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tv   News  RT  May 31, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the, as far as the trial itself is very unfair. it's a rig. it was a rig trial. we wanted a venue change. republican presidential frontrunner donald trump, loss is all its out a new york courts after it finds him guilty of 34 felony talented speaking in the 1st former us leader to be convicted of a crime scene to republicans react by taking aim off the american justice system itself saying it's being weaponized against their presumptive normally we can't just send me ins from the street. so if we ever know how to fill out, but somebody of of fell on it charges it just the system stuff with other people in
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jail countries. crazy. you know, that whole world is looking at a thing, what's going on over there in america, the greatest country in the world, and incumbent to you as president 5 and the endorse isn't, is really 1st proposal to come off coming on the same day as id f troops center the key gals and city of hold off, and it widespread global compliments the just a few moments into a brand new day weekend on month here in the russian capital june. the 1st welcome to the our team use our web. a nice ation of the us justice system. the words of senior republicans in response to the shop deals, the verdict candid done to donald trump and then your quarter in on thursday. the parties present the presidential nominee was convicted of falsifying business records. mr. trump claims the entire case was rig from the off. it is never been
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anybody so conflicted as is as far as the trial itself, it was very unfair. we weren't allowed to allowed to use our election expert under any circumstances. you saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side. they were literally crucified by this man. it's a rig. it was a rig trial. we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge judge, we wanted a judge, it was in conflicted. nothing ever happened. did they know it? but they were solution is salacious as they could be. and it had nothing to do with the case, but it had to do with politics. do you notice the timing? the timing was perfect. this case was that it was dropped by every agency. every governmental board, it was dropped by the highly respected southern district. they want to announce
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that was running for president. long time later, they decided to revive this guys. that's how the american system of justice works. as breakfast is dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg, just because they don't like the verdict. our justice system is adored for nearly 250 years and it really is the cornerstone of america, our justice system. well, we've been hearing so most you might expect i buy data opinions on donald trump criminal case as well as his bid to return to the white house from new yorkers. it was a show trial where they have something in the soviet union, right? we all know this, but it's waking people up, so i'm happy. okay, we're headed for a great time. we're headed for jubilee. we're headed for time. we're on trump means honest money. honest madison. honest media, honest selections, honest energy, honest education. i don't know what they're thinking all over the world,
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but they're thinking we have a, a, a, a countries crazy. you know, that whole world is looking at us saying, what's going on over there in america, the greatest country in the world. and, you know, not too happy with it, you know, i mean, how dare them take a president and, and do this to our next president. i would hope people who are paying attention realize that i fell on kind of votes and most this felons convolt. we're going to have a feller possibly have a fell on it does. is it just a system stuff with other people in jail on the, on the, on the door, the book on board with a fellow with in charge of the system. it makes no sense. well, let's delve deeper into the topic with another new yorker legal on media unless line or, and also co director of the midwestern marks institute noah project joining us from ohio gentlemen, your boat most welcome. no. maybe i can start with you after
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a 6 week trial, donald trump has been found guilty on, on those 30 for a felony content, every one of them. he's the 1st former american president to be convicted of a crime. what does this mean part of a context for us, for the current presidential race, the nation itself to well, i savvy. what does this mean? is it check guaranteed questionnaire, right? it means a whole lot of things. most importantly, it means that there is a very real possibility for the i believe that the 2nd time and us history for somebody to be running from jail. now, you know, who knows if we'll actually go to jail for this. but the last president do that was eugene v w. and it was under a conviction of a much more noble sort of crime where he was speaking out against the war. right. uh, i think more interestingly though, it is. what does this mean for his movement?
