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tv   News  RT  June 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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to the forward for change and set off again for the 1st 5 and 30 years, the african national congress fails to where the majority of the general election vineyard scrambling to form a coalition. meanwhile, of the story, the shape, the weak, who is doing this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the steve rate to scan. and it does happen without the participation of the premium to look to the person a lot to move. putting says nathan was already deeply involved the same key. i wouldn't be able to use the alliances advance weapons by itself as president biding green light strikes on sucking brush in the territory also ahead of western european. and it tells me in width and striking and killing in the cost of russia
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seems very, very dangerous and reckless debate. it leads deputy prime minister denials as cold for ukraine to his russian territories. after you, you find itself split, that made use of escalation, the valve and seeds in paris as please move in to break up pro policy and demonstrate those outraged. i think he's ready offensive on dropbox, and that's asked the guy. the death toll passes. 36000 people since october, the while you're watching are things an option of reaching you from the russian capital i a michael caught you up with the updates spell for the 1st time in such a years instead of africa, the african national congress has lost its majority in palm in following this week's general election of the parties now trying to find coalition partners in an
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attempt to form a government for the country is electro conditions as a voter. turnout was around the 58 percent. the main opposition, the democratic alliance party and the routing amc dominated the feud solve the entire country when it comes to the number of voters. although the nearly a form m. k party headed by former president jacobs, who must have a strong showing in the eastern part of the country. not more than 90. 9 percent of the ballots have now been counted and b and c secure the most with about 40 percent of the vote. and as you can see, if it's a significant folding support compared to the last election in 2019, when he gained 57 percent. now the democratic alliance received 21.77 percent, which is just the 5th of total votes with the m k party. the kid on the block with
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14.59 percent, which is a fixed of the to the votes. now without the majority of parliament b and c will need coalition partners to form a government. out of part, the secretary general says that that process is already on the way we would have pulled the interest of the people of south africa fast. the plan is use of northwest to us in this country. it does brought the stability and all of that, but it is the week of the pip. it is that we love the people and that is what we must accept. it is not an outcome we our selves cannot abundant the sheep because we've got 6000000 people who are still spending and living in the of demolition up on this web blown but not out was based. and i'm gonna close as the president of van c. and if you come to us with those 2 months,
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we'll get you come to us with the do you mind that the i'm a pause. i must step down as a president. that's just not going to happen. we've got no such mondays. we're not going to engage with what you've done, but these on the page is that we don't want to talk to sort of the sort and sort of uh, we're not going to do that because we don't on for to do that. but did you ask me about m, take pa g with good menu is a vision is about the party, but we wouldn't talk to them if they watch web with us. we wouldn't map out how we wanted to, but to know what did you got it, but you would have to take tests like that to us as the in c will not now, let's get more from artic corresponded. milledgeville couldn't get into how does but know that is good to have you join me now. after 3 decades, b and c no longer holds the majority of the parliament. what's the mood in the country now? of the well much the is the losing its majority has caused
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a riot until speculation about to watch a post addiction government might look like will be able to stitch together a coalition of subordinate parties effectively prolonging the state to square with the pro specs would be open for a refund oriented co addition. oh, what this means of reversal for the is the enable and coolest in between the amc, the da, the gym case will be joining us now to attack some of those questions. is terry's alignment executive chairman, also used to shoot off election management services in africa, and the former vice chief off with the i. e. c. mr. salon. and thank you so much for your time. maybe if you can just start by telling us what all the options are for an agency did condition or join the potential bluff or will it be the opposition? the for the government to the let me put it this way. but the 1st clear, the fact that the in southern south africa, this is the address that you're fed. the one coming in front of the potential is
