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tv   News  RT  June 1, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the mazda coast, as the koreans west and backers as direct deposit depends in the conflicts by didn't dream lives. the use of data weapon is just quite deep within drops in territory. also ahead. if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone and we have a president and a group of fascist. i don't want to do anything about it. donald trump says his political arrival, joe biden passed the 1st for him to be convicted just bonds to the presidential election, who had some divided opinions on the matter. romano, the us public countries. crazy. you know that at all, what i was looking at is saying, what's going on over there in america,
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the greatest country in the world? we ever have a feller possibly ever fell on. it's just a system stuff with other people in jail, the pro palestinian demonstrate who is forced their way into a legal osbee. i'm in new york bringing attention to the quote as your body and indulgence. these rules see slide flat and full gas that i don't live or india as a country is parliamentary election is entering its final stage results to be announced on tuesday, the but we're continuing our coverage of the latest trends shaping the will right now.
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this is on the international i a michael quarter. are now the worst has been ramping up. was the crumbling cold war hysteria, and initial group of friends, military instruct. this is set to be on the way to ukraine, according to a parliament member and key. if this comes against the backdrop of washington, or especially admitting it gave approval for key up to use its weapons against boston territory. over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that we're providing. to defend against this aggression, including against russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president. and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that, for that purpose. and going forward we'll continue to do what we've been doing, which is as necessary, adapt and adjust. and that as i said, has been
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a hallmark of our engagement. it will continue to be about war mongering. tone was set by nature chief objects told him bug earlier this week. he urged a western countries to authorize key after strike russian territory and not prompted the range of european countries to support the idea. moscow says the crane has long been attacking roster with need to weapons, and that's prove that western powers are directly involved in the complex. in general, american made weapons are already being used in attempted strikes on russian territory. but of course, it is more than eloquent evidence of the extent of the united states involvement in this conflict. there is also an absolute build up of pro war sentiment in the you. they are deliberately full mentoring, pre war hysteria. but all of this of course can not but have a very negative impact on the overall situations of tensions continue to escalate to as it was all the rest of the nato members were lying and putting up a smoke screen making up
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a story that they had not yet decided whether or not to allow the key of regime to launch strikes using western weapons on russian territory in the same way they mislead those. they trying to drag to the conference in switzerland by telling tales about his peaceful settlement, classic nato style manipulation. well, one thing this whole affair proves to us is that the width is very good at saying one thing and doing another. it seems the white house press corps knows a whole lot more about what's happening in the oval office and the president himself. the inconsistency within the binding, the administration on this is alarming. the u. s. policy has been that ukraine cannot use us weapons destroyed targets in russia, in the midst of this proxy war with russia. this policy has been at least one reasonable attempt to limit escalation of hostilities with this change in policy. the bite and administration is risk and even further serious escalation, the consequences of which could be world war 3 on board and secretly gave you
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friend permission to strike inside of russia with us weapons. an escalation that could lead us to direct will with russia know totally does the job. i didn't have dimensions, he's insane. the west should be pursuing peace, not world war on me while back in europe, the germans, the french, and the polls are all falling all over each other to give permission to use their weapons across the border. and alicia were given the reality that ukrainian drones have been bombing place like moscow corps and crowds another someone should really be given these guys a geography less, a little less exact. and although we're staying exactly within the same framework, we think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired. and basically, the military sites from which you crane is attacked within the several countries, including germany, have reached clear agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory. few of them most competent
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to them, because we always weapons that we're transferring to ukraine to not have any use restrictions. the greetings can fight the way they want, and i think this is a very, very important aspect of this donation mode. again, the crane can use what we have transferred, including beyond explode as that is for purposes in russia. if it complies with international law that i'm approved himself recently spelled out the reality when it comes to price capacity to wage war beyond its borders. so basically those who have one, elizabeth, which nettles eventually then this type precision long range weapons cannot be launched without using space recognizance. in addition, the final target choice and the so called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this technical intelligence who is doing this. this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems to ukraine. the scan and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration and are automatically brought to the if we had calculations. so this task is being prepared
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not by ukrainian service men, but by representatives of nato countries. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that this is as a rule, a states with a small territory and a very dense population. and this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. this is a serious matter, and we are of course, watching it very carefully that i shut the se, so as lot of my uprooting on lines, the west, that escalation can run both ways. thankfully, there seems to be at least some voices of reason left in europe. and as usual, those voices have hung, gary axes, chanel, one of the hostile creates. we did not create such a mission, let's say a nato. you great mission. by interfering in the military conflict outside and they tow territory and creating a world war threats with this, it is upset that nato, in order to protect us with trap us as a member of states in the world war. this is just as absurd as if
