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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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lines only empty words. the international community is rallying to the palestinian cause. meanwhile, us stands alone in isolation. the, it's full rubbish. it's not that they are allowing it. they have been in cust raging movie strikes on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key origin. the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman accuses the west of all ready coordinating attacks and russian territory coming as nato foreign ministers, gathering pride to discuss growing calls to a lot of t. f just strikes deeper into russia. also a head full should not continue indefinitely. just it should not be absent forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will be. jane will defend relations with the art of nations to resolve hotspot issues. that's the
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message from the chinese president of the nation. hibbitts towards the middle of the as fiction notices, or a 100 done by israel to a un humanitarian group is really lawmaker tells our t accusations that on the employees participated in the october 7th terrorist attacks. are issued to say that their organization because of 12 green united is guilty and such a thing. this is a shot and be to be like the most close to the world. this is our to you. hello and welcome to then use our us debate rages in the west, whether or not to allow ukraine to carry it strikes on russian territory. most schools, foreign ministry spokesman has slum the discussions, but he is a hold of a also stated t as bikers have long been coordinating such attacks. it still doesn't do anything
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instead of the shy. so a talking about allowing the key of reasoning to carry out the strikes. some western countries are things that they will see whether or not to allow it some a saying that they are not allowing it yet. it school rubbish. it's not that they are allowing it, they have been orchestrating all the strikes on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key version. but for a long time, we need to tell that like it is really to when it comes out nice. those top diplomats have gathered in prague for a 2 day meeting. they will discuss another a package to ukraine in advance of july nato summit. this week's event takes place and mid key of sub peel is to use western weaponry to target russian territories which some of its allies. how about ready? green lit, a dozen darcia legal par german leopard tanks allowed to rule in russian soil. despise wished up. i don't know whether this is the main focus at the moment,
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but why shouldn't german leper tanks continue to do what they already think fully do, namely support ukraine and it's 5 for freedom is and once again, when weapons depots are attacked in russia. and for example, it is not a violation of international law, but ukraine's rights of defense via, as well. so far, 11 countries have given you plan to go ahead to use the long range weapons for attacks on russian, sort of all our european nations, as well as kind of well, most school is warning against what it calls, provocations. let's take a look over here, off the arsenal. ukraine has access to the distance they can reach. not 3 types of western supplied. munitions could hit the cities of done. yeah. it's going to belgrade this area and they at yellow. the next group includes rocket spa . busy and you avi's from us u. k. and also portugal, they'd be able to possibly reach up to 300 kilometers inside russian territory. but
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it's the long range storm shadow crews must have switch posed the biggest threat this area in red. they could strike a distance of over 550 kilometers within russia. will the u. k. um, from supply those missiles, i'm have supported potential attacks on russian. we discussed the weapons debate with michael maloof, a former security analyst in the office of the us secretary of defense. he says if longer range missiles are given the go ahead, it could very well repainted on the west. i think there will be some opposition from particularly hungry and other than a few other countries. and it is certainly, hopefully some reluctance on the part of the united states. because if, if it was longer range missiles are, are green light. and it's gonna, it's gonna posit, a very dramatic problem for uh, for on the united states or for the,
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for the western countries. because of moscow can interpret that as a, as a, as an escalation on, on the, on the nato's part. and consider them to be directly involved in the war and then the that just raises the answer. i think that's why you're going to be seeing moscow, and i'm beginning to accelerate their, their own or offensive. i would say in a may in june in the june july timeframe, you're going to see this pick up dramatically. and, and i, and i think you're also going to be seeing the greater a true concept of russian truth consultations occurring not only in the north, but throughout the entire front. the united states has an over reliance on very expensive the high tech. and it tends to be very fragile and, and as a result of it it's, it's meant to be used in the very limited capabilities. and this assumes that you
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have other elements that come into play as part of a grand symphony of, of, of warfare. if you will, but without that one critical element of air power of the ukrainians have been severely crippled and has been to the advantage of russia as well. many western media outlets are increasingly basing the war drums, frances limone and newspaper saves washington's refusal to a lot of key up to use american weapons to strike deeper into russia, undermines the reliability of the us within nato. while a piece in the american foreign affairs magazine encourages washington to send even more arms, i think that should resort to guerilla warfare tactics on the russian soil. ukraine must adjust the way it organizes equipped and thinks about the war switching out. hit on confrontation with russian forces for an asymmetric gorilla style approach. doing so will no doubt prolong the fighting with