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been an enrollment because we're using a portion of the presentation system. and the proportion of the presentation system is polish. in it, and because you get a sense based on the number of votes you have 6 now where you do not have an outright green, i'd like in this case it moves, but it's got to practice. i've got to get together it to try to find a way of coming in the front. now, in this case, and the of goodness, not quote versus a permanent part. even though it did not actually mean coming in my notes, tell me that you did not get the outside majority. it has got an option of forming an alliance equation with a democratic alliance fall with the m k and the before we put it on friday. in order to be able to come and show you that you're just going to go to the left or to the right. and depending on the financial functions within the organization and
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then what they think is frontage in terms of taking the issue. so okay, is the say is the coalition government would be politically unstable, but it is the window for people symmetric how. why would it be unstable? because of our experiences that advocates that say qualities and governments, particularly at the look of government live and we have seen a lot of us dependent and then some of us, if i get that it is because that is not a collision of college. and that, that is, that need for some kind of a legal framework that we're trying to cover, that the relationship, you know, the fact that that we have, for, i did call in, in the next a foot insights relationship, but the political 11, which basically means you come into that relationship and then when you're under tempe, we just take your check at that list and it does create that, that is subject to that to see. and then i just hope that they were going to see
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that happening at the national and professional living. but the time has come for sort of get to begin to sort of to consider regulating the quantities. the secretary general all for the in c. c is that to present the pull stuff will remain as the lead off the party and off of the country could. that's now cause more difficult divisions considering the fact that people or other policies are the case . you being the president of what is do nice people, what does the company so divide to the effect that you have for now, the qualities are not an instrument shows that the company. so then you divide and then the funding and puts it also is divided in terms of the weight and system issues. and i figured this been in the, on a definitely been met of the national executive. we don't know what is going to make up of that, and that's nice of it, isn't it to so that it's been a lot to that this will have to go through as an organization the and so they're still going through analyzing the results and trying to think about options instead
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of actually just plunging into an option and you know, minds emitter of scenarios that can be for now, looking carefully at those numbers, do these results mean that support for the african national congress is fading? it has been printing for a long time. now remember that as a timeline, the in c had to those 2 thirds majority. it has been green down and electrically because i figured a slave to deal with type the number 2 challenges facing the sites. and the fact that the, you know, just going to be able to begin with this challenges and then we have load should do but this, but it in color to come to such a long time. it may have put it towards the perception of it, but that basically cannot be able to attend to the issue says their site. and what do you make a formal present? jacobs. change that to the odd discrepancies in the bank account. do you think that
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should be a lever? i think that should be investigated because does not. and if the issue is that there are any puts the identify see the posts of the election and particularly for the related fees. those are the commission, most of those sort of little make sure that they go to the bottom. of course there was something related to the selection. so as we all know in time, so for a long choose the capacity of the look for the stuff and the weight issue. so we don't know what extent this is perfect and the overall is the election process. and so if the issue is going to be varies by the end of the printer going for the commission, let's take the semester and make sure that that, and thank you so much for your time. that was tailored to none of the executive chairman of the institute of the nation management services in africa. and for my advice to off the i, you see taking us through the current states all phoenix and it's just ahead of
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those results this evening. back to you mike. all right, thank you so much and olivia cougar have corresponding from janice, but thank you. great. is weston back as should think carefully about allowing kia to use the weapons to slide directly at the russian territories. and that's the wanting this week from vitamin, which in on the list which natalie. so basically then this new life precision was long range. weapons customer cannot be launched without using space recognizance and addition the final target choice and the so called light mission loop. so you can only be made by a highly qualified special that is of the, based on this technical intelligence, he thought it was the who is doing 0. and these bits of that is that this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the system. steve brains on the scan and it does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration. yeah. and are
