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tv   News  RT  May 31, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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weighing a $170.00 for the additional do you have sense of all we going to let that stay at the russia advance is across the front lines of the crate. any conflict as rumors were all that washington is giving. he have a secret go ahead. use long range of western arms on russian territory. a warning disturbing images are ahead as and is rarely striking another refugee camp and gaza claims 11 more palestinian life. we look at how tel aviv is so quick to dismiss, such incidents as part of the state and taking the ban off of the taliban and russia begins making moves towards officially recognizing the group as the main political power. and i've got a sense that the battles against the ice escapes her group. and the reason the
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advice of kay was brought here to afghanistan by the americans. they knew that they would no longer stay here. so it's strange that the girlfriend was lifted up on a spot and the cooper noise in the hands of phaedrus, who had attacking the countries out on the front of the live and the rest of the capital. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r. t international. the russian army has pushed kids out of it, strongholds in several directions of the ukrainian front line, including endo nanette, scarce on anti car, cough or the yeah. the well, according it to moscow, russian artillery fire has destroyed a number of cubes, outposts and struck ukraine's. i munition depos invest what was on the right bank of the near per river. these operations have allowed the russian infantry to advance,
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or some forces made significant headway on the battlefield in april and may r t z goes down up, takes a closer look at the russian progress and the way it's been met in the west. a new tile of a hand getting sky vote chance. could you imagine that the entire topography of the ukrainian conflicts is woven out of anonymous villages, single story towns and unimpressive tapestry the key of made into a muss grave when it's been the idea of torques. if the cause of green does not want to negotiate, they cling to getting something and turning the situation around on the battlefield . they can't do it. and the motor attempts, there are the more losses there will be. and these losses are far from being in favor of the ukrainian armed forces. russia has been on the offensive 4 months. what began in the den that's court. public escalated into a submitted both success a few 100 kilometers to the north. when russian troops, once again pushed across the border into the critic of region,
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russia's new military group, north, advanced, and strides that in early may. as it took about half of the town of bo chance under control, ukraine's daily losses surpassed a 1000 men adding up to the already catastrophic death toll. it's absurd, it's utterly tragic. 500000 ukrainians, dead for nothing. if you ask any of this senators for as i have who voted to keep this, we're going with us tax dollars. how many of your beloved ukrainians have been killed? they have no idea and they don't understand knowing and they don't care at all. and sometimes they say they don't care rushes operation of the news spread. the whole readies fresh ukrainian improves even in that cave. had to re deploy its soldiers from other parts of the front to the defense of height of ukraine, 2nd largest city, and some of cubes, long held stronghold fell like dominos. the villages of i'm 3, we've got unclear shift. one of the few localities we taken by ukraine last year,
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once again swamp sides, russia. we also had success in the back. so for the key city of chess of yacht, seen as the gateway to the rest of the nets were public territory still occupied by ukraine and well keeps allies do put on a brave face. they admit russia might be not too far from punching further through . ukraine's melting defence has taught mixed it's more urgent now is that the war has changed. villages and towns continue to to change hands major general authority by the heat of which he informed us of the situation on the ground to which remains very difficult. yes, the whole the key will somehow managed to turn the tables. still flake has in vassals. not only is ukraine closer than ever to flying. it's fast f. 16 fighter jets has been getting green lights to use ne, to supplied weapons against targets on internationally recognized russian territory
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. new invest executive, although we're staying exactly within the same framework, we think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired. and basically the military sites from which you crane is attacked good of this. i'm getting i phones actually for the brain has been attacked and is allowed to defend itself. i find it strange when some people argue that it is not allowed to defend itself and is not allowed to take the necessary measures to do so. from those couple of them because of the host weapons that we're transferring to ukraine to not have any use restrictions, the greetings can fight the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of this donation. but as western nations scrambled together in the face of one front line dissolves to offer another, they also ask uncomfortable questions to the bras and key if they've been very busy looking for a full guide over the crumbling defense of the product of region over 2 years. concrete fortifications with 3 flows of depth should have been established on the