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how will they interpret it and what are they going to do about it? that's more interesting to me anyway. yeah, well delve into that a little bit later. little donald trump was fine guilty of falsifying records to conceal harsh money payments. people who forget ahead of the 2016 presidential race that he wanted. so where does this verdict leave his chances of returning to the oval office? oh, better than ever. in fact, his numbers are going up. he raised it by almost close to $40000000.00 last night. i understand something this charge was it originally reviewed by the federal government, the department of justice. and they said no way. we're going to charge him with voter fraud for having a woman sign a non disclosure agreement. this isn't voter fraud, then the southern district of new york, the us attorney's office said, we're not going to charge this. then the predecessor sidebands, the district attorney said, we're not gonna charge this alvin bright. the current advice for of the district
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attorney said we're not going to charge this. and then as soon as prompt started to go up in the pony, they reconsidered it. as soon as the ford had them for criminal prosecution, in addition to civil cases, he is i 0, he is an absolute. he is created the trumpet dog or not. they have been peach, tim twice. they could, if there's a waiting for them to declare him pregnant or in alien they wouldn't do this. he's charging me nothing. he is going to march to re election. he will not be in prison . you will not spend 30 seconds in jail and, and convicted felons can vote after having their civil rights restored. let me just move on to let me just say with united because i want to pick it up. i'm going to put a sponsor in the work. so of that answer, because whenever i've looked at us selections buffle drawing states on it,
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i believe it's around half a dozen of them we're talking about, in this case, people in small times in iowa, pennsylvania, missouri, big expect you to turn up there as a candidate that on here about the things that they're worried about. if donald trump isn't able to travel, could that be a factor when it comes to those big states? had to walk it could if except for when the reason that he's not able to travel is because of this corrupt system. let me explain something once like, i don't want to get too much into the weeds here. and then let me just say, hey, i understand his supporters will understand that i'm to say ok kind of travel. but those people who are on the fence the on the side that well they are looking at him and even they are saying this is unfair. this is a the, let me, let me just a quickly, this is an election fraud case. no one unit, no one, including me on a license lawyer can't even tell you what is about. it's a railroad,
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it's not at your job. that's what they are saying. because it is no, uh, trump claims the trial was written, he's called in an attempt by the democrats of joe biden, in particular to get them off. the ballad at many pundits say, as we're just hearing from lionel, the republican frontrunner still looks on stopped the belt, cuz he actually went a note from a prison cell if it comes to that. so yeah, i, well 1st i don't, this isn't like some kind of debate because i agree with absolutely everything will just set. i wouldn't really turn right what? well, here's the thing. it's not just in a time to get them off the ballot, right. it's also an attempt to deplete campaign funds or funds that could go towards a campaign. it's trying to use the legal system in a political manner. the political border will opponent, right, which, you know lost there. exactly. it's and they've been doing this to him for years,
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and he's only been growing more popular. the democrats fundamentally do not understand why trump is popular, but i me, i'm not even a drunk guy. right. but i, i grass that the image of him against the establishment is what makes him popular. people like that he seems to be standing up to something that they see and car are correct and see as fundamentally corrupt is like post conviction and speech. he said that we're living in a bunch of state and he is not for long or can i all she was like your lawyer how to on because falsifying business records on its own, it's a misdemeanor in new york, merely but the prosecution argues that tons case was elevated to a criminal, selling the us, the misdemeanor was done to help commit or conceal another crime. so looking at it in a different way, what's his defense up to scratch? would you have questions there?