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automatic. my problem with the appropriate calculations does this task is being a pretty fair is not by you creating and service men, but by representatives of nato con deals with these representatives of nato countries, especially in your drawers and announcement they should generally be aware of what they are playing on the words from when you, they should remember that definitely to some of them as a room when you have a state with a small territories others and a very didn't even when you much to and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before talking about striking into russian territory. essentially. this is a serious matter. and we are, of course, what's the calvin got through? it's the new price going well. so far, 11 countries have given you trade in the green light to use the weapons to strike russia. among them some of the kids most vocal amongst all of 11 pots ago, france, canada, and the u. k. the push was initiated by the nature of chief jet, instilled them, but how about it exposed divisions within the block? with some brand,
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branding is move as dangerous. you know that this man is dangerous because he talks about the 3rd world war. his talk of western european, an italian weapons striking and killing in the heart of russia, seems very, very dangerous and reckless to me by that. so whoever can should stop and be there . and then the, the europe is plunged into a war without an estimate of the cost and means necessary to achieve its military objective. this is the most irresponsible thing i've ever seen like of these one percent continually this map shows that you green is being attacked from bases located in russia. we think that we should allow ukraine to neutralize the military sites from which we saw is our fire. if we're talking about statements, but yeah, and stilton burgers, someone else, but ukraine could use weapons that are supplied to it from abroad. i think this is completely logical. well, as politicians discuss the escalation of the conflict protest as most in the hong given in german capitals. and they have been speaking out against nato's role in
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ukraine. particularly does the decision to that tips like roxanne territory, about 3 types of those western supplies munition can head plug in less than 100 kilometers into the russian territory. shipping belgrade and don't ask republic. now. the next group includes the rock kits, bombs and drones from the us, u. k. m particle. and they could reach up to about 300 kilometers, reaching as far as small ask. and can you go inside the territory of a rush about the long rain storm shadow crews muscle post the biggest threat and they can strike up to 550 kilometers, potentially fitting moscow the capital of russia, another u. k. in front of like these mess ups and have supported potential attacks and vasa, washington has also admitted he gave approval for key up to use its weapons against limited territories. over the past few weeks,
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ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against the russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that. for that purpose and going forward. we'll continue to do what we've been doing, which is as necessary, adapt and adjust. and that, as i said, has been a hallmark of our engagement. it will continue to be on next month's switzerland to play host, to a ukraine piece summit, although russia wouldn't be bad. but china's turn down it's invitation saying that the meeting will fall short of expectations to resolve the war. something that you create in president appears to have taken as us. no. i just mean we're not positive
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about china signal that they will not support and participate in the piece summit. it is strange and very painful for us that russia, unfortunately, using chinese influence in this region using chinese diplomats is doing everything to disrupt the piece summit. unfortunately, such a large, independent and powerful country as china, is a tool and put his hands on the spot, talking about the law ukraine to use they to weapons against the russian territory . boscoe says that the alms, alrighty. in action that had been so for some time now, i tell them, tell them, in general, the american made weapons are already being used and attempted strikes on russian territory. or, of course, it is more than eloquent evidence of the extent of the united states involvement in this conflict. there is also an absolute build up of pro war sentiment in the you. they are deliberately full mentoring, pre war hysteria. but all of this of course can not but have a very negative impact on the overall situations of tensions continue to escalate.
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to the cool. it was all vs. the nato members were lying and putting up a smoke screen making up a story that they had not yet decided whether or not to allow the key version to launch strikes using western weapons on russian territory. in the same way they mislead those, they trying to drag to the conference in switzerland by telling tales about his peaceful settlement, classic nato style manipulation. i'll send you a follow at the ty hayes to do the an attack against as of the piece summit carries no vanya without russia at the table, as well as the landscape is desperate right now. i mean, he, all of the attention has been shifted to gaza. you know, you, 4 days ago he was ordering that his government, people to criticize she and biden, for not attending his cheese conference, but it's not a peace conference. it's simply a grandstand, unless you invite the parties who need to be at peace, how can you create peace?
