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tv   News  RT  May 31, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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waiting a $170.00 for the death sentence. are we going to let that stay the same as the most massive 10 rounds of tax with us to attack it was miss solves on the core, i mean, bridge was with a flight time of less than 2 minutes. part of this house was shot down. russia into steps they flew with us, made missiles over the crime in bridge as the west and from beat increase to is in favor of allowing kids to swine deep into the russian territory. we will continue to promote peace talks in our own way. stay in communication with all parties and work together to build the conditions per political settlement of the cleaning crisis. trying to refuses to participate in a sweet peace conference on you pray. next among the finding, the little signs off the conflicts must be involved in russia hasn't been fine
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with an organization of the american justice system. that's the us house speakers, pronouncements on this. so it's a full guilty verdicts against donald trump. the very welcome. this is on the international with the world news update, as always is great to have you with us. a top story this, our a huge ukranian selling review estimates solves targeting decline in bridge was intercepted by russian forces on wednesday. as according to the defense minister who said k as the attempts to strike civilian infrastructure, show its western sponsors only want to escalate the will further a, put your lease to move forward. i would like to report that just on wednesday, that was the most massive 10 round attack with us to attack it was miss solves on the crime in bridge with a flight time of less than 2 minutes. for the missiles, with shut down, deprived of the opportunity to seize the initiative on the battlefield,
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the key of raising him continues to demonstrate to his western sponsors, its ability to damage the russian federation by striking civilian infrastructure. the west is urgently pumping weapons in the crank, transmitting intelligence training, ukrainian establishment and recruiting muscle raised in this vein. russia is continuing its special ministry operation, and all of these goals will certainly be achieved as a result of all actions and important areas. they may call cold regions. the enemy has retreated by 8 to 9 kilometers a 6 months. a line 28 supplements have been liberated. in total, 880 square kilometers of territories have come under the control of the russian army this year. the russian armed forces are systematically reducing the combat potential of the crating on forces in may the enemy, last the modem. $35000.00 service men and $2700.00 units of various weapons among them at $219.00 tanks and ahmed combat vehicles, including full abrams 7, the leopards, and 12. bradley, c p 2 pieces. well,
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it's very interesting context is very interesting as well. as this was made at the c s t o, which is the collect a security as an organization which is like nasal excess wear brushes, allies, if you like, get together and discuss the security situation. last week we had president food and also in bel, russia. so this is also interesting where this was said, a new guy bellows off. he's an economist, he signifies a complete change of direction in some ways in which it regarding the defense industry. at more, uh, you know, the focus on value on producing the right kind of weapons, getting them to the, from a world renowned economist also. so that's very interesting is probably one of his biggest stages, so far as minister of defense. so it comes in a context where the west is almost obsessed in the media. with this idea of a permission for weapons that are supplied, you're going to be used now to strike your client. and in reality, and what we know is that the ukraine has been striking on the russian territory,
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russian proper, not the new territories for the last 2 years, basically on and off. we've seen a tax in customer though. we've seen them in vonage, they've been in for and as you had talked to by drones, i've been in belgrade on direction to re attack reporting from there. i've seen it with my. i didn't imagine this. so this has been going on for some time. so this whole am fun to see in the west that, you know, we'll, we won't, we allow these weapons to be used on the long list of countries. somebody's signing a will be, won't we? it's been kind of dispelled in some respect by dmitri pest golf, and marie is a har of a to very senior people in the political world here in russia and some of listen to what they have to say to them. in general, american made weapons are already being used and attempted strikes on russian territory. it is more than eloquent evidence of the extent of the united states involvement in this conflict. there is also an absolute build up of pro war sentiment in the you. they are deliberately full mentoring, pre war hysteria. but all of this of course, cannot but have
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a very negative impact on the overall situation. the tensions continue to escalate to, to it was open vs at the ne, to members with lauren and putting up a smoke screen making up a story that they haven't yet decided whether or not to allow the key of regime to launch strikes using western weapons on the russian territory in the same way they mislead those who are trying to drug to the conference in switzerland by telling tales about its peaceful supplements, classic nature style manipulation. and so the message coming out of russia is, this is all, just some sort of political fisa from the west. i'm just wondering just how capable ukraine joint is on it. so, you know, without native support. well, the reality is, from a strategic point of view of from an analysis point to view your train is now exceptionally reliant on western a financial aid. the economic aid of course, military item. you remember, joseph burrell not so long ago,