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oh, let's say we could, we could, there's a lot of things we could have done and i don't want to 2nd guess a lawyer. but one thing i would have done is why in the name of god, did he ever say that he never had sex? was with porn starlette stormy that i knew. oh that that put that into issue. so who was the 1st with this stormy? you only had to deal with the stipulated. so yes, but i've got to say once again my, i'm sure my, my, my colleague here will agree the hip park receive the left 2 cases. just to samuel illegal, a supreme court justice. they want him to re key lose himself of all cases because his wife, full of flag that people thought was somehow secessionist or whatever it is. then clarence thomas's wife was involved in something which they once settled to refuse himself. i'm because her activities somehow disqualify him. here's the best for the judge in this case. as a daughter, it's cool. it's very legally,
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is in charge of an organization making millions of dollars supporting democratic candidate. when somebody suggested that that judge refused themselves, they'll upset. oh, come on, how day are you? a man's family has nothing to do with him. what about late? oh, what about time is the park per se? there's an a unit, you know, and my dear friend, when you have worked for an organization and you leave under good terms of bathrooms, you will find the non disclosure agreement. you agree not to disclose trade secrets, things do for or to disparage. darryl legal, he was convicted of having a porn star sign a legal document. now if you would think that makes sense to me, but this jerry walked in there and they, they went through 34 pounds of the most of the screws. busy in t language like that. now i don't want to say i can just guess the jury,
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but somebody tells me they say, all right. it's thursday, let's go. now, if i'm wrong, i'm wrong but it looks like they were ready to go. jump into what a yeah, a term steam actually as for a change of venue for specifically this reason and it was denied wonder why it's a really sad comment on how corrupted our entire legal system is because this judge if he were you. busy the sort of honorable person you might think a judge would be, would immediately reduce himself, even for the appearance of a conflict of interest. but he didn't do that duty. this is very, very quickly. go ahead and be very clear. this judge did nothing and legal the jury did nothing. a legal, nothing was illegal. but understanding something the country doesn't understand.
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you have the front runner and you've accused him of 4 separate selling these and one single case that seeks to bankrupt him. why? you so happens because he's the front runner. what i want everybody to understand is attention all future ex president. your next. you've just said the president. there's a wonderful will be great here where they said, remember you wanted this. ok folks when trumps are in charge and he has a d o j and he has an f b i and he's in charge of the justice department. remember. and that doesn't include things that you've done regarding your, your campaign. it could be, for example, could, could um, a rack obama be prosecuted for targeting somebody illegally or george w bush for violating the civil rights of a person. we're going to normally ex president are shielded from this. normally there is an agreement. now president, you're going to say, do,
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are you going to read in the miranda warnings every time i make a decision? what is open and remember what he's did a side, the non disclosure agreement, so that his wife wouldn't find dialed out about an affair. he allegedly had with a porn star, not s b, a nice. he did it, but yeah, it is. the president has now said it's the presidents. it's in the law books as a yeah, it's a really interesting point to make. no, what we have the issue here of the rest of the we're looking on to this a, to the decisions reach higher. the roommate, the transparency involved, donald trump, he, he calls themselves the most targeted politician in the world with you look at the charges against them. it's increasingly hard to, to, to argue against that. so where does this leave the country on the global sense? because you've got washington, always trying to preach democracy,
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freedom of speech to others. they've got a case to answer to. yeah, i mean, if i'm chinese, i'm looking at this thing going well, american can't even get their own act together. should we really be all that worried? right. um, i think it's an embarrassment. i think the entire last, their effort was due to failure from the beginning. and whenever strategies were putting it together should have known this. and it's just making us more and more of a laughing stock on the world stage as our genuine objective power we have that. right? so we in the dollar in making sure other countries trading it is dwindling anyway. so to, to sort of turn our, our justice system into part of this cloud show that is our general presidential
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elections every 4 years is just adding fuel to the buyer. just a note line on donald trump, himself, as you say he, he could not be more likely to enter the white house that he was 24 hours before. but, you know, we're talking by the guy who built casinos in atlantic city skyscrapers in new york in the 19 seventy's, when most businesses involved the run, the mob, there's allegations that he was involved with them. it's more probable than not, is it? not that he just didn't pay off a port in store to keep quiet that, but i bought their history but will not actually have any influence on peoples both going forward. absolutely not. and by the way, if you want to say, what are the chances of any kind of mob connection in the building in the street in new york? i mean, you can, you can guess all you want. that's how i just also say one more thing to my to you and my and our dear colleague,
