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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 30, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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a thank you. rocketing into the history books and india in space. star top has car a. died the 1st everett sub orbital test flight using a homemade 3 d printed rocket. i getting above is a customizable 2 stage launch vehicle that can carry a payload of up to 300 kilos on reaching the orbit of about 700 kilometers. the launch had been called a 4 times due to technical issues, but finally got it. so let's go indian prime minister in the end, remotely congratulated the start office team. this is what was said. that's a remarkable feat which will make the entire nation proud. successful launch buggy bon rock and powered by worlds for a single piece of reading printed semi cryogenic engine is a momentous occasion for india. space sector. the director of a space, kids in the organization on the nation's 1st um foster to the european space center
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told us the launch was a joyous day. it's the westport and that is given a grid. right. and also the to the was, i mean to the nation as india, but to the would then say all these. so i would say it's a jew, billy is day to day commanded this complete the cd printed the system if you know, and if i thought there is no co betty, and in $200.00 in and this was you love slick. i'm documented this finger vintage, you know, 3 different injured it. a single sees the efficiency of building it again the turnaround time and they get the nomics, you know, in boys image. all this is going to be a game changer in this, in bell street. today is the launch was a demo socked, it is a sub ball, but the tech demonstrate the. so they had mid are seeing the speech. it's generally a 2 stage drop it, which is actually 9 because it's smith and move on. but this is just object,
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demonstrated by a type selected new little bird data. and the it'd be on data that has been inside is again, excuse me, cutting edge. yeah, no, they have built. so all these things was demonstrating was created huge number of data chord. friction will be supported for them to insurance. they are building capabilities because they actually me bond is way to be launch. uh, you know, if not or proposed to be launched and of printing 25 space drive the dies ation has opened up from 2020, from been funded. but robin is still the, she knows what do you guys stick to know work and you know what? he's and it is, so hopefully not it's facilities for all the privateers, and that this, the, he's in today i'll meet for was able to ask bill private launch 5 elected in as the
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shot. say, hardy for the and brought here drop it. you know from the old and arch correct. this is his starting. so with this, i mean, you know, there are so many states input was yes, i like told you will be equal system and then d, r is lloyd raft would be in this for you. so, and that's to be, so this is going to bring in more us do it in more research to us. and the stop people system is going to pick a band the role in taunting the economy of india. and i think this statement of ponderous time with this is way to boost the more in a large thought, the way to be play a beach of warranty and visit the street. yeah, well don't tool and fault. i'm just the guy that is the end of this news block. i'll be back in 30. but if you're in the mood to delve a little deeper into one or more of those stories to die right in an r t dot com, the best jumping off point, there is the
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the have a better. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about. the that's just a clip that i prepared for you. it's, it's a scene that gets absolutely crazy in the french parliament. i'm going to show you the whole thing. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. let's do the the, all right, that's where we're going to begin in the french parliament. part of which we just saw a little while ago. so the french m p's are having this very serious discussion by
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the way, about joining spain and ireland and who was in norway. right. norway was the 3rd country. those countries just recognize, as you saw here, we, we showed you that report, they recognized palestine, and now the french are arguing that they should do the same, but they should join those countries. well, that's when all hell breaks looks here it is. so that go to a my, the, the
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most of that screaming, by the way, what did you see the guy who was holding up the palestinian flag? well, that's what all the fuss was about. this guy's name is uh, service john zillow, j. and he has now been suspended. he's been thrown out of the parliament for, for holding up the flag now and keep in mind a 145 and 193 countries. at the, in the un. i've recognized palestine. southern countries in europe are, are, are starting to join in, which is what is making israel and the united states that crap crazy with anger. they feel like they're being defied by these countries. so here's why this friend seeing that i just showed you is so important, right? france is a g 7 country. france is a g 7 country. no g, 7 country has recognized palestine. and if they do that, if they break the ice,