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suggested that it would take 2 weeks of to end the war from europe and america stuff floating it with weapons and cash. and this is the reality, of course, depending doesn't manufacture any of these long range weapons. it doesn't have any capacity to target them. and many other analysts have written about this. this is a completely hollow the country at this stage regarding the ability to wage this war. and very interesting volume uproot themself has gone into great detail lining the reality of what's happening with the long range strikes from you find that it's not a huge pain doing it essentially, but they have no satellite information they have no targeting and that it requires specialists from britain, germany, france to operate the systems of to try get them. that's all the listen to what you have to say on the list of with which natalie. so basically this new might precision was long range, weapons, custom cannot be launched without using space recognizance. in addition, the final target choice and the so called flight mission, who but it can only be made by highly qualified specialist based on this technical
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intelligence doing who is doing this. this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems to ukraine. the scanning does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration and are automatically brought to the appropriate calculations. this task is being prepared not by ukrainian service men, but by representatives of nato countries. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in your or something else, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that they see some of them as a room when you have a state with a small territories and a very dense population when you much to. and this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. has been, this is a serious matter, and we are of course, watching it very carefully got through. it's a new brain's going. so it seems like it's a case of say, one thing do another for many of these western countries, which makes it
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a little curious when we see these power is giving a so called official node to k of to attack russia with mesa website. and so what, what can you tell us on this? well, it, it seems, there seems to be a pile of, of getting on board. now, as you know, as ukraine's more goes from bad to worse, it started with the counter offensive, which were told is gonna be a huge success. all the game changes the leopards to challenge yours. you know, it's now it's the 16th, all of which available, all of which have been destroyed by russia. but in the background to this, there's a reality as well, where there's also a trust tape, you know, the worst is the kind of actually trust what the west is sending. and that's been born out again and again from the men's good courts to negotiating to assemble to when they got a deal done 3 weeks after the start of the some of the landscape of them pulled away from the table by bar, as johnson in 4th washington was already involved in the to so interesting to you when it comes to this escalation will be, won't we allow you find to use these weapons? we're also seeing the same sort of global speak. let's have
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a look at some of the media reports where at, you know, the white house, the thing, one thing for the media are saying the white us is actually saying another thing in private that some of this there's been no change in our policy. the security assistance that we provide ukraine is to be used within ukraine, and we don't encourage attacks or unable attacks inside of russia. so there's a kind of a skit to for you here. and it kinda underlines the point that doesn't seem to be a strategy in the west or that is forward motion. the only forward motion to west seems to have now regarding ukraine, ftp in an election year, no president of the united states wants to lose a war, have afghanistan to point though in the run up to the election. a lot of uh, uh, very focus. you are paying careers are still invested in this war and ukraine, you know, the defeat of russia underlined the economies and tell us all these things, which i've turned out to be completely untrue. yet, as we see this escalation occurring, leaders of big you put your pin cookies,
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power for your a big for the poland, fonts and jeremy continue on message with the escalation that's on this list exact . and although we're staying exactly within the same framework, we think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired. and basically, the military sites from which you crane is attacked within the several countries, including germany, have reached cleared agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory. freedom of the 1st couple of them because we always flip and stuff we're transferring to ukraine to not have any use restrictions. the greetings can fight the way they want, and i think this is a very, very important aspect of this donation. so, it all seems to demonstrate one thing. uh, when you look at this objectively that, you know, your client isn't a sovereign state anymore. it's not a southern state economically, it's not a southern state military. it seems that somebody else is deciding when you create
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a tax. one of the tax with that's asked permission that whether it can attack rochelle beyond, as far as that doesn't suggest a sovereign state. it's now go over into the lead boy of mine who is a defacto dictator. he has no electro mandate, and president vladimir putin had to point out the intricacies of the ukrainian constitution at a few days back and pointing out that only the government now has a right to rule as the lens. he has no right whatsoever. so it seems to be getting more more kilometers and it saves you only people to actually know what's going on . and ukraine, or the russians. china has refused to take part in the ukraine, paste calling for an such take place in switzerland next month, explaining the patient's condition for being ignored. p. m, hyphen. the arrangement of the meeting still falls short of china's requirements, and the expectations of the international community is making it difficult for china to attend. relevant parties have been informed of china is considerations and concerns. we will continue to promote peace talks in our own way. stay in
