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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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of the, the, it's a rubbish. it's not that they are allowing it's, they have been august raging will be strikes on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key original. the russian foreign ministry spokesman accuses the west of already coordinating attacks and the russian territory coming as nato foreign ministers gather in pride to discuss the growing calls through a log. the strikes deeper into russia. also a head or should not continue indefinitely, just as should not be absolute forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will be, chang wants to take deep and relations with our nations to resolve hot spots issues . that's the message from the chinese presidents of the nation hibbitts towards
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the eviction notice is are a 100 done by israel to the un humanitarian group. and there's really lawmaker tell jar t accusations that i'm right. employees participated in the cobra, 7 terrorist attack to say the organization because of the 12 degree knots is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot through belie the from us go to the world. this is your r t international. have your company for the news our. my name's you know, when he was debates ranges in the west, whether or not to allow ukraine to carry, i'd strikes on russian territory. most goes foreign, ministry spokesman has slum the discussions. re, it's a holler about also stated he had his bonkers, have long been coordinating such attacks. it still doesn't do anything instead of
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the size of a talking about allowing the key of reasoning to carry out the strike. some western countries are things that they will see whether or not to allow with some a saying that they are not allowing you to yes, it school rubbish. it's not that they are allowing it. they have been orchestrating all the strikes on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key version. but for a long time, we need to tell that like, it is really well that comes as nato's top diplomats have gathered in pride for a 2 day meeting. they will discuss another a package to ukraine in advance of july nato summit. this week's event takes place and made ups appeals to use western rep and read to target russian territories, which some of its allies already green live different torture legal par terminal that pertains to allow to role in russian soil despise list of i don't know whether this is the main focus at the moment. why shouldn't german leper tanks continue to
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do what they already think fully do name of the support you frame and it's 5 for freedom? a is. and once again, when weapons depos are attacked in russia, and for example, it is not a violation of international law, but ukraine's rights of defense. why is it? well, on the points, economist um business newsletter, publisher, i get home or saves the use of german supplied leopard tags to attack russia from ukraine would be the direct conflict between berlin and most go says the level of change can't make anything really in, in russia, because it is a system that is just a part of many of the weapon system. so you need air defense, you need the info in infancy, you need thoughts of the rate and everything is missing the ukrainians. todd really support anything any more of them. these weapon systems are so complex nowadays that say cannot 40 run uh, without the technical support from the suppliers, like the owners,
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like the germans or the nato or the americans. that's embry attacks onto arrest and sorrow would necessarily mean that this support has been brought over. and this is definitely an attack declaration of war against russia from these countries. so this mr. road is um, is playing a very dangerous game. and in my sense, i can just say, but the german people don't want the war with russia, they don't want to be involved in the war. this is a game off the so called elite, who are so highly rovan into these american and nathan networks that they forget about the interest of the german people and probably even from all the or european people as well. so far, 11 countries have given ukraine the go ahead to use their long range weapons for
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attacks and russians. so all european nations, as well as canada, while moscow is warning against what it calls, provocations. let's take a look over here in this news. one of the arsenal ukraine has access to and the distance they can reach, 3 types of western supplied munitions could hit the cities of then yet. and belle grove, that yellow wherever you there in the month. the next group includes rockets, palms, and you. if he's from the u. s. u k, in portugal, they'd be able to possibly reach out to 300 kilometers inside russian territory. but it is this, the long rain storm shadow cruise missiles, which proves the biggest threat that could strike up to a distance of 550 kilometers within russia that you can from supply those missiles and have supported potential attacks on russia. we discussed the weapons debate with michael maloof,
