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tv   News  RT  June 2, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the, the who is doing this, this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems, the brain, the scan. and it does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. level is incense and a sofa sort of thing. so you clearly assign some on a russian territory, excuse for design, take approval of using the western weapon systems on the road. so as you at present, joe biden approve of the attacks also ahead of western european, an italian within striking and killing in the heart of russian seems very, very dangerous and reckless to be there today is a devotee, 5 minutes, so did alan says cold, so you claim the russian territory the you find themselves i'm, it is
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a types of stuff, big consequences. the nation has finished with 99 percent of the votes, counted the african national co with the us and lose it's majority and follow them in the 1st time in the year. the wanting to see the tim powers as please re come crowds of thousands of princesses denounced. the current is really offensive interest at gym. rafa the gaza desktop has above 36000 since the stock, the idea of operation positive the hello on the welcome to all season i. so will crossing live up from last thursday. we're looking at the story, the shape literally, and the latest news at the life of the ukraine,
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and need to exercise caution in the discussion about in maybe native pools is so launch strikes under less than 30 now that's according to the russian president on the list of what which nettles are basically then you might precision was long range weapons, custom cannot be launched without using space recognizance. in addition, the final target choice and the so called flight mission, but it can only be made by highly qualified specialist based on this technical intelligence doing it was who is doing this. this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems to ukraine. the scan and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration here. and there are automatic my brought to the appropriate calculations. is this task is being prepared not by ukrainian service men, but by representatives of nato countries. but these representatives of nato
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countries, especially in your or something else. they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. how many they should remember that they see some of them as a rule when you have a state with a small territories and a very dense population when you much to and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory, this is a serious matter, and we are of course, watching it very carefully got through. it's a new brain screwing so device. so routing to is a possible use of west of the almost a stripe or russian tennessee is gaining momentum. so the file 11 countries have given you find the go ahead to use the weapons for such attacks. now among them some of the key version vocal samples of poland, frogs kind of the and the u. k. the discussion was initiated by the native chief and stuff. however, it showed how divided units, opinion, only ukraine confidences. some even labeled to still to bug his narrative,
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dangerous cyclists. i suppose you know that this man is dangerous because he talks about the 3rd world war. his talk of western european and italian weapons striking and killing in the heart of russia seems very, very dangerous and reckless to me. so whoever can should stop in detail, my phone, phone, the cry point, we're not going to let our children and our knowledge be transported to the ukranian front. they don't consider themselves responsible for anything. they don't listen to anyone. they step over you. they don't care about you or your life, the sudden say, natalie, this map shows that you green is being attacked from bases located in russia. we think that we should allow ukraine to neutralize the 2 sites from which these files are fired. if we're talking about statements, but yeah, and still some burgers, someone else, but ukraine could use weapons that are supplied to it from abroad. i think this is completely logical. now let's take a look at the also the inquiry and have access to and just how far those weapons
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kind of strike inside of brush it out. 3 sides of those west and supplied munitions, kind of hit thomas less than $100.00 kilometres inside rush. i potentially reaching the cities of domestic and belgrade. the next group includes real quick bones. i'm new way these from the us and the you add port to the basic leads up to 300 kilometers. you can see here in the orange. now they include the industrial cities, all the small ends and to the box, the long range, 300 to 550 kilometers within russia and potentially hitting the capital of moscow. now, the u. k. frosts supply these themselves and have supported potential attacks on russia. washington has also admitted it gave approval for keys the,
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there's weapons against russian territory. over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against the russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. uh and that went right to the president and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that. for that purpose and going forward. we'll continue to do what we've been doing, which is as necessary, adapt and adjust. and that, as i said, has been a hallmark of our engagement. it will continue to be while the country is all now openly discussing authorization for you for and dislike russian 30. well, if it says that the west western may has already been used for starts effects, why? case tools as for quite some time to them to in general,
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american made weapons are already being used and attempted strikes on russian territory. but of course, it is more than eloquent evidence of the extent of the united states involvement in this conflict. there is also an absolute build up of pro war sentiment in the you. they are deliberately full mentoring, pre war hysteria. but all of this of course, cannot but have a very negative impact on the overall situations of tensions continue to escalate to the course as it was all vs the nato members were lying and putting up a smoke screen making up a story that they had not yet decided whether or not to allow the key of regime to launch strikes using western weapons on russian territory in the same way they mislead those day. trying to drag to the conference in switzerland by telling tales about his peaceful settlement, classic native style manipulation. but at least with full the us turing cool intelligence of the score with a he said that washington is an active participant in the inquiry and complex. and
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should be careful as the us itself will have to face the consequences of his actions. it is clear that somebody in washington dc, once russia to know that the united states has greenlit ukraine, using american supplied weapons to strike targets inside russia. the pentagon can deny this all they want, but the fact is, the pentagon needs to answer several questions. how is the targeting the information that is used to support and attack them's missile attack on a russian target? how is that programmed into the attack them to miss? does ukraine have its own network of satellites overhead that are collecting the various photograph and the signals intelligence related data that is used to create discharge the information? know the answer is no. you great doesn't have that. so who does it's the united states who operates the satellite to tasks the satellites?
