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tv   News  RT  June 2, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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the the, the african national congress party speech to form a coalition government has to did not with the majority of the national election for the 1st time in 30 years and stories to shape the weak. who is doing this. this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems to your brain. this can and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel . a lot of important says nato facilitates ukrainian strikes on russian territory as keeps forces are being capable of using the weapon weapon system on their own. and that lets us presidential bonding approves of those attacks. also ahead of western european, an italian wiccan, striking and killing in the house of russia seems very,
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very dangerous and reckless to be. italy is deputy of foreign minister as denounces, calls for ukraine to his russian territory. as the you finds itself split, the maids fears of cause traffic consequent, the valid classes have dropped in power ease as please break up. the crowds of thousands of protest as need be now the call and he's very offensive in the city of dropbox. the guy that best old has football, 56000 citizens. this started the idea of operation last year, the continuing coverage of the latest trends shape in the world right now. there's as our team to national i a michael, quite a are now the african national congress body says it will seem to form
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a coalition government after a failed to win a majority in parliament for the 1st time in 30 years. now the electro a commission to set off a g, a reports that around 28000000 eligible vote does have registered to vote. leading the race are the main opposition and democratic alliance party. that's his beth and the routing advocate national congress, also known as the n c a while the newly formed m. k. a party headed by for my son off again. president jacob zuba has taken control of the eastern provinces. all right, now with over 99 percent of the ballots counted b and c has secured about 40 percent of the vote. as you see right there for the point a to 0. now the number is quite a drop from 2019 the one they got to 57 percent in that direction. not the democratic alliance is, has the received a face of the votes with just about 21.77,
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the percent quality m k party. that is the new kid on the block with 14 percent go to 6 all the votes. now with all the majority in parliament b and c will have to form a coalition government with all the parties to pass legislation and see the secretary general says it is already seeking partner. as far as the future coordination, we would have pulled the interest of the people of south africa fast. the plan is use of northwest to us. in this country, it does brought to the stability and all of that. but it is the week of the pip. it is that we love the people and that is what we must accept. what blown but not out was didn't spend. i'm gonna close as the president of the and see. and if you come to us with those 2 months we'll get if you come to us with a do you mind that i'm a pause. i'm a step down as a president,
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that's just not going to after the whole, the secrets she's in the role of the african national congress, freaking them. but do law has also see if that there is nothing to say the rates of off the fault is performance. that the elections for the state so that you will be in c. it has one of the most results in the selection, the results. so a significant decline and in see support from previous evictions. the for the stating that wall of it is um, or rather the all civil effects is the contribution to the decline is supporting the results send a message to the in c and as the is the they wish to send a message to the people of so that's because that they have heard their concerns if the part is failure to secure a 50 percent off before 100 seats and the national assembly as also spock discussions over how it co addition could be formed with smaller parts used to form a government. and under the constitution, a new parliament must convene within 14 days off a final result of being to create the d. a has made it clear that to the trying so
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hard to prevent a coalition with the n c. and they don't see themselves cooperation with the is see to form a coalition government. we have that a lot of work to do to prevent students that alicia without going into anything to do in the d a. and so our job is to assure south africa 1st and of course, it is mean south africa's interest to the and to go out of business that going to move to the next election battery have to predict. so that's kind of economy freedom fighters needed to this millennium has also been heard saying that he's policy will be engaging different political parties on the possibility of a career. listen, i just heard him say that to while they are open to form a coalition government with any political party, the 1st preference is working with the in see we, i every where they may be a because we have our chief, our mission in our lifetime. and that mission was to bring the agency below 50
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percent. we want to work with the agency of the if there's a new policy that we can work with. and where is the agency because and see when compromised is not in the meantime, all of us. so that for kids and the world at large wage confirmation of a historic and mixing outcomes that will dismantle a switch to your african national congress. majority and announcements that will start the clock to form. and you really called us and government and talking breaks right now. fall, remember how strong patel status of the coalition government would indeed have an element of instability. and he explained some potential options for the country leadership. it does concede some level of instability because according to the
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constitution, a government has to be formed within 14 days of the election. and we are now in an interesting space with the potentials and options for different kinds of formations of government. so yes, they can use some into the kind of stability the overall yes. or you can see some options. it can stick to be a minority government, which the constitution allows, but it will be a very weak government. and if any may need the support of a compatible parties involved in the 2nd option, a could be a kind of alliance with a party like the 5th and very small boxes. technically, the amc can form an alliance with the 5th and maybe one or 2 sites parties like the i c and then form a coalition government. another option is a bring in the n k into the dynamic, but that would need