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if the french do so, they would be the 1st so, so it looks like each and every day as we and others report on this, things are picking up steam, momentum wise against israel. it seems manila. yeah. right, it's funny about the palestine flag when you contrast it to nancy pelosi unfurling this gigantic, ukrainian flag and congress as you might write hot about that same the right leg. yeah, it was a plot. it was met with applause and what have you. but here we are one tiny palestinian flag and they go bananas well loves the french have a, a history of revolution. i mean, contrary to what we think about europeans and i think a lot of our americans opinions about europeans are attributable attributable to, to how we view the british on like the british, the french don't take stuff lying down read. i mean, look at the non stop yellow,
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best protest before co been hit. i think the palestine issue is pushing the people of france to the brink. i mean they, they were already wary of what was happening and ukraine and russian media being shut down to control the narrative. but palestine images can't be stopped of social media rex over there at a break. and i have a guest coming up in a little while, who is in many ways, agreeing with what you say, that this seems to be non stop at this point. i don't know what the french are going to decide. they seem to be moving in that direction. we'll continue to follow it for you here on direct impact. we're going to talk now about a decision that seems to come out of left field. by the way. it's actually kind of surprising to me in particular, because i happen to be born in this country. it's not every day we see the us state department do something that makes sense. but i think we have a winner here. your insurance, are you ready? the u. s. has had an economic stranded home on the cuban economy for more than 60 years now. dating back to when j. f. k was the president of the united states. it
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is purely a political tool that has been use mostly by presidents and senators and members of congress to get elected while doing nothing for the people of cuba or the people of the united states. but believe it or not, the u. s. is now loosening this embargo by allowing cubans who are part of the burgeoning private business sector. they're to have bank accounts in the united states for the 1st time ever. so they can conduct business. this is a big deal, these small, but this isn't cuba. by the way, we have created a flourishing entrepreneurship with the permission of the cuban government there called me payments. here we go, meet the most employee, nearly a quarter of a 1000000 people in cuba. more than 70 percent of them left the job working for the state workers salaries i can be payments can be significantly higher than those state own companies. the payments are expected to account for 10 percent of q bus. gd, be in 2023. it's amazing. these guys just started putting up little businesses and
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before you knew it, people were going and buying their stuff from them rather than from government stores. so it's working, look, it breaks my heart to see how the cuban people, my family have suffered millions of them. i've left the island because of the economic conditions, but you know, way, i think this thing that i'm reporting on that we're reporting on right now is, is in the right direction. vanilla. it's being criticized by both. it's being criticized by the left and it's being criticized by right. and in my book, usually once when, when it gets criticism from both sides, that means it's a good idea. and i agree that's exactly it. if you are getting flack from both sides all sides, that means you're doing something right. so why does moves to loosen this banking regs, regulation with non governmental people? i think it's important to highlight that part. it has to be non governmental people on the island is a step in the right direction to build on what the obama administration had done.
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installing ties that the trumpet administration then quickly reversed your while this is a step i would say in the right direction, i would still be wary. given what we just saw, the us led g 7 bank stars do in the feeling rush and state money and, and their interest just last week. so i would say this is the cautionary tale. i think it's celebrate but, but be where you say into your, you're right, you're right. it's something that we need to watch. i think it's important and i think it's a step in the right direction. also in the news, the trotter found, the president donald trump is finally come doing in both side presenting their closing arguments. and now it's in the hands of a jury to decide if mr. trump broke the law when he paid off a porn star. so the voters wouldn't find out about what ever relationship he had with her if the jury think she did it for political reasons. and that's proven that they could find them guilty of campaign finance law violations if not, hold on. it's just the payoff and it's really not against the law. that's what's
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key here. when we can show you the closing arguments. and by the way, they went on forever because there were no cameras in the court room. so instead, we're going to let you hear from the proxies for both sides. here are donald trump, jr. and robert de niro. it is insanity. it is an embarrassment. it's an abomination to democracy into our republic. and yet, it continues. everyone in this case is conflicted. edit, hinges on one man who's not just a lawyer convicted. someone who has lost his lo license has been destroyed. somebody would serve jail time for lying before congressional bodies. and that's it . that's where we are today in america. if trump returns, so the white house, you can guess, these freedoms go by, that we all take for grant and elections. forget about it that's over, that's done. if he gets in, i can tell you right now, he will never leave friends and we want him running this country saying i'm not
