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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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for parts coulter is still going strong. the, it's the rubbish. it's not said they are allowing it. they have been inc. straightening will be strikes on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key version. the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman ex uses the west of already coordinating attacks on russian territory. while nature of foreign ministers gather in prague to discuss screwing calls to a law p. f. to strike deeper into russia. also a head on the program to or should not continue indefinitely. just it should not be absolute forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be white . good will be chang wants to deepen relations with our nation is to resolve hot spots issues thought is the message from trying to use president and she as the
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nation pivots towards the middle of the us eviction notice is or 100 down to a un humanitarian group. is really controlled gals and territory, a lawmaker from its real tells r t optimization is about the unrest. employees participated in the october 7th terrorist attack or a shot to say the organization because of the 12 green me not is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot, the super like the one minute past 9 pm in cairo, in bay roots on here in moscow. welcome to the news our on our team, my names you don't know. maybe let's get to our top us debate rages in the west. whether or not to allow ukraine to carry out it, strikes and russian territory. most goes foreign, ministry spokesman has slum the discussions. re, is a how are about also stated keeps bikers have long been coordinating such attacks.
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it still doesn't do anything instead of the size of a talking about allowing the key of regime to carry out the strikes. some western countries are saying that they will see whether or not to allow it some a saying that they are not allowing it to yes, it school rubbish. it's not that they are allowing it. they have been weakest rating will destroy on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key version. but for a long time, we need to tell that like, it is really true. but it comes out as nathan top diplomats have gathered in prague for a 2 day meeting. they will discuss another a package to ukraine in advance of july's nato summit. this week's event takes place that made kids appeals to use western weaponry to target russian territories . with some of its allies have already greenland. a decent darcia legal par german leopard. thanks to allow to role in russian soil. despise list of i don't know whether this is the main focus at the moment. but why shouldn't german leper tanks
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continue to do what they already think fully do name and a support ukraine, and it's 5 for freedom, a is. and once again, when weapons depos are attacked in russia and for example, it is not a violation of international law, but ukraine's rights of defense, bye bye as well. so far, 11 countries have given ukraine to go ahead to use their long range weapons for attacks on russian sore. all european as well as canada, moscow is warning against what it calls, provocations. let's take a look up the arsenal. ukraine has access to the distance. they can reach now over here and are useful. 3 types of western supplied munitions could hit the cities of that yet. and belgrade here in yellow, this region of the next group includes rockets bombs and at you if he's from the u . s. u k. and also portugal,
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they couldn't reach up to 300 kilometers inside russian territory, but it's the long range storm shadow cruise missiles, which po is the biggest threat? they can strike over 550 kilometers this region in the red within russian of the u. k. on front supply those missiles and have supported potential attacks on russia. we discuss the weapons debate with michael maloof, former security i'm list in the office of the us secretary of defense. he says, if a longer range missiles are given, the go ahead, it could very well we bind on the west. i think there will be some opposition from particularly hungry and other than a few other countries. and then is certainly, hopefully some reluctance on the part of the united states. because if, if it was longer range missiles are, are green light. and it's going to is kind of tells us a very dramatic problem for,
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for on the united states. and for the, for the western countries, because most scale can interpret that as a, as a, as an escalation on the, on monday, those parts and consider that will be directly involved a little more. and then the that just raises a and i think that's why you're going to be seeing myself. i'm beginning to accelerate their their own offensive. i would say it a may in a june in the june july timeframe. you're going to see uh this pick up dramatically and, and i, and i think you're also going to be seeing the greater a true concept of russian true concentrations occurring not only in the north, but throughout the entire front. the united states has, has an over reliance on very expensive the high tech, and it tends to be very fragile. and, and as a result of it, it's just meant to be used in the very limited capabilities. and this assumes that