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a kind of negotiations. so those are the immediate options that the agency faces for at this point in time and back to europe. now, the western allies of ukraine need to exercise caution in the discussions about enabling me to force us to long strikes on russian territory. and that's according to the russian president, elizabeth, which nettles eventually this new high precision, long range weapons cannot be launched without using space recognizance. in addition, the final target choice and the so called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this technical intelligence. who is doing this. this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems to ukraine. the scan and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration and are automatically brought to the appropriate calculations. this task is being prepared
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not by ukrainian service men, but by representatives of nato countries. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that this is as a rule est with a small territory, and a very dense population. and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. this is a serious matter, and we are of course, watching it very carefully get through a bit of a debate surrounding keeps possible use of western arms to strike rocks and territories is gaining momentum. so far, 11 countries have given ukraine the go ahead to use the weapons dest thoughts of types among them. you can see the list of countries here, you know, uh, the opponent, friends, canada, u. k. you know, of finland and the list goes on there. that discussion was initiated by may to achieve gen. stilton book, however, showed he divided europe's opinion on,
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make me agree and conflict. how divided the opinion is not something even labeled to start the book and his narrative as dangerous as they can. listen. a business, you know, that this man is dangerous because he talks about the 3rd world war. his talk of western european and italian weapons striking and killing in the heart of russia seems very, very dangerous and reckless to me. so whoever can should stop and then they go to europe is plunged into a war without an estimate of the cost and means necessary to achieve its military objective. this is the most irresponsible thing i've ever seen that get this one so continually this map shows that you green is being attacked from bases located in russia. we think that we should allow your green thing, neutralize the military sites, from which we saw that the fire tv, if we're talking about statements, but yeah, and still some burgers, someone else that you crane could use weapons that are supplied to it from abroad. i think this is completely logical us. now us politicians discuss the escalation of
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the conflict to protest. us marched in the hunger in german capital, speaking out against the natives. role in your trade, particularly the decision to the key of strike russian territories with western weapons. now the 3 types of those western supplied munitions. i'm back in, hey tanya, it's less than 100 kilometers inside of a rushing up potentially reaching the cities of the yes. as an belgrade that you can see in the, in the area that is yellow. but that's, that's the mocking, not the next group that includes the rock, it's bombs and you a fee. so the us of the u. k. m. talk to go as they can reach up to 300 kilometers, you know, into the territory of russia and including the industrial cities of a small esque and canoga. you know, and, but the long range storm shadow crews mess of pose the biggest stress vacant strike up to 550 kilometers within boston,
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potentially hitting the capitol of moscow. and this is how far it could go in the area a bunk red. now that you can funds supply these my cells and as a supported potential attacks on russia, washington has also admitted the gave approval for key f to use its weapons against russian territory. over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and ask for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that. for that purpose and going forward. we'll continue to do what we've been doing, which is as necessary, adapt and adjust. and that, as i said, has been a hallmark of our engagement. it will continue to be and stuff. so it's amanda is
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going to host a summit dedicated to peace talks for ukraine with the absence of russia. china has declined the invitation, saying that the beating would fall short to the world's expectations for efforts to resolve the conflict as the landscape seems to have taken, not the rejection. personally, i've just mean we're not positive about china signal that they will not support and participate in the p summit. it is strange and very painful for us that russia, unfortunately, using china is influence in this region. using chinese diplomats is doing everything to disrupt the piece summit. unfortunately, such a large, independent and powerful country as china, is a tool and put in his hands. while they to a countries are now openly discussing authorization for ukraine to strike russian territory. moscow says that the west and westbury has already be used for thought detached by keeps forces for quite some time. i tell them, tell them, in general,
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american made weapons are already being used and attempted strikes on russian territory. of course, it is more than eloquent evidence of the extent of the united states involvement in this conflict. there is also an absolute build up of pro war sentiment in the you. they are deliberately full mentoring, pre war hysteria. but all of this, of course, can not but have a very negative impact on the overall situations of tensions continue to escalate to the core. it was all vs that the nato members were lying and putting up a smoke screen making up a story that they had not yet decided whether or not to allow the key version to loan strikes using western weapons on russian territory in the same way they mislead those day trying to drive to the conference in switzerland by telling tales about his peaceful settlement, classic nato style manipulation. right, let's cross a live to a natania in the city of palo. have a ty, hey,
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institute and chevron of asia. narrative is nice to have you told me right now. now, 1st of all, let me ask you this. why do you think find out refusing to attend the switzerland piece? some. it was such a critical motto. if was the lensky as well as the landscape is desperate right now, i mean, he, all of the attention has been shifted to gaza. you know, you, 4 days ago he was ordering that his government, people to criticize she and biden, for not attending his peace conference, but it's not a peace conference. it's simply a grandstand, unless you invite the parties who need to be at peace. how can you create peace? this idea that somehow china should be a poster boy for his demands is ridiculous. china has said consistently that it, without russia there, there's no way you can have a peace conference. why is this even being discussed? they've been very polite about it, but um, you know, this is, as i said,