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leaving dictator for life. i hope this new ad campaign campaign reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters aboard a danger he is to our lives. i don't know about to, but all i get here is the hot dig into a private way. closing arguments went on for like 10 hours. then you should know that jerry anyway, rick, you know, you know, what else i noticed behind bobby the narrow is that the man with all the tattoos. that guy is one of the guys from the capitol hill police. he was there, so it's important. yeah, yeah, it's important to note who's on whose side, right to do it to me to police. i know 3 actually were there with him. apparently, they say they're on biden's side, which why is there, why is this political i it's american? well, i mean, when it is political the case, i mean,
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if you look at this from the lens of, of, let's say, a latin american country, it what it looks like is the current person and power that be joe biden, is using legal, like a legal gymnastics move to take down his biggest opposition leader, which is donald trump. but i think more funny about this is the celeb celebrity versus celebrity. cuz remember, before donald trump became a politician, he was a celebrity. so i think a lot of these hollywood leads feel like they can talk about it like this is, you know, on par with when they know which i don't, i don't really thought i'm not sure there's a different to the politician in the hollywood elite anymore. i think they're all actors as far as i'm concerned. i'm pretty sure what the final thing international piece summit soon taking place in switzerland. it's going to try and come up with a and into the conflict in ukraine. all the big western powers are being invited. i'm know if you guys have heard about this, but the southern, the us, the brits are all coming guess who's not invited to this thing. the russians. so
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it's a piece summit between the russians and ukraine, ukraine's going, but the russians aren't invited. isn't that kind of like having a football game between real madrid and, and, and manchester united but not inviting real madrid or, or maybe not inviting manchester united. i mean, here's how the kremlin is reacting. they say to seriously talk about these questions without the participation of our country, is absolutely absurd. but wait, if you've been glass curious, look at this. i got another one for you. see that the king of bahrain is holding a piece. i'm going to discuss a piece deal to end the god of the massacre and get so he's inviting to leave that discussion. the russians in the former president pohden. i mean, you can't make this stuff up manila think about this for a minute. so part of that is not invited to a summit on the war. his country is fighting, but they're invited, but he's invited to a summit to discuss the gods a peace deal. what i'm. i'm trying to do the mental gymnastics right
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now. rick, i don't know how this works, but i mean, i would say, i would say this is more like an arranged marriage like somebody is really trying to force this couple to get married. but like the bride's not invited, the galleries being discussed and her family has no say over, you know, any of it that, i mean that, that, that is such 20th century thinking of like, you know, this is western exceptionalism of aust versus the soviet union with soviet union the exist anymore, you gotta bring other people as you know, the 21st century is multi polar, and the west is acting like, okay, we're gonna resolve this with just our side. we're gonna, we're gonna tell everybody how this is done, right? about patriarchy, all right, we're, we're going to discuss your future will tell you what we've decided about you when we're done with this over here. i mean, right. uh, good stuff, manila, thank you so much. uh, when we come back, our next guest says quote,
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the wholesale killing of palestinians and gaza will mark a turning point in western politics. a dark turn, he writes, for modern western civilization. what does he mean by that? we're going to ask if he is a political am listen jose very popular podcast. it's called sunday wire with patrick kennings and we'll be right back the the hey, welcome back. i'm re sanchez and i want to show you something. now let's put together by my next guess, this is a, this is
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a clip that was on his twitter feed. i hope he doesn't mind a showing it which you're showing it to you. here it is, just leave me out of control and it's on a industrial scale. and despite everything that everyone seen, the united states has back israel's military campaign against the post and new people. so joining me now is pod castor, patrick kennings, and he's also a political analyst. he's a smart guy, he's good enough to take some time to talk to us now. so it's interesting you say, and i mentioned this before, we went to break. the thing that is real is doing and gaza will cause a and the word you use is a dark turn. what do you mean by dark? turn patrick, what i think it's a dark turn for the arc of, of post world war 2, the post world war 2, world order. western civilization. in the modern sense, you know,
