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tv   News  RT  May 31, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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for billions, react, the russia advances across the front lines of the ukrainian conflicts. as rumors were all that washington is giving key of secret go ahead, use long range of western arms on russian territory. race guilty as charged. donald trump licensed out of the new york port after it can take him in a so called testimony trial, making him the 1st plumber president and us history evers to be a convicted felon. a warning, disturbing images ahead as and it was really striking on another refugee camp and gaza claims 11 more palestinian lives. we look at how tel aviv is so quick to dismiss such incidents as tragic mistake
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the live in moscow. this is our t international. i'm rachel ruble. the russian army has a push to keep out of it. strong holds in several directions of the ukrainian front line, including and don't ask, and her son and her cough of the yeah, the, according to moscow, russian artillery fire has destroyed a number of cubes outposts and struck you cranes. i munition depots and vessels on the right bank of the upper river. these operations have allowed the russian infantry to advance russian force has made significant headway on the battlefield in april. and may our tease acres, dan off takes a closer look at the rest of the progress on the way it's been met in the west new tile of a, a. how to get a sky vote chance. could you imagine that the entire topography of the ukrainian
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conflicts is woven out of anonymous villages, single story towns and unimpressive tapestry? the key is made into a moss grave. when it's been the idea of torques. if the cause of green does not want to negotiate, they cling to getting something and turning the situation around on the battlefield . they can't do it. and the motor attempts, there are the more losses there will be. and these losses are far from being in favor of the ukrainian armed forces. russia has been on the offensive for months. what began in the net score, public escalated into a familiar bo success a few 100 kilometers to the news. when russian troops, once again pushed across the border into the side of region, russia's new military group, north, advanced, and strides that in early may. as it took about half of the town of bo chance under control, ukraine's daily losses surpassed a 1000 men adding up to the already catastrophic death tool. it's absurd,
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it's utterly tragic. 500000 ukrainians, dead for nothing. if you ask any of this senators for as i have who voted to keep this, we're going with us tax dollars. how many of your beloved ukrainians have been killed? they have no idea and they don't understand knowing and they don't care at all. and sometimes they say they don't care rushes operation of the news spread. the already stretched ukrainian troops even send that key of had to re deployed its soldiers from other parts of the front to the defense of a height of ukraine, 2nd largest city, and some of cubes, long held strongholds, fell like dominos. the villages of and they've got into shift one of the few localities we taken by ukraine last year, once against wolf sides, russia. we also had success in the back. so for the key city of chess of yacht, seen as the gateway to the rest of the nets, group, public territory still occupied by ukraine and well keeps allies do put on
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a brave face. they admit russia might be not too far from punching. further through ukraine's melting defense is thought makes it's more urgent now is that the war has changed. villages and towns continue to to change hands major general authority by the heat of which he informed us of the situation on the ground which remains very difficult yet the whole. the key will somehow managed to turn. the tables still flickers in vassals. not only is ukraine clips is an asset to flying, it's fast f 16 fighter jets. he'd have been getting green likes to use nate, who supplied weapons against targets on into nationally recognized russian territory. looking to invest exact. and although we're staying exactly within the same framework, we think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired. and basically, the military sites from which you crane is attacked, we can get the phones,
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obviously for the brain has been attacked and is allowed to defend itself. i find it strange when some people argue that it is not allowed to defend itself and is not allowed to take the necessary measures to do so. those couple don't get them because we always weapons that we're transferring to ukraine to not have any use restrictions. the greetings can fight the way they want, and i think this is a very, very important aspect of this donation. but as western nations scrambled together in the face of one front line dissolves to after another, they also ask uncomfortable questions to the bras and key of and they've been very busy looking for a full guide over the crumbling defense of the how to region over 2 years concrete fortifications with 3 flows of depth should have been established on the credit in border, and they will not even any lead mines. we're coming to the conclusion that this was either because if in, say, except or deliberate sabotage, with every passing day ukrainian o socrates apparently lose the grip on the reins of governance to the west and