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credit and borgia, and they will not even any lead mines way come into the conclusion that this was either because of in saying set to, well deliberate sabotage with every passing day ukrainian. no, socrates apparently lose the grip on the reins of governance to the west and sponsors of the war, wild self proclaimed presidents. the lensky is now the fact. so are you sure of power? according to his own country's constitution? what do you is certainly still good that is sending a fresh supply of cannon fodder to the front line slow to the . meanwhile, russia has so far refuted the idea of a 2nd wave of mobilization. it replenish has its army ranks via
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a steady stream of volunteers. instead of the tongues of kidnappings, moscow has been incentivizing recruits through veterans benefits, tax cuts, financial support, social bonuses, and so on. and the cool has already been answered by hundreds of thousands of russians. how many is done of oxy? the loss of western media claim us president and joe biden has secretly given permission to attack russian territories that border ukraine with american weapons . so far, 11 countries have given care of the go ahead to use their weapons for attacks on russian. so l last despite the pentagon, reaffirming that washington won't back such strikes, there's been no change in our policy. the security assistance that we provide ukraine is to be used within ukraine and we don't encourage attacks or unable attacks inside of russia. while the debate over kids arms use rages in the west,
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rushes foreign ministry spokesman says, your brains backers have long taken part in planning attacks on russia behind the close doors. it still doesn't do anything instead of a shy. so a talking about allowing the key of reasoning to carry out the strikes. some western countries are saying that they will see whether or not to allow it some a saying that they are not allowing you to yet it school rubbish. it's not that they are allowing it, they have been august rating will be strikes on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key version for a long time. we need to tell that like, it is monday, western media outlets are increasingly beating the war drums. francis lamond newspaper says washington's refusal to allow camp to use american weapons to strike deeper into russia. undermines the reliability of the us within nato, while apiece and the american foreign affairs magazine encourages washington to send even more arms. adding that cube should resort to guerrilla warfare tactics on
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russian soil. ukraine must adjust the way it organizes equipped and thinks about the war switching out, hit on confrontation with russian forces for an asymmetric gorilla style approach. doing so will no doubt prolong the fighting with a pivot to unconventional warfare offers the best chance for ukraine to chip away and rushing, resolve both on the front lines and at home. my colleague nikki aaron asked to 3 experts from different parts of the glove, where are the calls for peace among the western ramp up in war rhetoric? the one doing to ukraine is exactly what they are. what they did to syria. they were trying to make the war longer, make it miserable for the people, and they have just lost their and it is the final slides of believing monster they can just take it can never accept the idea that they are not. it's not only them on the international system. federalism can mother was as or whenever i lose
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a war and a place. this is what happened here in syria feel. so is it that far enough that his magazine pays and turning to berella wolf would no doubt prolong the ukraine conflicts a sign to the 20 year loan us occupation of afghanistan? certainly an interesting comparison. some may, do you think he had himself really wants to drag this out even further though, from the billboard simple is what i am. see, the next best more finishes. she all finished the station and did you need to pull it on or stopped last evening? we knew any of this report. yeah, well, this makes the end of this, this big part of sort of a fairly be sure the extent that google is the one who mix the cd or i'll see you good to remember was to see the beautiful country. it has been, no, it is the just been wondering what's best as a very good uh for the last few crania,
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they cut out when on the battlefield. so what they're doing, they are trying to do terrorism. this is what they do already for a few months. so maybe a few years one or 2 years now, as a you know, with the drawer text and bells at all, even in most, kyle, we have them 2 years ago. and they want to drag it down for many, many years because i don't think they will succeed because you know, rush, i will not be allowed to do so it'll be dragging on for a long time. the crate has been foaming. target says we never crossed on boss on financing is even an even low and strong strikes my state that as a russia president person has said that this cannot be done without direct western involvement. so how do you expect most good to respond, especially now? then maybe in the west of pushing for an escalation, i'm sure there will be some retaliations because this cannot be done. i mean, this is actually not a, it's, it is a declaration of war and ultimately, and we'll see you show back in ration, but it isn't reparation of war. the west is totally ready to live. so mean you are
