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tv   News  RT  June 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the the if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. and we have a president and a group of fascist. i don't want to do anything about it. donald trump playing says cool conviction was personally or straightened. find president, finding in an effort to stop by his re election that we get reaction from the grounds. punch is crazy. you know that whole world is looking at a thing. what's going on over there in america, the greatest country in the world? are we ever know how to possibly have a cell on it does? is it just a system the other people in jail elections over in south africa and with 99 percent of the vote counted the applicant, national. congress stands to lose its majority in parliament for the 1st time in 30 years. plus, as russia says, it expects the taliban to form
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a legitimate government. we have from the reading groups, political chief being chantelle, who says, i've done this. don is finally developing as a compass to the legacy of the nature of invasion industry. is it subject we have initiated and come in so many industries compared to the 20 years under application b r o for right now has more weight and more. he gets the welcome to the names out here and on to international as we course across the world to bring you the stories that you need tonight. thanks very much for joining it. we're going to start now with the claims we do. will trump that his porch
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conviction this week in new york was a direct attend by president? by though to torpedo his run at the white house, trump was found guilty of falsifying business records in the so called cash money trial. now he says the entire case was waked. if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. and we have a president and a group of fascist. i don't want to do anything about it. it's a rig. it was a rig trial. we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge judge, we wanted to judge it wasn't conflicted. you saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side. they were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel, but he's really a devil. that's how the american system of justice works as reckless is dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg,
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just because they don't like the verdict. well, we're here on 5th avenue in manhattan in front of trump tower, where there are hundreds, possibly thousands of people gather the bulk of whom are trump supporters, and they see this as a miscarriage of justice. now that the reaction to the trial from many people is to call this blake pollute us ization of the us legal system. many are pointing out, for example, that falsifying business records is generally a misdemeanor and not a felony. however, in this case, they made it a felony and donald trump was convicted on $34.00 accounts of it. here's some of the reaction to donald trump's conviction. indeed, great damage was done today to the public's facing the american legal system. if a former president can be criminally convicted, or such a trivial matter motivated by politics rather than justice, then any one is at risk of a similar fate. today is a shameful day in american history. democrats cheat as they can and because the
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leader of the opposing party, on ridiculous charges predicated on the testimony of ladies bought convicted felon . this was a political exercise, not the legal one, the weaponized nation of all just the system has been the whole mike of a bite and administration. this was a sham show trial. the kangaroo, cool, never stand on appeal. americans deserves better than assisting us president what the noise thing our justice system against the political opponent will to win an election. now it's also important to know that the charges stem from an alleged payments of a $130000.00 to porn stars, nor mcdaniels. it's alleged that parsimony there, calling it was paid to the former pornographic film star and exchange for her not saying things about the former president. now it's worth noting that uh that itself is not a crime. the crime would be what he was convicted of was falsifying business records . many of noted that paula jones was paid over $850000.00 by bill clinton.
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in the aftermath of law suits for allegations of sexual misconduct. and bill clinton was never charged for that, and that was not considered a crime, but there are bigger legal questions about the case. for example, the jury was told they did not have to agree what crime donald trump had actually committed. they did not have to be unanimous on what crime the president had committed, but as long as they agreed he was guilty of something, their verdict would be considered unanimous. and that raises a lot of questions about how the judge carried out the trial. and the instructions given to the jury. donald trump has been found guilty on all $34.00 charges and his hash money a trial. and here the judge is telling them they don't have to agree about what the other crime is under circumstances where that not only is what makes this a felony. people are also raising questions about why the judge did not pro, via the jurors with copies of their instructions. while they deliberated and
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determined that donald trump was guilty, they were instead told they could ask the judge to read the instructions again. but they were not given written copies of the instructions about what they were intended to do, and how they were contented to rule on the case. and that is something that legal scholars also have. questions about this is insanity. i've tried many jury trials in my day. you give jurors paper instructions every time. how are 12 jurors supposed to remember the elements and necessary for each of the $34.00 felony counts? this isn't listed which one to prosecution. now at this point, people are wondering what this means for the upcoming us presidential election. donald trump is the presumed anomaly of the republican party, but the question is, will he be able to run a presidential campaign? his sentence thing is that for july 11, he could receive up to 4 years for each count that he was convicted of up to