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where does this information come down from the satellite on the ground? is there a satellite receiving station in ukraine? probably not. it's probably located on nato territory. who mans this americans or ukrainians? probably americans who is responsible for sending this data into ukraine. the united states. this is data sent in a secure fashion, or is it set in a secure fashion using cryptology, who controls the cryptology, the united states? the point i've tried to make is that the united states controls every aspect of the information that used to create the targeting package is put into the attack and dismissal this so that the only role ukraine plays in this entire sorted screen is to push the button to launch is the missile, every other aspect of this missile, the manufacturer of dismissal, the charge gm dismissal. everything is done by the united states. the united states is that more with russia? it started to be honest about this. do united states?
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is it more with russia now? what is rush you're going do about that? and that's the question that you'd scare every single person on this planet, russian, american, european, a, like, thoughts up in june. yeah. and that's the son of the former us president side of his thoughts in an interview with american does a type of costs and drunkenness, said the us is on the break. world war 3 against the world's largest nuclear soup, about, i noticed, articulated what is victory in your brain look like. i don't know what it means, like, i don't give you just like perpetual depth of ukrainians and russians until they're all wiped out. and you know, black rock comes in there and takes over all the farm land. i mean, is, is that what it is? because, i mean, they're going to, they're already selling off language. they own ukraine to foreign investors and they will flood ukraine with 3rd world. immigrants and ukraine will not exist in 50 years. they'll be no use training and nation name,
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a metric where we're better off 100 kilobytes. you know, where we're on the brink of, you know, world war 3 with the world's largest nuclear super power by volume of nuclear capable, you know, ballistic missile. so i know we're going to keep funding that we, we're okay in uh, you know, a guy that was a former like weirdo actor to send us made missiles into rush of provoking that i guess. and maybe that's what it is. maybe that's the next distraction, right? well, so south africa per literally and election results indicate that the african nations called this policy is expected to lose is majority in parliament for the 1st time incident to use the regulatory commission of south africa to full set around $28000000.00 eligible voters have registered to vote in the race of the made opposition, democratic a lion, this policy and the ruling african national congress,
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also known as the amc. now while the newly formed m k policy and that's headed by former south african president, jacob mozilla, is taking control of a sudden provence. is that what 9 see? 9 percent of the box counted. the amc has secured about 40 percent of the now that number is quite a drop from 29 to when they just when they got 57 percent now with democratic allies has received every one for every fish, both while the entertain policy receives a one every 6 votes with that majority in parliament, the ac, we'll have to form a coalition government with other policies to pass legislation. while some of this and policies are now looking for such corporation. the democratic alliance also prevent the amc will stay empower. we have got a lot of work to do to prevent students they coalition without going into anything
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that are doing the d a. and so our job is to make sure that they put south africa 1st. and of course, it is mean south africa's interest for the d and to go out of business settled. so we go to look at the rolling towards the next election. but we have to protect all the states. so that are the following present jacobs who my has reiterated allegations about the presidency. discrepancies i beg your pardon and the vote cannot. earlier his policies, especially for the inside the organization, was considering seeking a re boat. however, the congress and toiled commission as denied any irregularities in the balance also and political comments as a team have. it says that a complete due of would be a dramatic event for the 1st time, the agency will not be in governance as the majority party. and they being forced to entertain the option of conditions with the other political parties.