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sponsors of the war, wild self proclaimed the presidency. lensky is now the fact. so are you sure of power? according to his own country's constitution, what do you have is certainly still good that is sending a fresh supply of cannon fodder to the front line. slow to the meanwhile, russia has so far refuted the idea of a 2nd wave of mobilization. if replenish has its army ranks via a steady stream of volunteers, instead of tongues and kidnappings, most go has been incentivizing recruits through veterans benefits, tax cuts, financial support, social bonuses, and so on. and the quote has already been answered by hundreds of thousands of
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russians. how many is done of t? meanwhile, summit western media claim us presidential biden has secretly given the key of permission to attack russian territories, that part of ukraine with american weapons. so far, 11 countries have given 2 of the go ahead to use their weapons for attacks on russian soil. that's just by dependent on reaffirming that washington loan to back such strikes. there's been no change in our policy. the security assistance that we provide ukraine is to be used within ukraine, and we don't encourage attacks or unable attacks inside of russia. while the debates over cabs arms use ranges in the west versus foreign ministry spokesman says ukraine's backers have long taken part in planning attacks on russia behind closed doors to discuss any dozen instead of a shy some a talking about allowing the key of regime to carry out the strikes, some western countries are saying that they will see whether or not to allow it
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some a saying that they are not allowing you to yet it school rubbish. it's not that they are allowing it. they have been august rating all the strikes on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key version for a long time. we need to tell us like, it is. many western media outlets are increasingly beating the war drums. francis lemons, newspaper says washington's refusal to allow kids to use american weapons to strike and deeper into russia, undermines the reliability of the new us within nato, while apiece and the american foreign affairs magazine encourages washington to send even more arms, adding the cube should resort to guerrilla warfare tactics on russian soil. ukraine must adjust the way it organizes equipped and thinks about the war switching out hit on confrontation with russian forces for an asymmetric gorilla style approach. doing so well, no doubt, prolonged the fighting with a pivot to unconventional warfare offers the best chance for ukraine to chip away
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and russian resolve both on the front lines and at home. all right, let's discuss this topic further with the bi escobar, who joins me here in the studio. he's an independent protocol analyst. good to have you on with us today and with the yeah, thank you. during this month, the russian army has taken control of some 280 square kilometers in the heart of region ends. and as for public, talk to us about these games. why is the harker region in focus now? well, every thing that is happening now concerns the incoming as i defy it, costs and make sure mediation of nato as a hole in the black style of nowhere to see. this is the defining issue. now this decade and with the red percussion, the decades ahead. so the desperation between wash them and brussels is clear and palpable. i live part time in europe and asia. i'm very close to brussels
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people who, you know, read that russian sanctions among others and how need to works and they are desperate and they have no plan b and their plan b is. now we know, okay, let's allow the effect of decision that has already been made. but now publicly they are safe. let's allow ukraine to hates targets inside the russian for the ration which everybody with the brain knows is the way towards nuclear confrontation. this is big streaming things. they look at the battlefield, they look at what's happening, the see. they see that russian adventures are inexorable. in fact, any thing could happen within the next 234 months at the end of summer. and then we're going to have an even more in dire circumstances for you. great. and there's nothing left. so the desperation is clear, palpable,
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and it's becoming horribly dangerous. it is very concerning. there are reports concerning reports that say president by then has secretly given that he has approval as well to strike over a 100 kilometers deep within russia, around the hard conversationalist. but the pentagon says otherwise, why do you think we have this discrepancy in the last week? a good cop bad cool, isn't the fence that guns the white house's state department? the play a good cop bad cop. you know it's, it's a circle. milwaukee. it's crazy. it's like a the the asian image of the snake bites and gets on tale all the time. this decision has already being made when we learn that to the attack and as the new batches, the, we're sick that it's delivered to your brain 1st in january, and then a month and a half later, a 2nd batch with longer range missiles. so dismissals have being your brain since
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january and let's say early march and they were sent there for a specific purpose at tech, inside the russian federation office. and they could not admit that a few months ago. but now once again, looking at what's happening in the battlefield, this is directly linked to the disaster and the battle field, and that 1000 kit along with that are long front. okay, so now there is a discussion with the nato about it. know the decision has already being made and the decision is made in washington is not in brussels. and the fact that some natal members at least and there's some governments at least understand the folly of it all example hungry and they to be among others. sweden is yes, but yes with several it's uh and of course we have poland and the baltic. she was which are always the yapping, predictably say, okay,
