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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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a shift of the vehicle because then you're coming loving you versus the russian forces continue to involve from the funds will feels in you frame spouse of nato foreign ministers. a said to meet in front of me to grow in calls to allow kids to swipe deep into russians territory or should not continue indefinitely. just it should not be absent forever. and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will change is looking to cooperate with our of nations to resolve hold, spoke issues, achieving long term peace and stability of the message from the chinese leaders change and think of the pivots to was for me is late and an eviction older. from
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the as waiting documents expels the un release agency from all is wally controls. a lot and rehash is an accusation that under want employees participated in the october 7th how mazda attack and it's really m p o, because they've tells all to the government's actions. i wish to say the organization because of the 12 degree nods. these cute teams such it being, this is a shot and piece of the light. the very welcome. this is on the international with the world news updates. as always, it's great to have you with us. as the western debate rages, whether or not to allow you frame to carry out strengths on russian territory, the russian foreign ministry spokes women's slums, the west st, ukraine's back us of loans being co ordinating b strikes and guiding care of tons. he still does go out. he doesn't instead of
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a shy as i'm talking about allowing the key of reasoning to carry out the strikes some western countries, the things that they will see whether or not to allow with some of things that they are not allowing you to. yes, it school rubbish. it's not that they are allowing it. they have been weakest rating will destroy on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key version. but for a long time, we need to tell us like it is one of his comes as russian forces, the gaining momentum in new crate and rocking got bottles filled at bonuses. the defense ministry has released the video of troops carrying out splunk. the gains care of forces on the out, the front line. the hey, a russian troops for caring. got the so called fire sweep strike on one of the ukrainian strategic locations. they use a ground multiple rocket launcher against the key of troops on the equipment, so that accumulates nearby up the after using a sweeping technique,
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the on to the room and supposedly offensive auctions of the ground and century. meanwhile, nato's top, the diplomat. so gathering in prague for a 2 day me thing that begins thursday. we'll discuss another, a package to ukraine in advance of the july nato summit. the gathering takes place and the tabs of pills to use western weaponry to talk it. russian territories which some of its allies have already greenlighted, as a vendor on several countries, including germany, have reached clear agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory. few of them will be longer range. weapons debate is not dying down and so far, 11 countries we've given ukraine the go ahead to use that weapons for a tax on russian territory. some of the most vocal supporters of poland from canada
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and the u. k. russia continues as warnings against their publications. let's take a look at the also ukraine does have access to interest how far those weapons can strike inside russia. 3 types of wisdom supplies, munitions, can hit targets, less than 100 kilometers inside russia potentially reaching the cities of done yet . and both arose. the next course includes will kits and bones and g waves from the u. s. u k on poor to go. and they can reach up to 300 kilometers inside russian territory. but the long range storm shudder cruise missile has posed the biggest rise. they can strike up to 550 kilometers deep within russia. the u. k. and strong supply. these my cells have supported potential attacks on russia. ukraine also wants to replenish its west and also with the nuclear capable. as 165 projects, we discussed the weapons debate with michael maloof, a former pencil, going to see in the a security policy analyst. he say this longer range missiles all given the go ahead
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. a could we found on the west, and i think there will be some opposition from particularly hungry and other than a few other countries. and then is certainly hopefully some reluctance on the part of the united states. because if, if it was longer range, missiles are, are green light and it's going to is kind of pause a very dramatic problem for, for on the united states or for the, for the western countries. because most scale can interpret that as a, as a, as an escalation on, on the, on the made those parts and consider them to be directly involved in the war. and then the, that just raises the answer. i think that's why you're going to be seeing moscow and i'm beginning to accelerate their their own offensive. i would say in a may, in june in a june july timeframe. you're going to see uh this pick up dramatically