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a position will be the worries about that to put being expressed about the election and the process of coming from jacobs. the man i think must be taken very seriously . first, the people so difficult has a very good reputation, not only on the continent, but the world wide as best didn't of democracy as a country that on those elections. and has the star key held frequency elections. but jacob seamless in japan, she is mostly known in objecting to the election results of being bored cost. there's been a school of objections from 20 political parties, the most serious scenario, or is that the has to be a complete re reimbursing and who knows what that that would bring. i think that would be a very dramatic outcome. and i think that should be avoided unless the areas are the, it was a concern, a so serious that they demand to compete,
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rerun of the eviction which would just delay produce and also possibly create some instability, which is certainly something that south africa can't afford rock not to use the economically or socially the web files is have taken to the feed some powers to cool out the ongoing is really offensive and rather rough uh, big about southern goes down. the protests is with met with a fast response from the police. a good result is it to gas and rubber, but as a beta to dispose of the gathering, which only swanson will buy that from the cloud. but this is to this is it shows so a balance you in products. so i have this civilians are facing the front of is really offensive. this is also the idea of operation more than 36000 policy is been
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killed in gosh, both of us have gripped as well as well. i'm thousands of people's hit the streets of 10 of the calling for the renewal of prime minister netanyahu and his government . the, the both sides moving against these are the p. m is grown and the last few months of public opinion on the government still have to do for the problem. they can go the 50 secretly, around the issue of hostages. people will seen waving is very 5 and holding files that said things like nothing. yeah. is the quote and many of as well wow to southern god, the south of other with the last function of the hospital in rafa is going out of service is what has confirmed is both is are expanding ground operations and it's all good units with small food incense
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a rough up for the 1st time since it entered the city of this month. now we've got the latest and a phone call with a jealous. i'll come out with a product. let's take this most of the size and indications, including the number of people in the number of neighborhoods fabricate the location of those neighborhoods are in the case of, of the fact that the, this opener's and is a full scale of orders and targeting the entirety of rough with an objective of control into the whole area. the number of people in the quality of target, the location of the different target, feed them on the east, or the west, or the south, or the north of rough or are, or in the case of, or they all for 10. that there's any profession as a way of doing a full scale of others and with an objective of control in the whole area of problem, right? not only different identity or phone for a quarter door sonata. every single car, not over there is only different sources have been underlining the fact that once 3 d months or so days are the government is the security of the citizens. they have
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been justified and they have been using this is always the weapons being the marketing smuggling to from the front border as a pretext to continue the production. they are now a now since they have already fully controlled from that insightful door. and they said by that they are preventing the smuggling of dual funds into gaza. so far, they are preferred to continue with the 5 even when the usa and the, with the euro. and with also some of the power through the sizing that to move. but they seem to be continuum that and they seem to be defending their position by saying that they are cutting the line supply of the arms by doing that and old and does a sense of it is re sending to the homes only to find ruins instead of their apartments. that's also the idea of withdrew from the la following on the 2 week invasion. one of the residents present the remaining 5 minutes on both i miss
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the had. this is our apartment. it's been, my cell has put a barriers so that we can be here. how do these really all of it has done a lot of damage, destroyed streets and buildings. none of the homes are intact. they will lie the bones of band. this room is all ash and then the bowls collapsed under another box of hot assignment. livelihoods of local farmers in the west bank has been built a massive blow off the region. 5 devastated the cups in northern jordan valley. however, the air is regularly useful is really immensely drills. questions are being raised as to whether this was in fact a natural. there's also, i'd say is where if i'm not sure to pick up the story, a magazine, a palestinian farmer, steps carefully. so the ashes as he inspects his fields last week's fire 8, around 170000 square meters of his communities, land destroying vital crops. all these,
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all which do you see how it is all done were planted annually harvested and use it for making bread and seen it. i was cheap and livestock vc, it was old, burned in the field, so no one will benefit from it. the inside agricultural season was last the cost of seats pesticides, and the entire season was lost. mazda did recalls how the fire started, and such dry weather with temperatures reaching 40 degrees celsius, with the gross easily ignites. the strong winds typical of this region quickly fanned the flames, causing the fire to spread rapidly. mosley believes the fire was parked by israeli military trails conducted as a nearby army base in the southern a feature that was sold just trading in this area. and that was shooting small crows immediately, and 5 started spread into the agricultural lands and pastures defy also rich the military company of the area. and these run the fiber gates and civil defense
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forces and plains immediately arrived to prevent the fire from reaching demetri camps and jewish settlements that these are on this side. one defies, break out. allows defies to expand on the protecting the settlements and military facilities. and the most a novelty is a palestinians farmer living in the occupied west bank, where these really presence is marked by hundreds of jewish settlements and military bases. he believes these fire is on ultimate accidents. that's positive as well as long term strategy. in most of these really use this nature zones, to control these lance and empty them a philistines, all means of pressure and intimidation were used against us and the them, a metric zones, and military training, especially as the and spa materials are held during the dry season, of crops every year, the bonus every year, purposely they don't do exercises. oh yeah. but they focused on the p which one the crops, dried palestinian officials from the to boss government rates responsible for these