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a pivot to unconventional warfare offers the best chance for ukraine to chip away and russian resolve both on the front lines and at home. with my colleague nikki, are in us 3 experts from different parts of the globe where all the calls for peace amongst the west to run pump in more rhetoric. what i'm doing to ukraine is exactly what they are, what they do to syria. they would try and make the war longer, make it miserable for the people, and they have just lost their and it is the final slides of believing monster they can just take it can never accept the idea that they are not. it's not only them on the international system, the federalism can never be lost answer whenever i lose a war in a place. this is what happened here in syria. they are trying, they were not supporting as much as they could, the service that they were on the syrian laws so that they were to prolong the time
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of war. they make it longer. they also is of that foreign affairs magazine pace and nip it, turning to gorilla wolf would no doubt prolong the ukraine conflicts a sign to the 20 year loan us occupation of afghanistan. certainly an interesting comparison. some may, do you think you have yourself really wants to drag this out even further though, from the billboard simple is what i'm saying. the best one who finished the field, finished the station. how do you need to pull it on? both boxes are living with the 3 any of these reports. yeah, well this makes them off this a, this depaula for them to be sure the extent that google is the one who mix get a cd out of the you. good. remember was to see the beautiful country just didn't know if it's the just been what was best visibility for the
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last few clear and you know, they cut out the waiting on the battlefield. so what they're doing, they are trying to do terrorism. this is what they do already for a few months, or maybe a few years, one or 2 years now. and they, you know, withdrawn attacks and build off even in moscow. we have them 2 years ago. and this is shelter a now because they cannot, we know the better field so they have to win with their as we of course be solved at like the other set an upcoming style. we saw it in syria and they want to drag it down for many, many years because i don't think they will succeed because you know, rush, i will not allow this to be dragging on for a long time. the government of all the regime of these kids, it's not, is not in the direction of reconciliation. and this is my time for the idea of national and reconciliation. and our case is syria. the americans didn't like the idea of the, of us having national reconciliation. where we have spared the life of many
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military personnel and the case of ukraine. i would think it's more difficult because zalinski often now his of the very 1st tom swears he has the chance of saving the lives of millions. i don't think he would go in that direction because he wouldn't think of what's best for your crime. he would think of what's best of him him and his parents in the west made toward america. ukraine has been bombing targets, as we know across stone by sons crime, if he is even an even lower and strong strikes, much deeper into russia. president person has said that this cannot be done without direct western involvement. so how do you expect most good to respond to especially now then maybe in the west of pushing for an escalation? i'm sure that it will be some retaliations because this cannot be done. i mean, this is actually not a is, it is a declaration of war and nothing really. and the official declaration,
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but the disaffection ration of the west is totally radical lives. i mean, you are, oh, there's no common sense anymore. there's no diplomacy anymore. they only speak about the agents, you know, as saying to their own citizens. they are that they have to stuck up everything recalls on the war. that's maybe it's coming. they are trying to recruit people. they of the pool on the floor, and this is great. even, but what vincent go home was talking about, he was thinking with the people that this is the best people for medical money that it could be a gaming address shields. so he bought a 20 celebrate thing, but the rest of this is the site keep going on by doing the video is defending the business was going to be in baltimore. big one, the defense of manufacturing from brett, the, the big this one, beverly working together to cool hotspots around the world and achieve long
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term peace and stability outside president. she has outlined the goals of china, our states cooperation for him, which is erupt off its 1st day at the opening ceremony in beijing, the chinese leader, a promise to strengthen cooperation in areas such as energy trade and then for future. scientific and technological exchanges are also highlighted on by las real tourism. most on the agenda. worksheets and pena emphasizes commitments to achieving peace in 24 should not continue indefinitely. just it should not be absolute forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will, china, somebody suppose, the establishment of an independent state of palestine, which enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east jerusalem as it's capital of china is supposed kind of stands full membership in the united nations and supports the convening of a more broad base till thursday of and effective international peace conference.
