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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the, the pressure repels an overnight attack on premier downing 8 ukrainian drones that comes as a loving country is a green light striking and russian territory with western arms. as washington's $320000000.00 aid pier breaks apart and begins to think off the coast of the us, us us senator draws a striking comparison between israel's actions and americans, nuclear attack on japan. we did what was necessary to protect our way of life. was it disproportionate to use atomic weapons to end the war we couldn't afford to lose? so this idea of the international community, your question considers is all the problem i reject the the highway is one of the
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many is really military base. it's counted across the west bank. this particular one resides in the middle of an area, housing around 350 pounds, being families, and up in smoke. the livelihoods have pallets, and in farmers in the west bank are at risk as fires to destroy their trumps for questions are raised as the area affected. as all these players really forces for military's realm. these fire started by doing provisioning the jordan valley are part of the program prepared to displace the lowest indian families from here. the are watching are to international live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. we start with the latest on the ukraine and conflict. russia has repelled an overnight attack on its territory. according to the defense ministry cab used us made army tactical missile systems during the strikes,
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russell was able to down 8 ukrainian. you avi's over crime. you. the local authorities say the a current in attack target a dependence was transportation infrastructure of the strikes wherever upheld and the city of kurtz to ferry boats were hit by the down rock as fragments. no civilian casualties have been reported. meanwhile, the debate surrounding cubes of possible use of western arms to strike russian territories is not dying down. so far, 11 countries have given ukraine the go ahead to use their weapons for such attacks . among them, some of calves, most vocal supporters, poland, france, canada, and the u. k. russia has warned against such a publications. well, let's take a look at the arsenal. ukraine has access to and just how far those weapons can strike inside russia. 3 types of those western supplied munitions can hit targets, less than 100 kilometers inside rush or potentially reaching the cities of donuts
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and belgrade. the next group includes rockets and bombs and you avi's from the us, the u. k. and portugal. now they couldn't reach it up to 300 kilometers deep inside russian territory. but the long range storm shadow cruise missiles post the biggest threat they can strike up to 550 kilometers deep within russia. you can france supply business hosting have supported potential attacks on russia. ukraine also wants to replenish its western arsenal with the nuclear capable f. 16 fighter jets versus foreign minister has cautioned against dragging the conflict in that direction. these of $69.00 across the will be destroyed is what is other types of weapons supplied by nato countries to ukraine. at the same time, it should be borne in mind that f, 16 fighters have long been the main means of delivery within the framework. the cycle joint and h, i'm nuclear missions. therefore we cannot but consider the supply of the systems to dekalb regime as a deliberate signal action by night. so in the nucleus, we're trying to make it clear to us the united states and nato are ready for
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literally anything in ukraine r t correspond to inc. are stand out, brings us more, or you know what they say desperate times call for desperate measures and well, it seems, but such times have come for ukraine. it is becoming increasingly difficult for kids to paint a brightened up lifting picture of what's going on on the front lines and well, it seems that the, the, well even the west and ex press is missing to that they're admitting that it is what some of the odd signs that ukraine has faced since the beginning of the conflict since the war broke out. but at the same time, night, the key of notes nature positive, seemed willing to admit and to concede to this new reality. so they are scrambling for means and they are looking as to what they can do and 4 months, if not 4 years. now they have been admitting that the, well, they are running out of what they can do. so this latest portia is just uh,
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one more development and one more step towards further escalation, as if a starting gun went off somewhere in the back stage or the global jet political arena. countries, one by one began to lift their a band on the use of, of the weapons that they had previously donated me on the use a gaze targets so deep within the russian territory. the usual mongers were the 1st to jump on this bandwagon like the u. k, poland, or the baltic states. and so what spain and italy is a sofa are still holding that brand as did jim in the workplace. so that seemed until the spokesman for all of schultz indicated that there might be a huge on when it comes to that policy. other than the several countries, including germany, have reached cleared agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such
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a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory for you. and of course, ukraine does realize that it does full outs of the g. a political support light with the elections in the u. k. and the us with the peace conference in switzerland falling on the backbone, after all, was all the events that surround the gaza. so there is a sense of urgency was in key of and within its most bull mongering allies as to if they want to escalate the situation as quickly as possible. so the united states, they have been on defense as to whether or not to lift the bond on this side, but they were pressed. the secretary of state was pressed by the media as to where the united states stand as of now here's what he had to say. you haven't occurred. shore enabled strides outside of be frame. um have you agree? as i've said before, has to make its own decisions about the best way to effectively defend itself.
