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tv   Documentary  RT  May 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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states, we did not have a colonial policy in africa, and then secondly, we came here at the most acute moment when the ca, all, urgently needed help stop the invasion of a legal groups, seizure, dismantling of power, and perhaps some of the consequences. therefore, russia's assistance is always in demand and it is always timely. and it is always constructive and capable of solving exhaustive tasks. he was, there's a lot of opportunities here, especially in mining bite for export and for processing like lithium, cobalt and so on. there is a whole range of results is several 100 different types of minerals, pressure and entrepreneurs, the taking a closer look at it. and we believe that this is the mother of old projects because it can give an impetus to see a also and to interact with other partners in different parts of the world, which is happening gradually. pressure entrepreneurs entering the c market face the following difficulties when you're on face sanctions, logistical problems, problems with, into bank trends, best plus the lack of experience in countries with currency unions and hauled
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currency paid to the year. right? there was also a lack of information about the central african republic is rich in results is but one of the poorest countries in the world. this is connected with the consequences of colonialism in the broad sense and the consequences of the longstanding on conflict, which has been ongoing since 2013. now, of course, thanks to russian involvement, it has subsided. they follow the role of russia and respect for russia stand at the appropriate level key. i mean, uh, so this one can next we venture into some of america's deadly as near buds to try and answer the question. why do so many in the black community see the police us, the enemy bounce in our short documentary white lights, and it all gets going here. the, the
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the the
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how many was the man and you know where we're trying to get the live what you've done. i'm apologize to you and i'm done in the 3 year though. my daughter has not been outside because i'm so scared of. i'll walk down the street where a stray bullet is gonna kill her and i'll be holding my daughter, gary, who is a friend? not too long ago. she died with the
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time people do it to you or will use the i. so the industries, like i said, the next day i've seen a lot of down the street the by 20 to 34 years. so it's like 2000 sale of 2000 and or so
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that's why they call this out. right? correct. no. is there was on those on the moon? that's why we came up with ameristar. right. because we lost most citizens to go viral. it's been us. oh, no, no, no, no, because everybody got nobody out there doing this for now everybody's doing their so they can't do. the one who don't give me way is more than what the
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the on the block. but all mind letting me know my to lose. they say my problem didn't get all the way my pocket for a good job. i just delta games. what that means, what you're going to tell me, what else or what god created? no. mark killable, no boss with you last with a couple i think when yeah sacrifice. did they all live my life cycle fi light really nice. hey yeah man gate the
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the the welcome to the corner store. so many people are lost. they live out here coming to the store, crime scene criteria from last year. something that happened up there got to stop and got to see a learn about this before they learned how to walk again this out and making people ready for all the goods that they got on the games are real good and realized. so the game is just a really a training manual for the next days because that to play the game so long, you're gonna want to once you get your gun and be on your mission and then you're going to be ready to kill. it looks very easy to pull
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a certain real life in the video games and wants to start it's addictive, is the rush is a high, rich and costly one. so that's why i be so many shipments because once we see so 1st good so far as person, you know, i don't care about nobody else or the next person or the next person or the next person to be out of state. and even though i was my brother, there was a coffee coming off as i looked through the list here. i see the past has had a part of the 350 sadness that a so it was my son was as soon as i've seen it simultaneously. when i look up to tell my brother then he got i got to go get the soon. so i ran over to check this policy and solve it. so he was gone. the, the,
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the, we are not one of the community. your brothers identifies simply as my block is on the corner, we are touring, we cause to transfer. the soldier has always been on the front of our young brothers, looked up to him. felicia is a young princess straight because he says, billy, i got that name a long time ago before i guess on i guess on my list. it says that the outcome of it, but every day i mention you guys, but when they, when it happened that when i say,
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i suppose you got sat right in the flow and by one of the door was open on me. i ran, jumped over this and closed the door. somebody won't let little if i want in throw some like that problem. i really don't know. i really wasn't paying cents. i was paying attention once you the police came into the store instead of them trying to focus on. so they came up in my face pushing me right. we. i was trying to explain to him that the guy who was shot was land down on the land. but this officer failed there. he just had to take me down. and he grabbed me up in an egg area and went to try and arrest anita. everybody's been told offices from the moment they came in. did this, do me so?