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a former security analyst in the office of the us secretary of defense. he sees if a longer range missiles are given that go ahead. it could very well refund on the west. as i think there will be some opposition from particularly hungry and other in a few other countries and, and is certainly, hopefully some reluctance on the part of the united states. because if, if it was longer range missiles are, are green light and it's going to, it was kind of pause, a very dramatic problem for, of, for on the united states or for the, for the western countries. because most scale can interpret that as a, as a, as an escalation on, on the, on monday, those parts and consider them to be directly involved in the war. and then, uh, that just raises the answer. i think that's why you're going to be seeing moscow. and i'm beginning to accelerate their, their own or offensive. i would say in a may, in a june in the june july timeframe. you're going to see this pick up as dramatically
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. and, and i, and i think you're also going to be seeing the greater a true cost of rushing through concentrations occurring not only in the north, but throughout the entire front. the united states. because it has an over reliance on very expensive the high tech. and it tends to be very fragile and, and as a result of it, it's just meant to be used in the very limited capabilities. and this assumes that you have other elements that come into play as part of a grand symphony of, of, of warfare. if you will, but without that one critical element of air power of the ukrainians have been severely crippled. that has been to the advantage of russia as well. many western media outlets are increasingly basing the war drums. francis level newspaper stays,
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washington refusal to a lot of cab to use american weapons to strike deeper into russia. undermines the reliability of the us within nato. while a piece in the american foreign affairs magazine, the suggest, washington sits and even more arms on the cube should resort to guerilla war for our tactics on russian sol. ukraine must adjust the way it organizes equipped and thinks about the war switching out. hit on confrontation with russian forces for an asymmetric gorilla style approach. doing so well, no doubt, prolonged the fighting with a pivot to unconventional warfare offers the best chance for ukraine to chip away and rushing, resolve both on the front lines and at home. well, my colleague nikki, are in us 3 experts from different parts of the globe were on the calls for peace amongst the western rumble and war rhetoric. what i'm doing to ukraine is exactly what they are, what they do to syria. they would try and make the war longer,
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make it miserable for the people, and they have just lost their and it is the final slides of believing monster they can just take it can never accept the idea that they are not. it's not only them on the international system. federalism can never be lost answer whenever i lose a war in a place. this is what happened here in syria. they are trying, they were not supporting as much as they could, each other as they were on the syrian laws, so that they would prolong the time of war. they make it longer. they also is of that far. and if that his magazine pays a nip, it turning to gorilla wolf would no doubt prolong the ukraine conflicts they signed to the 20 year loan us occupation of afghanistan. certainly an interesting comparison. some may, do you think you have yourself really wants to drag this out even further though from the be able to simple is what i'm saying. the next best one who finish the she
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all finish the station and they are the need to pull it on. all stuff is all living with the 3 any of this report? yeah, well this makes them to help this, this, their portal for an affair. be sure the extent that google is the one who mix get a cd out of the you. good. remember that was to see the beautiful country just didn't know if it's the just been what was best as a baby for the last few continue. they kind of went on the battlefield, so what they're doing, they are trying to do terrorism. this is what they do already for a few months. so maybe a few years, one or 2 years now. as a, you know, withdrawn attacks and bells at all, even in most guy we had them 2 years ago. and this is shared their 8 now because they cannot read all the better fields. so they have to win with the is and we of course be solved like, yeah, the set enough kindly stone. we saw it in syria and there wants to drag it down for many, many years because i don't think they will succeed because, you know, rush,
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i will not allow this to be dragging off for a long time. the government of all the regime office in his care, it's not is not in the direction of reconciliation. and this, this, my tom for the idea of national reconciliation. in our case of syria, the americans didn't like the idea of the, of us having national reconciliation. where we have spared the life of many military personnel and the case of ukraine. i would think it's more difficult because zalinski often now his of the very 1st chance whether he has the chance of saving the lives of millions. i don't think he would go in that direction because he wouldn't think of what's best for your crime, who would think of what's best of him him and his parents in the west made toward america. ukraine has been bombing targets,