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we're going to make sure that it has the equipment, it needs to do that as the conditions and change that's about it was change as what russian does, has changed in terms of how it's pursuing its aggression or installation. we've adapted and adjusted to and i'm comfortable, continue to do that. at the same time, things in ukraine within the country have been very, very difficult for kids because they have been desperate to try and round up as many men as possible to send them to the front lines. we're not to keep volunteers, we're talking. those who have been actively evaluating dropped for 12 months now at least, if not years. so they even has to update the draft legislation. they have to tighten it on the since the 18th of may, when the new louis came into power, the streets of ukraine have being booty absolutely deserted. because over the sheer fact, the relationship between ukraine's dropped officials on the population have transcended
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in going beyond any legal framework. they have been using an authorized force to round up people. they have been rounding up uh, oil people with disabilities with addictions. and it seems that they have a blank, well they have really like a blank check. they haven't get out of jail free card, so to speak. and they can pretty much, they have their hands on tight as to who they can send to the front lines. and obviously this has to be an important populum address within the ukrainian population. so right now, all of this is looking at that ukraine and his allies. i have been on escalating this conflict even further by any means necessary. anything. it looks like the time of a concern about unpopular decisions has long passed kids efforts to join the european union have dragged on for years with the blogs. diplomats now seemingly teasing ukraine with accession talks to boost morale as early as next
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month. the bloomberg saying discussions will kick off mere weeks after the parliamentary elections and the are being union is aiming to start negotiations as early as june. the 25th, which you crate on becoming a member of the blogs that help boost keeps morale, but has yet to fully overcome objections from hungry and ukraine definitely need someone to boost at spirits. russian forces are advancing on the battlefield. cabins. brutalizing its people to force them into a meat grinder, but it's likely brussels isn't just dangling the carrot of e u. membership out of the kindness of it's hard because highly motivated ukrainians fighting a proxy war against russia means others won't have to. or people are very much motivated, very much, so we're fighting for rights for freedoms, for life. and now we're fighting for survival. and this is the highest of our motivation, but we're also fighting to be equal members of the river. i believe that today we're showing everyone that's exactly what we are. the european union is going to be much stronger with us. that's for sure and inspiring words from
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a president whose political legitimacy has devolved into that of a dictators. right. so wednesday was dreaming of a fast track to you membership at the start of russia's military operation, 2 years on and he's still dreaming. ukraine is on the right track, it is ready for negotiations. however, this does not mean that there are no reforms left that needed to be continued. obviously, they are needed. they can be continued during the accession negotiations. therefore, i cannot guarantee, but i can say that i really hope that negotiations will begin in june, at least for the wednesday this time it looks like these purport, a jew negotiations are likely to take place political as well as publishing similar information, saying brussels is eager to start new cranes integration process without any guarantee is it all boils down once again to nothing more than a more outburst in brussels officials are pushing to begin formal negotiations over
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ukraine joining the european union as early as next month. according to people familiar with the matter, opening the tax would bring the morale boost to ukraine, which has been fighting a full scale russian invasion for more than 2 years and has long aspired to join the western block on top of that. diplomats from brussels and t of are reportedly trying to persuade hungry to sign off on ukraine's you with session. because victor orbit is anything but enthusiastic about the idea. we have set up a sub and then you run the by the evaluation of the commission. 3 out of the 7 is not seen. so there is no reason to negotiate membership of the green law. he's not the only european against you, membership for ukraine, even those countries that support it have large parts of their population that don't think it's a good idea. no wonder negotiations are set to take place at the end of june, just a couple weeks after elections for the parliament. when the wrath of unhappy voters will no longer be relevant for politicians. and who could blame europeans for not
