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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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1000000000 people decides and billions react the as well as deadly shelling of rock of 50 in southern dogs that shows no sign of relating to quality. washington's part is $320000000.00 pay up to neighboring aids to the end, place breaks apart, and begins to stay on the highway is one of the many is really military bases scattered across the west bank. this particular one resides in the middle, albany area, housing around 350 pounds in families, and up in slow because the likelihood, the kind of city in palm is in the west tower with as fires destroy that probably the questions are raised to the area and text it is also used by is wally full states. the military police fire started by due to patient in the jordan valley are
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part of the program prepared to displace posting and families from here. the rest of repels and open on to title incline me a downing h ukrainian drive that comes as 11 countries, green light striking russian surgeries with western the hello and welcome to these 3 pm here in the russian campus. and this is almost the international with the very latest wealth news update. as always, it's great to have the witness to palestinian red present. paramedics have been killed in his rate is showing in the southern gauze in the city of rough. um that brings the total number of pay us the stuff killed fitness. october the 7th to 19. it comes as the you when. when the aid supplies for the bottled enclave some fee does meet the demand. we show actually the pores this at tech. the tech home
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displaced people and it demonstrates that there is no safe place in gaza at all. we have um, distributors and the norm is amounts for central medicine medical supplies set, but it's not enough. i mean, like this is such an old for, well, no, over whelming these off, sorry, and on and off. now when that would be a sustain ceasefire, and it would be entry roots into guys which are properly managed. when there is a d confliction mechanism, which actually facilitates supports a much more if it's possible. i'm at the humanitarian dissolves, to unfolding in the and cave agencies of being that exasperated off to a new us may peer used to transport a to gauze, a broke of pods and begun sustained damage sustained by the floating p a to weeks of to begin operating expose the destruction for the destruction that it this is
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taking 2 and a half months to build the p a and deliver the claim to $1000.00 metric tons of age, which is a drop in the ocean compared to what's needed in gaza every day that deposits bushes, small families close at the station and put small lives at risk. the pay a bill to the cost of $320000000.00 was only put into service on may 17th, but also less than 2 weeks of operation to pay. it was damaged by a combination of fine weather and rough seas. the pentagon said sections of the structure needed were passed, so it was being towed away to the is where the pools of ash dogs to be fixed by could take at least a week, found of mostly legal husbands simply said, rather than worrying about his pay. i think us should be pressure and guess well, to spoil the will. it's laughable. the, the, the peer is a joke. if america really cared about the palestinians, they would stop sending bombs that is really dropping on palestinian citizens. they
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would really could, could end the war and saving a war, they would end the genocide. it's one side, it's literally a nuclear, super by power. rene bombs on refugees burning children alive, people intense who've been displaced and they, they've driven them out of their homes, told them to go to so called safe zones, and the bomb, the safe zones. this, it hasn't happened once or twice. it has happened daily. you can't accidentally keep killing that many civilians. when you accidentally killed $40000.00 civilians, it's no longer an accident. it's clearly intentional and the use of supporting that . so i think the, the peer was a complete joke. even the air drops of humanitarian aid are a disgrace. in fact, i just saw footage of a young child who was killed when at the visa, so called 2 minutes or an air drops, fell on her and killed her. many people have actually died with these humidity on your drops falling on them or falling in the sea and people trying to go get it and drowning to death. so if america really cared about the palestinians,
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they wouldn't spend hundreds of millions building appear that doesn't even work. the us can put pressure that us can force this genocide to stop tomorrow. the problem is that us doesn't want to, that is the problem. the reason being us politicians like committee haley like lindsay graham, like by didn't himself have received millions and millions of dollars from the is really lobby. so these american politicians, they're not working for the american people. they're not working for human rights. and they are basically agents of a, for an entity. this is, randy army has said size to a launch. vegetable lock is in the west bank during another rate on the city of ramallah. emergency work is extinguished, the blaze which engulfed more than 100 stores. the fire was caused by gas palms thrown by id. yes, the idea is according to remodel as man. local media reported clashes between his rating forces and palestinians, and especially with soldiers firing lines, bullets,
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numbers of casualties have not been confirmed the, the livelihood says how the city and farm is in the west bank of being delta of nothing below. after raising fires, devastated back folks in the northern jordan valley. however, as the area is way can of the useful is wally military drills, questions off being ways as to whether this was a natural disaster, autism or we have an ocean that picks up the story. some of the palestinian farmer steps carefully, so the ashes as he inspects his fields. last week's fire 8, around 170000 square meters of his communities, land destroying vital crops. all these, all of which do you see how it is all done with planted annually harvested and use it for making bread and seen it? i was cheap and livestock vc, it was old, burned in the field, so no one will benefit from it. the inside agricultural season was last the cost of