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a 136 years in prison for falsifying business records, filing paper work incorrectly. people are looking at this case and saying, what comes next? this is certainly unprecedented in american politics. never has a former president of the united states been convicted of a felony. what we took through the streets of new york to gauge reaction to trump's conviction. what that might mean, he's a time to get back behind the desk in the oval office. it means honest money. honest. madison's honest media, honest selections, honest energy, honest education. now i don't know what they're thinking all over the world, but they're thinking we have a look for a country is crazy. you know, that whole world is looking at us saying, what's going on over there in america, the greatest country in the world. and, you know, not too happy with it, you know, i mean, how dare them take a president and, and do this to my next president. i would hope people who are paying attention realize that i fell on kind of votes in most states,
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felons convo. we ever know how to fill up possibly have a fell on it as is it just a system stuff? what's the other people in jail on, on the, on the door, the book on board when a fellow is in charge of the system, it makes no sense. well, joe biden couldn't hide his smile. it's a white task press briefing. perhaps that said a lot about the presence thoughts on his wife holes conviction. mister president, can you tell us? or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response to that, sir? well the american legal on last line all told us the trumps cases both hard to understand and relax accidents, which surprisingly didn't bull the single jura, normally a case is very simple. i sold documents, i committed it. espionage,
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i committed murder. i. i robbed some one very simple victim. who was the victim here? i guess the people of new york maybe or the citizens. why would they make too much? because they weren't given the full story. i'm a lawyer. i think lawyers would have helped if i origin or whether it's donald trump or not if you blindfolded me. and so what do you think of this? i would say i would find them not guilty. why? because i don't understand where the crime is. what happened? what did he do? i don't understand. but this jury 34 count said guilty. if one you're one you're said no. i don't. i don't know about this. i'm going to vote not guilty. it would have been a hung jury for a mistrial. the case wouldn't have been discontinued, and it would,
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it had to be re tried again. just one. you're out of 12. not one. you're add one, a reasonable doubt. o birth, 34 pounds of the most visiting teen. hard to understand statues. i have ever heard this case was originally brought before the federal elections commission. this is the federal agency and charged with a charged with with the investigating these. they declined to prosecute. the said there is nothing in the southern district of new york, the united states attorney's office, the federal government. this you said, we don't want to charge him either. there's nothing here. the initial district attorney, the predecessor to the current district attorney, said, i'm not gonna charge you. there's nothing here of the current district attorney who
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charged him before said, i don't want to charge him. there is nothing here. but he changed his mind why? maybe because trump was doing better in the polls, i don't know. but all of a sudden he said, you know what, i changed my mind if this were anybody else, what would happen? this was donald trump. and on 3 of really 4 different cases, they declined to prosecute. that's headed over to south africa now, where the african national congress policy is on track police. it's majority in parliament for the 1st time in 15 years. this is, according to the preliminary results, the well with the 99 percent of the ballots come to the amc has secured around 40 percent of the votes. that number though is quite a drop from 2019 when it goes 57 percent to the 3rd. now,
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without the majority in parliament b, n c will have to form a coalition government with other policies to pass any legislation. meanwhile, south africa's electoral commission, who said that it was to rush through the final stage of attempting evidently you, you are aware that the correlation process is m n. d. nearing completion. as you know, as you can see from the lead up bought at the process is over 9 to 9 percent best part of finalizing the results management process. the commission wishes to i shaw this nation and everyone else that is following our elections. indeed, that we continue to place priority on the finalization of the this results in a tron spot. and then on lead man, we are not going to rush. we're not going to over look anything we are going to
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watch. busy m. s, we look at every area of the work that is before us let's course now to all correspond to deliver your code. okay, thanks for joining us. we just take us through what we know about the preliminary results and the selection, which would be fairly surprising. the close of africa isn't closer to the final election results. announcements with accounting off of national vote. now to serve a 9 to 9 percent, but the i e. c is unlikely to announce the results. um, today it is dealing with objections from civil political parties and those mainly the big parties and some smaller ones. the amc and the family as part of those raising concerns. i'm with the i, you see over accounting inconsistencies. the commission is the processing. it says it is processing the addictions and it also says it will release results once
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they've been addressed. now because the n c is standing at just over 40 percent off the national vote losing its majority, the parts you will be forced to form a coalition government. it did brace floyd, disappointing outcome, predicted by polls before the election on wednesday. but the final results are even more depressing. this now changes the whole political landscape and system off the south african nation. but just quickly, democratic alliance is the standing around. i'm 21 percent of the votes of the newly formed m k party. i'm the phone to buy for my present jacobs, do my at just around 14 percent of the vote in the 1st election. that is eva contested, and then we also have the economy freedom scientists, which is also standing in 4th place, which is over 9 percent of the vote and will then 50 percent. uh uh, 50 parts as well. the contest it in these. the next is