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my new best friend here. the president was also to add insult to injury. it is parties upon your insult to injury. he had a gag order really showed not only was the force to stand in the dock, i remember who was also in peach twice it was, i mean every thing they had, they declared him but then they had a gag order which said, oh and by the way you can say anything about this case. i mean this is if they could have shackled him, if they could have put him in a hermetically sealed box, sound proved they would have done this because you must understand this. we call the tbs trump derangement syndrome. it's a pathology though, this man inspires both love and the most off the charge 8. he's also the most exciting politician in my lifetime, and he is going to win on november the 5th. and by the way,
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guess who he has to sign for that at last words to, you know, at, but we, we, uh, we delved into it there, but the, i wanted to put it to you, the line between justifiable legal case on political persecution. how do you see this? oh it's, it's completely gone now. and it talked about setting precedence. this is going to be how our ruling class does politics going forward until it breaks. so i don't think there's any coming back from this. and just real quick on the last question. sure. troops actually up 6 points according to a daily mail pull since the conviction. so doing his job for him, i mean, come on. it's going to be an interesting few months that is for sure. and it has been an interesting past 10 minutes as well. thank you both legal on media,
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unless lionel on co director of the midwest and marks institute knew what trudged fig. thank you, gentlemen. a. thank you. okay, uh, some news from right here in moscow where metro passengers have been evacuated from a train that was stopped inside the tube tunnel. let's show you at the images that we have on this initial reports suggest the fire broke out and put officials have examined the scene. say those plays are not true. the train will stop true to technical difficulties that are not being dealt with the ad on the authority. se thing should still be back on track. it is the if you know, they say the red line, very busy goes through the center from and north side at. here's what we heard from the deputy head off the most competitive way ahead of sports, even though the station we just got out. i want to assure you that everything is
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calm at the station that one no fires or anything like that. all stuff responded according to the regulations and as quickly as possible. that was indeed a smooth technical malfunction of the rolling stock, but it will seem to eliminate it. the cost is completely clear now, all passengers will not in any danger. we promptly remove them from the rolling stroke and from the station, employees of the emergencies, ministry police officers, the russian national guard, and the most good metro. i still continue to work here. now is the time to end the warning. gaza, the words of us president joe biden, who has endorsed the plan, the israel called it's permanent ceasefire, offer to him, us israel has now offered to israel, is offered a conference of new proposal. so roadmap to an enduring cease fire and the release of the whole hostages. this proposal has been transmitted by cutter to whom us.
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today i want to lay out as terms for the american citizens and for the world is time to begin this new stage. for the hostages to come home, for israel to be secure, for the suffering to stop is time for this war 2 and let us go live. no, i to our middle east bureau chief maria, not the maria. this has been hailed so much fun for by democrats. at least in the us. but what is it? take us through the news these fire proposal. yes. hello to you. well, it's too early to say, is it a breakthrough or not? but let's take a look at what is on the table. it is a new 3 phase, these fire a deal and also a plan for the so called day off to the war. the 1st stage will start was 6 week choice. they withdrawal or was dryly took troops from all populated areas of garza
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and the release of the elderly, wounded and female hostages in exchange for a number of palestinian prisoners currency held in his rarely jails. there was no particular figure given by 10 previous drafts at 3 digits number was discussed, you're in stage one besides, we'll negotiate the necessary arrangements to get to the phase 2, which is at permanence, choose and the release of all remaining leaving hostages, including male soldiers, 128 people remain in contribute to you in the guise of 3. now, gloomy estimates are that at least full 2 of them now dead binding made it clear that there are some nuances besides steel, have to discuss and it is not going to be easy. the us agents and costs are he sides are committed to make sure it talks keep going for as long as needed. you're in phase 2 as well. well, we've drawn all is forces from the palace seen in clay, said face is opposed for reconstruction of gas. and the return of the buddies of
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dead hostages by mistress that's this is and is really proposal approved by the war cabinet. it was already handed to kinda tar that plays a role as a mediator here, and it stays been patient immediately after the last president, speech has rarely prime minister's office confirmed that the plan works for israel . let's take a listen. these really government is united in the desire to return our hostages as soon as possible and is working to achieve this goal. therefore, the prime minister has authorized the negotiating team to present an outline for it, saving this goal, while insisting that the war will not end until all of its goals are achieved, including the return of all our hostages and the destruction of i'm off is military and governmental capabilities, the exact outline proposed by israel, including the conditional transition from stage to stage, allows israel to maintain these principles. the why can emphasize that at this point in time,