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as we know across stone by sounds crime, if he is even an even low and strong strikes must be fit into russia. president person has said that this cannot be done without direct western involvement. so how do you expect most good to respond, especially now that may be in the west of pushing for an escalation? i'm sure that it will be some retaliations because this cannot be done. i mean, this is actually not a is, it is a declaration of war. nothing really official declaration, but the discoloration of the west is totally radical lives. i mean, you are, oh, there's no common sense anymore. there's no diplomacy anymore. they only speak about the agents. you know, as saying to their own citizens, they are that they have to stuck up everything because of the war that's maybe it's coming. they are trying to recruit people. they of the pool on the floor. and this is great. did you remember what the vincent go home was talking about? he was thinking with the beacon that this is the best bugle for medical money that
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there it could be at the beginning of this year. and so he bought a 20 celebrate thing, but the rest of this is the site keep going on by the video is different than the business. so b of baltimore, the one the defense of manufacturing, the dates. we have this one beverage working together the cool hot spots around the world and achieve long term peace stability outside president. she has outlined the goals of a china are states cooperation for him, which is now wrapped up its 1st day at the opening ceremony in beijing. the chinese liter promise to strength and cooperation in areas such as energy, trade and infrastructure, scientific and technological exchangers were also highlighted on biological tourism was on the agenda to moreover,
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she didn't. paying emphasized his commitment to achieving peace in calvin strongly or should not continue indefinitely. just it should not be absent forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will, china, somebody suppose, the establishment of an independent state of palestine, which enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east jerusalem as its capital of china is supposed kinda stands full membership in the united nations and supports the convening of a more broad base till thursday, if end affect if international peace conference you know, change or divided into part 1st part. definitely focusing on the 2 of them era they walk ration and the portion you briefly have mentioned is focusing on actually 5 aspects including innovation, financial investment added to corporation, trade and people to people exchanges. well, this was another key message from the chinese presidents leaving p c. no sweets on thursday morning at the opening ceremony. up to 10 minutes, syria conference,
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off the china f states for oppression for president. she also sent a strong message on the situation in gaza. it's the 2nd part of the problem. he's to speak with a few separate quotes or should not continue indefinitely. just this should not be absent for ever. and so they've been to the to states of insurance and not the labor at real estate at charter supports color assigned to membership. and they, you and china were off. i'm not the $500.00 milligrams about the $8000000.00 us dollars where you, this is in addition to the $100.00 milligrams, 2 minutes here in the system for the reconstruction and humanitarian. really some of the major outcomes to be wanting. the 3 documents were adopted at the ministry. a level meeting is the 1st so far as the pages that we're ration now. we also have the forms action plan for 2024 to $21.00. 6. we find a joint statement between china i received from the pal, assuming an issue of egyptian precedent. now, since you set the axes, are most committed to reading just international order and point out that terribly
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deeply appreciate just wanted to assist you on pellet student issue. and also tardy spencer and he and i was trying to we'll be hosting which on the m. c. summit in 20202026. meaning another milestone on china and the aerospace relation. well, earlier we spoke with funny solomon from the cairo based our center for research and studies. he believes the for them is a message to western countries that it is time to move be on the american vision on the middle east conflict as the insisting go over the whole thing. because this summit is this time, i think it's a message to that, that wisconsin is united states of america. and the old band concert is that we have a move that moving and shifting from such a new situation about that. but it's denny and folks, the science shifting it from the 2 state solution to the for the sub part of the part of the, for the membership of
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a stain in the native nations and supporting of seizing fire. i'm calling to for a i think a be a score and friends, the message or if she's in pain, goes about with the justice shows must be i've seen that we have to make a new vision and the not the new, the american vision to control the situation, i think it's very important and it's a shifting from a single shifting of from emphasizing to show you enough rooms that a corner with way to amazon when it's, it can hold, it ends up and they just the videos. i think it's wouldn't be more effective. israel has ordered the united nations agency for palestine. refugees to evacuate, and easter is the building for violating a lease agreement. that's the spike, the office being located in territory which a un resolution designated of palestinian it was