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and, and i, and i think you're also going to be seeing the greater truth concept of russian truth concentrations occurring not only in the north, but throughout the entire front. the united states that has an over reliance on very expensive the high tech, and it tends to be very fragile. and, and as a result of it, it's just meant to be used in the very limited capabilities. and this assumes that you have other elements that come into play as part of a grand symphony of, of, of warfare if you will. but without that one critical element of air power of the ukrainians have been severely crippled and has been to the advantage of russia as the west capes pumping lessons into your crane. i'm going to go share. i seemed to move the boundaries for using them such as presidents were lines as the pace talks
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with russia and ukraine that he hosted in his danville in march 2022. so there's 2 opposite goals, throwing up us and sabotaged by the war loving these only giving them an inventor case, always in close proximity to the pencil, occupied the agenda of humanity with entered the 3rd year of the conflict between our black sea neighbors, russia and ukraine, efforts in the east simple process which came to brokerage just fees were unfortunately blocked and subsidized by the war lobbies between the expiration and the landscape. presidential time came and went on may the 20th with no elections on the horizon, the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman has clarified moscow's view of the situation. according to lensky, a ring leader of the kids regime, you can read more about this on our website, all see don't com the rest the media is increasingly basing the war drums, frances leaving limone, the newspaper, say, is washington's refusal to allow us to use american weapons destroy deeper into
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russia on the lines, the reliability of the us within nato. all the piece and the american foreign affairs magazine suggest some washington should send even more school care for should result 2 through regular wolf tactics to target size inside russian territory. ukraine must adjust the way it organizes equipped and thinks about the war switching out. hit on confrontation with russian forces for an asymmetric gorilla style approach. doing so will no doubt prolong the fighting with a pivot to unconventional warfare offers the best chance for ukraine to chip away and rushing, resolve both on the front lines and at home. well let's go live now to independent and just doing it as sonya of on demand. uh, also i'm calling mr. gold rush, jake and siri and political analyst on the academic, isabel, as i've done many things to will, 3 of you for joining us on the program. my 1st question to miss slide down if i may . we now see us media hoax, coating on ukraine's result to go really will say,
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you're right in syria where washington has been supposing logical rebel groups since 2011. how is, let's talk 6 impacted your country. and how would you compare that to the situation in ukraine? uh uh, 1st of all, thank you for having me and uh, just a quick note that the american intervention started in syria a long time ago. it started since the 19 eighties and 19 seventies. when america has a long history of supporting assignment funds, a mentor this on the syrian line just with the attempt of getting rid of the government and the redeemed. according to them the regina that they don't like. but now with the presence of the social media, it is obvious that people, most of the people think that it started in 2011, however, it started a long time ago and failed before as it still trading. now i'm, they have paid recently is syria. when they started, i mean,
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the americans are the 1st time it was after when they started the have they have this, what is what i like to call and i like people to go through. it's called the timbers k more, and it is as, as it is on the internet, on the american websites, not the syrian, not the are of websites. it's on an american website. and it said, it's a, it's a classified web to supply and training program run by the united states. i'm to intelligency, i a, a supported by some are of intelligence services. would be a, would be a, i'm, i'm here, i'm colton. i'm just trying to summarize this as fast as i could do. we move syrian president the shuttle service from the power. it was launched 20122013. and by that time they were getting reports the, the american governments. and it was the administration of barack obama. they were
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they, they just kept receiving reports about a, the, the, the rebels and the people. they were funding and the training and providing them with lessons. they would try to risk. and they are, they tend, sorry, so i think a lot of a lot of things that hidden in plain sight is usually if you look hard enough, how would you compact the situation in ukraine right now? or actually what i'm, what i see is, is that the united states is trying to prolong the military operations the taken by a, i mean to, to prolong it as long as they could so that they can, they could, we can both part to you. however, however, they are preventing and this is what happened here in syria. they are trying, they were not supporting as much as they could be turner, as they were on the serial lines, so that they would prolong the time of war, they make it longer. and this is when they, we saw it back in 2018, 2019,