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yes, sir. he wonder with me the white one? no blood another comes no less. i'm only like where you hit it and i can get back up and walk and i study gas for brand. so it's not like i would go down those as most scary as far, right. the sway little slow. right? yeah. it could be, i don't really see a lot on am no news with the, you know, i used to be struck. so once upon a time, everything had a repercussion. it's not no repercussions right now for what these young guys are doing. right now is more about the tribes. everybody got, they only charge now list section and everybody holding down this section and the best way they can
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go to allow. but i'm like, what happened when they pull up and then we pull up all the while really know is going to be able to i just don't want to be there to go tell me what's happened with the people who did this to you. so do you know who they were? i mean, the street target, people said thing video things happen to the people who have some pain about though . but like i was you, i wanna know i'm still in the hospital and i have to tell them everything was going on, but definitely get and the right way the right way. i mean, it is only case all he go though, and he that is like my home is it has a go, a lot of the i don't feel done by the, on the not that they'll they not really on
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the store because you no problem. seeing that the no, no 3030 minutes us out in the drive, i should like to sign with her. she does have one demario and make me a model term. don't see the address on the site until that's just like one of the tragic things that happens in inglewood. you know, we got a lot of up and coming stars and a lot of people didn't pass like hailing the, you know, one minute man on the same next menu. here's some tragic about the visiting or a ramp. you mentioned the south side neighborhood of englewood, late in the day, she had it for the boss to take her home. she was standing near
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a 15 year old boy. we're a dark colored s. u. v rolled up in a wood fire. the teenage boy, the intended target is rushed to the hospital bills for bon, sadly kalen vocational lucky the the
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the little colossal bag. yeah. a lot. i got here like 3 times. they asked me to put in my bag the day and taking it out of the day about my son or whatever leave that alone is satisfied loan. don't know where i didn't know. i hit the ground. i'll try to get up and get up. i hit brief, i looked at a side it was came outside and grabbed the sheets huffman, like no, no gas or she like that without get up. i'll get the film a shot. pays him a some not that i have to pick up this book the last came to grab me. all right. okay. let me uh see on the hold you sure. um yeah. the the grab hold of me.
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i gotta wait 2 more minutes. what does it be up uh for the 4th of the issue that are saved and i was just gonna let this pass out like that. the immediate point, the thing that john john saying he was to target the guy carolyn q, but he wasn't to target either of them were the other way to do it is because well sir, i do show the most of the most of people are oh group okay, that i'm on that as a group. is that that is why i was very no, i'm a little older, so i think a lot different. so, you know, you know, sometimes you gotta stop at
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a point. you gotta be things in place to get these brothers man off and off and killing me. of the grandma's house forever. uh like the 1st house that we really lived in was the one the most showing this out of all of us. it was me. so i can see what other cousins. so i grew up here and she was so short as a man out of out of nowhere, she just shot bite and was taller than everyone was all in the she always like sang songs. i would love to be in front of the camera stuff while i teen girls. really? yeah. do it again. i started taking photos on her and like we had one of our 1st photo shoots on the end of this block. and i just will
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take pictures of her, you know, she was on the way and then she finally started to take it serious. she went on tv, on tv show. coming to the studio. i see 2 people working on my daughter was doing her hair. the other one is fixing a close. i came in and just like i just looked at this and i couldn't believe that i was looking at looking at actually this looking to help facing. like i get off away and just decide to get to to the studio and took the pictures of her my the daughter i took a bunch of pictures and i don't want the i had to choose one. and caitlin was the one that i chose because she was fabulous of the cat walk. her added to making nixon for beauty was just an explosion. she just came miles and everybody kept silent in the sense of looking at
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this beautiful girl walking like a super model, a professional model of the kind of was and then it was sold and then people said class. and i knew that i made the right decision, the stop coming around because that's all she talked about. i don't think i'm li, uh when i'm making a promise, i'm gonna be back. i'm prompt. i'm not gonna leave. we always go be friends and family. so don't, don't know the words that her mouth. soon as i make it, i'm coming to the song coming back to the kitchen. the
