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tv   News  RT  May 31, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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weighing a $0.17, it's all we going to let that stay the pressure repel. they flew of us made missiles out of the crime in bridge on wednesday. smells good. us defense will assist ice. k of is trying to justify its losses on the balance of grounds to is the western vasquez by targeting civilians race guilty of charge. donald trump lunches down to the new york coal software convicts 10 minutes ago, pulled hush money trial, making it the 1st form of president in us history ever to be a convicted felon owning disturbing images. and those rallies to icon. i know that refuge account in gauze the claims 11 move palestinian lives. we look at how tel aviv is so quick to dismiss such incidents as tragic this day.
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the very welcome is 3 pm here in most go in. this is all the international with the world news update. as always, it's great to have you with us. i've talked story this out, a huge ukrainian salvo of us miss owls targeting the crime in which was intercepted by russian forces on wednesday. as, according to the defense minister, who said kids attempts to strike civilian infrastructure. so it's west and spanish . there's only one to escalate the will further. i got your list of all 4. i would like to report that just on wednesday, that was the most massive 10 round attack with us to attack comes miss solves on the core, i mean, bridge with a flight time of less than 2 minutes. hold of the missiles with shut down, deprived of the opportunity to seize the initiative on the battlefield. the key of raising him continues to demonstrate to his western responses, its ability to damage the russian federation by striking civilian infrastructure.
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the west is urgently pumping weapons into cranes transmitting intelligence, training ukrainian service minutes and recruiting must embrace. in this vein, russia is continuing it special ministry operation, and all these goals will certainly be achieved as a result of all actions and important areas. a nicole called region. the enemy has retreated by 8 to 9 kilometers this month. a line $28.00 supplements have been liberated in total, 890 square kilometers of territories have come under the control of the russian army this year. the russian armed forces are systematically reducing the combat potential of the crating on forces in may the enemy last mold them 35000 service men and 2700 units of various weapons among them and 2 $190.00 tanks and ahmed combat vehicles, including full abraham 7, the leopards, and 12 bradley's. let's just discuss this with correspondence. shave voters, 20 minutes to day. many thanks for coming in today. so we pick up big was coming from the russian ministry of defense as increasing number of countries are allowing
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ukraine's and use its west and supplied weapons to attack russia. tell us, well, it's important the context as well because this is a mister bellow. so if he's a new defense minister, an economist, a very intelligent mind, and that signifies a shift in russian strategy in some ways as well about efficiency and getting the right equipment to the troops on the front is one of his 1st to announcements publicly. if you like it, it was made at the c s t o collective security treaty organization in catholic style. russia has allies as well, which is also something interesting. nato has its allies, but seo is also an alliance, which is pledge to defend each other. now what's interesting about this is, is how it, where it comes from. it comes from a new minister defense, but it also comes as the west a seems to be escalating more and is messaging that will we won't, we allow you trying to use our weapons in ukraine. now in reality, what's been happening in ukraine for quite a long time on
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a place like rule nation place like plasma dot. edu finance have been using weapons supplied by the with technology knowledge for a long time to strike the territory of russia. a proper place like belgrade have been shell, but check vampire m l or s more multi launch rockets systems. i was there. i've been there while the city will shield, so this is nothing really new and there's a bit of a smoke screen here with an announcement of an escalation. we're now going to allow you trying to use these weapons. let's have a listen to marie is a higher of a. i'm dmitri pest golf 2 very senior russian officials, outlining them pointing out that reality to them to them in general, american made weapons are already being used and attempted strikes on russian territory. of course, it is more than eloquent, ever and so the extent of the united states involvement in this conflict. there is also an absolute build up of pro war sentiment in the you. they are deliberately
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full mentoring, pre war hysteria. but all of this of course cannot but have a very negative impact on the overall situations of tensions continue to escalate to the core. it was obvious that the need to members will lauren and putting up a smoke screen making up a story that they haven't yet decided whether or not to allow the key regime to launch strikes using weston weapons on the russian territory. in the same way they mislead those who are trying to direct to the conference in switzerland by telling tales about that space full stops women's classic nature style manipulation. so is high about western countries deciding whether or not it's a green light key of using these weapons to strike? russia is just political phase. so that's what the russian politicians are saying. how capable is ukraine without nace, i suppose. yeah, well, this is really interesting. and it's become apparent over the last 2 years that ukraine is economically a, militarily, us absolutely dependent on the west. i mean,