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you have other elements that come into play as part of a rand symphony of, of, of warfare if you will. but without that one critical element of air power, the ukrainians, have been severely crippled. that has been to the advantage of russia working together to cool hot spots around the world. ality you've long term peace. i'm step below. see outside president. she knows i line the goals of a china are the states cooperation for him, which has now wrapped up its opening day in the opening ceremony and beijing. the chinese leaders promise to strengthen cooperation in areas such as energy, trade, and infrastructure. scientific and technological advances are also highlighted by last year. old tourism was on the agenda to moreover, she can pay, emphasized his commitments to achieving peace in gaza
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trinity, or should not continue indefinitely. just it should not be absent forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will, china, somebody suppose, the establishment of an independent state of palestine, which enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east jerusalem as its capital. china is supposed kind of stands full membership in the united nations and supports the convening of a more broad base till thursday of and effective international peace conference. you know, 3 or divided and 2 par 1st part. definitely focusing on the trauma them air. they walk ration and of course, you briefly have mentioned, it's focusing on actually 5 aspects including innovation, financial investment added to corporation, trade and people to people. it changes. well this was a lot of the key message from the chinese presidents leaving p. c. no sweet on thursday morning at the opening ceremony up to 10 minutes syria conference,
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off the china app states corporation for a printer and she also sent in strong message on the situation in gaza. it's the 2nd part of the problem. he's the speed you set that quote or should not continue indefinitely. just this should not be absent for ever. and so they've been to the, to stay solution should not be neighbor at bill. these students on their supports, colors, post time membership, and the us, china will offer not the $500.00 milligrams about $68000000.00 us dollars we use. this is in addition to the 100 milligrams, 2 minutes here in the system for the reconstruction and humanitarian. really, some of them age or all, some of these quoting, the 3 documents were adopted at the ministerial level meeting is the 1st of ours, the page and therefore of ration. and now we also have the forms action plan for 2024 to $22.00 and $6.00. we signed a joint statement between china i received from on a pallet send me an issue egyptian precedent. now, since you set the axes, are most committed to building up just international order and point out that are
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really deeply appreciate each minus persistent on pellet cnn issue. and also, chinese printers, community and i was trying to, we'll be hosting the 2 on the m c summit in 20202026, many another milestone on china and the error phase relation. well, earlier we spoke with highly solomon from the chiral based art of center for research and studies. he believes the forum is a message to western countries of its time to move beyond the american vision on the middle east conflict. the insisting go over the whole thing, because this summit in this time, i think it's a message to the wisconsin as united states of america. and the old band concert is that we have a move that moving and shifting from such a new situation about that. but it's sitting in the site and shifting it from the 2 state solution to the for the so part of the part of the,
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for the membership of us thing in the native nations and supporting of seizing fire and call into for a think i'd be a score and friends that message or if she's in pain, goes about with a justice shows must be i've since the we have to make a new vision and the most immediate, the american vision to control the situation. i think it's very important and it's a shifting from a single shifting of from emphasizing to show you enough rooms that economic way to amazon when it's kind of what it ends up then they just the video and i think it's will be more effective. but the us have pressed your up to take a harsh sense all in china. so i think beijing suppose that support of most school in the ukraine conflict, washington's actions follow the chinese presidents 1st. you were a painter in 5 years, which wrapped up earlier this month. here's the take of arctic country peter ritual
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morrison, only western warnings in europe is still struggling after being ag done by the u. s . to load up on sanctions against russia. effectively cutting itself off from a major market right next door, including its own cheap energy supplier. it's still stumbling around right now, trying to get back on its feet again. and here comes uncle sam coding europe to get a flight going with china over ukraine. nato members met up in brussels yesterday and the us deputy secretary of state. kurt campbell came out of the meeting. so i'm really excited about the reaction of some european countries to this brilliant new idea that washington is now trying to paddle. i think what we the hudson by yesterday in the discussions at the north atlantic council, they made a political decision making body with a nice i was how many european countries spoke up clearly with the view that it would be impossible to maintain a normal relationship with china, if at the same time the chinese was surreptitiously a bad thing, the most,
