by territories, so you're, so you're probably going on. so you're blaming it on by the you're saying this president present a bible is worse than past presidents did i hear you correctly? well, it's not maybe just like that, but the us, i mean, the is really lobbying the pilot. all these are in the lobby has grown incredibly big and incredibly, you know, it has got to incredibly pop from over the decades. but the trouble is, as the united states government, some politicians and the us political indeed would have to think beyond what is happening furnaces. can you imagine a us president thought of europe, even a european prime minister, our president. uh, you know, nectarine data counterparts in one part of the well yeah. on democracy on
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human rights. yeah. free in general and a model high ground. people will immediately report by saying oh you mean freedom? oh yeah. you know, the portion of freedom freedom, all our gods democracy, all our guys that we know we told you no recalls. so yeah, and it's, it's going to be, it's good. you know, it reminds me of when i have a rock in my shoes that i carry with me no matter where i go i, i'm always going to feel like i have that little pain in my foot because that rock is out there and gaza is the rock that's gonna be in the us issue for decades to come. and people always allow it to it. yeah, no, you're, you're making, you're making, you're making a lot of sense and in what you're saying, what's it? well, i think there's one other thing go ahead. other thing with the latest, this is the, is relative bias of the international criminal court. and these really defined so international law we jack and the international, the, and the united states compliance with these trade off. the truth is leading to
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a new situation in which the international organizations that the western world basically built over the decades to support their should pay all righty also crumbling now crow. i mean for instance, now they tend to stop it of us. uh, politically lead thoughts say, you know, we set up all those quotes to project good after consent. not there's some brought people like voting and perhaps others if it is going to get that is really politicians and the leaders, you know, forget about the courts. so we can basically get to dump them all together. well, what, what is the feeling view? i know i know i'm not, i'm not gonna put you in a position to speak for all of the middle east or all the arab countries. i just happen to know you are in that part of the world. so i just ask you as a learned man as a professor, as a writer, as someone who's material i read from time to time,
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what is your perspective on what this is doing? what effect it's having on the countries in that part of the world in the middle east, the error of countries, turkey is in all the other countries that surround it. the things that are 2 layers to that, 2 dimensions to that one is and across the people basically, and also the petitions these days. i read it some pieces you know, which lead to the price or some months back. the us on basset that's across the mit leesburg reporting back to washington saying that there is no rule basically a political clause to which they can at top uh, some cents a month. but she's going on. they have, you know, their, what israel has been doing has turned as, as pissed off, almost everybody. and to me leave, that is, that is quite understandable. but there is also the other side, the other side of the client, for instance, at all, this is happening at
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a time or multiply it when a data are very powerful. countries like china and russia, basically, uh, defying. do you need, or you need a unit, polite to add onto the leadership of the united states and those countries and very many other countries. the middle sized countries like party, like middle eastern countries, africans, they locked in, americans sent out there's water all happy to see the world basically turning into and multiple or one. yes and are, are, are watching the united states bumped down into a quagmire independently. so that's interesting because it to a certain extent than what you're saying is in one of those countries, not to name any one specifically, might be sitting back, especially some of the air of countries. i'm going, this is great. i'm going to sit back and watch the show. i mean, it sounds horrible because people are dying. but what is happening is there's
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a message that's being sent. that's a negative message, both about israel and about my country, the united states. and a lot of those countries are saying, finally, everything that we've been saying is right there. now, as lawyers would say prima flashy, right? right in front of your face, you're seeing and we're talking about brazil and south africa and jerry and russia and china and iran even, and of saudi arabia to a certain respect, which recently has come out on kind of that side. so and weird is turkey, sit in that the not the one that looked at it as it worked as joint uh, join the older names and you had mentioned basically, i think it is also uh, apply the, made an application to the international court of justice about the general side, uh, tulsa against israel. and it has cop hopefully its trade altogether with the issue
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. uh, you know, uh huh. so it is. uh, it has been on this on the side of the justice if you like, and the people, i mean, it started out with a moderate approach to both, some sort of it with this tendency to ease riley's and to the palestinians a particular day out of countries that tried to coordinate the efforts ad for a ceasefire, or some form or the other, but, you know, then it came up in dand. um, like any other countries have given up because i'm but what we have seen late and so far is as the is the repetition of so many out there. ok, so many other partridge base that have taken place. final question did the shock to i was kind of shocked myself. i, i don't know. i just expect that after the i c c condemnation. after the charges against that, the go after the new and report after the statements made by the prime ministers of
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israel and norway and ireland. after the statements made by the government of south africa, i thought, you know what? there's so much pressure on these people. they're probably gonna slow down a little bit. and then i see this, this is one of the worst attacks i've ever seen. this was a sick or how did were you a shocked as i was this, this video that we're watching right now? well, you know, all of us are shocked by what we've seen by what is unfolding. it is incredible. it is intolerable. it is, you know, it can go on like this. okay. ad and, and in has made app. it has turned into pa, your state and, and, and don't forget this take, uh, this is happening at the time. oh, multiply to india and you know, it won't take long when israel we'd have to basically look at around for anybody in the middle east and across the world to talk to,
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to say you something to but then it won't have anybody to talk to let lou me yeah, well, uh it's, it's fascinating and i know as we watch these pictures on the screen, these horrific pictures that we were seeing there just up moments ago. it's amazing to watch that, and then not just, we're not in any way saying by the way that what, how mazda did on october 7th is not something which we to would look at in an extremely unfavorable right light. just as unfavorably as we see some of these or ethic actions. but nonetheless, by comparison, say, it looks very much like what israel is doing has gone beyond the pale as is often said at this point we, we think a professor has on for joining us and for sharing his insight on this. and we looked at being able to have an opportunity to talk to you once again. that's our show. remember to always look uh outside your own box. truth don't live in boxes.
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i'm extension. so you can make the the, with the end of world war one, the move in for an indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal, violent repression cause active resistance. in march. 1919 at
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the call of mahatma gandhi, a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people on the day of the sea bass. at t festivals, a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm gonna start in northern india seeing base as outright defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms people. the barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least 379 indians, including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announced the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known radius newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as
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a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous dar massacre went down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the o the same wrong just don't have to safe house. the courtesy and engagement it close the trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground the is a this is can be cited by lawrence. these can be expanded by true
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importance, and we can never be kind of a stations that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that exist state and making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public? he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest. so mom realized tends to me and, and honestly, to relate continuously. and i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely, for to just turn to be on box weighing a 175 used to do it. you do, you have sense?
11:00 pm
it's all we going to lift that stay the the .


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