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when they had a, they just replaced one of the looters, them or the, the car, the affiliates with other looters. and when it comes to the ukrainian or russian recruit or ukrainian and uh, let's say military operation. it is obvious that the americans, they are just trying, they are not capable of a it's, it's a, it's a windows hot that they have changed and they have faith and the ceo crane thing. yeah. and, and they are to me just to make it as limited as possible because they're not capable of completing the thank you. right? yeah, i haven't. my next question to talk to shave, please be, be also is if that far enough that his magazine piece and net, but turning to gorilla wolf would no doubt put along the ukraine conflicts they signed to the 20 year loan us occupation of afghanistan. certainly an interesting
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comparison to meg, do you think he has himself really wants to drag this out even further though? well i look, i'm acting up on the deck to the board by philadelphia's book. most all these outlets, both of the best and i'll click on it and truly the branches, and you can see the pen because of the photo office. and the, the, this is the one is the 3rd, this is the order level which they are using it from the be able to set as well as what i'm sitting next best one for finish. let's see, i'll finish the solution and they are going to do it on the cost of last living with the 3 any of this report. yeah, well, this makes this help, this a, this, the following up for you. be sure the extent of the game for the ones who mix get a cd out buffy. you remember it was to see the beautiful country just didn't know if it's the just been working with. 1 the other people have lost their lives at the
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input. if you do the same fit, i'm predicting us from the day one since both we're i am predicting that 1st we can work grand into another cdl. and i am also thankful that there's another number. the 2nd number be coming out of me any uh video jacob ward is the same direction. yes, for the same color for our media as well. and as i know, it looks like the one who escalated the deck is the reason the former president also you grant. all right. no worries. save that. he's nothing but the he is the martian, the mr. mr. dukes the, he did a proving, came and tried to be for him. right. for me. so him as a bit of the, because of for use google. all the printer was theater and unpopular things for them like the new law is the. busy mobilization has the ability to groups.
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fidgety is really drastically from uh 25 percent before the wouldn't be the end. the right. the big thing is you wouldn't as younger if you had an order and the video instead of to you for the boys who are being recruited in certain they'll be better placement for those 7 to do this shows that the best is ready for the jump on it become more bills. the last few crew here at the and actually the other thing that the, the long, the combined versus the building from the district a form buddy guy building the auto auto bought the buffalo bills. he saw all the spit that does bundle this both and far the biggest, a big, big, big, disturbing, the was going to be you buy some very good points that i'm going to close to it. miss van to the end. and now coming back to the foreign affairs piece,
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which claims the conflict, a new crating, it should in fact be locked out even longer in order to ukraine to out last, russia. now. well, that might seem realistic to some pundits all the way that he was. how does it stuck up to the reality on the ground in ukraine and don't boss as well? of course it's at now everywhere. that's ukraine. he's losing on the battle field. i mean, this is going on for a pretty long time already. so day recruiting. uh, yeah, every everybody and everything in ukraine they try. they tried to recruit even directly teach. who are we? all of you? um. oh yeah, i mean this is a, is ridiculous. my, my in my opinion because they kind of waiting on the battlefield. so what they're doing, they are trying to do terrorism. this is what they do already for a few months. so maybe a few years, one or 2 years now. and a, you know, with the drawing a tax and bell that off, even in most guy we have them 2 years ago. and this is, yeah,
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they're 8 now because they kind of went on the battlefield. so they have to win with terrorism. of course we sold it like the other set in a fairly strong. we saw it in syria and there wants to drag it down for many, many years because i don't think they will succeed because, you know, rush, i will not allow this to be dragging on for a long time, but they will try and also now there are debates going on in the european union countries, or even in the us itself. that's as they, you know, the issue, let's the weapons, the natal weapons going into that. well, hitting a russia, what's actually they do already, of course, because we have been a little that's russia, we have to new territories is also russia. so actually, so how it should either be useless, the base, i suppose because, and i think also it's a lot of propaganda because it's very, it's very terrible thing from the politicians to say that's been now can hit russia it. so i coming back. thank you. area coming back to mr. designed down. if i may,
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i mean, it's not as weapons of the b that's being sent into ukraine, the french presidential volume, but cronies pushing for an international coalition to send military instructors to ukraine. he claims that was not mean putting things on the grounds, what it will take on another, especially in lots of these american media suggestions. and it was good when it will ferry gains. russia to uh, 1st of all, uh, i don't, i'm, i might not be an expert on what, what's happening on the crane in the grounds by would like to say something to your guest that syria might be not the best, the situation. we're not living the best times of syria, but we, syria is not completely destroyed. it is just the food basket and the fuel that has been taken out from syria. so you can buy the americans, and this is what i would like to commence on the sentence of not having boots on
