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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  May 30, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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liberal fans in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day as quickly ortiz food. next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say, even closer to the
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the, the,
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the consumption of horn grew by and astounding. 600 percent in the 1st half of 2020 . as a result of the mass migration of workers and students to a home office system, the industry generates more income than the combined ravages of abc, nbc, and cbs, and around 10 percent of adults admit to internet sexual addiction. now, despite all these large biggers, we rarely hear any discussion surrounding the porn industry. i'm christy, i'm, you're watching the cost of everything. we're today. we're going to be get a explicit about the costs of the porn industry and the substantial financial impact it's had on the global markets. the, the porn industry is worth approximately $97000000000.00 with a 10th of the revenue coming from the united states. to put this number into
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perspective, it's or passes the annual revenues of several well established industries. it is estimated that every 2nd a staggering $28250.00 users are actively watching pornography. this statistic reflects the immense popularity and widespread appeal of adult content in today's digital age. but today, there's so much free porn on the internet. so the question is, how does the porn industry even make money today as well? the porn industry used to function similarly to the rest of media entertainment world before the internet. there was money in print magazines, and studios. so d, h. s and dvd movies or pay per view services. but when the internet came along, it disrupted the entire business model. porn is an advertise the same way as energy drinks are in the sidebar. ad on any website on google, google ban paid search results that lead to adult content and paid posts are regulated. so instead of relying on sidebar ads,
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early porn websites gave away teasers and bits of free curated content to bait consumers to pay for a subscription. but after the launch of youtube, the video uploading and sharing model was quickly mimicked for poor and the tube sites were born today, the tubes that attract the largest audience in the porn industry. these tubes are massive databases, a free videos. so now film studios profits have shrunk, leaving performers more pressure to perform extreme content for more money to many tube sites also allow users to upload content that is rarely moderated. while most of these videos are free, some specific sites specialize in offering fetish for higher quality videos and know as our pop ups live video performances or virtual reality experiences for payment. but the vast majority of free porn site these days profit from converting their huge global audiences into advertising dollars like other online industries.
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clicks are king, sites like porn have receive 42000000000 visitors in 2019. now that is more than netflix, yahoo! or even amazon, even as most people watch porn for free, there's enough people who spend money on it that makes these sites immensely profitable. and now today we're joined by line off of line on media. now line, oh, can you provide some insight into the revenue streams within the porn industry, including subscription based models, advertising and premium content? well, i'm not an expert on the point i, i am not a purveyor of it. i can only imagine, i can imagine that they would follow the same revenue schemes and platforms of you know, youtube and other social media. i will tell you right off the bat, just my own version of this. i don't believe any, any of the claims as to the millions of dollars that are made by ordinary folks
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doing ordinary only fans. i'm not saying it's not profitable. i'm not saying people have not made money. i'm not saying that i do think that is being that is exaggerated because i do not understand just intuitively, again if your a former star of a of a big h b o. block buster, who decides to go to only fans? that's one thing. but if you're just a regular person, unless you have gary say this is a family show, a unique talent, i don't necessarily buy the, the a, the a profit streams. however, i think it is absolutely monumental in terms of shape shifting, not only culture, but do it your home, um entrepreneurship and how has the rise of social media disrupted the porn industry? now with the rise of only fans and cam girls sides that allow stars to monetize themselves,
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everything change come lately with the internet. and so up till then the 1st stage of it was a veil ability. just plain old availability where people in the pouring industry would produce various valves and products and then you or the consumer would be able to access them. that's cutting out time square moves where i'm familiar with times square up the peep shows in the, you know, video stores and that's where the store went directly to the consumer. well, cut to today. the porn industry has now become do it yourself home own um, domestic and uh this, this may shock people and i know this again, this is a family show, but i don't think people are looking for great acting or plat lines