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communication with all parties and work together to build conditions for political settlement of the crate and crisis. space. with scott from 9000 visor to move in a 160 countries to joined a state of policy to settle here, training and conflict. china has insisted on inviting both opposing comes, namely russia and ukraine. but the coal has floated on death is not as most ago, has been, refused to see, to the table or to contribute to causal told us the conference is simply a platform for ukraine to cement, international support and stick to condemnation of russia. and right now it looks like the so called piece um it, it just a one sided it for um, for you crate it or it does not make sense not to you by both side of the cost like to a piece negotiation or there is no point it's so far sending this white china has refused to attend because what's the point of not inviting russia to
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a to ending the conflict between russia and ukraine or what it looks like. this forum is intended for a platform for ukraine to gather pumping up for introduce international support and too. ready uh, maybe uh, try to have something to raise condemnation of russia, and this is why russia was not invited as white rock china refused to attend. it's not serving the purpose to actually achieving piece, which is what's needed right now. for china has offered to access a peaceful group between motion ukraine's this was warmly received by the russian president boynton. but what we know right now, this is not just a conflict between ukrainian russia, it's really a, a proxy war, this wage by nato, against russia, using ukraine. se proxy and, you know, there could have been peace in march 2022 forest johnson glued to us
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to, to, to put a stop to it. and, you know, we now know the landscape does not make the call. it says back cursing, washington and brussels. and china has a case the us of opening up the asia pacific to the risk of war as paging flowers, washington for deploying intermediate range missile systems to the philippines. i didn't include the 2 guys include some adventure we saw system was the certificate and offensive weapon reminiscent of the cold war. us attempts to turn back to will of history provokes black confrontation, strengthens military lines, and squeezes the security space of other countries. this what breaks that huge balance in the region and create new tension and antagonism taking the call from us and us deployed typhon intermediate range missile systems to the northern philippines. during that joint drills that last month, the system is able to launch tomahawk missiles up to 1600 kilometers. that means
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cities such as shanghai or hong kong can be reached from the northern philippines. the drills have and this but the systems remain. this is the 1st time since the end of the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty in 2019. but the us has deployed a system into a foreign country. the trade is signed by the us of the us. i saw in 1997 and found both countries from having missiles, with ranges between 505000 kilometers or something, withdrew from the agreements in 2019 escalade now to ross to find gold agent, political risk analyst. many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very good to see you today. first of all, i'd like to ask you what risks and does the deployments of us into media arrangements on systems opposed to the region. and actually, it should be considered as causing the risk. a united states in the philippines have a mutual defense treaty. and the united states decided to the court and no attorney
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exercises a weapon system as in the united states arsenal. keeping in mind that the united states didn't fire it, but the quite a bit of a was just part of the exercise to see how the forces could transport this particular missile system we're launching system. but of course, in reality, it's just going to fuel or weapons race in the region. we know that, but the who's behind you in a weapons race. so one could also argue that china with its ever increasing missile arsenal that is pointed at united states, all ours is also a risk. so we have to deal with the realities of the situation on the ground, which is that more countries in the region are concerned about trying his behavior are concerned about north korea's pager or countries that have mutual defense treaties with united states are going to look to the united states to fulfill his obligations. so this is the 1st time that he was deploying such a system that which was one sub balance by the i n f treaty. yeah, i'm just wondering what sort of response do you think washington will achieve here
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is always expecting to achieve? well again, i think the key part of including in this exercise was to see the ability of the united states military wrong of its filipino partners to transport this particular launch system. but again, we're going to see what china does and reaction and trying to already has a large number of missiles pointing at united states allies and friends in the region of china wants to point more missiles as a response. it's not going to surprise anyone. of course, as one of the us abandons the enough to raise you in 2019 on the donald trump, in your opinion, most evasive of the us to abandon the treaty and start deploying whatever whatever it was. so servicing and there are difficulties with verification without the proper verification and ease of verification. under that treaty you get to the point where you say, well, why bother anymore? and that's why the trump administration made the decision. got to do it. you know, obviously once you're no longer in the treaty,