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you know, the teacher are divided into part 1st part definitely focusing on the 2 of them. eric said, walk ration and a portion. briefly you have mentioned it's focusing on actually 5 aspects including innovation, financial investment added to corporation, trade and people to people exchanges. well, this was another key message for me to try and specify receiving p. c. no sweets on thursday morning at the opening ceremony up to 10 minutes syria conference off the trying to app states for a patient for a printer. and she also sent a strong message on the situation. the doctor, it's the 2nd part of the problem. he's to speak with a few separate quotes or should not continue indefinitely. just this should not be absent for ever. and so i'm going to the 2 state solution should not be neighbor at 0. the students on the supports colors assigned to membership and the us, china will offer not the $500.00 milligrams about $68000000.00 us dollars where you this is in addition to the $100.00 milligrams,
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2 minutes here in the system for the reconstruction and humanitarian really some of the major outcomes be wanting, the 3 documents were adopted at the ministry. a level meeting is the 1st so far as the page. and therefore of ration that we also have the forms action plan for 2024 to $22.00 and $6.00. signed a joint statement between china i received on a pallet send me an issue egyptian president. now since you set the axis are most committed to reading just international order and pointing out that terribly deeply appreciate shyness persistence on palestinian issue and also chinese presidents. and he and i was trying to will be hosting which on the m. c. summit in 20202026, many another milestone on china and the aerospace relation we heard the views of cairo based geo politics. some of this on write her honey solomon on this. he believes the for them is that message to western countries highlighting that it's time to move beyond the americanization on the middle east conflict. the insisting
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go over the whole thing. because this summit, this time, i think it's a message it to that, that was carpet was united states of america on the old band concert, is that we have a move that moving and shifting from such a new situation about that. but it's denny and folks, the sites shifting from the 2 state solution to the for the sub part of the part of the, for the membership of but a stain into native nations and supporting of seizing fire and call into for a i think a be a score and friends, the message of she's in pain goes about with the justice shows must be i've, since the, we have to make a new vision and the most immediate, the american vision to control the situation. i think it's very important and it's a shifting from uh, these things is shifting of from emphasizing to show you enough rooms that economic
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way to another political role. and then they just the videos. i think it's will be more effective. donald trump has become the 1st former president in us history to ever be convicted of a crime, a new york jury on thursday. find him guilty and all 34 cards in a so called hush money trial. the republican frontrunner claims it was written by powerful democrats, including president biden, and his body to find the verdict is great. this was a free trial. so they wouldn't give us a page. we were at 6 percent. that is this, this area. this is a graceful the jury saw him that mister chum
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falsified business records the cover up of $130000.00 payment to adult film star stormy daniels before the 2016 presidential election. the c one. now he denies any wrong doing. in this case, donald trump is the republican party's presumptive nominee in the ongoing presidential race, but faces up to 4 years behind bars. for each college with ascendancy, arranged from mid july. however, he can still running for the presidency from jail if he goes there as us load this stuff, prohibit a convicted felon from doings. let's go to the city. know at where the trial was. health, new york broadcaster and let it go. come in here. steve mullis berg is waiting to speak to a steve good to see quite a situation at just on the opposite lot her point. donald trump claims the trial was written by the democrats,
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cuz that actually happened your initial reaction as well to at what occurred today . well 1st of all, um a i, i think the, the biggest story and you, you covered both of them in your, in your analysis and your introduction. not only is he the 1st former president, never to be convicted of criminal charges, but the biggest story is he's leading. he's the, he's the leading candidate to become the next president of the united states. this is not what we do in the united states. we read in the newspapers about the 3rd world countries going after political opponents and locking them up or, or worse, but this, this was outrages. i can't believe that with a 34 account. uh, you know, the docket. the jury took less than 12 full hours and found him guilty on every single account as they were reading the results. i'm sitting there shocked in, in, in my, in my living room, watching a television shocked. now, yes,
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i think that the donald trump has a good case. most every legal pun did that i hear and talked to says that on appeal this case will most likely be thrown out, overturn you, name it, but you can't appear with that critical. you can't get a result probably before the election. so that's what's going to be the problem for donald trump. well, this was never prosecuted until now. charges were never brought until now. when this all allegedly took place in 2016, prosecutors in the, in the manhattan, da's office previously wanted no part of it. the federal government wanted no part of it. and then, as all these indictments and charges came down in different cases against trump, this one came along as well. you can help, but believe it's all coordinated. it's all designed to ruin donald trump and make sure that he does it with the presidency. so what, what and during the case this judge, do you have heard truck mention?