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. oh, there's no commonsense anymore. there's no diplomacy anymore, they only speak about the agents, you know, as saying to their own citizens. they are that they have to struggle for everything, recalls on the war. that's maybe it's coming. they are trying to recruit people. they want to pull the war. and this is great, but what linset go home was talking about people stepping, but that is the best people for medical money that it could be at the beginning of the feelings that some people included celebrating the single pressure. this is the key going on by the video is different than the business. but it's better to be in baltimore, big one of the defensive manufacturing, on the default every once a gaza. now we're at least 11 people have been killed and the idea of strikes on
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the berries refugee camp in the central part of the enclave. a warning disturbing images are ahead. local media reports to claim to residential buildings in the area were heads of the dead and wounded were mostly said to be women and children. those injured have been transferred to the are ok. so hospital, the idea of has yet to comment on the attacks since the beginning of the war and october, more than 36000 people have died in the as rarely onset on the enclave as well, has been quick to admitted to guilt. and some of the attacks but frequently dismisses them as tragic. mistakes are cheese, maria from ocean of picks up the story is a tragic mistake with also a troubling paul turns as well. so cold, precise attack when i am asked compound in southern gaza on sunday, turned out to be precise me wrong leading to the death of at least $45.00 civilians . which was maybe even more warming its fall from the 1st such incident. in nearly
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8 months of the war in gaza, the idea publicly admitted the mistakes that cost the lives of innocent people at least $6.00 times. in april, these really military killed 78 workers of to bowman, a convoy of the world, central kitchen, international relief organization. even though the recalls were labeled with the agencies branding and they work was coordinated with these around the idea of cold in a serious mistake. one of the commanders mistakenly assumed that the gunmen were located inside the accompanying vehicles, and these were almost terrorists. those who approved the strike were convinced that they were targeting arm thomas operatives and not a world of central kitchen employees. in february, at least 112 palestinians were reportedly killed and more than 700 others injured off to the idea of opened fire on a crowd of gallons awaiting the arrival of humanitarian trucks. the army initially
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denied shooting, but later the me to the troops felt endangered by the starving crowd of palestinians. last december on christmas eve is rarely a strikes kate, a gaz, a refugee camp killing more than 70 people. and is really government spokesperson coded at regrettable mistake. the army claimed the wrong weaponry was used, causing expensive collateral damage and not only palestinians, full victim to such mistakes. early in may, the idea of admitted it had killed 5 of its own soldiers and gaza. they were shelves by his rarely tang. according to the latest data, at least 15 percent of his really military deaths during the guys invasion, have been caused by operational accidents, including friendly fire. not only is rarely soldiers are killed by the rone,
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in one of the most hard breaking incidence. the idea of gun down 3 is rarely hostages. it was supposed to bring home. the man had just escaped from her mask, obtain a tea with waving white flags, well stripped down to the waist to show they were not armed. but the military mistook them for militants and opened fire. all 3 died on the spot. well, is that the logic is really pretty good. the general benson gruber says every death of a non competent is a tragedy, but he claims that proportion was speaking. these really military does a great job in gaza with only about 4 pulse on between one to sleep. when we were talking about the kid incidentally and no one there was to place them in. as i mentioned, it's full time. this is unbelievable number. we are talking about it was all levels and i'm the one to 21 to 25. once though we for one and a maple $25.00 for the wishing of the lives with voice call out to them as well. and hopefully today, even hillsdale mistakes that there was also for me,
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exception. these really army actually made plenty of so called tragic mistakes. long before the latest gas of one, the,
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every time these real size tragic errors, it's about an investigation to prevent such mistakes in the future. but that happens over and over again. some critics say the idea always seems to have a convenient excuse, ready for whenever it kills civilians. while the global calls for accountability and any question of these really armies confidence. i met with strong resistance from israel and its allies. tragic mistakes, despite its claim of being the most moral army in the world. the idea of has made many of those over the years taking the lives of hundreds of innocent people, military and civilian women, man and children, palestinians, as well as rarely citizens and foreigners. and as the war in gaz, a continues and this atmosphere of impunity persists. the likelihood of future tragic incidents occurring remains very high. a reflection of our t reporting from jerusalem. russia expects the taliban to