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the grounds because when the americans often know they refuse to admit that they have many, literally boots on the grounds of the serial labs on another night, eastern of syria and supervising the democratic curtis democrats. so of course of a if you, if you would, your member there has been a misaligned hit and miss cider earlier this year. that had one of the military bases in america. i'm american military bases as syria and what happened. they said that it wasn't jordan. why? because they know that it is a legal for them to be there. and when they send the troops there, they said the very same word said sad being said by my crowns. now that no votes would be on the grounds, but they are there to pro long our suffering to suffocate these 2 young people more, to prolong the time of war of it 0 to war on syria. and i'm like,
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i'm like the russian troops who were invited to be invited by the syrian government to be there and to fight re it's, i'd arisen not to back like what the americans did to fight to we fight that arisen and to, to bring it to bring back the southern champions depends the so serious they what, what they did was backing ceteris to groups. then when, after being blocked by the restaurant, they just changed the new to the old looters, a fundamental this tool they were using in syria to new to or out of syria towards turkey, with the have of the guy who pretended, who pretends to make a reconciliation between the russian, i'm ukranian, he was the very same person who was giving hand to the americans routing or the outside of syria towards turkey. so what i, what god doing to ukraine is exactly what they are,
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what they did to syria. they would try and make the war longer, make it miserable for the people, and they have just lost their and it is the final slides of a bleeding grade on. this is not black, pretty bleeding monster. yeah, they can just take it. medicine can never accept the idea that they are not it's so i am on the international bank, said that and can never be bass or whenever i lose a war in a place where they lost the on. so i'm going to come back to talk to shake now and as me. so i don't was just saying the west that official is a media is starting to admit that ukraine cannot when head on against russian for the west. so somebody doesn't want to have to news. so i want to ask you how far do you think the u. s. a and his allies are prepared to go that to this guy for this to invite the best the loved ones,
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the lose their loved want to move because the and i i do monday cuz that's just all the rest of it to be a little heavy from $300.00 on already? yes, because that's like i did think you'd be able to call us like also parts of it. that'd be fine. no problem. it was february of last year to move any further. you meant little bit on the board, the french end, it's in the end is the brother, and he gave it to them. these are the people, the kind of was a best is going to do this. i don't mind me off boss, for under us and notes. i will work with the large deals and you spend baldwin piano, and we'll see that their time is getting well. what about the, what the full support data, all david will support. so it is something that we do for the end of the district much coordinator, but good things are going into that direction and then the global sold. he's advising now and up the the form of a no legal thoughts or dr. lee,
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but us of former pregnant is to get the stuff on the cd of fuels during the night and they want the prolonged war. and this is great. remember what the linset go home was talking about. he was laughing, but this is the best, the money that it could be a dealer, a few. and so he bought a 20 some of the thing, but the rest of this is the site. keep going, all these people and many of the medic, the medical you need those people that people like you and me and other people this . but the quantity field they do by doing the video is dependent on the business. it's better to be informed the more they have on the defensive manufacturing. but if we have this, what beverly us coming back to us, ms. bonds and then the phase ukraine has been bombing targets, as we know,
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of course, don't boss on prime if he is even an even low and strong strikes, much deep into russia. prices imperative has said that this cannot be done without direct western involvement. so how do you expect most good to respond to, especially now then many in the west of pushing for an escalation? well, they already watched it. uh is this escalation will be, you know, most kind of we will be ready. i mean, they are, of course, already in the don't boss. we know that's french troops are there, or even, you know, the instructors, of course the americans are there from the beginning. we know that they are, couldn't afford the 9th and everything. the bridges are there for the okay, do is, was not done openly because they set, you know, we will not get involved because we don't want direct involvement with russia. but we all know they, they are like, they were in syria were everywhere. but now they do me the ultimately, so i think is a big trip and i think russia will. yeah. retail. yeah. somehow inappropriate way.