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let's look back. and when you look at the restroom attitude on the washington brussel side and the rationality of people in moscow, it's frightening because you cannot go against irrational people with rational policy. so it doesn't work. and since i arrived back here, i was in the persian gulf until a few days ago. i've been listening to suit for serious concerns by well informed people in russia. look, when is the definitive red lines? because the red line of attacking the readers in russia. that's one, it's or incoming ballistic missiles and then attacked. these have already been attacked. this is a major rad lie and it's a new clear red line. and a lot of people all across the res, i'm not to mention the west. they have no idea how serious that is, right,
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i'm just wondering why is there all this talk of constant escalation in the west among european and american media and even politicians. why is this talk of escalation rather than talk of peace? because the plan a was always um, lets destroy russia from the inside and from the outside. let's block them from swift. let's brought them from trading with the west. let's destroyed their economy . this was play and they assessed 2022. they won after the start of the special with the terry operation. we all know what happens after 2 and a less than 2 and a half years later, you know nothing. the blow back was absurd, rushes the 5th largest economy in the world by the p purchasing power parents. europe is going down and i, i live in europe as i can see it going down in front of our eyes. all of us will live in europe. and the narrative and the 247 propaganda,
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russo father and now also seen a fabi. these mind balden, there's only one merits. if you can not tv aid from narrative, even if you are, let's say a well known, i tell them it can in new york in any verse they fired immediately. so what i would say the jet that the average, you repeat and citizen has no clue about the seriousness of this a fact that could involve a ramping up towards a nuclear, more new could come from fish. this foreign affairs magazine piece that talks about turning to guerrilla warfare. um, but it admits that it would only prolong the frame conflict they side of the 20 year long. you, i saw a occupation of afghanistan as an example, is, is kim, really interested in dragging this out for potentially decades to come? yes, they are the are because now the only possible plan be,
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let's put it this way, considering that plan a failed miserably is to prolong the war the steel until the last ukrainian and maybe now until the last eastern european. we never know what's going to happen next. there could be a sort of internal nato arrangement. ok, let's send some non troops troops through your brain pollution each weighing in latvia, insights that romanians checks. it said, we all know what's going to happen to them because president puts an end of the share of a med veteran. they already said, look, if that happens, you know that the response is going to be the mistake. but once again, we all should praise the, i would say law, the restraints by rushes like always monks effect would. you can not deal with the war mongers like this, you know, because it's so many red lines have been trampled for 2 and
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a half years. that's uh, one time that it comes with time with enough is enough and i think we are approaching it. it's right in front of our ice. if we have, for instance f sixteens this summer coming to, we all know what's going to happen to them, right? everybody knows that if we have these a tech m. s, and storm shadows and sculpt vessels hate see serious civilian at targets inside the russian federation, then all bets are off bits. or what about this so called piece summit that the west has planned for next month in switzerland just over 2 weeks from now. president biden is not going to be attending. i just read that china will probably not attend, as well as a rush or not even invited. um, it also comes at a time of increasingly low tensions between the us and you train in particular with by then saying he's not going to attend the p some. in fact, the thing is going to be the democratic fundraiser at the same time. where do you
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think things are headed between relations between the us and ukraine, especially as we near the the us presidential election? well, essentially they know that they have to throw as the landscape under the bus. first of all, because legally is illegitimate. everybody who understands the ukrainian constitution can see that in neighboring ukrainians under finally a month already admit that they have an unconstitutional president. but the most important thing is the fact that the whole ukraine pro jack is disintegrating in front of americans and western eyes, at least the ones who can see it. and the absence of a plan being the only thing left is to manipulate the merits. this, this operation in switzerland is essentially control narrative control operation. ah, we're going to have a lot of countries here discussing the future of the senior break. no,