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create an inclusive government as part of its commitments to the international community. the comments came from the deputy foreign minister who added that as the group is the real power on the ground. moscow needs to take that into accounts. president put in recently said rush, i had to build relations with the taliban since its been in control of afghanistan for nearly 3 years now. a blessing is the relationship with the taliban receptionist on is constantly on. everyone slips that are problems and i've kind of done and everyone knows about them. how one should be relations with the current government is another issue, but we have to build them somehow because they are the people who control the country and control the $33.00 of the country. they are the power in afghanistan. today, russia is taking major steps toward the listing. the television was a terrorist organization on formal recognition of the group. as the official government of i've gotten this done,
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rushes forward. and just as some industries have advised president vladimir putin, the taliban, which has been deemed a territory by russia since 2003 can be listed as a terrorist organization. several states reflects a growing reality. and even the day of the real power, we've never removed the embassy from that know has the embassy of the people's republic of china, done the site find the way the best of the tele. but i mean, i'm boss, the of afghanistan presented his credentials inviting to changing things along with all the ambassadors with rushes for license with a ton of i'm warming, the group has been invited to the st. petersburg international economic forum. but it's not just russia on china, that's a reassessing relations with the top to bottom. even the united nations has spoken out in favor of dialogue. although with some qualifications we continue on the same path in terms of of ghana, stan, which is engaging with the de facto authorities because they are the defacto
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authorities. us enough got us then we also continue to push them constantly and continuously on the issue of the rights of women and girls, which are their rights to have which are be denied on the on a daily basis almost across across the board. why the change of hans both quite simply the kind of bond is the only service for us on the ground able to stand off to the new to emerging threats, ices k through r i c k. well, the group was officially founded in january 2015. and a short period of time, it took control of lots plays a role knowles, and also used i've done this, done a lot for major attacks against minority groups, public and state institutions, and major cities in both afghanistan. and they bring, practiced on by 2018, had become one of the top 4 deadliest terrorist groups in the world,
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according to the institute for economics and piece global terrorism index, but now as switched attention to areas outside. i've got this done earlier this year. the telephone said it would help fight to eradicate the group which claim responsibility for the crow. cuz city whole terror attack in russia. we're doing our part and we will do our best. we're fighting them and we will not allow them to pose a threat to us enough to understand. but now after gaining independence, we have destroyed them in these areas. they're no longer there. they're no training centers, recruitment centers or fundraising centers. and they've got to spend their hiding and have moved their centers outside of dentist and even washington as acknowledged a ton of buttons effectiveness in fighting terrorism. i mean grubbing phase isis k . like now talk us interest. i want a given the role the us played and it's 20 ok patient of i've done this done the instability allowing for the rise of a g. yeah. these group,
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i think it's notable that since early in 2023 is not on raise enough to understand have removed at least key 8 key i s t p leaders. so i'm responsible for extra on they have a very aggressive violence offensive ongoing that has significantly degraded biased capability, but the telephone accuses washington of a was stating the strength devices k, saying that in reality it was wiped out at the end of the us occupation. even suggesting that the us creating to dices, we strongly reject the remarks of the commander of the us central command regarding the growth of the co arch ms chip militant group in afghanistan, and the expansion of its military presence. and consider it intelligence propaganda, as well as a kind of campaign for sedition is toward which mischief the cartridge lights. dyess is, were an intelligence project of the invaders which was completely wiped out by the end of the occupation. and at present, this edition has no physical presence in any part of the country. so to free
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devices, enough got his done was achieve despite the group, allegedly being supplied with west and weapons. and the tell you, i think, i mean, i knew that look, isis k was brought here to afghanistan by the americans. they knew that they would no longer stay here. their casualties were rising, pressure was mounting and they realized they would not stay and would have to withdraw. so do you really think they left the region without any strategy? no, they already had a plan. they set a trap and then left them out of them. so it strained that though it girlfriend was lifted enough when it's done and it cooper noise in the hands of phaedrus, who had attacking the countries i don't the finest on. so this is also another misread the tao. this weaponry wasn't even given as a gift to say to focus on or why was under taken away, it left behind for use, but now not by any of the g, money government, but by the terrace. so the town of bon hasn't moved from the shadows, terminated from an organization that the us wanted to crush into