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seats pesticides, and being ty, season was lost. mazda did recalls how the fire started, and such dry weather, with temperatures reaching forward to degrees celsius with the gross easily ignites . the strong winds typical of this region quickly find the flames, causing the fire to spread rapidly. mosley believes the fire was parked by his railey military trails conducted as a nearby army base in the southern a feature that was sold just traded in this area. and there was shooting, smoke rolls immediately, and 5 started spread into the agricultural lands and pastures. if i also reach the military company of the area and these run the fiber gates and civil defense forces and plains immediately arrive to prevent the fire from reaching the mystery camps and jewish settlements that these are on this side. one defies, break out. allows the size to expend on the protecting the settlements and military facilities. a method to use the palestinians farmer to leave it in the occupied
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west bank. where these really presence is marked by hundreds of jewish settlements and military bases. he believes these fire is on ultimate accidents, but spots of as well as long term strategy. in most of these really use this nature zones, to control the slants and empty them of philistines, all means of pressure and intimidation were used against us. and then a mid results and military training, especially as the and spawn materials are held during the dry season of crops every year. the bonus every year, purposely they don't do exercises. oh yeah. but they focused on the p, which one the crops, dried palestinian officials from the to boss government rates responsible for these area code. the sentiments of local farmers. let me have some of these really occupations did not allow police team and firefighters and trucks to reach the sites. to distinguish these fires, i see frankly, there is no solution because these fire started by do a condition in the jordan valley. are part of the program prepared to displace
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posting in families from here. but devastating fire is just one of the dangers posed by the proximity of the military base. common drills leave behind a significant amount of waste contaminating the area and unexploded devices that are like taking bombs for their locals. just at least mine lies or negative cultural land on the land we cultivate. this has been to us for the people with him . when we, where i can get here and this is on a subject on the, on the previously solid and so shelves were detected gps coordinates. what taken and they were photographed and documented the agent that police didn't have family here. that hasn't had data or wounded due to these trainings side to the highway is one of the many is really military base is scattered across the west bank. this particular one resides in the middle of an area, housing around 350 palestinian families. so many of them, the daily reality of living near an army, outpost whose fault with numerous friends the best way they've been living for
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decades. they have no other place to go home or run to forced to do or live in the shadow of this unsettling neighbour. rafe and ocean are all t reporting from northern jordan. valley is where the land or authority has ordered the underwater to be evacuated in east jerusalem buildings and violates and a lease agreement. but you want to release agency was informed, it must pay of a $7000000.00 for operating without consent. online. belonging to is ro us despite the office being located in east jerusalem, which according to a un resolution, is considered palestinian territory. it was required to immediately stop any legal use destroy arris and you have built in violation of the law, the k, the land of any people. right. tim said, returning to the la, within 30 days from the date of this let's, uh, if you did not comply the le reserves the right to act against,
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you would only go means and you will need to buy the entailing costs. and now the warming won't be send the old i came at the request of as well as the minister of housing to expel underwashed from all is wally controlled loans and a similar stroke. the is ready, parliament passed a preliminary, no designate thing, the relief agency as a terrorist organization. this global started went as well as she was on the want employees of participating in the october 7th, her mass attack. although tennessee, it has yet to provide solid evidence for its claims. let's discuss this further with, i guess the red cross live now to see if is where the parliament 9 bucks on the head dashed policy. many thanks for joining us on. the program is good to see. i think the best of both, i'd like to us be your reaction to as well ordering on the wall to vacate its offices in east jerusalem. it was a say of the united nation sort of idea indicated the 3 weeks ago and not
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one, not on the one a one the time it easily and hasn't supply the any evidence that the a, beside the 12 where kids were up, i went to wedding 12 to the massacre of october 7th. it didn't supply any or didn't believe it or any evidence that there was a more. it's very important to mention that they, it more than one of the by the organization within the organization, the thousands and thousands of work out of fluid who is away as pool with a apology. the 12 to k, a pilot in the say, can you mean the massacre and they indeed must be punished. that's to say that their organization because of 12 green me not, is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot and this is the light. and this is another product, these are the governments update to what i didn't felt was breaking the meal.