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desperate grand standing at this time and remember, you know, right, this is a situation where zalinski has completely gone a $180.00 degrees. last april. he had a trap with issuing ping, and he was fine with china's neutrality. and he said that consistently only as we get down to this very final wire, hopefully in terms of actually moving towards a piece process. is he trying to insist that people see everything his way? the fact that he's also criticizing biden for this gives you an idea just how desperate it is given. this is not something that bind. we'll be able to do much about. he's very concerned with his phone. domestic politics is very, very unpopular or actions and gaza are driving things in a very bad direction for who in terms of the selection. and he has trump and the republicans, a certain number of them who just do not want more money. going to go to you right
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now. what do you expect of this so called peace summit, considering that russia is not invited in west the powers of discussing an escalation by allowing you creating to strike voss entirely true with less than weapon re as well it's, it's not very good. you know, it shows that there is no good faith here. uh, as i said, you cannot have a peace process unless all the parties are involved. this idea that the ukraine can win on the battlefield. i think people understand that's not happening. and now he's trying to figure out some way he can win on the, on the diplomatic table in the bargaining table that accept you have to be able to bargain with somebody. the fact that he cannot bring himself to come to the table without a pre conditions means that he is not serious. he wants it all his way, it won't work. but in the meantime, you have this dangerous escalation, which is threatening, in my opinion,
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a possible nuclear confrontation about what do you make of the last keys and the, just the basic here, seeing that his last president has expired. what, what does that say about the west, so called democratic values that be champion every single time they have the opportunity as well to say that this is, you know, national emergency and that extra and measure is going to be taken. but i think you have to go back a little bit further. remember, he is, you know, the product of, of, of a porch that happened to many, many years ago. but when you know, western forces and combination created this, you know, color change, revolution and throughout the duly elected governments of any government since that period and time has to be looked at with of, you know, john decides, remember that was the time when you know the don't tests are public said no, we do not want any part of this punch and we will go our own way. so at that point,
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things were a cast saying that the people who support the government are legitimate. i don't think that that, that is correct. you can say he was elected by the people who voted in ukraine, but as i said, it was based on a false premise that the legitimacy of things after the porch are valid. now the west keeps on sign to put traits, find out has a direct participant in the conflicts allegations that the gene has adamantly denied. why do you think western powers one to portray tied in this way? do you one, do they want to expand the conflict to asia pacific region as well as that's what you're reading? well, there's, there's, there's 2 parts of this. one is to expand the, you know, with this issue. i mean, if you go and talk to the hard liners, if they've had to gone, they want to be done with ukraine and they want to move on to china. they think
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that that is the major threat. the 2nd thing that's underlying is, is the us miscalculate that they were always concerned that russia would get together with europe and create a powerhouse economy that would be in competition. or pre i actually did, i had of the us, as we saw with japan in the seventy's us, doesn't like to play, does not play well with any kind of competition. but instead, they've created even greater economic, a combination of russia, number one and resources, 1311 time zones with china, a 120 countries, which is primary trade relationship with and greater, more production the next 9 countries combined. so at this point, washington is desperately seeking any means possible to divide russia and china. all right, we have to live here now in no time getting a senior fellow have the ty, hey,
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institute and sherman of asia narratives. thank you so much. thank you. and now to europe, with thousands of taking through the streets and powers to call out the ongoing is ready offensive in rasa in solving guys that are the protest as were met with a hash response from the police. the police were sold to to, to a gas and drop the bullets and the bed to disperse the gatherings which only spawn more valance from the proud protest as to the streets to show. so the diary to find the spine and h civilians who are facing the bronze of these very offensive. since the thoughts of the idea of oppression move in. 36000 palestinians have been killed in guys that pro palestinian raleigh's of all. so they wrapped it in the u. k. no, londoners demanded had an immediate head. 2 of these ready offensive in gaza had accused
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the british government of complicity. the bombings, they have ravaged civilian the areas in rafa. protesters were arrested by police who attempted to subdue the large crowds but as of gripped as well as well. files of people have hit the streets of tel aviv calling for the removal of palm minutes that been 10 minutes in yahoo. in his gap and the now the protest movement against these ready prime minister has grown in the past few months as public opinion on the government's privacy for the competing guys. it has shifted, particularly around the issue of hostages. people were seen waving, use ready flags in the holding. bad as quoting nathan. yeah. who have quote me a visa and now to the south of guys are where the last