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a serious political force. i don't of a month that wants to face on to the world and finds itself being taken more and more seriously, even biased for my phones. but something of a power play is developing in west africa earlier this year. and these year quit the equal was economic group. instead, it was for me, its own block list, 14 a faso and volley. now that alliance of the health states has invited equal us to join it, but it comes as equal was itself is trying to core its former members back into the fold. there's a bit of defiance. i can't be too provocative, but i want to ask echo was to join the alliance of sa hill states. there are echo was countries that would probably like to join the alliance of saw hill states. because within the alliance is a culture of sovereignty and dignity of the continent. all right, let's discuss this in further detail with our t correspondence and all of that you can get a google,
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it seems everyone wants everyone else to be part of their club doesn't, is spelled out what it all means for both blocks the old way. so this bold and unexpected move means of different things to different people . some of questioning the move, well, i've is seeing it as a positive step because a re and she often has a peculiar fuss to embody, into echo as was considered and has been talked about. but this is not a re entry of this the house days of which political observers in the region. i've already said it is unlikely. these all 3 countries which seem to have come to terms with a new reality, the configuration of the alliance of the house states. and also the timing of this call by the prime minister is also not surprising, especially considering that vehicle was a parliament intends to form an ad hoc mediation commitee aimed at united media and my the and picking a fossil with the organization. but also between us also marty,
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and you have noted that space is in fact an organization like that of course did not commit to liberation for them. so they made the southern decision to establish themselves within a new allies which offered a new opportunity for liberation to their countries. have listen to this. this is looking at fossils fortunate fossil molly in this year have decided to create the alliance of the health states. this alliance of the consecration or determination to arrest back or sovereignty, so that this the hell is no longer his own, instituted for his own the prosperity for the good of our people. i see. not that doesn't mean us this. the whole nations have been plagued by multiple 2 scenes to 20. and so it is the exception of the allies that have removed the imperialist armies from the soil and stood firm against the cities of a military invasion to restore near colonialism in new z. they've also opened doors for non weston powers, such as russia, and that relationship extends beyond community support and in compasses,
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significant economy collaboration as well. and of course the last. so if any member from echo was, was then probably be still is expected to affect many aspects from trades economy development and a movement of citizens within the blog. but the decision by echo was to lift a post to sanctions of signals. it's reading this to negotiate and cultivate relationships with these countries, regardless of the way that they read joins you're going to zation. all echo is countries i'm toying. realize as to how states like the prime minister is the car into aging. and also we cons. so i away from the fact that their cost was really struggling to sustain a serious pressure on the military off. uh the so how reason and considering that somebody between a false o n c will also on the members when equal was, was fits up to nearly 50 years ago when they announced the immediate withdrawal from nicholas in january of this. yeah, it was mainly due to dissatisfaction. what's the existing security i could take to
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this more on that the subject of the heads of state of book and i saw so the republic of molly and the republic of news yet have decided in full sovereignty to withdraw. booking, alfonso, molly, and yet from the economic community of west african states without delay. and some say that was a prudent decision because echo was suspended and sanctioned all 3 countries after the military cruise in an attempt to pressure them to retain power to democratically elected leaders like prison. ma mohammed presume. but despite the echo, as made of korea during that time, that with all these the house states, it would be more difficult to deal with. many of the challenges facing the region have listened to this, which is waiting for the 3 member states who i must repeat the old important members of echo west. and without them it's going to be more difficult to deal with . many of the challenges facing the region, you know, terrorism,
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the whole issue of this, the health, what is happening there and the collective goals in terms of free movement of people and all that well, there is every reason to try healed the rest with the deposit stays and success, lack of remaining elusive, most diplomats, an analyst over the past few months seemed quite convinced that the nations returning to the block having relationship with each other seemed very unlikely. but experts say one approach might be to seek agreements with alliance officer head in states upon a framework for peaceful, crappy taste, and through sex. and if would been, the lead is of both equity and the allies. my find ways to mitigate the home of the region and also the security and economy issues that the reason all facing right are to correspond to another way you can good. thank you for breaking that down for us. all right, do stay with archie international up next, the documentary series. the trustful covers the griffin store.


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