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a 5 and decides to put out a file with a tool suit meals. when do we think that with all these proposals and all these ideas, nato will always take a new and ever greater step in the direction of entering this war. 2 and a half years ago, we decided together that nato cannot be a part of this war. and it is not allowed to have a direct confrontation between nato and russia. well, now nato is getting closer and closer to a direct confrontation, not only politically, but also physically. what seems that the western political leads prolonging this conflict, see only one roof 4th. and despite the risks of a wider war in europe, that route is escalation. unfortunately, it seems that while there is a single ukrainian left standing to do their bidding, they intend to keep the fires of war burning at the us politics. now donald trump says he's political arrival, joe biden, personally pushed for him to be convicted just months before the presidential
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election. trump was found guilty of falsifying business records and the so called costs money trial in new york. he claims the entire case was rate. if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. and we have a president and a group of fascist. don't want to do it and think about it, it's a rig. it was a rig trial. we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge change, we wanted to judge it was in conflicted you. so what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side, they were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel, but he's really a devil. that's how the american system of justice works. as reckless is dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg, just because they don't like the verdict. well, we're here on 5th avenue in manhattan in front of trump tower, where there are hundreds,
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possibly thousands of people gather the bulk of whom are trump supporters, and they see this as a miscarriage of justice. now that the reaction to the trial from many people is to call this blake pollute us ization of the us legal system. many are pointing out, for example, that falsifying business records is generally a misdemeanor and not a felony. however, in this case, they made it a felony and donald trump was convicted on $34.00 accounts of it. here's some of the reaction to donald trump's conviction. indeed, great damage was done today to the public's face in the american legal system. if a former present can be criminal, convicted, or such a trivial matter motivated by politics rather than justice, then any one is at risk of a similar fate. today is a shameful day in american history. democrats cheat as they can and because the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges predicate on the testimony of it is bought convicted felon. this was a political exercise,
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not the legal one. they will have a nice ation of all just the system has been the whole mike of a bite and administration. this was a sham show trial. the kangaroo, cool, cool, never stand on appeal. americans deserve better than a sitting us president. what the noise thing, our justice system against the political opponent will to win an election. now it's also important to know that the charges stem from an alleged payment of a $130000.00 to porn stars, nor mcdaniels. it's alleged that parsimony there, calling it was paid to the former pornographic film star and exchange for her not saying things about the former president. now it's worth noting that uh that itself is not a crime. the crime would be what he was convicted of was falsifying business records . many of noted that paula jones was paid over $850000.00 by bill clinton.
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in the aftermath of law suits for allegations of sexual misconduct. and bill clinton was never charged for that, and that was not considered a crime, but there are bigger legal questions about the case. for example, the jury was told they did not have to agree what crime donald trump had actually committed. they did not have to be unanimous on what crime the president had committed, but as long as they agreed he was guilty of something, their verdict would be considered unanimous. and that raises a lot of questions about how the judge carried out the trial. and the instructions given to the jury. donald trump has been found guilty on all $34.00 charges and his hash money a trial. and here the judge is telling them they don't have to agree about what the other crime is under circumstances where that not only is what makes this a felony. people are also raising questions about why the judge did not prove via the jurors with copies of their instructions. while they deliberated and determined that donald trump was guilty. they were instead told they could ask the judge to read the instructions again. but they were not given written copies of the
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instructions about what they were intended to do, and how they were contented to rule on the case. and that is something that legal scholars also have. questions about this is insanity. i have tried many jury trials in my day. you give jurors paper instructions every time. how are 12 jurors supposed to remember the elements and necessary for each of the $34.00 felony counts? this isn't listed which one to prosecution. now at this point, people are wondering what this means for the upcoming us presidential election. donald trump is the presumed anomaly of the republican party, but the question is, will he be able to run a presidential campaign? his sentence thing is that for july 11, he could receive up to 4 years for each count that he is convicted of up to a 136 years in prison for falsifying business records,
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filing paper work incorrectly. people are looking at this case and saying, what comes next? this is certainly unprecedented in american politics. never has a former president of the united states been convicted of a felony. what we've been hearing saw must you might expect divided opinions and don't know the drums. criminal case, as well as his bid to return to the white house from locals in new york. a means earnest money, honest madison, honest media, honest selections, honest energy, honest education. now i don't know what they're thinking all over the world. but the thinking we have a look for a country is crazy. you know, that whole world is looking at us saying, what's going on over there in america, the greatest country in the world. and, you know, not too happy with it. you know, i mean, how dare them take a president and, and do this to my next president. i would hope people who are paying attention realize that a felony kind of votes and most is felons gone vote. are we ever know how to sell
