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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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61 box weighing a 175 used to do it. you'll get a sense. it's all we going to lift that stay the question. forces continue to involve on the battlefields in ukraine, positive nato foreign ministers, a set to meet in prague. i've been throwing calls to allow t f to stride the pin to russian territory the attorney or should not continue indefinitely, just as should not be absolute forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be way, but i will be doing is looking to cooperate with our of nations to results both issues, achieving long term piece on stability of the message from the chinese president
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changing pain because he templates towards the middle east and an eviction order from the is really government expels. the un release agency from all is really controlled lines and we have, she has an accusation that under what employees participated in the october 7th, her mazda tag is ready and pay off a to see if it tells all to the government's actions or something to say, the organization because of 12, give me not these guilty in such a thing. this is a shot would be through the like the a very well welcome. it's 5 pm here in the russian capital. and this is on to you international with the world news update. it's good to have you with us. as hop story this, our russian forces are gaining momentum in ukraine and rocking the battlefield. involved says, the defense ministry has released
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a video of troops carrying out strikes against key or forces at the out the front line of the russians free for towering out the so called a spy, a sweep spike on one of the ukrainian strategic locations. they used a, provide multiple walk at low into against the key of troops on the equipment they had accumulated nearby as the using of fire sweep techniques. they are telling me, man, supported the offensive actions of the infantry a so great. well, meanwhile, they told us talk diplomats on gathering in prague for a 2 day me thing that begins to stay though, discuss another aid package to ukraine and as long. so if the july nato summit, the gathering takes place and mid kids appeals to use western weaponry to talk it russian territories, which some of its allies hobble, ready, green lighted. the vendor went on several countries, including germany,
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have reached clear agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course also be extended to the aggressive national territory. few of these debates surrounding keeps possible use the western arms to strength, questions, territories is not dying down. and so i saw 11 countries have given you train the go ahead to use the west buttons full such attacks among things some of keeps most of vocal support as po and phones kind of the on the u. k. russia has warned against such provocations. well, let's take a closer look at the optimal ukraine does have access to interest helpful. those weapons can strike inside russia. 3 types of those wisdom supplies, munitions can hit targets, less than 100 kilometers inside rush of potentially reaching the cities. all of them don't yet scans belgrade the next square if includes well kits, bones on the way the east from the us, the u. k. on portugal,
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they can reach up to 300 kilometers deep inside russian territory. but the long range storm shadow, cruise missiles pose the biggest threats that can strike up to 550 kilometers deep within russia, the u. k. on for on supply business, thousands have supported potential attacks on russia, ukraine to say what state were planning issues west and also with the new pay a capable of 165 to judge versus foreign minister. has course in the getting strong into conflict in that direction. to these of 16 across the will be destroyed, as well as other types of weapons supplied by nato countries to ukraine. at the same time, it should be borne in mind that f, 16 fighters have long been the main means of delivery within the framework, the cycle joint and h. i'm nuclear missions. therefore, we cannot but consider the supply of the systems to decaf regime as a deliberate signal action by nato in the nucleus. we're trying to make it clear to
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us the united states and nato are ready for literally anything in ukraine. or we discussed the what the issue we'd like on the phone, the pentagon, cd, a security policy analysts. he told us that if his own good arrangements sounds all given the go ahead. it could re bound on the west as most go would interpret the move as an escalation. i think there will be some opposition from particularly hungry and other in a few other countries. and then is certainly hopefully some reluctance on the part of the united states. because if, if it was longer range, missiles are, are green light and it's going to, it was kind of pause, a very dramatic problem for, of, for on the united states. and for the western countries. because most scale can interpret that as a, as a, as an escalation on, on the, on monday, those parts and consider them to be directly involved a little more. and then the, that just raises
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a and i think that's why you're going to be seeing myself. i'm beginning to accelerate their their own no offensive. i would say it a may in a june in the june july timeframe. you're gonna see this pick up dramatically and, and i, and i think you're also going to be seeing the greater a true concept of russian true concentrations occurring not only in the north, but throughout the entire front. the united states has, has an over reliance on very expensive uh, high tech, and it tends to be very fragile. and, and as a result of, yeah, it's just meant to be used in the various limited capabilities. and this assumes that you have other elements that come into play as part of a grand symphony of, of, of warfare if you will. but without that one critical element of air power of the
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ukrainians have been severely crippled and has been to the advantage of russia working together to coal hot spots around the world and achieve long term pace of stability. as our president change and pink as outlines the goals of a china arab states cooperation for him, which is kicked off today at the opening ceremony, the chinese lead as long as these trends and to operation in key areas, such as oil and gas, trade and infrastructure the also tends to be scientific and technological exchanges, biological tourism health care, and e commerce are also on the agenda more of a presence than she emphasized his commitment to achieve pace and dasa. the journey for should not continue indefinitely. injustice should not be absent forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will. china, somebody suppose the establishment of an independent state of palestine, which enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east