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area code the sentiments of local farmers. let me have some of these really occupations did not allow police team and firefighters and trucks to reach the sites. to distinguish these fires, i said frankly, there is no solution because these fire started by do a condition in the jordan valley? are part of the program prepared to displace boasting of the families from here. but devastating fire is just one of the dangers posed by the proximity of a military base. common drills leave behind a significant amount of waste contaminating the area, and unexploded devices that are like taking bombs for their locals. just at least mine lives on agricultural land, on the land we cultivate. this has been to us for the people with him. when we way of getting good here in this down for solve it, come yeah. and previously solved. and so show us where detectives gps coordinates. what taken and they were photographed and documented the agent. the police didn't have family here that hasn't had data or wounded due to these training side to the
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highway is one of the many is really military base is scattered across the west bank. this particular one resides in the middle over the area, housing around 350 pounds, being in families for many of them, the daily reality of living near an army, outpost whose fault with numerous friends, the best way they've been living for decades. they have no other place to go home or run to forced to do or live in the shadow of this unsettling neighbor, raven ocean isle t reporting from northern jordan valley to the us. now donald trump says his quote conviction this week in you was a direct and comes by us present, joe biden, to torpedo his one for the white house, the residential nominate. and for the composite, donald trump was convicted of a full so fine business because it says the entire case was ripped. if they can do
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this to me, they can do this to anyone. and we have a president and a group of fascist. i don't want to do anything about it, it's a rig. it was a rig trial. we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge change, we wanted to judge it was in conflicted here. so what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side, they were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel, but he's really a devil. that's how the american system of justice works. as breakfast is dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg, just because they don't like the bird a mess the past become the 1st full, the present in a city to be convicted of a crime. the presiding judge in the case will hand down a sentence next month, and punishment may vary from a fine to fully is presence of each of the 30 full count. now that doesn't
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put, this doesn't put a dent in the republican front runners, residential aspirations. he still meets the us costs and chooses requirements, so hold high office, the smile on joe biden's face as a white house press briefing, spoken volumes about the president's thoughts or his rivals conviction. mister president, can you tell us? or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response to that, sir? tom republicans denounced the guild see verdict as a shy supporters of donald trump said the sudden cold hus. my file, the faf that has a really good faith in democracy and the us legal system. today is a shameful day in the american history. democrats cheat as they can, the because the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges predicated on
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the testimony of a decent, bought convicted felon. this was a political exercise, not the legal one, the what a nice ation of our justice system has been a whole mike of a bite and administration. this was a sham show trial. the kangaroo court will never stand on appeal. americans deserve better than a sitting us president weapon icing our justice system against a political opponents all to win an election. i don't mind calling solid desk. you spoke with the legal allison form, the new jersey. so purely cool judge. i'm going to pull this on. i said the new state statute didn't them all the joys agreement on what the underlying choir ones which ones gave. but she said, is a violation of the us constitution, the president pride and that nothing to do with this case. there is no evidence to support that allegation at all. you know, in america, we have
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a 50 states as well as the federal system. and the state prosecute trail apparatus is independent of the federal system, the decisions as to who the states prosecute and how they prosecute them. and what they charge them with has nothing to do with the president or the federal government. but this prosecution was for a very bizarre crime that only exists in the state of new york. it doesn't exist in any of the other 49 states. the defense should also have challenged the constitutionality of the statute. that is, is this state statute, this new york state statute a violation of the federal constitution? now here's how that would work, and this is what they will try to do on appeal. the federal constitution requires that when the government prosecute you in federal or in state court, you're entitled to know what you're charged with. and you're entitled to know the
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evidence against you. and you can only be convicted if the jury agrees unanimously on all the elements of all the charges. but in this case, the statute permits the jurors to disagree on what the underlying crime was. but because the statute does not require the jurors to agree on what the underlying crime was, or even to tell the judge or the defendant, what the underlying crime was. it is probably defective under the american constitution. that's trump's best argument in my view. so when he woke up friday morning and his wife said, well, what, what were you convicted of yesterday? probably said, i don't know. and he doesn't know when the judge does it know us and i don't know. those of us follow doesn't watch it scrupulously for a living. so no, because this unique,
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new york statute does not require the jury to tell the judge what the underlying crime was. it just requires that the 12 agree that there was some underlying crime is. so the fault here is not with the judge. the fault here is with the statute, with the legislation enacted by the legislature of the state of new york. and when was the statute and ask the a 125 years ago. that's, that was the statute is, and very, very few people fewer than 10 years. so it'd be, wouldn't have been prosecuted under this statute in a 125 years now to house a space where a chinese new no prob, has successfully landed on the fall side of the. now the problem was last almost a month ago and is designed to think that i'm wrong. so i'll move on to move on
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scene side. this will allow researches to compare them with that and this side count above, i'm find out more about the evolution of the luminous service. if everything goes according to plan, the samples will reach us at the end of this month. right? so the afternoon come to the now this week. so just in the central african republic, completed a months long training program, facilitated by russia. all think of a sudden ego couldn't st go. was at the graduation survey. a lot moves until the weekend. the disease of the army of the central african republic is becoming more and more professional. in particular, thanks to the training of russian instructors. now we're heading to the military base in the ring. go to attend the graduation ceremony of central african noncommissioned officers. so when we arrived, the soldiers were gathering on the great ground marching in stem show for them.


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