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we only have to look at the list of the game changers, that the west was going to dispatch to ukraine, the highmark systems. the leopard tanks, the challenger times the abrams times, all of which have been destroyed. now we've got a tack, them's now we've got a long range slide capability scout missiles and storm shadow from the u. k. now it's obvious that these at don't originate in ukraine, noticed the capability to use them originate in ukraine. and it also comes, i'm, it's this at almost falling forward from the west regarding an escalation is the only real avenue they have. no, there's nothing else they can do other than except that the ground war and you fight is essentially not going their way. and it also comes as russia makes statements to suggest that to remind the west that escalation will ins, boats waste potentially at nikki and vladimir putin. himself this week alone made
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a very interesting statement about this. let's have a listen to what he had say. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. so they should remember that this is, as a rule est with a small territories, and a very dense population that i showed us. and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. this is a serious matter. and we are of course, watching it very carefully. so this context of a present uprooting reminding the west that if the is an escalation and the conflict that it's some of the most vociferous, if you like a baltic states that could suffer worse and not the united states, which is very far from your if you were being countries which already suffered economically and the reality that without at western as supplies of weapons, money, cash, and political support, you find that the ukranian project would probably have failed long ago. and the
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peace of the started maybe 3 weeks after the start of the special military operation probably would have succeeded on many, many people would be alive today. yeah, we've got this night time meeting in prague where administers are set to debate today friday, whether to a green light move funding to ukraine. and should we expect some more and more western countries or nato countries to give them nodes a key of to a talk russian using the nation west as well. one thing that's interesting about this is, and that seems to be racing in your up to who can support you, train the most as the project seems to collapse the foster collapses. here the candles burns bright as before, it burns out altogether, and to cease to be no absolute strategic agreement to nate, i'm gonna see the fractious discussions in natal, should we supply the weapons should be allowed them to be used in russia. but what reality is, is that, what is actually been happening in your brain on the ground, from the biggest supplier of weapons and money and cash the united states as your paint countries argue over weapons that they say they could or couldn't send to you
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by giving us, the consortium, much of the weapons that they said can be used to strike bush. it's britain and america who actually supply and friends who a supply weapons that actually could strike a big population centers in russia itself. now in the united states, they've been actively saying that we, this is a red line. we don't think we should push russia, but privately, it seems that the americans have been doing something else. they've been saying one thing and doing another surprise, surprise, let's have a list of there's been no change in our policy. the security assistance that we provide ukraine is to be used within ukraine and we don't encourage attacks or unable attacks inside of russia. so there's an obvious point, us gets a free and you hear the west. i think it's all about the lack of a strategic vision for how to and the conflict in ukraine. and unfortunately, one say that in an election cycle in europe, the european elections are going on as an election cycle into us. you've got a president that who's out there, you know, a twos and threes didn't seem to know what day the week it is. and, and behind
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a very aggressive, more like advisory group pushing him, no president wants to lose a war in an election year. of course, we've got the same sort of stuff going on in europe. there's a avenue here. so what are they going to do? keep sending the weapons, keep sending the money. let's have a listen to what senior french, polish and german politicians are saying about it. also, no clue invest exact. and although we're staying exactly within the same framework, we think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired. and basically, the military sites from which you crane is attacked by a vendor on several countries, including germany, have reached clear agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory of the 1st couple of them because of the whole step is that we're transferring to ukraine did not have any use restrictions. the greetings can fight the way they want, and i think this is
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a very, very important aspect of these domains folks. so what this all highlights, what does that highlight? it shows the fact that now ukraine is essentially not a sovereign state anymore. it's relying exclusively on a military, a economic aid and political leadership and protection from the west novel within your price. interestingly, you find itself is led by a president who's essentially a defacto dictator. now finds the media binds. the church finds a language that restricts access to information and is only liked. it has no mandate. the russians don't even know who to negotiate. if the u pregnancy didn't have a law which bind negotiations with russia. so it's a remarkably revealing situation and it shows us that you find it just isn't in charge of your client's future. it seems so many thanks for coming up with the base house. i saw the shape as well. ukraine attempts to fold rushes battlefield games. the russian army has pushed, keeps out of it. strong homes and several directions of the front line,