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father, my flag is one the only wife faces on the south side. but one of the loudest voices for social justice, the society had to recognize caling because she had made it somewhere, she had reached some goal. she had doors open, she had been acknowledged and recognized by the modeling community. although k lanes. last is a huge, huge, a more thing if you will, of the potential that she was moving into she's a symbol of the abortion that goes on every day. we only talk about abortion is a woman a clinic, but guess what? when ever a life is not allowed to reach has potential. it's an abortion. and we allow
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the on the sides of the path to 15 minutes to i saw a bright light like house i saw a white light on for the white light like a white law is like, i don't like suicide like has this to as my own, the my dad called me kayla. sell out the car and just and just will scream somebody that this apartment is up here and you know,
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down asking me what was wrong and um, i'm assuming that um, they call it, they called the police on me. and the officer to officer locked up on me and i was very cautious. so now i, i guess i've, i've heard it looks like i was on drugs or something. it had his hand on, on his, on his revolver. and i just kind of looked at them and just i was able to just kind of get it out. so my daughter is his gas side. i guess he called it in to check on it and came back and the officer had tears in his eyes. finally get to the hospital that walk the son she had passed away the
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wish that i hadn't seen that and i'll just try my best not to think about that. that of the that that, that the problem, the johns i've never met because the media wants to make out it's on. so i'm with the reason for kayla's death and even her family believe the thing is i'll see you that is he a little more time fire with me to then take a long time long to nozzle made me very upset, cuz i'm gonna come 1st. this police king,
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no police can take me tools that i said if they access to because that's what disappear, friend and who on, on, on my name like they like the, you know, think about some like kalen and all the different things that come to know about her, there is an occasional shooting that is so, you know, rocks the conscience that people sort of take. no, but otherwise there's this sort of like, you know, mean effect is going on here. most people can't get their arms around the notion that their child can't go to the store because they can get killed on the way there . and i don't think that the public ever fully appreciates what that does to a human. we have this group, this large group, mentally, they're all looking, the world is changing not for the better because they're living in this bunker. and
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i don't know if there's any doctor in the world who wouldn't agree that many of these children are suffering from p t. s d, because their environment they're in. there's gunfire all the time. the past to everything and never know it is bodies over the bands of us. so we just tell me to to know how to load of on on a, anything like that, like how we deal with caleb, you know, follow the database. it's also they still in to the, to the the
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the constant threat of warming violence creates a discord in so many areas of our lives and my life and the life of my students that it interrupts the educational process. and often times it's not even the ad survive, is perpetrated against my students. is the fear back. somebody is being perpetrated against their relative sort of their, their close family members. so they're biling permeated echoes. and since a ripple effect, the the 95 percent of the brothers out here in the street, we want to demonize and call gang bangers,
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95 percent of them want and alternative to be able to take care of themselves, take care of their family. you know, have a kind of drive, have a job to go to have a place to live, to keep telling chicago on other cities. the power in our cities is being shut down and buried in our streets. we are destroying killing and locking up potentials that can help turn around chicago. the ferry i'll just do like single the lifestyle. hey, just going to be
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the cost of the amount of time. so being a c o 2 level wage magazine. same thing the the,
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it's the rubbish, it's most said they are allowing, it's, they have been inc, straightening will be strikes on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key origin. the russian foreign ministry spokesman accuses the west of all ready coordinating attacks on russian territory coming as the nature of foreign ministers of gathering pride to the scale screwing calls to a log. you have to strike deeper into russia, also a head to eat or should not continue indefinitely. just it should not be absolute forever. and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will be. jane will deepen relations with are of nations to resolve hotspot. issues that's the method.


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