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of course, we don't know how it's up to them up to the military. but as for sure, daniel will be some retaliations because this cannot be done. i mean, this is actually not a, it's, it is a declaration of war, not really an official declaration, but the disaffected ration of more. i already said that before that, you know, when they were sending weapons and still sending weapons, that it's a declaration of war unofficially. but now this is just a step further. i think this is really a red line. what are they? and the 1st thing for russia, this is, i think the west is totally ready for lives. the manual says no common sense anymore. there's no diplomacy anymore. they only speak about war to even, you know, saying to their own citizens. they are that they have to stuck up everything because of the war that's maybe is coming. they are trying to recall people. this is that i think necessary. yeah, yeah. there's not to reboot at the moment because they don't have enough manpower.
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but i think it's a red line for sure. it's a red line. what they are now. first thing, because we don't really what do you think says, well 3 of my guess for joining is on the program to not we've been talking to independent journalist sonya of on demand ulta and call him at school by shake. and syrian political analyst on academic, isabel, as i've done many thanks, the banks by working together. so you call hot spots around the world and achieve long term pace on stability. that's how prices and changing bankers outlined the goals of a china arab states co operation for him, which has kicks off the opening ceremony. the chinese either form is to strengthen corporation in key areas that just oil gas trades and the infrastructure. he'll say, plans to boost scientific and technological exchanges, biological tourism health care and a calmness, all so on the agenda for i've up president, she emphasized his commitments to achieve pace in dawn trinity,
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or should not continue indefinitely. just it should not be absent forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will, china, somebody suppose, the establishment of an independent state of palestine, which enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east jerusalem as its capital l. a. china is supposed kind of stands full membership in the united nations and supports the competing of a more broad base till thursday of and effective international peace conference. you know, change or divided and to par 1st part, definitely focusing on the china. then eric said, more peroration and a 14, briefly you have mentioned a focusing on actually 5 aspects including innovation, financial investment added to corporation, trade and people to people exchanges. well, this was a lot of the key message from the time spent for this evening. p. c. no sweets on thursday morning at the opening ceremony up to 10 minutes syria conference, off the china app states for operation for a printer. and she also sent in strong message on the situation in dr. it's the 2nd
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part of the problem. he's the speed you set that quote or should not continue indefinitely. this should not be absent for ever. and so they've been to the 2 state solution should not be neighbor at view. the students genre supports the colors co sign membership and they use and china will also not the $500.00 milligrams about $68000000.00 us dollars where you this is in addition to the $100.00 milligrams, 2 minutes here in the system for the reconstruction and humanitarian really, some of the major outcomes be wanting, the 3 documents were adopted at the ministerial level meeting is the 1st of ours, the page and that's what ration now. we also have the forms action plan for 2024 to $22.00 and $6.00. find the joint statement between china i received from on a pallet send me an issue of egypt sin precedent. now, since you set the axes, are most committed to building up just international order and point out that are really deeply appreciate each minus persistent on pellet cnn issue. and also
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chinese frontier c p. and i was trying to, we'll be hosting the 2 on the m. c. summit in 20202026, many. another milestone on china. and the error saves relation. the, the is ready, land or authority, has owned it on the wall to evacuate in east jerusalem building, some violation a lease agreement of the spot, the office being located in territory which a new one resolution has designated as palestinian. it was required to immediately stop any illegal use destroy arris and you have built in violation of the law, the k, the land of any people rights him send, return it to the le within 30 days from the date of this letter. if you do not comply the labors of the right to act against, you would own legal means and you will need to buy the entailing costs. and now the warning won't descend as well as housing minister requests to be order to expel on
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the wall. awesome. all is really controlled lines. similarly, the is rarely parliament post a preliminary load designated to release agency as a terrorist organization. tension 0 is one is well accused underwashed employees of participating in the oaks hope of 7th time off the top. the government has yet to provide solid evidence for its claims advocacy. if it's ready and p on has as part, the members say that the organization should know a sanction of the conduct of some of his work as well. the 1st a say of the united nation sort of idea indicate that the 3 weeks ago and not for one, not on the one the one the time it easily and hasn't supplied any evidence that the a, beside the 12 where kids walk into waiting 12 to get them to the master code for october 7th. it didn't supply any or the.


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