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i think it would be foolish not to trust your own ability to get old into deployed different types of systems. there would be silly to leave the treaty, but they're not improved ones arsenal. again, that's just the reality of defense. so in this case it's mutual defense because of us pre obligations in nature with the trinity partners like japan, korea, and the philippines. predictably badging has come out and harshly criticized the latest you asked me for what do you think the aging can really do in response and is likely to do or when your trying is likely to do, they're going to continue to invest in their own national defense which includes defensive as well as offsets it weapon systems. and that's there right? as a sovereign country, they could, they, they, they could invest in their defense and they could expand their arsenal. but it would be solely to think other countries in the region not are in potential based off of a china or doc, and also do the same thing. and that's what we see, especially with japan and to a lesser extent, korea and the philippines as well as taiwan. they're also going to be investing,
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and they're not national defense. and yeah, there's a, there's a risk of an arms race in the region, but that's the reality that we're living in. it does seem like we're seeing a, a cold war style scenario. chaos in the regional ready, uh, what are the risks of a real war erupt? seeing the, in your opinion, is certainly high i, i live in taiwan. and i like to say that taiwan, whether that's the government or the military, or just the civilian population. they need to act like a war would be imminent and plan accordingly. and it would be foolish for other countries not to do the same thing whether or not the risk is from china or north korea, but curious south korea, japan, the philippines time on. these countries have to prepare accordingly for the risks of war. again, at the risk of being repugnant, and that's the reality that we're living in these countries have sovereignty disputes with china and, or with north korea. and there's a risk of escalation in the countries out to prepare accordingly. any thanks for speaking to us today, i really appreciate your insight into the matter. russ feingold, asia,
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political risk analysts. thank you. and here what's nice ation of the us justice system fighting was from cd republicans is they condemn a new jersey for finding donald trump guilty on old fuzzy for accounts. if the president of support is branded, the so called house, many trials, a mockery which undermines trust in both the judiciary and democracy. today is a shameful day in american history. democrats cheat as they can, the bigot, the leader of the opposing party, on ridiculous charges predicated on the testimony of a decent, bought convicted felon. this was a political exercise, not the legal one, the what position of our justice system has been the whole michael, the bite and administration. this was a shame show trial, the kangaroo, cool, who never stand on appeal. americans deserves better than a sitting us president. what the noise in our justice system against the political opponent alter when an election a. mr. tron becomes the 1st phone,
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the president and us history to be convicted of a crime. they presiding judge in the case behind on a sentence in july and punishment may vary from a fine to 4 year presence homes. but each episode before accounts, this doesn't president into the republican front runners presidential aspirations. it still meets the constitutions requirements to hold high office, or trump claims the entire case was worked. this is a trial there's a race, certainly an unprecedented day in american history. donald trump, the former us president, has been convicted on $34.00 charges of polonius. falsification of business records . now never before has a former us present been convicted and donald trump, not only is he a former president, but here's the presumed nominee of the republican party in the election that is currently taking place in the campaign is happening and the election is set to take
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place on november 5th, however, donald trump will be sentenced on july 11th, and he could face up to 4 years in prison for each of the $34.00 accounts that he is convicted on, they could send donald trump to up to a 136 years in prison for allegedly falsifying business records. now the charge is down from stormy daniels, the orange star, that was allegedly paid money by donald trump and exchange for not making statements about the president during his presidency during previous campaigns. uh . and she was a paid a $130000.00. now that payment itself is not illegal, but the it is alleged. and donald trump was convicted for a falsifying business records related to those payments. now, at this point, when you look at the case, it seems like very much an example of elucidation of the us legal system. donald
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trump and his supporters and many others are looking on saying that this is normally a criminal matter that would be considered a misdemeanor. however, it was made into a felony, and 34 counts were filed against the former president and people see this is simply an effort to keep donald trump off the campaign trail as the election cycle is nearing its conclusion. now donald trump will be sentenced on july 11th, and it could be that he spends the remainder of his presidential campaign in jail following that. and people are looking on and saying this is simply an abuse of the legal process. now, some critics of donald trump say that donald trump is dangerous, that as a result of what happened on january 6th and his supporters storming into the capital after he was perceived as having the election stolen from him in 2020. this is necessary to keep him off the campaign trail to keeping out of the white house, but many look on say this is blatant abuse. include association of the us legal
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system that hurts the image of the united states around the world. the united states frequently brags about its legal system and how fair and how just it is, how much it respects human rights. people look at this case as blatantly the opposite of what the us claims a highly politicized legal process to serve a political and keeping an individual who might win an upcoming presidential election off the campaign trail and possibly out of office. a palestinian mon. i rested in gauze and taken to a military base and israel has came to he was tortured along with other prisoners that the chief, i spent 33 days at city to man prison is a military detention camp inside the largest rating, military come, the 1st signs of torture, that we were completely isolated from the outside world. no noise, no prep adult does no good food. and our hands were found 24 hours a day. we slept with them went to the bathroom with them. the blindfolds were also