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or possibly have a fell on it does? is it just a system stuff with other people in jail on, on the, on the door, the book on board when a fellow is in charge of the system, it makes no sense. so when the us president bind them, was asked by jointly as to whether it's strong could be considered a political prisoner to reply by simply showing a big green on his face. take a look mister president, can you tell us? or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner and blame you directly. what's your response to that, sir? now mind calling you and i know neil previously this across the issue of trumps conviction that these impacts on the incoming us presidential election with a panel of guests. this charge was it originally reviewed by the federal government, the department of justice. and they said no way, we're going to charge him with voter fraud for having a woman to sign
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a non disclosure agreement. this isn't voter fraud, then the southern district of new york, the us attorney's office said, we're not gonna charge this. then the predecessor sideband, the district attorney said, we're not gonna charge this alvin bright. the current buy's proud of the district attorney said, we're not going to charge this. and then as soon as trump started to go up in the pony, they reconsidered it. and this is the forward hand them for criminal prosecution . in addition to civil cases, he is i pharaoh, he is an absolute. he has created the trumpet jug or not. they have been paged him twice. they could, if there is a way for them to declare him pregnant or in alien they wouldn't do this. he's charges me nothing. he is going to march to re election. he will not be in prison. he will not spend 30 seconds in jail and,
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and convicted felons can vote after having their civil rights restored. this meetings nothing. it's not just in time to get them off the ballot, right. it's also an attempt to deplete campaign funds or funds that could go towards a campaign. it's trying to use a legal system in a political manner. the political border will opponent, right, which, you know lost there. exactly. it's, and they've been doing this to him for years, and he's only been growing more popular. the democrats fundamentally do not understand why trump is popular with me. i'm not even a true guy. right. but i, i gross that the image of him against the establishment is what makes him popular. people like that he's the, is to be standing up to something that these incur are correct and see as fundamentally corrupt. it is like post conviction speech. he said that we're living in a bunch of state and he is not for, you know, we're talking with
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a guy who built casinos in atlantic city skyscrapers in new york in the 19 seventy's, when most businesses involved the run, the mob. there's allegations that he was involved with them. it's more probable than not, is it? not that he just didn't pay off a port store to keep quiet that part of both their history, but will not actually have any influence on peoples both going forward. donald trump will discharge with 34 count separate out of defrauding the motor public ostensibly. and i'm trying to say that it's in the, in the light most favorable to the prosecutor here. but i'm trying to say it has to be fair. and if that makes any sense to you, congratulations, other than the jury, you're the only one that understands this. i don't understand. where does this leave the country on the global sense? because you've got washington always trying to preach democracy, freedom of speech to others. they've got
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a case to answer to is just making noise more and more of a laughing stock on the world stage as our genuine objective power we have that. right? so we in the dollar in making sure other countries trade in it is dwindling anyway . so just to sort of turn our, our justice system into part of this cloud show that is our general presidential elections every 4 years is just adding fuel to the buyer. what done on the tom junior, son of the former us president shared his thoughts on that. in an interview with american journalists tucker coffin, tom junior said that the criminal case has actually strengthened his father's determination to be re elected. that they want to put my father in jail for, you know, upwards of a 100 years, depending on how you look at it. and that's never been done before. and these things, it's pure and simple. political prosecution, honestly the stuff that they've done to my father or family,
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what perhaps is the most important thing to happen to america and recent history, and that it's expose just how bad it is. so you think i think it was and hide from it any more. i would say it's actually strengthened his results. i think he raised more money in the hours after the verdict in anyone's ever raised how much you raise. i've so work. i think $38000000.00 that and you know, in the 1st couple hours, a small dollar donors and then there was a bunch of big dollar donor stuff. that's what's interesting. i mean there's, there are tech vc guys, respect a guys that you feel are donors and even probably by and donors. i like okay, i've seen enough move all the us continues to be slipped off the pro palestinian demonstrations protest us forced the way into a major odd museum in new york, bringing attention to the course of the call for and and to genocide in gaza. oh
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wow. the raleigh descended into valid clashes with a police protest as expressed their outrage and called for right ends. do these really attacks on the policy and region. some of them broke into the museum where they own for that as intended slogan. several participants were arrested by pro policy and demonstrations of also the rock did throughout the muslim world in yemen, bangladesh and indonesia, mass demonstrations were held in solidarity with the people of gazda protest as waves policy and slides,