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or great production. and i don't know what would, what would be the bare minimum to satisfy the a poor, an audience that being said, much like pro tools allowed musicians to record music at home. much like people are self publishing poor and became do it yourself. change every thing are there are significant differences and production costs between amateur and professional pornography. i don't think we're going to have. yeah. there's going to be just easier to an amateur and professional. i don't think that that, that's going to mean look, i don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but this is a very nice set up here, but i'm in my, my home office and people do videos and zooms in on their beds. have you ever done a, an, a zoom video, or all of a sudden somebody's head is right here and they're looking up like that. i mean,
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this is, this is an off is video, and we're used to that. we are so used to low budget production just in general that people are going to translate that into as adults selves pornography as well. so it can be really crude in terms of the production. so the question is, what is professional? what is professional even mean? i get, i don't really get into this specific, but you mean the, the lighting, the, the script choice, the plat, i don't think anybody cares about that at all. so there will be no distinction between professional and amateur not. and how prevalent is pornography consumption globally. and are there notable trends in terms of demographics, age groups and regions? well, i would imagine like anything else um, it is prevalent globally. i will say though, that there would be, i would imagine again, i'm not a premier in this, but i would imagine that would be perhaps cultural differences, preferences,
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certain mortalities. so what, what's interesting about this is, this is going to be do it yourself and dial it up. you're going to be able to pretty much say whatever your, your, uh, your preferences. but let me bring up a couple of points here, which i think are the most critical before we get into this. and this is what's really going to change this. this is the game changer. number one is artificial intelligence. so you're going to see the next stage or a i destroys the porn industry, and eventually there won't be a point industry, there won't be people, it will just be all fantasy, all imagine all created all, all uh, computer driven. no body involved. no humans, unless it's a star or something. so they haven't even thought about this. and how are you going to quantify that? do you know that they had to only advisor?
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read it one year, made a 1000003 a day. where do you think he's going to get? nobody wants to know who's going to want this? so anyway, get ready a i changes everything and do things that they increase consumption, the pornography has change behaviors and society when it comes to dating relationships or casual sexual encounters. in general, online pornography again let's, let's use these terms online, pornography or absolutely an extension of real life. what happened? what happened was, all of a sudden somebody came up with this thing called the phone and the phone, cell phone and platforms and instagram and facebook and everything else unleashed a sense of narcissism on the part of people. nobody even saw. it was even possible . i think everybody seen it, graham, others, mothers, people, all of a sudden are turning into picture. they're, everything they do has to be recorded has to be what's happening right now is the end of the,
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the internet itself is off as basically destroyed romance. and they need to begin with, as well as young people. what's the level of it? what is chording? mean what? i don't know. but if you talk about hooking up, i know what that means. they know what this means. so this is all going to change every day in terms of interaction styles, protocol tradition, name it. there are going to be people who are say, how did you and your husband meet online? that's it. no stories about how you work together, how you had a fender bender in a parking lot, or how you a friend, it can no, it's in the online. and what happens is, and this is the most important while we're on the subject, you can, you can to say your, your hijack all you want. but there's a certain to be a protocol with the way humans meet that you cannot interrupt for, you're not suspended or you cannot accelerate certain things have to progress naturally and you're going to see divorce rage proliferate because of this instantaneous world we live and commit the what's commitment next?
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next that's watch what happens. disaster. thank you so much line over please stick around line. it will stay with us right here after the break. and when we come back, performers and actors are see a major shift in power dynamics and revenue streams, as they finally get the compensation. they've swamp thoughts while have more after the break, the water is part of one of the valuable posted isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without collision. is that spelled out of the
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as they are probably her mother's storage. i the model girl that i got you no problem. seeing that on the out of the things, arguments us out in the drive i showed my brother through he was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago. police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you get for the police. you lose the there's another crowd thing another this could have been a doctor or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here. the who, what else seemed wrong?