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including antonietta scott cast on. com. right? yeah. according to mosca, russian, i'd say the refund has destroyed a number of kids out post sound struck you, cranes, ammunition, death, hose and vessels on the right bank of the need for a river. now these operations have allowed the russian infantry to advance, the russian forces made significance, headway on the balance of field in april and may seize equal style. enough takes a closer look at the russian progress on the way it's been met in the west. a new tile of a hand getting sky vote chance contributing that. the entire topography of the ukrainian conflicts is woven out of anonymous villages, single story towns and unimpressive tapestry. the key is made into a moss grave. when it's been the idea of torques. if the cause of green does not want to negotiate, they cling to getting something and turning the situation around on the battlefield
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. they can't do it. and the motor attempts, there are the more losses there will be. and these losses are far from being in favor of the ukrainian armed forces. russia has been on the offensive full months. what began in the net score, public escalated into have submitted those success a few 100 kilometers to the news. when russian troops, once again pushed across the border into the side of region, russia's new military group, north, advanced, and strides that in early may as it took about half of the town. a vote chance under control. ukraine's daily losses surpassed a 1000 men adding up to the old ready, catastrophic death tool. it's absurd, it's utterly tragic. 500000 ukrainians, dead for nothing. if you ask any of this senators for as i have who voted to keep this, we're going with us tax dollars. how many of your beloved ukrainians have been killed? they have no idea and they've no interest in knowing and they don't care at all. and sometimes they say they don't care rushes operation of the news spread,
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the already stretched ukrainian troops even seeing that kia had to re deployed its soldiers from other parts of the front to the defense of a height of ukraine, 2nd largest city, and some of cubes long held stronghold fell like dominos, the villages of and they've got into shift one of the few localities we taken by ukraine last year, once against wolf sides, russia. we also had success in the battle for the key city of chess of yacht seen as the gateway to the rest of the net squared public territory still occupied by ukraine and well keeps allies do put on a brave face. they admit russia might be not too far from punching further through ukraine's melting defences. but as the western nations scrambled together in the face of one front line dissolves to offer another, they will also ask uncomfortable questions to the bras in key if they've been very
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busy looking for a full guide over the crumbling defense of the how to region over 2 years concrete fortifications with 3 flows of depth should have been established on the credit and border, and they will not even any of landmines. we're coming to the conclusion that this was either because if in say, except or deliberate sabotage with every passing day ukrainian, no socrates apparently lose the grip on the reins of governance to the west and sponsors of the war. wild, self proclaimed president zalinski is now the fact. so are you sure of power, according to his own country's constitution? what do you is certainly still good that is sending a fresh supply of cannon fodder to the front line slow to do the the meanwhile,
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russia has so far refuted the idea of a 2nd wave of mobilization. if replenish has its army ranks via a steady stream of volunteers instead of the tongues of kidnappings. moscow has been incentivizing recruits through veterans benefits, tax cuts, financial support, social bonuses, and so on. and the cool has already been answered by hundreds of thousands of russians. how many is done of out see the china has refused to take pause in the ukraine. peace conference that takes place in switzerland next month on the basis of aging is conditions having, being ignorant, a p. m. title, the arrangement of the meeting still falls short of china's requirements, and the expectations of the international community is making it difficult for china to attend. relevant parties have been informed of china's considerations and concerns. we will continue to promote peace talks in our own way. stay in communication with all parties and work together to build the conditions for
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a political settlement of the ukrainian crisis. it looks like the so called peace, i'm it just a one sided it for i'm for you crate. it or it does not make sense, not to you by both sides of the conflict to a peace negotiation or the was, there is no point. it's a, it's a far sending. this is why china has refused to attend. this forum is intended for a platform for ukraine to gather pumping up for he took his international support and to. ready maybe try to have something res, condemnation of russia. this is why russia was not invited or china has offered to back as a peaceful group between russian ukraine's this was warmly received by the russian president who well, what we know right now, this is not just a conflict between ukraine, russia, it's really a, a proxy word this wage by nato,