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the stabilizing war in europe since the 2nd world war. no doubt european citizens are really heartened, as he says about even more, the regulation of their economy than the u. s. is already proposed by convincing the ring leaders in brussels to switch out a cheap, fresh, and gas for far pricier american gas. so now the logic is the, even though china is the largest trading partner, that entire relationship should really just be seen through the prism of the conflict. a new frame, like pretty much everything else. these days. queen are so and fond provide you commission president, and there's already been parenting us treasury secretary, j e. ellen using the same lingo, referring to china quote, over supplying the global markets with the electric cars. by the way, back in the good old days of the western world that used to be called free market capitalism. it's not like anyone accused mcdonald's of over since behind cheap burgers or anything like that. but now that they're being beaten at their own game,
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they want to tell the playing field, hence the taxes that the u as been during up to slap on chinese electric vehicles. and china is all like, hey, we're talking about green vehicles here. didn't you guys say that you supported free enterprise and we're also really worried about climate change. these measures will only home the interest of their own, consume is in effect the global green transformation and that fits to tackle climate change. surely it's just a total to incidence. that washington is already quadruple. that's care of on the same chinese green cars from 25 percent to 100 percent. and just to give you an idea of how dumb all of this is china's largest ex border is tesla, the american car company founded by you on most tassels americans. shareholders are probably really thrilled about having their revenues cut by the binding ministration, because it thinks their chinese european companies from manufacturers to alcohol producers are reportedly worried about the unintended consequences of any move that
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the you might make under pressure from the us. not knowing exactly how sign of might react, visa view their own products. valid considering their track record of failing to for see the impact of their actions around ukraine to date on their own economy. all while arguing that they were bringing russia to its knees. when actually russians doing better growth wise than europe is right now. and politically. recent remarks, 5 french president emanuel and i called during season, brings visit here to paris and to other countries in europe earlier this month. the 1st such trip in several years suggests an interest in constructive engagement. we respect the engine ties between china and russia, as well as the efforts made over decades to stabilize these relations. the future of our continent will very clearly depend on our ability to continue to develop relations with china in a balance manner. the queen ursula was also there at the same meeting with season
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ping and maximal lecturing. china, about, quote, fair play and quote, making full use of our trade defense instruments if necessary. but you know, whatever, who elected her anyway, right? when she was over in china and she had to go eat at the local them some instead of the state banquet. so that pretty much says all you really need to know about how trying to think of her. china is also just extended visa, free travel for 11 western european countries until the end of 2025, to quote facilitates changes in opening up to the outside world. that's according to the chinese for our ministry. so you experts in china, watchers here seem to think that things can still be worked out. i don't think anyone in brussels wants a full blown trade war or technology war, but there's a growing ignition that something needs to change in the trade and technology relationships between european union and china. so i'm just about the last thing
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that europe needs right now is uncle sam calling the shots and thinking is no, isn't here of business with yet another trade partner in this time. china, europe is still reeling from the last time that happened. but uncle sam is a tough guy to wrestle the keys away from when he insist on driving the crown car. not israel has ordered the united nations agency for palestine. refugees to have bought to wait an easter is the building for violating a lease agreement. after the spike, the office being located in territory which a un resolution has designated was published in that it was required to immediately stop any illegal use destroy iris and you have built in violation of the law. the k, the land of any people writes him, send, return it to the le within said 2 days from the day to visit. let sir, if you do not comply, the labors as the right to act against you with only go means and you will need to
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buy the entailing costs, and now the warning won't descend. israel's housing minister requested the order to expel on, right from all is really control love. similarly, the, it's really parliament passed a preliminary law designating the relief agency as a terrorist organization. tensions arose when is real accused on the employees of kidnapping people during deck tuber 7 come us tack on also storing weapons. the government has yet to provide solid evidence for its planes is really and p offer tests of say is that an entire organization? doing bible aid work should not be sanctioned over the legit conduct of some of its workers. when the 1st the age say of the united nation, solid idea indicated the 3 weeks ago and not one, not on the one, the one the time it easily and has been supplied. and any evidence that the