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instead of looking at the reflection of the b then and then in the amending the malicious behavior, will these be then? so this is by the breaking the needle using this method full as well as we to actively attacking on the wall. awesome months. now it started with these accusations that is stuff and participates in the home at the time. but it, it provided no solid evidence for that of cause. why do you think because when the government is trying to remove on the law as well, as i said, 8 said the persecution of the items that were just another layer. yeah. one pallet or in, on going in a much why do best accuse jen of mean voice stopped a, it is against the assault on guys up against the crimes that the government, the is the bill sues. and against the a related d exposure of those guys. this is another layer of each of the people that i spit
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it is, you know, they the government degrees and the wage, the war against any or even a position to each policy is sufficient. you island the assault on guys out, but also is on the ethnic cleansing, that goes on in the west bank and huge. it was the name and the process of prussia . they shall receive the state of you, right? anyone who tries to ways enough, they left the voice or to exposed. busy those crimes easy, immediate people secure that in under a duck, whether it is the international premium, the a, a call to the international court of justice or the media, or a or police. the know that he's ations, like one of the a o e o is the abc distance, or even members of the parliament just to give me one example. yesterday i gave a speech to a and that he fell to a place called is that the mine which is it don't show
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a cam within these lives in which it's being that's the pride that the palestinian please don't shed a tentative believe it. but there have been means and the i was attacked by members looked aggressive and administered, including from the so called a center outlet or position of the party was lying dole. everything i said was based on every dance and publication in the media including these me. yeah, it's, so this is, everything is part of the same best accuse yes. including the after you do towards only that, and i want to be emphasized anyone was involved in this. the kind of age of october st. man must be died and punished. but i'm for feeding now. as everybody knows, there was no soley evidence that they bought from 12 out of thousands of work as
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a whole though we're involved in these companies. so i guess a big b as in other labeled the political build syncfusion of anything and everything dots may expose the guy is that the government to visit us was, it's also notable isn't it. that of the why is a k organization is actively helping people in gone so so if is well succeeded expelling the agency, what kind of consequences could that have for the palestinian people in gaza? the best of what we all know that the, the condition of the palestinians of all the 2 medium between gaza is a very diana to say the least salvation. busy his own if so it was published today, he needs that. i mean he was paper. epstein said he's an innovative the so called philadelphia, philadelphia. ok. the on the border between garza and the it off of to be more
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precise in egypt. seems then the, or do me thought you many don't have a that that was the, in any event plus to lead into smaller a to leave early to late. so we do a dog in $0.67. so this sort of ation via the ration and the oil and the, the lack of medicine. and they made because we did set up is a even worse now. and we thought that one of the it's going to be even was because it's not only the piece a way the government, the fees that to be more precise was to it not only to close to get the lead the way it doesn't. it doesn't often any ability differently, not that at least take one. so that means that the owner was billed and he's ation that the supposed and the enormous times the legal aid and the support for the 1st thing in the future use. if it doesn't exist and does not deal with the,
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so the consequences are quite clear that so now they will kind of the government is responsible. and yes, as dia is, the situation is right now the us national security adviser expects the goals of will to continue for at least 7 more months. what are your thoughts on that? just look, i don't get many interviews including gary to you that day. there is a huge difference between the wake of the a biden's administration and the features and the properties. because on the one hand that talk about it and the, the end, it's not ending. they will at least in a leaving the condition of the palestinian a. but his being a civilian same does up the talking about the in a flaming form and doing in very being dropbox that talking about the planning for me, call me civilian bucking. blocked is they compete is the support the government.