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against russia, using ukraine. se proxy and you know, there could have been peace in march 2022 forest johnson. it's rude to us to, to, to put a stop to it. and you know, we now know zalinski does not make the call. he's his back cursing, washington and brussels. he's to his government has invited more than a 160 countries to jointly stake a pos, to successful the ukranian conflict. to settle the ukrainian and conflicts to um, moving on to and trying to has insisted on advising both parties of the conflicts, russia and ukraine, but the call is full and on death is let's find out more from asia car and a correspond to the age of times of pet basketball who told my colleague rachel, people that this summit is pointless. this operation in switzerland is essentially
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control narrative control operation. oh, we're going to have a lot of countries here discussing the future of the senior break. no, because you don't have russia 1st of all and the most important. so you can call it emerging or global sales or so for power. china already said, of course, are not going because russia is not going. and this is not only any of the visual chinese positions, this is part of the rush of china, a strategic partnership where they decide all these very important. moved up there on the level of a sheep, picking up the phone to talk to poor thing and vice versa, you know, is really up there. so, and this is something that the west simply cannot understand or admit for that. they already bombed diplomacy. as we all know at the control that you, when it any meaningful initiative i do, when is bombed by the americans special. so there's no way out the way out to okay
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to, to, to leave us with the know, suspicious, know, is that their accounts or powers that lease and ask the brakes to capture that corporation. organization, people who are striving towards the multiple, the world next week. you st. petersburg is going to have the st. petersburg, florida, where the main thing is multiple eric and we're going to have people from all over the world. we will not move from the west discussing how to get there. so at least we have, let's figure at little light at the end of the tunnel. so i will try to become the 1st one, the president in us history of it to be convicted of a crime. and new jersey on thursday found him guilty on all $34.00 accounts and a so called how should money trial? the republican front runner claims the entire case was rigs by the democrats, including president, finding himself on task spouse to find the verdict. this was a race,
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certainly an unprecedented day in american history. donald trump, the former us president, has been convicted on $34.00 charges of polonius. falsification of business records, now never before a has a former us present been convicted. and donald trump, not only is the former president, but here's the presumed nominee of the republican party in the election that is currently taking place in the campaign, is happening and the election is set to take place on november 5th. however, donald trump will be sentenced on july 11th, and he could face up to 4 years in prison for each of the $34.00 accounts that he is convicted on. they could send donald trump to up to a 136 years in prison for allegedly falsifying business records. now the charges down from stormy daniels, the porn star, that was allegedly paid money by donald trump and exchange for not making statements about the president. during his presidency during previous campaign, uh,
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and she was a paid a $130000.00. now that payment itself is not illegal, but the it is alleged. and donald trump was convicted for a falsifying business records related to those payments. now, at this point, when you look at the case, it seems like very much an example of so this is ation of the us legal system. donald trump and his supporters and many others are looking on saying that this is normally a criminal matter. that would be considered a misdemeanor. however, it was made into a felony, and 34 accounts were filed against the former president and people see this is simply an effort to keep donald trump off the campaign trail as the election cycle is nearing its conclusions. now donald trump will be sentenced on july 11th, and it could be that he spends the remainder of his presidential campaign in jail following that. and people are looking on and saying this is simply an abuse of the
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legal process. now, some critics of donald trump say that donald trump is dangerous uh that that was a result of what happened on january 6th and his supporters storming into the capital after he was perceived as having the election stolen from him in 2020. this is necessary to keep him off the campaign trail, but keeping out of the white house, but many look on say it was his blatant abuse and glued association of the us legal system that hurts the image of the united states around the world. the united states frequently brags about its legal system and how fair and how just it is, how much it stacks, human rights. people look at this case as blatantly the opposite of what the us claims a highly politicized legal process to serve a political and keeping an individual who might win an upcoming presidential election off the campaign trail and possibly out of office. when it comes to an political comments, i just acknowledge bucks a is the sole aim of the entire case was to stop the trunk from ab assessing foods back in the oval office. not only is he the 1st former president,