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a, beside the 12 where kids walk into waiting 12 to get the master code for october 7th, a even supply any or the visibility of any evidence that there was a more it's very important to mention that they, it more than one of the, by the organization within the organization, the thousands and thousands of work out out of fully who is away as proven to a apartment, eat up to 12, to create a pilot in the se, claiming the massacre. and they indeed must be punished. that's to say that their organization because of 12 green me not, is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot. this is a lie. and this is another product. these are the government's attempts to what i did felt was breaking the meal. instead of looking at the reflection of the re, then in the, in the amending the malicious behavior of the speed. and so this is part of
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breaking the needle using this method for the persecution of the eyes. they were just another lea, uh, one pilot of a, an on going in a must. why did the best accuse jane of any voice that the it is against the start? don't guys up against the crimes that the government, the is the bill, suicide, and against the eh, relay the exposure of those gripes. this is another layer, each of the people, the, i'd spend a these, you know, they, the government needs a wage, the war against any need a position to each policy, especially the dsl on the guys out. but also is on the ethnic cleansing, that goes on in the west bank and huge. it was a limb. and the poor sister properties they shouldn't be able to stay to for you, right? anyone with guys to weighs and then left the voice or to expose. busy describes
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easy media people secure, they have it in under a dock, whether it is the international level premium, the let it go to the international go to just this or the need, the or a or police, the new organizations like one of the a or e. oh it is the abc does this or even members of the phone, i mean civilian casualties are continuing to montez idea of rage push on across multiple sectors in palestinian territories. a recent strike on the janine refugee camp broad project consequences. there's really forces gill, 7 people who did 15 more as part of the se in the west bank can. to children, a teacher on a general search and attending hospital were reported to be among the idea. effective witnesses say is really snipers target a doctor, a seed jumping rain in a hospital parking lot of the most. when i was standing,
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the sniper fired 2 shots on the street and i saw where they hit while i was keeping the children away. i turned to look and saw the doctor coming down from the upper street parking next to the hospital. i warned him and shouted at him to move forward, moving side away from the snipers line of fire because he was shooting it. anything moving in the street and i called out to him twice that way. the doctor looked at me. i didn't make any movements. i didn't give me any reaction and just kept walking about 10 to 12 meters away from me. that's one of the sniper shot him in the back. so you kind of yeah, of course he died immediately because the bullet hits in the over to leading to his martyrdom. and they also took a step to try to reach them. the sniper shot at the street again them. they fired one shot. so they were nurses behind me from the hospital who tried to reach him, but i sent them back in the just because the sniper was firing at the street. i went to the side door of the hospital, they went inside, open the door, and the pel assuming red crescent ambulance had arrived next to him alone. that's
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exactly what happens. the doctor didn't make any movement, didn't do anything to prevent the sniper, to shoot him under the most of the but definitely raid on jeanine was called a counter terrorism operation by the idea of is one of many across scale. so the large number of id s military vehicles entering the west by city of fraud arm fighters to engage with troops leading to an uptake. and finally, the locals helping morning and effectiveness. i'm working to provide medical assistance now whether or not that i have my 1st of all, i'd like to morning to pull in motors including dr. c. jabbar and all other motors . so far, 5 people are moderate and more than so others were injured. who's currently receiving treatment at the hospital for them. these really range for my colleague, nikki, are and discussed the middle east conflict on more with south african m. p. mundell, montela grandson of the former president on empty apartheid activist. he sees is
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really actions in gals that are not acceptable and his country's attempts to bring israel to quote justice and deliver liber rates, palestine wilner his grandfather's legacy. we continuously written this thing and they are sick, just sportage coming out of it and not just a rough while or something, but then turn it off the pipe territories. they all were missing or 10, as i explained to the kinds of kids to live in c u off campus. and this is totally unacceptable. we needs to ensure that they are continuously held accountable to the i c, j in the i, c. and that we need to bear for expose them to the entire community. we need to ensure that the civil society in the global community
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advisors to build caves in just as they did during last, go for the bodies and insults off the gums. and i believe that the tech to start to contribute to assault off events from our very own experience. julie, i was trying to pull the batteries and i'm proud to say that with the european most lim, father them. we have full cost to zooming into the, into a new so all inputs, comments to where we are calling on them to ben. uh, this item is entity from participating in the pedigrees oriented print to print before just as they were able to bend. so the off you go, during i was throughout the bodies from participate in the olympics. they should do the same with the a party to use the right. we know,