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wanting to embrace key of with open arms ukraine's band, its political opposition. it's sending people to the front by brute force. and the so called president cancelled the elections that may have thrown them out of office . it's come as no surprise that that sounds anything but democratic too many people in the west and around the world. sweden based political research or greg simon says, european voters are wary of ukraine's possible membership. there's no way that you would have these uh, tools scheduled before that because i mean people don't want to try it or there's anything that would destroy you the year with the by minute. it would be you guys in for you to work at one bank problems and pause a mess of the logical splits within the union. the being strong and long. it's a bit like sign. well, periodic promises to, to, to join a year,
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which has been going on for decades as boys think biggest grandma is not. i mean people are dying. they don't want to go i, why is this discussion typing blows? and i, i would say that personally, it's martha a, i logic to a rational logic, but rather a g a. let's go logic, which is probably driven from across the atlanta or a ride to a very clients brussels. i mean, the bottom line couldn't be a more subservient to washington. then if you want a house in the possession size you'd be fulfilling. whatever they ask will imply to palestinian red crescent. paramedics have been killed in israel, a shelling on the southern guys and the city of rough. um it comes as you and warrens aid supplies for the embattled enclave simply don't meet the demand. a show
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actually deplores this. at tech, the tech home displaced people and it demonstrates that there is no safe place in gaza at all. we have distribute as an enormous amount for central medicine medical supplies. but this not enough. i mean, like this is such an overwhelming, overwhelming these off, sorry, and on and off. now, when that would be a sustain ceasefire, and it would be entry roots into guys which are properly managed. when there is a d confliction mechanism, which actually facilitates supports much more if it's possible. let me the humanitarian disaster unfolding and the enclave agencies have been left exasperated after a new us made peer use to transport 8. the guys have broke apart and began to sing
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the damage sustained by the floating p, a 2 weeks off to begin operating. expose the destruction for the destruction that it. this is taking 2 and a half months to build a p, a and deliver the claim to $1000.00 metric tons of age, which is a drop in the ocean compared to what's needed in gaza every day. that process pushes small families close at the salvation. and put small lives at risk to the peer bill to add a cost of $320000000.00 was only put into service on may 17th, but after less than 2 weeks of operation, it was damaged by a combination of bad weather and rough seas. the pentagon said, saying sections of the structure need a repair, so it's been total way to the is really part of asked on to be fixed. that could take at least a week found, or most on legal hassan shibley's said rather than worrying about it's peer the us should just be pressuring israel to stop the war. it's laughable. the, the, the, the peer is a joke. if america really cared about the palestinians,
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they would stop sending bombs. that is really is dropping on palestinian citizens. they would really could to the end the war and saving a war. they would end the genocide. it's one side. it's literally a nuclear super by power. rene bombs on refugees burning children alive. people in tents been displaced and they, they've driven them out of their homes, told them to go to so called safe zones, and the bomb, the saved zones. this, it hasn't happened once or twice. it has happened daily. you can't accidentally keep killing that many civilians. when you accidentally killed $40000.00 civilians, it's no longer an accident. it's clearly intentional and the us as supporting that . so i think the, the peer was a complete joke. even the air drops of humanitarian aid are a disgrace. in fact, i just saw some footage of a young child who was killed when at the visa, so called 2 minutes here in air drops, fell on her and killed her. many people have actually died with these humidity on
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your drops falling on them or falling in the sea and people trying to go get it and drowning to death. so if america really cared about the palestinians, they wouldn't spend hundreds of millions building appear that doesn't even work. the us can put pressure that us can force this genocide to stop tomorrow. the problem is that us doesn't want to, that is the problem. the reason being us public fissions like nikki haley like lindsay graham, like by didn't himself have received millions and millions of dollars from the is really lobby. so these are american politicians. they're not working for the american people. they're not working for human rights. and they are basically, agents of a, for an entity. meanwhile, a us senator has sparked outrage after he like into the idea of scars operation to americans use of the atomic bomb against japan. i bring this up and nobody lives here and it, but i know what my country did when we were attacked by the japanese.