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required to immediately stop any of the go use destroy iris and you have built in violation of the little the k, the land of any people. right. tim, send, return it to the la within said 2 days from the day to visit. let's a if you do not comply the layers of the right to act against you with all legal means, and you will need to buy the entailing costs. and now the warning won't descend, as well as rails housing minister requested the order to expel on raw from all is ready to control land. similarly, the is really parliament passed the preliminary law designating the relief agency as a terrorist organization. though tensions arose when israel accused on the employees of kid, nothing people during the october 7th terrorist attack store and come us weapons. the government has yet to provide solid evidence for its plains is really and p offer counts. they have told r t an entire organization doing by the late work should not be sanctioned over the
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legend conduct of some of its workers. when the 1st the age say of the united nation, solid idea indicates that the 3 weeks ago and not one, not on the one, the one the time it easily and has been supplied any evidence that the a, beside the 12 where kids walk into waiting 12 to get the master code for october 7th, it didn't supply any or didn't believe it or any evidence that there was a more. it's very important to mention that they it more than one other by the organization within the organization. the thousands and thousands of work out out of fully who is away as pool with a apartment need up, dave 12 to pay a pilot in the se, claiming the massacre. and they indeed must be punished. that's to say that their
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organization because of 12 green me not, is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot and this is the light. and this is another product. these are the government's attempts to what i did felt was breaking the meal. instead of looking at the reflection of the re, then in the, in the amending the malicious behavior piece be then. so this is part of breaking the meal using this method for the persecution of the eyes. they were just another lea, a one pilot of a, an on going in a much why do best accuse jane of any voice that the it is against the assault on guys up against the crimes that the government, the is the bill, suicide, and against the a related exposure of those guys, this is another layer, each of the people, the i've spent a these, you know, they,
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the government needs a wage. the war against me. i need a position to each policy, especially is islands a dsl on guys a, but also is on the ethnic cleansing, that goes on in the west bank and huge. it was the land and the poor official proxies. they shouldn't be able to stay to for you, right? anyone with guys to weighs enough, they left the voice or to expose. busy describes easy media, people secure them in under a dock, whether it is the international level premium, the let it go to the international have go to just this or the need, the or a or police the nobody's ations like going to a oh, oh it is the abc physics, or even members of the bottom, i mean palestinian academics. teachers have published an open letter to the world, demanding an end to what they call a sco, lost the side, meaning a systematic destruction of the education system. by israel and gals. we have
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come together as palestinian academics and staff of gaza universities to a firm our existence, the existence of our colleagues and our students. and the insistence on our future in the face of all current attempts to a races, these really occupation forces have demolished our buildings. but our universities live on the future of our young people and guys depends upon us and our ability to remain on our land. the 1, january d, i. d, f, demolished is rough, the last remaining university and gas, that the facility stuff said the adf occupied on use the campus as an military base of detention center for months before destroying it. all of the enclave. schools have also been forced to shut the door. thousands of students and hundreds of teachers have reportedly been killed in gaza since october. well,
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joining us not from cairo is my time, or i will say the political science professor of guns as our, as our university. you're most welcome of an issue i imagine close to your heart. this is your reaction to this open letter to the international community by many of your colleagues from the in buffalo published in, in as well, many things sort of hosting me, uh, this is a very critical issue to be honest with you. uh, this is the 1st time that the palestinian people have gone in the world uh with this. busy uh for 8 months which means that the school year has ended. busy without going into schools, let me just remind you. busy remind you of yours when as we have started this, what i guess, regardless of an on october the 7th, it's was the beginning of the school year. and since then, i'm more than 2000000 palestinians who live in golf and hopefully
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a 1000000 students have become a displaced funding from one place to another place. seeking a safe place which is not built in the gaza strip. in addition to that, as well over the. busy mom has destroyed most of the scores and draws on which i've become a place for the, for the displace palestinians. as you indicated. uh, also one of the last universities was diminished by the is what you, me all me in january of this year. and before the other universities were bombs, unlike of your stomach universe to gauze, well on amazon university where i teach it. ready more how more than half of which building i've been destroyed, then i'm bull bothered by the is really a air force which means that, um, as i just mentioned, uh the school year, very much has ended with about uh uh,