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functioning of hospitably in rafa has gone out of service. usual has confirmed its forces are expanding around the operation and its almost units west spotted in central rafa for the 1st time since he entered the city. earlier this month, we got the latest and the phone call with john list a problem, all sure tarry the most decides, and indications, including the number of people because the number of neighborhood fabricate the location of those april hoods are. in the case of, of the fact that the, there's opener's and is a full scale foreigners and targeting the entirety of rough with an objective of control into the whole area. the number of people, the quality of targets, the location of the different target, feed them on the east, or the west, or the south, or the north of rough off our own in the case of or they own for 10. that there's at least the person is where doing a full scale of others and would objective of control in the whole area problem, right. it's not the only difference. i didn't see a point to uh, 4 door sonata. every single car,
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not over there is only different sources have been underlining defect. that's what really matters to days that a government is basically what people say is that the citizens, they have been justified and they have been using this is always been what the weapons being the smoking, smoking from the front border as a pretext to continue with at the present, they are now announced that they have already fully control that insightful door. and they said by that they are preventing the smuggling of dual funds into gaza. so far, they are preferred to continue the fire even when the usa and the with the euro. and was also some out of power through the sizing, back to move, but they seem to be continuum that and they seem to be defending their position by saying that they are cutting the line supply of the arms by doing that in northern guys, some civilians are returning to the home is only defined drawings instead of our apartments, and that's up to the idea of free through from jamalia following the 2 week
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invasion. one of the residents showed us the remaining fragments of our families house that had this is our apartment. it's my cell has put a barriers so that we can be here. how do these riley, all of it has done a lot of damage, destroyed streets and buildings. none of the homes are intact. they will lie the bones of band. this room is all ash and bend the bowls collapse to us and to us politics. now donald trump says that his court conviction this week in new york was a direct attend by us president by didn't do to pito. he's ron for the white house . trump, the top presidential candidate for the republican party was convicted the falsifying business records. he says the entire case was rate. if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. and we have a president and a group of fascist. don't want to do it and think about it, it's a rig. it was
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a rig trial. we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge change, we wanted a judge, it wasn't conflicted. your so what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side, they were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel, but he's really a devil. that's how the american system of justice works. as breakfast is dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg, just because they don't like the bird. thomas or tom has become the 1st former president of the united states history to be convicted of a crime. the presiding judge in the case will hand down the sentence next month. and punishments may vary from a fine to 4 year present tub for each of the $34.00 counts. now this doesn't put the debt it down to the republican fund run as presidential aspirations. he still meets the us constitutions, requirements to hold high office of
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a smile on jo biden's face at the white house press briefing, spoke volumes about the president's thoughts on his rivals conviction. donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response? to that, sir, do you think that you will have an impact on the campaign? we'd love to hear your thoughts or judy beyond. the top republicans denounced the guilty of budding f, a sham support as a donald trump step of the so called house money trial, was a foss that has eroded faith in democracy, and the us legal system. today is a shameful day in american history. democrats cheat as they can because the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges predicate on the testimony of a dis, bought convicted felon. this was a political exercise, not the legal one, the what but nice vision of our justice system has been the whole mike of
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a bite and administration. this was a sham show trial. the kangaroo court will never stand on appeal. americans deserve better than a sitting us president weapon icing our justice system against a political opponents all to win an election. while all the ultimate fighting championship in new jersey, the crowd chanted an insulting slogan against us president bill by the the the same, even donald trump was greeted by cheers of applause. tom was vowed to how it has vowed to appeal, say he is fighting for fundamental rights as established by the us constitution. now we've heard from us legal exploit and talk show host steve deal. he called the verdict, a disgusting display of injustice. they couldn't even say what the underlying crime
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was and the jury when they did the, the form finding him guilty simply checked next to each box saying guilty. and it never stated what the underlying crime was, which would have to have been a federal election law. my license, which are barred by the statute of limitations and for a state court to try to enforce a misdemeanor, a federal crime isn't getting outrage if this is the most disgusting display of injustice. just the salem witch trials, and not only if they converted a misdemeanor to us knowing they, even though the misdemeanor that they are alleging is barred by the statute of limitations to this all took place 78 years ago. they also are prosecuting a federal crime in state court. this da has no jurisdiction to even be prosecuting this product from the outset. and now to alter space now where a chinese new, the probe has successfully landed on the far side of the moon,
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the po, but was launched almost a month ago and is designed to collect the kind of rock samples from the moods on seed side. now this will allow research as to compare them with this near slide kind of bonds and find out more about the evolution of the newness office. if everything goes according to applied, the samples will reach at the end of this month, the viewpoint. and also you all do now this, i'll see you again in about 30 minutes. the 2nd superseding and doesn't involve 18 charges which include 17 charges under the espionage act and one charge under the c. s. a leasing dr. relates to the 2000 and .


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