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a menu of them winning tiny says, but the city may know position parties that i've just mentioned appear to be the most obvious before the applicant, national congress to approach when it comes to some sort of coalition. so far we've heard the d a d to tones dnas, and thing he's party is open to discussing with the applicant, national congress. even if, if need to, to, to some of them are there, made it clear that if there was a policy that he wouldn't mind working with is the african national congress. and just yesterday, the empty part, you said one of the conditions, what any agreement was that i'm president, i'm a pull us that is removed as is you need to and president from those kinds of statements. now we can see the personal political battle between for my present jacob zoom and kind of presidents that i'm opposed to protecting from those numbers i'm human empty party has really damaged the applicant, national congress in the national and provincial elections. and experts say that
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the reason behind that is because of the pots in those days, the 2, well, the 3 opposition parties to have combined as a combination shit. and they are the multi guy, then the n c's in total, which will make it very difficult to elect to prison, to even a cabinet in the few coming weeks. because the president is elected in parliament, off the national vote, results are announced. and because the, as he has always had a majority since 1994, every president of south africa's since 1994 has been from the starting with former president nelson mandela. it has been almost some sort of a procedure of the last 3 decades before the applicant, national congress, to use this problem into majority to relate to be done as the president of the country, but sitting at just over 40 percent of the votes. this yeah, may not be so simple. i'm sure that there is a lot of discussion going on behind the scenes right now with those results coming
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through. but could you talk me through the reaction within the country itself? well, the reaction on the ground is a bit of a mix back at this point, some, according for a recount off the valid cost in wednesdays. the nixon i'm claiming back to the process is being read and as is the uh saying that the time for talking has eventually come to an end as a society. they need an action in change, and that's exactly what they voted for. but it is put too much divided at this point, but have a listen to some of this that he didn't vote say, because of all are you, does that people before and there were to seems that on look 40 and cause these motions 5, which is what different apply to go for these going to change of if you put into all the hopefully are going to come down and you're going to have a new what is it guided by its own seat. then i met the applied to quite nice. so
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on the 18 his foot wednesdays caught up to the over to quarter and change leaving the angel crap the as over 100. so the bank secure vehicle come to buy expect to see a lot of change cuz like that budget government has a bit of good building. the 1st doctor they gave us. the other thing is that like sort of the font so much advantages now. so that's because view site is not an open question. it has been a he started can nixon when he started results that no one has ever seen before. and that puts, so that's recall on a new political pause before the 1st time since the end of a positive 50 years ago. i have over, thanks for taking me to see that that's all teams new level you can get in south africa for us or posing on those results as they come through the well, russian officials say they expect the tyler bond to create an inclusive government to enough guidance done as part of the ruling groups commitment to international community. what we discussed spot on,
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who with the telephone political office chief in capital during the 3 years. did it show for security all over the country? uh, the countryman can travel from one corner of the country to another day and night and data. uh some uh it kind of some big projects have been launch like push it back. and uh, there is a word to the line to be started. you know, construction upgrade, the line from was backs down to, you know, to get out, you know, another to, to, from the sun to from was back storm. why up? i'm a son to or pack stuff. so i show an industrial sector
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. we have a initiated and come in so many industries and a mid mid assumption of the 6 tests. if you compare that to the frontiers on the patient, the b r o more uh right now has more weight and more in fi gives a lot of interest is important. the by the interest of what i show in a bind, this time, it's important. we should follow that data on many projects, enough money, stuff needs to be resumed in new projects, and i to be initiated. and that is in the interest both of russia in atlanta. so with that, i think of other issues will be solved. it will pay that we part of our confidence
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and that is auction of not. i'm not my relation in various please. if you use it in moving economics, you will, we have the tools and the people to support test the board. the are with us. we are the sorry t with the support of the people so we have to have all the conditions to be nice but you know. ready the some countries they have the ink cartridge kind of more tapes. so that because of that, the, not the nice thing this but the origin of the countries the. ready because they should focus on the national interest on the willingness, true interest, we should to focus on our by like trying to mutual interest and the cooperated indo. have a cooperation. there's a lot in the country because i've done some beautiful be nice. i think that is in
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the interest of a body, some actual original countries. why shouldn't be renting off the other countries, the policies, blue policies, the policy, we should have our own interests, our options. i think that is the idea. at least a couple should then that is we have policies during the commission about punish done. prices had their physicals and visions was about prisons and as some problem, some appointments, some like up running the problems in some, in the north of the countries, we have clear that there is no visible presence of uh, ices. but the idea of, uh, leadership has moved out of outlined some idea of when i organizing attics from them. and i'm finding some, they have not to the, i'm not uh, existing in as