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because you don't have russia 1st of all. and the most important you can call it emerging or global sales or so for power. china already said, of course, are not going because russia is not going. and this is not only in individual chinese position. this is part of the rush of china, a strategic partnership where they decide all this very important moved up there on the level of a sheep, picking up the phone to talk to putting and vice versa. you know, it's really up there. so, and this is something that the west simply cannot understand or estimates for that, that the front president, menu micron is pushing for an international coalition to send military instructors to ukraine. he claims that would not mean putting boots on the ground. what's your take on that? especially in light of those media suggest the suggestions of guerilla warfare. absolutely, this is, this is another play a narrative control and manipulating the narrative and manipulating soft power as
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well. and thinking that people apart from a few of a few know a lot of brain washed, average european citizens, the global majority doesn't by that. and by that i mean 88 percent of the global population. they can see it quite clearly. they can see quite clearly now even the connection between what's going on in gaza and what's going on in the drain. they see these as colonial imperial wars, essentially ask somebody named donasia or n i g area or in euro. why? the ones who follow the news relatively closely they, they came to this conclusion by themselves. so, right? because it's so obvious and they start to understand how means a sense or mainstream either sense or all over the planet effects. not only in the west, you know so, so this is the fact that this is changing little by little can give us a little bit of hole in the middle of all these trials and tribulations sooner.
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yeah. going back to where this is all headed and, and this role and things of course such as i mentioned, we have the us selection coming up as there's a high probability that trump could return as president. how do you think the situation will play out? especially in light of the fact that trump just the other day said that he would have bombed to moscow, or even bade jang, if they invaded their neighbors, the, is there really any hope for peace, no matter who is an office in america? this is a very good question. my simple answer is no. a david, where you look across the spectrum in the beltway, and i have virginia, maryland, washington, and the connection to new york financial circles. it's basically the same position . it's the position of the ruling class of the real establishment in us. the people who really run the show, not these the emissaries lie blinking sullivan is that function, ours disguise them to publish the guys to do bodies are behind it. and a look at the chessboard, i'm on a global basis. they see that to do your ocean of not only credit ability,
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but the actual power by d, wes. and the fact that you are now is completely neutralize the media to our lives that culturally destroyed from the inside. and it's not a player anymore. so now it's us on one side and the bigger region bars on the other side, led by russia and china. and if we go back to classic american geo politics, this is their ultimate nightmare. and it's now live in front of them. so you can imagine psychologically how hard for them to admit this and okay, and that's it on the table. and let's discuss diplomatic with no, 1st of all, because they already bombed diplomacy, as we all know, they control the you, when it any meaningful initiative i do when is bombed by the americans, especially. so there's no way out the way out. ok to, to, to leave us with
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a no suspicious know, is that their accounts or powers, at least in the breaks? sure, that corporation, organization, people who are striving towards the multiple, the world next week you st. petersburg is going to have the st. petersburg, florida, where the main scene is multiple, eric, and we're going to have people from all over the world. and that's made from the west to discussing how to get there. so at least we have, let's see here, that's a little light at the end of the phone. all right, leave us with a bit of color of hope that they ask a bar, a journalist and independent political analysts. thank you so much for. thank you so much. i donald trump's become the 1st of former presidents and us history ever to be convicted of a crime. a near jury on thursday found him guilty on all 34 towns and a so called hush money trial. the republican front runner claims the entire case was written by democrats, including president biden himself and has vowed to fight the verdict. this is a free trial, but it was certainly an
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unprecedented day in american history. donald trump, the former us president, has been convicted on $34.00 charges of bologna is falsification of business records. now, never before a has a former us present been convicted in donald trump. not only is he a former president, but here's the presumed nominee of the republican party in the election that is currently taking place in the campaign is happening and the election is set to take place on november 5th. however, donald trump will be sentenced on july 11th, and he could face up to 4 years in prison for each of the $34.00 accounts that he is convicted on. they could send donald trump to up to a 136 years in prison for allegedly falsifying business records. now the charge is down from stormy daniels, the orange star, that was allegedly paid money by donald trump and exchange for not making