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this idea that somehow china should be a poster boy for his demands is ridiculous. china has said, consistently, the ad without russia there, there is no way you can have a peace conference. why is this even being discussed? they've been very polite about it. but um, you know, this is, as i said, desperate ground standing at this time. it is idea that the ukraine can win on the battlefield. i think people understand that's not happening. and now he's trying to figure out some way he can win on the, on the diplomatic table in the bargaining table. that except you have to be able to bargain with somebody. the fact that he cannot bring himself to come to the table without a pre conditions means that he is not serious. he wants it all his way, it won't work. but in the meantime, you have this dangers escalation, which is threatening, in my opinion, a possible nuclear confrontation and chatting to europe now. and
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they have been angry scenes on the streets of the things and capital after police move them against thousands of pro palestinian. demonstrate this the please use to a gas and rubber bullets to try to break up. the crowds. protest is, had been making a stand against the ongoing use radio offensive in gas that since this thought of the idea of oppression more than 56000 palestinians have been killed that raleigh's . we're also a health across the channel. in the u. k. the protests that demanded immediate and to the war and accused the british gap and of complicity in the bombings that have robbie's civilian areas. a number of arrests webmail now use will itself also saw protests thousands once
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again the patch, the streets of tel aviv calling for the removal of the problem is the bank. i mean it then yahoo and his government. the protest movement against the p. m. has grown in the past few months, particularly his failure to secure the release of those still being held hostage by him. us. people were seen waving is really a slides and holding band as driving it live in yahoo anatomy of these little wallet and the solvent guys are the last functioning a hospital in golf eyes now out of service. it comes as usual cuz it's for his are standing ground operations with bang spotted in the city center for the 1st time since it's offensive, big god last month. local john, this outcome also tarry updated off on the latest situation by so most of the size
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and indications, including the number of people, the number of neighborhoods, photography, the location of those neighborhoods are, indicates of, of the fact that the, this opener's and is a full scale for this entire thing, the entirety of rough with an objective of from told into the whole area, the number of people in the quality of targets, the location of the different target, feed them on the east, or the west, or the south, or the north of run for our own indicates of or they own for 10 that there's at least the person is where doing a full scale of others and what an objective of controlling the whole area problem, right? it's not only different identity, a control or a quarter door, it's sonata every single corner over. there is only different sources have been underlining defax. that's what really matters today is that a government is basically what the of the citizens they have been testify and they have been using this as, of as the weapons being just smoking, smoking from the front border as a pretext to continue with at the present. they are now announced that they have
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already fully controlled that insightful door. and they said by that they are preventing the smuggling of the funds into gaza. so far, they are preferred to continue with the 5 even when the usa and the with the euro. and was also something out of power through the sizing, back to move. but they seem to be continuum that and they seem to be defending their position by saying that they are cutting the line supply of the arms. by doing that, a foster re apartment building has collapsed and they talk to a city of a symbol, leaving one passing dead and 8 injured reporting from the scene. here's our t is guessing they can, the other story building and assembles. could you check major district collapsed in preliminary reports to suggest there was no quake or tremor, not even an explosion that could have caused the building to collapse. and of course, this is a matter of concern because then it means the building collapsed by its own merits
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. and not by any outside influence, which means the building was not safe in the event of an earthquake and without the need for a quake, it did collapse on its own right now, emergency workers are working around the clock not necessary to remove anyone from the rubble we understand is the governor of the stumble said that everyone from the rubble was saved. it was of course, one debt as a result of the buildings collapse. but one more important matter of great concern is the impeding assemble. earthquake, many experts suggest that the earthquake is long overdue. that will be devastating . and this is a matter of concern for many people living within cit, the city of the stumble. because of that main reason. if and when the earthquake strikes, what will be the responsible, the emergency workers be in a position to actually respond? because we understand back in 2023. there was a devastating earthquake in the countries, the south east, which resulted in the depths of tens of thousands of people in the event that something similar like that happens, assemble the depths, told is expected to be much higher, but as we speak right now, this one building,