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everything that we built, all the multi lateral institutions that we built after world war 2 that were designed to prevent the very thing that we are being forced to witness every day. on our smartphones, on our televisions in on, on internet sites all over the web, which is a genocide. we have conventions international chords, united nations of security council. so if, if these things of all failed to prevent this sort of agree, just a war crime egregious crimes against humanity, then you could say that the entire post world where to order for the worst possible scenario that was designed to prevent is a failure. and that means western civilization itself needs to have a real reckoning right now and ask itself a we a we and we do a regression phase now. so we still going forward? what will matter? because it seems we are living. you're absolutely right in
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a world right now we're up is down and everything is upside down and nothing makes any sense. and we built institutions to tell people that we have a built a consortium of countries and we're all going to come together and make recommendations to other countries. but if those countries are big enough and they have enough money, they just basically shoot them a burden. say that how would you we don't care what you think we're not going to do it. and yet we have other countries that are punished for doing almost absolutely nothing. i just stated the case of cuba. i mean q or a 16 to 70 years, they've been punished. decimated their economy has been what is the country by 1000000 people, but yet their bad is really good. that doesn't make any sense. so we just don't want all the way. just let the powerful and the windshield die. yeah, i mean the q bookcase we could talk about that the ship, but that's emblematic of this permanent sanctions, the kind of regime of permanent sanctions. you look at cuba, you look at the ron,
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you look at the syria series, a good example of a country. it's been totally strangled by the us and the you and a sort of double sided vice grip of strangling it and the same time stealing it's oil, which the us occupying in northeastern serious. so that's just a real extreme example. but i think the point that we, we really want to make here is we, we, we are now kind of unraveling all of the things that helped to a, stabilize the international system. i. e, diplomacy, i. e, serious calls for cease fires. if you think about it, rick, a previous presidential administrations, even both the bush administration's would have hit the brakes probably 3 weeks in to israel's bombardment of gaza back in october, november because the, the images would just be terrific. the political price to pay would just be too high. and also, america being and accomplice to this slaughter with just alienated to its
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allies and potential allies. people that wants to win to its side. but now in 2024 . none of that happen. no diplomacy, no peace negotiations, active cause to escalate active calls to escalate in both ukraine and, and in the israel. let's talk about that. let's talk about that. and i'm wondering, and i please don't take this the wrong way and i'm not talking about the fact that they are jewish, but i am talking about the fact that they are scientists. and when i have started to look at our state department under joe biden, i see zion is after zion is after zion this. we sometimes talk as if their interest in israel is above their interest in my country, our country now or yeah, true. and not all, not all design this or jewish carl jews of zion, it exists important point to make. but the point is that, you know, i pack as a major lobby in united states had lifted what was kind of
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a moratorium before about directly contributing to political candidates. and congress and senate dot was removed. and so you see a flow of money coming in. the absolutely influence says where congressman centers are on policy and this happens in october of last year. and then you see this complete wip line on the democratic side. a few dissenters, perhaps on the republican side in terms of funding in the war, but pretty much a consensus on both parties. so that capture hadn't fully been complete until the last couple of years. and i think this is why you, steve is extreme situation where you have the media and the political class going one way or an issue. and you clearly have the people, the popular populace, even the young base of the democratic party going in a totally different direction on this. and that really speaks volumes as to where we're at right now. yeah, and i think the point that you make is fascinating because i like your i,
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i like your nomenclature when you say entering a dark side. and i think that dark side is not visible to most americans right now, because they're busy working their butts off and you know, dealing with inflation and watching cnn and fox news and thinking that's the truth . but underneath fox news and underneath the new york times and underneath the cnn, etc. so there are people like you and me who are having these discussions and it's not about you and me, there's so many other people out there who are having these discussions. and i think we're still maybe years away. i don't know what your, what your thinking is on this. when does this, these facts, this truth, this reality break through from the b s that we are most americans, unfortunately, are stuck with right now. and it's not their fault, they don't know any better. i think i as they did. yeah, i'm not gonna blame the people as much as i will blame the media. i almost don't