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jerusalem as its capital l. a. china is supposed kind of stands full membership in the united nations and supports the convening of a more broad based off source defined effective international peace conference. you know, the seizure or divided and to part 1st part definitely focusing on the china. then eric said, walk, ration and a portion briefly you have mentioned, it's focusing on actually 5 aspects including innovation, financial investment added to corporation, trade, and people to people. it changes. well, this was a mother key message from the chinese presidents leaving p. c. no sweet on thursday morning at the opening ceremony up to 10 minutes serial conference often trying to ab states corporation for president. she also sent a strong message on the situation in dr. it's the 2nd part of the problem. he's to speak with a few separate quotes or should not continue indefinitely. just this should not be absent for ever. and so i'm going to the 2 state solution should not be neighbor at
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0. he's student trying to support colors, post time to membership, and the us, china will offer not the $500.00 milligrams about $68000000.00 us dollars. we. this is in addition to the 100 milligrams, 2 minutes here in the system for the reconstruction and humanitarian. really, some of the major outcome is putting the 3 documents were adopted at the ministerial level meeting is the 1st so far as the page and that's what ration now . we also have the forms action plan for 2024 to $22.00 and $6.00. find the joint statement between china i received from on a pallet send me an issue of egypt sin precedent. now since you set the axes, are most committed to building up just international order and point out that are really deep. the appreciate shyness persistence on pal student issue and also chinese presidents. and he and i was trying to, we'll be hosting, which on the m. c. summit in 20202026, many. another milestone on china. and the aeroplanes relation the u. s. has pressed
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europe to take a hoss stance on china slicing paging. suppose it 8 to most go for the ukraine conflicts. washington's options for the chinese president. suppose your pin tour and 5 years that wrapped up early this month, i'll say it contributes the original mazda and brings us more details in europe is still struggling after being ag done by the u. s. to load up on sanctions against russia. effectively cutting itself off from a major market right next door, including its own cheap energy supplier. it's still stumbling around right now, trying to get back on its feet again. and here comes uncle sam coding europe to get a flight going with china over ukraine. nato members met up in brussels yesterday and the us deputy secretary of state. kurt campbell came out of the meeting. so i'm really excited about the reaction of some european countries to this brilliant new idea. the washington is now trying to paddle i think, what we the hudson by yesterday in the discussions at the north atlantic council,
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they made a political decision making body with a nice i was how many european countries spoke up clearly. but the view that it would be impossible to maintain a normal relationship with china if at the same time the chinese was surreptitiously a bad thing, the most, the stabilizing war in europe since the 2nd world war. no doubt european citizens are really heartened, as he says about even more the regulation of their economy than the u. s. has already provoked by convincing to bring leaders in brussels to switch out a cheap, fresh, and gas for far pricier american gas. so now the logic is the, even though china is the largest trading partner, that entire relationship should really just be seen through the prism of the conflict. a new frame, like pretty much everything else. these days. queen are so and fond provide you commission president and has already been parenting us treasury secretary j e l and using the same lingo, referring to china quote, over supplying the global markets with the electric cars. by the way,
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back in the good old days of the western world that used to be called free market capitalism. it's not like anyone accused mcdonald's of over sits behind cheap burgers or anything like that. but now that they're being beaten at their own game, they want to tell the playing field, hence the taxes that the you, it's been gearing up to slap on chinese electric vehicles and china is all like, hey, we're talking about green vehicles here. didn't you guys say that you supported free enterprise and we're also really worried about climate change. these measures will only home the interest of their own, consume is in effect the global green transformation and that fits to tackle climate change. surely it's just a total points. events that washington is already quadruple. that's care of on the same chinese green cars from 25 percent to 100 percent. and just to give you an idea of how dumb all of this is china's largest ex border is tesla. the american car company founded by you on most tassels american shareholders are probably
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really thrilled about having their revenues cut by the, by the administration because it thinks their chinese european companies from manufacturers to alcohol producers are reportedly worried about the unintended consequences of any move that you might make under pressure from the us, not knowing exactly how sign of might react, visa view their own products valid considering their track record of failing to for see the impact of their actions around ukraine to date on their own economy. all while arguing that they were bringing russia to its knees when actually russians doing better growth wise than europe is right now. and politically. recent remarks, 5 french president emanuel and i called during season, brings visit here to paris and to other countries in europe earlier. this month, the 1st such trip in several years suggests an interest in constructive engagement . we respect the engine ties between china and russia,