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kept on our eyes 24 hours a day, even while we slept since there was constant lighting on us, we would not allowed to sleep or remove the blind falls from my head. we weren't allowed to talk to the post next to us. we couldn't go to the buffer and without permission, that was the general saying, i remained but for example, personally, i was supposed to sit on my knees for 25 days and i was overweight. unfortunately. and couldn't sit like that was on the 1st day of my detention on december. the 7th . i sat for 3 and a half hours. his punishment i was calling on the find is just because i couldn't sit on my knees in the following days. so i tried to sit like that, but it was just so painful that we got skin fungus and skin diseases. this is the general condition that old prison is subjected to a comparative study team and to america is one time about when i got out. we were in a psychological and physical state and everything life was held. there was no breath of life. for example, in the 1st 5 days in prison, we a slices of bread with mold on them. and we're not allowed to complain about
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anything. you are only allowed to go to the bathroom once or twice a day at the most of these are the only treat to the sick without any must eat. it was if we were imprisoned with the instructions to humiliate us, there was no right to life. they would bring user id, settlers with police dogs, and we were forced to keep our heads bout and be watched by these ready sec. let's use the testimony refers to stay tame on the is waiting face and then a give does. it's used as a detention towns. the facility is frequently used to hold thousands of prisoners from danza. i mean, the ongoing conflicts claims have repeatedly and most of pre ms spacing severe abuse that among the latest to report was by and is wally wisdom, black. well, working that you can see the photo provided to cnn his day to ads to report was by his way, the wrong scripts cooling for the facilitate to be shot down. they sides the inhumane treatment of prisoners who were hung, puffed and blind folded, and housing cages. write scripts also report on cases of guns basing prisoners
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starting out cigarettes on them and depriving them of food and sleep. and they were reported the multiple cases of detainees losing limbs due to the harsh conditions additional evidence of the inhumane conditions. and the detention facility arises from requests from doctors who sub in the hospital established at the base for the purpose of treating detainees. they testified the detainees as arms and legs over teen the amputated due to hans coughed wounds, lack of medication, and adequate medical cap violence, suffolk by detainees and local food. according to write scripts, there are more than 9000 palestinians currently detains bias. well, for security reasons, more than $3000.00 of them on the administrative detention, meaning there are no charges against them despite being held for months and gone. so i in particular move in to thousands with attained guns. 27 have been died while in custody. the out colored again says his case is no,
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it's unique. a lot of them to funny the most somebody when i go to the house of prison, i met with a red cross official who apologized and said that israel hasn't been cooperated with the red cross since october. the 7th, he said they knew they would gross violations against the prisoners. but what would make israel stop the violations if there's no condemnation? israel enforce me convinced people that the detainees a how much the leads and the world seems to believe this story. so if we're how much the leads, why do these roll release us? we weren't released at a deal. we released because with civilians with no connections. israel is lying and sending false messages about what's happening and goes with the prisons. sadly, the arab and islamic world is completely absent from what's happening and goals, like the crimes killings, torture and the rest. i want to go back to work, but the psychological conditions still dominate and i haven't felt stable. unfortunately, my journalistic tools were destroyed when these really only entered all areas and
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arrested us. they burned everything, my 5 laptops and cameras for all destroyed. so i don't have the tools to go back, press the psychological pressure. i still haven't escaped the mental pressure i experienced in prison. i'm still haunted by the prison in my sleep. i still failed or forwarding shorts of those detained. this harsh experience also confirms that is real clearly and explicitly targets journalists. they know very well that way. journalist and civilians and treat as harshly the button is heavy. so i decided to always talk about prisoners, janice, and is ready violations against them to keep their voice is loud. israel scold now is clear to kill and destroy and make life and guns that non existent, they bomb entire blocks. they don't care. they allow the only to shoot anyone in the street. of more details on this story on sand team, or you can check it out on our website on the, the con, coming away next, the latest episode of the rex to impacts and on top of the warnings in 30 minutes.
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stephen the, the hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact, and this is what we're going to be talking about the. so here's the question. what are they fighting about in taiwan this time? well, let's just say it's about china and it's important really important. i'm rick sanchez . this direct impact of do it the, so we're hearing all the time. i'm sure you've heard this yourself, but china has no right to interfere in the politics of the taiwan. but what is taiwan watched china to be a part of their decision making.


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