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just don't you have to shape out and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground the while most poor and profit slow to owners and middleman. not so much gets distributed to the actual performers until now. only fans has now emerged to disrupt the entire industry and shift money and power back to performers in a huge way. not only fans as a social media platform, but allows you to set a monthly subscription price to ensure that any media you upload is fully hidden
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until your fans pay for your subscription. of course is applies to influence or is musicians, fitness instructors. but especially point stars only fans has made the industry's most famous performers seriously, rich earning millions of dollars while filming at home on their own terms. in august of 2021, only fans announced that it would actually ban sexually explicit content on his platform. in a bid to distance itself from controversy, but that band only lasted 6 days in less than one week, only fans reversed its decision after realizing that 85 percent of its revenue comes from sexually explicit content. in 2020 alone the companies, $150000000.00 users fed $2300000000.00 on their main platform. without par only fans is nothing. although the platform was not originally designed for poor, the platform has brought about a revolution in the adult entertainment industry disrupting the old power structure
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. bella thorn set a new record when the influencer earned over $1000000.00 to revenue on the platform . in the 1st 24 hours after day viewing her account, thorne is using only fans to share personal content and never before seen the photos and videos available only to paying subscribers. other notable names on only fans include party b, flat, china, soldier, mortgage, etc. and virtual reality is also another industry that's disrupting important. industry. support industry leaped into the v. r bandwagon. however, they're now facing major road blocks from headset makers. producers say that there be unfairly treated by major manufacturers who block horn apps from the online stores, thereby making it harder for consumers to access adult be our content. well, apps are required for viewing port. they provide a user friendly interface that allows consumers to access in new videos without having to manually download each new video. industry experts estimate that more
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than 50 percent of all the, our content as port related. and that adult content is a major driver of hardware sales be are as important because people are willing to pay for adults content. again, as most b r producers charge consumers a subscription, usually around $25.00 a month. so for this and more, let's bring in again, litle of light on media. now i know are there cultural are legal factors that influence the privilege of pornography in certain countries or regions and other barriers effective in certain cultures. just like anything else is in gauging practices. i'm sure there are certain forms of, of behavior is up to online, but again, using the word pornography, i'm sure it absolutely is going to very and of course you, you can dial that in also what is and what is an acceptable? what's going to be interesting is you're going to see the modernization of people. you're going to see folks from around the world be able to take part in
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sharing. so we're going to see a lot of cultural lines, perhaps, maybe, maybe disappear in terms of kind of a one size fits all universal version of what is considered standard, adult fair. what are some of the emerging trends and innovation stories such as virtual reality and tract of content and other genres? v are virtual reality, a r augmented changes everything completely. now remember, what we're talking about is for the most part, somebody interacting with the screen, a phone or something else. when you get into completely immersive changes, everything. that changes every thing. and we will live in a world where people will strap this on and they are in another world, but we happy they will be sitting at home over wage,
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and they will divorce themselves from reality. and he will see, i know this sounds not, but it's not, you will see huge swats of humanity completely so rendering and basically being involved and they kind of a self imprisonment. and it won't be necessarily, by the way, let me just throw something in. we're talking about porn born born gaming might be even more addictive if there is such a thing, then regular pornography throw that into the mix as well. can you discuss the role of affiliate marketing, cammie, and merchandise sales and diversifying revenue streams within the porn industry? savings, anything else? you're going to see a product endorsements. you're going to see everything that you normally see on regular youtube or whatever. a tick tock indoors means you're going to have influencers the same, this the same platform until it goes to a guy. and that's another story, but then again a r i will also incorporate product placement,
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the like without having to pay the actor. and just remember that you're also going to see him just so that people don't laugh too much. you're going to see a guy film, a music, a literature, a news, and people are going to be, it is what's really going to amaze people. they will somehow, they will actually, in some cases, prefer it over actual human versions of this. and how does societal attitudes towards pornography invalids, its consumption patterns and economic viability? are there any discussion surrounding the ethical considerations and potential harms associated with it? first of all, ethical considerations in our society? no, no. that there's no answer. we'll get there to raise that. everybody is, nobody cares why that is the same thing is, is the same thing as look, people we're going to evolve and these are not gonna be worried about other will considerations. however, what this does ultimately is very frightening in terms of duration and conditioning