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never to be convicted of criminal charges, but the biggest story is he's leading. he's the, he's the leading candidate to become the next president of the united states. this is not what we do in the united states. we read in the newspapers about the 3rd world countries going after political opponents and locking them up doors or worse, but this, this was outrages. i can't believe that with a 34 account. uh, you know, the docket. the jury took less than 12 full hours and found them guilty on every single account as they were reading the results. i'm sitting there shopped in in, in my, in my uh, living room watching a television shopped um now. yes, i think that the donald trump has a good case. most every legal pundits that i hear and talk to says that on appeal this case will most likely be thrown out over turns you name it,
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but you can't appeal with that critical. you can't get a result probably before the election. so that's what's going to be the problem for donald trump. to going so now we're at least 11 people have been killed. an idea strikes on the board edge refugee companies central talk over the enclave. a warning for you, disturbing images are had local media reports came through residential buildings in the area where hits the dead and wounded with most the said to be women and children. those injured have been transferred to the i'll acts the hospital. the idea has yet to call this home, this house. since the beginning of the war in august, hope the more than 36000 people have died in the is randy on slower on the enclave . as well as being quick to admit its guilt and some of the attacks, but frequently dismisses the most tragic mistakes all seasonal re, as an ocean that picks up the story as a tragic mistake with also troubling patterns as well. so called precise attack.
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when a mass compound and southern guys are on sunday, turned out to be precisely wrong, leading to the death of at least $45.00 civilians. unfortunately, a tragic mistake happened last night. we are investigating the case will present the conclusions because this policy, which was made even more warming its fall from the 1st such incident in nearly 8 months of the war in gaza. the idea of publicly admitted the mistakes that cost the lives of innocent people at least 6 times. in april, these really military killed 7 aid workers of to bomb in a convoy of the world central kitchen, international relief organization. even though the recalls were labeled with the agencies branding and they work was coordinated with these roles. the idea of cold, a serious mistake. one of the commanders mistakenly assumed that the gunmen were located inside the accompanying vehicles, and these were almost terrorists. those who approved the strike were convinced that
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they were targeting arm thomas operatives and not a world of central kitchen employees. in february, at least 112 palestinians were reportedly killed and more than 700 others injured off to the idea of opened fire on a crowd of thousands awaiting the arrival of humanitarian trucks. the army initially denied shooting, but later the me to the troops felt endangered by the starving crowd of palestinians. we have opened an inquiry to examine the incident further, which will help us reduce the risk of such a tragic incident from occurring again during one of our humanitarian operations. last december on christmas eve is really a strikes heat, a gas or refugee camp, killing more than 70 people. and it's really government spokesperson coded at regrettable mistake. the army claimed the wrong weaponry was used,
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causing expensive collateral damage. this was a regrettable mistake. they should not have happened. the choice of munition was incorrect and not only palestinians fall victim to such mistakes. the idea of gun down 3 is rarely hostages. it was supposed to bring home. the man had just escaped from him. ask obtain a cheap where waving white flags, well stripped down to the waist to show they were not armed, but the military mistook them for militants and open fire. all 3 died on the spot. cool, so v i d x troops mistakenly identified 3 is radi hostages as a threat because of this is a tragic incidents which took place in a combat zone. well, is that the logic is really brigadier general benson gruber says every death of a non competent is a tragedy. but he claims that proportion unless speaking, these really military does a great job in gaza with only about 4 pulse on between one to sleep. when we were
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talking about kid infinity and no one's there was the police of the as i mentioned, it's full time. this is a little bit of number we'll talking about was all of the old. and i'm the one to 21 to 25. once though, we still one and a maple $25.00 is the whiskey now lives with voice, go out to them as well. and hopefully today even fills out and fix that. there was also, for me, exception that these really army actually made plenty of so called tragic mistakes long before the latest gas of war. the,
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every time these real size tragic errors, it allows an investigation to prevent such mistakes in the future. but that happens over and over again. some critics say the idea always seems to have a convenient excuse, ready for whenever it kills civilians. while global calls for accountability and any question of these really armies confidence. i met with strong resistance from israel and its allies. tragic mistakes despite its claim of being the most moral army in the world. the idea of has made many of those over the years.


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