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children uh go to schools or ending their school year, also a very big future is facing or college students and university students who are basically uh, most of them are running for safety or i mean from one place to another place. and it's, it's, it's, it's so uh, it's course by the palestinian academic style of senior school teachers to serve the school year. maybe schools and universities come compensated at the school year during the summer. if that is possible. and if there's going to be a half or any time actually, are you, if you got a missed all the destruction going on, but that's schools, universities, there is a concerted effort by israel to target then. and if so, why? and i believe that the beginning is very and how systematically targeted
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schools, universities, in addition to destroying the homes, are not simply an infrastructure at the beginning, the is what entity those were speaking publicly about. explosion of the time. i'll send you an informed roswell, into egypt or other countries. and when the international community started to speak out the, this is, i get us into emotion and go to explore the 2000000 palestinians from their home, down into uh, the gyptian saw a sign i that's one is where it started toward a in and go fish and we bought meaning uh that that is where i'm targeted homes. most of the homes have been destroyed. schools, universities, electricity, uh, infrastructure walter and sewage in for a sub job. which me is that when this one is, or one of the top off to me as well. now not, we're not nothing left to and i have no homes,
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no support. which wouldn't mean that it wouldn't be able actually, explosion of the, of the more than 2000000 people in gulf. that's what is where it has been doing for the past. more about for the past, there's more that child so everything american life pass it within girls. sure. let me just put what it is real at said to a by this and it was quite vague, backed in january, saying that the university in question had been hosted by her mos militants firing at rockets from there. so it was a viable at millet, free target for israel at to go after the overall issue and not i'm just interested to hear your view. if militants are using civilian infrastructure like that, all location does. how must have some responsibility to a look. uh, i think uh uh, this is why the claim that this uh university was used by her mouse to launch
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market. so it was used as. 1 admitted to the uh, headquartered photo, how mazda is not true, because this way any ottoman was based there 4 months. that's one thing. and the 2nd thing is that this university is probably the so called mid sodium axis, which is a buddy much or have been occupied by these. what do you be armed forces? which means that there are more, how much one of them as well as why those in that area of tennessee is where 80 odd we took over that area. it is i, i don't think that the emotional community is bothering this is why even clammed up upon us office is all part of the home best area. i think, as i mentioned to you earlier, that it's a systematic whereby is one to try to destroy everything. let me just add 1. 1 more piece of information is up. and one of the professors i've been killed on this as
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soon as it by his room. i need to remind you that the president of the stomach university of gauze all was, was assassinated with his family. the president, the university college also of applied sciences was also killed in addition to many of the professors on university lectures or were killed with the time that is doing this is one of the also, i don't think that the or the is that that is why a me claim that these areas where yours but also how about the operative is the reason behind what's happening. let me just to do that. is there any way we're just out of time for this one, but we, we, we very much minutes also. no under understood we, we, we, we completely get your point on. thank you for briefing. don walked out and let her entails that open letter, which can be read at by people know all not the time or of the say to professor at garza's, i'll as already university, which he was just explaining was targeted as well. thank you so much. i a thank you . the rocketing into the history books and indian space starts
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all postcard guys. the 1st everett sub orbital test flight using a homemade 3 d printed rocket. i getting above is a customizable 2 stage launch vehicle that can carry a payload of up to 300 kilos on reaching the orbit of about 700 kilometers. the launch had been called a 4 times due to technical issues, but finally got it. so let's go in the in prime minister and render moody congratulated the start off team. this is what was said, a remarkable feat which will make the entire nation proud successful launch buggy bond rock and powered by worlds for a single piece of reading, printed semi cryogenic engine is a momentous occasion for india space sector. the director of a space kids in the organization on the nation's 1st um boston.


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