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. people that you don't need human beings for interaction, you don't need you. you don't need relationships. you don't need people. you don't need husbands and wives and girlfriends. you don't need that. also, people are going to prefer it. as you know, we have more definitions today for behavior of people who are distance themselves. they're on spectrum, they're on medication, their, whatever it is. we have very few different issues from normal. so what you're going to do is you're going to take a lot of people who are going to embrace this alternative and you're going to see people who are going to be lost and you're going to see swaps of humanity completely becoming almost the bottom line by virtue of this, i know it sounds a bit extreme, but it's absolutely true. get ready. i by the way, if anything i've said bother you or, or friends, you don't worry, there's nothing you can do. it's already here. where do you see the future of the porn industry heading in terms of technological advancements,
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consumer preferences and regulatory landscapes, the future of the quote for an industry will become, it will be marked specifically by the fact they won't even be called the point industry. it will be called industry, it'll be called entertainment. it will be called a lifestyle. it will be called. it'd be some, it'd be so main street a show, a matter of fact and that's another thing is going to kill the industry. one of the things about it is that it has to be a little knotty. it has to be out of the usual the has to be, it has to be a kind of a big clandestine. and as more and more people become more, more detached from human relations as more and more people are remote, as more and more people are on medicaid. and oh my god, on that as human beings separate completely, the whole need for this won't be important because i left is one particular part. if we go as a society, as i think we're going, we're going to turn into
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a sexual mollusks. we're not turned into us. i mean we're, we have lost just in reason time. so much of the need for just plain old human interaction. watch marriage, rage decline for telling the rage decline, child rearing. a newborn rates in families decline because as human beings separate from reality, which is what we're seeing right now. it will also allow itself to be appreciated here. and before you know it, the porn industry will just go the way of books or libraries. it will be a vestige. we will have advanced out of this. it will high tech, it's way out of existence. thank you so much line. oh for all your time today. as we mentioned earlier, the consumption of horn grew by 600 percent in the 1st half of 2020. as the result and migration of workers and students to home office setups. so as demand grows, supply needs to grow to keep up with it. and another big shift in the moving in the
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horizon to satisfy the demand is artificial intelligence port models. these a model spin up photo, realistic images and videos that puts viewer in the director's chair, letting them create whatever poor and they like. site owners think that this is a privilege that people will pay for and they're racing to build custom. 8 i models that, unlike sanitize content on store, will draw on bass, posit worry of porn images and videos. on the one hand, this allows people to explore their fantasies in a safe place where no performers are being pressured, harmed or underpaid. but on the other hand, a i will now put a lot of performers out of work including cam girls and chat box. i'm christy, i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here. next time on the cost of everything the
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after the end of world war 2, great britain decided to make up for his losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories, 8 my la, devastated as a result of decades long fighting, extremely hard dungeon group. and in 1948, the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency. in response patriots united him to the malay in people's liberation army. and began a guerrilla war, london decided to suppress resistance, georgia and mass deportations, executions of civilian and spraying of chemicals,
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scale being and cutting off heads. these were the barbaric methods, the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton gully, committed by this god's guards against the arm. it's best because the particulars stirred. the entire male population became victims. trying to surprise the gorilla movement. the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps for roses, through the boards, fruits. the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent. the british army losses in low, le, we're the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize malay and independence. the resilience of demo late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in southeast asia. the,
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the, the, the, the as a result of why it's can be started by line, please can be satisfied for the importance of wiki name of the, of a station. so that transparency is an extraordinary drawn mistake at trees.
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then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the rights for a speech he did. so in the public interest lies and smith and golf and, and honestly to relate to seriously i'm, i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a $175.00 used to do it to a death sentence. are we going to let that stay? the, the
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russia repels an overnight attack on premier downing 8 ukrainians around that comes as 11 countries green lights for i came russian territories. but the western arms as washington is $320000000.00 aid here is thinks off the coast of gaza. us senator draws a striking comparison between israel's actions and americans, nuclear attacks on japan. we did what was necessary to protect our way of life. was it disproportionate to use atomic weapons to end the war we couldn't afford to lose? so this idea of the international community, your question considers.


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