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us no longer is capable of carrying out another october 7th. so it is time he said to end this war by no so specifically addressed to those in his really government who are calling for the war to continue no matter why 10 for each rose real patient of guys are urging them to back the proposal that he believes is, and israel's interest, but not sure. this is all as the idea of said, it's types of enter the center for office city at dr. operation coming in defiance of ruling by the international court of justice. what's washington setup? i thought assault. well, any day the idea of has been a defense and actively in southern guys. i'm in the last days despite the global calls to stop is really tanks have entered central rough under it strikes coverage . and recently the army also announced that said now fully controlled. so cold philadelphia,
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cory the or the border between guys on egypt that is really believed have miles and other militants based. and guys that have been using to smuggle weapons and different supplies. and here is what the army says about the aims of what it calls, precise and targeted operations and rough um, let's take them to some of the operation continues to gradually evolved with forces focusing on frequent combust or infrastructure on the philadelphia route, as well as special forces are conducted intelligence base targeted rates from the outskirts of central rafa. the idea of continues to implement the lessons learned and adjust its operations to minimize civilian casualties and main thing focused and low intensity operations in accordance with international law and in accordance with dialogue conducted with our partners prior to the operation and rough. these were the army also now state located to dozens of tunnels soft and destroyed. a number of significant on the ground roads also destroyed a number of long range walk head launchers,
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which were load that the army side was multiple. me solves and ready to fire toward is really territory. so yes, the idea of continue is it's operation in guys including the southern parts of they've had a student in place and use it as 5 to look to the victim. that while the international community is outraged with a number of casualties have months to billions, the army information leads to, according to the latest data from gases, house ministry mold and 35000 people have been killed in the past, a student in place and certificate in halls hayes really were a hand guys including women and children. a lot of civilians died. just the final note i've lost kind of the number of times from us previously said it rejects any talks with israel while the invasion of her off is on going. are there any signs stuff the situation could not change as well? again, it is hard to say now, but the re,
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some kind of hopeful for us as this new proposal seems to be meeting both sides, demands negotiations and data between israel. and how may i ask, have been going on and off talks have never been easy and have mass wanted israel to stop the war. complete land was joyce army from guys. a israel kept saying it will continue until her masses destroyed the situation became especially tens of these rarely armies started. it's limited to operations and southern guys with casualties rising as well. sunday attack on the area around rough um that led to the task of at least $45.00 civilians. those displaced from the north who were sheltering near egyptian border. the strikes that sparked global condemnation ad intentions, of course, but on size they come us and forms the mediator is that it is prepared to reach a comprehensive agreement. if israel stops, it's hor and guys, and this is what the new proposal promises. so we can say that trends is
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a high if things go according to the plan and they both sides take with a commitments and the bowl is now and how massive side we are expecting their answer. okay, appreciate the breakdown with all that are tease middle east bureau chief live on the program, maria finished. you know, i finally the national internet awards of being held here in moscow, highlighting the best russian web content. the organizers dedicated the event to familial roberts a coinciding with the ongoing year of the family in the country. now the ceremony featured high profile gas including politicians galore, including the russian at deputy pm, culture, administer, and other officials along with celebrities. on t v stars r t and or cs of on the editor in chief margarita someone young, was there a suit? and indeed her media with was i'm all the winners. it took a prize for
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a project that focuses on the lives of ordinary people in military conflicts. no, but the do to them see what and us to move it. and the widow of the joe, his project on the internet is merely a video serious because of newly many a. the civilians is a project that tells the stories of people cold in the crossfire without asking for it with more than 50000000 views on youtube. especially but sure that our city of has no, no sign solo. it's. we've got such a serious nomination hit. our projected health about civilians has lived during whole time and mid the whole cities. people still married, become parents, health, take the children to school, regina and slaw of a spent quite a long time in the special managerial peroration area. so we manage to show how this goes, honestly and emotionally, but it's hard to watch and mental times especially, but for just situation 3, up and down with this lovely father. and i have been in the special military operation area for around 2 years,


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