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a group, but maybe as individuals, i know some intelligence agencies have into the infiltrated in the school and they are using them for their political objectives in a mortgage. so i. ready or we are fully committed to uh, to do away with uh, this uh, seat and opinion style. but uh it needs to also enforce from other countries. yeah. they are being recruited. we have uh the uh, being trained and that is uh outside of understand. and i think it's important to, oh, should the proper agent bumper made and the do the other jobs and then it sponsibility industry got the well turning a blind eye to the horror is playing out to these where a jail, this is
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a claim being made by the president of the palestinian prisoners club, the amount on the surface to the police, didn't prison as he's rather jail, is facing the hottest periods in the history of the prison. the movement due to the torture refreshing and the soldiers have caused injuries and fractures to hundreds of them, vacuum patient continues to prevent prisoners from communicating with their children . man and visit, spend read, crush, and access to prisoners in jail, free budgets. starvation policies have led to significant weight loss and one prisoners with a live. it's prison, a losing wage between 20 to subject kilograms the rest of the of a crowd. and in the present moment, even the dimensions, the allocated space for prisoners in each room has been exceeded with room cement for 7 or 8 prisoners. now hold and 12, well, sometimes 14 prisoners prisoners are prevented from going into the prison yard for an hour a day with a red or yellow lines thrown in the yard. and anyone across and these lines results
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in the entire room or section being punished. 2 days ago, at present now was the visits, and he was beaten on his eye and the injury made him blind. there was a really catastrophe inside the prisons while the world remained silent. failing to impose sanctions on the occupation system. let's take a closer look now at the, at some principle which is located in the southern westbank with a 115 policy news, a currently being held now according to the palestinian prison. as a fast authority is rarely sold as a regularly subjecting inmates to abuse and torture. now the. ringback complained about being forced to eat food, but it's contaminated. would it have been be now some present as told of regularly using consciousness due to not only tricia know so a lack of water is written, the opposition and po for cast safe has condemned the brutality and called for the closure of one particular facility. this is the i mean, county and williams,
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the israel, runs the sadistic torture facility for gauze and palestinians. the reports of abuses and depths of detainees, raise suspicions of torture, cruel treatment. and in some cases, serious physical injuries. that's the day to mon torture, prison must be closed immediately and all, detain these hostages and abduct these released. these acts may amount to crimes against humanity and war crimes, and also constitute the serious criminal offenses under as rarely law. well, if it goes, if it goes now, because according to the policy in prison is club since october, but in the westbound cologne, at least $8875.00 people have been detained though this includes 295 women and 300 and 3rd, sorry, 613 children. now israel has not disclosed how many people it's taken into custody
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in gaza, but the number is thought to be in the many thousands. the president of the presidents cup again says it's not just as well to blame for what's been happening. let's get the money up to a real problem is not only with is wrong occupation, but also with those could support these occupations. system family, the united states, and response of the crimes committed by the occupation. it is bad for complicity the u. s. and some west, some countries apartments in base crimes. when the stop supporting the occupation system, i believe the question will change. well, that's what we've had time to squeeze in this style. we will have who are the top of the next one, but do you stay change of this phone here in all t going underground? is that the,
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[000:00:00;00] the option or not? say welcome back to going underground boat crossing all around the world from the u . a where president shakela home and been zaya, and was with chinese president change in bringing badging this week. both like the international community condemn. israel is invasion of roughly enabled by the usa, u. k. and the you, nations, today, voters and fellow bricks member and biggest democracy in the world. india will decide who they want as prime minister in the final stage. i mean, it's 18th general election. i know pac plus meet in vienna to defy us. goal is to
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increase energy output. it's also the anniversary of the 1982 signing of a landmark. i n f nuclear weapons treaty between the us and russia. tune up by the old trump capitalizing a world today where israel, nato and russia, now named check the foreseeable use of nuclear weapons, whether it be in gaza or ukraine. joining me from falls church in virginia in the usa is a former us army officer, if that he is kind of lawrence wilkerson. the teacher stopped by the state department. would you like any blinking up? he adds an unconditional supporter of israel. thank you so much kind of air coming back on burning and beheaded babies in rough or multiple eros, whom is worth of t and t equivalent on garza. and today, the end of us here, the now ended i in f new 3 a treaty. how new is the world to new to use? now of senior senator lindsey graham told me about his rail and nuclear weapons just the other day. congressman said the gaza should be new. so it's interesting
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that you bring up the iron yesterday. it was colin pals greatest, he thought achievement with president reagan when he was national security advisor and deputy. and he said it was the most important new to our weapons. true you all because those weapons were the most dangerous of all. and now we've destroyed the starting with george bush in the abm treaty, which was an on bridal stupid on wise act advocate the treaty. and he did it essentially because the neo conservatives in his government wanted him to. so that one, they can make money off the enormously expensive apparatus associated with the m d . but also because they hated the world as they do every body other than us. and wanted to make sure that in the future they could defend themselves against a new car strike contemplating that they would launch that strike. so that's, that's how dangerous. so eliminating the nav 30 was and for all the others into it


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