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as well as the efforts made over decades to stabilize these relations. the future of our continent will very clearly depend on our ability to continue to develop relations with china in a balance manner. queen ursula was also there at the same meeting when she's in peeing and snack whole left train china about flow fair play and quote, making full use of our trade defense instruments if necessary. but you know, whatever, who elected her anyway, right? when she was over in china and she had to go eat at the local them some instead of the state banquet. so that pretty much says all you really need to know about how trying to think of her. china is also just extended visa, free travel for 11 western european countries until the end of 2025, to quote the facility exchanges and opening up to the outside world. that's according to the chinese for our ministry. so you experts in china, watchers here seem to think that things can still be worked out. i don't think
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anyone in brussels wants a full blown trade war or technology war, but there's a growing up ignition that something needs to change in the trade and technology relationships between european union and china. so i'm just about the last thing that europe needs right now was uncle sam calling the shots and sticking his nose in here of business with yet another trade part of this time. china. europe is still reeling from the last time that happened, but uncle sam is a tough guy to wrestle the keys away from when he insist on driving the found car. the is ready land, authorize. he has old it on the wall to evacuated, an east jerusalem building, full violation, got a lease agreement. that's the spot, the office being located in east jerusalem, which according to the un resolution, is considered palestinian territory. it was required to immediately stop any illegal use, destroy iris and you have built in violation of the law, the k, the land of any people. right. tim said, returning to the la,
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within 30 days from the date of this let's, uh, if you did not comply the le reserves the right to act against, you would only go means and you will need to buy the entailing costs. and now the warning won't be send to as well as housing minister requested the order to expel and the loss of my own is really controlled. blonde, similar lady is ready, apollo's post, a preliminary note designating the release agency as a terrorist organization. tensions of what was when his while accuse on the employees of participating in the october 7th, her mouth attacked. the government has yet to provide solid evidence for his claims . as a kind of safe is wally m. p on dash policy member said that the organization should not be sanctioned over the conduct of some of its workers. when the 1st a say of the united nation, solid idea indicates that the 3 weeks ago and not one, not on the one,
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the one the time it easily and has been supplied any evidence that a beside the 12 where kids walk into waiting 12 to get the master code for october 7th, a didn't supply any or even believe it or any evidence that there was a more. it's very important to mention that they, it more than one other by a organization within the organization, the thousands and thousands of work out out of fully who is away as pool with the a apartment eat up to $12.00 to pay a pilot in the se, claiming the massacre and they indeed must be punished. that's to say that their organization because of 12 green me not, is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot and this is the light. and this is another product. these are the government's attempts to what i referred to as breaking the meal, instead of looking at the reflection of the re then,
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and then in the amending the malicious behavior of the spieler. so this is part of breaking the needle using this method for the persecution of the that why is it for just another lea, a one pilot, or free in on going in a much why the best, the fusion of any voice that the it is against the start don't guys up against the crimes that the government, the is the bill, suicide, and against the a relay the exposure of those guys. this is another layer, each of the people that i just spent a few days, you know, they, the government needs a wage. the war against any need a position to each policy, especially the dsl on the guys out. but also is on the ethnic cleansing, that goes on in the west bank and huge. it was a limb. in the process of properties, they shouldn't be able to speak to for you,
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right? anyone with guys to always in a fill up your voice or to expose. busy describes these immediate people secure that in under a dock, whether it is the international level premium, the a go to the international or go to just this or the me, b, r o a or police. the new organizations, like one of the a o e o is nbc, does this or even members of the phone? i mean this. well hi, stephanie defies. the international court of justice is ruling guns continues. it's offensive in rasa. the civilian desktop has knows the past 36000 with these 50 people killed in the last 24 hours. is where the forces continue their results on the last 50 standing and going to shelter and go press. the 1000000 palestinian refugees idea strikes of allegedly burns more than 2 dozen of the displaced gauze ends in a tent camp near rafa, which was denounced to the un security council session yesterday even by its allies
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the united states. let's discuss all of this now with i guess we'll leave a little non della and south african n p and tribal chief of the movies. so traditional towns so many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very good to see you today as the as radius. so tongue rasa unfolds. we have crops in the westbound on saya, and the un release agency is being evicted. what is your personal assessment of the latest developments and the complex, as we continuously witnessing that there are 6 square footage coming out of but not just the rough. why or how does the but the entire uh oh to pipe territories. they all say yes sir. we are the senior genocide at the time. crimes against humanity lie to you off campus,
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and this is totally unacceptable. we have to learn about global leaders to stop working any further, but to bring about x in the x and in stopping the genocide and to ensure that we cannot take an immediate cease fire and yet missed them on the lot. as you say that as an outrage, there's so many people on us and yahoo has promised as a likes read that as well as crusade in gaza is on spot. people will see what reaction to that statement, but it comes, it is something new because all spread, the supports continues to be ad from the allies, the in the west, particularly from the us, a, as well as the, the united kingdom. without such a big king and there is so to the support nothing, y'all will don't be so bold in advocate. but we need to ensure that the civil