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they wouldn't give me a different venue in percent of the vote in that district in manhattan in new york city is what trump got in the 2020 election 8 percent. obviously the jury pool was very limited and very up beside it against him. so a change in venue seems fair. know, during the trial, the judge and on the lawyer. but the judge ruled against the defense over and over and over and left. the prosecution basically do what they wanted, and then the key came on draw you instructions. the instructions to the jury were so generic. i did them so much latitude and leeway that that's when people started to say the jury is good to convict them because they don't really have to find one specific law that he broke. but they even bigger question i suppose is kind of, you know, i went on november 5th, does it make it even more likely to those get behind them at could people vote for
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a convicted felon? you've been in this game a long times. they've even not question is new to you, i suppose what's, what's your gut feeling a bike this because there's so many buffalo grind states that have to be one. i think half a dozen willie be able to travel to the will that be the situation that the sites is that it doesn't show up? well that's, that's the thing. i mean, he could go to jail. like you said 4 years on each count. i think the maximum is, is 20 years total, but nonetheless, if he's in jail then he can't campaigns. the 2nd thing on july 11th comes just a few days after the republican national convention. so he could be nominated 3 days later, he could be sentenced to jail. it's unlikely he'll be sent to jail. but when you have a judge who's daughter reportedly is a democrat operative whose clients raised money off of this trial. and the judge refused to refuse, and so who knows what the judge is capable of doing?
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so it's going to be very, very tricky. what will people do? like you said, i've never been asked that question before. we've never had this before. i think his supporters will be stronger than ever in rallying around him. but those people who have been on the fence, women house wives in some key states, they might say, on the phone for a guy who's a convicted felon. so it's going to be very tough on something else. i don't think you perhaps have been asked for a while. anyway, put yourself into a bite and shoes. steve, would you be feeling a little bit say 4 or more worried in the oval office after this verdict? if you were him? if i were him, i'd be feeling safer. i mean i, he has no reason. like i said, i don't think it's going to make people on the fence undecided voters or people who don't like trumps say, oh this is unfair. i'm going to vote for truck. now. they might say i, he got screwed, but i don't think it's going to change their minds. it might sway someone decided
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to abide and i don't think it's fair to sway many and decided to trump unfortunately. so, and by the way, the sentencing comes 2 weeks after 5 and then trump pulled their 1st schedule debate at the end of june. so this is, we are in on charted, unprecedented territory. and it's, it's good again, not a year and not a year. and things already tens, you know, if we, if we casts or, or memories back the last time trump said he will fight to the end, you know, about 2020 presidential election. congress what was stormed. it hasn't really improved relations since then. i, i would suggest, do you see, do you think chaos coming up because if this were a non charted territory here, you know, i really, i to be honest with you. i, i don't see, i don't see violence coming. i mean, you know, their, god forbid there's violence, i don't advocate it, i, they, if it's the at all to me,
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it's the left who talks about violence. you know, joe biden just did a new campaign. ed with robert de niro, the famous actor. now reading it didn't, euro appeared outside the court room a couple of days ago, giving a press conference, calling trump every name in the book. and the new role in october of 2016 said, i'd like to punch donald trump in the face. so and biting himself is that i'd like to beat the the heck out of him as and so to me, the violent talk and the violence is more apt to come from the left. i don't see what happened on january 6th repeating itself because of this. i don't, i hope i'm right. it just a know to on the other republicans, they seem to ruin right behind trump. immediately afterwards. mike johnson speaker the highest other others as well coming. i think he will win the appeal and then he will win in at november and he's going to be void by by about at least as well. yes. oh, absolutely. i. yeah. i mean the, the, the,