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of course, has been dealt with emergency workers ensured that nobody was left within the rubble. and we expect document officials to provide some sort of information on what the roadmap for the city of assembled moving forward will be away from the middle east. now the chinese defense minister has accused the taiwanese or pharmacies are pursuing separatist policies. and that's us bill island . terry to remains the key challenge for b team a. hi i'm, i'm going to say the time one question is at the core of china's main interest. what we're seeing now is that the democratic progressive party authorities, all taiwan, are pursuing separation agree, mentally. what we're bent on, raising the chinese identity off by one and severing social, historical, and cultural links and across the taiwan strait. those to purchase recently made fanatical statements that showed their betrayal of the chinese nation and their ancestors won. by last week, their chinese people's liberation army conducted lie. scale military drills around
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taiwan, virginia beating said the exercises as a warning to separate these forces in the region of a cvt, a news networks and say you being a big sauce more on this on the drills code named joins sword 2024 a have taken place in a towel, one straight and to the north, south and east of taiwan. if you persist in interviewing in the actions, we will take a punitive measures to resolutely safeguard the security of the taiwan strait. thus worship 937. copy that the 2 day trails involved to many tree branches, including the pole is ground force, navy, air force and bucket force of the eastern theatre commands. the chinese defense ministry set. the drills are strong, punishment against the separate says, acts by toll on the independence forces, also calling them assume warning against interference and convocation by accidental forces, except the drills a completely reasonable level. jeff unnecessary. it also becomes clear that these
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latest drills are distinct compared to previous mounts, so it can touch it. the 1st of all is being conducted on the large scale. second, they told me it covers a very wide area, including the surrounding areas of taiwan, highland and high was altar islands based on the not released by the p. l. a. to the newest, the drills into the turn, a new depot of 40 until one independence forces to the south. the drill scout against the d. p space and to the east. it sends out another signal number that boom boom from the east blocks 3 channels 1st. if i want to channel for energy importance, 2nd, the channel for taiwan independence separate these forces want to escape to evade sanctions. and 3rd, the support line for the united states and its allies to eat the taiwan authorities . materials clearly demonstrate the ability to squeeze the space, but holland authorities administrate to carry out their activities and to show the
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pos sufficient control in the region against the separatists and accidental forces . the car entail. scold a step further then around to the exercise of the round one after then united states. how speakers as a philosophy visited in 2022 as well as the drills in response to formal island. lita thailand stop over in the us in 2023 meetings hot in china coast, guarding east in china. food in province has organized the fleet of vessels to conduct watch arranging, loading forces, drills these actions call me response to to speech on monday. find a new leader of to tom at region lighting to who the aging has harshly criticized for advocating talent independence. but you also may be in a strong signal that subsequent actions may being 1st on the coat named joint sword 2024 a. this suggests there could be an escalation to a, b, c, and d, stage 8, the d p, p, or forwarding. ty once persists in a pro, sat protest x 3,
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they say they can't, they think on the way from asia. now joe biden will head to franz next week to take part to the 80th of advisory, come abrasions of the day. that was when thousands of allied troops crossed the english channel and landed in normandy during the 2nd world war. opening up the 2nd fund by the us president raised more than a few eyebrows when he recently claimed that the event help save the whole weld. duty. now is the code of my son live by the create. all of you live by. create the generation is service members are falling into the battle on the grounds around us by falling heroes from every major conflict in history to defend our independence, to preserve our you and your to defeat, fascist, still powerful alliances, fords and fires of 2 world wars. members of the greatest generation,
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way to years ago, next week to the beaches of normandy and liberated a con and literally save the world. and the world, the line that make believe anything is possible including jazz in our history. so it's a that surprising that the lines that gave us hollywood is also selling themselves as the main character who say that they don't want the landings were indeed very impressive. it surprised the germans and became the largest. and so this invasion in history, it's not the turning point that tell us and it was a turning point in b because off on so then it was the soviet union pushing back the nazis world. war 2 started in 1939. the date was in 1944, most of western europe was already captured by the summer overtime senior 40. but that wasn't enough for the us and britain to get involved, leaving the red army alone on the eastern funds and with millions of losses stolen
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had asked them to help time and time again. the front and northern fronts could not only pull hitler's forces back from the east, but would also make it impossible for hitler to invite england. i realize the difficulty of opening such a front, but it seems to me that despite the difficulties it should be opened not only for the sake of our coming costs, but also for the sake of england's own interests. everything reasonable and a frank save that we can do to help you will be done. i offer you however, to bear in mind the limitations imposed on us by all results is an geographical location. the chief of staff do not see an opportunity to do anything on a scale that would bring you even the smallest benefits, whether the bridge armies will be strong enough to carry out an invasion of the european continent. a 1942 depends on the events that a difficult to for see in response to a message where you once again emphasized the impossibility of opening a 2nd fund at the moment. i can only repeat that the absence of a 2nd front porch.


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