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society in the global community rises to the case in just as they did during last for the, for the batteries and insults off the gum. you know very well the bucket fits up and ronald reagan administration supported the particulars into the here. yet this numbers will side to the rose that gave the own government. and so was of was plugged in for liberation. come in and really behind the until part to the movement as well as the re notes and monday, la compete routes and struck that we were able to really the global community behind us and be able to bring a product to it. so dr. got these, we believe that really a full cause, particularly the director at the party is doing ends in the task for well, about $7000000.00 of them. we can be able to ensure that they are not just positive,
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but the voice and, and bustle does the best struggle for liberation. with doing so, we can be able to grow the propaganda, as well as the lives that have been separated by the desire. and i'm not alone, south africa as notably tyree's bon bonded to make as well accountable for the atrocities in gauze or with his case before the international court of justice. the quote, as we know order to as well to hold is expensive last week. what kind of emotions does it stare of thinking about south africa is history. but also knowing that is, well, let's say fall completely ignores the i c, j rolling. i continued with this offensive in gaza. we are totally up to just add to this funds to we always go from there to the best use that being and to, to totally disregard the i c, j,
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the ruling. but i think the boss of south africa and they used to be that they come, well, it was expected and we need to ensure that they are continuously held accountable to the i c, j in the i, c n the we need to bear for expose them to then tie out into a new style community. it is to the are the notary citizens. we can be able to impress upon them to rise, to build cases, to ensure that the exec treasurer on the government and to ensure that we are able to isolate and expose design is entity for the part of yeah that's it is. and i believe that the tactics that we can contribute to assault off again from our very own experience during our strong good bully buddies. and for
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example, the needs to ensure that the global community is mobilized and is playing a significant role to play cards. the best and have sections like games design and this entity comes from our own experience. we were able to ensure that we really didn't try out both community and our quotes. and this is why we are relying on the electronic intifada and social media to really the goal. but it took me to really seem to type turning in this regard where we are, we're testing the marches in the all major cities around the globe. and i think we need to continue repairs simple ads like that. for example, met, remaining in dublin, and was there a board to refuse the handling a great route or any 1st parties coming into done stores in dublin?
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as a result, it's not became a global company. we therefore need to also focus on such a it's and i'm proud to say that with the european most slim a lot of them we have full cost to zooming into the, into a new so or the inputs comments where we are calling on them to bend a desire to miss entity from participating in the pedigrees or into print to print before just as they were able to bend. so the optical joining i was throughout the rest run, participate in the olympics. they should do the same with the pump take is the right. you mentioned that the importance of social media, the so i just want to pick up on that because i know you're doing the 2020 full gauze or freedom flotilla today is to provide launch call goes if you want to, terry, at a to gauze or from tech yeah, and then you ex, accounts was reportedly suspended off to you posted about it several times. can you
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confirm whether that is accurate and then i'd like to ask your thoughts on that a split that is not too bad because the the account up to it would be shut down. was that not my account? i dont have an account that runs in my sending all my uh, top phones uh under the name that you see on the screen and it goes this will valid i it's i and live up and contribute to the monday. the legacy as an individual, within my own space, in regards to unfortunately ellen mosque and to top it shows dot in the wrong account. i still owe and enjoy my old account, which is on domain name, which is a little bit bigger. but i must say that the floss and the freedom to, to look, we were told to use these are pointed to see that the design is empty to
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utilize the every means to a stop and prevent the freedom flow to the problem. it's say i'm to be in games with part of thought it is, but from the $26.00. but we were able to meet all the requirements the for the port authority. and they had signed on us to be able to save bond to the last 5, not blowing to the freedom of flow to the was the dog to the flag doctor we had on our ship, which was from jimmy basalt. and as a result, we have been crossing the continents and the various parts of the club, but due to the approaching punches that are in support and spending solely dr. do
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with the policy and then close. uh we a whole lot during the next few weeks we will be a going to get a slip. so all the way to the concert so that we can be able to say break the rope. the located and craig, this is the husband. we have over 5500 tons of humanitarian aid in medical equipment and food that does does change. well. the people look us up and being sent as civil society to ensure that it's easy to the people for as long as you are. of course, the grandson of the great, nelson mandela. and i understand that you remarks in an interview early this year that your grandfather, true immense inspiration from the palestinian sea. also supported south africa's struggle for liberation. could you elaborate on that for me, please? but my grandfather always said many stories,
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because particularly those the stories, the why didn't be, was incarcerated for life on the rubbing island. and it was the inmates are the god he would all that it's just stories about the speed in the used to say was not the probably finance party. they were able to inspire them while doing custom rated on robin island because agreements ended up today. but we're able to place the enemy and the subject colonialist and to occupy us with bands and sometimes with stones. this enabled and inspired my grandfather and his comrades to realize that they to have been picked up.


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