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want to blame government because as you know, rick government's going to do what governments do. politicians do what they do, which is pivot change, flip lie, but the media that used to be a 4th, the state used to have standards, but the truth should matter. and it's the problem is it doesn't matter. now if you look at the whole october 7th and the gaza of drago is just totally out of control . it's because if you look at history, rarely has ever been a war or a genocide for that matter that wasn't based on lies and deception. you can't rope in the public to back something. is that a lot of dishes? is this without a complete bevy of lies and propaganda? and i think we saw that on october 7th. and unfortunately a lot of these things have been debunked in recent months. but you look at the, the words coming out of jo biden's mouth or totally blinking. they just keep repeating these troops that are simply not true statements of that or not. it's
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never happened. videos this claim they saw, which never have been been seen by anybody. so we're being ruled by a whole series of lives. and that's what's really behind. these emotive themes of these high profile veterans, but trustworthy propaganda is really pushing a kind of alternative reality. and unfortunately, that's the track that these people are on. and we're not on the same track. you, the people who get their news from alternative sources. look at the polling of recent is very, very clear. if you watch k, that news is it's like 70 percent or something in favor of as well. if you don't, it's the opposite. so you can see right there we all knew this was true, right? but now you can see it's proven scientifically. that's a really great point, patrick i, i think there's a there's, there's almost a justification for the things that we thought were true right now based on the polling that we've seen, people who get their news from social media, people get their news from tick tock, people who get their news from alternative sources have a completely different view of the world. then the people who get their news from
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the cnn's and the fox news and all that other crap which is basically paid for by raytheon and several other big companies. speaking of ukraine, and you mentioned that a little while ago. i mean not the big sides here, but i just, i was curious the other night and i did a little googling and i found out the number of, of, of children killed in the ukraine war. so far is minuscule. the number of civilians killed according to international sources, is like 10000 which is horrible. no civilian should ever be killed. but the number of civilians killed in a war that's lasted almost 2 and a half years now. and ukraine has 10000 being while the war and gaza, or the attacks on gaza have already killed like 30 to 40000 people. i mean, what does that tell you as well? what it tells you is, if you look at the, you and figures on this and you look at other a war monitoring and zeros and so forth. that this is the word in ukraine. ok,
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it is. capital has the lowest amount of civilian casualties of anything in the modern era. if you compare the amount of conventional arms that have been expended so far in 2 years. what does that tell you? who is the most powerful actor? there is clearly the russian federation are taking, meticulous care to avoid civilian casualties. otherwise you would not see these numbers. so this, this basically visualize the myth that has been pushed by the west that put in is committing genocide in ukraine. it's just the opposite. and so what you really see there is something very akin to a civil war, something very akin to a major military intervention. and we could argue about the history and the borders and the dumbbells, and whose russian nude ukrainian. but the bottom line is it is not the scorch. dearth type of military operation of the united states itself or israel will conduct and not ask any questions and demand no accountability by the end of it.
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look at iraq, look at libya. look at all of these other terrible situations and now look at the situation in, in gaza, span. so in fact, speaking, speaking of numbers i, i checked those 2 and i think they're rocking somewhere today. and that's where somewhere between 500002900000. and we're going to compare that to attempt how said that ukraine. it doesn't seem like a fair fight. patrick, you've been an absolute delight to talk to your smart guy. uh, good luck with your uh, podcast and uh, you know, keep up the good fight, man. we'll look forward to seeing you again. we'll have you back. okay, thank you. thank you very much, joseph. all right, that's our news. remember to always look outside your own box when you're looking for truth because truths generally don't live in boxes. rec center. see next to the,
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[000:00:00;00] the rubbish. it's not said they are allowing it. they have been inc, straightening movie strikes on the territory of the russian federation. by the hands of the key origin, the russian foreign ministry spokesman accuses the west of already, coordinating attacks on russian territory coming as nato foreign ministers, gathering pride to discuss brewing calls to a lot of kids to strike deeper into russia. also ahead poor should not continue indefinitely, just it should not be absent forever. and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be way, but i will be using 6 deep in relations with our of nations to resolve hotspot issues. that is the message from the chinese presidents of the nation pivots


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