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when we went to war with japan in germany, we did what was necessary to protect our way of life. was it disproportionate to use atomic weapons to in the world, we couldn't afford to lose? so this idea of the international community, your question considers. ready role, the problem i reject that these charges are false. they're beloved libel against the jewish people. for the affair as tassel dean says, statements like these, expose the divide between washington's rhetoric and actions that we should appreciate the madness of graham's words because it's quite unprecedented. actually, the united states, as senior politicians are exposing the fact that it's increasingly becoming a perio state on the international stage. it would have been on thinkable to hear these kinds of remarks and words maybe a decade ago or in the united states. still attempted to maintain false leave and
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then still, but even then at least tried to maintain the veneer of a moral high ground lecturing others about human rights and international law. now it's openly exposing itself is a complete variety of state. it's just a blanket admitted, and so the last long standing here popular see of the united states is position of the global hedge them on within the unipolar world order. he's saying it blankly. the united states gets to violate these norms of international law in human rights, and no one else is the problem grams words what he's not aging proper consideration into is that the name of international human rights and international laws bill has been used by the united states as a weapon with which to um, to protect and enforce its global hegemony against countries that are just aligned with it. so i like hundreds of palestinian and farmers in the west bank have been dealt a massive blow after raging fires. demonstrated their comp prompts in the northern
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jordan valley. however, as the area is regularly used for as rarely, military drills questions are being raised as to whether this was a natural disaster. ortiz marie of an ocean that picks up the story. some of the palestinian farmer steps carefully, so the ashes as he inspects his fields. last week's fire 8, around 170000 square meters of his communities, land destroying vital crops. all of these, all which do you see how it is all done with planted annually harvested and use it for making bread and see no sheep and large store vc. it was old, burned in the field, so no one will benefit from it. vain thought agriculture season was lost, the cost of seats pesticides, and the entire season was lost. mazda did recalls how the fire started, and such dry weather, with temperatures reaching forward to degrees celsius, with grosse easily ignites the strong winds typical of this region quickly funds
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the flames, causing the fire to spread rapidly. mosley believes the fire was sparked by israeli military trails conducted as a nearby army base. and this, i don't know if it was sold, just traded in this area, and that was shooting small crows immediately. and 5 started spread into the agricultural lands and pastures. the fi also rich, the military company of the area. and these were on the 5 brigades and civil defense forces, and plains immediately arrived to prevent the fire from reaching the measured camps and jewish settlements that these are all a side one defies, break out allows, besides, to expend on the protection of the settlements and military facilities in the moon, a novelty is a palestinians farmer living in the occupied west bank, where these really presence is marked by hundreds of jewish settlements and military bases. he believes these fire is on ultimate accidents, but spots of, as well as long term strategy. elana,
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most of these really use this nature zones to control these lens and empty them with the stance. all means of pressure and intimidation were used against us and the them, a mich results and military training, especially since upon materials held during the dry season of crops every year. they've done this every year, purposely. they don't do exercises. oh yeah, but they focus on the p which one the crops, dried, decides palestinian officials from the to boss government rates responsible for these area code the sentiments of local farmers. let me have some and these really occupation did not allow police the inside of fires and trucks to reach the sites. to distinguish these fighters, i said frankly, there is no solution because these fire started by the will condition in the jordan valley are part of the program prepared to displace boasting of families from here . but devastating fire is just one of the dangers posed by the proximity of the military base. common drills leave behind a significant amount of waste contaminating the area. and unexploded devices that