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statements about the president during his presidency during previous campaigns. uh and she was a paid a $130000.00. now that payment itself is not illegal, but the it is alleged and donald trump was convicted for a falsifying business records related to those payments. now, at this point, when you look at the case, it seems like very much an example of so this is ation of the us legal system. donald trump and his supporters and many others are looking on saying that this is normally a criminal matter. that would be considered a misdemeanor. however, it was made into a felony, and 34 accounts were filed against the former president and people see this is simply an effort to keep donald trump off the campaign trail as the election cycle is nearing its conclusion. now donald trump will be sentenced on july 11th, and it could be that he spends the remainder of his presidential campaign in jail
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following that. and people are looking on and saying this is simply an abuse of the legal process. now, some critics of donald trump say that donald trump is dangerous uh that that was a result of what happened on january 6th and his supporters storming into the capital after he was perceived as having the election stolen from him in 2020. this is necessary to keep him off the campaign trail to keeping out of the white house, but many look on say this is blatant abuse and glitter association of the us legal system that hurts the image of the united states around the world. the united states frequently brags about his legal system and how fair and how just it is, how much it respects human rights. people look at this case as blatantly the opposite of what the us claims a highly politicized legal process to serve a political and keeping an individual who might win an upcoming presidential election off the campaign trail and possibly out of office. i'm turning the gaza
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now we're at least 11 people have been killed in idea of strikes on the berries, refugee camp. and the central part of the enclave. a warning, disturbing images are ahead. local media reports claim, see residential buildings in the area were hits, the dead and wounded were mostly said to be women and children. those injured have been transferred to the ox, the hospital. the idea of has yet to comment on the attack. since the beginning of the war in october, more than 36000 people have died in the is really on slot on the enclave. israel has been quick to admit it's a guilt and some of the attacks, but frequently dismisses them as tragic mistakes are these maria from ocean and picks up the story is a tragic mistake, but also a troubling politician as well. so called precise attack, one of him asked compound in southern gaza on sunday, turned out to be precisely wrong leading to the death of at least $45.00 civilians . unfortunately,
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a tragic mistake happened last night. we are investigating the case will present the conclusions because this policy with, with maybe even more warming, it's fall from the 1st such incident in nearly 8 months of the war in gaza. the idea publicly admitted the mistakes that's cost the lives of innocent people at least 6 times. in april, these really military killed 7 aid workers of to bowman and convoy of the world central kitchen, international relief organization. even though the recalls were labeled with the agencies branding and they work was coordinated with these roles. the idea of cold in a serious mistake. one of the commanders mistakenly assumed that the gunmen were located inside the accompanying vehicles, and these were almost terrorists. those who approved the strike were convinced that they were targeting arm thomas operatives and not a world of central kitchen employees. in february,
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at least 112 palestinians were reportedly killed and more than 700 others injured off to the idea of opened fire on a crowd of gallons awaiting the arrival of humanitarian trucks. the army initially denied shooting, but later the me to the troops felt endangered by the starving crowd of palestinians. we have opened an inquiry to examine the incident further, which will help us reduce the risk of such a tragic incident from occurring again during one of our humanitarian operations. last december on christmas, eve is rarely a strikes heat, a gas or refugee camp, keeling move in 70 people, and is really government spokesperson coded at regrettable mistake. the army claimed the wrong weaponry was used, causing expensive collateral damage. this was a regrettable mistake. this has not happened, the choice of munition was incorrect and not only palestinians fall
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victim to such mistakes. the idea of gun down 3 is rarely hostages. it was supposed to bring home the man had just escaped from her mask opportunity with waiving white flags. well stripped down to the waist to show they were not armed, but the military mistook them for militants and opened fire. all 3 died on the spot . cool, so v i d. s. troops mistakenly identified 3 is radi hostages as a threat, because this is a tragic incidents which took place in a combat zone. well, is it? logic is randy brigadier general benson gruber says every death of a non competent is a tragedy. but he claims that proportion was speaking, these really military does a great job in gaza with only about 4 pulse on between one to sleep. when we're talking about the kid infinity of, you know, once there was to place them in as i mentioned it's feel time. this is.


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