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looking to mobilize the global community in order to really stop watch. because even from the organization of it's not me, corporation, as well as critics plus and the global saltzman continues to call for design and music entity to be brand from the olympics. and the i o. c doesn't support that . we wouldn't be then, of course, to white parts of building peaks in its entirety. my grandfather's always said many stories with us, particularly those the stories that one and the ones in concentrated for life for on the island. in the able to when able to place the enemy and the subject for nearly some to all keep quiet, read and spend some time with stones this enabled and inspired my grandfather. comrades to realize that they
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2 hadn't been picked up. um, and to have been from the condo is, is it really you'd be able to liberate their country? they do an immense considerations from the public on these visits in the gods up, he made a commitment to the pleasure of speaking and by saying that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the policy and it is in this regard. we as salt off the guns have been stopped debates and where you left off and re committed our selves to be the nation that will liberate palestine, you know, a lifetime. it's one of the poorest countries in africa because of a crippling colonial history. that's according to the russian and buster to the central african republic. speaking exclusively with r t, alexandra, the count of noted however, the western influence on the continent is on the decline,
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while stating opportunities for russian partnership with the african state in question. when we're expanding, i guess i see all she doesn't see you brushes. interest is determined by his moral and legal obligations to the people of central africa, entity official authorities of the central african republic and providing security assistance. security is a complex issue and the situation is now developing in a positive direction. but it is still important to say that the issue has not been fully resolved. they're all a legal groups and there is information that they've been trained and even supplied by some western representatives. and heavy proxy model is always used. no one will ever do this on to their own flag and well, this is done through some into media structures for fax, a fax, it has been trace many times, but there is documented evidence, intelligence, data and so on. so it is unambiguous. there is diverse interests and there was a notion that controlled k also is important to some at some stage. of course,
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there is an old b as global line to push rush around, and not only from the ca, all, because the central african republic was some kind of triggered. so basically, if you look at it, the ca, all experience has shown that russia is a powerful pond that you can rely on this. and if you look at other countries, let's say in this house, we see that rushes positions all strengthening all the positions of traditional colonial bodies. a weakening of all, i have to say, we did not have a colonial policy in africa. fucking me, we came here the most acute moment when the ca, all, urgently needed help to stop the invasion of a legal groups, seizure, dismantling, and power. and perhaps some of the consequences that for russia's assistance is always in demand. and it is always timely. and it is always constructive and capable of solving exhaustive tasks was there's a lot of opportunities here, especially in mining bite for export and for processing like lithium, cobalt and so i one, there is
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a whole range of results. there's several 100 different types of minerals, pressure and entrepreneurs taking a closer look, cadet nights. we believe that this is the mother of old projects because it can give an image to us to see a also and to interact with other partners in different parts of the world, which is happening gradually. pressure entrepreneurs entering the se, uh, market price the following difficulties when it's unfair sanctions, logistical problems, problems with into bank trends, best plus the lack of experience in countries with currency unions and hard currency pegs to the euro. there was also a lack of information about the central african republic is rich in resources, but one of the poorest countries in the world. this is connected with the consequences of colonialism in the broad sense and the consequences of the longstanding on conflict, which has been ongoing since 2013. now, of course, thanks to russian involvement, it has subsided. they follow the role of russia and respect for russia stand at the appropriate level. see, i mean,
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additionally rocketing into the history books in the in space. star top has carried out the 1st ever sub orbital test flight using a homemade 3 d printed rocket jet. and above is the custom built to stage 4 launch vehicle. and if i can tardy a payload of up to 300 kilos on reaching or bits of about 700 kilometers. excuse me. the launch had been call of 4 times due to technical issues, but finally got its lift off. look at that indian prime minister and a renter. moody congratulated the startup team, calling the achievement quotes are remarkable. feet that will make the entire nation about 5 seconds. the remarkable feet which will make the entire nation proud successful launch buggy bond.


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