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are like taking bombs for the locals. just at least mine lies on agricultural land, on the land we cultivate. this has been to us for the people with him. when we, where i can get him and this down for solve it on the, on the previously solid. and so show us where detectives gps coordinates were taken and they were photographed and documented the agent that the student family here that hasn't had data or wounded due to these trainings side. the highway is one of the many is really military base is scattered across the west bank. this particular one resides in the middle of an area housing around 350 palestine and families. for many of them, the daily reality of living near an army, outpost whose fault with numerous friends the past where they've been living for decades, they have no other place to go home or run to forced to do or live in the shadow of this unsettling neighbor raven ocean are all to reporting from northern jordan
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valley in an attempt to drive economic and trade ties with 5 african states, russia has lost special inter governmental commissions. it comes by washington, sounding the alarm over moscow's increasing cooperation with the continental us state department. also recently requested millions of dollars to counter russia and china there. a vis request includes an yukon to russian malign act is enough for it to fund which will account to this information and build the resistance to kremlin link. these information. these programs will advance to women, peace and security activities, women's economic empowerment, and con, timberline implants from the government of the people's republic of china. meanwhile, the pentagon's influence in africa as being challenged us troops have been given their marching orders by new share which terminated the defense and security packed around a 1000. troops will need to leave by no later than september. it follows
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a french military exit. this from the continent after 3 westerns to hell countries, burkina faso molly and new share all expelled forces there. but we discussed the west waning influence with a former libyan government spokesman of mo market alfie. clear and be in the last 2 or 3 years, especially there is a kind of freaking movement for liberal ration and gaining control of africa and natural resources such as uranium. oh yes. and other. so my guess is that the americans are very worried that the influence tight grip modeled them that are on african done by both i getting a very weak. 6 and the moment the american 5 is showing the sign of match and they cannot accept photos on the world is equal to them. they cannot accept
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a freak on country, 55 because countries has their own destiny, their own modem starting their own interest. and they, they can pursue with use and so i don't think what the americans are trying to do would have to be in effect. i think a freaking out much more way, more prepared to fight against this. and the changes that took place in the south region, but last year only approve my thoughts. rush, meanwhile, has been developing cooperation with the african states in mall. a work has begun on building a major solar power plants neighboring algeria, and breaking up also have also signed a strategic partnership agreements with moscow on nuclear energy development. well, the central african republic is looking to host a russian military base to combat terrorism in the region. the former libyan government spokesperson again believes us all about giving the global sales of firmer footing in the world. the africans,
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they know very well that they are rubbed by the west, not by russia. the r a q pipe mid, truly with admitted to bases from the west, not from russia. why the russia, on the other hand, is extending a hand the corporation and understanding and engaging with us because not just kind of showing the i'm in terms of the media but also in terms of the economy in terms of a peaceful politics sort of design. but our team does not impose politics of identity . does not impose a standards of particular culture, a phone africans, it's actually used to african nations un freaking populations. not for the benefits of about seeking a country, even russia, but for the benefits of africans. because i think russia is genuinely seeking
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a work order in which i see the globe. i solve the countries of the globe a south, and that's in america, africa, and south asia is a been a to play an important role in justice and peace around the world. to stay with archie international up next, the cost of everything by the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real live indians fixtures design to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground?
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can the russian states never as tired as i'm turning the no sense community best. not getting all sense set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians, putting a split archie smith. net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube . the services for the question, did you say a request to check the
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this is can be started by lawrence, please can be scattered by a true importance of which can never be of a study. since that transparency is an extraordinary drawn mistake, patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, pardon watched us or mom realized pen smith and golf and, and honestly, the biggest of late continuously. i know why advice may attempt.


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