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the fees are in, carried out in carrying out exactly those things, the building cli, they, they get a against. so this difference is acceptable because to be sure to evaluate once a, you know, vigo all. i know that means they should not according to words, but according to beads and unfortunately by the end of the ministration. and he'd say so loud beings, a in black, this stuff for the ongoing crimes that the government to use that as soon as thank you for speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time and your inside advocate. safe is ready parliament, a member of the head dash party. thank you. thank you very much on the wireless. thank you. so the latest on the ukraine concepts now, russia has repels and i have a nice talk on his territory. according to the defense ministry he of use to us made all me tons of equal missed on systems during the strikes rush,
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it was able to down h ukrainian you way these are the crime you the, the local authorities, the ukraine, you, that time target to be and then seen as a transportation infrastructure, while the strikes were repelled in the city of cods, to ferry boats were hit by the downs. well, kids fragments noticed civilian casualties have been reported. meanwhile, the debate surrounding k as a possible use of western arms to strike russian territories is not dying down. so far, 11 countries have given you trained the go ahead to use the weapons for such attacks . among them, some of caves, most vocal supposes ponens from that canada on. thank you. k, russia has warned against such publications. well, let's take a look at the also ukraine has access to interest how far those weapons can strike inside russia. 3 types of those west as applied,
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munitions can hit talk. it's less than 100 kilometers inside the russian potentially reaching the cities of don't yet on building roads. the next group includes walk hits, bones and the waves with the u. s. b u k. on portugal, they can reach up to 300 kilometers deep inside russian territory. but the long range storm shudder occurs. miss salas pose the biggest threats. they can strike up to 550 kilometers deep within russia. the u. k. on front supply business solves and types of posted potential attacks on russia. ukraine also wants to replenish is west and also with the new play a capable f. 165 to jazz russia's farm and a step. of course it and the games. driving the conflict in that direction. a beast of 16 across the will be destroyed, as well as other types of weapons supplied by nato countries to ukraine. at the same time, we should be borne in mind that f, 16 fighters have long been the main means of delivery within the frame. what the
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cycle joint dates have nuclear missions, therefore we cannot but consider the supply of the systems to the key of regime as a deliberate signal action by night. so in the nucleus, we're trying to make it clear to us the united states and nato are ready for literally a mean thing in ukraine. k of the assets to join the european union have drunk. the only thing is with the blocks diplomats now seemingly teasing ukraine with accession tools to boost morale as early as next month with bloomberg saying discussions will kick off met weeks off to the parliamentary elections in your opinion is aiming to start negotiations as early as june the 25th, which you crate on becoming a member of the blogs that help boost keeps morale, but has yet to fully overcome objections from hungry and ukraine definitely need someone to boost at spirits. russian forces are advancing on the battlefield. cabins. brutalizing its people to force them into a meat grinder,
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but it's likely brussels isn't just dangling the carrot of e u. membership out of the kindness of it's hard because highly motivated ukrainians, finding a proxy war against russia, means others won't have to. our people are very much motivated, very much, so we're fighting for rights for freedoms, for life, and now we're fighting for survival. and this is the highest of our motivation, but we're also fight equal members of us. i believe that today we're showing everyone that's exactly what we are. the european union is going to be much stronger with us. that's for sure. what am was inspiring words from a president who's political legitimacy as devolved into that of a dictators. but i, so as he was dreaming of a fast track to you, membership at the start of russia's military operation, 2 years on, and he's still dreaming. your training is on the right track. it is ready for negotiations. however, this does not mean that there are no reforms left that needed to be continued. obviously, they are needed. they can be continued during the accession negotiations. therefore,
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i cannot guarantee, but i can say that i really hope that negotiations will begin in june, at least for zaleski this time. it looks like these purport, a jew negotiations are likely to take place political, as well as publishing similar information, saying brussels is eager to start new cranes integration process without any guarantees. it all boils down once again to nothing more than a morales boost in brussels. officials are pushing to begin formal negotiations over ukraine, joining the european union as early as next month, according to people familiar with the matter. opening the tox would bring the morale boost to ukraine, which has been fighting a full scale russian invasion for more than 2 years and has long aspired to join the western block on top of that. diplomats from brussels and t of are reportedly trying to persuade hungry to sign off on ukraine's e u. a session. because victor orbit is anything but enthusiastic about the idea. we have set up a sub and click on the service and you run the by the evaluation of the commission