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and called for an end to jen to do to the genocide we've heard from some of the demonstrators about enough, but i'm boy, women and children, even when they were comes and russell, which was considered safe and close to egypt, was suffering from ease rose at tax. how could you not become so sad if you see women and children so severely suffering because of these rules aggression the, if you don't have to be muslim to this on palestine, if you see what is happening in palestine, when i see what is happening there, i imagine what did that happen to my own family, my mother, my brother or sister. so i'm here now to keep voice in support for palestine or the knob. we are here in solidarity with the people of palestine. we won't get tired, we will remain stead fast, like the heroes and gaza against the aggressors. we're showing solidarity with them . that's the least we can do for god and for the palestinian people. to now use rel,
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has continued it's offensive into southern gas at the spot or just by the international court of justice for to hold the operation. a former chief of staff of the united states department of lawrence wilkerson sides of washington, his company sits in the idea of in destruction of the finest union city over offer . his comments will be both cost in full throughout the day. and the latest episode of golding on the ground with a host option rough time. see for now here is a preview. as regards the may, the 15th, the, another $1000000000.00 of us public money sent in net and yahoo! does he facilitate this? all the cost and roughly of course he did, everyone who's completed it as facilitated from president joseph biden, down to the lowest member of the united states government, who now has not walked out and resigned in shame and anger over the policy. um,
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goes back up just for a minute. if you look at what is happening in the i, c, j m, the i c c. we're seeing the 1st display of more or less balanced international justice. in the past the i c. c, basically a captive of the non signatory power of the united states. only would i have to black people in africa. and then when the balkans erupted, they went after their 1st white people right above the garage. it can sold it on milosevic, but still going after people that the c i, a and the united states declared their enemies. now suddenly they've grown up now suddenly they've got a pair of components. now suddenly they are actually doing an international justice and look at what the great bastion of international justice here to for has said about that. we haven't even had congress members who would call in the family and members of the i, c. c. and threatened them. this is not the way a hagerman or decent country or
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a country interested in its reputation and future acts as a way of country acts that is lost and building the rest of the world like the brakes, for example, into a balancing entity to take care of it and mark my words that will happen the and talking big democracy now a big day for india has the country 6 week election reduce its final day of voting . the counting is expected to finish on tuesday. maybe at 57 districts are going to the polls today to elect more than 500 members of the d as low a house of parliament for 5 year tubs. india has nearly one being eligible voters, and that's more than 10 percent of the world's population. the election is being held and 7 stages with incumbent front and prime minister and their under moody expected to win
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a 3rd time in office for the final day of the voting. he addressed to indians, calling them to take part in the quote, great festival of democracy. the voting is going to take place today. and the last phase of the parliamentary elections are request all the voters of this phase to participate and through z asked equally in this great festival of democracy. i am confident that our youth and women voters will come forward in record numbers to cast their votes. let us together make our democracy more vibrant, lost can find no fees or forming the 7th fees of fully is being held today. and the 7 states basically in the country, are wanting to elect, $57.00 lawmakers that will be sent to the new house in the fall. and this particular freeze is a very important one. and this could very well decide in which all cool st in elections is really headed in that sense. this fees is very,
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very important. it's no, it's all number game here. now the roots are being gone. i beheld 44543 fall. and once we see some of the magic number here will be 272. that's the top we mark. so any political far see that's doctors 272 will form a government now use nobody's able to, on its own. that's the $272.00 mark. what happens then use is that alliances come in phase, so it really will depend on which faulty is able to either on its own or read it allied crossteck $272.00, mark acosta. what's will be counted on full, on june. and that's when you know a, what are these going to happen to the top box e led by noting to moody is confident of winning to be off every 4 fall among the seats in the country. so an old one will mean majority is what the heart huge on top aki has been saying, in fact, one of the campaign slogan this time has been,
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is bob char so far? which is n t, john speeds to the we would cross more than full hundreds the so a bigger majority than what it's called in 2014 and then in 2019. what is that true? is that what will happen? that's something of course we'd have to wait and watch, but the india aligns sure. has the bill or position in india to d off to the boiling is done so around 6 pm local time. there will be exit full. that will be the bed that will have to look out for and this is what the local channels usually do. they do tie ops and they do example the f one also get them wrong but won't be we'll have to see is a boiler full, which means um you, you collect all the exit polls and see which way the trend is moving. so we, in this ends to was the evening,
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have an idea as to what really we can expect on the 4th of june. the by that's the big this, our asset least you, again, in about 30 minutes with more updates. you get the, it needs to come to the rushing state. never as tight as on the phone in the most sense, community best. most all sense of the consumer must be the one else holes. question about this,
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russia to day and supports the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the said, this is steven cliff, which is the the, it is not an understatement to say that the eyes of the world are on guys. more than 35000 people have been killed there since the start of hostilities on october
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