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the republicans in the congress. i mean, they've got a riley around him. it's, it's going to be interesting. you know, i hope i'm wrong that it won't detail, done undecided voters in his favor. maybe you will. i just think a lot depends on how he handles himself. how, how much gloating, joe biden, and the democrats do, because of joe biden, starts acting on presidential about this, a man whose son is about to go on trial for gun charges, attacks charges in a few weeks. if he's a goes overboard on this a globe, then that could work against biden as well. so i think how the 2 men to handle themselves in the wake of this is gonna play into it as well. i've actually meant to ask you this at the, at the i'd said, but you know, you're in new york or, you know, the city, you know, the democratic politics that's involved here at the district. as you mentioned, do you know, single digits when it comes to, you know, republican supporters, but where you even shocked by at this verdict the way it came out despite all of
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that. yeah. yeah. i really was, you know, we kept hearing reports and i don't know how people gauge this, but we heard reports that there was one drawer in particular who seemed to nam or of trump. and would top republicans came into view the trial. they like their faces lit up, you know, and that, that this guy would, you know, be the one hold out if they needed to hold out. and then i, we heard also reports about that there's no way you know, with the, the 34 accounts and that the key witness in this was the name of the former lawyer for donald trump, who admitted, understand that he's a perjurer, a convicted purge, or a liar to identity stole money from the truck organization. how do you convict somebody on that? but it happened, but what shocked me was it happened so quickly and all 34 counts in every one of those drawers. i, i'm kind of shocked. steve,
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thanks for taking the time to speak to us today on this decision on and delving into all that. i'm sure we'll be back talking again at in the coming days. you to us talk show host on come through steve miles. greg steve, thanks for your time. thank you. my pleasure. israel has ordered the united nations agency for a policy and refugees to evacuate an east jerusalem building for violating a lease agreement office. despite the office being located in tara tree, which a un resolution has designated as published and it was required to immediately stop any illegal use, destroy iris. and you have built in violation of the law, the k, the land of any people right tim, send returning to the la within 30 days from the day to visit. let's, if you did not comply the labors as the ride to act against, you would only go means and you will need to buy the entailing costs,
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and now the warning won't be send or israel's housing minister requested the order to expel on the from all is really control lines. additionally, the is really parliament passed the preliminary law designating the release agency is a terrorist organization. tensions arose when israel accused on the employees of kidnapping people during the october 7th terrorist attack and storing some us weapons. the government has yet to provide solid evidence for those planes. is really m p a for costs of to the r t. i'm entire organization doing vital aid work should not be sanctioned over the conduct of some of its members. when the 1st the age say of the united nations solid idea indicated the 3 weeks ago and not a one, not on the one, the one, the dime it easily and has and supplied any evidence that the in beside the
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12 where kids walk into waiting 12 to get the master code for october 7th, a even supply any or didn't leave it any evidence that there was a more, it's very important to mention that they it more than one other by a organization within the organization. the thousands and thousands of work out out of fully who is away as pool was it a apartment, eat up to 12, to create a pilot in the se, claiming the massacre, and they indeed must be punished. that's to say that their organization because of 12 green me not, is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot. this is a lie. and this is another product. these are the government's attempts to what i did felt was breaking the meal. instead of looking at the reflection of the re, then in the, in the amending the malicious behavior piece be, then,
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so this is part of breaking the meal using this method for the persecution of the eyes. they were just another layer. yeah. why don't policy or fee in on going in a much why do best accuse jane of any voice that the is against the start? don't guys up against the crimes that the government, the is the bill, suicide, and against the eh, related beat exposure of those guys. this is another layer, each of the people, the, i'd spent a these, you know, they, the government weeds a wage, the war against any legal position to its policy, especially the dsl on the guys out. but also is on the ethnic cleansing, that goes on in the west bank and huge. it was a limb. in the process of properties, they shall receive the state to for you, right? anyone with price delays and then left the voice or to expose.


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