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. 3 out of the 7 is not seen. so there is no reason to negotiate membership publicly and now he's not the only european against you membership for ukraine. even those countries that support it have large parts of their population that don't think it's a good idea. no wonder negotiations are set to take place at the end of june, just a couple weeks after elections for the parliament. when the wrath of unhappy voters will no longer be relevant for politicians, no good blame europeans for not wanting to embrace key of with open arms ukraine's band. it's political opposition. it's sending people to the friends by brute force and the so called president, canceled the elections that may have thrown them out of office. it's come as no surprise that that sounds anything but democratic too many people in the west and around the world. from the british diplomats and all the in crowns, believes back re maneuvering was behind choosing the dates for the toll switch. now
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take place before hungary as teams, the counsel presidency in gainesville authority to bind the initiative for the significance of like out of is the 1st of all the give this to start to come. they say the evening july say is going to july to get started in june to provide some visuals and such and kind of booking for this. you know, until is that some sense that i get what i can do that as an a. so we see the 5 south you notice to mays of give people away. sometimes this is being made by the realize a single scene doing that actually there's still many, many years to bond before you create can realize and stream of expensive the you, the teachers schools to be. i become which i see the opinion themselves and such as someone's who have a tool that related to when talking back to you. the 2nd condition is not being
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fully fulfilled. there's also the actual costs of, of interviewed by seeing the train of tulips and a water damage. and most of the kids, uh, you guys is 2022. and i think guess that will be the setting equals for concerning some you being taught to use that. there's an enormous cost investment costs and that she getting the claim back up here for the folks need to call me again. you know, when boys complete whenever that is and that, you know, as we have this key is that key twice on for that is not just about meeting those requirements. of course it's, you know, what you do need is requirements. every member of the being committed, a union has to receive any agree that you can join us as know just by meeting the standards. it's that about getting a view of being contradictory to you from enjoying which again is another big old school, particularly. and honestly, of the, the worlds of russian on chinese international relations on politics have come together in moscow with experts from the washing international affairs council on
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the chinese economy of social sciences organizing the joint conference. all day spoke with the senior figure from the council on strategic interaction and he said his take on the unique features of the most go badging relationship will not go down to the level of cooperation between china and russia. is rich and historically unprecedented level. for us, russia is the most important. buckner for strategic cooperation. i think the chinese also very important partner for russia. there's one of the most important partnerships in the world of the past 2 years. economic cooperation has broken several records and i'm sure that off to put into visit the china. all we can on the corporation will reach a new, i'm president and the level we both chinese and russian comrades say that our relations did not consent. those policy, especially in the fields of economics and energy, all cooperation is bilateral. and so it's countries have no right to say edison. anything since you want to get say on all the international does get check our
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website all take console, the latest updates on. but with more than 30 minutes, see them the crime is for almost 3 centuries, it's been a stronghold of russian culture. 10 years ago of the events of a divided dependence is history into before and of the it became part of russia for good. the rest of the forces. so the, so we took 2 minutes to see the, the say positional but it's a boy, it's a different chest here. it was more or less to, but that will jeff has to do some. we do the with the station committee for the
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full just cause that'll work click within the midst of which is the listing of what the quote was pretty crossed and the good person it says gets, it was a decent letter, but it is a floor that a letter stating that only just the in the spirit i didn't i suppose by us and i'm probably on the west side of things, but little simple story. the chip vehicle because then you can we move in you are see the so that good you see it. yeah. but you studies just give me or come with a need stores no more us to be a little bit. i agree with got sort of style. could i use it images i think we thought are you sure. thank you. so they put me on leave me look, cream me still see the quick. are you still parameters? all i need is a possibly need you since you have spoken what people but not so we've.


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